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Yıl 2013, Sayı: 41, 1 - 24, 21.05.2015


New trend in growth literature is to investigate the non-conventional dynamics of micro-level economic growth. The purpose of this study is to find out the cultural growth dynamics of the most producutive Turkish cities. Findings indicated that focus on the future, rule of law, work ethic, individualism, religion, education, wealth, charity, relations to business environments and universities, secularism and citizenry are the dynamics which cause economic growth in the cities, and the effects of them vary depending on the city in consideration


  • BARRO, Robert J.; (1990), “Government Spending In A Simple Model of En- dogenous Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), pp. 103- 125.
  • BARRO, Robert J; (2002), “Quantitiy and Qualtiy of Economic Growth”, Eco- nomic Growth: Sources, Trends and Cycles, 6(5), pp. 135-163.
  • BARRO, Robert J. and Rachel M. MC CLEARY; (2003), “Religion and Eco- nomic Growth Across Countries”, American Sociological Review, 68, pp. 760–781.
  • BIRASNAV, Muthuraj and Santosh RANGNEKAR; (2009), “Structure of Hu- man Capital Enhancing Human Resource Management Practices In In- dia”, International Journal of Business and Management, 4(5), pp. 226-238.
  • BLUM, Ulrich and Leonard DUDLEY; (2001), “Religion and Economic Growth: Was Weber Right?”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 11(2), pp. 207-230.
  • BRADLEY, Rebecca and Joshua S. GANS; (1998), “Growth in Australian Ci- ties”, The Economic Record, 74(226), pp. 266-278.
  • BROWN, Timothy A; (2006), Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research, USA: Guilford Press.
  • CHESHIRE, Paul and Gianni CARBONARO; (1996), “European Urban Eco- nomic Growth: Testing Theory and Policy Prescriptions”, Urban Stu- dies, 33(7), pp. 1111-1128.
  • CLARK, J. Stephen and Jack C. STABLER; (1991), “Gibrat's Law and The Growth of Canadian Cities”, Urban Studies, 28(4), pp. 635-639.
  • DA MATA, Daniel; Uwe DEICHMANN; J. Vernon HENDERSON; Somik V. LALL and Hyoung G. WANG; (2005), “Examining The Growth Pat- terns of Brazilian Cities”, Policy Research Working Paper Series, 3724, The World Bank.
  • DANIELZYK, Rainer and Gerald WOOD; (2001), “On The Relationship Between Cultural and Economic Aspects of Regional Development: Some Evidence From Germany and Britain”, European Planning Stu- dies, 9(1), pp. 69-83.
  • DE LONG, J. Bradford and Andrei SHLEIFER; (1993), “Princes and Merc- hants: European City Growth Before The Industrial Revolution”, Jour- nal of Law & Economics, 36(2), pp. 671-702.
  • DOMAR, Evsey D.; (1946), “Capital Expansion, Rate of Growth and Employ- ment”, Econometrica, 14(2), pp. 137-147.
  • DURANTON, Gilles; (2000), “Urbanization, Urban Structure, and Growth”, in Jean M. HURIOT ve Jacques F. THISSE (Ed.), Economics of Cities: Theoretical Perspectives, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 290-317.
  • DURANTON, Gilles; (2004), Some economics for Zipf’s Law, Romer and Simon Unified: Mimeo.
  • DUROY, Quentin M.; (2003), “Culture, Environmental Values and Economic Growth: Essays In Development and Ecological Economics”, Unpub- lished PhD Thesis, New York: Rensselear Polytechnic Institute.
  • EATON, Jonathan and Zwi ECKSTEIN; (1997), “Cities and Growth: Theory and Evidence From France and Japan”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 27(4), pp. 443-474.
  • FLORIDA, Richard; (2002), “Bohemia and Economic Geography”, Journal of Economic Geography, 2, pp. 55–71.
  • FRANKE, Richard H.; Geert HOFSTEDE and Michael H. BOND; (1991), “Cultural Roots of Economic Performance: A Research Note”, Strate- gic Management Journal, 12, pp. 165-173.
  • FRIEDMAN, John; (1969), “The Role of Cities In National Development”, American Behavioral Scientist, 12(5), pp. 13-21.
  • GABAIX, Xavier; (1999), “Zipf's Law and The Growth of Cities”, The Ameri- can Economic Review, 89(2), pp. 129 -132.
  • GLAESER, Edward L.; Hedi D. KALLAL; Jose A. SCHEINKMAN and And- rei SHLEIFER; (1992), “Growth In Cities”, Journal of Political Eco- nomy, 100(6), pp. 1126-1152.
  • GLAESER, Edward L.; Jose A. SCHEINKMAN and Andrei SHLEIFER; (1995), “Economic Growth In A Cross-section of Cities”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 36(1), pp. 117-143.
  • GRANATO, Jim; Ronald INGLEHART and David LEBLANG; (1996), “The Effect of Cultural Values on Economic Development: Theory, Hypot- heses, and Some Empirical Tests”, American Journal of Political Sci- ence, 40(3), pp. 607-631.
  • GRONDONA, Mariano; (2000), “A Cultural Typology of Economic Develop- ment”, in Lawrence E. HARRISON and Samuel P. HUNTINGTON (Ed.), Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress, USA: Basic Books, pp. 13-43.
  • HAIR, Joseph F.; Ronald L. TATHAM; Rolph E. ANDERSON and William C. BLACK; (2003), Multivariate Data Analysis, New Delhi: Pearson Education.
  • HARRISON, Lawrence E.; (2000), “Promoting Progressive Cultural Change”, in Lawrence E. HARRISON ve Samuel P. HUNTINGTON (Ed.), Cul- ture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress, USA: Basic Bo- oks, pp. 44-87.
  • HARROD, R. Forbes; (1948), Towards A Dynamic Economics, UK: McMil- lan.
  • HERRERO, Luis C.; Jose A. SANZ; Maria DEVESA; Ana BEDATE and Ma- rio J. BARRIO; (2006), “The Economic Impact of Cultural Events: A Case-Study of Salamanca 2002: European Capital of Culture”, Euro- pean Urban and Regional Studies, 13(1), pp. 41-57.
  • HOFSTEDE, Geert; (1980), Culture’s Consequences: International Diffe- rences In Work-related Values, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
  • HOSELITZ, Bert F.; (1953), “The Role of Cities In The Economic Growth of Underdeveloped Countries”, Journal of Political Economy, 61(3), pp. 195-208.
  • HOSELITZ, Bert F.; (1955), “The City, The Factory, and Economic Growth”, The American Economic Review, 45(2), pp. 166-184.
  • JACOBS, Jane; (1969), The Economy of Cities, USA: Vintage Books.
  • JORESKOG, Karl G. and Dag SORBOM; (1993), LISREL: User’s Reference Guide, Chicago: Scientific International Software.
  • KHAN, Muhammad M.; Jianhua ZHANG; Muhammad S. HASHMI and Mohsin BASHIR; (2010), “Cultural Values and Economic Growth In Asia: An Empirical Analysis”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 1(2), pp. 15-27.
  • LANDES, David S.; (1998), The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor, New York: Norton.
  • LUCAS, Robert E.; (1988), On The Mechanics of Economic Development”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 22, pp. 3-42.
  • NGAI, Eric; Edwin CHENG and Mark HO; (2004), Critical Success Factors of Web-Based Supply Chain Management Systems: An Exploratory Study”, Production Planning & Control, 15(6), pp. 622-630.
  • NOLAND, Marcus; (2005), “Religion and Economic Performance”, World Development, 33(8), pp. 1215-1232.
  • OTTAVIANO, Gianmarco I. P. and Giovanni PERI; (2005), “Cities and Cultu- res”, Journal of Urban Economics, 58(2), pp. 304-337.
  • OTTAVIANO, Gianmarco I. P. and Giovanni PERI; (2006), “The Economic Value of Cultural Diversity: Evidence From US Cities”, Journal of Economic Geography, 6(1), pp. 9-44.
  • RAGAN, Kelly and Bharat TREHAN; (1998), “Cities and Growth”, FRBSF Economic Letter, 11, pp. 98-127.
  • RAUCH, James E.; (1991), “Productivity Gains From Geographic Concentra- tion of Human Capital: Evidence From The Cities”, NBER Working Papers 3905, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  • ROMER, Paul M.; (1986), “Increasing Returns and Long Run Growth”, Jour- nal of Political Economy, 94(5), pp. 1002-1037.
  • ROMER, Paul M.; (1990), “Endogenous Technological Change”, Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), pp. 71-102.
  • SALA-I-MARTIN, Xaiver; Gernot DOPPELHOFER and Ronald I. MILLER; (2004), “Determinants of Long Run Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach”, The American Economic Re- view, 94(4), pp. 813–835.
  • SCHUMACKER, Randall E. and Richard G. LOMAX.; (2004), A Beginner’s Guide to Structural Equation Modeling, Second Ed. USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • SASSEN, Saskia S.; (1994), Cities In A World Economy, Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press.
  • SOLOW, Robert M.; (1956), “A Contribution To The Theory of Economic Growth”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70, pp. 65-95.
  • SVEIKAUSKAS, Leo; (1975), “The Productivity of Cities”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 89(3), pp. 393-413.
  • VILADECANS MARSAL, Elisabet; (2002), The Growth of Cities: Does Agg- lomeration Matter?, Working Papers, Institut d'Economia de Barcelo- na (IEB), No 2002/3.
  • WEBER, Max; (1904), The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism, 1976 Edition, London: George Allen & Unwin.


Yıl 2013, Sayı: 41, 1 - 24, 21.05.2015


      Büyüme literatüründeki yeni trend, mikro düzeyli ekonomik büyüme olgusunun geleneksel olmayan dinamiklerinin araştırılmasıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türk ekonomisinin en üretken kentlerinde kültürel büyüme dinamiklerinin tespit edilmesidir. Bulgular, söz konusu kentlerde ekonomik büyümeye neden olan kültürel dinamiklerin geleceğe odaklanma, hukukun üstünlüğü, iş ahlakı, bireycilik, dindarlık, eğitim, servet, hayırseverlik, iş çevreleri ve üniversitelerle ilişkiler, sekülerlik ve hemşericilik olduğunu ve söz konusu dinamiklerin etkilerinin ele alınan kente bağlı olarak farklılık gösterdiğini ortaya koymuştur. 


  • BARRO, Robert J.; (1990), “Government Spending In A Simple Model of En- dogenous Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), pp. 103- 125.
  • BARRO, Robert J; (2002), “Quantitiy and Qualtiy of Economic Growth”, Eco- nomic Growth: Sources, Trends and Cycles, 6(5), pp. 135-163.
  • BARRO, Robert J. and Rachel M. MC CLEARY; (2003), “Religion and Eco- nomic Growth Across Countries”, American Sociological Review, 68, pp. 760–781.
  • BIRASNAV, Muthuraj and Santosh RANGNEKAR; (2009), “Structure of Hu- man Capital Enhancing Human Resource Management Practices In In- dia”, International Journal of Business and Management, 4(5), pp. 226-238.
  • BLUM, Ulrich and Leonard DUDLEY; (2001), “Religion and Economic Growth: Was Weber Right?”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 11(2), pp. 207-230.
  • BRADLEY, Rebecca and Joshua S. GANS; (1998), “Growth in Australian Ci- ties”, The Economic Record, 74(226), pp. 266-278.
  • BROWN, Timothy A; (2006), Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research, USA: Guilford Press.
  • CHESHIRE, Paul and Gianni CARBONARO; (1996), “European Urban Eco- nomic Growth: Testing Theory and Policy Prescriptions”, Urban Stu- dies, 33(7), pp. 1111-1128.
  • CLARK, J. Stephen and Jack C. STABLER; (1991), “Gibrat's Law and The Growth of Canadian Cities”, Urban Studies, 28(4), pp. 635-639.
  • DA MATA, Daniel; Uwe DEICHMANN; J. Vernon HENDERSON; Somik V. LALL and Hyoung G. WANG; (2005), “Examining The Growth Pat- terns of Brazilian Cities”, Policy Research Working Paper Series, 3724, The World Bank.
  • DANIELZYK, Rainer and Gerald WOOD; (2001), “On The Relationship Between Cultural and Economic Aspects of Regional Development: Some Evidence From Germany and Britain”, European Planning Stu- dies, 9(1), pp. 69-83.
  • DE LONG, J. Bradford and Andrei SHLEIFER; (1993), “Princes and Merc- hants: European City Growth Before The Industrial Revolution”, Jour- nal of Law & Economics, 36(2), pp. 671-702.
  • DOMAR, Evsey D.; (1946), “Capital Expansion, Rate of Growth and Employ- ment”, Econometrica, 14(2), pp. 137-147.
  • DURANTON, Gilles; (2000), “Urbanization, Urban Structure, and Growth”, in Jean M. HURIOT ve Jacques F. THISSE (Ed.), Economics of Cities: Theoretical Perspectives, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 290-317.
  • DURANTON, Gilles; (2004), Some economics for Zipf’s Law, Romer and Simon Unified: Mimeo.
  • DUROY, Quentin M.; (2003), “Culture, Environmental Values and Economic Growth: Essays In Development and Ecological Economics”, Unpub- lished PhD Thesis, New York: Rensselear Polytechnic Institute.
  • EATON, Jonathan and Zwi ECKSTEIN; (1997), “Cities and Growth: Theory and Evidence From France and Japan”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 27(4), pp. 443-474.
  • FLORIDA, Richard; (2002), “Bohemia and Economic Geography”, Journal of Economic Geography, 2, pp. 55–71.
  • FRANKE, Richard H.; Geert HOFSTEDE and Michael H. BOND; (1991), “Cultural Roots of Economic Performance: A Research Note”, Strate- gic Management Journal, 12, pp. 165-173.
  • FRIEDMAN, John; (1969), “The Role of Cities In National Development”, American Behavioral Scientist, 12(5), pp. 13-21.
  • GABAIX, Xavier; (1999), “Zipf's Law and The Growth of Cities”, The Ameri- can Economic Review, 89(2), pp. 129 -132.
  • GLAESER, Edward L.; Hedi D. KALLAL; Jose A. SCHEINKMAN and And- rei SHLEIFER; (1992), “Growth In Cities”, Journal of Political Eco- nomy, 100(6), pp. 1126-1152.
  • GLAESER, Edward L.; Jose A. SCHEINKMAN and Andrei SHLEIFER; (1995), “Economic Growth In A Cross-section of Cities”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 36(1), pp. 117-143.
  • GRANATO, Jim; Ronald INGLEHART and David LEBLANG; (1996), “The Effect of Cultural Values on Economic Development: Theory, Hypot- heses, and Some Empirical Tests”, American Journal of Political Sci- ence, 40(3), pp. 607-631.
  • GRONDONA, Mariano; (2000), “A Cultural Typology of Economic Develop- ment”, in Lawrence E. HARRISON and Samuel P. HUNTINGTON (Ed.), Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress, USA: Basic Books, pp. 13-43.
  • HAIR, Joseph F.; Ronald L. TATHAM; Rolph E. ANDERSON and William C. BLACK; (2003), Multivariate Data Analysis, New Delhi: Pearson Education.
  • HARRISON, Lawrence E.; (2000), “Promoting Progressive Cultural Change”, in Lawrence E. HARRISON ve Samuel P. HUNTINGTON (Ed.), Cul- ture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress, USA: Basic Bo- oks, pp. 44-87.
  • HARROD, R. Forbes; (1948), Towards A Dynamic Economics, UK: McMil- lan.
  • HERRERO, Luis C.; Jose A. SANZ; Maria DEVESA; Ana BEDATE and Ma- rio J. BARRIO; (2006), “The Economic Impact of Cultural Events: A Case-Study of Salamanca 2002: European Capital of Culture”, Euro- pean Urban and Regional Studies, 13(1), pp. 41-57.
  • HOFSTEDE, Geert; (1980), Culture’s Consequences: International Diffe- rences In Work-related Values, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
  • HOSELITZ, Bert F.; (1953), “The Role of Cities In The Economic Growth of Underdeveloped Countries”, Journal of Political Economy, 61(3), pp. 195-208.
  • HOSELITZ, Bert F.; (1955), “The City, The Factory, and Economic Growth”, The American Economic Review, 45(2), pp. 166-184.
  • JACOBS, Jane; (1969), The Economy of Cities, USA: Vintage Books.
  • JORESKOG, Karl G. and Dag SORBOM; (1993), LISREL: User’s Reference Guide, Chicago: Scientific International Software.
  • KHAN, Muhammad M.; Jianhua ZHANG; Muhammad S. HASHMI and Mohsin BASHIR; (2010), “Cultural Values and Economic Growth In Asia: An Empirical Analysis”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 1(2), pp. 15-27.
  • LANDES, David S.; (1998), The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor, New York: Norton.
  • LUCAS, Robert E.; (1988), On The Mechanics of Economic Development”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 22, pp. 3-42.
  • NGAI, Eric; Edwin CHENG and Mark HO; (2004), Critical Success Factors of Web-Based Supply Chain Management Systems: An Exploratory Study”, Production Planning & Control, 15(6), pp. 622-630.
  • NOLAND, Marcus; (2005), “Religion and Economic Performance”, World Development, 33(8), pp. 1215-1232.
  • OTTAVIANO, Gianmarco I. P. and Giovanni PERI; (2005), “Cities and Cultu- res”, Journal of Urban Economics, 58(2), pp. 304-337.
  • OTTAVIANO, Gianmarco I. P. and Giovanni PERI; (2006), “The Economic Value of Cultural Diversity: Evidence From US Cities”, Journal of Economic Geography, 6(1), pp. 9-44.
  • RAGAN, Kelly and Bharat TREHAN; (1998), “Cities and Growth”, FRBSF Economic Letter, 11, pp. 98-127.
  • RAUCH, James E.; (1991), “Productivity Gains From Geographic Concentra- tion of Human Capital: Evidence From The Cities”, NBER Working Papers 3905, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  • ROMER, Paul M.; (1986), “Increasing Returns and Long Run Growth”, Jour- nal of Political Economy, 94(5), pp. 1002-1037.
  • ROMER, Paul M.; (1990), “Endogenous Technological Change”, Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), pp. 71-102.
  • SALA-I-MARTIN, Xaiver; Gernot DOPPELHOFER and Ronald I. MILLER; (2004), “Determinants of Long Run Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach”, The American Economic Re- view, 94(4), pp. 813–835.
  • SCHUMACKER, Randall E. and Richard G. LOMAX.; (2004), A Beginner’s Guide to Structural Equation Modeling, Second Ed. USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • SASSEN, Saskia S.; (1994), Cities In A World Economy, Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press.
  • SOLOW, Robert M.; (1956), “A Contribution To The Theory of Economic Growth”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70, pp. 65-95.
  • SVEIKAUSKAS, Leo; (1975), “The Productivity of Cities”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 89(3), pp. 393-413.
  • VILADECANS MARSAL, Elisabet; (2002), The Growth of Cities: Does Agg- lomeration Matter?, Working Papers, Institut d'Economia de Barcelo- na (IEB), No 2002/3.
  • WEBER, Max; (1904), The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism, 1976 Edition, London: George Allen & Unwin.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Can Tuğcu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Sayı: 41

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdem, E., & Tuğcu, C. (2015). MAKRO-EKONOMİK BÜYÜMEYE MİKRO-KÜLTÜREL BİR YAKLAŞIM: TÜRKİYE’DE KENTLERİN KÜLTÜREL BÜYÜME DİNAMİKLERİ. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(41), 1-24.

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