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Year 2009, Issue: 34, 69 - 90, 18.05.2015


Bu çalışmanın amacı toplam üretim planlaması problemi için bir bulanık hedef programlama modeli geliştirmektir. Bulanık amaçlar ve kısıtlar üyelik fonksiyonları kullanılarak mutlak amaç ve kısıtlara dönüştürülmektedir. Daha sonra bulanık modelin denk mutlak modeli oluşturulmaktadır. Modelin amaçları çeşitli maliyet bileşenlerinin ağırlıklı bir fonksiyonunu minimum yapmak ve iş merkezlerinde düzgün bir iş yükü dağılımı gerçekleştirmektir. Yaklaşım bir sayısal örnek problem üzerinde açıklanmaktadır. Sonuçlar, bu yaklaşımın etkin bir çözüm stratejisi olduğunu ve periyodik üretimi, kapasiteyi ve envanteri planlamada karar vericiye yol gösterici ve yardımcı olabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır.


  • BAYKASOGLU, A.; (2001), “Moapps 1.0: Aggregate Production Planning Using the Multiple-Objective Tabu Search”, International Journal of Production Research, 39, ss. 3685–3702.
  • BELLMAN, R.E. ve L.A. ZADEH; (1970), “Decision Making in a Fuzzy Environment”, International Journal of Management Science, 17,ss. 141-164.
  • BUXEY,G.; (2003), “Strategy not Tactics Drives Aggregate Planning”, International Journal of Production Economics 85(3), ss. 331–346.
  • BYRNE, M. D. ve M. A BAKIR.; (1999), “Production Planning Using a Hybrid Simulation–Analytical Approach” International Journal of Production Economics, 59, ss. 305–311.
  • BOWMAN, E. H.; (1956), “Production Scheduling by the Transportation Method of Linear Programming”, Operations Research, 4, ss. 100– 103
  • BOWMAN, E. H.; (1963) “Consistency and Optimality in Managerial Decision Making”, Management Science 9, ss. 310–321.
  • CHARNES, A. ve W. W. COOPER; (1961), Management Models and Industrial Application of Linear Programming, Vol. 1, Wiley, New York, 467s
  • CHASE, B., N.J. AQU LANO ve F.R. JACOBS; (1998), Production and Operations Management, Eight Edition, McGraw-Hill,Boston,USA, 880s
  • CHEN, L. H. ve F. C. TSA ; (2001), “Fuzzy Goal Programming with Different Importance and Priorities”, European Journal of Operational Research, 1333, ss. 548-556.
  • DANTZIG, G. B.; (1955), “Linear Programming Under Uncertainty”, Management Science, 1, ss. 197–206.
  • DOBOS, I.; (2003), “Optimal Production–Inventory Strategies for a HMMS- Type Reverse Logistics System”, International Journal of Production Economics 81–82, ss. 351–360
  • FAH MN A, B., ,L.H.S. LUONG ve R. M. MAR AN; (2006), “Modeling and Optimization of Aggregate Production Planning - A Genetic Algorithm Approach” Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 15, ss. 169-174.
  • FENG, Y.J.; (1983) “A Method Using Fuzzy Mathematical Programming to Solve the Vector Maximum Problem”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 9, ss. 129-136.
  • FUNG, R.Y.K., J. TANG ve D. WANG; (2003), “Multiproduct Aggregate Production Planning with Fuzzy Demands and Fuzzy Capacities”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics—Part A: Systems and Humans, 33(3), ss. 302–313.
  • GNON , M.G., R. IAVAGN L O, G. MOSSA, G. MUMMOLO ve A.D. LEVA; (2003), “Production Planning of a Multi-Site Manufacturing System by Hybrid Modelling: A Case Study from the Automotive Industry”, International Journal of Production Economics, 85(2), ss. 251–262.
  • HOLT, C., F. MODIGLIANI ve H. A. SIMON; (1955), “A Linear Decision Rule for Production Employment Scheduling”, Management Science, 2, ss. 1-30.
  • JONES, C.H.; (1967) “Parametric Production Planning”, Management Science, 13, ss. 843–866.
  • HUNG, Y. F. ve Y. C. HU; (1998), “Solving Mixed Integershadow Price Information”, Computers and Operations Research, 25, ss. 1027–1042.
  • HUNG, Y. F., C. C. SHIH, ve C. P. CHEN; (1999), “Evolutionary Algorithms for Production Planning Problems with Setup Decisions”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 50, ss. 857–866.
  • JOLAYEM , J.K. ve F.O. OLORUNN WO; (2004), “A Deterministic Model for Planning Production Quantities in a Multi-Plant, Multi-Warehouse Environment with Extensible Capacities”, International Journal of Production Economics, 87(2), ss. 99–113.
  • KALL, P. ve S. W. WALLACE; (1994), Stochastic Programming Wiley - John &Sons, 320s.
  • LEE, Y.Y.; (1990), Fuzzy Set Theory Approach to Aggregate Production Planning and Inventory Control, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of I.E., Kansas State University.
  • MASUD, S.M. ve C.L. HWANG; (1980), “An Aggregate Production Planning Model and Application of Three Multiple Objective Decision Methods”, International Journal of Production Research, 18, ss. 741–752.
  • MEZGHANI, M., REBAI, A., DAMMAK ve A., LOUKIL, T.; (2008), “A Goal Programming Model for Aggregate Production Planning Pproblem”, International Journal of Operational Research, 4(1), ss. 23-34
  • MOHAMED, R.H.; (1997), The Relationship Between Goal Programming and Fuzzy Programming, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 89, ss. 215–222.
  • NAM, S. J. ve R. LOGENDRAN; (1992), “Aggregate Production Planning–A Survey of Models and Methodologies” European Journal of Operational Research, 61, ss. 255–272.
  • NARAS MHAN, R.; (1980), “Goal Programming in Fuzzy Environment”, Decision Science, 11, ss. 326-335.
  • NARAS MHAN, R. ve P.A. RUB N; (1984) “Fuzzy Goal Programming with Nested Priorities”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 14, ss. 115–129.
  • OZDAMAR, L., M. A., BOZYEL ve S. I. BIRBIL; (1998), “A Hierarchical Decision Support System for Production Planning (With Case Study)”, European Journal of Operational Research, 104, ss. 403–422.
  • RAMIK, J.; (2000), “Fuzzy Goals and Fuzzy Alternatives in Goal Programming Problems”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 111, ss. 81–86.
  • SAAD, G.; (1982), “An Overview Of Production Planning Model: Structure Classification and Empirical Assessment”, International Journal of Production Research, 20, ss. 105–114.
  • SH , Y. ve C. HAASE; (1996), “Optimal Trade-Offs of Aggregate Production Planning with Multi-Objective and Multi-Capacity-Demand Levels”, International Management, 2(2), ss. 127–143. of Operations and Quantitative
  • STEPHEN, C.H.L., Y. WU ve K.K. LA ; (2003), “Multi-Site Aggregate Production Planning with Multiple Objectives: A Goal Programming Approach”, Production Planning and Control, 14(5), ss. 425–436.
  • STEPHEN, C. H., LEUNG ve YUE WU; (2004), “A Robust Optimization Mo- del for Stochastic Aggregate Production Planning”, Production Planning and Control, 15(5), ss. 502–514.
  • TANG, J., R.Y.K. FUNG ve K.L. YONG; (2003), “Fuzzy Modelling and Simulation for Aggregate Production Planning”, International Journal of Systems Science, 34(12), ss. 661–673.
  • TANG, J., D. WANG ve R.Y.K. FUNG;(2000) “Fuzzy Formulation for Multi- Product Aggregate Production Planning”, Production Planning and Control, 11, ss. 670–676.
  • TAUBERT, W.H.; (1968), “A Search Decision Rule for the Aggregate Scheduling Problem”, Management Science, 14, ss. 343–359.
  • T WAR R.N, S. DHARMAR ve J.R. RAO; (1986), “Priority Structure in Fuzzy Goal Programming”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,19, ss. 251–259.
  • TIWARI, R. N., S. DHARMAR ve J.R. RAO; (1987), “Fuzzy Goal Programming: An Additive Model”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 24, ss. 27-34.
  • WANG, R. C. ve H. H. FANG; (2000), “Aggregate Production Planning in A Fuzzy Environment. International Journal of Industrial Engineering–Theory, Applications, and Practice, 7, ss. 5–14.
  • WANG H.F. ve C.C. FU; (1997) “A Generalization of Fuzzy Goal Programming with Preemptive Structure, Computers & Operations Research, 24, ss. 819–828.
  • WANG, D. ve S. C. FANG; (1997), “A Genetics-Based Approach for Aggregated Production Planning in a Fuzzy Environment”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics–Part A: Systems and Human, 27, ss. 636–645.
  • WANG, R.C. ve T.F. LIANG; (2001), “Aggregate Production Planning with Multiple Objectives in a Fuzzy Environment”, European Journal of Operational Research, 133, ss. 521–536.
  • WANG, R.C. ve T.F. LIANG; (2004), “Application of Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming to Aggregate Production Planning”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 46(1), ss. 17–41.
  • YAGER, R.R.; (1979), “Mathematical Programming with Fuzzy Constraints and Preference on the Objectives”, Kybernetes, 8, ss. 285-291.
  • YAGHOOBl, M. A., D. F. JONES ve TAMIZ, M.; (2008), “Weighted Additive Models for Solving Fuzzy Goal Programming Problems” Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 25, ss. 715-733.
  • Y NG-YUNG, F.; (1983), “A Method Using Fuzzy Mathematics to Solve Vector Maximum Problem”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 9, ss. 142-149.
  • ZADEH, L. A.; (1965), “Fuzzy Sets”, Information and Control, 8, ss. 338- 353.
  • ZIMMERMANN, H. J.; (1978), “Fuzzy Programming and Linear Programming with Several Objective Functions”, Fuzzy Sets and System, 1, ss. 45– 55.
  • Z MMERMANN, H.J.; (1981), “Fuzzy Mathematical Programming”, Computers and Operations Research, 4, ss. 291-298.
Year 2009, Issue: 34, 69 - 90, 18.05.2015



  • BAYKASOGLU, A.; (2001), “Moapps 1.0: Aggregate Production Planning Using the Multiple-Objective Tabu Search”, International Journal of Production Research, 39, ss. 3685–3702.
  • BELLMAN, R.E. ve L.A. ZADEH; (1970), “Decision Making in a Fuzzy Environment”, International Journal of Management Science, 17,ss. 141-164.
  • BUXEY,G.; (2003), “Strategy not Tactics Drives Aggregate Planning”, International Journal of Production Economics 85(3), ss. 331–346.
  • BYRNE, M. D. ve M. A BAKIR.; (1999), “Production Planning Using a Hybrid Simulation–Analytical Approach” International Journal of Production Economics, 59, ss. 305–311.
  • BOWMAN, E. H.; (1956), “Production Scheduling by the Transportation Method of Linear Programming”, Operations Research, 4, ss. 100– 103
  • BOWMAN, E. H.; (1963) “Consistency and Optimality in Managerial Decision Making”, Management Science 9, ss. 310–321.
  • CHARNES, A. ve W. W. COOPER; (1961), Management Models and Industrial Application of Linear Programming, Vol. 1, Wiley, New York, 467s
  • CHASE, B., N.J. AQU LANO ve F.R. JACOBS; (1998), Production and Operations Management, Eight Edition, McGraw-Hill,Boston,USA, 880s
  • CHEN, L. H. ve F. C. TSA ; (2001), “Fuzzy Goal Programming with Different Importance and Priorities”, European Journal of Operational Research, 1333, ss. 548-556.
  • DANTZIG, G. B.; (1955), “Linear Programming Under Uncertainty”, Management Science, 1, ss. 197–206.
  • DOBOS, I.; (2003), “Optimal Production–Inventory Strategies for a HMMS- Type Reverse Logistics System”, International Journal of Production Economics 81–82, ss. 351–360
  • FAH MN A, B., ,L.H.S. LUONG ve R. M. MAR AN; (2006), “Modeling and Optimization of Aggregate Production Planning - A Genetic Algorithm Approach” Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 15, ss. 169-174.
  • FENG, Y.J.; (1983) “A Method Using Fuzzy Mathematical Programming to Solve the Vector Maximum Problem”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 9, ss. 129-136.
  • FUNG, R.Y.K., J. TANG ve D. WANG; (2003), “Multiproduct Aggregate Production Planning with Fuzzy Demands and Fuzzy Capacities”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics—Part A: Systems and Humans, 33(3), ss. 302–313.
  • GNON , M.G., R. IAVAGN L O, G. MOSSA, G. MUMMOLO ve A.D. LEVA; (2003), “Production Planning of a Multi-Site Manufacturing System by Hybrid Modelling: A Case Study from the Automotive Industry”, International Journal of Production Economics, 85(2), ss. 251–262.
  • HOLT, C., F. MODIGLIANI ve H. A. SIMON; (1955), “A Linear Decision Rule for Production Employment Scheduling”, Management Science, 2, ss. 1-30.
  • JONES, C.H.; (1967) “Parametric Production Planning”, Management Science, 13, ss. 843–866.
  • HUNG, Y. F. ve Y. C. HU; (1998), “Solving Mixed Integershadow Price Information”, Computers and Operations Research, 25, ss. 1027–1042.
  • HUNG, Y. F., C. C. SHIH, ve C. P. CHEN; (1999), “Evolutionary Algorithms for Production Planning Problems with Setup Decisions”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 50, ss. 857–866.
  • JOLAYEM , J.K. ve F.O. OLORUNN WO; (2004), “A Deterministic Model for Planning Production Quantities in a Multi-Plant, Multi-Warehouse Environment with Extensible Capacities”, International Journal of Production Economics, 87(2), ss. 99–113.
  • KALL, P. ve S. W. WALLACE; (1994), Stochastic Programming Wiley - John &Sons, 320s.
  • LEE, Y.Y.; (1990), Fuzzy Set Theory Approach to Aggregate Production Planning and Inventory Control, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of I.E., Kansas State University.
  • MASUD, S.M. ve C.L. HWANG; (1980), “An Aggregate Production Planning Model and Application of Three Multiple Objective Decision Methods”, International Journal of Production Research, 18, ss. 741–752.
  • MEZGHANI, M., REBAI, A., DAMMAK ve A., LOUKIL, T.; (2008), “A Goal Programming Model for Aggregate Production Planning Pproblem”, International Journal of Operational Research, 4(1), ss. 23-34
  • MOHAMED, R.H.; (1997), The Relationship Between Goal Programming and Fuzzy Programming, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 89, ss. 215–222.
  • NAM, S. J. ve R. LOGENDRAN; (1992), “Aggregate Production Planning–A Survey of Models and Methodologies” European Journal of Operational Research, 61, ss. 255–272.
  • NARAS MHAN, R.; (1980), “Goal Programming in Fuzzy Environment”, Decision Science, 11, ss. 326-335.
  • NARAS MHAN, R. ve P.A. RUB N; (1984) “Fuzzy Goal Programming with Nested Priorities”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 14, ss. 115–129.
  • OZDAMAR, L., M. A., BOZYEL ve S. I. BIRBIL; (1998), “A Hierarchical Decision Support System for Production Planning (With Case Study)”, European Journal of Operational Research, 104, ss. 403–422.
  • RAMIK, J.; (2000), “Fuzzy Goals and Fuzzy Alternatives in Goal Programming Problems”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 111, ss. 81–86.
  • SAAD, G.; (1982), “An Overview Of Production Planning Model: Structure Classification and Empirical Assessment”, International Journal of Production Research, 20, ss. 105–114.
  • SH , Y. ve C. HAASE; (1996), “Optimal Trade-Offs of Aggregate Production Planning with Multi-Objective and Multi-Capacity-Demand Levels”, International Management, 2(2), ss. 127–143. of Operations and Quantitative
  • STEPHEN, C.H.L., Y. WU ve K.K. LA ; (2003), “Multi-Site Aggregate Production Planning with Multiple Objectives: A Goal Programming Approach”, Production Planning and Control, 14(5), ss. 425–436.
  • STEPHEN, C. H., LEUNG ve YUE WU; (2004), “A Robust Optimization Mo- del for Stochastic Aggregate Production Planning”, Production Planning and Control, 15(5), ss. 502–514.
  • TANG, J., R.Y.K. FUNG ve K.L. YONG; (2003), “Fuzzy Modelling and Simulation for Aggregate Production Planning”, International Journal of Systems Science, 34(12), ss. 661–673.
  • TANG, J., D. WANG ve R.Y.K. FUNG;(2000) “Fuzzy Formulation for Multi- Product Aggregate Production Planning”, Production Planning and Control, 11, ss. 670–676.
  • TAUBERT, W.H.; (1968), “A Search Decision Rule for the Aggregate Scheduling Problem”, Management Science, 14, ss. 343–359.
  • T WAR R.N, S. DHARMAR ve J.R. RAO; (1986), “Priority Structure in Fuzzy Goal Programming”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,19, ss. 251–259.
  • TIWARI, R. N., S. DHARMAR ve J.R. RAO; (1987), “Fuzzy Goal Programming: An Additive Model”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 24, ss. 27-34.
  • WANG, R. C. ve H. H. FANG; (2000), “Aggregate Production Planning in A Fuzzy Environment. International Journal of Industrial Engineering–Theory, Applications, and Practice, 7, ss. 5–14.
  • WANG H.F. ve C.C. FU; (1997) “A Generalization of Fuzzy Goal Programming with Preemptive Structure, Computers & Operations Research, 24, ss. 819–828.
  • WANG, D. ve S. C. FANG; (1997), “A Genetics-Based Approach for Aggregated Production Planning in a Fuzzy Environment”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics–Part A: Systems and Human, 27, ss. 636–645.
  • WANG, R.C. ve T.F. LIANG; (2001), “Aggregate Production Planning with Multiple Objectives in a Fuzzy Environment”, European Journal of Operational Research, 133, ss. 521–536.
  • WANG, R.C. ve T.F. LIANG; (2004), “Application of Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming to Aggregate Production Planning”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 46(1), ss. 17–41.
  • YAGER, R.R.; (1979), “Mathematical Programming with Fuzzy Constraints and Preference on the Objectives”, Kybernetes, 8, ss. 285-291.
  • YAGHOOBl, M. A., D. F. JONES ve TAMIZ, M.; (2008), “Weighted Additive Models for Solving Fuzzy Goal Programming Problems” Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 25, ss. 715-733.
  • Y NG-YUNG, F.; (1983), “A Method Using Fuzzy Mathematics to Solve Vector Maximum Problem”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 9, ss. 142-149.
  • ZADEH, L. A.; (1965), “Fuzzy Sets”, Information and Control, 8, ss. 338- 353.
  • ZIMMERMANN, H. J.; (1978), “Fuzzy Programming and Linear Programming with Several Objective Functions”, Fuzzy Sets and System, 1, ss. 45– 55.
  • Z MMERMANN, H.J.; (1981), “Fuzzy Mathematical Programming”, Computers and Operations Research, 4, ss. 291-298.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Tuğba Yakıcı Ayan This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 34


APA Yakıcı Ayan, T. (2015). TOPLAM ÜRETİM PLANLAMASI PROBLEMİ İÇİN BİR BULANIK HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA YAKLAŞIMI. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(34), 69-90.

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