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Year 2010, Issue: 36, 195 - 222, 20.05.2015


Örgüt içi girişimci (iç girişimci) davranışlar bireysel ve örgütsel faktörlerden etkilenebilmektedir. Bu araştırma, söz konusu değişkenlerden olan kontrol odağı ve örgütsel adalet algısının örgüt içi girişimcilik üzerinde etkisi bulunabileceği ve bu üç değişken arasındaki ilişki birlikte ele alındığında, bir kişilik değişkeni olarak kontrol odağının, bireylerin adalet algısı ile iç girişimci davranışları ilişkisi üzerinde şekillendirici etki yapabileceği ana düşüncesine dayanmaktadır. Anılan ilişkiler ve etkinin belirlenmesine yönelik olan bu araştırma, bir kamu kurumunda görev yapan 149 çalışandan anket yöntemi ile toplanan verilerle yürütülmüştür. Analiz sonuçları adalet algısının iç girişimci davranışlar üzerinde etkili olduğunu ve kontrol odağının bu ilişkide şekillendirici etki yaptığını ortaya koymaktadır. 


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Year 2010, Issue: 36, 195 - 222, 20.05.2015



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There are 113 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Cem Meydan This is me

Publication Date May 20, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 36


APA Meydan, C. (2015). ADALET ALGISI – İÇ GİRİŞİMCİ DAVRANIŞLAR İLİŞKİSİNDE KONTROL ODAĞININ ŞEKİLLENDİRİCİ ROLÜ. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(36), 195-222.

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Conduct all processes without compromising ethical standards and intellectual property rights.
Support freedom of thought and protect human and animal rights.
Ensure the peer review process adheres to the principle of double-blind peer review.
Take full responsibility for accepting, rejecting, or requesting changes to a manuscript and ensure that conflicts of interest among stakeholders do not influence these decisions.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Submitted works must be original. When utilizing other works, proper and complete citations and/or references must be provided.
A manuscript must not be under review by another journal simultaneously.
Individuals who have not contributed to the experimental design, implementation, data analysis, or interpretation should not be listed as authors.
If requested during the review process, datasets used in the manuscript must be provided to the editorial board.
If a significant error or mistake is discovered in the manuscript, the journal’s editorial office must be notified.
For studies requiring ethical committee approval, the relevant document must be submitted to the journal. Details regarding the ethical approval (name of the ethics committee, approval document number, and date) must be included in the manuscript.
Changes to authorship (e.g., adding or removing authors, altering the order of authors) cannot be proposed after the review process has commenced.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
Accept review assignments only in areas where they have sufficient expertise.
Agree to review manuscripts in a timely and unbiased manner.
Ensure confidentiality of the reviewed manuscript and not disclose any information about it, during or after the review process, beyond what is already published.
Refrain from using information obtained during the review process for personal or third-party benefit.
Notify the journal editor if plagiarism or other ethical violations are suspected in the manuscript.
Conduct reviews objectively and avoid conflicts of interest. If a conflict exists, the reviewer should decline the review.
Use polite and constructive language during the review process and avoid personal comments.
Publication Policy
The Journal of Erciyes University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is a free, open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal that has been in publication since 1981. The journal welcomes submissions in Turkish and English within the fields of economics, business administration, public finance, political science, public administration, and international relations.

No submission or publication fees are charged by the journal.
Every submitted manuscript undergoes a double-blind peer review process and similarity/plagiarism checks via iThenticate.
Submissions must be original and not previously published, accepted for publication, or under review elsewhere.
Articles published in the journal can be cited under the Open Access Policy and Creative Commons license, provided proper attribution is given.
The journal is published three times a year, in April, August, and December. It includes original, high-quality, and scientifically supported research articles and reviews in its listed fields. Academic studies unrelated to these disciplines or their theoretical and empirical foundations are not accepted. The journal's languages are Turkish and English.

Submissions are first subject to a preliminary review for format and content. Manuscripts not meeting the journal's standards are rejected by the editorial board. Manuscripts deemed suitable proceed to the peer review stage.

Each submission is sent to at least two expert reviewers. If both reviews are favorable, the article is approved for publication. In cases where one review is positive and the other negative, the editorial board decides based on the reviews or may send the manuscript to a third reviewer.

Articles published in the journal are open access and can be cited under the Creative Commons license, provided proper attribution is made.