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Year 2011, Issue: 38, 47 - 60, 14.05.2015


Bu çalışmada 2002M1-2011M5 dönemine ait aylık verilerle alternatif nominal vadeli mevduat faiz oranları ile tüketici fiyat endeksi arasındaki ilişki Türkiye ekonomisi için Fisher (1930) hipotezi bağlamında test edilmiştir. Bu amaçla Dickey-Fuller (1981) tarafından geliştirilen doğrusal birim kök testi ile Seo (2006) tarafından geliştirilen doğrusal olmayan eşbütünleşme testi uygulanmıştır. Analiz sonucunda ele alınan dönemde dalgalı kur uygulaması ve enflasyon hedeflemesi stratejisi ile birlikte rejim değişikliği olmadığı için Fisher etkisinin görülmediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • AHMAD, Shabbir; (2010), “The Long Run Fisher Effect in Developing Countries”, Studies in Economics and Finance, 27 (4), pp. 268– 275.
  • BALKE, Nathan and Thomas FOMBY; (1997), “Threshold Cointegration”, International Economic Review, 38, pp. 627–645.
  • BAUM, Christopher and Mehmet KARASULU; (1998), “Modelling Federal Reverve Discount Policy”, Computational Economics, 11, pp. 53– 70.
  • BONHAM, Carl; (1991), “Correct Cointegration Test of the Long Run Relationship Between Nominal Interest Rate and Inflation”, Applied Economics, 23, pp. 1487–1492.
  • CAGAN, Phillip; (1956), “The Monetart Dynamics of Hyper –Inflation”, in M. Friedman (ed.) Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • CARLSON, Julie; (1997), “Short Term Interest Rates as Predictors of Inflation: Comment”, American Economic Review, 67, pp. 132–134.
  • CHEUNG, Yin-Wong and Kon LAI; (1995), “ Lag Order And Critical Values of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test”, Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, 13 (3), pp. 277–281.
  • DICKEY, David and Wayne FULLER; (1979), “Distribution Of The Estimators For Autoregressive Time Series With A Unit Root”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74, pp. 427- 431
  • DICKEY, David and Wayne FULLER; (1981), “Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root.” Econometrica, 49, pp. 1057–1072.
  • DUTT, Swama and Dipak GHOSH; (1995), “ The Fisher Hypothesis: Examining the Canadian Experience”, Applied Economics, 27, pp. 1025–1030.
  • ENDERS, Walter and Barry FALK; (1998), “Threshold-Autoregressive, Median-Unbiase and Cointegration Tests of Purchasing Power Parity”, International Journal of Forecasting, 14, pp. 171–186.
  • ENDERS, Walter; (2009), Applied Econometric Time Series, Third Edition, New York: McGraw Hill.
  • ESTEVE, Vicente; Manuel IBANEZ and Maria PRATS; (2010); “The Spanish Term Structure of Interest Rates Revisited: Cointegration with Multiple Structural Breaks, 1974–2010”, Economia Aplicada II, Working Paper No. 2010-01, pp. 1–23.
  • FAMA, Eugene; (1970), “Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Emprical Work”, Journal of Finance, 25, pp. 383–417.
  • FAMA, Eugene; (1975), “Short Term Interest Rates as Predictors of Inflation”, American Economic Review, 65, pp. 269–282.
  • FISHER, Irwing; [1930] (1961), “The Theory of Interest”, New York: Macmillan.
  • GARCIA, Marcio; (1993), “ The Fisher Effect in a Signal Extraction Framework: The Recent Brazilian Experience”, Journal of Development Economics, 41, pp. 71–79.
  • GÜL, Ekrem and Sezgin AÇIKALIN; (2007), “An Examination of the Fisher Hypothesis: The Case of Turkey”, Applied Economics, 99 (1), pp. 87–90.
  • HANSEN, Bruce; (1996), “Inference When a Nuisance Parameter is Not Identified Under the Null Hypothesis”, Econometrica, 57, pp. 413–430.
  • HANSEN, Bruce and Myunghwan SEO; (2002), “Testing For Two-Regime Threshold Cointegration in Vector Error-Correction Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 110, pp. 293–318.
  • HESS, Patrick and James BICKSLER; “Capital Asset Prices Versus Time
  • Series Model as Predictors of Inflation: The Expected real Rate of In
  • terest and Market Efficiency”, Journal of Financial Economics, 2, pp. 341-360.
  • JOINES, Douglas; (1977), “Short Term Interest Rates as Predictors of Inflation: Comment”, American Economic Review, 67, pp. 469–475.
  • KAPETANIOS, George; Yongcheol SHIN and Andy SNELL; (2006), “Testing for Cointegration Nonlinear Smooth Transition Error Correction Models”, Econometric Theory, 22, pp. 279–303.
  • LO, Ming Chien and Eric ZIVOT; (2001), “ Threshold Cointegration and Nonlinear Adjustment to the Law of One Price”, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 5, pp. 533–576.
  • MACDONALD, Ryan and Patrick MURPHY; (1989), “Testing for the Long Run Relationship Between Nominal Interest Rate and Inflation Using Cointegration Techniques”, Applied Economics, 21, pp. 439–447.
  • MACKINNON, James; (1991), “Critical Values For Cointegration Tests in Long-Run Economic Relstionships”, New York Oxford University Press, pp. 266–276.
  • MACKINNON, James; (1996), “Numerical Distribution Functions for Unit Root and Cointegration Tests”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 11, pp. 601–618.
  • MEISELMAN, David; (1962), The Term Structure of Interest Rates, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
  • MISHKIN, Frederic; (1992) “Is the Fisher Effect or Real? A Reexamination of the Relationship Between Inflation and Interest Rate”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 30, pp. 195–215.
  • MISHKIN, Frederic and John SIMON; (1995), “An Emprical Examination of the Fisher Effect in Australia”, NBER Working Paper, No:5080.
  • NAM, Joo-Ha; (1993), “The Liquidity, Income and Fisher Effects of Money on Interest: The Case of Developing Country”, Seoul Journal of Economics, 6, pp. 223–239.
  • OBSTFELD, Maurice and Alan TAYLOR; (1997), “Nonlinear Aspects of Goods Market Arbitrage and Adjustment: Heckscher’s Commodity Points Revisited”, Journal of Japanese and International Economies, 11, pp. 441–479.
  • PAYNE, James and Bradley EWING; (1997), “Evidence from Lesser Developed Countries on the Fisher Hypothesis: A Cointegration Analysis”, Applied Economics Letters, 4, pp. 683–687.
  • PELAEZ, Rolando; (1995), “The Fisher Effect: Reprise”, Journal of Macroeconomics, 17, pp. 333–346.
  • PENG, Wensheng; (1995), “The Fisher Hypothesis and Inflation Persistence Evidence From Five Major Industiral Countries”, IMF Working Paper No. 95/118.
  • PHYLAKTIS, Kate and David BLAKE; (1993), “The Fisher Hypothesis: Evidence from Three High Inflation Countries”, Welwirtschaftliches Archiv, 129, pp. 591–599.
  • SARGENT, Thomas; (1969), “Commodity Price Expectations and the Interest Rate”, in W.E. GIBSON and G.G. KAUFMAN (ed.), Monetary Economics: Readings on Current Issues, New York: MacGraw Hill.
  • SEO, Myunghwan; (2006), “Bootstrap Testing for the Null of No Cointegration in a Threshold Vector Error Correction Model”, Journal of Econometrics, 134 (1), pp. 129–150.
  • ŞİMŞEK, Muammer ve Cem KADILAR; (2006), “Fisher Etkisinin Türkiye Verileri ile Testi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 7 (1), ss. 99–111.
  • TAYLOR, Alan; (2001), “A Century of Purchasing Power Parity”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 84, pp. 139–150.
  • TURGUTLU, Evrim; (2004), “Fisher Hipotezinin Tutarlılığının Testi: Parçalı Durağanlık ve Parçalı Koentegrasyon Testi”, Dokuz Eylül Üniver- sitesi İİBF Dergisi, 19 (2), ss. 55–74.
  • WALLACE, Myles and John WARNER; (1993), “The Fisher Effect and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Tests of Cointegration”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 75, pp. 320–324.
  • YILANCI, Veli; (2009), “Fisher Hipotezinin Türkiye için Sınanması: Doğrusal Olmayan Eşbütünleşme Analizi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İİBF Der- gisi, 23 (4),ss. 205–213.
  • YUHN, Ky-Hyang; (1996), “Is the Fisher Effect Robust? Further Evidence”, Applied Economics Letters, 3, pp. 41–44.
  • ZILBERFARB, Ben-Zion; (1989), “Interest Rate Determination in a High Inflation Economy”, Journal of Macroeconomics, 11, pp. 533–549.
Year 2011, Issue: 38, 47 - 60, 14.05.2015



  • AHMAD, Shabbir; (2010), “The Long Run Fisher Effect in Developing Countries”, Studies in Economics and Finance, 27 (4), pp. 268– 275.
  • BALKE, Nathan and Thomas FOMBY; (1997), “Threshold Cointegration”, International Economic Review, 38, pp. 627–645.
  • BAUM, Christopher and Mehmet KARASULU; (1998), “Modelling Federal Reverve Discount Policy”, Computational Economics, 11, pp. 53– 70.
  • BONHAM, Carl; (1991), “Correct Cointegration Test of the Long Run Relationship Between Nominal Interest Rate and Inflation”, Applied Economics, 23, pp. 1487–1492.
  • CAGAN, Phillip; (1956), “The Monetart Dynamics of Hyper –Inflation”, in M. Friedman (ed.) Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • CARLSON, Julie; (1997), “Short Term Interest Rates as Predictors of Inflation: Comment”, American Economic Review, 67, pp. 132–134.
  • CHEUNG, Yin-Wong and Kon LAI; (1995), “ Lag Order And Critical Values of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test”, Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, 13 (3), pp. 277–281.
  • DICKEY, David and Wayne FULLER; (1979), “Distribution Of The Estimators For Autoregressive Time Series With A Unit Root”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74, pp. 427- 431
  • DICKEY, David and Wayne FULLER; (1981), “Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root.” Econometrica, 49, pp. 1057–1072.
  • DUTT, Swama and Dipak GHOSH; (1995), “ The Fisher Hypothesis: Examining the Canadian Experience”, Applied Economics, 27, pp. 1025–1030.
  • ENDERS, Walter and Barry FALK; (1998), “Threshold-Autoregressive, Median-Unbiase and Cointegration Tests of Purchasing Power Parity”, International Journal of Forecasting, 14, pp. 171–186.
  • ENDERS, Walter; (2009), Applied Econometric Time Series, Third Edition, New York: McGraw Hill.
  • ESTEVE, Vicente; Manuel IBANEZ and Maria PRATS; (2010); “The Spanish Term Structure of Interest Rates Revisited: Cointegration with Multiple Structural Breaks, 1974–2010”, Economia Aplicada II, Working Paper No. 2010-01, pp. 1–23.
  • FAMA, Eugene; (1970), “Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Emprical Work”, Journal of Finance, 25, pp. 383–417.
  • FAMA, Eugene; (1975), “Short Term Interest Rates as Predictors of Inflation”, American Economic Review, 65, pp. 269–282.
  • FISHER, Irwing; [1930] (1961), “The Theory of Interest”, New York: Macmillan.
  • GARCIA, Marcio; (1993), “ The Fisher Effect in a Signal Extraction Framework: The Recent Brazilian Experience”, Journal of Development Economics, 41, pp. 71–79.
  • GÜL, Ekrem and Sezgin AÇIKALIN; (2007), “An Examination of the Fisher Hypothesis: The Case of Turkey”, Applied Economics, 99 (1), pp. 87–90.
  • HANSEN, Bruce; (1996), “Inference When a Nuisance Parameter is Not Identified Under the Null Hypothesis”, Econometrica, 57, pp. 413–430.
  • HANSEN, Bruce and Myunghwan SEO; (2002), “Testing For Two-Regime Threshold Cointegration in Vector Error-Correction Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 110, pp. 293–318.
  • HESS, Patrick and James BICKSLER; “Capital Asset Prices Versus Time
  • Series Model as Predictors of Inflation: The Expected real Rate of In
  • terest and Market Efficiency”, Journal of Financial Economics, 2, pp. 341-360.
  • JOINES, Douglas; (1977), “Short Term Interest Rates as Predictors of Inflation: Comment”, American Economic Review, 67, pp. 469–475.
  • KAPETANIOS, George; Yongcheol SHIN and Andy SNELL; (2006), “Testing for Cointegration Nonlinear Smooth Transition Error Correction Models”, Econometric Theory, 22, pp. 279–303.
  • LO, Ming Chien and Eric ZIVOT; (2001), “ Threshold Cointegration and Nonlinear Adjustment to the Law of One Price”, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 5, pp. 533–576.
  • MACDONALD, Ryan and Patrick MURPHY; (1989), “Testing for the Long Run Relationship Between Nominal Interest Rate and Inflation Using Cointegration Techniques”, Applied Economics, 21, pp. 439–447.
  • MACKINNON, James; (1991), “Critical Values For Cointegration Tests in Long-Run Economic Relstionships”, New York Oxford University Press, pp. 266–276.
  • MACKINNON, James; (1996), “Numerical Distribution Functions for Unit Root and Cointegration Tests”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 11, pp. 601–618.
  • MEISELMAN, David; (1962), The Term Structure of Interest Rates, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
  • MISHKIN, Frederic; (1992) “Is the Fisher Effect or Real? A Reexamination of the Relationship Between Inflation and Interest Rate”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 30, pp. 195–215.
  • MISHKIN, Frederic and John SIMON; (1995), “An Emprical Examination of the Fisher Effect in Australia”, NBER Working Paper, No:5080.
  • NAM, Joo-Ha; (1993), “The Liquidity, Income and Fisher Effects of Money on Interest: The Case of Developing Country”, Seoul Journal of Economics, 6, pp. 223–239.
  • OBSTFELD, Maurice and Alan TAYLOR; (1997), “Nonlinear Aspects of Goods Market Arbitrage and Adjustment: Heckscher’s Commodity Points Revisited”, Journal of Japanese and International Economies, 11, pp. 441–479.
  • PAYNE, James and Bradley EWING; (1997), “Evidence from Lesser Developed Countries on the Fisher Hypothesis: A Cointegration Analysis”, Applied Economics Letters, 4, pp. 683–687.
  • PELAEZ, Rolando; (1995), “The Fisher Effect: Reprise”, Journal of Macroeconomics, 17, pp. 333–346.
  • PENG, Wensheng; (1995), “The Fisher Hypothesis and Inflation Persistence Evidence From Five Major Industiral Countries”, IMF Working Paper No. 95/118.
  • PHYLAKTIS, Kate and David BLAKE; (1993), “The Fisher Hypothesis: Evidence from Three High Inflation Countries”, Welwirtschaftliches Archiv, 129, pp. 591–599.
  • SARGENT, Thomas; (1969), “Commodity Price Expectations and the Interest Rate”, in W.E. GIBSON and G.G. KAUFMAN (ed.), Monetary Economics: Readings on Current Issues, New York: MacGraw Hill.
  • SEO, Myunghwan; (2006), “Bootstrap Testing for the Null of No Cointegration in a Threshold Vector Error Correction Model”, Journal of Econometrics, 134 (1), pp. 129–150.
  • ŞİMŞEK, Muammer ve Cem KADILAR; (2006), “Fisher Etkisinin Türkiye Verileri ile Testi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 7 (1), ss. 99–111.
  • TAYLOR, Alan; (2001), “A Century of Purchasing Power Parity”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 84, pp. 139–150.
  • TURGUTLU, Evrim; (2004), “Fisher Hipotezinin Tutarlılığının Testi: Parçalı Durağanlık ve Parçalı Koentegrasyon Testi”, Dokuz Eylül Üniver- sitesi İİBF Dergisi, 19 (2), ss. 55–74.
  • WALLACE, Myles and John WARNER; (1993), “The Fisher Effect and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Tests of Cointegration”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 75, pp. 320–324.
  • YILANCI, Veli; (2009), “Fisher Hipotezinin Türkiye için Sınanması: Doğrusal Olmayan Eşbütünleşme Analizi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İİBF Der- gisi, 23 (4),ss. 205–213.
  • YUHN, Ky-Hyang; (1996), “Is the Fisher Effect Robust? Further Evidence”, Applied Economics Letters, 3, pp. 41–44.
  • ZILBERFARB, Ben-Zion; (1989), “Interest Rate Determination in a High Inflation Economy”, Journal of Macroeconomics, 11, pp. 533–549.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Tayfur Bayat This is me

Publication Date May 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011 Issue: 38


APA Bayat, T. (2015). TÜRKİYE’DE FISHER ETKİSİNİN GEÇERLİLİĞİ: DOĞRUSAL OLMAYAN EŞBÜTÜNLEŞME YAKLAŞIMI. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(38), 47-60.

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