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Year 2005, Issue: 25, 1 - 18, 01.02.2005


Projeyi gerçekleştirmek için biraraya gelerek takım oluşturan bireylerden her biri, kariyerlerini geliştirmek için bir dizi çaba içine girmektedirler. Bu amaca yönelik olarak geliştirilmiş yeni bir kariyer geliştirme yöntemi olan takım kariyer modeli, hem takım genelinin hem de üyelerin bir proje çalışması sürecinde mesleki yönden gelişmesini hedeflemektedir. Böylece, hem birey hem de takım boyutlu olmak üzere iki düzeyde kariyer hedeflerine varılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu makalede, takım kariyer modeli ile; genel olarak proje takımının, özel olarak ise üyelerin kariyer geliştirilmesi süreci ele alınmaktadır


  • APPLEBAUM E. and R. BATT (1994), The New American Worklace: Transforming, Work In The U.S, ILR Pres, New York.
  • ATAOL, A. (1989 ), Kariyer Yönetimi, İzmir.
  • BACDAYAN, P. (2001), “Quality Improvement Teams That Stall Due to PoorProject Selection: An Exploration of Contributing Factors”, Total Quality Management, 12(5), pp. 578-586.
  • BARUCH, Y. and M. PEIPERL (1997), “Back to Square Zero: Post-Corporate Career”, Organizational Dynamics, 25(4), pp. 7-15.
  • BEER, S. (1995), Beyond Dispute: The Invention of Team Syntegrty, John- Wiley, Sons, Chichster.
  • BHASIN, R. (2000), Project Management, Pulp and Paper, San Francisco.
  • BIRD, A. (1994), “Careers as Repositories of Knowledge: A New Perspective on Boundaryless Careers”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15, pp.331- 343.
  • BOWERS J. C., S. TANNENBAUM, E. SALAS, and C. VOLPE. “Defining Competencies and Establishing Team Training Requırement”, in R. Gumo., E. Salas (Ed.), Team Effectivenesss, and Decision-Making, In Organizations, San Fransisco, Jossey-Bass Publ., 1995, pp:259-265..
  • BUCHOLZ S. and T. ROTH (1997), Creating High–Performance Team, John Wiley-Sons Inc. New York.
  • CAN, H. (1997), Yönetim ve Organizasyon, Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • CARSON, K., D. PAULA and P.CARSON (1997), “Career Entrencment: A Quiet March Toward Occupational Death”, The Academy of Management, 11(1), p.68-78.
  • CIANNI, M. and D. WNUCK (1997), “Individual Growth and Team Enhancement: Moving Toward A New Model of Career Develepment”, The Academy of Management, 11(1), pp. 98-110.
  • DESSLER, G.(1997), Human Resources Management, Prentice Hall, New York.
  • DRUCKER, P. F. (1992), Yeni Gerçekler (Çev. Birtane Karanakçı), T.İ.B Kültür Yay., İstanbul.
  • ERDOĞMUŞ, N. (2002), “Yeni Kariyer Yaklaşımları ve Kariyer Değerlerindeki Değişim”, I. Ulusal Bilgi Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, 10-11 Mayıs, Kocaeli, 520s.
  • EUGENE, F. (1999), “Today’s Mercurial Career Path”, Management Review, 83(11), pp. 11-18.
  • GIBSON, J.C, J. IVANCEWICH and DONNELY, J.H. (1985), Organizational Behavior Structure Process, Business Publ, Texas.
  • GOODMAN, S., P. LEWIS and P.M. FANDTH (1997), Management, West- Publ., New York.
  • GUTTERIDGE T. G. and R. G. HUTCHESON (1984), The Handbook of Human Resource Development, Career Development. In L. Nadler, (Ed.), John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 30, pp. 1-22.
  • HAMILTON, W.L. and J.R. BELL (1990), Organization Development, Prentice- Hall, New Jersey.
  • HELLRİEGEL, D., J. SLOCUM and R. WOODMAN (1998), Organizational Behavior, West Publ., Newyork.
  • HALL, DOUGLAS and JONATHAN E. MOSS (1998), “The New Protean Career Contract: Helping Organizations and Employees Adapt”, Organizational Dynamics, 26(3), pp. 41-59.
  • HALL, DOUGLAS T. and P. H. MIRVIS (1996), The New Protean Career, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
  • HOEGL, M. and P.LUIGI (2000), “Team Member Proximity and Teamwor in Innovative Project”, İnternet adresi: /science_ob=ArticleURL&_aset.Pdf, Erişim Tarihi:21.02.2004.
  • HOLLAND, J.L. (1985), Making Vocational Choices: A Theory of Personality and Work Environment, Prentice-Hall, New York.
  • HOLLENBECK, N. and G. WRIGHT (1997), Human Resource Management, Mc Graw-Hill, New York.
  • İNCELER, H. (1996), “Proje Yönetiminde Liderlik ve Takım Çalışması”, Byte, ss.3-9.
  • INKERI, R. and M. VARTIAINEN (2005), “Charateristics of Knowledge Sharing Communities in Project Organizations”, International Journal of Project Management, 23(5), pp. 367-379.
  • KILINÇ, T. ve AKKAVUK, E. (2001), “Takım Performansının Ölçümüne Metodolojik Bir Yaklaşım”, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, ss.103-120.
  • KOÇEL, T. (2001), İşletme Yöneticiliği, 8. Basım, Beta Yay., İstanbul.
  • KUTLU, M. (2002), “Toplam Performans Yönetimi”, Anahtar, Şubat, Ankara.
  • LEE, D. R. and P. J SWENEY (2001), “An Assessment of Influence Tactic Used
  • by Project Managers”, Engineering Management Journal,13(2), pp.13- 23.
  • MANNIX, E. and KAREN A. J. (2003), “Let’s Norm and Storm, But Not Right Now: Integratıng Models Group Development and Performance”, Research on Managing Groups and Teams, 6, pp. 26-38.
  • MINER S. and D. F. ROBINSON (1994), “Organizational and Population Level Learning as Engines for Career Transitions”, Journal Of Organizational Behavior, 15, pp. 352-364.
  • MUKHOPADHYAY, T., S. RAJIV and K. SRIVASAN (1997), “Information Technology Impact on Process Output and Qality”, Management Science, 13(12), pp.1637-1656.
  • ÖZDEN, M. C. (2004), Firmalarda Kariyer Planlama, İnternet Adresi: http://www., Erişim Tarihi: 21.01.2004.
  • PEIPERL, M. and Y. BARUCH (1997), “Back to Square Zero. The Post-Corporate Career”, American Management Assocation, pp.7-22.
  • PETERS, T. (1997), The Circle of Innovation, Knoft, New York.
  • ROBBINS, S. (1997), Managing Today, Prentice Hall, New York.
  • ROBERTS, L. E. (2003), Working Together, Project Management Journal, 34(3), pp. 49-57.
  • SALAS, E. and GUZZO, R.A. (1995), Team Effectiveness and Decision-Making in Organizations, Jossey-Bass Publ, San Fransisco.
  • SENSE, A. J. (2003), Learning Generators: Project Teams Re-conceptualized, Project Management Journal, 34(3), pp. 3-15.
  • SCHULER, R. (1995), Managing Human Resources, West Publ., St.Paul.
  • SENGE, P. and F. KOFMAN, (1993), “The Heart of Learning Organization”, Organizatinal Dynamics, Fall, pp. 276-289.
  • SUSMAN, I.G. and M. R. JUDITH (1999), Test of A Model Organizational Contributors to Product Development Team Affectiveness, İnternetAdresi:, Erişim Tarihi:15.10.2003.
  • TAMBE, M., A. JAFAR, Y. AL-ONAİZAN, A. ERDEM, K.GALA., C. M. STACY and M. ION (1999), Building Agent Teams Using An Explicit Teamwork Model and Learning, Artificial Intelligence, 110(2), pp.215- 239.
  • TRANFIELD, D., S. STUART, F. MORRIS, W. SARAH and P. IVOR (2000), “Strategies for Managing The Teamworking Agenda: Developing a Methodology for Team Based Organisation”, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 21.05.2003.
  • UZUN,T. (2000), “İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi'nde Etkin Bir Yöntem: Kariyer Planlaması”, /arc_view.php?ex=149&hit =ny Erişim Tarihi: 13.03.2005.
  • WALKER, J. (1992), Human Resource Strategy, Mc Graw-Hill, New York.
  • ZIGON, J. (1999) How To Measure Team Performance, Media, Philadelphia.
Year 2005, Issue: 25, 1 - 18, 01.02.2005



  • APPLEBAUM E. and R. BATT (1994), The New American Worklace: Transforming, Work In The U.S, ILR Pres, New York.
  • ATAOL, A. (1989 ), Kariyer Yönetimi, İzmir.
  • BACDAYAN, P. (2001), “Quality Improvement Teams That Stall Due to PoorProject Selection: An Exploration of Contributing Factors”, Total Quality Management, 12(5), pp. 578-586.
  • BARUCH, Y. and M. PEIPERL (1997), “Back to Square Zero: Post-Corporate Career”, Organizational Dynamics, 25(4), pp. 7-15.
  • BEER, S. (1995), Beyond Dispute: The Invention of Team Syntegrty, John- Wiley, Sons, Chichster.
  • BHASIN, R. (2000), Project Management, Pulp and Paper, San Francisco.
  • BIRD, A. (1994), “Careers as Repositories of Knowledge: A New Perspective on Boundaryless Careers”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15, pp.331- 343.
  • BOWERS J. C., S. TANNENBAUM, E. SALAS, and C. VOLPE. “Defining Competencies and Establishing Team Training Requırement”, in R. Gumo., E. Salas (Ed.), Team Effectivenesss, and Decision-Making, In Organizations, San Fransisco, Jossey-Bass Publ., 1995, pp:259-265..
  • BUCHOLZ S. and T. ROTH (1997), Creating High–Performance Team, John Wiley-Sons Inc. New York.
  • CAN, H. (1997), Yönetim ve Organizasyon, Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • CARSON, K., D. PAULA and P.CARSON (1997), “Career Entrencment: A Quiet March Toward Occupational Death”, The Academy of Management, 11(1), p.68-78.
  • CIANNI, M. and D. WNUCK (1997), “Individual Growth and Team Enhancement: Moving Toward A New Model of Career Develepment”, The Academy of Management, 11(1), pp. 98-110.
  • DESSLER, G.(1997), Human Resources Management, Prentice Hall, New York.
  • DRUCKER, P. F. (1992), Yeni Gerçekler (Çev. Birtane Karanakçı), T.İ.B Kültür Yay., İstanbul.
  • ERDOĞMUŞ, N. (2002), “Yeni Kariyer Yaklaşımları ve Kariyer Değerlerindeki Değişim”, I. Ulusal Bilgi Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, 10-11 Mayıs, Kocaeli, 520s.
  • EUGENE, F. (1999), “Today’s Mercurial Career Path”, Management Review, 83(11), pp. 11-18.
  • GIBSON, J.C, J. IVANCEWICH and DONNELY, J.H. (1985), Organizational Behavior Structure Process, Business Publ, Texas.
  • GOODMAN, S., P. LEWIS and P.M. FANDTH (1997), Management, West- Publ., New York.
  • GUTTERIDGE T. G. and R. G. HUTCHESON (1984), The Handbook of Human Resource Development, Career Development. In L. Nadler, (Ed.), John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 30, pp. 1-22.
  • HAMILTON, W.L. and J.R. BELL (1990), Organization Development, Prentice- Hall, New Jersey.
  • HELLRİEGEL, D., J. SLOCUM and R. WOODMAN (1998), Organizational Behavior, West Publ., Newyork.
  • HALL, DOUGLAS and JONATHAN E. MOSS (1998), “The New Protean Career Contract: Helping Organizations and Employees Adapt”, Organizational Dynamics, 26(3), pp. 41-59.
  • HALL, DOUGLAS T. and P. H. MIRVIS (1996), The New Protean Career, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
  • HOEGL, M. and P.LUIGI (2000), “Team Member Proximity and Teamwor in Innovative Project”, İnternet adresi: /science_ob=ArticleURL&_aset.Pdf, Erişim Tarihi:21.02.2004.
  • HOLLAND, J.L. (1985), Making Vocational Choices: A Theory of Personality and Work Environment, Prentice-Hall, New York.
  • HOLLENBECK, N. and G. WRIGHT (1997), Human Resource Management, Mc Graw-Hill, New York.
  • İNCELER, H. (1996), “Proje Yönetiminde Liderlik ve Takım Çalışması”, Byte, ss.3-9.
  • INKERI, R. and M. VARTIAINEN (2005), “Charateristics of Knowledge Sharing Communities in Project Organizations”, International Journal of Project Management, 23(5), pp. 367-379.
  • KILINÇ, T. ve AKKAVUK, E. (2001), “Takım Performansının Ölçümüne Metodolojik Bir Yaklaşım”, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, ss.103-120.
  • KOÇEL, T. (2001), İşletme Yöneticiliği, 8. Basım, Beta Yay., İstanbul.
  • KUTLU, M. (2002), “Toplam Performans Yönetimi”, Anahtar, Şubat, Ankara.
  • LEE, D. R. and P. J SWENEY (2001), “An Assessment of Influence Tactic Used
  • by Project Managers”, Engineering Management Journal,13(2), pp.13- 23.
  • MANNIX, E. and KAREN A. J. (2003), “Let’s Norm and Storm, But Not Right Now: Integratıng Models Group Development and Performance”, Research on Managing Groups and Teams, 6, pp. 26-38.
  • MINER S. and D. F. ROBINSON (1994), “Organizational and Population Level Learning as Engines for Career Transitions”, Journal Of Organizational Behavior, 15, pp. 352-364.
  • MUKHOPADHYAY, T., S. RAJIV and K. SRIVASAN (1997), “Information Technology Impact on Process Output and Qality”, Management Science, 13(12), pp.1637-1656.
  • ÖZDEN, M. C. (2004), Firmalarda Kariyer Planlama, İnternet Adresi: http://www., Erişim Tarihi: 21.01.2004.
  • PEIPERL, M. and Y. BARUCH (1997), “Back to Square Zero. The Post-Corporate Career”, American Management Assocation, pp.7-22.
  • PETERS, T. (1997), The Circle of Innovation, Knoft, New York.
  • ROBBINS, S. (1997), Managing Today, Prentice Hall, New York.
  • ROBERTS, L. E. (2003), Working Together, Project Management Journal, 34(3), pp. 49-57.
  • SALAS, E. and GUZZO, R.A. (1995), Team Effectiveness and Decision-Making in Organizations, Jossey-Bass Publ, San Fransisco.
  • SENSE, A. J. (2003), Learning Generators: Project Teams Re-conceptualized, Project Management Journal, 34(3), pp. 3-15.
  • SCHULER, R. (1995), Managing Human Resources, West Publ., St.Paul.
  • SENGE, P. and F. KOFMAN, (1993), “The Heart of Learning Organization”, Organizatinal Dynamics, Fall, pp. 276-289.
  • SUSMAN, I.G. and M. R. JUDITH (1999), Test of A Model Organizational Contributors to Product Development Team Affectiveness, İnternetAdresi:, Erişim Tarihi:15.10.2003.
  • TAMBE, M., A. JAFAR, Y. AL-ONAİZAN, A. ERDEM, K.GALA., C. M. STACY and M. ION (1999), Building Agent Teams Using An Explicit Teamwork Model and Learning, Artificial Intelligence, 110(2), pp.215- 239.
  • TRANFIELD, D., S. STUART, F. MORRIS, W. SARAH and P. IVOR (2000), “Strategies for Managing The Teamworking Agenda: Developing a Methodology for Team Based Organisation”, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 21.05.2003.
  • UZUN,T. (2000), “İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi'nde Etkin Bir Yöntem: Kariyer Planlaması”, /arc_view.php?ex=149&hit =ny Erişim Tarihi: 13.03.2005.
  • WALKER, J. (1992), Human Resource Strategy, Mc Graw-Hill, New York.
  • ZIGON, J. (1999) How To Measure Team Performance, Media, Philadelphia.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Dr. Adnan Akın This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Issue: 25


APA Akın, D. . A. (2005). “TAKIM KARİYER MODELİ” İLE PROJE TAKIMLARINDA KARİYER GELİŞTİRME. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(25), 1-18.

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