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Avrupa’ya Taşımacılıkta Lojistik Firmalarının Baz Aldıkları Kriterlerin Belirlenmesi ve Ülke Sıralaması: Hibrid Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Teknikleri İle Bir Uygulama

Year 2020, Issue: 57, 27 - 56, 23.12.2020


Uzun yıllardır Ortadoğu’da devam eden savaşlar ve Ortadoğu ülkelerindeki istikrarsızlık Türkiye’de birçok sektörü etkilemiş, işletmelerin zararlara uğramalarına sebep olmuştur. Zarar gören sektörlerden biri de lojistik sektörüdür. Özellikle Hatay ilinde oldukça önemli bir geçim kaynağı olan lojistik sektörü Suriye Savaşı ile birlikte büyük bir sekteye uğramıştır. Savaşla birlikte taşıma maliyetleri yükselmiş, birçok işyeri işçi çıkarmış ve bazı işyerleri kapanmıştır. Hatay’da lojistik sektöründe yer alan işletmelerin büyük bir kısmı da rotasını Avrupa ülkelerine çevirmiştir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle lojistik sektöründe faaliyet gösteren firmaların Avrupa ülkelerine taşımacılık faaliyetlerini gerçekleştirirken dikkat ettikleri kriterlerin belirlenmesi ve bu kriterlerin önem sıralarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Devamında elde edilen kriterler baz alınarak taşımacılık faaliyetlerini gerçekleştirmek istedikleri alternatif Avrupa ülkelerinin sıralanması amaçlanmıştır. Hatay ilinde faaliyet gösteren lojistik firmalarının gittikleri Avrupa ülkelerinde baz aldıkları kriterler literatür taraması ve uzman görüşü ile belirlenmiştir. Bu kriterler örneğin geçiş belgesi yeterliliği, UBAK Kotaları, ülkeye özgü kurallar, yakıt maliyetleri, Avrupa’daki sürüş yasakları, gümrük vergileri ve dönüş yükü bulamama gibi kriterlerdir. Hatay'dan Avrupa ülkelerine taşımacılık yapan lojistik firmaları için kriterlerin ağırlıklandırılması ve sıralanmasında hibrid çok kriterli karar verme tekniklerinden faydalanılmıştır. Kriterlerin ağırlıklarının belirlenmesinde SWARA tekniği kullanılmıştır. Kriterlerin ağırlıkları belirlendikten sonra, çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında Avrupa ülkelerinin sıralaması için MOORA-Oran, MOOSRA ve TOPSIS yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada firmalar için en önemli kriterlerin dönüş yükü bulma, geçiş belgesi yeterliliği, UBAK kotaları olduğu, firmaların taşımacılık faaliyetlerini gerçekleştirmek istedikleri ülkelerin öncelikle İngiltere ve İsveç olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Çalışma, ulaştırma hizmeti sunan taraflar ve lojistik şirketleri için politika önerileri sunmakta ve aynı zamanda şirketleri iyileştirme alanları hakkında da yönlendirebilmektedir.


  • 4458 Sayılı Gümrük Kanunu’nun Bazı Maddelerinin Uygulanması Hakkında Karar, (2009). /4458%20Say%C4%B1l%C4%B1%20G%C3%BCmr%C3%BCk%20Kanununun%20Baz%C4%B1%20Maddelerinin%20Uygulanmas%C4%B1%20Hakk%C4%B1nda%20Karar.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 07.10.2018.
  • Alimardani, M., Hashemkhani Zolfani, S., Aghdaie, M.H., & Tamošaitienė, J. (2013). A novel hybrid SWARA and VIKOR methodology for supplier selection in an agile environment. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 19(3), 533-548.
  • ATSO Ekonomik Rapor, (2017). /2017%20yayinlar%20veriler/ekonomik%20rapor%202017/EKONOM%C4%B0K%20RAPOR%202017.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 27.06.18
  • Bhowmik, C. (2014). Optimization of process parameter using theory of constraints. Int J Basic Appl Sci Res, 1(1), 7-10.
  • Brauers, W.K., & Zavadskas, E.K. (2006). The MOORA method and its application to privatization in a transition economy. Control and Cybernetics, 35, 445-469.
  • Brauers, W.K., & Zavadskas, E.K. (2009). Robustness of the multi-objective MOORA method with a test for the facilities sector. Technological and economic development of economy, 15(2), 352-375.
  • Ceniga, P., & Sukalova, V. (2015). Future of logistics management in the process of globalization. Procedia economics and finance, 26, 160-166.
  • Çelikbilek Y. (2018). Using an Integrated Grey AHP–MOORA Approach for Personnel Selection: An Application on Manager Selection in the Health Industry. Alphanumeric Journal, 6(1), 69-82. DOI 10.17093/alphanumeric.378904
  • Das, M.C., Sarkar, B., & Ray, S. (2015). A performance evaluation framework for technical institutions in one of the states of India. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 22(5), 773-790.
  • Deniz Ticaret Odası Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarih: 17.04.19
  • Dorfeshan, Y., Mousavi, S.M., Mohagheghi, V., & Vahdani, B. (2018). Selecting project-critical path by a new interval type-2 fuzzy decision methodology based on MULTIMOORA, MOOSRA and TPOP methods. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 120, 160-178.
  • Elmas, P. (2008). Otomotiv’de Yeni Dönem: Euro 4. İzmir Ticaret Odası Ar&Ge Bülten. otomotivde _yeni_donem_p_elmas_26.04.2012%2020-24-35.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 12.10.18.
  • Fazli, M., Afshari, A.J., & Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M. (2018). Identification and ranking of risks in Green Building projects using the hybrid SWARA-COPRAS method. In Proceedings of the International conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Kermanshah, Iran, 2-4.
  • Geçiş Belgeleri Dağıtım Esasları Yönergesi, (2017)., Erişim tarihi: 17.04.19.
  • Ghorshi-Nezhad, M.R., Zolfani, S.H., Moztarzadeh, F., Zavadskas, E.K., & Bahrami, M. (2015). Planning the priority of high tech industries based on SWARA-WASPAS methodology: The case of the nanotechnology industry in Iran. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 28(1), 1111-1137.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 09.10.2018.
  • IRU Report, 2017 report_2017_EN_web.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 07.10.18.
  • Jagadish, & Ray, A. (2014). Green cutting fluid selection using MOOSRA method. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 3(3): 559-563.
  • Kabak, Ö., Ülengin, F., & Ekici, Ş.Ö. (2018). Connecting logistics performance to export: A scenario-based approach. Research in Transportation Economics, 70, 69-82.
  • Karabasevic, D., Stanujkic, D., Urosevic, S., Popovic, G., & Maksimovic, M. (2017). An approach to criteria weights determination by integrating the Delphi and the adapted SWARA methods. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies, 22(3), 15-25.
  • Karaman, E. & Kazan, H. (2015). Performance Evaluation in Family Physician: The Application of TOPSIS Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method. Alphanumeric Journal, 3(2), 1-12.
  • Keršulienė, V., & Turskis, Z. (2011). Integrated fuzzy multiple criteria decision making model for architect selection. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 17(4), 645-666.
  • Keršuliene, V., Zavadskas, E.K., & Turskis, Z. (2010). Selection of rational dispute resolution method by applying new stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA). Journal of business economics and management, 11(2), 243-258.
  • Kherbash, O., & Mocan, M.L. (2015). A review of logistics and transport sector as a factor of globalization. Procedia Economics and Finance, 27, 42-47.
  • Korinek, J., & Sourdin, P. (2011). To What Extent Are High-Quality Logistics Services Trade Facilitating? OECD Trade Policy Papers, No. 108, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • Kundakci, N. (2016). Combined Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach Based On MACBETH and MULTI-MOORA Methods. Alphanumeric Journal, 4(1), 17-26.
  • Mardani, A., Nilashi, M., Zakuan, N., Loganathan, N., Soheilirad, S., Saman, M.Z.M., & Ibrahim, O. (2017). A systematic review and meta-Analysis of SWARA and WASPAS methods: Theory and applications with recent fuzzy developments. Applied Soft Computing, 57, 265-292.
  • Meersman, H., Ehrler, V.C., Bruckmann, D., Chen, M., Francke, J., Hill, P., ... & Vierth, I. (2016). Challenges and future research needs towards international freight transport modelling. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 4(1), 3-8.
  • Ojala, L., & Celebi, D. (2015). The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI) and drivers of logistics performance. Proceeding of MAC-EMM, OECD.
  • Opricovic, S., & Tzeng, G.H. (2004). Compromise solution by MCDM methods: A comparative analysis of VIKOR and TOPSIS. European journal of operational research, 156(2), 445-455.
  • Özenir, İ., Elçiçek Güneş, P., & Nakıboğlu, G. (2019a). The Effects of the Syrian Civil War On Logistics Processes: How The War Changed Road Transport Activities Between Turkey and Middle East Countries. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi (Eurasian Journal of Researches in Social and Economics), 6(4), 82-96.
  • Radović, D., & Stević, Ž. (2018). Evaluation and selection of KPI in transport using SWARA method. The International Journal of Transport & Logistics, 18(44), 60-68.
  • Sarkar, A., Panja, S.C., Das, D., & Sarkar, B. (2015). Developing an efficient decision support system for non-traditional machine selection: an application of MOORA and MOOSRA. Production & Manufacturing Research, 3(1), 324-342.
  • Sremac, S., Stević, Ž., Pamučar, D., Arsić, M., & Matić, B. (2018). Evaluation of a third-party logistics (3PL) provider using a rough SWARA–WASPAS model based on a new rough dombi aggregator. Symmetry, 10(8), 305.
  • Stanujkic, D., Karabasevic, D., & Zavadskas, E.K. (2017). A New Approach For Selecting Alternatives Based on the Adapted Weighted Sum and the SWARA Methods: A Case Of Personnel Selection. Economic Computation & Economic Cybernetics Studies & Research, 51(3), 39-56.
  • Kül, Y. (n.d.). Ulaştırma Bakanları Avrupa Konferansı (UBAK): Çok Taraflı Kota Sisteminin Reformu ve Ulaştırmacılarımıza Tahsis Edilen UBAK Belgelerinin Sayısında Artışa Gidilmesini Teminen Ülkemizce Yapılan Çalışmalar. T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Yayınları Uluslararası Ekonomik Sorunlar Dergisi, XXI., Erişim Tarihi: 12.10.2018.
  • Tudela, A., Akiki, N., & Cisternas, R. (2006). Comparing the output of cost benefit and multi-criteria analysis: An application to urban transport investments. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 40(5), 414-423.
  • UBAK İzin Belgesi Dağıtım Esasları Yönergesi, 2018., Erişim Tarihi: 17.04.19.
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi, Erişim Tarihi:17.04.19.
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarihi: 09.10.18.
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarihi:11.10.18.
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarihi: 10.10.18
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarihi: 10.10.18.
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarihi: 10.10.18. Urosevic, S., Karabasevic, D., Stanujkic, D., & Maksimovic, M. (2017). An Approach to Personnel Selectıon in the Tourism Industry Based On The SWARA And The WASPAS Methods. Economic Computation & Economic Cybernetics Studies & Research, 51(1), 1-11.
  • UTİKAD Resmi İnternet Sitesi, DataID=50&Baslik=Almanya%27da%20Haftal%C4%B1k%2045%20Saat%20%C4%B0stirahat%20S%C3%BCresinin%20Ara%C3%A7%20%C4%B0%C3%A7erisinde%20Ge%C3%A7irilmesi%20Yasa%C4%9F%C4%B1%20Ba%C5%9Flad%C4%B1, Erişim Tarihi: 11.10.18.
  • Vesković, S., Stević, Ž., Stojić, G., Vasiljević, M., & Milinković, S. (2018). Evaluation of the railway management model by using a new integrated model DELPHI-SWARA-MABAC. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 1(2), 34-50.
  • Yazdani, M., Hashemkhani Zolfani, S., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2016). New integration of MCDM methods and QFD in the selection of green suppliers. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17(6), 1097-1113.
  • Yüce, G., & Temiz, İ. (2017). Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods Approach to Asynchronous Electric Motor Selection. Alphanumeric Journal, 5(2), 171-190. DOI 10.17093/alphanumeric.313270
  • Zarbakhshnia, N., Soleimani, H., & Ghaderi, H. (2018). Sustainable third-party reverse logistics provider evaluation and selection using fuzzy SWARA and developed fuzzy COPRAS in the presence of risk criteria. Applied Soft Computing, 65, 307-319.
  • Zolfani S.H., & Bahrami, M. (2014). Investment prioritizing in high tech industries based on SWARA-COPRAS approach. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 20(3), 534-553.
  • Zolfani, S.H., Salimi, J., Maknoon, R., & Kildiene, S. (2015). Technology foresight about R&D projects selection; application of SWARA method at the policy making level. Engineering Economics, 26(5), 571-580.

Determining The Criteria Used By Logistics Companies in Their Transport Activities to Europe and Ranking Destination Countries: An Application Based on Hybrid MCDM Methods

Year 2020, Issue: 57, 27 - 56, 23.12.2020


Years of war and instability in the Middle East have affected many sectors in Turkey, causing serious losses to companies. One such sector damaged by those wars is the logistics sector. The logistics sector is a very important source of income, particularly in Hatay province, which is one of the cities most affected by the turmoil in the region. Transportation costs in the region have increased substantially due to the war in Syria, forcing many logistics companies engaged in transportation business to fire their employees and, in some cases, even to close down. As a result, most logistics enterprises in Hatay have turned their route towards European countries. This study aims to determine the criteria that logistics companies take into consideration when conducting their transportation activities into Europe, and rank the importance levels of those criteria. Based on the determined criteria, the study then aims to rank the alternative European countries that logistics companies are interested in for their transportation activities. The criteria used by the logistics companies that are active in the province of Hatay in relation to their transportation decisions to European countries have been determined through literature review and expert opinions. These include criteria such as the allocation of transit certificate, ECMT Licences, country specific regulations, fuel costs, driving limitations in Europe, the cost of customs clearance and the costs of not finding a backhaul. An integrated multi-criteria decision making was used in the weighting and ranking of the criteria. SWARA was used to determine the criteria weights. Due to the nature of the SWARA method, the objective weights of the criteria were derived from expert opinions, not depending on the subjective results. After the criteria were weighted, the MOORA-Ratio, MOOSRA and TOPSIS, all of which are highly reliable and practical methods, were employed in the second phase of the study to rank the European countries. The study has found that the most important criteria that companies take into consideration for transporting into Europe are finding backhauls, acquiring transit certificate and the ECMT quotas; while England and Sweden has been found to be the most desired countries in terms of carrying out transportation activities. The study provides policy recommendations for authorities as well as logistics companies that provide transportation service, and can also guide companies about the areas that need improvement.


  • 4458 Sayılı Gümrük Kanunu’nun Bazı Maddelerinin Uygulanması Hakkında Karar, (2009). /4458%20Say%C4%B1l%C4%B1%20G%C3%BCmr%C3%BCk%20Kanununun%20Baz%C4%B1%20Maddelerinin%20Uygulanmas%C4%B1%20Hakk%C4%B1nda%20Karar.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 07.10.2018.
  • Alimardani, M., Hashemkhani Zolfani, S., Aghdaie, M.H., & Tamošaitienė, J. (2013). A novel hybrid SWARA and VIKOR methodology for supplier selection in an agile environment. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 19(3), 533-548.
  • ATSO Ekonomik Rapor, (2017). /2017%20yayinlar%20veriler/ekonomik%20rapor%202017/EKONOM%C4%B0K%20RAPOR%202017.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 27.06.18
  • Bhowmik, C. (2014). Optimization of process parameter using theory of constraints. Int J Basic Appl Sci Res, 1(1), 7-10.
  • Brauers, W.K., & Zavadskas, E.K. (2006). The MOORA method and its application to privatization in a transition economy. Control and Cybernetics, 35, 445-469.
  • Brauers, W.K., & Zavadskas, E.K. (2009). Robustness of the multi-objective MOORA method with a test for the facilities sector. Technological and economic development of economy, 15(2), 352-375.
  • Ceniga, P., & Sukalova, V. (2015). Future of logistics management in the process of globalization. Procedia economics and finance, 26, 160-166.
  • Çelikbilek Y. (2018). Using an Integrated Grey AHP–MOORA Approach for Personnel Selection: An Application on Manager Selection in the Health Industry. Alphanumeric Journal, 6(1), 69-82. DOI 10.17093/alphanumeric.378904
  • Das, M.C., Sarkar, B., & Ray, S. (2015). A performance evaluation framework for technical institutions in one of the states of India. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 22(5), 773-790.
  • Deniz Ticaret Odası Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarih: 17.04.19
  • Dorfeshan, Y., Mousavi, S.M., Mohagheghi, V., & Vahdani, B. (2018). Selecting project-critical path by a new interval type-2 fuzzy decision methodology based on MULTIMOORA, MOOSRA and TPOP methods. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 120, 160-178.
  • Elmas, P. (2008). Otomotiv’de Yeni Dönem: Euro 4. İzmir Ticaret Odası Ar&Ge Bülten. otomotivde _yeni_donem_p_elmas_26.04.2012%2020-24-35.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 12.10.18.
  • Fazli, M., Afshari, A.J., & Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M. (2018). Identification and ranking of risks in Green Building projects using the hybrid SWARA-COPRAS method. In Proceedings of the International conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Kermanshah, Iran, 2-4.
  • Geçiş Belgeleri Dağıtım Esasları Yönergesi, (2017)., Erişim tarihi: 17.04.19.
  • Ghorshi-Nezhad, M.R., Zolfani, S.H., Moztarzadeh, F., Zavadskas, E.K., & Bahrami, M. (2015). Planning the priority of high tech industries based on SWARA-WASPAS methodology: The case of the nanotechnology industry in Iran. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 28(1), 1111-1137.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 09.10.2018.
  • IRU Report, 2017 report_2017_EN_web.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 07.10.18.
  • Jagadish, & Ray, A. (2014). Green cutting fluid selection using MOOSRA method. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 3(3): 559-563.
  • Kabak, Ö., Ülengin, F., & Ekici, Ş.Ö. (2018). Connecting logistics performance to export: A scenario-based approach. Research in Transportation Economics, 70, 69-82.
  • Karabasevic, D., Stanujkic, D., Urosevic, S., Popovic, G., & Maksimovic, M. (2017). An approach to criteria weights determination by integrating the Delphi and the adapted SWARA methods. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies, 22(3), 15-25.
  • Karaman, E. & Kazan, H. (2015). Performance Evaluation in Family Physician: The Application of TOPSIS Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method. Alphanumeric Journal, 3(2), 1-12.
  • Keršulienė, V., & Turskis, Z. (2011). Integrated fuzzy multiple criteria decision making model for architect selection. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 17(4), 645-666.
  • Keršuliene, V., Zavadskas, E.K., & Turskis, Z. (2010). Selection of rational dispute resolution method by applying new stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA). Journal of business economics and management, 11(2), 243-258.
  • Kherbash, O., & Mocan, M.L. (2015). A review of logistics and transport sector as a factor of globalization. Procedia Economics and Finance, 27, 42-47.
  • Korinek, J., & Sourdin, P. (2011). To What Extent Are High-Quality Logistics Services Trade Facilitating? OECD Trade Policy Papers, No. 108, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • Kundakci, N. (2016). Combined Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach Based On MACBETH and MULTI-MOORA Methods. Alphanumeric Journal, 4(1), 17-26.
  • Mardani, A., Nilashi, M., Zakuan, N., Loganathan, N., Soheilirad, S., Saman, M.Z.M., & Ibrahim, O. (2017). A systematic review and meta-Analysis of SWARA and WASPAS methods: Theory and applications with recent fuzzy developments. Applied Soft Computing, 57, 265-292.
  • Meersman, H., Ehrler, V.C., Bruckmann, D., Chen, M., Francke, J., Hill, P., ... & Vierth, I. (2016). Challenges and future research needs towards international freight transport modelling. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 4(1), 3-8.
  • Ojala, L., & Celebi, D. (2015). The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI) and drivers of logistics performance. Proceeding of MAC-EMM, OECD.
  • Opricovic, S., & Tzeng, G.H. (2004). Compromise solution by MCDM methods: A comparative analysis of VIKOR and TOPSIS. European journal of operational research, 156(2), 445-455.
  • Özenir, İ., Elçiçek Güneş, P., & Nakıboğlu, G. (2019a). The Effects of the Syrian Civil War On Logistics Processes: How The War Changed Road Transport Activities Between Turkey and Middle East Countries. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi (Eurasian Journal of Researches in Social and Economics), 6(4), 82-96.
  • Radović, D., & Stević, Ž. (2018). Evaluation and selection of KPI in transport using SWARA method. The International Journal of Transport & Logistics, 18(44), 60-68.
  • Sarkar, A., Panja, S.C., Das, D., & Sarkar, B. (2015). Developing an efficient decision support system for non-traditional machine selection: an application of MOORA and MOOSRA. Production & Manufacturing Research, 3(1), 324-342.
  • Sremac, S., Stević, Ž., Pamučar, D., Arsić, M., & Matić, B. (2018). Evaluation of a third-party logistics (3PL) provider using a rough SWARA–WASPAS model based on a new rough dombi aggregator. Symmetry, 10(8), 305.
  • Stanujkic, D., Karabasevic, D., & Zavadskas, E.K. (2017). A New Approach For Selecting Alternatives Based on the Adapted Weighted Sum and the SWARA Methods: A Case Of Personnel Selection. Economic Computation & Economic Cybernetics Studies & Research, 51(3), 39-56.
  • Kül, Y. (n.d.). Ulaştırma Bakanları Avrupa Konferansı (UBAK): Çok Taraflı Kota Sisteminin Reformu ve Ulaştırmacılarımıza Tahsis Edilen UBAK Belgelerinin Sayısında Artışa Gidilmesini Teminen Ülkemizce Yapılan Çalışmalar. T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Yayınları Uluslararası Ekonomik Sorunlar Dergisi, XXI., Erişim Tarihi: 12.10.2018.
  • Tudela, A., Akiki, N., & Cisternas, R. (2006). Comparing the output of cost benefit and multi-criteria analysis: An application to urban transport investments. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 40(5), 414-423.
  • UBAK İzin Belgesi Dağıtım Esasları Yönergesi, 2018., Erişim Tarihi: 17.04.19.
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi, Erişim Tarihi:17.04.19.
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarihi: 09.10.18.
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarihi:11.10.18.
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarihi: 10.10.18
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarihi: 10.10.18.
  • UND Resmi İnternet Sitesi,, Erişim tarihi: 10.10.18. Urosevic, S., Karabasevic, D., Stanujkic, D., & Maksimovic, M. (2017). An Approach to Personnel Selectıon in the Tourism Industry Based On The SWARA And The WASPAS Methods. Economic Computation & Economic Cybernetics Studies & Research, 51(1), 1-11.
  • UTİKAD Resmi İnternet Sitesi, DataID=50&Baslik=Almanya%27da%20Haftal%C4%B1k%2045%20Saat%20%C4%B0stirahat%20S%C3%BCresinin%20Ara%C3%A7%20%C4%B0%C3%A7erisinde%20Ge%C3%A7irilmesi%20Yasa%C4%9F%C4%B1%20Ba%C5%9Flad%C4%B1, Erişim Tarihi: 11.10.18.
  • Vesković, S., Stević, Ž., Stojić, G., Vasiljević, M., & Milinković, S. (2018). Evaluation of the railway management model by using a new integrated model DELPHI-SWARA-MABAC. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 1(2), 34-50.
  • Yazdani, M., Hashemkhani Zolfani, S., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2016). New integration of MCDM methods and QFD in the selection of green suppliers. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17(6), 1097-1113.
  • Yüce, G., & Temiz, İ. (2017). Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods Approach to Asynchronous Electric Motor Selection. Alphanumeric Journal, 5(2), 171-190. DOI 10.17093/alphanumeric.313270
  • Zarbakhshnia, N., Soleimani, H., & Ghaderi, H. (2018). Sustainable third-party reverse logistics provider evaluation and selection using fuzzy SWARA and developed fuzzy COPRAS in the presence of risk criteria. Applied Soft Computing, 65, 307-319.
  • Zolfani S.H., & Bahrami, M. (2014). Investment prioritizing in high tech industries based on SWARA-COPRAS approach. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 20(3), 534-553.
  • Zolfani, S.H., Salimi, J., Maknoon, R., & Kildiene, S. (2015). Technology foresight about R&D projects selection; application of SWARA method at the policy making level. Engineering Economics, 26(5), 571-580.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

İpek Özenir 0000-0002-0684-0938

Gülsün Nakıboğlu 0000-0002-6835-744X

Pınar Elçiçek Güneş 0000-0001-8107-1836

Publication Date December 23, 2020
Acceptance Date July 14, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 57


APA Özenir, İ., Nakıboğlu, G., & Elçiçek Güneş, P. (2020). Avrupa’ya Taşımacılıkta Lojistik Firmalarının Baz Aldıkları Kriterlerin Belirlenmesi ve Ülke Sıralaması: Hibrid Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Teknikleri İle Bir Uygulama. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(57), 27-56.

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