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Year 2008, Issue: 31, 121 - 144, 11.05.2015


Bu çalışma literatürde fonksiyonel sonuçları olabildiğine değinilen göreve ilişkin çatışmaların yönetiminde etkileşimci ve dönüşümcü liderlik davranışının etiksel bir değerlendirmesini yapmak; bu liderlik tiplerinin etik olarak onaylanmasında öne çıkan faktörleri tespit etmek amacına yöneliktir. Bu amaçla iki üniversiteden toplam 342 işletme bölümü son sınıf ve lisans üstü işletme eğitimi alan öğrenci üzerinde senaryoya dayalı bir anket uygulanmıştır. İlk olarak kümeleme analiziyle, örneklem kütlesi benzerlik ve farklılıklar gözetilerek 2 farklı kümeye ayrılmış, daha sonra bu kümeler arasında istatistiksel farklılıkların olup olmadığı test edilmiştir. 2 kümenin anlamlı fark arz etmediği dönüşümcü liderlik etik bir davranış olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bir sonraki aşamada ise bu değerlendirmede daha etkili olan dönüşümcü liderlik boyutunu (karizma, zihinsel teşvik, bireysel ilgi ve telkin edicilik) belirlemeye yönelik “Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci” uygulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak dönüşümcü liderliğin göreve ilişkin çatışmalarda daha etik bir liderlik davranışı olarak değerlendirilmesinde “bireysel ilgi” boyutunun diğer boyutlardan daha etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • AMINE, Lyn S.; (1996), “The Need for Moral Champions in Global Market- ing”, European Journal of Marketing, 30; (5), ss.81-94.
  • ANONIM; (2003), “Analytic Hierarchy Process”, /mstc/multiple/node4.html, Erişim Tarihi: 20.03.2006
  • ASSAEL, Henry; (1969), “Constructive Role of Interorganizational Conflict”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 14, ss.573-582.
  • ATAMAN, Göksel; (2001), İşletme Yönetimi, Temel Kavramlar & Yeni Yaklaşımlar, Türkmen Kitabevi, İstanbul, 584s.
  • BASS, Bernard. M. ve Paul STEIDLMEIER; (1999), “Ethics, Character, and Authentic Transformational Leadership Behavior”, Leadership Quar- terly, 10(2), ss.181-217.
  • BASS, Bernard. M. ve Bruce J. AVOLIO; (1993), “Transformational leader- ship: A response to critiques”, iç M. M. Chemers ve R. Ayman, ; (Ed.), Leadership Theory and Research: Perspectives and Directions, Free Press, New York, ss. 49–80.
  • BASS, Bernard M.; (1985), Leadership and Performance Beyond Expecta- tions. Free Press, New York.
  • BASS, Bernard M.; (1998), Transformational Leadership: Industrial, Mili- tary, and Educational Impact, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mah- wah, NJ.
  • BASS, Bernard M.; (1990) “From Transactional To Transformational Leader- ship: Learning To Share The Vision”, Organizational Dynamics, Win- ter, 19(3), ss.19-32.
  • BUCKLEY, M. Ronald; Danielle S, BEU; Dewight D. FRINK; Jack L. HOWARD; Howard BERKSON; Tommie A. MOBBS ve Gerald R. FERRIS; (2001), “Ethical issues in human resources systems”, Human Resource Management Review, 11, ss.11-29.
  • BURNS, James M.; (1978), Leadership. Harper & Row, New York.
  • CAN, Halil; (2002), Organizasyon ve Yönetim, 6 baskı, Siyasal, Ankara, 364s
  • CAPUTO, John .S.; Harry C. HAZEL ve Colleen MCMAHON; (1994), Inter- personal Communication: Competency Through, Critical Thinking, Allyn and Bacon, 1994, MA, USA, 374s
  • CARRIGAN, Marylyn ve Ahmad ATTALLA; (2001), “The Myth of the Ethical Consumer-Do Ethics Matter in Purchase Behavior?”, Journal of Con- sumer Marketing, 18(7), ss.560-577.
  • CITRON, David ve Richard J. TAFFLER.; (2001), “Ethical Behavior In the U.K. Audit Profession: The Case Of the self-fulfilling Prophecy Under Going-Concern Uncertainties”, Journal of Business Ethics, 29, ss.353- 363.
  • COSIER, Richard A. ve Dan R. DALTON; (1990), “Positive Effects of Con- flict: A Field Assessment”, International Journal of Conflict Man- agement, 1, ss.81-92.
  • CUMMINGS, Lorne S.; (2000), “The Financial Performance of Ethical Invest- ment Trusts: An Australian Perspective”, Journal of Business Ethics, 25, ss.79-92.
  • DAFT , Richard, L.; (1995), Organization Theory & Design, 5th Edition, West Publishing Co., NY, USA, 620s
  • DARLING, John R. ve Christine E. FOGLIASSO; (1999), "Conflict Manage- ment Across Cultural Boundaries: A Case Analysis From A Multina- tional Bank", European Business Review, 99(6), ss.383-392.
  • DICKSON, Marcus W.; David B. SMITH; Michael W. GROJEAN ve Mark EHRHART; (2001), “An Organizational Climate Regarding Ethics: The Outcome of Leader Values and the Practices that Reflect Them”, The Leadership Quarterly, 12, ss.197-218
  • ERASLAN, Ergün ve Onur ALGÜN; (2005), “İdeal Performans Değerlendime Formu Tasarımında Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Yaklaşımı” Gazi Üniver- sitesi Müh. Mim. Fak. Dergisi, 20(1), ss.: 95-106
  • HAMMOND, Sue Annis ve John W. SLOCUM; (1996), “The Impact of Prior Firm Financial Performance on Subsequent Corporate Reputation”, Journal of Business Ethics, 15, ss.159-165.
  • HELLRIEGEL, Don; John W. SLOCUM, ve Richard W. WODDMAN.; (1995), Organizational Behavior, 7th ed., West Publishing, New York., 512s
  • HENKIN, Allen B.; Peter J. CISTONE ve Jay R. DEE.; (2000), “Conflict Ar- rangement Strategies of Principals In Site-Based Managed Schools”, Journal of Educational Administration, 38(2), ss.142-158.
  • HORNER, Melissa; (1997), “Leadership theory: past, present and future”, Team Performance Management, 3; (4), ss.270-287.
  • JANIS, Irving Lester; (1972), Victims of Groupthink, Houghton Miffilin, Bos- ton Ma, 277s
  • JEHN, Karen. A.; (1995), "A Multhimethod Examination of The Benefits and Detriments of Intragroup Conflict", Administrative Science Quarterly, 40(2), ss.256-282
  • JEHN, Karen A. ve Jennifer A. CHATMAN; (2000), “New Conceptualizations of Team Conflict: Proportional and Relational Conflict”, Submitted, The International Journal of Conflict Management
  • KELLER, Robert .T.; (1995), “Transformational Leaders Make A Difference”, Research Technology Management, 38(3), ss.41-44.
  • KEY, Susan. ve Samuel J. POPKIN; (1998), “Integrating Ethics into the Strate- gic Management Process: Doing Well by Doing Good”, Management Decision, 36(5), ss.331–338.
  • LEE, Chong-Yeong ve Hideki YOSHIHARA; (1997), “Business Ethics of Ko- rean and Japanese Managers”, Journal of Business Ethics, 16, ss.7-21.
  • LEVINE, Stewart. ve A. Jehn KAREN; (1999), “High Performance Teams: Examining Optimal Conflict Profiles”, The Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, Il.
  • LEWIS, Phillip V.; (1985), “Defining Business Ethics: Like Nailing Jello to the Wall”, Journal of Business Ethics, 4, ss.377-83.
  • MACFARLANE, Bruce; (1995), “Business Ethics: Too Little, Too Late”, Edu- cation + Training, 37(5), ss.32-36.
  • MATHEWS, M. R.; (1995), “Social and Environmental Accounting: A Practi- cal Demonstration of Ethical Concern?”, Journal of Business Ethics, 14, ss.663-671.
  • MESCON, Michael H; Michael ALBERT ve Franklin KHEDOURI; (1988), Management, Third Edition, Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 777s
  • ÖZDEMIR, Müjgan Sağır; (2002), “Bir İşletmede Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Kullanılarak Performans Değerleme Sistemi Tasarımı”, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 2, İnternet Adresi: endustri- muhendisligi/20022/makaleperformans.htm,ErişimTarihi:12.12.2006
  • ÖZGÜVEN, Cemal; (2002), Dinamik Programlama, Oyun Teorisi ve Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi, Erciyes Üniversitesi, İİBF Ders Notları Kayseri
  • PIKE, Espinosa M.; (1999), “Business Ethics and Accounting Information: An Analysis of the Spanish Code of Best Practice”, Journal of Business Ethics, 22, ss.249-259.
  • PRIEM, Richard L. ve Kennet H. PRICE.; (1991), “Process and Outcome Ex- pectations for the Dialectical Inquiry, Devil’s Advocacy, and Consensus Techniques of Strategic Decision Making”, Group and Organization Studies, 16, ss.206-225
  • RADTKE, Robin R.; (2000), “The Effects of Gender and Setting on Account- ants’ Ethically Sensitive Decisions”, Journal of Business Ethics, 24, ss.299-312.
  • RAHIM, Afzalur. M.; Jan Edward GARRETT, ve Gabriel F. BUNTZMAN; (1992), "Ethics of Managing Interpersonal Conflict In Organizations", Journal of Business Ethics, 11(5-6), ss.423-432.
  • REICHERT, Alan K.; Marion S. WEBB. ve Edward G. THOMAS; (2000), “Corporate Support of Ethical and Environmental Policies: A Financial Management Perspective”, Journal of Business Ethics, 25, ss.53-64.
  • ROSENBLOOM, E. S.; (1996), “A probabilistic interpretation of the final rank- ing in AHP”, European Journal of Operational Research, ss.371-378
  • ROSSOUW, Gedeon. J.; (1996), “Strategy and Skills for Moral Decision- making in Business”, Economics and Ethics Papers, Tokyo, Interna- tional Society of Business,
  • SAAL, Frank. E. ve Patrick A. KNIGHT; (1988), Industrial/ Organizational Psychology: Science and Practice, Pacific Grove, Brooks/Cole Pub- lishing Co, CA., 578s
  • SAATY, Thomas L.; (1994), “How to Make A Decision: The Analytic Hierar- chy Process”, European Journal of Operational Research, 48, ss.9-26
  • SAATY, Thomas L.; (2000), “Fundamentals of Decision Making and Prior- ity Theory with Analytic Hierarchy Process”, AHP Series, 6, RWS Publications, Pittsburg, 477s
  • SIMS, Randi L.; (1999), “The Development of Six Ethical Business Dilemmas”, The Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 20(4), ss.189-197.
  • SIMS, Randi L.; (1998), “When Formal Ethics Policies Differ from Informal Expectations: A Test of Manager’s Attitudes”, The Leadership & Or- ganization Development Journal, 19(7), ss.386-391.
  • SINGHAPAKDI Anusorn ve Kiran KARANDE; (2001), “How Important are Ethics and Social Responsibility? A Multinational Study of Marketing Professionals”, European Journal of Marketing, 35(1-2), ss.133-152.
  • SOHNEN-Moe, C.; (1996), “Business Ethics”, Economics and Ethics Papers, Tokyo, International Society of Business
  • SOSIK, John J.; (1997), “Effects of Transformational Leadership and Anonym- ity On Idea Generation In Computer-Mediated Groups”, Group & Or- ganization Management, 22(4), ss.640-668.
  • STAINER, Alan. ve Loris STAINER; (1995), “Productivity, Quality and Ethics – a European Viewpoint”, European Business Review, 95 (6), ss.3–11.
  • STAINER, Loris STAINER; (1997), “Ethical Dimensions of Environ- mental Management”, European Business Review, 97(5), ss.224-230.
  • TOMPSON, George H.; (2000), "The Role of Top Management Team Conflict: A Redistribution of Power?" Ejrot: Electronic Journal of Radical Or- ganization Theory, 3(2), ss.1-9.
  • TREVINO, Linda K.; (1986), “Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations: A Person–Situation Interactionist Model”, Academy of Management Re- view, 11, ss.601–617.
  • TREZISE, Edward K.; (1996), “An introduction to business ethics for human resource management teaching and research”, Personnel Review, 25, 6, ss.85-89.
  • WALL, James A. Jr. ve Ronda R. CALLISTER; (1995), "Conflict and Its Man- agement", Journal of Management, 21; (3), ss. 515-558.
  • WALL, Victor D. ve Linda L. NOLAN; (1987), “Small Group Conflict: A Look at Equity, satisfaction, and styles of Conflict management”, Small Group Behavior, 18, ss.188-211.
  • WALTON, Richard E.; (1976), “Interpersonal Peacemaking: Confrontations and Third-Party Consultations” Handbook of Industrial and Organ- izational Psychology, Rand-Mc Mally, Chicago
  • WILSON James A. ve S. Lee JERREL; (1981), “Conflict: Malignant, Benefi- cial, or Benign”, iç: J. A. Wilson ; (Ed), New Directions For Higher Education: Management Science Applications In Academic Ad- ministration, Jossey-Bass Pub., San Francisco, Ca, ss.105-123.
  • WITTMER, Dennis P.; (2000), “Ethical Sensitivity in Management Decisions: Developing and Testing a Perceptual Measure Among Management and Professional Student Groups”, Teaching Business Ethics, 4, ss.181–205.
Year 2008, Issue: 31, 121 - 144, 11.05.2015



  • AMINE, Lyn S.; (1996), “The Need for Moral Champions in Global Market- ing”, European Journal of Marketing, 30; (5), ss.81-94.
  • ANONIM; (2003), “Analytic Hierarchy Process”, /mstc/multiple/node4.html, Erişim Tarihi: 20.03.2006
  • ASSAEL, Henry; (1969), “Constructive Role of Interorganizational Conflict”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 14, ss.573-582.
  • ATAMAN, Göksel; (2001), İşletme Yönetimi, Temel Kavramlar & Yeni Yaklaşımlar, Türkmen Kitabevi, İstanbul, 584s.
  • BASS, Bernard. M. ve Paul STEIDLMEIER; (1999), “Ethics, Character, and Authentic Transformational Leadership Behavior”, Leadership Quar- terly, 10(2), ss.181-217.
  • BASS, Bernard. M. ve Bruce J. AVOLIO; (1993), “Transformational leader- ship: A response to critiques”, iç M. M. Chemers ve R. Ayman, ; (Ed.), Leadership Theory and Research: Perspectives and Directions, Free Press, New York, ss. 49–80.
  • BASS, Bernard M.; (1985), Leadership and Performance Beyond Expecta- tions. Free Press, New York.
  • BASS, Bernard M.; (1998), Transformational Leadership: Industrial, Mili- tary, and Educational Impact, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mah- wah, NJ.
  • BASS, Bernard M.; (1990) “From Transactional To Transformational Leader- ship: Learning To Share The Vision”, Organizational Dynamics, Win- ter, 19(3), ss.19-32.
  • BUCKLEY, M. Ronald; Danielle S, BEU; Dewight D. FRINK; Jack L. HOWARD; Howard BERKSON; Tommie A. MOBBS ve Gerald R. FERRIS; (2001), “Ethical issues in human resources systems”, Human Resource Management Review, 11, ss.11-29.
  • BURNS, James M.; (1978), Leadership. Harper & Row, New York.
  • CAN, Halil; (2002), Organizasyon ve Yönetim, 6 baskı, Siyasal, Ankara, 364s
  • CAPUTO, John .S.; Harry C. HAZEL ve Colleen MCMAHON; (1994), Inter- personal Communication: Competency Through, Critical Thinking, Allyn and Bacon, 1994, MA, USA, 374s
  • CARRIGAN, Marylyn ve Ahmad ATTALLA; (2001), “The Myth of the Ethical Consumer-Do Ethics Matter in Purchase Behavior?”, Journal of Con- sumer Marketing, 18(7), ss.560-577.
  • CITRON, David ve Richard J. TAFFLER.; (2001), “Ethical Behavior In the U.K. Audit Profession: The Case Of the self-fulfilling Prophecy Under Going-Concern Uncertainties”, Journal of Business Ethics, 29, ss.353- 363.
  • COSIER, Richard A. ve Dan R. DALTON; (1990), “Positive Effects of Con- flict: A Field Assessment”, International Journal of Conflict Man- agement, 1, ss.81-92.
  • CUMMINGS, Lorne S.; (2000), “The Financial Performance of Ethical Invest- ment Trusts: An Australian Perspective”, Journal of Business Ethics, 25, ss.79-92.
  • DAFT , Richard, L.; (1995), Organization Theory & Design, 5th Edition, West Publishing Co., NY, USA, 620s
  • DARLING, John R. ve Christine E. FOGLIASSO; (1999), "Conflict Manage- ment Across Cultural Boundaries: A Case Analysis From A Multina- tional Bank", European Business Review, 99(6), ss.383-392.
  • DICKSON, Marcus W.; David B. SMITH; Michael W. GROJEAN ve Mark EHRHART; (2001), “An Organizational Climate Regarding Ethics: The Outcome of Leader Values and the Practices that Reflect Them”, The Leadership Quarterly, 12, ss.197-218
  • ERASLAN, Ergün ve Onur ALGÜN; (2005), “İdeal Performans Değerlendime Formu Tasarımında Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Yaklaşımı” Gazi Üniver- sitesi Müh. Mim. Fak. Dergisi, 20(1), ss.: 95-106
  • HAMMOND, Sue Annis ve John W. SLOCUM; (1996), “The Impact of Prior Firm Financial Performance on Subsequent Corporate Reputation”, Journal of Business Ethics, 15, ss.159-165.
  • HELLRIEGEL, Don; John W. SLOCUM, ve Richard W. WODDMAN.; (1995), Organizational Behavior, 7th ed., West Publishing, New York., 512s
  • HENKIN, Allen B.; Peter J. CISTONE ve Jay R. DEE.; (2000), “Conflict Ar- rangement Strategies of Principals In Site-Based Managed Schools”, Journal of Educational Administration, 38(2), ss.142-158.
  • HORNER, Melissa; (1997), “Leadership theory: past, present and future”, Team Performance Management, 3; (4), ss.270-287.
  • JANIS, Irving Lester; (1972), Victims of Groupthink, Houghton Miffilin, Bos- ton Ma, 277s
  • JEHN, Karen. A.; (1995), "A Multhimethod Examination of The Benefits and Detriments of Intragroup Conflict", Administrative Science Quarterly, 40(2), ss.256-282
  • JEHN, Karen A. ve Jennifer A. CHATMAN; (2000), “New Conceptualizations of Team Conflict: Proportional and Relational Conflict”, Submitted, The International Journal of Conflict Management
  • KELLER, Robert .T.; (1995), “Transformational Leaders Make A Difference”, Research Technology Management, 38(3), ss.41-44.
  • KEY, Susan. ve Samuel J. POPKIN; (1998), “Integrating Ethics into the Strate- gic Management Process: Doing Well by Doing Good”, Management Decision, 36(5), ss.331–338.
  • LEE, Chong-Yeong ve Hideki YOSHIHARA; (1997), “Business Ethics of Ko- rean and Japanese Managers”, Journal of Business Ethics, 16, ss.7-21.
  • LEVINE, Stewart. ve A. Jehn KAREN; (1999), “High Performance Teams: Examining Optimal Conflict Profiles”, The Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, Il.
  • LEWIS, Phillip V.; (1985), “Defining Business Ethics: Like Nailing Jello to the Wall”, Journal of Business Ethics, 4, ss.377-83.
  • MACFARLANE, Bruce; (1995), “Business Ethics: Too Little, Too Late”, Edu- cation + Training, 37(5), ss.32-36.
  • MATHEWS, M. R.; (1995), “Social and Environmental Accounting: A Practi- cal Demonstration of Ethical Concern?”, Journal of Business Ethics, 14, ss.663-671.
  • MESCON, Michael H; Michael ALBERT ve Franklin KHEDOURI; (1988), Management, Third Edition, Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 777s
  • ÖZDEMIR, Müjgan Sağır; (2002), “Bir İşletmede Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Kullanılarak Performans Değerleme Sistemi Tasarımı”, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 2, İnternet Adresi: endustri- muhendisligi/20022/makaleperformans.htm,ErişimTarihi:12.12.2006
  • ÖZGÜVEN, Cemal; (2002), Dinamik Programlama, Oyun Teorisi ve Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi, Erciyes Üniversitesi, İİBF Ders Notları Kayseri
  • PIKE, Espinosa M.; (1999), “Business Ethics and Accounting Information: An Analysis of the Spanish Code of Best Practice”, Journal of Business Ethics, 22, ss.249-259.
  • PRIEM, Richard L. ve Kennet H. PRICE.; (1991), “Process and Outcome Ex- pectations for the Dialectical Inquiry, Devil’s Advocacy, and Consensus Techniques of Strategic Decision Making”, Group and Organization Studies, 16, ss.206-225
  • RADTKE, Robin R.; (2000), “The Effects of Gender and Setting on Account- ants’ Ethically Sensitive Decisions”, Journal of Business Ethics, 24, ss.299-312.
  • RAHIM, Afzalur. M.; Jan Edward GARRETT, ve Gabriel F. BUNTZMAN; (1992), "Ethics of Managing Interpersonal Conflict In Organizations", Journal of Business Ethics, 11(5-6), ss.423-432.
  • REICHERT, Alan K.; Marion S. WEBB. ve Edward G. THOMAS; (2000), “Corporate Support of Ethical and Environmental Policies: A Financial Management Perspective”, Journal of Business Ethics, 25, ss.53-64.
  • ROSENBLOOM, E. S.; (1996), “A probabilistic interpretation of the final rank- ing in AHP”, European Journal of Operational Research, ss.371-378
  • ROSSOUW, Gedeon. J.; (1996), “Strategy and Skills for Moral Decision- making in Business”, Economics and Ethics Papers, Tokyo, Interna- tional Society of Business,
  • SAAL, Frank. E. ve Patrick A. KNIGHT; (1988), Industrial/ Organizational Psychology: Science and Practice, Pacific Grove, Brooks/Cole Pub- lishing Co, CA., 578s
  • SAATY, Thomas L.; (1994), “How to Make A Decision: The Analytic Hierar- chy Process”, European Journal of Operational Research, 48, ss.9-26
  • SAATY, Thomas L.; (2000), “Fundamentals of Decision Making and Prior- ity Theory with Analytic Hierarchy Process”, AHP Series, 6, RWS Publications, Pittsburg, 477s
  • SIMS, Randi L.; (1999), “The Development of Six Ethical Business Dilemmas”, The Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 20(4), ss.189-197.
  • SIMS, Randi L.; (1998), “When Formal Ethics Policies Differ from Informal Expectations: A Test of Manager’s Attitudes”, The Leadership & Or- ganization Development Journal, 19(7), ss.386-391.
  • SINGHAPAKDI Anusorn ve Kiran KARANDE; (2001), “How Important are Ethics and Social Responsibility? A Multinational Study of Marketing Professionals”, European Journal of Marketing, 35(1-2), ss.133-152.
  • SOHNEN-Moe, C.; (1996), “Business Ethics”, Economics and Ethics Papers, Tokyo, International Society of Business
  • SOSIK, John J.; (1997), “Effects of Transformational Leadership and Anonym- ity On Idea Generation In Computer-Mediated Groups”, Group & Or- ganization Management, 22(4), ss.640-668.
  • STAINER, Alan. ve Loris STAINER; (1995), “Productivity, Quality and Ethics – a European Viewpoint”, European Business Review, 95 (6), ss.3–11.
  • STAINER, Loris STAINER; (1997), “Ethical Dimensions of Environ- mental Management”, European Business Review, 97(5), ss.224-230.
  • TOMPSON, George H.; (2000), "The Role of Top Management Team Conflict: A Redistribution of Power?" Ejrot: Electronic Journal of Radical Or- ganization Theory, 3(2), ss.1-9.
  • TREVINO, Linda K.; (1986), “Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations: A Person–Situation Interactionist Model”, Academy of Management Re- view, 11, ss.601–617.
  • TREZISE, Edward K.; (1996), “An introduction to business ethics for human resource management teaching and research”, Personnel Review, 25, 6, ss.85-89.
  • WALL, James A. Jr. ve Ronda R. CALLISTER; (1995), "Conflict and Its Man- agement", Journal of Management, 21; (3), ss. 515-558.
  • WALL, Victor D. ve Linda L. NOLAN; (1987), “Small Group Conflict: A Look at Equity, satisfaction, and styles of Conflict management”, Small Group Behavior, 18, ss.188-211.
  • WALTON, Richard E.; (1976), “Interpersonal Peacemaking: Confrontations and Third-Party Consultations” Handbook of Industrial and Organ- izational Psychology, Rand-Mc Mally, Chicago
  • WILSON James A. ve S. Lee JERREL; (1981), “Conflict: Malignant, Benefi- cial, or Benign”, iç: J. A. Wilson ; (Ed), New Directions For Higher Education: Management Science Applications In Academic Ad- ministration, Jossey-Bass Pub., San Francisco, Ca, ss.105-123.
  • WITTMER, Dennis P.; (2000), “Ethical Sensitivity in Management Decisions: Developing and Testing a Perceptual Measure Among Management and Professional Student Groups”, Teaching Business Ethics, 4, ss.181–205.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Soner Taslak This is me

Publication Date May 11, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2008 Issue: 31


APA Taslak, S. (2015). GÖREVE İLİŞKİN ÇATIŞMALARDA ETKİLEŞİMCİ VE DÖNÜŞÜMCÜ LİDERLİK ÜZERİNE ETİKSEL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(31), 121-144.

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The journal is published three times a year, in April, August, and December. It includes original, high-quality, and scientifically supported research articles and reviews in its listed fields. Academic studies unrelated to these disciplines or their theoretical and empirical foundations are not accepted. The journal's languages are Turkish and English.

Submissions are first subject to a preliminary review for format and content. Manuscripts not meeting the journal's standards are rejected by the editorial board. Manuscripts deemed suitable proceed to the peer review stage.

Each submission is sent to at least two expert reviewers. If both reviews are favorable, the article is approved for publication. In cases where one review is positive and the other negative, the editorial board decides based on the reviews or may send the manuscript to a third reviewer.

Articles published in the journal are open access and can be cited under the Creative Commons license, provided proper attribution is made.