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Year 2014, Issue: 43, 203 - 222, 18.05.2015


Supplier selection is a strategic tool for organizations. Especially, there are a lot of uncertainities occur in these processes that obstruct strategic decision making. So, the aim of this study to make the supplier selection which is made among quantitative alternatives, by the fuzzy TOPSIS method which is one of the MCDM methods, considering the supplier criteria convenient for defence industry, in fuzzy environment. Fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solutions) is based on the principal that the ideal solution is within the closest distance with the fuzzy positive ideal solution and it is within the furthest distance with the fuzzy negative ideal solution. Results proposed an application for supplier selection under fuzzy environment with respect to the strategic decision alternatives for defence industry


  • AKDENİZ, Ahmet ve Timur TURGUTLU; (2007), “Türkiye’de Perakende Sektöründe Analitik Hiyerarşik Süreç Yaklaşımıyla Tedarikçi Perfor- mans Değerlendirmesi”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9, ss.1-17.
  • AKMAN, Gülşen ve Atakan ALKAN; (2006), “Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde Bulanık AHP Yöntemi Kullanılarak Tedarikçilerin Performansının Öl- çülmesi: Otomotiv Yan Sanayinde Bir Uygulama”, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9, ss.23-46.
  • BAGHERI, Fathemeh and M. Jafar TAROKH; (2010), “A Fuzzy Approach for Multi-Objective supplier Selection”, International Journal of Indust- rial Engineering & Production Research, 21(1), pp.1-9.
  • CHAN, Felix T.S. and Hing Kai CHAN; (2004), “Development of the Supplier Selection Model- A Case Study in the Advanced Technology Industry”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 218 (12), pp.1807-1824.
  • CHEN, Chen-Tung; Ching-Torng LİN and Sue-Fn HUANG; (2006), “A Fuzzy Approach For Supplier Evaluation and Selection in Supply Chain Ma- nagement”, International Journal of Production Economics, 2, pp.289-301.
  • CHEN, Chen-Tung; (2000), “Extensions of the TOPSIS for Group Decision- Making Under Fuzzy Environment”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 14, pp.1-9.
  • CHOU, Shuo-Yan and Yao-Hui CHANG; (2008), “A Decision Support System for Supplier Selection Based on A Strategy-Aligned Fuzzy SMART Approach”, Expert Systems with Applications, 34, pp.2241-2253.
  • DAFT, Richard L.; (1991), Management, Second Edition, USA: The Dryden Press.
  • DAĞDEVİREN, Metin ve Ergün ERASLAN; (2008), “Promethee Sıralama Yöntemiyle Tedarikçi Seçimi”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(1), ss.69-75.
  • DAĞDEVİREN, Metin ve Tamer EREN; (2001), “Tedarikçi Firma Seçiminde Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi ve 0-1 Hedef Programlama Yöntemlerinin Kullanılması”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), ss.41-52.
  • DAĞDEVİREN, Metin; Ergün ERASLAN; Mustafa KURT ve Ercüment DİZDAR; (2005), “Tedarikçi Seçimi Problemine Analitik Ağ Süreciyle Alternatif Bir Yaklaşım”, Teknoloji, 8(2), ss.115-122.
  • DEMİRDÖĞEN, Osman ve Orhan KÜÇÜK; (2007), “Malzeme Akışının Etkin- liğinde Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminin Önemi”, 8. Türkiye Ekonometri ve İstatistik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 24-27 Mayıs, Malatya: İnönü Üniversitesi, ss.1-13.
  • DICKSON, W. Gary; (1966), “An Analysis of Vendor Selection: Systems and Decisions”, Journal of Purchasing, 1(2), pp.5-17.
  • ERENSAL, Yasemin C.; Temel ÖNCAN and Murat L. DEMİRCAN; (2006) “Determining Key Capabilities in Technology Management Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process: A Case Study of Turkey”, Informa- tion Sciences, 176, pp.2755-2770.
  • FAZLOLLAHTABAR, Hamed; Iraj MAHDAVI; M. Talebi ASHOORI; So- maych KAVİANİ and Nezam MAHDAVİ-AMİRİ; (2011), “A Multi- Objective Decision-Making Process of Supplier Selection and Order Al- location For Multi-Period Scheduling in an Electronic Market”, The In- ternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 52, pp.1039-1052.
  • GHODSYPUR, Seyede Hassan and Christopher O’BRIEN; (1998), “A Decision Support System For Supplier Selection Using an Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process and Linear Programming”, International Journal of Production Economics, 56-57, pp.199-212.
  • GÖKTÜRK, İmre F.; Avni Y. ERYILMAZ; Bahadır YÖRÜR ve Yıldız YULUĞKURAL; (2011), “Bir İşletmenin Tedarikçi Değerlendirme ve Seçim Probleminin Çözümünde AAS ve VIKOR Yöntemlerinin Kulla- nılması”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25, ss.61-74.
  • HARRISON, E. Frank; (1999). The Managerial Decision Making Process, USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • HO, William; (2008), “Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process And Its Applica- tions- A Literature Review”, European Journal of Operational Rese- arch, 186, pp.211-228.
  • HO, William; Xiaowei XU and Prasanta K. DEY; (2010), “Multi-Criteria Deci- sion Making Approaches For Supplier Evaluation and Selection: A Lite- rature Review”, European Journal of Operational Research, 202(1), pp.16-24.
  • İMREK, M. Kemal; (2003), Yöneticiler İçin Karar Verme Teknikleri El Ki- tabı, İstanbul: Beta Basım.
  • KAHRAMAN, Cengiz; Ufuk CEBECİ and Da RUAN; (2004), “Multi-attribute Comparison of Catering Service Companies Using Fuzzy AHP: The Ca- se of Turkey”, International Journal of Production Economics, 87, pp.171-184.
  • KAHRAMAN, Cengiz; Ufuk CEBECİ and Ziya ULUKAN; (2003), “Multi- Criteria Supplier Selection Using Fuzzy AHP”, Logistics Information Management, 16(6), pp.382-394.
  • KU, Cheng-Yuan; Ching-Ter CHANG and Hui-Ping HO; (2010), “Global Supplier Selection Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process And Fuzzy Goal Programming”, Quality and Quantity, 44, pp.623-640.
  • LEUNG, Lawrence C. and De CAO; (2000), “On Consistency and Ranking of Alternatives in Fuzzy AHP”, European Journal of Operational Rese- arch, 124, pp.102-113.
  • LIU, Fuh Hwa and Hui Lin HAI; (2005), “The Voting Analytic Hierarchy Pro- cess Method for Selecting Supplier”, International Journal of Produc- tion Economics, 97, pp.308-317.
  • MAHAPATRA, Sreekumar and S.S. MAHAPATRA; (2009), “A Fuzzy Multi- Criteria Decision Making Approach for Supplier Selection in Supply Chain Management”, African Journal Of Business Management, 3(4), pp.168-177.
  • MENDOZA, Abraham; Eduardo SANTIAGO and A. Ravi RAVINDRAN; (2008), “A Three-Phase Multi-criteria Method to The Supplier Selection Problem”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 15(2), pp.195-210.
  • MONJEZI, Masoud; Hadi DEHGHANI; T. Narain SINGH; Ahmed Reza SAYADI and Ahamad GHOLINEJAD; (2012), “Application of TOPSIS Method for Selecting the Most Appropriate Blast Design”, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 5(1), pp.95-101.
  • ÖZ, Erçetin ve Ömer F. BAYKOÇ; (2004), “Tedarikçi Seçimi Problemine Ka- rar Teorisi Destekli Uzman Sistem Yaklaşımı”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mü- hendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(3), ss.275-286.
  • ÖZCAN, Tuncay; Numan ÇELEBİ ve Şakir ESNAF; (2008), “Çok Kriterli Ka- rar Verme Metodolojilerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi ve Depo Yeri Se- çimi Problemine Uygulanması”, VIII. Ulusal Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 24-25 Ekim, İstanbul: İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, ss.255-266.
  • ÖZDEMİR, Ali İhsan; (2004), “Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminin Gelişimi, Süreçleri ve Yararları”, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakülte- si Dergisi, 23, ss.87-96.
  • ÖZEL, Bedriye ve Bahar ÖZYÖRÜK; (2007), “Bulanık Aksiyomatik Tasarım ile Tedarikçi Firma Seçimi”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(3), ss.415-423.
  • ÖZTÜRK, Ahmet; İrfan ERTUĞRUL ve Nilsen KARAKAŞOĞLU; (2008), “Nakliye Firması Seçiminde Bulanık AHP ve Bulanık TOPSIS Yöntem- lerinin Karşılaştırılması”, Marmara Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 15(2), ss. 785-824.
  • PI, Wei Ning and Chinyao LOW; (2006), “Supplier Evaluation and Selection via Taguchi Loss Functions and an AHP”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 27, pp.625-630.
  • SANAYEI, Amir; S. Farid MOUSAVI and Ahmad YAZDANKHAH; (2010), “Group Decision Making Process For Supplier Selection with VIKOR Under Fuzzy Environment”, Expert Systems with Applications, 37, pp.24-30.
  • SARKIS, Joseph and Srinivas TALLURI; (2002), “A Model for Strategic Supp- lier Selection”, The Journal of Supply Chain Management, pp.18-28.
  • SHYJITH, Kailas; Maari ILANGKUMARAN and Sabhya KUMANAN; (2008), “Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach to Evaluate Opti- mum Maintenance Strategy in Textile Industry”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 14(4), pp.375-386.
  • ŞEVKLİ, Mehmet; (2010), “An Application of the Fuzzy ELECTRE Method for Supplier Selection”, International Journal of Production Rese- arch, 48(12), pp.3393-3405.
  • TAM, C.Y. Maggie and V.M. Rao TUMMALA; (2001), “An Application of the AHP in Vendor Selection of a Telecommunications System”, Omega, 29(2), pp.171-182.
  • TSAUR, Sheng-Hshiung; Te-Yi CHANG and Chang-Hua YEN; (2002), “The Evaluation of Airline Service Quality by Fuzzy MCDM”, Tourism Management, 23, pp.107-115.
  • TSENG, Yuan-Jje and Yu-Hua LIN; (2005), “A Model for Supplier Selection and Tasks Assignment”, Journal of American Academy of Business, 6(2), pp.197-207.
  • WANG, Jia-Wen; Ching-Hsue CHENG and Huang KUN-CHENG; (2009), “Fuzzy Hierarchical TOPSIS for Supplier Selection”, Applied Soft Computing, 9, pp.377-386.
  • WANG, Ling; Jian CHU and Jun WU; (2007), “Selection of Optimum Main- tenance Strategies Based on A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process”, In- ternational Journal of Economics, 107, pp.151-163.
  • WANG, Yu-Jie and Hsuan-Shih LEE; (2007), “Generalizing TOPSIS For Fuzzy Multiple-Criteria Group Decision-Making”, Computers and Mathe- matics with Applications, 13, pp.1762-1772.
  • XIA, Weijun and Zhiming WU; (2007), “Supplier Selection With Multiple Cri- teria in Volume Discount Environments”, Omega, 35, pp.494-504.
  • YANG, Ching-Chow and Bai-Sheng CHEN; (2006), “Supplier Selection Using Combined Analytical Hierarchy Process and Grey Relational Analysis”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 17(7), pp.926- 941.
  • YURDAKUL, Mustafa and Yusuf Tansel İÇ; (2005), “Development of a Per- formance Measurement Model for Manufacturing Companies Using the AHP and TOPSIS Approaches”, International Journal of Production Research, 43(21), pp.4609-4641.
  • ZADEH, A. Lotfi; (1965), “Fuzzy Sets”, Information and Control, 8, pp.338- 353.


Year 2014, Issue: 43, 203 - 222, 18.05.2015


Tedarikçi seçimi işletmeler açısından stratejik önem taşımaktadır. Özellikle de stratejik kararların alındığı süreçte yaşanan belirsizlikler ve ortamın bulanıklığı karar alma sürecini önemli ölçüde etkilemektedir. Bu nedenle mevcut çalışmanın amacı, stratejik bir karar niteliği taşıyan tedarikçi seçiminde bulanık ortamın yarattığı belirsizliklerin önüne geçebilmek ve nicel değerlendirme kriterleri ile daha objektif bir değerlendirme metodolojisi ortaya koyarak, savunma sanayii tedarik modellerine uygun kriterler çerçevesinde çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden bulanık TOPSIS kullanılarak alternatif tedarikçiler arasından en uygun olanını seçmektir. Bu amaca yönelik çalışmada bulanık TOPSIS yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Sonuçta, savunma sanayi açısından birçok karar kriterini modele dahil ederek bulanık ortamda stratejik karar alınmasına ve en iyi alternatifin değerlendirilmesine yönelik bir uygulama önerisi getirilmiştir.


  • AKDENİZ, Ahmet ve Timur TURGUTLU; (2007), “Türkiye’de Perakende Sektöründe Analitik Hiyerarşik Süreç Yaklaşımıyla Tedarikçi Perfor- mans Değerlendirmesi”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9, ss.1-17.
  • AKMAN, Gülşen ve Atakan ALKAN; (2006), “Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde Bulanık AHP Yöntemi Kullanılarak Tedarikçilerin Performansının Öl- çülmesi: Otomotiv Yan Sanayinde Bir Uygulama”, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9, ss.23-46.
  • BAGHERI, Fathemeh and M. Jafar TAROKH; (2010), “A Fuzzy Approach for Multi-Objective supplier Selection”, International Journal of Indust- rial Engineering & Production Research, 21(1), pp.1-9.
  • CHAN, Felix T.S. and Hing Kai CHAN; (2004), “Development of the Supplier Selection Model- A Case Study in the Advanced Technology Industry”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 218 (12), pp.1807-1824.
  • CHEN, Chen-Tung; Ching-Torng LİN and Sue-Fn HUANG; (2006), “A Fuzzy Approach For Supplier Evaluation and Selection in Supply Chain Ma- nagement”, International Journal of Production Economics, 2, pp.289-301.
  • CHEN, Chen-Tung; (2000), “Extensions of the TOPSIS for Group Decision- Making Under Fuzzy Environment”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 14, pp.1-9.
  • CHOU, Shuo-Yan and Yao-Hui CHANG; (2008), “A Decision Support System for Supplier Selection Based on A Strategy-Aligned Fuzzy SMART Approach”, Expert Systems with Applications, 34, pp.2241-2253.
  • DAFT, Richard L.; (1991), Management, Second Edition, USA: The Dryden Press.
  • DAĞDEVİREN, Metin ve Ergün ERASLAN; (2008), “Promethee Sıralama Yöntemiyle Tedarikçi Seçimi”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(1), ss.69-75.
  • DAĞDEVİREN, Metin ve Tamer EREN; (2001), “Tedarikçi Firma Seçiminde Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi ve 0-1 Hedef Programlama Yöntemlerinin Kullanılması”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), ss.41-52.
  • DAĞDEVİREN, Metin; Ergün ERASLAN; Mustafa KURT ve Ercüment DİZDAR; (2005), “Tedarikçi Seçimi Problemine Analitik Ağ Süreciyle Alternatif Bir Yaklaşım”, Teknoloji, 8(2), ss.115-122.
  • DEMİRDÖĞEN, Osman ve Orhan KÜÇÜK; (2007), “Malzeme Akışının Etkin- liğinde Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminin Önemi”, 8. Türkiye Ekonometri ve İstatistik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 24-27 Mayıs, Malatya: İnönü Üniversitesi, ss.1-13.
  • DICKSON, W. Gary; (1966), “An Analysis of Vendor Selection: Systems and Decisions”, Journal of Purchasing, 1(2), pp.5-17.
  • ERENSAL, Yasemin C.; Temel ÖNCAN and Murat L. DEMİRCAN; (2006) “Determining Key Capabilities in Technology Management Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process: A Case Study of Turkey”, Informa- tion Sciences, 176, pp.2755-2770.
  • FAZLOLLAHTABAR, Hamed; Iraj MAHDAVI; M. Talebi ASHOORI; So- maych KAVİANİ and Nezam MAHDAVİ-AMİRİ; (2011), “A Multi- Objective Decision-Making Process of Supplier Selection and Order Al- location For Multi-Period Scheduling in an Electronic Market”, The In- ternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 52, pp.1039-1052.
  • GHODSYPUR, Seyede Hassan and Christopher O’BRIEN; (1998), “A Decision Support System For Supplier Selection Using an Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process and Linear Programming”, International Journal of Production Economics, 56-57, pp.199-212.
  • GÖKTÜRK, İmre F.; Avni Y. ERYILMAZ; Bahadır YÖRÜR ve Yıldız YULUĞKURAL; (2011), “Bir İşletmenin Tedarikçi Değerlendirme ve Seçim Probleminin Çözümünde AAS ve VIKOR Yöntemlerinin Kulla- nılması”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25, ss.61-74.
  • HARRISON, E. Frank; (1999). The Managerial Decision Making Process, USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • HO, William; (2008), “Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process And Its Applica- tions- A Literature Review”, European Journal of Operational Rese- arch, 186, pp.211-228.
  • HO, William; Xiaowei XU and Prasanta K. DEY; (2010), “Multi-Criteria Deci- sion Making Approaches For Supplier Evaluation and Selection: A Lite- rature Review”, European Journal of Operational Research, 202(1), pp.16-24.
  • İMREK, M. Kemal; (2003), Yöneticiler İçin Karar Verme Teknikleri El Ki- tabı, İstanbul: Beta Basım.
  • KAHRAMAN, Cengiz; Ufuk CEBECİ and Da RUAN; (2004), “Multi-attribute Comparison of Catering Service Companies Using Fuzzy AHP: The Ca- se of Turkey”, International Journal of Production Economics, 87, pp.171-184.
  • KAHRAMAN, Cengiz; Ufuk CEBECİ and Ziya ULUKAN; (2003), “Multi- Criteria Supplier Selection Using Fuzzy AHP”, Logistics Information Management, 16(6), pp.382-394.
  • KU, Cheng-Yuan; Ching-Ter CHANG and Hui-Ping HO; (2010), “Global Supplier Selection Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process And Fuzzy Goal Programming”, Quality and Quantity, 44, pp.623-640.
  • LEUNG, Lawrence C. and De CAO; (2000), “On Consistency and Ranking of Alternatives in Fuzzy AHP”, European Journal of Operational Rese- arch, 124, pp.102-113.
  • LIU, Fuh Hwa and Hui Lin HAI; (2005), “The Voting Analytic Hierarchy Pro- cess Method for Selecting Supplier”, International Journal of Produc- tion Economics, 97, pp.308-317.
  • MAHAPATRA, Sreekumar and S.S. MAHAPATRA; (2009), “A Fuzzy Multi- Criteria Decision Making Approach for Supplier Selection in Supply Chain Management”, African Journal Of Business Management, 3(4), pp.168-177.
  • MENDOZA, Abraham; Eduardo SANTIAGO and A. Ravi RAVINDRAN; (2008), “A Three-Phase Multi-criteria Method to The Supplier Selection Problem”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 15(2), pp.195-210.
  • MONJEZI, Masoud; Hadi DEHGHANI; T. Narain SINGH; Ahmed Reza SAYADI and Ahamad GHOLINEJAD; (2012), “Application of TOPSIS Method for Selecting the Most Appropriate Blast Design”, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 5(1), pp.95-101.
  • ÖZ, Erçetin ve Ömer F. BAYKOÇ; (2004), “Tedarikçi Seçimi Problemine Ka- rar Teorisi Destekli Uzman Sistem Yaklaşımı”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mü- hendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(3), ss.275-286.
  • ÖZCAN, Tuncay; Numan ÇELEBİ ve Şakir ESNAF; (2008), “Çok Kriterli Ka- rar Verme Metodolojilerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi ve Depo Yeri Se- çimi Problemine Uygulanması”, VIII. Ulusal Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 24-25 Ekim, İstanbul: İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, ss.255-266.
  • ÖZDEMİR, Ali İhsan; (2004), “Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminin Gelişimi, Süreçleri ve Yararları”, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakülte- si Dergisi, 23, ss.87-96.
  • ÖZEL, Bedriye ve Bahar ÖZYÖRÜK; (2007), “Bulanık Aksiyomatik Tasarım ile Tedarikçi Firma Seçimi”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(3), ss.415-423.
  • ÖZTÜRK, Ahmet; İrfan ERTUĞRUL ve Nilsen KARAKAŞOĞLU; (2008), “Nakliye Firması Seçiminde Bulanık AHP ve Bulanık TOPSIS Yöntem- lerinin Karşılaştırılması”, Marmara Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 15(2), ss. 785-824.
  • PI, Wei Ning and Chinyao LOW; (2006), “Supplier Evaluation and Selection via Taguchi Loss Functions and an AHP”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 27, pp.625-630.
  • SANAYEI, Amir; S. Farid MOUSAVI and Ahmad YAZDANKHAH; (2010), “Group Decision Making Process For Supplier Selection with VIKOR Under Fuzzy Environment”, Expert Systems with Applications, 37, pp.24-30.
  • SARKIS, Joseph and Srinivas TALLURI; (2002), “A Model for Strategic Supp- lier Selection”, The Journal of Supply Chain Management, pp.18-28.
  • SHYJITH, Kailas; Maari ILANGKUMARAN and Sabhya KUMANAN; (2008), “Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach to Evaluate Opti- mum Maintenance Strategy in Textile Industry”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 14(4), pp.375-386.
  • ŞEVKLİ, Mehmet; (2010), “An Application of the Fuzzy ELECTRE Method for Supplier Selection”, International Journal of Production Rese- arch, 48(12), pp.3393-3405.
  • TAM, C.Y. Maggie and V.M. Rao TUMMALA; (2001), “An Application of the AHP in Vendor Selection of a Telecommunications System”, Omega, 29(2), pp.171-182.
  • TSAUR, Sheng-Hshiung; Te-Yi CHANG and Chang-Hua YEN; (2002), “The Evaluation of Airline Service Quality by Fuzzy MCDM”, Tourism Management, 23, pp.107-115.
  • TSENG, Yuan-Jje and Yu-Hua LIN; (2005), “A Model for Supplier Selection and Tasks Assignment”, Journal of American Academy of Business, 6(2), pp.197-207.
  • WANG, Jia-Wen; Ching-Hsue CHENG and Huang KUN-CHENG; (2009), “Fuzzy Hierarchical TOPSIS for Supplier Selection”, Applied Soft Computing, 9, pp.377-386.
  • WANG, Ling; Jian CHU and Jun WU; (2007), “Selection of Optimum Main- tenance Strategies Based on A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process”, In- ternational Journal of Economics, 107, pp.151-163.
  • WANG, Yu-Jie and Hsuan-Shih LEE; (2007), “Generalizing TOPSIS For Fuzzy Multiple-Criteria Group Decision-Making”, Computers and Mathe- matics with Applications, 13, pp.1762-1772.
  • XIA, Weijun and Zhiming WU; (2007), “Supplier Selection With Multiple Cri- teria in Volume Discount Environments”, Omega, 35, pp.494-504.
  • YANG, Ching-Chow and Bai-Sheng CHEN; (2006), “Supplier Selection Using Combined Analytical Hierarchy Process and Grey Relational Analysis”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 17(7), pp.926- 941.
  • YURDAKUL, Mustafa and Yusuf Tansel İÇ; (2005), “Development of a Per- formance Measurement Model for Manufacturing Companies Using the AHP and TOPSIS Approaches”, International Journal of Production Research, 43(21), pp.4609-4641.
  • ZADEH, A. Lotfi; (1965), “Fuzzy Sets”, Information and Control, 8, pp.338- 353.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Özgür Demirtaş This is me

Asuman Akdoğan This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Issue: 43


APA Demirtaş, Ö., & Akdoğan, A. (2015). BULANIK ORTAMDA TEDARİKÇİ SEÇİMİ: SAVUNMA SANAYİİ’NE YÖNELİK BİR UYGULAMA. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(43), 203-222.

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Ensure confidentiality of the reviewed manuscript and not disclose any information about it, during or after the review process, beyond what is already published.
Refrain from using information obtained during the review process for personal or third-party benefit.
Notify the journal editor if plagiarism or other ethical violations are suspected in the manuscript.
Conduct reviews objectively and avoid conflicts of interest. If a conflict exists, the reviewer should decline the review.
Use polite and constructive language during the review process and avoid personal comments.
Publication Policy
The Journal of Erciyes University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is a free, open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal that has been in publication since 1981. The journal welcomes submissions in Turkish and English within the fields of economics, business administration, public finance, political science, public administration, and international relations.

No submission or publication fees are charged by the journal.
Every submitted manuscript undergoes a double-blind peer review process and similarity/plagiarism checks via iThenticate.
Submissions must be original and not previously published, accepted for publication, or under review elsewhere.
Articles published in the journal can be cited under the Open Access Policy and Creative Commons license, provided proper attribution is given.
The journal is published three times a year, in April, August, and December. It includes original, high-quality, and scientifically supported research articles and reviews in its listed fields. Academic studies unrelated to these disciplines or their theoretical and empirical foundations are not accepted. The journal's languages are Turkish and English.

Submissions are first subject to a preliminary review for format and content. Manuscripts not meeting the journal's standards are rejected by the editorial board. Manuscripts deemed suitable proceed to the peer review stage.

Each submission is sent to at least two expert reviewers. If both reviews are favorable, the article is approved for publication. In cases where one review is positive and the other negative, the editorial board decides based on the reviews or may send the manuscript to a third reviewer.

Articles published in the journal are open access and can be cited under the Creative Commons license, provided proper attribution is made.