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Yıl 2009, Sayı: 32, 303 - 317, 14.05.2015


Müzik, tarih boyunca insanların duygu ve düşüncelerini, yaşadığı olayları ifade etmelerinin aracı olarak kültürlerinin bir parçası olmuştur. Müziğin pazarlama alanında kullanımı ise daha çok bilinçsiz bir şekilde kulağa hoş gelen müziklerden faydalanmak şeklinde süregelmiştir. Oysa son 25 yıldır yapılan çalışmalarda müziğin tüketim davranışları üzerinde önemli etkileri olduğu görülmektedir.

Bu çalışmada; müziğin tüketim davranışı üzerindeki etkisine ilişkin literatür taraması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Buna göre müzik, bilinçli olarak ve uygun şekilde kullanıldığı takdirde; tüketicilerin ruh halini ve algılamalarını etkilemek suretiyle genel olarak davranışları, özel olarak ise tüketim davranışını etkilemektedir.


  • AKKUŞ, Gülşah; (2008), Hizmet Pazarlamasının Bir Unsuru Olarak Fizik- sel Kanıtlar ve Otel İşletmelerinde Hizmet Atmosferi Oluşturulma- sı, Malatya: İnönü Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayınlan- mamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • ARENI, Charles S.; (2003), “Examining Managers’ Theories of How Atmospheric Music Affects Perception, Behaviour and Financial Performance”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10, ss.263-274.
  • ARENI, Charles S. ve David Kim; (1993), “The Influence of Background Music on Shopping Behavior: Classical Versus Top-Forty Music in a Wine Store”, Advances in Consumer Research, 20, ss.336-340.
  • BAILEY, Nicole ve Charles S. ARENI; (2006), “When a Few Minutes Sound Like a Lifetime: Does Atmospheric Music Expand or Contract Perceived Time?”, Journal of Retailing, 82(3), ss.189-202.
  • BAKER, Julie; Druv GREWAL ve A. PARASURAMAN; (1994), “The Influence of Store Environment on Quality Inferences and Store Image”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22, ss.338-349.
  • BAKER, Julie ve Michaelle CAMERON; (1996), “The Effects of the Environment on Affect and Consumer Perception of Waiting Time: An Integrative Review and Research Propositions”, Journal of the Mar- keting Science, 24, ss.328-339.
  • BITNER, Mary Joe; (1992) “Servicescapes: The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees”, Journal of Marketing, 56, ss.57-71.
  • BROEKEMIER, Greg; Ray MARQUARDT ve James W. GENTRY; (2008), “An Exploration of Happy / Sad and Liked/Disliked Music Effects on Shopping Intentions in a Women’s Clothing Store Service Setting”, Journal of Services Marketing, 22, ss.59-67.
  • CAMERON, Michaelle A.; Julie BAKER; Mark PETERSON ve Karin BRAUNSBERGER; (2003), “The Effects of Music, Wait-length Evaluation, and Mood on a Low-cost Wait Experience”, Journal of Business Research, 56, ss.421-430.
  • DONOVAN, Robert J. ve John R. ROSSITER; (1982), “Store Atmosphere: An Enviromental Psychology Approach”, Journal of Retailing, 58(1), ss.34-57.
  • EROĞLU, Sevgin A.; Karen A. MACHLEIT ve Jean-Charles CHEBAT; (2005), “The Interaction of Retail Density and Music Tempo: Effects on Shopper Responses”, Psychology of Marketing, 22(7), ss.577-589.
  • HERRINGTON, J. Duncan ve Louis M. CAPELLA; (1996), “Effects of Music in Service Environments: A Field Study”, Journal of Services Marke- ting, 10(2), ss.26-41.
  • HERRINGTON, J. Duncan ve Louis M. CAPELLA; (1994), “Practical Applications of Music in Service Settings”, Journal of Services Mar- keting, 8(3), ss.50-65.
  • HOFFMAN, K. Douglas ve J. E. G. BATESON; (1997), Essentials of Services Marketing, The Dryden Press, USA.
  • HUI, Michael K.; Laurette DUBÉ ve Jean-Charles CHEBAT; (1997), “The Impact of Music on Consumers’ Reactions to Waiting for Services”, Journal of Retailing, 73(1), ss.87-104.
  • JACOB, Celine; (2006), “Styles of Background Music and Consumption in a Bar: An Empirical Evaluation”, Hospitality Management, 25, ss. 716-720.
  • KELLARIS, J. J. ve M. B. ALTSECH; (1992), “The Experience of Time as a Function of Musical Loudness and Gender of Listener”, Advances in Consumer Research, 19, ss.725-729.
  • KELLARIS, James J. ve Robert J. KENT; (1991), “Exploring Tempo and Modality Effects on Consumer Responses to Music”, Advances in Consumer Research, 18, ss.243-248.
  • KELLARIS, James J. ve Robert J. KENT; (1992), “The Influence of Music on Consumers’ Temporal Perceptions: Does Time Fly Away When You’re Having Fun?”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1, ss.365-376.
  • KELLARIS, James J. ve Susan P. MANTEL; (1994), “The Influence of Mood and Gender on Consumers' Time Perceptions”, Advances in Consumer Research, 21, ss.514-518.
  • KELLARIS, James J.; Susan P MANTEL ve M. B. ALTSECH; (1996), “Decibels, Disposition, and Duration: The Impact of Musical Loudness and Internal States on Time Perceptions”, Advances in Consumer Research, 23, ss.498-503.
  • KELLARIS James J. ve Ronald C. RICE; (1993), “The Influence of Tempo, Loudness, and Gender of Listener on Responses to Music”, Psychology & Marketing, 10, ss.15-29.
  • KOTLER, Philip; (1973-1974), “Atmospherics as a Marketing Tool”, Journal of Retailing, 49(4), ss.48-64.
  • MATTILA, Anna S. Ve Jochen WIRTZ; (2001), “Congruency of Scent and Music as a Driver of In-store Evaluations and Behavior”, Journal of Retailing, 77, ss.273-289.
  • MCDONNELL, John; (2007), “Music, Scent and Time Preferences for Waiting Lines”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 25(4), ss.223-237.
  • MILLIMAN, Ronald E.; (1982), “Using Background Music to Affect the Behavior of Supermarket Shoppers”, Journal of Marketing, 46, ss.86-91.
  • MILLIMAN, Ronald E.; (1986), “The Influence of Background Music on the Behavior of Restaurant Patrons”, Journal of Consumer Research, 13, ss.286-289.
  • NORTH, Adrian C. ve David J. HARGREAVES; (1999), “Can Music Move People?: The Effects of Musical Complexity and Silence on Waiting Time”, Environment and Behavior, 31, ss. 136-149.
  • NORTH, Adrian C.; Amber SHILCOCK ve David J. HARGREAVES; (2003), “The Effect of Musical Style on Restaurant Customers’ Spending”, Environment and Behavior,35, ss.712-718.
  • NORTH, Adrian C.; Mark TARRANT ve David J. HARGREAVES; (2004), “The Effects of Music on Helping Behavior: A Field Study”, Environment and Behavior, 36, ss.266-275.
  • OAKES, Steve; (2000), “The Influence of the Musicscape within Service Environments”, Journal of Services Marketing, 14 (7), ss.539-556.
  • ODABAŞI, Yavuz. ve GÜLFİDAN, Barış.; (2002), Tüketici Davranışı, Kapi- tal Medya Yayınları A.Ş., İstanbul, 404s.
  • SPANGENBERG, Eric R.; Bianca GROHMANN ve David E. SPROTT; (2005), “It’s Beginning to Smell (and Sound) a lot Like Christman: The Interactive Effects of Ambient Scent and Music in a Retail Setting”, Journal of Business Research, 58, ss.1583-1589.
  • SWEENEY, Jillian C. ve Fiona WYBER; (2002), “The Role of Cognition and Emotions in the Music-Approach- Avoidance Behavior Relationship”, Journal of Services Marketing,16(1), ss.51-69.
  • WILSON, Stephanie.; (2003), “The Effect of Music on Perceived Atmosphere and Purchase Intentions in a Restaurant”, Psychology of Music, 31, ss. 93-112.
  • YALCH, Richard F. ve Eric R. SPANGENBERG; (1990), “Effects of Store Music on Shopping Behavior”, The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 7, ss.55-63.
  • YALCH, Richard F. ve Eric R. SPANGENBERG; (1993), “Using Store Music for Retail Zoning: A Field Experiment”, Advances in Consumer Research, 20, ss.632-636.
  • YALCH, Richard F. ve Eric R. SPANGENBERG; (2000), “The Effects of Music in a Retail Setting on Real and Perceived Shopping Times”, Journal of Business Research, 49, ss.139-147.
Yıl 2009, Sayı: 32, 303 - 317, 14.05.2015



  • AKKUŞ, Gülşah; (2008), Hizmet Pazarlamasının Bir Unsuru Olarak Fizik- sel Kanıtlar ve Otel İşletmelerinde Hizmet Atmosferi Oluşturulma- sı, Malatya: İnönü Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayınlan- mamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • ARENI, Charles S.; (2003), “Examining Managers’ Theories of How Atmospheric Music Affects Perception, Behaviour and Financial Performance”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10, ss.263-274.
  • ARENI, Charles S. ve David Kim; (1993), “The Influence of Background Music on Shopping Behavior: Classical Versus Top-Forty Music in a Wine Store”, Advances in Consumer Research, 20, ss.336-340.
  • BAILEY, Nicole ve Charles S. ARENI; (2006), “When a Few Minutes Sound Like a Lifetime: Does Atmospheric Music Expand or Contract Perceived Time?”, Journal of Retailing, 82(3), ss.189-202.
  • BAKER, Julie; Druv GREWAL ve A. PARASURAMAN; (1994), “The Influence of Store Environment on Quality Inferences and Store Image”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22, ss.338-349.
  • BAKER, Julie ve Michaelle CAMERON; (1996), “The Effects of the Environment on Affect and Consumer Perception of Waiting Time: An Integrative Review and Research Propositions”, Journal of the Mar- keting Science, 24, ss.328-339.
  • BITNER, Mary Joe; (1992) “Servicescapes: The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees”, Journal of Marketing, 56, ss.57-71.
  • BROEKEMIER, Greg; Ray MARQUARDT ve James W. GENTRY; (2008), “An Exploration of Happy / Sad and Liked/Disliked Music Effects on Shopping Intentions in a Women’s Clothing Store Service Setting”, Journal of Services Marketing, 22, ss.59-67.
  • CAMERON, Michaelle A.; Julie BAKER; Mark PETERSON ve Karin BRAUNSBERGER; (2003), “The Effects of Music, Wait-length Evaluation, and Mood on a Low-cost Wait Experience”, Journal of Business Research, 56, ss.421-430.
  • DONOVAN, Robert J. ve John R. ROSSITER; (1982), “Store Atmosphere: An Enviromental Psychology Approach”, Journal of Retailing, 58(1), ss.34-57.
  • EROĞLU, Sevgin A.; Karen A. MACHLEIT ve Jean-Charles CHEBAT; (2005), “The Interaction of Retail Density and Music Tempo: Effects on Shopper Responses”, Psychology of Marketing, 22(7), ss.577-589.
  • HERRINGTON, J. Duncan ve Louis M. CAPELLA; (1996), “Effects of Music in Service Environments: A Field Study”, Journal of Services Marke- ting, 10(2), ss.26-41.
  • HERRINGTON, J. Duncan ve Louis M. CAPELLA; (1994), “Practical Applications of Music in Service Settings”, Journal of Services Mar- keting, 8(3), ss.50-65.
  • HOFFMAN, K. Douglas ve J. E. G. BATESON; (1997), Essentials of Services Marketing, The Dryden Press, USA.
  • HUI, Michael K.; Laurette DUBÉ ve Jean-Charles CHEBAT; (1997), “The Impact of Music on Consumers’ Reactions to Waiting for Services”, Journal of Retailing, 73(1), ss.87-104.
  • JACOB, Celine; (2006), “Styles of Background Music and Consumption in a Bar: An Empirical Evaluation”, Hospitality Management, 25, ss. 716-720.
  • KELLARIS, J. J. ve M. B. ALTSECH; (1992), “The Experience of Time as a Function of Musical Loudness and Gender of Listener”, Advances in Consumer Research, 19, ss.725-729.
  • KELLARIS, James J. ve Robert J. KENT; (1991), “Exploring Tempo and Modality Effects on Consumer Responses to Music”, Advances in Consumer Research, 18, ss.243-248.
  • KELLARIS, James J. ve Robert J. KENT; (1992), “The Influence of Music on Consumers’ Temporal Perceptions: Does Time Fly Away When You’re Having Fun?”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1, ss.365-376.
  • KELLARIS, James J. ve Susan P. MANTEL; (1994), “The Influence of Mood and Gender on Consumers' Time Perceptions”, Advances in Consumer Research, 21, ss.514-518.
  • KELLARIS, James J.; Susan P MANTEL ve M. B. ALTSECH; (1996), “Decibels, Disposition, and Duration: The Impact of Musical Loudness and Internal States on Time Perceptions”, Advances in Consumer Research, 23, ss.498-503.
  • KELLARIS James J. ve Ronald C. RICE; (1993), “The Influence of Tempo, Loudness, and Gender of Listener on Responses to Music”, Psychology & Marketing, 10, ss.15-29.
  • KOTLER, Philip; (1973-1974), “Atmospherics as a Marketing Tool”, Journal of Retailing, 49(4), ss.48-64.
  • MATTILA, Anna S. Ve Jochen WIRTZ; (2001), “Congruency of Scent and Music as a Driver of In-store Evaluations and Behavior”, Journal of Retailing, 77, ss.273-289.
  • MCDONNELL, John; (2007), “Music, Scent and Time Preferences for Waiting Lines”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 25(4), ss.223-237.
  • MILLIMAN, Ronald E.; (1982), “Using Background Music to Affect the Behavior of Supermarket Shoppers”, Journal of Marketing, 46, ss.86-91.
  • MILLIMAN, Ronald E.; (1986), “The Influence of Background Music on the Behavior of Restaurant Patrons”, Journal of Consumer Research, 13, ss.286-289.
  • NORTH, Adrian C. ve David J. HARGREAVES; (1999), “Can Music Move People?: The Effects of Musical Complexity and Silence on Waiting Time”, Environment and Behavior, 31, ss. 136-149.
  • NORTH, Adrian C.; Amber SHILCOCK ve David J. HARGREAVES; (2003), “The Effect of Musical Style on Restaurant Customers’ Spending”, Environment and Behavior,35, ss.712-718.
  • NORTH, Adrian C.; Mark TARRANT ve David J. HARGREAVES; (2004), “The Effects of Music on Helping Behavior: A Field Study”, Environment and Behavior, 36, ss.266-275.
  • OAKES, Steve; (2000), “The Influence of the Musicscape within Service Environments”, Journal of Services Marketing, 14 (7), ss.539-556.
  • ODABAŞI, Yavuz. ve GÜLFİDAN, Barış.; (2002), Tüketici Davranışı, Kapi- tal Medya Yayınları A.Ş., İstanbul, 404s.
  • SPANGENBERG, Eric R.; Bianca GROHMANN ve David E. SPROTT; (2005), “It’s Beginning to Smell (and Sound) a lot Like Christman: The Interactive Effects of Ambient Scent and Music in a Retail Setting”, Journal of Business Research, 58, ss.1583-1589.
  • SWEENEY, Jillian C. ve Fiona WYBER; (2002), “The Role of Cognition and Emotions in the Music-Approach- Avoidance Behavior Relationship”, Journal of Services Marketing,16(1), ss.51-69.
  • WILSON, Stephanie.; (2003), “The Effect of Music on Perceived Atmosphere and Purchase Intentions in a Restaurant”, Psychology of Music, 31, ss. 93-112.
  • YALCH, Richard F. ve Eric R. SPANGENBERG; (1990), “Effects of Store Music on Shopping Behavior”, The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 7, ss.55-63.
  • YALCH, Richard F. ve Eric R. SPANGENBERG; (1993), “Using Store Music for Retail Zoning: A Field Experiment”, Advances in Consumer Research, 20, ss.632-636.
  • YALCH, Richard F. ve Eric R. SPANGENBERG; (2000), “The Effects of Music in a Retail Setting on Real and Perceived Shopping Times”, Journal of Business Research, 49, ss.139-147.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Gülşah Akkuş Karkın

Ülkü Akkuş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Sayı: 32

Kaynak Göster

APA Akkuş Karkın, G., & Akkuş, Ü. (2015). MÜZİĞİN TÜKETİM DAVRANIŞI ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(32), 303-317.

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