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Year 2009, Issue: 34, 339 - 359, 18.05.2015


Bilgi, günümüzün toplumlarını etkileyen vazgeçilmez unsurlardan biridir. Rekabetin ve üstünlüğün temelini oluşturmaktadır. Özellikle taklidi zor, aktarılamayan ve ifade edilemeyen örtülü bilgi, rekabet avantajı yaratmada önemli bir güçtür. Rekabette üstünlüğün elde edilmesi, örtülü bilginin keşfi ve somutlaştırılması ile anlam bulmaktadır.

Bu çalışma bilgi, örtülü bilgi, örtülü bilginin keşfi ve somutlaştırılması konularını kapsamaktadır. Şirince örtülü bir bilgi olduğundan, çalışma Şirince’de yapılmıştır. Şirince’deki örtülü bilgi kaynaklarının keşfi, Şirince’nin ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel gelişimini etkileyecektir.


  • AMBROSINI, Veronique ve Cliff BOWMAN; (2001), “Tacit Knowledge: Some Suggestions for Operationalization”, The Journal of Management Studies, 38(6), ss. 811-839.
  • ARSLANO LU, brahim; (2005), “Kültür ve Medeniyet Kavramları”, nternet Adresi: www.Hbektas.Gazi.Edu.Tr/15.Dergi , Eri im Tarihi: 10.12.2005.
  • BARCA, Mehmet; (2005), “Yeni Ekonomide Bilgi Yönetiminin Stratejik Öne- mi”, nternet Adresi: http://www.Bilgiyonetimi.Org/Cm/ Pages/Mkl_ Gos.Php?Nt=145 Eri im Tarihi: 29.08.2005.
  • BARUTÇUG L, smet; (2002), Bilgi Yönetimi, Kariyer Yayıncılık, stanbul, 232s.
  • BENSGH R, Türksel Kaya; (1996), Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Örgütsel De i im, Todai Yayın No: 274, Ankara, 385s.
  • BLOODGOOD, James M. ve David SALISBURY; (2001), “Understanding The Influence of Organizational Change Strategies On Information Technology and Knowledge Management Strategies”, Decision Sup- port Systems, 31(1), ss. 55-69.
  • BOIRAL, Olivier; (2002), “Tacit Knowledge and Environmental Management”, Long Range Planning, 35(3), ss. 291-317.
  • BOLAT, Süleyman; (2007), Bilgi Ekonomisinde Örtülü Bilginin Önemi ve Rekabet Avantajı Yaratmada Örtülü Bilgi Kaynaklarının Ke fi: irince’de Bir Uygulama, Basılmamı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi SBE, Aydın, 159s.
  • BUCKLEY, Ralf; (2003), “Natural Area Tourism: Ecology Impacts and Man- agement”, Annals of Tourism Research, 30(2), ss. 497-499.
  • CAEGENEM, William Van; (2005), “Inter-firm Migration of Tacit Knowledge: Law and Policy”, Prometheus, 23(3), ss. 285-306.
  • CANO, Lucero Morales ve Avis MYSYK; (2004), “Cultural Tourism, The State and The Day of The Dead”, Annals of Tourism Research, 31(4), ss. 879-898.
  • DAWSON, Patrick; (1997), “In at the Deep End: Conducting Processual Re- search on Organizational Change”, Scandinavian Journal of Man- agement, 13(4), ss. 389-405.
  • DIERICKX, Ingemar ve Karel COOL; (1989), “Asset Stock Accumulation and Sustainability of Competitive Advantage”, Management Science, 35(12), ss. 1504-1511.
  • DO AN, Hulusi; (2006), Ahilik ve Örtülü Bilgi, Ekin Kitabevi, Bursa, 210s.
  • DUMAS, Angela ve Andrew FENTEM; (1998), “Totemics: New Metaphor Techniques To Manage Knowledge From Discovery To Storage And Retrieval”, Technovation, 18(8-9), ss. 513-521.
  • DURA, Cihan ve Hayriye AT K; (2002), Bilgi Toplumu, Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Türkiye, Literatür Yayıncılık, stanbul, 341s.
  • ERKAN, Hüsnü; (1998), Bilgi Toplumu ve Ekonomik Geli me, Türkiye Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Genel Yayın No: 326, Ankara, 251s.
  • GERTLER, Meric S.; (2003), “Tacit Knowledge and The Economic Geography of Context, or The Undefinable Tacitness of Being (there)”, Journal of Economic Geography 3(1), ss. 75-99.
  • GRANT, Robert; 1(991), “The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advan- tage: Implications for Strategy Formulation”, California Management Review, 33(3), ss. 114-135.
  • GÜRAK, Hasan; (2005), “Önce Bilgili nsan - Ekonomik Büyüme ve Refahın Gerçek Kaynakları Olan: Üretken Bilgi (Teknoloji) ve Bilgili nsan Üzerine”, nternet Adresi: http://www.Bilgiyonetimi.Org/Cm/Pages/ Mkl_Gos.Php?Nt=280, Eri im Tarihi : 16.09.2005.
  • HAMMAREN, Maria; (2006), “Skill, Storytelling and Language: on Reflection as a Method”, iç. Bo GÖRANZON, Maria HAMMAREN ve Richard ENNALS (Ed.), Dialogue, Skill and Tacit Knowledge, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, England, 357s.
  • HEDLUND, Jennifer; George B. FORSYTHE, Joseph A. HORVATH, Wendy M. WILLIAMS, Scott SNOOK ve Robert J. STERNBERG; (2003), “Identifying And Assessing Tacit Knowledge: Understanding The Practice Intelligence of Military Leaders”, The Leadership Quar- terly, 14(2), ss. 117-140.
  • HOWELLS, Jeremy R.L.; (1996), “Tacit Knowledge, Innovation and Technol- ogy Transfer”, Technology Analysis and Startegic Management, 8(2), ss. 91-106.
  • HOWELLS, Jeremy R. L.; (2002), “Tacit Knowledge, Innovation and Eco- nomic Geography”, Urban Studies, 39(5-6), ss. 871-884.
  • HUGHES, Howard ve Danielle ALLEN; (2005), “Cultural Tourism In Central And Eastern Europe: The Views of Induced Image Formation Agents”, Tourism Management, 26(2), ss. 173-183.
  • B C O LU, Hasan ve Hulusi DO AN; (2006), letmelerde Örtülü Bilgi ve
  • Önemi, Ekin Kitabevi, Bursa, 258s.
  • JOHANNESSEN, Jon-Arild; Bjorn OLSEN ve Johan OLAISEN; (1999), “As- pects of Innovation Theory Based on Knowledge Management”, Inter- national Journal of Information Management, 19(2), ss. 121-139.
  • JOHANNESSEN, Jon-Arild; Johan OLAISEN ve Bjorn OLSEN ; (2001), “Mismanagement of Tacit Knowledge: The Importance of Tacit Knowledge, The Danger of Information Technology And What To Do About It”, International Journal of Information Management, 21(1), ss. 3-20.
  • JONES, Russels Douglass; (2006), “Histories of Tourism: Representation, Iden- tity And Conflict”, Annals of Tourism Research, 33(3), ss. 876-878.
  • KAPLAN, Adnan; Erhan KÜÇÜKERBA ve Bülent ÖZKAN; (1997), “ irince Yerle iminin Rekreasyonel Turizm Yönüyle ncelenmesi”, Birinci Uluslararası Geçmi ten Günümüze Selçuk Sempozyumu, Selçuk Be- lediyesi Yayınları, zmir, 397s.
  • KOSKINEN, Kaj U.; (2000), “Tacit Knowledge as a Prometer of Project Suc- cess” European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 6(1), ss. 41-47.
  • MANN, Pete; (2001), “Tacit Knowledge in an Age of Reform”, The Interna- tional Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(1), ss. 76-90.
  • LAWSON, Clive ve Edward LORENZ; (1998), “Collective Learning, Tacit Knowledge And Regional Innovative Capacity”, Regional Studies, 33(4), ss. 305-317.
  • LUBIT, Roy; (2001), “Tacit Knowledge And Knowledge Management: The Keys To Sustainable Competitive Advantages”, Organizational Dy- namics, 29(3), ss. 164-178.
  • MACDONALD, Roberta ve Lee JOLLIFFE; (2003), “Cultural Rural Tourism: Evidence From Canada”, Annals of Tourism Research, 30(2), ss. 307-322.
  • MAJUMDAR, Suprabhat; (2005), “Preservation And Conservation of Literacy Heritage: A Case Study of India”, The International Information & Library Review, 37(3), ss. 179-187.
  • MALONE, David; (2002), “Knowledge Management A Model For Organiza- tional Learning”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 3(2), ss. 111-123.
  • PERRET, Raphael; Marcos R.S. BORGES ve Flavia Maria SANTORO; (2004), “Applying Group Storytelling In Knowledge Management”, 10. Criwg, Lncs, 3198, ss. 34-41.
  • POLANYI, Michael; (1958), Personel Knowledge: Toward a Post-Critical Philosophy, Chicago University Press, Chicago, 428s.
  • POLANYI, Michael; (1966), Tacit Dimension, Doubleday, New York, 108s.
  • REED, Richard ve Robert J. DEFILLIPPI; (1990), “Casual Ambiguity, Barriers to Imitation and Sustainable Competitive Advantages”, Academy of Management Review, 15(1), ss. 88-102.
  • ROBERTS, Joanne; (2001), “The Drive to Codify: Implications for the Knowl- edge-based Economy”, Prometheus, 19(2), ss. 99-116.
  • SAVIOTTI, Pier Paolo; (1998), “On the Dynamics of Appropriability, of Tacit and of Codified Knowledge”, Research Policy, 26(7-8), ss. 843-856.
  • SAYIN, Önal; (1997), “ irince Köyü’ne Sosyolojik Bir Bakı ”, Birinci Ulusla- rarası Geçmi ten Günümüze Selçuk Sempozyumu, Selçuk Belediyesi Yayınları, zmir, 397s.
  • SCHULZ, Martin ve JOBE, A. Lloyd; (2001), “Codification And Tacitness As Knowledge Management Studies: An Empirical Exploration”, Journal of High Technology of Accounting Information Systems, 12(1), ss. 139-165.
  • STYHRE, Alexander; (2004), “Rethinking Knowledge: A Bergsonian Critique of The Notion of Tacit Knowledge”, British Journal of Management, 15(2), ss. 177-188.
  • TAGGART, Geoff; (2002), “Spiritual Literacy And Tacit Knowledge”, Journal of Beliefs & Values, 23(1), ss. 7-17.
  • TÜL, ükrü; (1997), irince, Bir Zamanlar Çirkince, Ege Yayınları No: 10, Gezi Dizisi No: 2, stanbul, 67s.
  • U URO LU, Ay egül; Semra SALGIRLI, Melek ATAKAN ve Selahattin GÜLER; (1983), irince’de Tarihsel Dokunun Korunması ve Tu- rizm Amaçlı Kullanımı, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlı ı (Planlama ve Yatırımlar Dairesi Ara tırma Grup Ba kanlı ı) Yayın No: 1983/3, An- kara, 72s.
  • URAL, Ayhan ve brahim KILIÇ; (2005), Bilimsel Ara tırma Süreci ve SPSS le Veri Analizi, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara, 274s.
  • WATSON, John; Steven LYSONSKI, Tamara GILLAN ve Leslie RAYMORE; (2002), “Cultural Values And Important Possessions: A Cultural Analysis”, Journal of Business Research, 55(11), ss. 923-931.
  • WEIGELT, Keith ve Colin CAMERER; (1988), “Reputation and Corporate Strategy: A Review of Recent Theory and Applications”, Strategic Management Journal, 9(5), ss. 443-454.
  • WOO, Jeong Han; Mark J. CLAYTON, Robert E. JOHNSON, Benito E. FLORES ve Christopher ELLIS; (2004), “Dynamic Knowledge Map: Reusing Experts’ Tacit Knowledge In The Aec Industry”, Automa- tion In Construction, 13(2), ss. 203-207.
Year 2009, Issue: 34, 339 - 359, 18.05.2015



  • AMBROSINI, Veronique ve Cliff BOWMAN; (2001), “Tacit Knowledge: Some Suggestions for Operationalization”, The Journal of Management Studies, 38(6), ss. 811-839.
  • ARSLANO LU, brahim; (2005), “Kültür ve Medeniyet Kavramları”, nternet Adresi: www.Hbektas.Gazi.Edu.Tr/15.Dergi , Eri im Tarihi: 10.12.2005.
  • BARCA, Mehmet; (2005), “Yeni Ekonomide Bilgi Yönetiminin Stratejik Öne- mi”, nternet Adresi: http://www.Bilgiyonetimi.Org/Cm/ Pages/Mkl_ Gos.Php?Nt=145 Eri im Tarihi: 29.08.2005.
  • BARUTÇUG L, smet; (2002), Bilgi Yönetimi, Kariyer Yayıncılık, stanbul, 232s.
  • BENSGH R, Türksel Kaya; (1996), Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Örgütsel De i im, Todai Yayın No: 274, Ankara, 385s.
  • BLOODGOOD, James M. ve David SALISBURY; (2001), “Understanding The Influence of Organizational Change Strategies On Information Technology and Knowledge Management Strategies”, Decision Sup- port Systems, 31(1), ss. 55-69.
  • BOIRAL, Olivier; (2002), “Tacit Knowledge and Environmental Management”, Long Range Planning, 35(3), ss. 291-317.
  • BOLAT, Süleyman; (2007), Bilgi Ekonomisinde Örtülü Bilginin Önemi ve Rekabet Avantajı Yaratmada Örtülü Bilgi Kaynaklarının Ke fi: irince’de Bir Uygulama, Basılmamı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi SBE, Aydın, 159s.
  • BUCKLEY, Ralf; (2003), “Natural Area Tourism: Ecology Impacts and Man- agement”, Annals of Tourism Research, 30(2), ss. 497-499.
  • CAEGENEM, William Van; (2005), “Inter-firm Migration of Tacit Knowledge: Law and Policy”, Prometheus, 23(3), ss. 285-306.
  • CANO, Lucero Morales ve Avis MYSYK; (2004), “Cultural Tourism, The State and The Day of The Dead”, Annals of Tourism Research, 31(4), ss. 879-898.
  • DAWSON, Patrick; (1997), “In at the Deep End: Conducting Processual Re- search on Organizational Change”, Scandinavian Journal of Man- agement, 13(4), ss. 389-405.
  • DIERICKX, Ingemar ve Karel COOL; (1989), “Asset Stock Accumulation and Sustainability of Competitive Advantage”, Management Science, 35(12), ss. 1504-1511.
  • DO AN, Hulusi; (2006), Ahilik ve Örtülü Bilgi, Ekin Kitabevi, Bursa, 210s.
  • DUMAS, Angela ve Andrew FENTEM; (1998), “Totemics: New Metaphor Techniques To Manage Knowledge From Discovery To Storage And Retrieval”, Technovation, 18(8-9), ss. 513-521.
  • DURA, Cihan ve Hayriye AT K; (2002), Bilgi Toplumu, Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Türkiye, Literatür Yayıncılık, stanbul, 341s.
  • ERKAN, Hüsnü; (1998), Bilgi Toplumu ve Ekonomik Geli me, Türkiye Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Genel Yayın No: 326, Ankara, 251s.
  • GERTLER, Meric S.; (2003), “Tacit Knowledge and The Economic Geography of Context, or The Undefinable Tacitness of Being (there)”, Journal of Economic Geography 3(1), ss. 75-99.
  • GRANT, Robert; 1(991), “The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advan- tage: Implications for Strategy Formulation”, California Management Review, 33(3), ss. 114-135.
  • GÜRAK, Hasan; (2005), “Önce Bilgili nsan - Ekonomik Büyüme ve Refahın Gerçek Kaynakları Olan: Üretken Bilgi (Teknoloji) ve Bilgili nsan Üzerine”, nternet Adresi: http://www.Bilgiyonetimi.Org/Cm/Pages/ Mkl_Gos.Php?Nt=280, Eri im Tarihi : 16.09.2005.
  • HAMMAREN, Maria; (2006), “Skill, Storytelling and Language: on Reflection as a Method”, iç. Bo GÖRANZON, Maria HAMMAREN ve Richard ENNALS (Ed.), Dialogue, Skill and Tacit Knowledge, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, England, 357s.
  • HEDLUND, Jennifer; George B. FORSYTHE, Joseph A. HORVATH, Wendy M. WILLIAMS, Scott SNOOK ve Robert J. STERNBERG; (2003), “Identifying And Assessing Tacit Knowledge: Understanding The Practice Intelligence of Military Leaders”, The Leadership Quar- terly, 14(2), ss. 117-140.
  • HOWELLS, Jeremy R.L.; (1996), “Tacit Knowledge, Innovation and Technol- ogy Transfer”, Technology Analysis and Startegic Management, 8(2), ss. 91-106.
  • HOWELLS, Jeremy R. L.; (2002), “Tacit Knowledge, Innovation and Eco- nomic Geography”, Urban Studies, 39(5-6), ss. 871-884.
  • HUGHES, Howard ve Danielle ALLEN; (2005), “Cultural Tourism In Central And Eastern Europe: The Views of Induced Image Formation Agents”, Tourism Management, 26(2), ss. 173-183.
  • B C O LU, Hasan ve Hulusi DO AN; (2006), letmelerde Örtülü Bilgi ve
  • Önemi, Ekin Kitabevi, Bursa, 258s.
  • JOHANNESSEN, Jon-Arild; Bjorn OLSEN ve Johan OLAISEN; (1999), “As- pects of Innovation Theory Based on Knowledge Management”, Inter- national Journal of Information Management, 19(2), ss. 121-139.
  • JOHANNESSEN, Jon-Arild; Johan OLAISEN ve Bjorn OLSEN ; (2001), “Mismanagement of Tacit Knowledge: The Importance of Tacit Knowledge, The Danger of Information Technology And What To Do About It”, International Journal of Information Management, 21(1), ss. 3-20.
  • JONES, Russels Douglass; (2006), “Histories of Tourism: Representation, Iden- tity And Conflict”, Annals of Tourism Research, 33(3), ss. 876-878.
  • KAPLAN, Adnan; Erhan KÜÇÜKERBA ve Bülent ÖZKAN; (1997), “ irince Yerle iminin Rekreasyonel Turizm Yönüyle ncelenmesi”, Birinci Uluslararası Geçmi ten Günümüze Selçuk Sempozyumu, Selçuk Be- lediyesi Yayınları, zmir, 397s.
  • KOSKINEN, Kaj U.; (2000), “Tacit Knowledge as a Prometer of Project Suc- cess” European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 6(1), ss. 41-47.
  • MANN, Pete; (2001), “Tacit Knowledge in an Age of Reform”, The Interna- tional Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(1), ss. 76-90.
  • LAWSON, Clive ve Edward LORENZ; (1998), “Collective Learning, Tacit Knowledge And Regional Innovative Capacity”, Regional Studies, 33(4), ss. 305-317.
  • LUBIT, Roy; (2001), “Tacit Knowledge And Knowledge Management: The Keys To Sustainable Competitive Advantages”, Organizational Dy- namics, 29(3), ss. 164-178.
  • MACDONALD, Roberta ve Lee JOLLIFFE; (2003), “Cultural Rural Tourism: Evidence From Canada”, Annals of Tourism Research, 30(2), ss. 307-322.
  • MAJUMDAR, Suprabhat; (2005), “Preservation And Conservation of Literacy Heritage: A Case Study of India”, The International Information & Library Review, 37(3), ss. 179-187.
  • MALONE, David; (2002), “Knowledge Management A Model For Organiza- tional Learning”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 3(2), ss. 111-123.
  • PERRET, Raphael; Marcos R.S. BORGES ve Flavia Maria SANTORO; (2004), “Applying Group Storytelling In Knowledge Management”, 10. Criwg, Lncs, 3198, ss. 34-41.
  • POLANYI, Michael; (1958), Personel Knowledge: Toward a Post-Critical Philosophy, Chicago University Press, Chicago, 428s.
  • POLANYI, Michael; (1966), Tacit Dimension, Doubleday, New York, 108s.
  • REED, Richard ve Robert J. DEFILLIPPI; (1990), “Casual Ambiguity, Barriers to Imitation and Sustainable Competitive Advantages”, Academy of Management Review, 15(1), ss. 88-102.
  • ROBERTS, Joanne; (2001), “The Drive to Codify: Implications for the Knowl- edge-based Economy”, Prometheus, 19(2), ss. 99-116.
  • SAVIOTTI, Pier Paolo; (1998), “On the Dynamics of Appropriability, of Tacit and of Codified Knowledge”, Research Policy, 26(7-8), ss. 843-856.
  • SAYIN, Önal; (1997), “ irince Köyü’ne Sosyolojik Bir Bakı ”, Birinci Ulusla- rarası Geçmi ten Günümüze Selçuk Sempozyumu, Selçuk Belediyesi Yayınları, zmir, 397s.
  • SCHULZ, Martin ve JOBE, A. Lloyd; (2001), “Codification And Tacitness As Knowledge Management Studies: An Empirical Exploration”, Journal of High Technology of Accounting Information Systems, 12(1), ss. 139-165.
  • STYHRE, Alexander; (2004), “Rethinking Knowledge: A Bergsonian Critique of The Notion of Tacit Knowledge”, British Journal of Management, 15(2), ss. 177-188.
  • TAGGART, Geoff; (2002), “Spiritual Literacy And Tacit Knowledge”, Journal of Beliefs & Values, 23(1), ss. 7-17.
  • TÜL, ükrü; (1997), irince, Bir Zamanlar Çirkince, Ege Yayınları No: 10, Gezi Dizisi No: 2, stanbul, 67s.
  • U URO LU, Ay egül; Semra SALGIRLI, Melek ATAKAN ve Selahattin GÜLER; (1983), irince’de Tarihsel Dokunun Korunması ve Tu- rizm Amaçlı Kullanımı, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlı ı (Planlama ve Yatırımlar Dairesi Ara tırma Grup Ba kanlı ı) Yayın No: 1983/3, An- kara, 72s.
  • URAL, Ayhan ve brahim KILIÇ; (2005), Bilimsel Ara tırma Süreci ve SPSS le Veri Analizi, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara, 274s.
  • WATSON, John; Steven LYSONSKI, Tamara GILLAN ve Leslie RAYMORE; (2002), “Cultural Values And Important Possessions: A Cultural Analysis”, Journal of Business Research, 55(11), ss. 923-931.
  • WEIGELT, Keith ve Colin CAMERER; (1988), “Reputation and Corporate Strategy: A Review of Recent Theory and Applications”, Strategic Management Journal, 9(5), ss. 443-454.
  • WOO, Jeong Han; Mark J. CLAYTON, Robert E. JOHNSON, Benito E. FLORES ve Christopher ELLIS; (2004), “Dynamic Knowledge Map: Reusing Experts’ Tacit Knowledge In The Aec Industry”, Automa- tion In Construction, 13(2), ss. 203-207.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Süleyman Bolat This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 34


APA Bolat, S. (2015). ÖRTÜLÜ BİLGİ KAYNAKLARININ KEŞFİ VE SOMUTLAŞTIRILMASI: ŞİRİNCE ÖRNEĞİ. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(34), 339-359.

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