Sharp fluctuations in price and quantity of the agricultural products affect the national incomc in Turkey and result in uneconomical use of the produc-tion factors. Vine - yard takes an important place tn Turkish agıiculture. In the the study, sharp fluctu-atıon in production in vinç - yard has been examined in the agricultural reginos (I., II., III., IV., VIII., IX.) where intensive vine - yard production takes place. Uncertainty situation that causes sharp fluctuations, is tried to be calculated finding for the parameters of production. This calculation is basicly based on «Time Scries Analysis». In this analysis some statis-tical methods used under two assumption in different-two ways to find absulate and relative fluctuation values that explains what percantage of fluctuation is causcd by random movements in pruduction. The-se values are supposed to explain the uncertainty situation. As a result of the analysis undertaken in the study, high fluctuation values in production have been found in the regions mcntioned above.