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Year 2015, Issue: 46, 75 - 100, 17.11.2015


Urban areas considered to be both sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and vulnerable locations to climate impacts can potentially play important roles in combating the problems posed by climate change (in pursuing mitigation and adaptation policy). This study argues the developments concerning the role of (urban) local governments in governing climate change, adopting governance theory as theoretical framework for analysis. Although there are several problems in designing and implementing a coherent local climate policy, it seems that local governments all over the world are gradually becoming prominent actors in global climate governance. Therefore, how to improve urban governance capacity in dealing with climate change problems is now on the local policy agenda worldwide.


  • ANGUELOVSKI, Isabelle and JoAnn CARMIN; (2011), “Something Bor- rowed, Everything New: Innovation and Institutionalization in Urban
  • Climate Governance”, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustaina- bility, 3(3), pp. 169-175. BROTO, Vanesa Castan and Harriet BULKELEY; (2013), A Survey of Urban
  • Climate Change Experiments in 100 Cities”, Global Environmental Change, 23(1), pp.92-102. BULKELEY, Harriet and Kristine KERN; (2006), “Local Government and the Governing of Climate Change in Germany and the UK”, Urban Stud- ies, 43(12), pp. 2237-2259.
  • BULKELEY, Harriet and Michele M. BETSILL; (2013), “Revisiting the Urban
  • Politics of Climate Change”, Environmental Politics, 22(1), pp.136- 1
  • BULKELEY, Harriet and Vanesa Castan BROTO; (2013), “Government by
  • Experiment? Global Cities and the Governing of Climate Change”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 38(3), pp.361- 3
  • BULKELEY, Harriet; Heike SCHROEDER; Katy JANDA; Jimin ZHAO; An- drea ARMSTRONG; Shu Yi CHU and Shibani GHOSH; (2011), “The
  • CERİT MAZLUM, Semra; (2009), “Bir Sosyal Politika Sorunu Olarak Küresel
  • İklim Değişikliği ve Yerel Yönetim Politikaları”, Kamu’da Sosyal Po- litika, 3(9), ss. 51-54. ÇOBANYILMAZ, Pınar ve Ülkü Duman YÜKSEL; (2013), “Kentlerin İklim
  • Değişikliğinden Zarar Görebilirliğinin Değerlendirmesi”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(3), ss.39-50. Eskişehir Tepebaşı Belediyesi; (2014), “Sürdürülebilir Enerji Eylem Planı”,
  • İnternet Adresi: Tepebasi_SEEP_1% 20ver4-pdf.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 20.04.2015.
  • Eskişehir Tepebaşı Belediyesi; (t.y.), “Güneş Panelleri”, İnternet Adresi:, Tarihi: 05.05.2015. Erişim
  • Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi; (2011), “Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi
  • İklim Değişikliği Eylem Planı Enerji ve Sera Gazı Profili Ön Eylem Planı, Eri- şim Tarihi: 22.04.2015. Stratejisi”, İnternet Adresi:
  • Kadıköy Belediyesi; (t.y.), “Kadıköy Belediyesi İklim Değişikliği ile Mücadele ve, Erişim Tarihi: 02015. Verimliliği Faaliyetleri”, İnternet Adresi:
  • KALABALIK, Halil; (2014), İmar Hukuku Dersleri, Altıncı Baskı, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • KARABAG, Filiz Solmaz; (2011), “Climate Change Management Approaches of Cities: A Comparative Study Between Globally Leading and Turkish
  • Cities”, European Journal of Economic and Political Studies, 4(1), pp.113-141. KENTGES; (2010), “Bütünleşik Kentsel Gelişme ve Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı 2010-2023”, Ankara, İnternet Adresi: dos- yalar/ kentges_tr.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 22.04.2015.
  • KERN, Kristine and Gotelind ALBER; (2008), “Governing Climate Change in
  • Cities: Modes of Urban Climate Governance in Multi-Level Systems”, Competitive Cities and Climate Change OECD Conference Pro- ceedings, 9-10 October, Italy, Internet Address: governance/regional-policy/44232251.pdf, Date of Access: 30.01.2015.
  • Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi; (2007), “Konya Dünya İklim Değişikliği Birli- ği’ne Üye Oldu”, İnternet Adresi: haberayrin- ti.php?haberID=1487, Erişim Tarihi: 05.05.2015.
  • KUBAN, Baha; (2013), “Türkiye Kervana Katılıyor, İklim Değişikliği ile Mü- cadelede Kentler Başı Çekiyor”, İnternet Adresi: http://www. yesileko- degisikligi-ile-mucadelede-kent-yonetimleri-basi-cekiyor, Erişim Tari- hi: 002.2015.
  • Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union; (2015), “Submis- sion by Latvia and the European Commission on Behalf of the Europe- an Union and Its Member States”, Riga, 6 March 2015, Internet Add- ress: Docu- ments/Latvia/1/LV-03-06-EU%20INDC.pdf, 02015. Date of Access:
  • LINDSETH, Gard; (2004), “The Cities for Climate Protection Campaign
  • (CCPC) and Framing of Local Climate Policy”, Local Environment, 9(4), pp. 325-336. REVI, Aromar; David E. SATTERTHWAITE; Fernando ARAGÓN-DURAND; Jan CORFEE-MORLOT; Robert B. R. KIUNSI; Mark PELLING; Deb- ra C. ROBERTS and William SOLECKI; (2014), “Urban Areas”, in
  • York: Cambridge University Press, pp.535-612, Internet Address: NAL.pdf, Date of Access: 19.01.2015.
  • ROSENZWEIG, Cynthia; William D. SOLECKI; Stephen A. HAMMER and Shagun MEHROTRA; (2011), Climate Change and Cities First As- sessment Report of Urban Climate Change Research Network,
  • First Publication, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ŞEN, Ömer Lütfi; Deniz BOZKURT; Ozan Mert GÖKTÜRK; Berna DÜNDAR ve Bahadir ALTÜRK; (2013), “Türkiye’de İklim Değişkliği ve Olası Etkileri”, İnternet content/uploads/2012/10/Bildiri_Omer_L_Sen_vd_2013.pdf, Adresi: Tarihi: 17.04.2015. Erişim
  • SETO, Karen C.; Shobhakar DHAKAL; Anthony BIGIO; Hilda BLANCO; Gian Carlo DELGADO; David DEWAR; Luxin HUANG; Atsushi INABA; Arun KANSAL; Shuaib LWASA; James MCMAHON; Daniel B. MÜLLER; Jin MURAKAMI; Harini NAGENDRA and Anu RAMASWAMI; (2014), “Human Settlements, Infrastructure and Spa- tial Planning”, in Edenhofer OTTMAR; Ramon PICHS-MADRUGA;
  • Youba SOKONA; Ellie FARAHANI; Susanne KADNER; Kristin SEYBOTH; Anna ADLER; Ina BAUM; Steffen BRUNNER; Patrick EICKEMEIER; Benjamin KRIEMANN; Jussi SAVOLAINEN; Steffen SCHLÖMER; Christoph von STECHOW; Timm ZWICKEL and Jan C. MINX (Ed.), Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change.
  • Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, pp.923-1000, Internet Address: rpdf, Date of Access: 19.01.2015.
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı Çevre Yönetimi Genel Müdürlüğü; (t.y.), “Dünya Bankası PMR Projesi”, İnternet Adresi: projeler/iklim/index.php?Sayfa=sayfa&Tur=webmenu&Id=12486, Erişim Tarihi: 13.05.2015.
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı Çevre Yönetimi Genel Müdürlüğü; (2014), “Kentsel Dönüşümle Emisyon Azalacak”, İnternet Adresi: 14875, Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2015.
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı; (2011), “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti İklim Deği- şikliği Eylem Planı 2011-2023”, Ankara, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 02015.
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı; (2012), “Türkiye’nin İklim Değişikliği Planı Stratejisi i_TR.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 06.05.2015. İnternet Adresi:
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı; (2013), “Türkiye İklim Değişikliği 5. Bil- dirimi”, Ankara, İnternet Adresi: degisikligi/iklim_degisikli%C4%9Fi_5_ulusal_bidirim_tr.pdf?sfvrsn=2, Erişim Tarihi: 13.02.2015.
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı; (2014), “Şehirler İçin İklim Değişikliğine
  • Uyum Destek Paketi”, Ricardo-AEA/R/ED58689 Yayın No:2, İnternet
  • Adresi: destek-paketi-hazir/277028, Erişim Tarihi: 05.05.2015.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Halk Sağlığı Kurumu; (2013), “İklim Değişikliğinin
  • Sağlık Etkilerinin Azaltılması Ulusal Programı ve Eylem Planı”, İnter- net, Erişim Tarihi: 06.05.2015. Adresi:
  • The US Conference of Mayors, Mayors Climate Protection Center; (2007), “List, Date of Access: 02015. Participant Mayors”, Internet Address:
  • The World Bank; (2010), “Cities and Climate Change: An Urgent Agenda”,
  • Washington: Urban Development Series Knowledge Paper, Internet Address: 1205330656272/CitiesandClimateChange.pdf, 02015. Date of Access:
  • TORRES, Pedro Ballesteros and Roman DOUBRAVA; (2010), “The Covenant of Mayors: Cities Leading the Fight Against the Climate Change”, in
  • Maryke VAN STADEN and Francesco MUSCO (Ed.), Local Govern- ments and Climate Change, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London and New York: Springer, pp.91-98. TÜİK (Turkish Statistical Institute); (2014), “Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Inventory, 2012”, Internet Address: Pre- HaberBulten-;jsessionid=2XGdVwrLTQv2KVtyZQgGLhjvxZhTh9VTDp0pY ghq40JR7cmMCLJt 1215154463?id=16174, 02015. Date of Access:
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı; (2014), “İklim Değişikliği ile Mücadelede 2020 Sonrası Dönemde Yeni Bir Rejime İhtiyaç Var”, 02014, İnternet Adresi: iklim-degisikligi-ile rejime-ihtiyac-var.html, Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2015. mucadelede-2020-sonrasi-donemde-yeni-bir
  • UYSAL OĞUZ, Ceren; (2010), “İklim Değişikliği ile Mücadelede Yerel Yöne- timlerin Rolü: Seattle Örneği”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Celal Bayar
  • Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2), ss. 25- VAN STADEN, Maryke and Christine KLAS; (2010), “ICLEI’s Support for
  • Local Climate Action: A Selection of Tools”, in Maryke VAN STADEN and Francesco MUSCO (Ed.), Local Governments and Climate Change, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London and New York: Springer, pp.99-107. VAN STADEN, Maryke; (2010), “Communities, Mitigation and Adaptation”, in
  • Maryke VAN STADEN and Francesco MUSCO (Ed.), Local Govern- ments and Climate Change, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London and New York: Springer, pp.17-29. ZIMMERMANN, Monika; Gino VAN BEGIN and Irene Vergara CRISTOBAL; (2010), “The International Local Government Climate
  • Roadmap”, in Maryke VAN STADEN and Francesco MUSCO (Ed.), Local Governments and Climate Change, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London and New York: Springer, pp.79-89.


Year 2015, Issue: 46, 75 - 100, 17.11.2015


Kentsel alanlar, hem insana ait sera gazları salımlarının kaynağı hem de iklim etkilerinden zarar görebilir yerler olarak iklim değişikliğinin ortaya çıkardığı sorunlara karşı mücadele vermede (azaltım ve uyum politikası izlemede) potansiyel olarak önemli roller oynayabilir. Bu çalışma analiz çerçevesi olarak yönetişim teorisini kullanarak iklim değişikliği yönetiminde yerel yönetimlerin oynadığı rollerle ilgili gelişmeleri tartışmaktadır. Tutarlı bir yerel iklim politikası tasarlama ve uygulama ile ilgili birçok sorun olmasına rağmen, tüm dünyada yerel yönetimler gittikçe küresel iklim yönetişimininin temel aktörlerinden biri haline gelmektedir. Bu sebeple günümüzde iklim değişikliği sorunlarıyla uğraşırken kentsel yönetişim kapasitesinin nasıl geliştirileceği dünya çapında yerel politika gündemine girmiş bulunmaktadır.


  • ANGUELOVSKI, Isabelle and JoAnn CARMIN; (2011), “Something Bor- rowed, Everything New: Innovation and Institutionalization in Urban
  • Climate Governance”, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustaina- bility, 3(3), pp. 169-175. BROTO, Vanesa Castan and Harriet BULKELEY; (2013), A Survey of Urban
  • Climate Change Experiments in 100 Cities”, Global Environmental Change, 23(1), pp.92-102. BULKELEY, Harriet and Kristine KERN; (2006), “Local Government and the Governing of Climate Change in Germany and the UK”, Urban Stud- ies, 43(12), pp. 2237-2259.
  • BULKELEY, Harriet and Michele M. BETSILL; (2013), “Revisiting the Urban
  • Politics of Climate Change”, Environmental Politics, 22(1), pp.136- 1
  • BULKELEY, Harriet and Vanesa Castan BROTO; (2013), “Government by
  • Experiment? Global Cities and the Governing of Climate Change”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 38(3), pp.361- 3
  • BULKELEY, Harriet; Heike SCHROEDER; Katy JANDA; Jimin ZHAO; An- drea ARMSTRONG; Shu Yi CHU and Shibani GHOSH; (2011), “The
  • CERİT MAZLUM, Semra; (2009), “Bir Sosyal Politika Sorunu Olarak Küresel
  • İklim Değişikliği ve Yerel Yönetim Politikaları”, Kamu’da Sosyal Po- litika, 3(9), ss. 51-54. ÇOBANYILMAZ, Pınar ve Ülkü Duman YÜKSEL; (2013), “Kentlerin İklim
  • Değişikliğinden Zarar Görebilirliğinin Değerlendirmesi”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(3), ss.39-50. Eskişehir Tepebaşı Belediyesi; (2014), “Sürdürülebilir Enerji Eylem Planı”,
  • İnternet Adresi: Tepebasi_SEEP_1% 20ver4-pdf.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 20.04.2015.
  • Eskişehir Tepebaşı Belediyesi; (t.y.), “Güneş Panelleri”, İnternet Adresi:, Tarihi: 05.05.2015. Erişim
  • Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi; (2011), “Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi
  • İklim Değişikliği Eylem Planı Enerji ve Sera Gazı Profili Ön Eylem Planı, Eri- şim Tarihi: 22.04.2015. Stratejisi”, İnternet Adresi:
  • Kadıköy Belediyesi; (t.y.), “Kadıköy Belediyesi İklim Değişikliği ile Mücadele ve, Erişim Tarihi: 02015. Verimliliği Faaliyetleri”, İnternet Adresi:
  • KALABALIK, Halil; (2014), İmar Hukuku Dersleri, Altıncı Baskı, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • KARABAG, Filiz Solmaz; (2011), “Climate Change Management Approaches of Cities: A Comparative Study Between Globally Leading and Turkish
  • Cities”, European Journal of Economic and Political Studies, 4(1), pp.113-141. KENTGES; (2010), “Bütünleşik Kentsel Gelişme ve Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı 2010-2023”, Ankara, İnternet Adresi: dos- yalar/ kentges_tr.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 22.04.2015.
  • KERN, Kristine and Gotelind ALBER; (2008), “Governing Climate Change in
  • Cities: Modes of Urban Climate Governance in Multi-Level Systems”, Competitive Cities and Climate Change OECD Conference Pro- ceedings, 9-10 October, Italy, Internet Address: governance/regional-policy/44232251.pdf, Date of Access: 30.01.2015.
  • Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi; (2007), “Konya Dünya İklim Değişikliği Birli- ği’ne Üye Oldu”, İnternet Adresi: haberayrin- ti.php?haberID=1487, Erişim Tarihi: 05.05.2015.
  • KUBAN, Baha; (2013), “Türkiye Kervana Katılıyor, İklim Değişikliği ile Mü- cadelede Kentler Başı Çekiyor”, İnternet Adresi: http://www. yesileko- degisikligi-ile-mucadelede-kent-yonetimleri-basi-cekiyor, Erişim Tari- hi: 002.2015.
  • Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union; (2015), “Submis- sion by Latvia and the European Commission on Behalf of the Europe- an Union and Its Member States”, Riga, 6 March 2015, Internet Add- ress: Docu- ments/Latvia/1/LV-03-06-EU%20INDC.pdf, 02015. Date of Access:
  • LINDSETH, Gard; (2004), “The Cities for Climate Protection Campaign
  • (CCPC) and Framing of Local Climate Policy”, Local Environment, 9(4), pp. 325-336. REVI, Aromar; David E. SATTERTHWAITE; Fernando ARAGÓN-DURAND; Jan CORFEE-MORLOT; Robert B. R. KIUNSI; Mark PELLING; Deb- ra C. ROBERTS and William SOLECKI; (2014), “Urban Areas”, in
  • York: Cambridge University Press, pp.535-612, Internet Address: NAL.pdf, Date of Access: 19.01.2015.
  • ROSENZWEIG, Cynthia; William D. SOLECKI; Stephen A. HAMMER and Shagun MEHROTRA; (2011), Climate Change and Cities First As- sessment Report of Urban Climate Change Research Network,
  • First Publication, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ŞEN, Ömer Lütfi; Deniz BOZKURT; Ozan Mert GÖKTÜRK; Berna DÜNDAR ve Bahadir ALTÜRK; (2013), “Türkiye’de İklim Değişkliği ve Olası Etkileri”, İnternet content/uploads/2012/10/Bildiri_Omer_L_Sen_vd_2013.pdf, Adresi: Tarihi: 17.04.2015. Erişim
  • SETO, Karen C.; Shobhakar DHAKAL; Anthony BIGIO; Hilda BLANCO; Gian Carlo DELGADO; David DEWAR; Luxin HUANG; Atsushi INABA; Arun KANSAL; Shuaib LWASA; James MCMAHON; Daniel B. MÜLLER; Jin MURAKAMI; Harini NAGENDRA and Anu RAMASWAMI; (2014), “Human Settlements, Infrastructure and Spa- tial Planning”, in Edenhofer OTTMAR; Ramon PICHS-MADRUGA;
  • Youba SOKONA; Ellie FARAHANI; Susanne KADNER; Kristin SEYBOTH; Anna ADLER; Ina BAUM; Steffen BRUNNER; Patrick EICKEMEIER; Benjamin KRIEMANN; Jussi SAVOLAINEN; Steffen SCHLÖMER; Christoph von STECHOW; Timm ZWICKEL and Jan C. MINX (Ed.), Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change.
  • Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, pp.923-1000, Internet Address: rpdf, Date of Access: 19.01.2015.
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı Çevre Yönetimi Genel Müdürlüğü; (t.y.), “Dünya Bankası PMR Projesi”, İnternet Adresi: projeler/iklim/index.php?Sayfa=sayfa&Tur=webmenu&Id=12486, Erişim Tarihi: 13.05.2015.
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı Çevre Yönetimi Genel Müdürlüğü; (2014), “Kentsel Dönüşümle Emisyon Azalacak”, İnternet Adresi: 14875, Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2015.
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı; (2011), “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti İklim Deği- şikliği Eylem Planı 2011-2023”, Ankara, İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 02015.
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı; (2012), “Türkiye’nin İklim Değişikliği Planı Stratejisi i_TR.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 06.05.2015. İnternet Adresi:
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı; (2013), “Türkiye İklim Değişikliği 5. Bil- dirimi”, Ankara, İnternet Adresi: degisikligi/iklim_degisikli%C4%9Fi_5_ulusal_bidirim_tr.pdf?sfvrsn=2, Erişim Tarihi: 13.02.2015.
  • T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı; (2014), “Şehirler İçin İklim Değişikliğine
  • Uyum Destek Paketi”, Ricardo-AEA/R/ED58689 Yayın No:2, İnternet
  • Adresi: destek-paketi-hazir/277028, Erişim Tarihi: 05.05.2015.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Halk Sağlığı Kurumu; (2013), “İklim Değişikliğinin
  • Sağlık Etkilerinin Azaltılması Ulusal Programı ve Eylem Planı”, İnter- net, Erişim Tarihi: 06.05.2015. Adresi:
  • The US Conference of Mayors, Mayors Climate Protection Center; (2007), “List, Date of Access: 02015. Participant Mayors”, Internet Address:
  • The World Bank; (2010), “Cities and Climate Change: An Urgent Agenda”,
  • Washington: Urban Development Series Knowledge Paper, Internet Address: 1205330656272/CitiesandClimateChange.pdf, 02015. Date of Access:
  • TORRES, Pedro Ballesteros and Roman DOUBRAVA; (2010), “The Covenant of Mayors: Cities Leading the Fight Against the Climate Change”, in
  • Maryke VAN STADEN and Francesco MUSCO (Ed.), Local Govern- ments and Climate Change, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London and New York: Springer, pp.91-98. TÜİK (Turkish Statistical Institute); (2014), “Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Inventory, 2012”, Internet Address: Pre- HaberBulten-;jsessionid=2XGdVwrLTQv2KVtyZQgGLhjvxZhTh9VTDp0pY ghq40JR7cmMCLJt 1215154463?id=16174, 02015. Date of Access:
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı; (2014), “İklim Değişikliği ile Mücadelede 2020 Sonrası Dönemde Yeni Bir Rejime İhtiyaç Var”, 02014, İnternet Adresi: iklim-degisikligi-ile rejime-ihtiyac-var.html, Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2015. mucadelede-2020-sonrasi-donemde-yeni-bir
  • UYSAL OĞUZ, Ceren; (2010), “İklim Değişikliği ile Mücadelede Yerel Yöne- timlerin Rolü: Seattle Örneği”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Celal Bayar
  • Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2), ss. 25- VAN STADEN, Maryke and Christine KLAS; (2010), “ICLEI’s Support for
  • Local Climate Action: A Selection of Tools”, in Maryke VAN STADEN and Francesco MUSCO (Ed.), Local Governments and Climate Change, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London and New York: Springer, pp.99-107. VAN STADEN, Maryke; (2010), “Communities, Mitigation and Adaptation”, in
  • Maryke VAN STADEN and Francesco MUSCO (Ed.), Local Govern- ments and Climate Change, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London and New York: Springer, pp.17-29. ZIMMERMANN, Monika; Gino VAN BEGIN and Irene Vergara CRISTOBAL; (2010), “The International Local Government Climate
  • Roadmap”, in Maryke VAN STADEN and Francesco MUSCO (Ed.), Local Governments and Climate Change, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London and New York: Springer, pp.79-89.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Mustafa Demirci This is me

Publication Date November 17, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Issue: 46


APA Demirci, M. (2015). KENTSEL İKLİM DEĞİŞİKLİĞİ YÖNETİŞİMİ. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(46), 75-100.

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If a significant error or mistake is discovered in the manuscript, the journal’s editorial office must be notified.
For studies requiring ethical committee approval, the relevant document must be submitted to the journal. Details regarding the ethical approval (name of the ethics committee, approval document number, and date) must be included in the manuscript.
Changes to authorship (e.g., adding or removing authors, altering the order of authors) cannot be proposed after the review process has commenced.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
Accept review assignments only in areas where they have sufficient expertise.
Agree to review manuscripts in a timely and unbiased manner.
Ensure confidentiality of the reviewed manuscript and not disclose any information about it, during or after the review process, beyond what is already published.
Refrain from using information obtained during the review process for personal or third-party benefit.
Notify the journal editor if plagiarism or other ethical violations are suspected in the manuscript.
Conduct reviews objectively and avoid conflicts of interest. If a conflict exists, the reviewer should decline the review.
Use polite and constructive language during the review process and avoid personal comments.
Publication Policy
The Journal of Erciyes University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is a free, open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal that has been in publication since 1981. The journal welcomes submissions in Turkish and English within the fields of economics, business administration, public finance, political science, public administration, and international relations.

No submission or publication fees are charged by the journal.
Every submitted manuscript undergoes a double-blind peer review process and similarity/plagiarism checks via iThenticate.
Submissions must be original and not previously published, accepted for publication, or under review elsewhere.
Articles published in the journal can be cited under the Open Access Policy and Creative Commons license, provided proper attribution is given.
The journal is published three times a year, in April, August, and December. It includes original, high-quality, and scientifically supported research articles and reviews in its listed fields. Academic studies unrelated to these disciplines or their theoretical and empirical foundations are not accepted. The journal's languages are Turkish and English.

Submissions are first subject to a preliminary review for format and content. Manuscripts not meeting the journal's standards are rejected by the editorial board. Manuscripts deemed suitable proceed to the peer review stage.

Each submission is sent to at least two expert reviewers. If both reviews are favorable, the article is approved for publication. In cases where one review is positive and the other negative, the editorial board decides based on the reviews or may send the manuscript to a third reviewer.

Articles published in the journal are open access and can be cited under the Creative Commons license, provided proper attribution is made.