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Yıl 2013, Sayı: 42, 91 - 122, 18.05.2015


Strategic human resource management (SHRM) has horizontal and vertical dimensions. Horizontal dimension of SHRM is to arrange human resource management (HRM) practices to support and fit each other. Vertical dimension expresses that HRM practices match with organizational strategies. Our objective in this study is to explain SHRM in a theoretical way and to examine how businesses that are operating in Kayseri perceive SHRM. According to the results of the analysis, human resource (HR) managers think that SHRM occurs with its vertical and horizontal dimensions in their businesses. Managers state that HR strategies are compatible with each other in their organizations. Also, HR opportunities and restrictions are considered while determining and applying business strategies. It is thought that, this study constitutes a basis for studies that will be done in the future


  • ARMSTRONG, Michael; (2006), Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action, Third Edition, London: Kogan Page.
  • ARTHUR, Jeffrey B.; (1992), “The Link between Business Strategy and Indus- trial Relations Systems in American Steel Minimills”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 45(3), pp.488-506.
  • BARNEY, Jay B. and Patrick M. WRIGHT; (1998), “On Becoming A Strategic Partner: The Role of Human Resource Management In Gaining Com- petitive Advantage”, Human Resource Management, 37(1), pp.31-46.
  • BECKER, Brian E. and Mark A. HUSELID; (1999) “Overview: Strategic Hu- man Resource Management in Five Leading Firms”, Human Resource Management, 38(4), pp.287-301.
  • BECTON, Bret J. and Mike SCHRAEDER; (2009), “Strategic Human Resource Management: Are We There Yet?”, Journal for Quali- ty&Participation, 31(4), pp.11-18.
  • BENNETT, Nathan; David J. KETCHEN and Elyssa B. SCHULTZ; (1998), “An Examination of Factors Associated With The Integration of Human Resource Management and Strategic Decision Making”, Human Re- source Management, 37(1), pp.3-16.
  • BIRD, Allan and Schon BEECHLER; (1995), “Links between Business Strate- gy and Human Resource Management Strategy in U.S.-Based Japanese Subsidiaries: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of International Business Studies, 26(1), pp.23-46.
  • BRAID, Lloyd and Ilan MESHOULAM; (1988), “Managing Two Fits of Stra- tegic Human Resource Management”, Academy of Management Re- view, 13(1), pp.116-128.
  • BRATTON, John; (2001), “Strategic Human Resource Management”, in John BRATTON and Jeffrey GOLD (Ed.), Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, Lawrange Erlbaum, pp. 37-64.
  • BREWSTER, Chris; (1999), “Strategic Human Resource Management: The Value of Different Paradigms”, Management International Review, 39, pp.45-64.
  • BULLER, Paul F.; (1988), “Successful Partnerships: HR and Strategic Planning at Eight Tops Firms”, Organizational Dynamics, 17(2), pp.27-43.
  • BULLER, Paul F.; Caryn Beck DUDLEY and Glenn M. MCEVOY; (1990), “Competitive Strategy and Human Resource Practices in a Professional Service Environment”, Human Resource Planning, 13(1), pp.27-36.
  • CHRISTENSEN, Ralph; (2006), Roadmap to Strategic HR: Turning a Great Idea into a Business Reality, New York: American Management Asso- ciation.
  • COLBERT, Barry A.; (2004), “The Complex Resource-Based View: Implica- tions for Theory and Practice in Strategic Human Resource Manage- ment”, Academy of Management Review, 29(3), pp.341-358.
  • COOK, D. Smith and Gerald R. FERRIS; (1986), “Strategic Human Resource Management and Firm Effectiveness in Industries Experiencing De- cline”, Human Resource Managemet, 25(3), pp.441-457.
  • DELERY, E. John and Harold D. DOTY; (1996), “Modes of Theorizing in Stra- tegic Human Resource Management: Tests of Universalistic, Contin- gency, and Configurational Performance Predictions”, Academy of Management Journal, 39(4), pp.802-835.
  • DELERY, E. John; (1998), “Issues of Fit in Strategic Human Resource Man- agement: Implications for Research”, Human Resource Management Review, 8(3), pp.289-309.
  • DEVANNA, Mary A.; Charles J. FOMBRUN and Noel M. TICHY; (1981), Management: “Human Organizational Dynamics, Winter, pp.51-67. A Strategic Perspective”,
  • DEVANNA, Mary A.; Charles J. FOMBRUN; Noel M. TICHY and Lynn WARREN; (1982), “Strategic Planning and Human Resource Manage- ment”, Human Resource Management, 21(1), pp.11-17.
  • GOLDEN, Karen and Vasudevan RAMANUJAM; (1985), “Between a Dream and a Nightmare: On the Integration of the Human Resource Manage- ment and Strategic Business Planning Processes”, Human Resource Management, 24(4), pp.429-452.
  • GRATTON, Lynda; Veronica Hope HAILEY; Philip STİLES and Catherine TRUSS; (2003), Strategic Human Resource Management, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • GREEN, Kenneth W.; Cindy WU; Dwayne WHITTEN and Bobby MEDLIN; (2006), “The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management and HR Professionals’ Work Attitude and Work Performance”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(4), pp.559-579.
  • GREER, Charles R.; (2001), Strategic Human Resource Management, Sec- ond Edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • GRUNDY, Tony; (1997), “Human Resource Management-A Strategic Ap- proach”, Long Range Planning, 30(4), pp. 507-517.
  • GUNNIGLE, Patrict and Sarah MOORE; (1994), “Linking Business Strategy and Human Resource Management: Issues and Implications”, Personel Review, 23(1), pp.63-84.
  • HAYTON, James C.; (2005), “Promoting Corporate Entrepreneurship through Human Resource Management Practices: A Review of Empirical Rese- arch”, Human Resource Management Review, 15, pp.21-41.
  • HENDRY, Chris and Andrew PETTIGREW; (1990), “Human Resource Man- agement: an Agenda for the 1990s”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1(1), pp.17-43.
  • HENDRY, Chris and Andrew PETTIGREW; (1992), “Patterns of Strategic Change in the Development of Human Resource Management”, British Journal of Management, 3, pp.137-156.
  • IVANCEVICH, John M.; (2004), Human Resource Management, Ninth Edi- tion, Boston: McGraw-Hill.
  • JACKSON, Susan E.; Randall S. SCHULER and J. Carlos RIVERO; (1989), “Organizational Characteristics as Predictors of Personel Practices”, Personnel Psychology, 42, pp.727-786.
  • KAMOCHE, Ken; (1996), “Strategic Human Resource Management within A Resource-Capability View of the Firm”, Journal of Management Studies, 33(2), pp.213-233.
  • KAZMI, Azhar and Fayaz AHMAD; (2001), “Differening Approaches to Stra- tegic Human Resource Management”, Journal of Management Rese- arch, 1(3), pp.133-140.
  • LENGNICK-HALL, Mark L.; Cynthia A. LENGNICK-HALL; Leticia S. ANDRADE and Brain DRAKE; (2009), “Strategic Human Resource Management: The Evolution of the Field” Human Resource Manage- ment Review, 19, pp.64-85.
  • LENGNICK-HALL, Mark L. and Cynthia A. LENGNICK-HALL; (1988), “Strategic Human Resource Management: A Review of the Literature and Proposed Typology”, Academy of Management Review, 13(3), pp.454-470.
  • LEPAK, David P. and Scott A. SNELL; (1998), “Virtual HR: Strategic Human Resource Management in the 21st Century”, Human Resource Man- agement Review, 8(3), pp.215-234.
  • LUNDY, Olive; (1994), “From Personel Management to Strategic Human Re- source Management”, The International journal of Human Resource Management, 5(3), pp.687-720.
  • MABEY, Christopher; Graeme SALAMAN and John STOREY; (2002), Hu- man Resource Management: A Strategic Introduction, Second Edi- tion, USA: Blackwell Publishers Inc.
  • MARTEL, Kathryn and Stephen J. CARROLL; (1995), “How Strategic Is HRM?”, Human Resource Management, 34(2), pp.253-267.
  • MASSEY, Roy; (1994), “Taking a Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management”, Health Manpower Management, 20(5), pp.27-30.
  • MELLO, Jeffrey A.; (2006), Strategic Human Resource Management, Sec- ond Edition, America: Thomson Corporation.
  • MESCH, Debra J.; James L. PERRY and Lois Recascino WISE; (1995), “Bu- reaucratic and Strategic Human Resmillimanource Management: An Empirical Comparasion in the Federal Government”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 5(4), pp.385-402.
  • MILES, Ray E. and Charles C. SNOW; (1984), “Designing Strategic Human Resource Systems”, Organizational Dynamics, pp. 36-52.
  • MILLER, Paul; (1987), “Strategic Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management-Distinction, Definition and Recognition”, Journal Man- agement Studies, 24(4), pp.347-361.
  • MILLIMAN, John; Mary Ann Von GLINOW and Maria NATHAN; (1991), “Organizational Life Cycles and Strategic International Human Re- source Management in Multinational Companies: Implications for Con- gruence Theory”, Academy of Management Review, 16(2), pp.318- 339.
  • MİLLMORE, Mike; Philip LEWİS; Mark SAUNDERS; Adrian THORNHILL and Trevor MORROW; (2007), Strategic Human Resource Manage- ment: Contemporary Issues, London: Prentice Hall.
  • MİRZE, Kadri; (2010), İşletme, İstanbul: Literatür Yayınları.
  • PETERS, James W.; (1988), “Strategic Staffing: A Key Link in Business and Human Resource Planning”, HR. Human Resource Planning, 11(2), pp.151-158.
  • ROWDEN, Robert W.; (1999), “Potential Roles of the Human Resource Man- agement Professional in the Strategic Planning Process”, S.A.M. Ad- vanced Management Journal, 64(3), pp.22-34.
  • SALAMAN, Graeme; John STOREY and Jon BILLSBERRY; (2005), “Strate- gic Human Resource Management: Defining the Field”, in Graeme SALAMAN; John STOREY and Jon BILLSBERRY (Ed.), Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, Second Edi- tion, London: Sage Publications, pp. 1-12.
  • SANZ-VALLE, Raquel; Ramon SABATER-SANCHEZ and Antonio ARAGON-SANCHEZ; (1999), “Human Resource Management and Business Strategy Links: An Empirical Study”, The International Human Resource Management, 10(4), pp.655-671.
  • SCHULER, Randall S. and Susan E. JACKSON; (1987), “Organizational Strat- egy and Organization Level as Determinants of Human Resource Man- agement Practice”, HR. Human Resource Planning, 10(3), pp.125- 141.
  • SLUIJS, Ed Van and Frits KLUYTMANS; (1994), “Business Strategy and Hu- man Resource Management: Setting the Scene”, Business Strategy and Human Resource Management, MERIT Document 94-036, pp.1-23.
  • STROH, Linda K. and Paula M. CALIGIURI; (1998), “Strategic Human Re- sources: A New Source for Competitive Advantage in the Global Are- na”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 9(1), pp.1-17.
  • SWIERCZ, Paul Michael; (1995), “Research Update: Strategic HRM”, Human Resource Planning, 18(3), pp.53-59.
  • TICHY, Noel M.; Charles J. FOMBRUN and Mary Anne DEVANNA; (1982), “Strategic Human Resource Management”, Sloan Management Re- view, 23(2), pp.47-61.
  • TOMPKINS, Jonathan; (2002), “Strategic Human Resource Management in Government: Unresolved Issues”, Public Personnel Management, 31(1), pp.95-110.
  • TRUSS, Catherine and Lynda GRATTON; (1994), “Strategic Human Resource Management: A Conceptual Approach”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 5(3), pp.663-686.
  • ULRICH, Dave; (1987), “Organizational Capability as a Competitive Ad- vantage: Human Resource Professionals as Strategic Partners”, HR. Human Resource Planning, 10(4), pp.169-184.
  • ULRICH, Dave; (1998), Delivering Results: A New Mandate for Human Resource Professionals, Boston: Harvard Business Book Publishing.
  • WRIGHT, Patrick M. and Gary C. MCMAHAN; (1992), “Theoretical Perspec- tive for Strategic Human Resource Management”, Journal of Man- agement, 18(2), pp.295-320.
  • WRIGHT, Patrick M. and Scott A. SNELL; (1991), “Toward an Integrative View of Strategic Human Resource Management”, Human Resource Management Review, 1(3), pp.203-225.
  • WRIGHT, Patrick M. and Scott A. SNELL; (1998), “Toward A Unifying Framework For Exploring Fit and Flexibility in Strategic Human Re- source Management, Academy of Management Review, 23(4), pp.756-772.
  • WRIGHT, Patrick M. and W. Scott SHERMAN; (1999), “Failing to Find Fit in Strategic Human Resource Management: Theoretical and Empirical Problems”, in Gerald R FERRİS; Patrick M. WRİGHT; Lee D. DYER et al (Ed.), Research in Personel and Human Resources Manage- ment, London: JAI Pres Inc, pp. 53-74.


Yıl 2013, Sayı: 42, 91 - 122, 18.05.2015


Stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi (İKY), yatay ve dikey boyutları olan bir alandır. Stratejik İKY’nin yatay boyutu, İKY uygulamalarının birbirine uyum sağlayacak ve birbirini destekleyecek şekilde oluşturulmasıdır. Dikey boyut ise, İKY uygulamalarının örgütsel stratejilerle bütünleşmesi ve örgütün stratejik amaçlarını desteklemesini ifade etmektedir. Bu çerçevede, çalışmanın temel amacı, stratejik İKY’yi kavramsal olarak açıklayarak, konunun Kayseri İli’nde faaliyet gösteren işletmeler tarafından yatay ve dikey boyutu itibariyle nasıl algılandığını ve ne şekilde uygulandığını tespit etmektir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, insan kaynakları (İK) yöneticileri, kendi işletmelerinde stratejik İKY’nin yatay ve dikey boyutu itibariyle gerçekleştiğini düşünmektedirler. Yöneticiler, işletmelerinde belirlenen İK stratejilerinin birbiriyle uyumlu ve birbirini destekleyici olduğunu ifade etmişlerdir. Ayrıca, işletme stratejileri belirlenirken ve uygulanırken temel İK fırsatlarının ve sınırlılıklarının dikkate alındığını belirtmişlerdir. Yapılan araştırmanın ilerde yapılacak araştırmalar için temel teşkil edeceği düşünülmektedir.


  • ARMSTRONG, Michael; (2006), Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action, Third Edition, London: Kogan Page.
  • ARTHUR, Jeffrey B.; (1992), “The Link between Business Strategy and Indus- trial Relations Systems in American Steel Minimills”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 45(3), pp.488-506.
  • BARNEY, Jay B. and Patrick M. WRIGHT; (1998), “On Becoming A Strategic Partner: The Role of Human Resource Management In Gaining Com- petitive Advantage”, Human Resource Management, 37(1), pp.31-46.
  • BECKER, Brian E. and Mark A. HUSELID; (1999) “Overview: Strategic Hu- man Resource Management in Five Leading Firms”, Human Resource Management, 38(4), pp.287-301.
  • BECTON, Bret J. and Mike SCHRAEDER; (2009), “Strategic Human Resource Management: Are We There Yet?”, Journal for Quali- ty&Participation, 31(4), pp.11-18.
  • BENNETT, Nathan; David J. KETCHEN and Elyssa B. SCHULTZ; (1998), “An Examination of Factors Associated With The Integration of Human Resource Management and Strategic Decision Making”, Human Re- source Management, 37(1), pp.3-16.
  • BIRD, Allan and Schon BEECHLER; (1995), “Links between Business Strate- gy and Human Resource Management Strategy in U.S.-Based Japanese Subsidiaries: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of International Business Studies, 26(1), pp.23-46.
  • BRAID, Lloyd and Ilan MESHOULAM; (1988), “Managing Two Fits of Stra- tegic Human Resource Management”, Academy of Management Re- view, 13(1), pp.116-128.
  • BRATTON, John; (2001), “Strategic Human Resource Management”, in John BRATTON and Jeffrey GOLD (Ed.), Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, Lawrange Erlbaum, pp. 37-64.
  • BREWSTER, Chris; (1999), “Strategic Human Resource Management: The Value of Different Paradigms”, Management International Review, 39, pp.45-64.
  • BULLER, Paul F.; (1988), “Successful Partnerships: HR and Strategic Planning at Eight Tops Firms”, Organizational Dynamics, 17(2), pp.27-43.
  • BULLER, Paul F.; Caryn Beck DUDLEY and Glenn M. MCEVOY; (1990), “Competitive Strategy and Human Resource Practices in a Professional Service Environment”, Human Resource Planning, 13(1), pp.27-36.
  • CHRISTENSEN, Ralph; (2006), Roadmap to Strategic HR: Turning a Great Idea into a Business Reality, New York: American Management Asso- ciation.
  • COLBERT, Barry A.; (2004), “The Complex Resource-Based View: Implica- tions for Theory and Practice in Strategic Human Resource Manage- ment”, Academy of Management Review, 29(3), pp.341-358.
  • COOK, D. Smith and Gerald R. FERRIS; (1986), “Strategic Human Resource Management and Firm Effectiveness in Industries Experiencing De- cline”, Human Resource Managemet, 25(3), pp.441-457.
  • DELERY, E. John and Harold D. DOTY; (1996), “Modes of Theorizing in Stra- tegic Human Resource Management: Tests of Universalistic, Contin- gency, and Configurational Performance Predictions”, Academy of Management Journal, 39(4), pp.802-835.
  • DELERY, E. John; (1998), “Issues of Fit in Strategic Human Resource Man- agement: Implications for Research”, Human Resource Management Review, 8(3), pp.289-309.
  • DEVANNA, Mary A.; Charles J. FOMBRUN and Noel M. TICHY; (1981), Management: “Human Organizational Dynamics, Winter, pp.51-67. A Strategic Perspective”,
  • DEVANNA, Mary A.; Charles J. FOMBRUN; Noel M. TICHY and Lynn WARREN; (1982), “Strategic Planning and Human Resource Manage- ment”, Human Resource Management, 21(1), pp.11-17.
  • GOLDEN, Karen and Vasudevan RAMANUJAM; (1985), “Between a Dream and a Nightmare: On the Integration of the Human Resource Manage- ment and Strategic Business Planning Processes”, Human Resource Management, 24(4), pp.429-452.
  • GRATTON, Lynda; Veronica Hope HAILEY; Philip STİLES and Catherine TRUSS; (2003), Strategic Human Resource Management, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • GREEN, Kenneth W.; Cindy WU; Dwayne WHITTEN and Bobby MEDLIN; (2006), “The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management and HR Professionals’ Work Attitude and Work Performance”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(4), pp.559-579.
  • GREER, Charles R.; (2001), Strategic Human Resource Management, Sec- ond Edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • GRUNDY, Tony; (1997), “Human Resource Management-A Strategic Ap- proach”, Long Range Planning, 30(4), pp. 507-517.
  • GUNNIGLE, Patrict and Sarah MOORE; (1994), “Linking Business Strategy and Human Resource Management: Issues and Implications”, Personel Review, 23(1), pp.63-84.
  • HAYTON, James C.; (2005), “Promoting Corporate Entrepreneurship through Human Resource Management Practices: A Review of Empirical Rese- arch”, Human Resource Management Review, 15, pp.21-41.
  • HENDRY, Chris and Andrew PETTIGREW; (1990), “Human Resource Man- agement: an Agenda for the 1990s”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1(1), pp.17-43.
  • HENDRY, Chris and Andrew PETTIGREW; (1992), “Patterns of Strategic Change in the Development of Human Resource Management”, British Journal of Management, 3, pp.137-156.
  • IVANCEVICH, John M.; (2004), Human Resource Management, Ninth Edi- tion, Boston: McGraw-Hill.
  • JACKSON, Susan E.; Randall S. SCHULER and J. Carlos RIVERO; (1989), “Organizational Characteristics as Predictors of Personel Practices”, Personnel Psychology, 42, pp.727-786.
  • KAMOCHE, Ken; (1996), “Strategic Human Resource Management within A Resource-Capability View of the Firm”, Journal of Management Studies, 33(2), pp.213-233.
  • KAZMI, Azhar and Fayaz AHMAD; (2001), “Differening Approaches to Stra- tegic Human Resource Management”, Journal of Management Rese- arch, 1(3), pp.133-140.
  • LENGNICK-HALL, Mark L.; Cynthia A. LENGNICK-HALL; Leticia S. ANDRADE and Brain DRAKE; (2009), “Strategic Human Resource Management: The Evolution of the Field” Human Resource Manage- ment Review, 19, pp.64-85.
  • LENGNICK-HALL, Mark L. and Cynthia A. LENGNICK-HALL; (1988), “Strategic Human Resource Management: A Review of the Literature and Proposed Typology”, Academy of Management Review, 13(3), pp.454-470.
  • LEPAK, David P. and Scott A. SNELL; (1998), “Virtual HR: Strategic Human Resource Management in the 21st Century”, Human Resource Man- agement Review, 8(3), pp.215-234.
  • LUNDY, Olive; (1994), “From Personel Management to Strategic Human Re- source Management”, The International journal of Human Resource Management, 5(3), pp.687-720.
  • MABEY, Christopher; Graeme SALAMAN and John STOREY; (2002), Hu- man Resource Management: A Strategic Introduction, Second Edi- tion, USA: Blackwell Publishers Inc.
  • MARTEL, Kathryn and Stephen J. CARROLL; (1995), “How Strategic Is HRM?”, Human Resource Management, 34(2), pp.253-267.
  • MASSEY, Roy; (1994), “Taking a Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management”, Health Manpower Management, 20(5), pp.27-30.
  • MELLO, Jeffrey A.; (2006), Strategic Human Resource Management, Sec- ond Edition, America: Thomson Corporation.
  • MESCH, Debra J.; James L. PERRY and Lois Recascino WISE; (1995), “Bu- reaucratic and Strategic Human Resmillimanource Management: An Empirical Comparasion in the Federal Government”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 5(4), pp.385-402.
  • MILES, Ray E. and Charles C. SNOW; (1984), “Designing Strategic Human Resource Systems”, Organizational Dynamics, pp. 36-52.
  • MILLER, Paul; (1987), “Strategic Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management-Distinction, Definition and Recognition”, Journal Man- agement Studies, 24(4), pp.347-361.
  • MILLIMAN, John; Mary Ann Von GLINOW and Maria NATHAN; (1991), “Organizational Life Cycles and Strategic International Human Re- source Management in Multinational Companies: Implications for Con- gruence Theory”, Academy of Management Review, 16(2), pp.318- 339.
  • MİLLMORE, Mike; Philip LEWİS; Mark SAUNDERS; Adrian THORNHILL and Trevor MORROW; (2007), Strategic Human Resource Manage- ment: Contemporary Issues, London: Prentice Hall.
  • MİRZE, Kadri; (2010), İşletme, İstanbul: Literatür Yayınları.
  • PETERS, James W.; (1988), “Strategic Staffing: A Key Link in Business and Human Resource Planning”, HR. Human Resource Planning, 11(2), pp.151-158.
  • ROWDEN, Robert W.; (1999), “Potential Roles of the Human Resource Man- agement Professional in the Strategic Planning Process”, S.A.M. Ad- vanced Management Journal, 64(3), pp.22-34.
  • SALAMAN, Graeme; John STOREY and Jon BILLSBERRY; (2005), “Strate- gic Human Resource Management: Defining the Field”, in Graeme SALAMAN; John STOREY and Jon BILLSBERRY (Ed.), Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, Second Edi- tion, London: Sage Publications, pp. 1-12.
  • SANZ-VALLE, Raquel; Ramon SABATER-SANCHEZ and Antonio ARAGON-SANCHEZ; (1999), “Human Resource Management and Business Strategy Links: An Empirical Study”, The International Human Resource Management, 10(4), pp.655-671.
  • SCHULER, Randall S. and Susan E. JACKSON; (1987), “Organizational Strat- egy and Organization Level as Determinants of Human Resource Man- agement Practice”, HR. Human Resource Planning, 10(3), pp.125- 141.
  • SLUIJS, Ed Van and Frits KLUYTMANS; (1994), “Business Strategy and Hu- man Resource Management: Setting the Scene”, Business Strategy and Human Resource Management, MERIT Document 94-036, pp.1-23.
  • STROH, Linda K. and Paula M. CALIGIURI; (1998), “Strategic Human Re- sources: A New Source for Competitive Advantage in the Global Are- na”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 9(1), pp.1-17.
  • SWIERCZ, Paul Michael; (1995), “Research Update: Strategic HRM”, Human Resource Planning, 18(3), pp.53-59.
  • TICHY, Noel M.; Charles J. FOMBRUN and Mary Anne DEVANNA; (1982), “Strategic Human Resource Management”, Sloan Management Re- view, 23(2), pp.47-61.
  • TOMPKINS, Jonathan; (2002), “Strategic Human Resource Management in Government: Unresolved Issues”, Public Personnel Management, 31(1), pp.95-110.
  • TRUSS, Catherine and Lynda GRATTON; (1994), “Strategic Human Resource Management: A Conceptual Approach”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 5(3), pp.663-686.
  • ULRICH, Dave; (1987), “Organizational Capability as a Competitive Ad- vantage: Human Resource Professionals as Strategic Partners”, HR. Human Resource Planning, 10(4), pp.169-184.
  • ULRICH, Dave; (1998), Delivering Results: A New Mandate for Human Resource Professionals, Boston: Harvard Business Book Publishing.
  • WRIGHT, Patrick M. and Gary C. MCMAHAN; (1992), “Theoretical Perspec- tive for Strategic Human Resource Management”, Journal of Man- agement, 18(2), pp.295-320.
  • WRIGHT, Patrick M. and Scott A. SNELL; (1991), “Toward an Integrative View of Strategic Human Resource Management”, Human Resource Management Review, 1(3), pp.203-225.
  • WRIGHT, Patrick M. and Scott A. SNELL; (1998), “Toward A Unifying Framework For Exploring Fit and Flexibility in Strategic Human Re- source Management, Academy of Management Review, 23(4), pp.756-772.
  • WRIGHT, Patrick M. and W. Scott SHERMAN; (1999), “Failing to Find Fit in Strategic Human Resource Management: Theoretical and Empirical Problems”, in Gerald R FERRİS; Patrick M. WRİGHT; Lee D. DYER et al (Ed.), Research in Personel and Human Resources Manage- ment, London: JAI Pres Inc, pp. 53-74.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Sayı: 42

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