Yıl 2013,
Sayı: 42, 123 - 159, 18.05.2015
Mehmet Mercan
Etem Karakaya
Beginning in 1870s with the industrialization process humanity has been faced with the problem of global warming and climate changes by the intensive use of fossil fuels. This problem affects all countries in the world regardless of the development level. The aim of this study is to analyse the economic costs of emission trade which is one of the methods implemented to control the carbon dioxide emission that is the main reason of global warming that came to order with Kyoto Protocol in 2008 in terms of Turkish economy and make recommendations for the future economy policies that have to be implemented with the help of general equilibrium analysis. Firstly in the study the most recently published 2002 Input-Output table with 59 sectors categorized by Turkish Statistics Institution (TSI) was consolidated by basing upon the sectors with higher emission intensity and it was reduced to 10 sectors. General equilibrium analysis results were calculated under the different emission quotas and the scenarios of international carbon price changes. As a result of general equilibrium analysis, it was found the evidence that the welfare loss of the practice of emission trade on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was lower than the carbon tax
- ARIKAN, Yunus and Gürkan KUMBAROĞLU; (2001), “Endogenising Emis- sion Taxes; A General Equilibrium Type Optimisation Model Applied for Turkey”, Energy Policy, 29 (12), pp.1045-1056.
- BERNAND, Alain and March VIELLE; (1997), “An Appraisal Of The French Nuclear Program with Respect to The Kyoto Protocol Through A World, Dynamic, General Equilibrium Model”, International Energy Merkets, Competition and Policy, 88, pp. 2-24.
- BNEF; (2013), “Bloomberg New Energy Finance”, Internet Address: http://about.bnef.com/, Date of Access: 09.01.2013.
- BÖHRİNGER, Christoph and Thomas RUTHERFORD; (2002), “Carbon Aba- tement and International Spillovers A Decomposition of General Equilibrium Effects”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 22, pp. 391-417.
- BURNİAUX, Jean March and J. Oliveira MARTİNS; (2012), “Carbon Leaka- ges: A General Equilibrium View”, Economic Theory, 49, pp. 473-495.
- CHEN, W. T.; LI, Y. P.; HUANG, G. H.; CHEN, X. and LI, Y. F.; (2010), “A Two-Stage Inexact-Stochastic Programming Model for Planning Carbon Dioxide Emission Trading Under Uncertainty”, Applied Energy, 87, pp. 1033-1047.
- Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı; (2011), Karbon Piyasalarında Ulusal Deneyim ve Geleceğe Bakış, Ankara: T.C. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı Yayınları. ÇOB; (2011), “Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı”, İnternet Adresi: http://iklim.cob.gov.tr /iklim/AnaSayfa/BMIDCS.aspx?sflang=tr, Erişim Tarihi: 07.12.2011
- DAMRO, Chad and Pilar Luaces MENDES; (2005), “Emissions Trading at Kyoto: From EU Resistance to Union Innovation”, in Andrew JORDAN (Ed.), Environmental Policy in the European Union: Actors, Institu- tions and Process, Eartscan in the UK and USA: Routledge Publishing, pp. 253-275.
- DELLİNK, Rob and Ekko Van IERLAND; (2006), “Pollution Abatement in the Netherlands: A Dynamic Applied General Equilibrium Assessment”, Journal of Policy Modelling, 28, pp. 207-221.
- DESSUS, Sebastien and Maurizio BUSSOLO; (1998), “Is There a Trade-off Between Trade Liberalization and Pollution Abatement? A Computable General Equilibrium Assessment Applied to Costa Rica”, Journal of Policy Modelling, 20(1), pp.11-31.
- DOLU, Ömer; (2005), “Kyoto Protokolü Esneklik Mekanizmaları ve Kurumsal Kapasite Gelişimi”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Aydın: Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
- DPT; (2000), İklim Değişikliği Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, Ankara: DPT Yayınları.
- EB; (2011), “Energy Boom”, Internet Adress: http://www.energyboom.com/ emerging/ieas-450-scenario-outlines-energy-actions-needed-mitigate- climate-change, Date of Access:3 0.11.2011.
- EC; (2007), “Limiting Global Climate Change to 2 Degrees Celsius The Way Ahead for 2020 and Beyond, Communication from the Commission to the http://eurlex.europa.eu/ com2007_0002en01.pdf, Date of Access: 02.01.2012.
- LexUriServ/site/en/com/2007/ Address:
- EC; (2009), The EU Emission Trading Scheme, Belgium: European Commis- sion Publishing.
- EICHNER, Thomas and Rüdiger PETHIG; (2010), “EU-type Carbon Emissions Trade and the Distributional Impact of Overlapping Emissions Taxes”, Journal of Regulatary Economics, 37, pp. 287-315.
- EKINS, Paul and Terry BARKER; (2001), “Carbon Taxes and Carbon emission Trading”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 15(3), pp. 325-376.
- EPICA; (2013), “European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica”, Internet Add- ress: 17.12.2013. Date of Access:
- ERMOLİEVA, Tatiana; Yuri ERMOLİEV; Günther FİSCHER; Matthias JONAS; Marek MAKOWSKİ and Fabian WAGNER; (2010), “Carbon Emission Trading and Carbon Taxes Under Uncertainties”, Cilimatic Change, 103, pp. 277-289.
- FIELD, Barry C. and Martha K. FIELD; (2002), Environmental Economics: An Introduction, Sixth Edition, New York: McGraw Hill.
- HALICIOĞLU, Ferda; (2009), “An Econometric Study of CO2 Emissions, Energy Consumption, Income and Foreign Trade in Turkey”, Energy Policy, 37, pp. 1156-1164.
- IEA; (2009), Key World Energy Statistics 2009, International Energy Agency, Paris: OECD/IEA.
- IEA; (2010), World Energy Outlook 2010, International Energy Agency, Pa- ris: OECD/IEA.
- IEA; (2011), Key World Energy Statistics 2011, International Energy Agency, Paris: OECD/IEA.
- IPCC; (2007), The Physical Science Basis, Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- KADIOĞLU, Mikdat; (2007), Küresel İklim Değişimi ve Türkiye–Bildiğiniz Havaların Sonu, Üçüncü Baskı, İstanbul: Güncel Yayıncılık.
- KARAKAYA, Etem ve Mustafa ÖZÇAĞ; (2003), “Türkiye Açısından Kyoto Protokolü'nün Değerlendirilmesi ve Ayrıştırma (Decomposition), Yön- temi İle CO2 Emisyonu Belirleyicilerinin Analizi”, VII. ODTÜ İktisat Konferansı, 9 Haziran, Ankara: ODTÜ, İnternet Adresi: http://www. econturk.org/Turkiyeekonomisi/odtu_ 25.10.2013. paper.pdf, Erişim Tarihi:
- KARALI, Nihan; (2006), “An Aggregate Economic Equilibrium Model for Sus- tainable Energy Policy Analysis and Implications for Turkey, Yayım- lanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
- KUMBAROĞLU, Gürkan and Reinhard MADLENER; (2003), “Energy and Climate Policy Analysis with the Hybrid Bottom-Up Computable Gene- ral Equilibrium Model SCREEN: The Case of the Swiss CO2 Act”, An- nals of Operations Research, 121 (1-4), pp. 181-203.
- KUMBAROĞLU, Gürkan; (2003), “Environmental Taxation and Economic Effects: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Turkey”, Jo- urnal of Policy Modeling, 25, pp. 795–810.
- KUMBAROĞLU, Gürkan; Reinhard MADLENER and Mustafa DEMİREL; (2008), “A Real Options Evaluation Model for The Diffusion Prospects of New Renewable Power Generation Technologies”, Energy Econo- mics, 30(4), pp.1882-1908.
- LASEUR, Joris; (2005) “Unilateral CDM: Addressing the Participation of De- veloping Countries in CDM Project Development”, Master Thesis, Net- herlands: University of Groningen Economics Department.
- LIN, Boqiang and Xuehui LI; (2011), “The Effect of Carbon Tax on Per Capita CO2 Emissions”, Energy Policy, 39, pp.5137-5146.
- LISE, Wietze; (2006), “Decomposition of CO2 Emissions Over 1980-2003 in Turkey”, Energy Policy, 34 (14), pp.1841-1852.
- MCCARL, Bruce A. and Uwe A. SCHNEIDER; (2000), “U.S. Agriculture’s Role in a Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation World: An Economic Perspective”, Review of Agricultural Economics, 22(1), pp. 2-48.
- MÖST, Dominik and Wolf FİCHTNER; (2010), “Renewable Energy Sources in European Energy Supply and Interactions With Emission Trading”, Energy Policy, 18, pp.2898-2910.
- NORDHAUS, William D.; (2007), “To Tax or Not to Tax: Alternative Appro- aches to Slowing Global Warming”, Review of Environmental Eco- nomics and Policy, 1(1), pp.26-44.
- OCAK, Miraç; Zehra OCAK; Selçuk BİLGEN; Sedat KELEŞ; and Kamil KAYGUSUZ; (2004), “Energy Utilization, Environmental Pollution and Renewable Energy Sources in Turkey”, Energy Conversion and Ma- nagement, 45(6), pp. 845–864.
- ÖZÇAĞ, Mustafa; (2011), “İnsan Kaynaklı İklim Değişikliği ve Ekonomik Bü- yüme Türkiye Üzerine Bir Analiz”, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ay- dın: Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
- PC; (2012), “Point Carbon”, Internet Address: http://www.pointcarbon.com, Date of Access:15.12.2012.
- PROOST, Stefan and Denise Van REGEMORTER; (1992), ”Economic Effects of A Carbon Tax: With a General Equilibrium Illustration for Belgium”, Energy Economics, 14(2), pp.136-149.
- RESOSUDARMO, Budy P.; (2003), “Computable General Equilibrium Model on Air Pollution Abatement Policies with Indonesia as a Case Study”, The Economic Record, 79, Special Issue, pp. 63-73.
- ŞAHİN, Şebnem; (2004), “An Economic Policy Discussion of the GHG Emis- sion Problem in Turkey From a Sustainable Development Perspective within a Regional General Equilibrium Model: TURCO”, 7th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, 17-19 June, USA, pp.1-42, Internet Address: https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/ download/1779. pdf, Date of Access: 05.02.2013.
- TCMB; (2011), “Elektronik Veri Dağıtım Sistemi”, İnternet Adresi: http://evds.tcmb.gov.tr, Erişim Tarihi:09.12.2011
- TIMILSINA, R. Govinda and Ram M. SHRESTHA; (2006), “General Equilib- rium Effects of a Supply Side GHG Mitigation Option Under the Clean Development Mechanism”, Journal of Environmental Management, 80, pp.327-341.
- UPADHYAYA, Prabhat; (2011), “Is Emission Trading A Possible Policy Op- tion for India?”, Climate Policy, 10(5), pp.560-574.
- World Bank; (2010), State and the Trends of the Carbon Market 2010, in Kos- soy ALEXANDRE and Ambrosi PHILIPPE (Ed.), USA: Washington DC., Internet Adress: http://www.carbonfinance.org, Date of Access: 02.01.2012.
- YANG, Hao Yen; (2000), “Carbon-Reducing Taxes and Income Inequality: General Equilibrium Evaluation of Alternative Energy Taxation in Taiwan”, Applied Economics, 32, pp.1213-1221.
- YELDAN, Erinç; Kotkut BORATAV and Oktar TÜREL; (1996), “Dilemmas of Structural Adjustment and Environmental Policies under Instability: Post-1980 Turkey”, World Development, 24(2), pp. 373-393.
- YELDAN, Erinç; Ebru VOYVODA and Çağatay TELLİ; (2006), “Economics Of Environmental Policy In Turkey: A General Equilibrium Investiga- tion of the Economic Evaluation of Sectoral Emission Reduction Poli- cies for Climate Change”, Internet Address: http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/ ~yeldane/Journal Of Pol Mod_TVY2006, Date of Access: 09.12.2011.
- TÜİK; (2002), “Girdi-Çıktı Tabloları”, İnternet Adresi: http://www. tuik.gov.tr/VeriBilgi.do?alt_id =58, Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2011.
- TÜİK; (2011), VI. Ulusal Sera Gazı Emisyon Envanteri Raporu 1990-2009, Ankara: Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu.
- UNDP; (2006), “The Clean Development Mechanism: an Assessment of Prog- ress”, UNDP Environment and Energy Group 2006-10-31, Internet Address: /indexAction. cfm?, Date of Access: 10.02.2011.
- http://www.energyandenvironment.undp.org/undp
- UNFCC; (2001), Proposal to Amend the List in Annexes I and II to the Convention by Removing the Name of Turkey, FCCC/SBI/2001/L.8. Decision 7/CP.7,SBI, Internet Address: http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/ cop7/11.pdf, Date of Access: 09.12.2013.
- UNFCC; (2011), “Draft Decision- Establishment of an Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action, Durban”, Internet Add- ress: http://unfccc.int/files/meetings/durban_nov_2011/decisions/application/ pdf /cop17_durban platform.pdf, Date of Access: 03.02.2011.
- UNFCC; (2012); “Birleşmiş Milletler İklim Değişikliği Çerçeve Sözleşmesi”, Internet Address: http://unfccc.int, Date of Access: 09.12.2012
- UZMEN, Reşat; (2007), Küresel Isınma ve İklim Değişikliği, Birinci Baskı, İstanbul: Bile Kültür Sanat.
Yıl 2013,
Sayı: 42, 123 - 159, 18.05.2015
Mehmet Mercan
Etem Karakaya
Sanayileşme süreci ile birlikte 1870’li yıllardan itibaren, fosil yakıtlarının yoğun bir şekilde kullanılmasıyla insanlık küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliği sorunuyla karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Bu sorun gelişmişlik düzeyi ne olursa olsun dünya ülkelerinin tamamını etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; genel denge analizi yardımıyla, 2008 yılından Kyoto protokolü ile gündeme gelen küresel ısınmanın başlıca sebebi olan karbondioksit salımının kontrol altına alınabilmesi için uygulanan yöntemlerden olan emisyon ticaretinin Türkiye ekonomisi açısından ekonomik maliyetlerini analiz etmek ve geleceğe yönelik uygulanması gereken ekonomi politikaları için önerilerde bulunmaktır. Çalışmada öncelikle TÜİK tarafında sınıflandırılan 59 sektörlü en son yayınlanan 2002 Input-Output tablosu, emisyon yoğunluğu fazla olan sektörler baz alınarak toplulaştırılmış ve 10 sektöre indirgenmiştir. Bu sektörler baz alınarak kurulan Genel Denge Analizi sonuçları farklı emisyon kotaları ve uluslararası karbon fiyatı değişimleri senaryoları altında hesaplanmıştır. Genel Denge Analizi sonucunda; emisyon ticareti uygulamasının karbon vergisine göre GSYİH üzerindeki refah kaybının daha az olduğu bulgusu elde edilmiştir.
- ARIKAN, Yunus and Gürkan KUMBAROĞLU; (2001), “Endogenising Emis- sion Taxes; A General Equilibrium Type Optimisation Model Applied for Turkey”, Energy Policy, 29 (12), pp.1045-1056.
- BERNAND, Alain and March VIELLE; (1997), “An Appraisal Of The French Nuclear Program with Respect to The Kyoto Protocol Through A World, Dynamic, General Equilibrium Model”, International Energy Merkets, Competition and Policy, 88, pp. 2-24.
- BNEF; (2013), “Bloomberg New Energy Finance”, Internet Address: http://about.bnef.com/, Date of Access: 09.01.2013.
- BÖHRİNGER, Christoph and Thomas RUTHERFORD; (2002), “Carbon Aba- tement and International Spillovers A Decomposition of General Equilibrium Effects”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 22, pp. 391-417.
- BURNİAUX, Jean March and J. Oliveira MARTİNS; (2012), “Carbon Leaka- ges: A General Equilibrium View”, Economic Theory, 49, pp. 473-495.
- CHEN, W. T.; LI, Y. P.; HUANG, G. H.; CHEN, X. and LI, Y. F.; (2010), “A Two-Stage Inexact-Stochastic Programming Model for Planning Carbon Dioxide Emission Trading Under Uncertainty”, Applied Energy, 87, pp. 1033-1047.
- Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı; (2011), Karbon Piyasalarında Ulusal Deneyim ve Geleceğe Bakış, Ankara: T.C. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı Yayınları. ÇOB; (2011), “Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı”, İnternet Adresi: http://iklim.cob.gov.tr /iklim/AnaSayfa/BMIDCS.aspx?sflang=tr, Erişim Tarihi: 07.12.2011
- DAMRO, Chad and Pilar Luaces MENDES; (2005), “Emissions Trading at Kyoto: From EU Resistance to Union Innovation”, in Andrew JORDAN (Ed.), Environmental Policy in the European Union: Actors, Institu- tions and Process, Eartscan in the UK and USA: Routledge Publishing, pp. 253-275.
- DELLİNK, Rob and Ekko Van IERLAND; (2006), “Pollution Abatement in the Netherlands: A Dynamic Applied General Equilibrium Assessment”, Journal of Policy Modelling, 28, pp. 207-221.
- DESSUS, Sebastien and Maurizio BUSSOLO; (1998), “Is There a Trade-off Between Trade Liberalization and Pollution Abatement? A Computable General Equilibrium Assessment Applied to Costa Rica”, Journal of Policy Modelling, 20(1), pp.11-31.
- DOLU, Ömer; (2005), “Kyoto Protokolü Esneklik Mekanizmaları ve Kurumsal Kapasite Gelişimi”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Aydın: Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
- DPT; (2000), İklim Değişikliği Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, Ankara: DPT Yayınları.
- EB; (2011), “Energy Boom”, Internet Adress: http://www.energyboom.com/ emerging/ieas-450-scenario-outlines-energy-actions-needed-mitigate- climate-change, Date of Access:3 0.11.2011.
- EC; (2007), “Limiting Global Climate Change to 2 Degrees Celsius The Way Ahead for 2020 and Beyond, Communication from the Commission to the http://eurlex.europa.eu/ com2007_0002en01.pdf, Date of Access: 02.01.2012.
- LexUriServ/site/en/com/2007/ Address:
- EC; (2009), The EU Emission Trading Scheme, Belgium: European Commis- sion Publishing.
- EICHNER, Thomas and Rüdiger PETHIG; (2010), “EU-type Carbon Emissions Trade and the Distributional Impact of Overlapping Emissions Taxes”, Journal of Regulatary Economics, 37, pp. 287-315.
- EKINS, Paul and Terry BARKER; (2001), “Carbon Taxes and Carbon emission Trading”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 15(3), pp. 325-376.
- EPICA; (2013), “European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica”, Internet Add- ress: 17.12.2013. Date of Access:
- ERMOLİEVA, Tatiana; Yuri ERMOLİEV; Günther FİSCHER; Matthias JONAS; Marek MAKOWSKİ and Fabian WAGNER; (2010), “Carbon Emission Trading and Carbon Taxes Under Uncertainties”, Cilimatic Change, 103, pp. 277-289.
- FIELD, Barry C. and Martha K. FIELD; (2002), Environmental Economics: An Introduction, Sixth Edition, New York: McGraw Hill.
- HALICIOĞLU, Ferda; (2009), “An Econometric Study of CO2 Emissions, Energy Consumption, Income and Foreign Trade in Turkey”, Energy Policy, 37, pp. 1156-1164.
- IEA; (2009), Key World Energy Statistics 2009, International Energy Agency, Paris: OECD/IEA.
- IEA; (2010), World Energy Outlook 2010, International Energy Agency, Pa- ris: OECD/IEA.
- IEA; (2011), Key World Energy Statistics 2011, International Energy Agency, Paris: OECD/IEA.
- IPCC; (2007), The Physical Science Basis, Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- KADIOĞLU, Mikdat; (2007), Küresel İklim Değişimi ve Türkiye–Bildiğiniz Havaların Sonu, Üçüncü Baskı, İstanbul: Güncel Yayıncılık.
- KARAKAYA, Etem ve Mustafa ÖZÇAĞ; (2003), “Türkiye Açısından Kyoto Protokolü'nün Değerlendirilmesi ve Ayrıştırma (Decomposition), Yön- temi İle CO2 Emisyonu Belirleyicilerinin Analizi”, VII. ODTÜ İktisat Konferansı, 9 Haziran, Ankara: ODTÜ, İnternet Adresi: http://www. econturk.org/Turkiyeekonomisi/odtu_ 25.10.2013. paper.pdf, Erişim Tarihi:
- KARALI, Nihan; (2006), “An Aggregate Economic Equilibrium Model for Sus- tainable Energy Policy Analysis and Implications for Turkey, Yayım- lanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
- KUMBAROĞLU, Gürkan and Reinhard MADLENER; (2003), “Energy and Climate Policy Analysis with the Hybrid Bottom-Up Computable Gene- ral Equilibrium Model SCREEN: The Case of the Swiss CO2 Act”, An- nals of Operations Research, 121 (1-4), pp. 181-203.
- KUMBAROĞLU, Gürkan; (2003), “Environmental Taxation and Economic Effects: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Turkey”, Jo- urnal of Policy Modeling, 25, pp. 795–810.
- KUMBAROĞLU, Gürkan; Reinhard MADLENER and Mustafa DEMİREL; (2008), “A Real Options Evaluation Model for The Diffusion Prospects of New Renewable Power Generation Technologies”, Energy Econo- mics, 30(4), pp.1882-1908.
- LASEUR, Joris; (2005) “Unilateral CDM: Addressing the Participation of De- veloping Countries in CDM Project Development”, Master Thesis, Net- herlands: University of Groningen Economics Department.
- LIN, Boqiang and Xuehui LI; (2011), “The Effect of Carbon Tax on Per Capita CO2 Emissions”, Energy Policy, 39, pp.5137-5146.
- LISE, Wietze; (2006), “Decomposition of CO2 Emissions Over 1980-2003 in Turkey”, Energy Policy, 34 (14), pp.1841-1852.
- MCCARL, Bruce A. and Uwe A. SCHNEIDER; (2000), “U.S. Agriculture’s Role in a Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation World: An Economic Perspective”, Review of Agricultural Economics, 22(1), pp. 2-48.
- MÖST, Dominik and Wolf FİCHTNER; (2010), “Renewable Energy Sources in European Energy Supply and Interactions With Emission Trading”, Energy Policy, 18, pp.2898-2910.
- NORDHAUS, William D.; (2007), “To Tax or Not to Tax: Alternative Appro- aches to Slowing Global Warming”, Review of Environmental Eco- nomics and Policy, 1(1), pp.26-44.
- OCAK, Miraç; Zehra OCAK; Selçuk BİLGEN; Sedat KELEŞ; and Kamil KAYGUSUZ; (2004), “Energy Utilization, Environmental Pollution and Renewable Energy Sources in Turkey”, Energy Conversion and Ma- nagement, 45(6), pp. 845–864.
- ÖZÇAĞ, Mustafa; (2011), “İnsan Kaynaklı İklim Değişikliği ve Ekonomik Bü- yüme Türkiye Üzerine Bir Analiz”, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ay- dın: Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
- PC; (2012), “Point Carbon”, Internet Address: http://www.pointcarbon.com, Date of Access:15.12.2012.
- PROOST, Stefan and Denise Van REGEMORTER; (1992), ”Economic Effects of A Carbon Tax: With a General Equilibrium Illustration for Belgium”, Energy Economics, 14(2), pp.136-149.
- RESOSUDARMO, Budy P.; (2003), “Computable General Equilibrium Model on Air Pollution Abatement Policies with Indonesia as a Case Study”, The Economic Record, 79, Special Issue, pp. 63-73.
- ŞAHİN, Şebnem; (2004), “An Economic Policy Discussion of the GHG Emis- sion Problem in Turkey From a Sustainable Development Perspective within a Regional General Equilibrium Model: TURCO”, 7th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, 17-19 June, USA, pp.1-42, Internet Address: https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/ download/1779. pdf, Date of Access: 05.02.2013.
- TCMB; (2011), “Elektronik Veri Dağıtım Sistemi”, İnternet Adresi: http://evds.tcmb.gov.tr, Erişim Tarihi:09.12.2011
- TIMILSINA, R. Govinda and Ram M. SHRESTHA; (2006), “General Equilib- rium Effects of a Supply Side GHG Mitigation Option Under the Clean Development Mechanism”, Journal of Environmental Management, 80, pp.327-341.
- UPADHYAYA, Prabhat; (2011), “Is Emission Trading A Possible Policy Op- tion for India?”, Climate Policy, 10(5), pp.560-574.
- World Bank; (2010), State and the Trends of the Carbon Market 2010, in Kos- soy ALEXANDRE and Ambrosi PHILIPPE (Ed.), USA: Washington DC., Internet Adress: http://www.carbonfinance.org, Date of Access: 02.01.2012.
- YANG, Hao Yen; (2000), “Carbon-Reducing Taxes and Income Inequality: General Equilibrium Evaluation of Alternative Energy Taxation in Taiwan”, Applied Economics, 32, pp.1213-1221.
- YELDAN, Erinç; Kotkut BORATAV and Oktar TÜREL; (1996), “Dilemmas of Structural Adjustment and Environmental Policies under Instability: Post-1980 Turkey”, World Development, 24(2), pp. 373-393.
- YELDAN, Erinç; Ebru VOYVODA and Çağatay TELLİ; (2006), “Economics Of Environmental Policy In Turkey: A General Equilibrium Investiga- tion of the Economic Evaluation of Sectoral Emission Reduction Poli- cies for Climate Change”, Internet Address: http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/ ~yeldane/Journal Of Pol Mod_TVY2006, Date of Access: 09.12.2011.
- TÜİK; (2002), “Girdi-Çıktı Tabloları”, İnternet Adresi: http://www. tuik.gov.tr/VeriBilgi.do?alt_id =58, Erişim Tarihi: 02.01.2011.
- TÜİK; (2011), VI. Ulusal Sera Gazı Emisyon Envanteri Raporu 1990-2009, Ankara: Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu.
- UNDP; (2006), “The Clean Development Mechanism: an Assessment of Prog- ress”, UNDP Environment and Energy Group 2006-10-31, Internet Address: /indexAction. cfm?, Date of Access: 10.02.2011.
- http://www.energyandenvironment.undp.org/undp
- UNFCC; (2001), Proposal to Amend the List in Annexes I and II to the Convention by Removing the Name of Turkey, FCCC/SBI/2001/L.8. Decision 7/CP.7,SBI, Internet Address: http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/ cop7/11.pdf, Date of Access: 09.12.2013.
- UNFCC; (2011), “Draft Decision- Establishment of an Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action, Durban”, Internet Add- ress: http://unfccc.int/files/meetings/durban_nov_2011/decisions/application/ pdf /cop17_durban platform.pdf, Date of Access: 03.02.2011.
- UNFCC; (2012); “Birleşmiş Milletler İklim Değişikliği Çerçeve Sözleşmesi”, Internet Address: http://unfccc.int, Date of Access: 09.12.2012
- UZMEN, Reşat; (2007), Küresel Isınma ve İklim Değişikliği, Birinci Baskı, İstanbul: Bile Kültür Sanat.