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Year 2010, Issue: 36, 239 - 259, 20.05.2015


Neo-klasik yaklaşımda geleneksel olarak bireylerin iktisadî insan özelliklerine sahip olduğu, firmaların ve tüketicilerin tam bilgiye erişebilecekleri ve optimizasyon kararları ile rasyonel hareket ettikleri varsayılmaktadır. Bu varsayımlar piyasalarda etkin tahsisin gerçekleştiğini ve kendi kendine etkin dengelere ulaşmanın mümkün olduğunu ima etmektedir. Neo-klasik iktisadın analizleri pozitivist epistemolojiye dayandığı için formal bir mantığa sahiptir. İktisat teorisinde diğer disiplinlerin yer alması neo-klasik yaklaşımın belirtilen varsayımlarının tartışılmasına yol açmıştır. Neo-klasik iktisadın varsayımları ve yöntemi aykırı iktisatçılar (Wackonomists) tarafından da eleştirilmektedir. Nitekim, aykırı iktisat (Wackonomics) yaklaşımı neo-klasik iktisadın belirtilen varsayımları ile metodolojik ve ampirik temellerine karşı çıkan bir perspektif sunmaktadır. Son yıllarda, aykırı iktisadın ilgi alanlarına dair teorik literatür oldukça hacim kazanmış; ancak, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde ve Türkiye’de fazlaca dikkate alınmamıştır. Bu çalışmada aykırı iktisat yaklaşımının ilgi alanları ve literatürü ele alınmaktadır. Çalışmada iktisatçıların aykırı iktisadın ilgi alanları üzerinde daha fazla araştırma yapmasının iktisadın daha bilimsel nitelikler kazanmasına katkıda bulunacağı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. 


  • AYRES, Ian ve Steven D. LEVITT; (1998), “Measuring Positive Externalities from Unobservable Victim Precaution: An Empirical Analysis of Lojack”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 113(1), ss. 43–77.
  • BAIMBRIDGE, Mark; Samuel CAMERON; Peter DOWSON; (1996), “Satellite Television and the Demand for Football: A Whole New Ball Game?” Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 43(1), ss. 317-333.
  • BASTIEN, Carlos ve Jose Luis CARDOSO; (2007), “From Homo Economicus to Homo Corporativus: A Neglected Critique of Neoclassical Economics”, The Journal of Socio-Economics, 36(1), ss. 118–127.
  • BECKER, Gary S.; (1968), “Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach”, The Journal of Political Economy, 76(2), ss. 169–217.
  • BIRD, Peter J. W. N.; (1982), “The Demand for League Football”, Applied Economics, 14(6), ss. 637–649.
  • BUCHANAN James M., (1991), “Klüplerin Ekonomik Teorisi”, iç. Kamu Tercihi ve Anayasal İktisat, Der. Aytaç EKER ve Coşkun Can AKTAN, İzmir, ss. 231–254.
  • BUSSANI, Mauro; Vernon Valentine PALMER ve Francesco PARISI; (2003), “Liability for Pure Financial Loss in Europe: An Economic Restatement” The American Journal of Comparative Law, 51(1), ss. 113–162.
  • BYRNE, Margaret M. ve Peter THOMPSON; (2000), “Death and Dignity Ter- minal Illness and The Market for Non-Treatment”, Journal of Public Economics, 76(2), ss. 263–294.
  • CAMERON, Samuel; (1988), “The Economics of Crime Deterrence: A Survey of Theory and Evidence”, Kyklos, 41(2), ss. 301–323.
  • CARMICHAEL, Fiona; Dennis THOMAS ve Robert WARD; (2000), “Team Performance: The Case of English Premiership Football”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 21(1), ss. 31–45.
  • CARMICHAEL, Fiona; David FORREST ve Robert SIMMONS; (1999), “The Labour Market in Association Football: Who Gets Transferred and For How Much?”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 51(2), ss. 125– 150.
  • CARLTON, Dennis W. ve Avi WEISS; (2001), “The Economics of Religion, Jewish Survival, and Jewish Attitudes Toward Competition in Torah Education”, Journal of Legal Studies, 30(1), ss. 253–275.
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  • COUPE, Tom; (2000b), “Statistics 101 for (Wannabe) Economists”, ECARES Working Paper, İnternet Adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 12.03.2010.
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Year 2010, Issue: 36, 239 - 259, 20.05.2015



  • AYRES, Ian ve Steven D. LEVITT; (1998), “Measuring Positive Externalities from Unobservable Victim Precaution: An Empirical Analysis of Lojack”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 113(1), ss. 43–77.
  • BAIMBRIDGE, Mark; Samuel CAMERON; Peter DOWSON; (1996), “Satellite Television and the Demand for Football: A Whole New Ball Game?” Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 43(1), ss. 317-333.
  • BASTIEN, Carlos ve Jose Luis CARDOSO; (2007), “From Homo Economicus to Homo Corporativus: A Neglected Critique of Neoclassical Economics”, The Journal of Socio-Economics, 36(1), ss. 118–127.
  • BECKER, Gary S.; (1968), “Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach”, The Journal of Political Economy, 76(2), ss. 169–217.
  • BIRD, Peter J. W. N.; (1982), “The Demand for League Football”, Applied Economics, 14(6), ss. 637–649.
  • BUCHANAN James M., (1991), “Klüplerin Ekonomik Teorisi”, iç. Kamu Tercihi ve Anayasal İktisat, Der. Aytaç EKER ve Coşkun Can AKTAN, İzmir, ss. 231–254.
  • BUSSANI, Mauro; Vernon Valentine PALMER ve Francesco PARISI; (2003), “Liability for Pure Financial Loss in Europe: An Economic Restatement” The American Journal of Comparative Law, 51(1), ss. 113–162.
  • BYRNE, Margaret M. ve Peter THOMPSON; (2000), “Death and Dignity Ter- minal Illness and The Market for Non-Treatment”, Journal of Public Economics, 76(2), ss. 263–294.
  • CAMERON, Samuel; (1988), “The Economics of Crime Deterrence: A Survey of Theory and Evidence”, Kyklos, 41(2), ss. 301–323.
  • CARMICHAEL, Fiona; Dennis THOMAS ve Robert WARD; (2000), “Team Performance: The Case of English Premiership Football”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 21(1), ss. 31–45.
  • CARMICHAEL, Fiona; David FORREST ve Robert SIMMONS; (1999), “The Labour Market in Association Football: Who Gets Transferred and For How Much?”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 51(2), ss. 125– 150.
  • CARLTON, Dennis W. ve Avi WEISS; (2001), “The Economics of Religion, Jewish Survival, and Jewish Attitudes Toward Competition in Torah Education”, Journal of Legal Studies, 30(1), ss. 253–275.
  • CHISWICK, Barry R.; (1983), “The Earnings and Human Capital of American Jews”, Jornal of Human Resources, 18(3), ss. 313–336.
  • CHISWICK, Barry R.; (1985), “The Labor Market Status of American Jews: Patterns and Determinants”, iç. American Jewish Yearbook, Ed. Van W. A. Horne, ss. 131–153.
  • CHISWICK, Barry R.; (1991) “An Economic Analysis of Philanthropy”, iç. Contemporary Jewish Philanthropy in America, Ed.: Barry A. Kosmin ve Paul Ritterband, Savage, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, ss. 3–15.
  • COLANDER, David; (2003), “The Aging of an Economist”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25(2), ss. 157–176.
  • COLANDER, David; (2004), “The Art of Teaching Economics”, International Review of Economic Education, 3(1), ss. 63–76.
  • COLANDER, David; Arjo KLAMER; (1987), “The Making of an Economist”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1(2), ss. 95–111.
  • CORNES, Richard ve Todd SANDLER; (1991), The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Club Goods, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • COUPE, Tom; (2000a), “Revealed Performances: Worldwide Rankings of Economists and Economics Departments 1969–2000”, ECARES Working Paper, Université Libre de Bruxelles, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 17.10.2009.
  • COUPE, Tom; (2000b), “Statistics 101 for (Wannabe) Economists”, ECARES Working Paper, İnternet Adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 12.03.2010.
  • COUPE, Tom; (2004), “What do We Know about Ourselves? On the Economics of Economics”, Kyklos, 57(2), ss. 197–215.
  • DIAMOND, Arthur M.; (1996), “The Economics of Science”, Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 9(2-3), ss. 6–49.
  • DOBSON, Stephen ve John GODDARD; (1996), “The Demand for Football in the Regions of England and Wales”, Regional Studies, 30(5), ss. 443–453.
  • DOBSON, Stephen ve John GODDARD; (1998), “Performance, Revenue, and Cross Subsidization in the Football League, 1927–1994”, Economic History Review, 51(4), ss. 763–785.
  • DONOHUE, John J. ve Steven D. LEVITT; (2001), “The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(2), ss. 379–420.
  • DOW, Sheila C.; (2007), “Variety of Methodological Approach in Economics”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 21(3), ss. 447–465.
  • DURST, Mose, Essays Toward A Principled Economics, İnternet Adresi: 08.htm, Erişim Tarihi: 07.11.2009.
  • DURUSOY, Serap; (2008), “İktisat Biliminin Yeri ve Yöntemi Neden Sorgula- nıyor?”, Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(1), ss. 1–26.
  • DÜNDAR, Uğur; (1995), Sağlık Sektöründe Maliyet-Fayda Analizi Uygula- maları, Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, ss. 43–118, (Yayınlanmamış Master Tezi).
  • EGGERTSSON, Thrainn; (1995), “On the Economics of Economics”, Kyklos, 48(2), ss. 201–210.
  • ELLISON, Glenn; (2002a), “The Slowdown of the Economics Publishing”, The Journal of Political Economy, 110(5), ss. 947–993.
  • ELLISON, Glenn; (2002b), “Evolving Standards for Academic Publishing: A q-r Theory”, The Journal of Political Economy, 110(5), ss. 994– 1034.
  • FREEMAN, Richard B; (1999), “The Economics of Crime”, iç. Handbook of Labor Economics, Ed. O. Ashenfelter ve D. Card, ss. 3529–3571.
  • FREY, Bruno S. ve Reiner EICHENBERGER; (1993), “American and European Economics and Economists”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 7(4), ss. 185–193.
  • GÜRPINAR, Bünyamin; (2008), “Hukuk ve Ekonominin Ortak Temelleri- ‘Hukuk ve Ekonomi’ Akımı”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bi- limler Dergisi, 28, ss. 161–180.
  • HEASELL, Stephen ve David PATON; (2001), “Economics and Euthanasia”, Health Services Management Research, 14(1), ss. 62–63.
  • IANNACCONE, Laurence R.; (1990), “Religious Practice: A Human Capital Approach”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 29(3), ss. 297– 314.
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There are 120 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Uğur Dündar This is me

Cüneyt Dumrul This is me

Publication Date May 20, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 36


APA Dündar, U., & Dumrul, C. (2015). İKTİSAT BİLİMİNİN SINIRLARI ÜZERİNE: AYKIRI İKTİSAT YAKLAŞIMI. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(36), 239-259.

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