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Year 2012, Issue: 40, 1 - 19, 20.05.2015


Liberal Demokratik Barış Kuramı, demokratik devletlerin birbirlerine karşı savaşmayacakları tezini ileri sürmektedir. Bu tez, demokratik egemenlik biçiminin doğası gereği barışçıl olduğu kabulü ile temellendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada söz konusu iddialar ele alınıp irdelenmiş; ileri sürülen bu iddiaların geçerli olup olmadığı tartışılmıştır. Liberal Demokratik Barış Kuramı, Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplininde önemli kuramsal katkılardan biri olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle kuramın gelişimi, pratik sonuçları ele alınacak ve daha sonra yeni kuramsal katkı ve modeller tartışılacaktır. Bu şekilde kuramın güçlü ve zayıf tarafları tespit edilmeye ve demokratik barış kuramının Uluslararası İlişkiler teorisi açısından önemi belirlenmeye çalışılacaktır. Çalışma, sonuç bölümünde genel bir değerlendirme yapılarak tamamlanacaktır. 


  • BABST, Dean V.; (1964), “Elective Governments - A Force for Peace”, The Wisconsin Sociologist, 3(1), pp. 9-14.
  • CHOJNACKİ, Sven; (2003), “Demokratien und Krieg: Das Konfliktverhalten demokratischer Staaten, 1946-2001”, WZB Discussion Papers P 2003-304, index.php/component/content/article/17-details- foerderprofil/65-eberwein, Date of Access: 03. 03. 2013.
  • CHOJNACKİ, Sven; (2003a), “Schnelle Siege bei geringen Kosten? Demokra- tien und Kriege”, WZB-Mitteilungen Heft, 100, ss. 18-22.
  • DAASE, Christopher; (2004), “Demokratischer Frieden - Demokratischer Krieg. Drei Gründe für die Unfriedlichkeit von Demokratien”, in Björn AUST und Peter SCHLOTTER (Hg), Demokratien im Krieg, Christi- ne Schweitzer, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges, ss. 53-71.
  • DALACOURA, Katerina; (2005), “US Democracy Promotion in The Arab Middle East Since 11 September 2001: A Critique”, International Af- fairs, 81 (5), pp. 963-79.
  • ERALP, Atilla; (2006), Devlet ve Ötesi: Uluslararası İlişkilerde Temel Kav- ramlar, Birinci Baskı, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • GEIS, Anna; (2001), “Diagnose: Doppelbefund - Ursache ungeklärt? Die Kont- roverse um den ‘demokratischen Frieden’, Politische Vierteljah- resschrift, 42 (2), ss. 282-298.
  • HASENCLEVER, Andreas; (2002), “The Democratic Peace Meets Internatio- nal Institutions.Überlegungen zur internationalen Organisation des de- mokratischen Friedens”, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 9(1), ss. 75-112.
  • HASENCLEVER, Andreas; (2003), “Liberale Ansätze zum ‚demokratischen Frieden”, in Siegfried SCHIEDER und Manuela SPINDLER (Hg.), Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen, Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich UTB, ss. 199-225.
  • HERMANN, Margaret G. and Charles KEGLEY Jr.; (1995), “Rethinking De- mocracy and International Peace: Perspectives from Political Psycholo- gy”, International Studies Quarterly, 39(4), pp. 511- 533.
  • KAHL, Colin; (1998-99), “Constructing a Separate Peace: Constructivism, Col- lective Liberal Identity and Democratic Peace”, Security Studies 8(2/3), pp. 94-144.
  • KANT, Immanuel; (1984), Zum Ewigen Frieden, Stuttgart: Reclam Verlag.
  • KEGLEY, Charles W. and Margaret G. HERMANN;(1995), “The Political Psychology of ‘Peace through Democratization’”, Cooperation and Conflict, 30(1), pp. 5 - 30.
  • KİELMANNSEGG, Peter Graf; (2004, 22 Dezember), “Drei Regeln für den Frieden, Politik Essay”, Die Zeit, 53, s. 3.
  • KRAUSE, Joachim (2003), “Vom ewigen Frieden zum demokratischen Frie- den? Die Aussagekraft von Theorien des demokratischen Friedens”, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 13(2), ss. 693-716.
  • LAYNE, Christopher; (1994), “Kant or Can’t: The Myth of the Democratic Peace”, International Security, 19 (2), pp. 5 - 49.
  • LEVY, Jack; (1988), “Domestic Politics and War”, Journal of Interdiscipli- nary History, 18, pp. 653–673.
  • MANSFIELD, Edward D. and Jack SNYDER; (1995), “Democratization and the Danger of War”, International Security, 1, pp. 5-38.
  • NAVARİ, Cornelia; (2011),“The English School and the Emerging Democracy Norm in International Society”, WISC Third International Confe- rence, 17-20 August, Porto, Portugal: World International Studies Committee, pp. 1-12, Internet Address: report_on_porto.php, Date of Access: 05.03.2013.
  • ONEAL, John R. and Bruce RUSSETT; (1999), “The Kantian Peace: The Pa- cific Benefits of Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organ- izations, 1885 – 1992”, World Politics. A Quarterly Journal of In- ternational Relations, 52 (1), pp. 1-37.
  • OREN, Ido; (1995), “The Subjectivity of the ‘Democratic’ Peace. Changing U.S. Perceptions of Imperial Germany”, International Security, 20(2), pp. 147-184.
  • OWEN, John M.; (1994), “How Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace”, In- ternational Security, 19 (2), pp. 87-125.
  • ÖZCAN, Ufuk; (1997), “Wilson Prensipleri Üzerine”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyoloji Dergisi, 4, ss. 37-48.
  • PECENY, Mark; (1997), “A Constructivist Interpretation of the Liberal Peace: The Ambiguous Case of the Spanish-American War”, Journal of Peace Research, 34 (4), pp. 415 - 430.
  • QUACKENBUSH, Stephen L. and Michael RUDY; (2006), “Evaluating the Monadic Democratic Peace”, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Politi- cal Science Association, 20-23 April, Chicago-Illinois: Midwest Politi- cal kingGroups/ tabid/794/Default.aspx, Date of Access: 05.03.2013.
  • Conference/ConferenceSections/ Address: Wor
  • RAUCH, Carsten; (2005), Die Theorie des Demokratischen Friedens. Gren- zen und Perspektiven, Erste Auflage, Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verlag Gmbh.
  • RISSE-KAPPEN, Thomas; (1995), “Democratic Peace – Warlike Democra- cies? A Social Constructivist Interpretation of the Liberal Argument”, European Journal of International Relations, 1(4), pp. 491-517.
  • ROBINSON, William I.; (1996), “Globalization, The World System, and “De- mocracy Promotion”, Theory and Society, 25 (5), pp. 615-665.
  • ROSATO, Sebastian; (2003), “The Flawed Logic of Democratic Peace Theo- ry”, American Political Science Review, 97 (4), pp. 585 – 602.
  • ROUSSEAU, David, L. Christopher GELPİ, Dan REITER and Paul K. HUTH; (1996), “Assessing the Dyadic Nature of the Democratic Peace, 1918- 88”, The American Political Science Review, 90(3), pp. 512-533.
  • RUMMEL, Rudolph J.; (1975-1981), Understanding Confl ict and War, Vol. 1 – 5, New York: Sage Publications.
  • RUMMEL, Rudolph J.; (1983), “Libertarianism and International Violence”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2, pp. 27-71.
  • RUSSETT, Bruce; (1993), Grasping the Democratic Peace -Principles for a Post-Cold War World, First Edition, New Jersey: Princeton Universi- ty Press.
  • SCHEEL, Constanze; (2007), “Die liberale Theorie des Demokratischen Frie- dens –Frieden durch weltweite Demokratisierung?”, Sicherheit und Frieden, 25(4), ss. 208-213.
  • SCHRADER, Lutz; (2003), Frieden und Demokratie, Erste Auflage, Hagen: Fernuniversität Gesamthochschule.
  • SINGER, J. David and Melvin SMALL; (1972), The Wages of War, 1816- 1965: A Statistical Handbook, First Edition, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • SMALL, Melvin and J. David SİNGER; (1976), “The War Proneness of De- mocratic Regimes”, Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, 4, pp. 50-69.
  • SPIRO, David E.; (1994), “The Insignificance of the Liberal Peace”, Interna- tional Security, 19 (2), pp. 50 – 86.
  • TEUSCH, Ulrich und Martin KAHL; (2001), “Ein Theorem mit Verfallsdatum? Der ‘Demokratische Frieden’ im Kontext der Globalisierung”, Zeitsch- rift für Internationale Beziehungen, 2, ss. 287-320.
  • THRONTVEİT, Trygve; (2010), “Wilson, Past and Present”, Democracy Jo- urnal, 16, pp. 99-106.
  • WRIGHT, Quincy; (1942), A Study of War, First Edition, Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press.
  • YALVAÇ, Faruk; (2006), "Savaş ve Barış", iç Atila ERALP (Ed.), Devlet ve Ötesi: Uluslararası İlişkilerde Temel Kavramlar, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, ss. 251-285.
Year 2012, Issue: 40, 1 - 19, 20.05.2015



  • BABST, Dean V.; (1964), “Elective Governments - A Force for Peace”, The Wisconsin Sociologist, 3(1), pp. 9-14.
  • CHOJNACKİ, Sven; (2003), “Demokratien und Krieg: Das Konfliktverhalten demokratischer Staaten, 1946-2001”, WZB Discussion Papers P 2003-304, index.php/component/content/article/17-details- foerderprofil/65-eberwein, Date of Access: 03. 03. 2013.
  • CHOJNACKİ, Sven; (2003a), “Schnelle Siege bei geringen Kosten? Demokra- tien und Kriege”, WZB-Mitteilungen Heft, 100, ss. 18-22.
  • DAASE, Christopher; (2004), “Demokratischer Frieden - Demokratischer Krieg. Drei Gründe für die Unfriedlichkeit von Demokratien”, in Björn AUST und Peter SCHLOTTER (Hg), Demokratien im Krieg, Christi- ne Schweitzer, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges, ss. 53-71.
  • DALACOURA, Katerina; (2005), “US Democracy Promotion in The Arab Middle East Since 11 September 2001: A Critique”, International Af- fairs, 81 (5), pp. 963-79.
  • ERALP, Atilla; (2006), Devlet ve Ötesi: Uluslararası İlişkilerde Temel Kav- ramlar, Birinci Baskı, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • GEIS, Anna; (2001), “Diagnose: Doppelbefund - Ursache ungeklärt? Die Kont- roverse um den ‘demokratischen Frieden’, Politische Vierteljah- resschrift, 42 (2), ss. 282-298.
  • HASENCLEVER, Andreas; (2002), “The Democratic Peace Meets Internatio- nal Institutions.Überlegungen zur internationalen Organisation des de- mokratischen Friedens”, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 9(1), ss. 75-112.
  • HASENCLEVER, Andreas; (2003), “Liberale Ansätze zum ‚demokratischen Frieden”, in Siegfried SCHIEDER und Manuela SPINDLER (Hg.), Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen, Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich UTB, ss. 199-225.
  • HERMANN, Margaret G. and Charles KEGLEY Jr.; (1995), “Rethinking De- mocracy and International Peace: Perspectives from Political Psycholo- gy”, International Studies Quarterly, 39(4), pp. 511- 533.
  • KAHL, Colin; (1998-99), “Constructing a Separate Peace: Constructivism, Col- lective Liberal Identity and Democratic Peace”, Security Studies 8(2/3), pp. 94-144.
  • KANT, Immanuel; (1984), Zum Ewigen Frieden, Stuttgart: Reclam Verlag.
  • KEGLEY, Charles W. and Margaret G. HERMANN;(1995), “The Political Psychology of ‘Peace through Democratization’”, Cooperation and Conflict, 30(1), pp. 5 - 30.
  • KİELMANNSEGG, Peter Graf; (2004, 22 Dezember), “Drei Regeln für den Frieden, Politik Essay”, Die Zeit, 53, s. 3.
  • KRAUSE, Joachim (2003), “Vom ewigen Frieden zum demokratischen Frie- den? Die Aussagekraft von Theorien des demokratischen Friedens”, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 13(2), ss. 693-716.
  • LAYNE, Christopher; (1994), “Kant or Can’t: The Myth of the Democratic Peace”, International Security, 19 (2), pp. 5 - 49.
  • LEVY, Jack; (1988), “Domestic Politics and War”, Journal of Interdiscipli- nary History, 18, pp. 653–673.
  • MANSFIELD, Edward D. and Jack SNYDER; (1995), “Democratization and the Danger of War”, International Security, 1, pp. 5-38.
  • NAVARİ, Cornelia; (2011),“The English School and the Emerging Democracy Norm in International Society”, WISC Third International Confe- rence, 17-20 August, Porto, Portugal: World International Studies Committee, pp. 1-12, Internet Address: report_on_porto.php, Date of Access: 05.03.2013.
  • ONEAL, John R. and Bruce RUSSETT; (1999), “The Kantian Peace: The Pa- cific Benefits of Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organ- izations, 1885 – 1992”, World Politics. A Quarterly Journal of In- ternational Relations, 52 (1), pp. 1-37.
  • OREN, Ido; (1995), “The Subjectivity of the ‘Democratic’ Peace. Changing U.S. Perceptions of Imperial Germany”, International Security, 20(2), pp. 147-184.
  • OWEN, John M.; (1994), “How Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace”, In- ternational Security, 19 (2), pp. 87-125.
  • ÖZCAN, Ufuk; (1997), “Wilson Prensipleri Üzerine”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyoloji Dergisi, 4, ss. 37-48.
  • PECENY, Mark; (1997), “A Constructivist Interpretation of the Liberal Peace: The Ambiguous Case of the Spanish-American War”, Journal of Peace Research, 34 (4), pp. 415 - 430.
  • QUACKENBUSH, Stephen L. and Michael RUDY; (2006), “Evaluating the Monadic Democratic Peace”, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Politi- cal Science Association, 20-23 April, Chicago-Illinois: Midwest Politi- cal kingGroups/ tabid/794/Default.aspx, Date of Access: 05.03.2013.
  • Conference/ConferenceSections/ Address: Wor
  • RAUCH, Carsten; (2005), Die Theorie des Demokratischen Friedens. Gren- zen und Perspektiven, Erste Auflage, Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verlag Gmbh.
  • RISSE-KAPPEN, Thomas; (1995), “Democratic Peace – Warlike Democra- cies? A Social Constructivist Interpretation of the Liberal Argument”, European Journal of International Relations, 1(4), pp. 491-517.
  • ROBINSON, William I.; (1996), “Globalization, The World System, and “De- mocracy Promotion”, Theory and Society, 25 (5), pp. 615-665.
  • ROSATO, Sebastian; (2003), “The Flawed Logic of Democratic Peace Theo- ry”, American Political Science Review, 97 (4), pp. 585 – 602.
  • ROUSSEAU, David, L. Christopher GELPİ, Dan REITER and Paul K. HUTH; (1996), “Assessing the Dyadic Nature of the Democratic Peace, 1918- 88”, The American Political Science Review, 90(3), pp. 512-533.
  • RUMMEL, Rudolph J.; (1975-1981), Understanding Confl ict and War, Vol. 1 – 5, New York: Sage Publications.
  • RUMMEL, Rudolph J.; (1983), “Libertarianism and International Violence”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2, pp. 27-71.
  • RUSSETT, Bruce; (1993), Grasping the Democratic Peace -Principles for a Post-Cold War World, First Edition, New Jersey: Princeton Universi- ty Press.
  • SCHEEL, Constanze; (2007), “Die liberale Theorie des Demokratischen Frie- dens –Frieden durch weltweite Demokratisierung?”, Sicherheit und Frieden, 25(4), ss. 208-213.
  • SCHRADER, Lutz; (2003), Frieden und Demokratie, Erste Auflage, Hagen: Fernuniversität Gesamthochschule.
  • SINGER, J. David and Melvin SMALL; (1972), The Wages of War, 1816- 1965: A Statistical Handbook, First Edition, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • SMALL, Melvin and J. David SİNGER; (1976), “The War Proneness of De- mocratic Regimes”, Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, 4, pp. 50-69.
  • SPIRO, David E.; (1994), “The Insignificance of the Liberal Peace”, Interna- tional Security, 19 (2), pp. 50 – 86.
  • TEUSCH, Ulrich und Martin KAHL; (2001), “Ein Theorem mit Verfallsdatum? Der ‘Demokratische Frieden’ im Kontext der Globalisierung”, Zeitsch- rift für Internationale Beziehungen, 2, ss. 287-320.
  • THRONTVEİT, Trygve; (2010), “Wilson, Past and Present”, Democracy Jo- urnal, 16, pp. 99-106.
  • WRIGHT, Quincy; (1942), A Study of War, First Edition, Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press.
  • YALVAÇ, Faruk; (2006), "Savaş ve Barış", iç Atila ERALP (Ed.), Devlet ve Ötesi: Uluslararası İlişkilerde Temel Kavramlar, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, ss. 251-285.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Hakkı Büyükbaş This is me

Nilgün Atıcı This is me

Publication Date May 20, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2012 Issue: 40


APA Büyükbaş, H., & Atıcı, N. (2015). LİBERAL DEMOKRATİK BARIŞ KURAMI: ELEŞTİREL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(40), 1-19.

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