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Year 2009, Issue: 34, 117 - 137, 18.05.2015


Sağlık harcamaları bütün OECD ülkelerinde son otuz yıl içinde yalnızca artmakla kalmayıp aynı zamanda giderek farklılaşmaktadır. Bu gelişmeler OECD ülkeleri arasındaki farklılığı açıklayabilmek için sağlık harcamalarını belirleyen faktörlerin analiz edilmesine neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu çalışma sağlık harcamalarındaki farklılıkları kişi başına sağlık harcamaları ile iktisadi ve iktisadi olmayan diğer faktörlerle ilişkilendirerek açıklamaktadır. Panel veri analizi yöntemine dayanan çalışma 1984-2005 yıllarını kapsamaktadır. Ampirik sonuçlar kişi başına GSYİH ile diğer değişkenler kişi başına sağlık harcamalarındaki değişiklikleri güçlü bir şekilde açıklamaktadır. Aynı zamanda ampirik sonuçlar OECD ülkelerinde sağlık hizmetlerinin teknik olarak lüks değil ihtiyaç olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • BALTAGI, Badi H.; (2001), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, John Wiley, New York, 304s.
  • BARROS, Pedro Pita; (1998), “The Black Box of Health Care Expenditure Growth Determinants”, Health Economics, 7, ss. 533–544.
  • BLOMQVIST, G. Ake ve Robin A. L. CARTER; (1997), “Is Health Care Really a Luxury?”, Journal of Health Economics, 16(2), ss. 207–229.
  • BUSSE, Reinhard; (2001), “Expenditure on Health Care in the EU: Making Projections for the Future Based on the Past”, The European Journal of Health Economics, 2(4), ss. 158-161.
  • CANTARERO, David ve Santiago LAGE-PENAS; (2010), “The Determinants of Health Care Expenditure: a Reexamination”, Applied Economics Letters, 17 (7), ss. 723–726.
  • CUTLER, M. David ve Mark McCLELLAN; (2001), “Is Technological Change InMedicineWorth It?”, Health Affairs, September-October, ss. 11-29.
  • DI MATTEO, Livio ve Rosanna DI MATTEO; (1998), “Evidence on The De- terminants of Canadian Provincial Government Health Expenditures: 1965–1991” Journal of Health Economics, 17(2), ss. 211–228.
  • DI MATTEO, Livio; (2005), “The Macro Determinants of health Expenditure in the Unites States and Canada: Assessing the Impact of Income, Age Distribution and Time”, Health Policy, 71, ss. 23-42.
  • ERDTHAM, Ulf-G ve Mickael LÖTHGREN; (2000), “On Stationarity and Cointegration of International Health Expenditure and GDP”, Journal of Health Economics, 19(4), ss. 461–475.
  • FELDSTEIN, Martin; (1995), “The Economics of Health and Health Care: What Have We Learned? What Have I Learned?”, The American Economic Review, 85 (2), ss. 28-31.
  • GERDTHAM, Ulf-G ve Bengt JÖNSSON; (1991), “Conversion Factor Insta- bility in International Comparisons of Health Care Expenditure”, Journal of Health Economics, 10(2), ss. 227–234.
  • GERDTHAM, Ulf-G ve Bengt JÖNSSON; (2000), International Comparisons of Health Expenditure: Theory, Data and Econometric Analysis, (ed.) Culyer, Anthony J., ve Newhouse, Joseph P., içinde Handbook of health economics, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 890s.
  • GERDTHAM, Ulf-G; Jes SOGAARD; Fredrik ANDERSSON ve Bengt JÖNSSON; (1992), “An Econometric Analysis of Health Care Expen- diture: A Cross-section Study of The OECD Countries”, Journal of Health Economics, 11(1), ss. 63-84.
  • GETZEN, E. Thomas; (2000), “Health Care is an Individual Necessity and a National Luxury: Applying Multilevel Decision Models to The Analy- sis of Health Care Expenditures”, Journal of Health Economics, 19(2), ss. 259–270.
  • GETZEN, E. Thomas; (2006), “Aggregation and the Measurement of Health Care Costs”, Health Services Research, 41(5), ss. 1938-1954.
  • GOUVEIA, Miguel; (1997), “Majority Rule and The Public Provision of a Pri- vate Good”, Public Choice, 93, ss. 221–244.
  • GREENE, H. Willliam; (1993), Econometric Analysis, McMillan, New York, 791s.
  • HANSEN, Paul ve Alan KING; (1996), “The Determinants of Health Care Ex- penditure: a Cointegration Approach”, Journal of Health Economics, 15(1), ss. 127–137.
  • HAUSMAN, A. Jery; (1978), “Specification Tests in Econometrics”, Econometrica, 46, ss. 1251 – 1271.
  • HITIRIS, Theodore ve Joseph POSNETT; (1992), “The Determinants and Ef- fects of Health Expenditure in Developed Countries”, Journal of Health Economics, 11(2), ss. 173–181.
  • HITIRIS, Theodore; (1997), “Health Care Expenditure and Integration in The Countries of The European Union”, Applied Economics, 29, ss. 1-6.
  • HSIAO, Cheng; (2003), Analysis of Panel Data, 2nd edition, Cambridge Uni- versity Press, Cambridge, 384s.
  • HUBER, Manfred ve Eva OROSZ; (2003), “Health Expenditure Trends in The OECD Countries, 1990–2001”, Health Care Financing Review, 25(1), ss. 1–22
  • JONHSTON, Jack ve John DINARDO; (1997), Econometric Methods, McGraw-Hill, New York, 359s.
  • KARATZAS, George; (1992), “On The Effect of Income and Relative Price on The Demand for Health Care – the EEC Evidence: A Comment; Re- ply”, Applied Economics, 24, ss. 1251–1254.
  • KARATZAS, George; (2000), “On the Determinants of US Aggregate Health Care Expenditure”, Applied Economics, 32, ss. 1085 – 1099.
  • L ONARD, Christian, Sabine STORDEUR ve Dominique ROBERFROID; (2009), “Association Between Physician Density and Health Care Con- sumption: A Systematic Review of The Evidence”, Health Policy, 91(2), ss. 121-134.
  • LEU, E. Robert; (1986), The Public-Private Mix and International Health Care Cost, (ed.) Culyer, Anthony J. ve Bengt Jönsson, içinde Public and Private Health Services, B. Blackwell, ss. 41–63.
  • MILNE, Robin ve Hassan MOLANA; (1991), “On The Effect of Income and Relative Price on Demand for Health Care: EC Evidence”, Applied Economics, 23, ss. 1221–1226.
  • MOORE, William J.; Robert J. NEWMAN ve Mohammad FHEILI; (1992), “Measuring The Relationship Between Income and. NHEs”, Health Care Financing Review, 14(1), ss. 133-139.
  • MURTHY N. R. Vasudeva ve Albert A. OKUNADE; (2000), “Managed Care, Deficit Financing, and Aggregate Health Care Expenditure in the United States: A Cointegration Analysis”, Health Care Management Science, (3), ss. 279–285.
  • MURTHY N. R. Vasudeva ve Albert A. OKUNADE; (2009), “The Core De- terminants of Health Expenditure in The African Context: Some Econometric Evidence for Policy”, Health Policy, 91(1), ss. 57-62.
  • NEWHOUSE, P. Joseph; (1977), “Medical Care Expenditure: A Cross-national Survey”, Journal of Human Resources, 12, ss. 115–25.
  • OECD (2007), Health at a Glance 2007, OECD, Paris, 198s.
  • OECD (2008), Health Data 2008, OECD, Paris, 213s.
  • OKUNADE, A. Albert ve Chutima SURARATDECHA; (2000), “Health Care Expenditure Inertia in The OECD Countries: A Heterogeneous Analy- sis”, Health Care Management Science, 3, ss. 31–42.
  • OROSZ, Eva ve David MORGAN; (2004), “SHA-Based National Health Ac- counts in Thirteen OECD Countries: A Comparative Analysis”, OECD Health Working Papers, No. 16, OECD, Paris, 148s.
  • PARKIN, David; Alistair McGUIRE ve Brain YULE; (1987), “Aggregate Health Expenditures nd National Income: Is Health Care a Luxury Good?”, Journal of Health Economics, 6, ss. 109-127.
  • SANZ, Ismael ve Francisco J. VELAZQUEZ; (2007), “The Role of Ageing in The Growth of Government and Social Welfare Spending in The OECD”, European Journal of Political Economy, 23, ss. 917–931.
  • SEN, Anindya; (2005), “Is Health Care a Luxury? New Evidence from OECD Data”, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Econom- ics, 5(2), ss. 147-164.
  • ZWEIFEL, Peter; Lucas, STEINMANN ve Patrick EUGSTER; (2005), “The Sisyphus Syndrome in Health Revisited”, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 5(2), ss. 127-145.
Year 2009, Issue: 34, 117 - 137, 18.05.2015



  • BALTAGI, Badi H.; (2001), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, John Wiley, New York, 304s.
  • BARROS, Pedro Pita; (1998), “The Black Box of Health Care Expenditure Growth Determinants”, Health Economics, 7, ss. 533–544.
  • BLOMQVIST, G. Ake ve Robin A. L. CARTER; (1997), “Is Health Care Really a Luxury?”, Journal of Health Economics, 16(2), ss. 207–229.
  • BUSSE, Reinhard; (2001), “Expenditure on Health Care in the EU: Making Projections for the Future Based on the Past”, The European Journal of Health Economics, 2(4), ss. 158-161.
  • CANTARERO, David ve Santiago LAGE-PENAS; (2010), “The Determinants of Health Care Expenditure: a Reexamination”, Applied Economics Letters, 17 (7), ss. 723–726.
  • CUTLER, M. David ve Mark McCLELLAN; (2001), “Is Technological Change InMedicineWorth It?”, Health Affairs, September-October, ss. 11-29.
  • DI MATTEO, Livio ve Rosanna DI MATTEO; (1998), “Evidence on The De- terminants of Canadian Provincial Government Health Expenditures: 1965–1991” Journal of Health Economics, 17(2), ss. 211–228.
  • DI MATTEO, Livio; (2005), “The Macro Determinants of health Expenditure in the Unites States and Canada: Assessing the Impact of Income, Age Distribution and Time”, Health Policy, 71, ss. 23-42.
  • ERDTHAM, Ulf-G ve Mickael LÖTHGREN; (2000), “On Stationarity and Cointegration of International Health Expenditure and GDP”, Journal of Health Economics, 19(4), ss. 461–475.
  • FELDSTEIN, Martin; (1995), “The Economics of Health and Health Care: What Have We Learned? What Have I Learned?”, The American Economic Review, 85 (2), ss. 28-31.
  • GERDTHAM, Ulf-G ve Bengt JÖNSSON; (1991), “Conversion Factor Insta- bility in International Comparisons of Health Care Expenditure”, Journal of Health Economics, 10(2), ss. 227–234.
  • GERDTHAM, Ulf-G ve Bengt JÖNSSON; (2000), International Comparisons of Health Expenditure: Theory, Data and Econometric Analysis, (ed.) Culyer, Anthony J., ve Newhouse, Joseph P., içinde Handbook of health economics, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 890s.
  • GERDTHAM, Ulf-G; Jes SOGAARD; Fredrik ANDERSSON ve Bengt JÖNSSON; (1992), “An Econometric Analysis of Health Care Expen- diture: A Cross-section Study of The OECD Countries”, Journal of Health Economics, 11(1), ss. 63-84.
  • GETZEN, E. Thomas; (2000), “Health Care is an Individual Necessity and a National Luxury: Applying Multilevel Decision Models to The Analy- sis of Health Care Expenditures”, Journal of Health Economics, 19(2), ss. 259–270.
  • GETZEN, E. Thomas; (2006), “Aggregation and the Measurement of Health Care Costs”, Health Services Research, 41(5), ss. 1938-1954.
  • GOUVEIA, Miguel; (1997), “Majority Rule and The Public Provision of a Pri- vate Good”, Public Choice, 93, ss. 221–244.
  • GREENE, H. Willliam; (1993), Econometric Analysis, McMillan, New York, 791s.
  • HANSEN, Paul ve Alan KING; (1996), “The Determinants of Health Care Ex- penditure: a Cointegration Approach”, Journal of Health Economics, 15(1), ss. 127–137.
  • HAUSMAN, A. Jery; (1978), “Specification Tests in Econometrics”, Econometrica, 46, ss. 1251 – 1271.
  • HITIRIS, Theodore ve Joseph POSNETT; (1992), “The Determinants and Ef- fects of Health Expenditure in Developed Countries”, Journal of Health Economics, 11(2), ss. 173–181.
  • HITIRIS, Theodore; (1997), “Health Care Expenditure and Integration in The Countries of The European Union”, Applied Economics, 29, ss. 1-6.
  • HSIAO, Cheng; (2003), Analysis of Panel Data, 2nd edition, Cambridge Uni- versity Press, Cambridge, 384s.
  • HUBER, Manfred ve Eva OROSZ; (2003), “Health Expenditure Trends in The OECD Countries, 1990–2001”, Health Care Financing Review, 25(1), ss. 1–22
  • JONHSTON, Jack ve John DINARDO; (1997), Econometric Methods, McGraw-Hill, New York, 359s.
  • KARATZAS, George; (1992), “On The Effect of Income and Relative Price on The Demand for Health Care – the EEC Evidence: A Comment; Re- ply”, Applied Economics, 24, ss. 1251–1254.
  • KARATZAS, George; (2000), “On the Determinants of US Aggregate Health Care Expenditure”, Applied Economics, 32, ss. 1085 – 1099.
  • L ONARD, Christian, Sabine STORDEUR ve Dominique ROBERFROID; (2009), “Association Between Physician Density and Health Care Con- sumption: A Systematic Review of The Evidence”, Health Policy, 91(2), ss. 121-134.
  • LEU, E. Robert; (1986), The Public-Private Mix and International Health Care Cost, (ed.) Culyer, Anthony J. ve Bengt Jönsson, içinde Public and Private Health Services, B. Blackwell, ss. 41–63.
  • MILNE, Robin ve Hassan MOLANA; (1991), “On The Effect of Income and Relative Price on Demand for Health Care: EC Evidence”, Applied Economics, 23, ss. 1221–1226.
  • MOORE, William J.; Robert J. NEWMAN ve Mohammad FHEILI; (1992), “Measuring The Relationship Between Income and. NHEs”, Health Care Financing Review, 14(1), ss. 133-139.
  • MURTHY N. R. Vasudeva ve Albert A. OKUNADE; (2000), “Managed Care, Deficit Financing, and Aggregate Health Care Expenditure in the United States: A Cointegration Analysis”, Health Care Management Science, (3), ss. 279–285.
  • MURTHY N. R. Vasudeva ve Albert A. OKUNADE; (2009), “The Core De- terminants of Health Expenditure in The African Context: Some Econometric Evidence for Policy”, Health Policy, 91(1), ss. 57-62.
  • NEWHOUSE, P. Joseph; (1977), “Medical Care Expenditure: A Cross-national Survey”, Journal of Human Resources, 12, ss. 115–25.
  • OECD (2007), Health at a Glance 2007, OECD, Paris, 198s.
  • OECD (2008), Health Data 2008, OECD, Paris, 213s.
  • OKUNADE, A. Albert ve Chutima SURARATDECHA; (2000), “Health Care Expenditure Inertia in The OECD Countries: A Heterogeneous Analy- sis”, Health Care Management Science, 3, ss. 31–42.
  • OROSZ, Eva ve David MORGAN; (2004), “SHA-Based National Health Ac- counts in Thirteen OECD Countries: A Comparative Analysis”, OECD Health Working Papers, No. 16, OECD, Paris, 148s.
  • PARKIN, David; Alistair McGUIRE ve Brain YULE; (1987), “Aggregate Health Expenditures nd National Income: Is Health Care a Luxury Good?”, Journal of Health Economics, 6, ss. 109-127.
  • SANZ, Ismael ve Francisco J. VELAZQUEZ; (2007), “The Role of Ageing in The Growth of Government and Social Welfare Spending in The OECD”, European Journal of Political Economy, 23, ss. 917–931.
  • SEN, Anindya; (2005), “Is Health Care a Luxury? New Evidence from OECD Data”, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Econom- ics, 5(2), ss. 147-164.
  • ZWEIFEL, Peter; Lucas, STEINMANN ve Patrick EUGSTER; (2005), “The Sisyphus Syndrome in Health Revisited”, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 5(2), ss. 127-145.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Zafer Çalışkan This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 34


APA Çalışkan, Z. (2015). OECD ÜLKELERİNDE SAĞLIK HARCAMALARI: PANEL VERİ ANALİZİ. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(34), 117-137.

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