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Year 2010, Issue: 36, 15 - 31, 20.05.2015


Literatürde Kayseri ili örneğinde suç analizi yapan çalışma yoktur. Bu çalışmada suçun ekonomik modelleri çerçevesinde, Kayseri ilinde suç sayılarını etkileyecek faktörler ampirik olarak incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı suçla mücadelede etkili olabilecek politika önerilerinde bulunmaktır.  Bu amaçla ilk olarak suçun ekonomik modelleri ve ampirik literatürden kanıtlara yer verilmiştir. Uygulama kısmında, şehir merkezinde 2002-2008 döneminde 11 suç başlığında meydana gelen olay sayıları ile şüpheli bireylerin sosyo-ekonomik durumları arasındaki ilişki panel regresyon modeli ile analiz edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, suçu işsizliğin ve nüfusun pozitif etkilediği, gelir ve polis sayıları ile suçun negatif ilişkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca lise mezunlarının sayısının artması, suçu artırır sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. 


  • AYTAÇ, Mustafa; Serpil AYTAÇ ve Nuran BAYRAM; (2007), “Suç Türlerini Etkileyen Faktörlerin İstatistiksel Analizi”, 8. Türkiye Ekonometri ve İstatistik Kongresi, İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya, 24-25 Mayıs, ss.1-7.
  • BECKER, Gary; (1968), “Crime and Punishment, An Economic Approach”, National Bureau of Economic Research, ss.169-217.
  • BUONANNO, Paolo; (2003), “The Socioeconomics Determinant of Crime. A Review of the Literature”, Working Paper Series- Dipartimento di Economia Politica-Universita delgi Studi Milano Bicocca, 63, ss.1- 35.
  • BUONANNO, Paolo ve Leone LEONIDA; (2006), “Education and Crime: Evidence from Italian Regions”, Applied Economic Letters, 13, ss.709-713.
  • BUONANNO, Paolo ve Daniel MONTOLIO; (2008), “Identifying the Socio- Economic and Demographic Determinants of Crime Across Spanish Provinces”, International Review of Law and Economics, 28(2), ss.89-97.
  • CARMICHAEL, Fiona ve Robert WARD; (2001), “Male Unemployment and Crime in England and Wales”, Economics Letters, 73, ss.111-115.
  • CASE, Anne C. ve Lawrence F. KATZ; (1991), “The Company You Keep the Effects of Family and Neighborhood on Disadvantaged Youth” NBER Working Paper, 3705, ss.1-25.
  • CERRO, Ana ve Osvaldo M. MELONI; (2000), “Determinants of the Crime Rate in Argentina During the 90’s”, Estudios de Economia, 27, ss.297-311.
  • CHIRICOS, Theodore G.; (1987), “Rates of Crime and Unemployment; An Analysis of Aggregate Research Evidence”, Social Problems, 34, ss.187-212.
  • CÖMERTLER, Necmiye ve Muhsin KAR; (2007), “Türkiye’de Suç Oranının Sosyo-ekonomik Belirleyicileri; Yatay Kesit Analizi”, Ankara Üni- versitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 62(2), ss.37-57.
  • ÇUBUKÇU, Mert ve İrem AYHAN; (2007), “Suç ve Kent İlişkisine Ampirik Bakış; Literatür Taraması”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(5), ss.1-37.
  • DURSUN, Hasan; (1997), Suçun Ekonomik Modelleri, DPT Yayınları, Anka- ra, 48s.
  • DURUSOY, Serap; Seyit KÖSE ve Oğuz KARADENİZ; (2008), “Başlıca Sosyo Ekonomik Sorunlar Suçun Belirleyicisi Olabilir mi? Türkiye’de Deliller Arası Bir Analiz”, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(23), ss.172-203.
  • EHRLICH, Isaac; (1973), “Participation in Illegitimate Activities; A Theoretical and Emprical Investigation”, Journal of Political Economy, 81, ss.521-565.
  • EIDE, Erling; (1999), “Economics of Criminal Behavior”, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, 8100, ss.345-389.
  • FLEISHER, Belton M.; (1963), “The Effect of Unemployment on Juvenile Delinquency” Journal of Political Economy, 71(6), ss.543-555.
  • FLEISHER, Belton M.; (1966), “The Effects of Income on Delinquency”, American Economic Review, 56, pp.118-137.
  • FREEMAN, Richard B.; (1994), “Crime and The Job Market”, NBER Working Paper Series, 4910.
  • GLAESER, Edwards L.; Bruce SACERDOTE ve Jose A. SCHEINKMAN; (1996), “Crime and Social Interactions”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111(2), ss.507-548.
  • GROGGER, Jeffrey; (1998), “Market Wages and Youth Crime”, Journal of Labor Economics, 16(4), ss.756-791.
  • GÜVEL, Enver Alper; (2004), Suç ve Ceza Ekonomisi, Roma Yayınları, An- kara, 194s.
  • HIRSCHEY, Mark ve James L. PAPPAS; (1993), Managerial Economics, Seventh Edition, Harcourt Brace and 13 Company, International Edition, 823s.
  • HOJMAN, David E.; (2002), “Explaining Crime in Buenos Aires: The Roles of Inequality, Unemployment and Structural Change”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 21(1), ss.121-128.
  • IMROHOROĞLU, Ayşe; Antonio MERLO ve Peter RUPERT; (2000), “On the Political Economy of Income Redistribution and Crime”, International Economic Review, 41(1), ss.1- 25.
  • IMROHOROĞLU, Ayşe; Antonio MERLO ve Peter RUPERT; (2001), “What Accounts for the Decline in Crime?”, USC Finance and Business Econ. Working Paper; 1-15, ss.1-31.
  • KAHNEMAN, Daniel ve Amos TVERSKY; (1979), “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk”, Econometrica, 47 (2), ss.263-292.
  • KELLY, Morgan; (2000), “Inequality and Crime”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82, ss.530-539.
  • LOCHNER, Lance; (1999), “Education, Work and Crime, Theory and Evidence”, Center for Economic Research Working Paper, 465, ss.1-52.
  • LOCHNER, Lance; (2004), “Education, Work and Crime. A Human Capital Approach”, International Economic Review, 45, ss.811-843.
  • LOCHNER, Lance ve Enrico MORETTI; (2004), “The Effect of Education on Crime: Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests and Self-Report”, American Economic Review, 94(1), ss.155-189.
  • PAPPS, Kerry ve Rainer WINKELMAN; (1998), “Unemployment and Crime: New Answer to an Old Question”, IZA Discussion Paper, 25, ss.1- 25.
  • PAZARLIOĞLU, Vedat ve Timur TURGUTLU; (2007), “Gelir, İşsizlik ve Suç: Türkiye Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, Finans Politik&Ekonomik Yo- rumlar, 44(513), ss.63-70.
  • RAPHAEL, Steven ve Ebmer R. WINTER; (2001), “Identifying the Effect of Unemployment on Crime”, Journal of Law and Economics, 44(1), ss.259-283.
  • USHER, Dan; (1997), “Education as Deterrent to Crime”, Canadian Journal of Economics, 30(2), ss.367-384.
  • YAMAK, Nebiye ve Ferhat TOPBAŞ; (2005), “Suç ve İşsizlik Arasındaki Ne- densellik İlişkisi”, 14. İstatistik Araştırma Sempozyumu, Ankara, ss.705-715.
  • WITTE, Ann D. ve Helen Tauchen; (1994), “Work and Crime; An Exploration Using Panel Data”, Public Finance, 49, ss.55-167.
  • WITTE, Ann D. ve Robert WITT; (2000), “Crime Causation; Economic Theories”, Wellesley College and NBER Survey, pp.1-17.
  • WITT, Robert; Alan CLARKE ve Nigel FIELDING; (1998), “Crime, Earnings Inequality and Unemployment in England and Wales”, Applied Economics Letters, 5(4), ss.265-276.
Year 2010, Issue: 36, 15 - 31, 20.05.2015



  • AYTAÇ, Mustafa; Serpil AYTAÇ ve Nuran BAYRAM; (2007), “Suç Türlerini Etkileyen Faktörlerin İstatistiksel Analizi”, 8. Türkiye Ekonometri ve İstatistik Kongresi, İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya, 24-25 Mayıs, ss.1-7.
  • BECKER, Gary; (1968), “Crime and Punishment, An Economic Approach”, National Bureau of Economic Research, ss.169-217.
  • BUONANNO, Paolo; (2003), “The Socioeconomics Determinant of Crime. A Review of the Literature”, Working Paper Series- Dipartimento di Economia Politica-Universita delgi Studi Milano Bicocca, 63, ss.1- 35.
  • BUONANNO, Paolo ve Leone LEONIDA; (2006), “Education and Crime: Evidence from Italian Regions”, Applied Economic Letters, 13, ss.709-713.
  • BUONANNO, Paolo ve Daniel MONTOLIO; (2008), “Identifying the Socio- Economic and Demographic Determinants of Crime Across Spanish Provinces”, International Review of Law and Economics, 28(2), ss.89-97.
  • CARMICHAEL, Fiona ve Robert WARD; (2001), “Male Unemployment and Crime in England and Wales”, Economics Letters, 73, ss.111-115.
  • CASE, Anne C. ve Lawrence F. KATZ; (1991), “The Company You Keep the Effects of Family and Neighborhood on Disadvantaged Youth” NBER Working Paper, 3705, ss.1-25.
  • CERRO, Ana ve Osvaldo M. MELONI; (2000), “Determinants of the Crime Rate in Argentina During the 90’s”, Estudios de Economia, 27, ss.297-311.
  • CHIRICOS, Theodore G.; (1987), “Rates of Crime and Unemployment; An Analysis of Aggregate Research Evidence”, Social Problems, 34, ss.187-212.
  • CÖMERTLER, Necmiye ve Muhsin KAR; (2007), “Türkiye’de Suç Oranının Sosyo-ekonomik Belirleyicileri; Yatay Kesit Analizi”, Ankara Üni- versitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 62(2), ss.37-57.
  • ÇUBUKÇU, Mert ve İrem AYHAN; (2007), “Suç ve Kent İlişkisine Ampirik Bakış; Literatür Taraması”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(5), ss.1-37.
  • DURSUN, Hasan; (1997), Suçun Ekonomik Modelleri, DPT Yayınları, Anka- ra, 48s.
  • DURUSOY, Serap; Seyit KÖSE ve Oğuz KARADENİZ; (2008), “Başlıca Sosyo Ekonomik Sorunlar Suçun Belirleyicisi Olabilir mi? Türkiye’de Deliller Arası Bir Analiz”, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(23), ss.172-203.
  • EHRLICH, Isaac; (1973), “Participation in Illegitimate Activities; A Theoretical and Emprical Investigation”, Journal of Political Economy, 81, ss.521-565.
  • EIDE, Erling; (1999), “Economics of Criminal Behavior”, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, 8100, ss.345-389.
  • FLEISHER, Belton M.; (1963), “The Effect of Unemployment on Juvenile Delinquency” Journal of Political Economy, 71(6), ss.543-555.
  • FLEISHER, Belton M.; (1966), “The Effects of Income on Delinquency”, American Economic Review, 56, pp.118-137.
  • FREEMAN, Richard B.; (1994), “Crime and The Job Market”, NBER Working Paper Series, 4910.
  • GLAESER, Edwards L.; Bruce SACERDOTE ve Jose A. SCHEINKMAN; (1996), “Crime and Social Interactions”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111(2), ss.507-548.
  • GROGGER, Jeffrey; (1998), “Market Wages and Youth Crime”, Journal of Labor Economics, 16(4), ss.756-791.
  • GÜVEL, Enver Alper; (2004), Suç ve Ceza Ekonomisi, Roma Yayınları, An- kara, 194s.
  • HIRSCHEY, Mark ve James L. PAPPAS; (1993), Managerial Economics, Seventh Edition, Harcourt Brace and 13 Company, International Edition, 823s.
  • HOJMAN, David E.; (2002), “Explaining Crime in Buenos Aires: The Roles of Inequality, Unemployment and Structural Change”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 21(1), ss.121-128.
  • IMROHOROĞLU, Ayşe; Antonio MERLO ve Peter RUPERT; (2000), “On the Political Economy of Income Redistribution and Crime”, International Economic Review, 41(1), ss.1- 25.
  • IMROHOROĞLU, Ayşe; Antonio MERLO ve Peter RUPERT; (2001), “What Accounts for the Decline in Crime?”, USC Finance and Business Econ. Working Paper; 1-15, ss.1-31.
  • KAHNEMAN, Daniel ve Amos TVERSKY; (1979), “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk”, Econometrica, 47 (2), ss.263-292.
  • KELLY, Morgan; (2000), “Inequality and Crime”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82, ss.530-539.
  • LOCHNER, Lance; (1999), “Education, Work and Crime, Theory and Evidence”, Center for Economic Research Working Paper, 465, ss.1-52.
  • LOCHNER, Lance; (2004), “Education, Work and Crime. A Human Capital Approach”, International Economic Review, 45, ss.811-843.
  • LOCHNER, Lance ve Enrico MORETTI; (2004), “The Effect of Education on Crime: Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests and Self-Report”, American Economic Review, 94(1), ss.155-189.
  • PAPPS, Kerry ve Rainer WINKELMAN; (1998), “Unemployment and Crime: New Answer to an Old Question”, IZA Discussion Paper, 25, ss.1- 25.
  • PAZARLIOĞLU, Vedat ve Timur TURGUTLU; (2007), “Gelir, İşsizlik ve Suç: Türkiye Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, Finans Politik&Ekonomik Yo- rumlar, 44(513), ss.63-70.
  • RAPHAEL, Steven ve Ebmer R. WINTER; (2001), “Identifying the Effect of Unemployment on Crime”, Journal of Law and Economics, 44(1), ss.259-283.
  • USHER, Dan; (1997), “Education as Deterrent to Crime”, Canadian Journal of Economics, 30(2), ss.367-384.
  • YAMAK, Nebiye ve Ferhat TOPBAŞ; (2005), “Suç ve İşsizlik Arasındaki Ne- densellik İlişkisi”, 14. İstatistik Araştırma Sempozyumu, Ankara, ss.705-715.
  • WITTE, Ann D. ve Helen Tauchen; (1994), “Work and Crime; An Exploration Using Panel Data”, Public Finance, 49, ss.55-167.
  • WITTE, Ann D. ve Robert WITT; (2000), “Crime Causation; Economic Theories”, Wellesley College and NBER Survey, pp.1-17.
  • WITT, Robert; Alan CLARKE ve Nigel FIELDING; (1998), “Crime, Earnings Inequality and Unemployment in England and Wales”, Applied Economics Letters, 5(4), ss.265-276.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Rıfat Yıldız This is me

Oğuz Öcal

Ertuğrul Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date May 20, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 36


APA Yıldız, R., Öcal, O., & Yıldırım, E. (2015). SUÇUN SOSYOEKONOMİK BELİRLEYİCİLERİ: KAYSERİ ÜZERİNE BİR UYGULAMA. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(36), 15-31.

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