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Year 2009, Issue: 34, 315 - 337, 18.05.2015


İnsan unsuru önemli bir performans kaynağı olarak organizasyon başarısını direkt olarak etkileyen temel faktörlerden birisidir. İnsan faktörünün tüm yetenek ve güçlerinin örgütsel amaçlara yönlendirilmesi önemli bir kritik başarı faktörüdür. Motivasyon bu başarı faktöründe önemli bir yere sahiptir. Ancak değişen iş ve yaşam düzeni motivasyon faktörlerinin nitelik ve etkilerini dinamik bir hale getirmektedir. Gerek bireysel gerekse sektörel özellikler motivasyon faktörlerini etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada bireysel ve örgütsel performansın arttırılmasında önemli bir faktör olarak görülen motivasyon faktörlerinin belirlenmesi ve belirlenen faktör önceliklerinin AHY ile ağırlıklandırılmasına yönelik ampirik bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çerçevede motivasyon faktörlerinin belirlenmesine yönelik kapsamlı bir yazın analizi yapılmış ardından bu faktörlerin hedef kitle tarafından algılanışı araştırılarak öncelikler belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda yazınla hem benzer hem de farklı bulgular ele edilmiş olup bu bulgular değerlendirilerek yöneticilere tekliflerde bulunulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda tam motivasyonun yaklaşık % 50’sinin ekonomik faktörlerle sağlandığı diğer % 50’yi psiko-sosyal ve örgütsel faktörlerle  sağladığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • ADAMS, John Stacey; (1965), “Inequity in Social Exchange” BERKOWITZ, (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Academic Press, New York, ss.267-299.
  • AKINCI, Zeki; (2002), “Turizm Sektöründe gören Tatminini Etkileyen Fak- törler: Be Yıldızlı Konaklama letmelerinde Bir Uygulama”, Ak- deniz Üniversitesi . .B.F. Dergisi, 4, ss. 1-25.
  • ALDERFER, Paul Alderfer; (1972), Existence, Relatedness and Growth: Human Needs in Organisational Settings, Free Press, New York, 248s.
  • BATMAZ, eyma; (2002), “Örgütlerde Motivasyonun Önemi”, Standart Der- gisi, 41(491), ss.45-48.
  • BEACH, S. Dale; (1980), Personnel: The Management of People at Work, Mcmillian Publishing Co. Inc., New York, 724s.
  • BENKHOFF, Birgit; (1992), “Catching Up on Competitors: How Organizations Can Motivate Employees to Work Harder”, The International Jour- nal of Human Resource Management 7(3), ss. 736-752.
  • B RDAL, lker ve Nilgün AYDEM R; (1992), Yönetim Teorileri, Sistem Yay- ıncılık, stanbul, 105s.
  • BLAU, Gary; (1993), “Operationalizing Direction and Level of Effort and Test- ing Their Relationships to Individual Job Performance”, Organiza- tional Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 55, ss. 152-170.
  • BOYETT, Joseph H. ve Jimmie T. BOYETT; (1999), “Four Essentials for Mo- tivating Employees in A Changing Environment”, Innovative Leader, October, 8(10), ss. 175-232.
  • CAN, Halil; Ahmet AKGÜN ve ahin KAVUNCUBA I; (1994), Kamu ve Özel Kesimde Personel Yönetimi, H.Ü. . .B.F. Yayınları, No:18, Ankara, 442s.
  • CAN, Halil; (1991), Organizasyon ve Yönetim, Adım Yayıncılık, Ankara, 225s.
  • CREECH, Regina; (1995), “Employee Motivation”, Management Quarterly, 36(2), ss. 33-40.
  • ÇELTEK, Evrim; (2003), “Motivasyon Yönetimi”, güç Dergisi, 6(1), ss. 8- 17.
  • Ç MEN, Mesut; (2000), TSK Sa lık Personelinin Tükenmi lik, i Doyumu, Kuruma Ba lılık ve i ten Ayrılma Niyetlerine li kin Bir Alan Ara tırması, Yayımlanmamı Doktora Tezi, Gata Sa .Bil.Enst., An- kara, 190s.
  • DECI, Edward L. ve Richard M. RYAN; (1985), Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behaviour, New York, Plenum, 367s.
  • DECI, Edward L.; (1975), Intrinsic Motivation, New York, Plenum, 324s.
  • DEM RUTKU, Kür ad; (2000), Influence of Motivational Profile on Organ- izational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: A Cultural Explora- tion, ODTÜ, Ankara: Yayınlanmamı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 102s.
  • DOMEYER, Diane; (1998), “Building and Maintaining Employee Motivation”, Women in Business, 50(6), ss. 32-43.
  • DYERS, James S.; (1990), “Remarks on the Analytic Hierarchy Process”, Management Science, 36(3), ss. 249-259.
  • ELLIOT, Andrew J. ve Marchy A. CHURCH; (1997), “A Hierarchical Model of Approach and Avoidance Achievement Motivation”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, ss. 218-232.
  • ELLIOT, Andrew J. ve Judith M. HARACKIEWICZ; (1994), “Goal Setting, Achievement Orientation, and Intrinsic Motivation: A Mediational Analysis”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, ss. 665
  • ELLIOT, Andrew J. ve Todd M. THRASH; (2002), “Approach-Avoidance Motivation in Personality: Approach and Avoidance Temperaments and Goals”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82 (5), ss. 804-822.
  • EREN, Erol; (2004), Örgütsel Davranı ve Yönetim Psikolojisi, 8.Baskı, Beta Yay. stanbul, 428s.
  • ERGÜL, Hüseyin Fazlı; (2005), “Motivasyon ve Motivasyon Teknikleri”, Dicle Üniversitesi Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4(14), ss. 67-79.
  • ERO LU, Feyzullah; (2000), Davranı Bilimleri, stanbul: Beta, 5. Baskı, 308s.
  • GANTT, Henry Laurence; (1919), Organising for Work, Harcourt, Brace and Howe, New York, 113s.
  • GIBBONS, Robert; (1998), “Incentives in Organizations”, Journal of Eco- nomic Perspective, ss. 115-132.
  • GILBRETH, Frank Bunker; (1911), Motion Study, Van Nostrand, New York, 303s.
  • GRANT, Adam M.; Elizabeth M.CAMPBEL; Grace CHEN; Keenan COTTONE; David LAPEDIS ve Karen LEE; (2007), “Impact and the Art of Motivation Maintenance: The Effects, of Contact with Benefici- aries on Persistence Behavior”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 103, ss. 53-67.
  • GRATTON, Lynda; (1999), “People Processes As A Source of Competitive Advantage”, Strategic Human Resource Management, Oxford Uni- versity Press, Oxford, ss. 178-192.
  • HACKMAN, J. Richard ve Greg R. OLDHAM; (1980), Work Redesign, Ad- dison, Wesley Publishing Company, Massachusetts, Caiifornia: Read- ing, 284s.
  • HAILEY, Veronica H.; (1999), “Contextual Diversity for the Role and Practice of HR”, Strategic Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press, Oxford, ss. 103-125.
  • HAVILAND, William A.; (1992), Anthropology (6. Baskı), NY: McGraw- Hill, 575s.
  • HECKHAUSEN, Heinz; (1967), The Anatomy of Achievement Motivation, NY: Academic Press, 215s.
  • HEIDER, Fritz; (1958), The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations, Wiley, New York, 322s.
  • HERZBERG, Frederick; (1966), Work and The Nature of Man, World Pub- lishing Co., New York, 203s.
  • HOWEL, William Carl ve Robert L. DIPBOYE; (1986), Essentials of Indus- trial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago: The Dorsey Press, Third Edition, 414s.
  • HULL, Clark Leonard; (1951), Essentials of Behaviors, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 145s.
  • JALAJAS, David S. ve Michael BOMMER; (1999), “The Influence of Job Mo- tivation Versus Downsizing on Individual Behavior”, Human Re- source Development Quarterly, 10(4), ss.329-341.
  • KATSVA, Masha ve Stephen E. CONDREY; (2005), “Motivating Personnel at Russian Nuclear Power Plants: A Case-Study of Motivation Theory Application”, Public Personnel Management, 34(4), Winter, ss. 343- 356.
  • KIRÇI Zafer; (2007), Motivasyon Unsuru Olarak Kariyer Geli tirme ve Bir Uygulama, Yayımlanmamı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erzurum, 155s.
  • KOÇEL, Tamer; (2003), letme Yöneticili i, 9. Baskı, Beta Yayıncılık, stan- bul, 544s.
  • KOMINIS, George ve Clive R. EMMANUEL; (2007), “The Expectancy– Valence Theory Revisited: Developing an Extended Model of Manage- rial Motivation”, Management Accounting Research, 18, ss. 49-75.
  • KORSGAARD, M. Audrey; Harry J. SAPIENZA ve David M. SCHWEIGER; (2002), “Beaten before Begun: The Role of Procedural Justice in Plan- ning Change”, Journal of Management, 28(4), ss. 497-516.
  • KOVACH, Kennth A.; (1995), “Employee Motivation: Addressing a Crucial Factor in Your Organization’s Performance”, Employee Relations Today, 22(2), ss. 93-105.
  • LINDNER, James R.; (1998), “Understanding Employee Motivation”, Journal of Extension, 36(3), ss. 1-8.
  • LOCKE, Eric A.; (1968), “Towards A Theory Of Task Motivation and Incen- tives”, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 3, ss.157- 189.
  • LOVIO, George C.; (1992), “What Motivates Best?”, Sales and Marketing Management, 144(4), ss.113-127.
  • LUTHANS, Fred; (1997), Organizational Behavior, Mcgraw Hill, Singapore, 608s.
  • MARKUS, Hazel R. ve Shinobu KITAYAMA; (1991), “Culture and The Self: Implications for Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation”, Psychological Review, 98(2), ss.224-253.
  • MASLOW, Abraham H.; (1943), “A Theory of Human Motivation”, Psychological Review, Vol.50, ss. 390-396.
  • MCCLELLAND, David C. ve Richard BOYATZIS; (1984), “Leadership Mo- tive Pattern and Long- Term Success in Management” içinde Charles D. SPIELBERGER Ed., Motives, Personality, and Society: Selected Papers, New York: Praeger, ss. 737-743.
  • MCCLELLAND, David C.; (1961), The Achieving Society, Van Norstrand, Princeton, 532s.
  • McGEE, Marianne Kolbas ve Mike FILON; (1996), “If You Want Workers to Be More Productive, Energize them”, Information Week, ss. 90-103.
  • MICELI, Maria ve Cristiano CASTELFRANCHI; (2000), “Nature and Mecha- nisms of Loss of Motivation”, Review of General Psychology, 4, ss.238-263.
  • OSTERLAH, Margit; Bruno S. FREY ve Jetta FROST; (2001), “Managing Motivation, Organization and Governance”, Journal of Management and Governance, 23 August, ss.231-239.
  • ÖZTÜRK, Zekai ve Hakan DÜNDAR; (2003), “Örgütsel Motivasyon ve Kamu Çalı anlarını Motive Eden Faktörler”, C.Ü. ktisadi ve dari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 4, Sayı 2, ss. 57-67.
  • PARSONS, Elizabeth ve Adelina BROADBRIDG; (2006), “Job Motivation and Satisfaction: Unpacking the Key Factors for Charity Shop Manag- ers”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 13, ss.121-131.
  • PINDER, Craig C.; (1998), Work Motivation in Organizational Behavior, Upper Saddle River, Nj: Prentice-Hall, 660s.
  • PORTER, Lyman W. ve Edward E. LAWLER; (1968), Managerial Attitudes and Performances, Irwin-Dorsey, Homewood, 209s.
  • PORTER, Lyman W.; Edward E. LAWLER, ve J. Richard HACKMAN; (1975), Behavior in Organizations, Mcgraw-Hill, New York, 561s.
  • REMEDIOS, Richard ve Nick BOREHAM; (2004), “Organizational Learning and Employees’ Intrinsic Motivation”, Journal of Education and Work, 17 (2), June, ss.219-235.
  • SAATY, Thomas L.; (1985), Analytical Planning, Pittsburg, RWS Publica- tions, 208s.
  • SAATY, Thomas L.; (1990), “How to Make a Decision: The Analytic Hierar- chy Process”, European Journal of Operational Research, 48, ss.9
  • SABUNCUO LU, Zeyyat ve Melek TÜZ; (2001), Örgütsel Psikoloji, 4.Baskı, Ezgi Kitabevi, Bursa, 362s.
  • SANDELANDS, Lloyd. E.; Joet BROCKNER ve Mary A. GLYNN; (1988), “If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again: Events of Persistence- Performance Contingencies, Ego Involvement, and Self-Esteem on Task Persistence”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 73, ss. 208-216.
  • STEERS, Richart M. ve Lyman W. PORTER; (1987), Motivation and Work Behavior, (4th Ed.), NY: McGraw-Hill, 436s.
  • STUMPF, Stephen A. ve Karen HARTMAN; (1984), “Individual Exploration to Organizational Commitment or Withdrawal”, Academy of Man- agement Journal, 27(2), ss.308-329.
  • SULLIVAN, Jerry J.; (1989), “Self Theories and Employee Motivation”, Jour- nal of Management, 15(2), ss. 345-363.
  • VROOM, Victor H.; (1964), Work and Motivation, New York: Wiley, 397s.
  • WAYNE, Turk; (2008), “Motivate Your People for Project Success”, Defense At&L, 37(4), July-August, ss. 44-47.
  • WIND, Yoram ve Thomas L. SAATY; (1980), "Marketing Applications of The Analytic Hierarchy Process", Management Science, XXVI, 7, ss. 641- 658.
Year 2009, Issue: 34, 315 - 337, 18.05.2015



  • ADAMS, John Stacey; (1965), “Inequity in Social Exchange” BERKOWITZ, (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Academic Press, New York, ss.267-299.
  • AKINCI, Zeki; (2002), “Turizm Sektöründe gören Tatminini Etkileyen Fak- törler: Be Yıldızlı Konaklama letmelerinde Bir Uygulama”, Ak- deniz Üniversitesi . .B.F. Dergisi, 4, ss. 1-25.
  • ALDERFER, Paul Alderfer; (1972), Existence, Relatedness and Growth: Human Needs in Organisational Settings, Free Press, New York, 248s.
  • BATMAZ, eyma; (2002), “Örgütlerde Motivasyonun Önemi”, Standart Der- gisi, 41(491), ss.45-48.
  • BEACH, S. Dale; (1980), Personnel: The Management of People at Work, Mcmillian Publishing Co. Inc., New York, 724s.
  • BENKHOFF, Birgit; (1992), “Catching Up on Competitors: How Organizations Can Motivate Employees to Work Harder”, The International Jour- nal of Human Resource Management 7(3), ss. 736-752.
  • B RDAL, lker ve Nilgün AYDEM R; (1992), Yönetim Teorileri, Sistem Yay- ıncılık, stanbul, 105s.
  • BLAU, Gary; (1993), “Operationalizing Direction and Level of Effort and Test- ing Their Relationships to Individual Job Performance”, Organiza- tional Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 55, ss. 152-170.
  • BOYETT, Joseph H. ve Jimmie T. BOYETT; (1999), “Four Essentials for Mo- tivating Employees in A Changing Environment”, Innovative Leader, October, 8(10), ss. 175-232.
  • CAN, Halil; Ahmet AKGÜN ve ahin KAVUNCUBA I; (1994), Kamu ve Özel Kesimde Personel Yönetimi, H.Ü. . .B.F. Yayınları, No:18, Ankara, 442s.
  • CAN, Halil; (1991), Organizasyon ve Yönetim, Adım Yayıncılık, Ankara, 225s.
  • CREECH, Regina; (1995), “Employee Motivation”, Management Quarterly, 36(2), ss. 33-40.
  • ÇELTEK, Evrim; (2003), “Motivasyon Yönetimi”, güç Dergisi, 6(1), ss. 8- 17.
  • Ç MEN, Mesut; (2000), TSK Sa lık Personelinin Tükenmi lik, i Doyumu, Kuruma Ba lılık ve i ten Ayrılma Niyetlerine li kin Bir Alan Ara tırması, Yayımlanmamı Doktora Tezi, Gata Sa .Bil.Enst., An- kara, 190s.
  • DECI, Edward L. ve Richard M. RYAN; (1985), Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behaviour, New York, Plenum, 367s.
  • DECI, Edward L.; (1975), Intrinsic Motivation, New York, Plenum, 324s.
  • DEM RUTKU, Kür ad; (2000), Influence of Motivational Profile on Organ- izational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: A Cultural Explora- tion, ODTÜ, Ankara: Yayınlanmamı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 102s.
  • DOMEYER, Diane; (1998), “Building and Maintaining Employee Motivation”, Women in Business, 50(6), ss. 32-43.
  • DYERS, James S.; (1990), “Remarks on the Analytic Hierarchy Process”, Management Science, 36(3), ss. 249-259.
  • ELLIOT, Andrew J. ve Marchy A. CHURCH; (1997), “A Hierarchical Model of Approach and Avoidance Achievement Motivation”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, ss. 218-232.
  • ELLIOT, Andrew J. ve Judith M. HARACKIEWICZ; (1994), “Goal Setting, Achievement Orientation, and Intrinsic Motivation: A Mediational Analysis”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, ss. 665
  • ELLIOT, Andrew J. ve Todd M. THRASH; (2002), “Approach-Avoidance Motivation in Personality: Approach and Avoidance Temperaments and Goals”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82 (5), ss. 804-822.
  • EREN, Erol; (2004), Örgütsel Davranı ve Yönetim Psikolojisi, 8.Baskı, Beta Yay. stanbul, 428s.
  • ERGÜL, Hüseyin Fazlı; (2005), “Motivasyon ve Motivasyon Teknikleri”, Dicle Üniversitesi Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4(14), ss. 67-79.
  • ERO LU, Feyzullah; (2000), Davranı Bilimleri, stanbul: Beta, 5. Baskı, 308s.
  • GANTT, Henry Laurence; (1919), Organising for Work, Harcourt, Brace and Howe, New York, 113s.
  • GIBBONS, Robert; (1998), “Incentives in Organizations”, Journal of Eco- nomic Perspective, ss. 115-132.
  • GILBRETH, Frank Bunker; (1911), Motion Study, Van Nostrand, New York, 303s.
  • GRANT, Adam M.; Elizabeth M.CAMPBEL; Grace CHEN; Keenan COTTONE; David LAPEDIS ve Karen LEE; (2007), “Impact and the Art of Motivation Maintenance: The Effects, of Contact with Benefici- aries on Persistence Behavior”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 103, ss. 53-67.
  • GRATTON, Lynda; (1999), “People Processes As A Source of Competitive Advantage”, Strategic Human Resource Management, Oxford Uni- versity Press, Oxford, ss. 178-192.
  • HACKMAN, J. Richard ve Greg R. OLDHAM; (1980), Work Redesign, Ad- dison, Wesley Publishing Company, Massachusetts, Caiifornia: Read- ing, 284s.
  • HAILEY, Veronica H.; (1999), “Contextual Diversity for the Role and Practice of HR”, Strategic Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press, Oxford, ss. 103-125.
  • HAVILAND, William A.; (1992), Anthropology (6. Baskı), NY: McGraw- Hill, 575s.
  • HECKHAUSEN, Heinz; (1967), The Anatomy of Achievement Motivation, NY: Academic Press, 215s.
  • HEIDER, Fritz; (1958), The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations, Wiley, New York, 322s.
  • HERZBERG, Frederick; (1966), Work and The Nature of Man, World Pub- lishing Co., New York, 203s.
  • HOWEL, William Carl ve Robert L. DIPBOYE; (1986), Essentials of Indus- trial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago: The Dorsey Press, Third Edition, 414s.
  • HULL, Clark Leonard; (1951), Essentials of Behaviors, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 145s.
  • JALAJAS, David S. ve Michael BOMMER; (1999), “The Influence of Job Mo- tivation Versus Downsizing on Individual Behavior”, Human Re- source Development Quarterly, 10(4), ss.329-341.
  • KATSVA, Masha ve Stephen E. CONDREY; (2005), “Motivating Personnel at Russian Nuclear Power Plants: A Case-Study of Motivation Theory Application”, Public Personnel Management, 34(4), Winter, ss. 343- 356.
  • KIRÇI Zafer; (2007), Motivasyon Unsuru Olarak Kariyer Geli tirme ve Bir Uygulama, Yayımlanmamı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erzurum, 155s.
  • KOÇEL, Tamer; (2003), letme Yöneticili i, 9. Baskı, Beta Yayıncılık, stan- bul, 544s.
  • KOMINIS, George ve Clive R. EMMANUEL; (2007), “The Expectancy– Valence Theory Revisited: Developing an Extended Model of Manage- rial Motivation”, Management Accounting Research, 18, ss. 49-75.
  • KORSGAARD, M. Audrey; Harry J. SAPIENZA ve David M. SCHWEIGER; (2002), “Beaten before Begun: The Role of Procedural Justice in Plan- ning Change”, Journal of Management, 28(4), ss. 497-516.
  • KOVACH, Kennth A.; (1995), “Employee Motivation: Addressing a Crucial Factor in Your Organization’s Performance”, Employee Relations Today, 22(2), ss. 93-105.
  • LINDNER, James R.; (1998), “Understanding Employee Motivation”, Journal of Extension, 36(3), ss. 1-8.
  • LOCKE, Eric A.; (1968), “Towards A Theory Of Task Motivation and Incen- tives”, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 3, ss.157- 189.
  • LOVIO, George C.; (1992), “What Motivates Best?”, Sales and Marketing Management, 144(4), ss.113-127.
  • LUTHANS, Fred; (1997), Organizational Behavior, Mcgraw Hill, Singapore, 608s.
  • MARKUS, Hazel R. ve Shinobu KITAYAMA; (1991), “Culture and The Self: Implications for Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation”, Psychological Review, 98(2), ss.224-253.
  • MASLOW, Abraham H.; (1943), “A Theory of Human Motivation”, Psychological Review, Vol.50, ss. 390-396.
  • MCCLELLAND, David C. ve Richard BOYATZIS; (1984), “Leadership Mo- tive Pattern and Long- Term Success in Management” içinde Charles D. SPIELBERGER Ed., Motives, Personality, and Society: Selected Papers, New York: Praeger, ss. 737-743.
  • MCCLELLAND, David C.; (1961), The Achieving Society, Van Norstrand, Princeton, 532s.
  • McGEE, Marianne Kolbas ve Mike FILON; (1996), “If You Want Workers to Be More Productive, Energize them”, Information Week, ss. 90-103.
  • MICELI, Maria ve Cristiano CASTELFRANCHI; (2000), “Nature and Mecha- nisms of Loss of Motivation”, Review of General Psychology, 4, ss.238-263.
  • OSTERLAH, Margit; Bruno S. FREY ve Jetta FROST; (2001), “Managing Motivation, Organization and Governance”, Journal of Management and Governance, 23 August, ss.231-239.
  • ÖZTÜRK, Zekai ve Hakan DÜNDAR; (2003), “Örgütsel Motivasyon ve Kamu Çalı anlarını Motive Eden Faktörler”, C.Ü. ktisadi ve dari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 4, Sayı 2, ss. 57-67.
  • PARSONS, Elizabeth ve Adelina BROADBRIDG; (2006), “Job Motivation and Satisfaction: Unpacking the Key Factors for Charity Shop Manag- ers”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 13, ss.121-131.
  • PINDER, Craig C.; (1998), Work Motivation in Organizational Behavior, Upper Saddle River, Nj: Prentice-Hall, 660s.
  • PORTER, Lyman W. ve Edward E. LAWLER; (1968), Managerial Attitudes and Performances, Irwin-Dorsey, Homewood, 209s.
  • PORTER, Lyman W.; Edward E. LAWLER, ve J. Richard HACKMAN; (1975), Behavior in Organizations, Mcgraw-Hill, New York, 561s.
  • REMEDIOS, Richard ve Nick BOREHAM; (2004), “Organizational Learning and Employees’ Intrinsic Motivation”, Journal of Education and Work, 17 (2), June, ss.219-235.
  • SAATY, Thomas L.; (1985), Analytical Planning, Pittsburg, RWS Publica- tions, 208s.
  • SAATY, Thomas L.; (1990), “How to Make a Decision: The Analytic Hierar- chy Process”, European Journal of Operational Research, 48, ss.9
  • SABUNCUO LU, Zeyyat ve Melek TÜZ; (2001), Örgütsel Psikoloji, 4.Baskı, Ezgi Kitabevi, Bursa, 362s.
  • SANDELANDS, Lloyd. E.; Joet BROCKNER ve Mary A. GLYNN; (1988), “If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again: Events of Persistence- Performance Contingencies, Ego Involvement, and Self-Esteem on Task Persistence”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 73, ss. 208-216.
  • STEERS, Richart M. ve Lyman W. PORTER; (1987), Motivation and Work Behavior, (4th Ed.), NY: McGraw-Hill, 436s.
  • STUMPF, Stephen A. ve Karen HARTMAN; (1984), “Individual Exploration to Organizational Commitment or Withdrawal”, Academy of Man- agement Journal, 27(2), ss.308-329.
  • SULLIVAN, Jerry J.; (1989), “Self Theories and Employee Motivation”, Jour- nal of Management, 15(2), ss. 345-363.
  • VROOM, Victor H.; (1964), Work and Motivation, New York: Wiley, 397s.
  • WAYNE, Turk; (2008), “Motivate Your People for Project Success”, Defense At&L, 37(4), July-August, ss. 44-47.
  • WIND, Yoram ve Thomas L. SAATY; (1980), "Marketing Applications of The Analytic Hierarchy Process", Management Science, XXVI, 7, ss. 641- 658.
There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Ömer Turunç This is me

Mehmet Kabak This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 34


APA Turunç, Ö., & Kabak, M. (2015). DEĞİŞEN ÇALIŞMA YAŞAMINDA MOTİVASYON FAKTÖR ÖNCELİKLERİNİN ANALİTİK HİYERARŞİ YÖNTEMİYLE (AHY) BELİRLENMESİ. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(34), 315-337.

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