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ABD’nin Partizan Seçim Müdahaleleri ve Yöntemleri

Year 2025, , 345 - 359, 30.01.2025


Gelişen teknolojiler ve sosyal medyanın da yaygınlaşmasıyla seçimlere dış müdahale konusu dünya genelinde daha fazla tartışılan bir mesele haline geldi. Türkiye’de de seçim güvenliği her ne kadar yoğun bir şekilde gündemi meşgul eden bir konu olsa da Türkçe akademik yazında seçimlere dış müdahale ile ilgili yeterli çalışma yapılmadığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle seçimlere dış müdahale meselesi kavramsal düzeyde ele alınarak uluslararası literatürde konunun hangi çerçevede tartışıldığı incelenmektedir. Sonrasında tarihsel karşılaştırmalı vaka incelemesi yöntemiyle örnek olaylar incelenerek ABD’nin Soğuk Savaş döneminde üç birbirinden farklı vakada seçimlere nasıl ve hangi yöntemlere başvurarak tarafgir bir şekilde müdahil olduğu mercek altına alınmaktadır. Seçilen vakalar literatürde yer alan çeşitli müdahale biçimlerine örnek teşkil etmesi açısından çeşitliliği sağlayabilmek amacıyla seçilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen verilere göre hegemon güçlerin gizli ve açık olmak üzere iki farklı düzeyde seçimlere müdahil olduğu görülmektedir. ABD gibi ülkelerin kendi siyasi ve ekonomik çıkarları çerçevesinde ilgili ülkede müttefiki kabul ettiği yerel aktörlerin seçimlerde rakiplerine karşı avantaj elde edebilmeleri adına çeşitli yöntemlere başvurduğu anlaşılmaktadır. ABD birçok ülkede açık ya da gizli tehdit, şantaj, ekonomik yaptırımlar ya da ekonomik destek, seçim kampanyalarının fonlanması vb. farklı yöntemler aracılığıyla seçimlere müdahale etmiş ve kendine yakın gördüğü adayın haksız avantaj elde etmesine zemin hazırlamıştır.


  • Armutcu, B., & Tan, A. (2021). The Impact of Economic Factors on Voter Preferences: The Case of Turkey. International Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 3(2), 139–149.
  • Boldyreva, E. (2018). Cambridge Analytica: Ethics And Online Manipulation With Decision-Making Process. 91–102.
  • Bowen, G. L. (1984). U. S. Policy Toward Guatemala 1954 to 1963. Armed Forces & Society, 10(2), 165–191.
  • Bozkurt, G. S. (2006). Gürcistan, Ukrayna ve Kırgızistan’da Kadife Devrimler. Karadeniz Araştırmaları, 9(9), Article 9.
  • Eady, G., Paskhalis, T., Zilinsky, J., Bonneau, R., Nagler, J., & Tucker, J. A. (2023). Exposure to the Russian Internet Research Agency foreign influence campaign on Twitter in the 2016 US election and its relationship to attitudes and voting behavior. Nature Communications, 14(1), 62.
  • Enes Bayraklı (Ed.). (2024). Seçimlere Dış Müdahale. Türkiye Araştırmaları Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Escudé, C. (2006). The US destabilization and economic boycott of Argentina of the 1940s, revisited (Serie Documentos de Trabajo 323). Universidad del Centro de Estudios Macroeconómicos de Argentina (UCEMA).
  • Goldgeier, J. M. (1998). NATO expansion: The anatomy of a decision. Washington Quarterly.
  • Hobbes, T. (2023). Leviathan (S. Lim, Trans.). Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • Kohn, H. (1966). West Germany and the United States. Current History, 50(297), 277–307.
  • Krapfl, J., & Kühn Von Burgsdorff, E. (2023). Ukraine’s Euromaidan and Revolution of Dignity, ten years later. Canadian Slavonic Papers, 65(3–4), 325–334.
  • Levin, D. H. (2020). Meddling in the ballot box: The causes and effects of partisan electoral interventions. Oxford University Press.
  • MacDonald, C. A. (1980). The Politics of Intervention: The United States and Argentina, 1941-1946. Journal of Latin American Studies, 12(2), 365–396.
  • Machiavelli, N. (2018). Prens (K. Atakay, Trans.). Can Yayınları.
  • Maulucci, T. W. (2003). Konrad Adenauer’s April 1953 Visit to the United States and the Limits of the German-American Relationship in the Early 1950s. German Studies Review, 26(3), 577.
  • Merritt, R. L. (1980). THE 1953 BUNDESTAG ELECTION: Evidence from West German Public Opinion. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung, 16, 3–38. JSTOR.
  • Mohan, V., & Wall, A. (2019). Foreign Electoral Interference: Past, Present, and Future. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 20, 110–119.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (1949). The Primacy of the National Interest. The American Scholar, 18(2), 207–212. JSTOR.
  • Rapoport, M., & Spiguel, C. (2002). The United States, Argentina, and the End of the First Perón Government, 1953–1955. In D. Carter & R. Clifton (Eds.), War and Cold War in American Foreign Policy 1942–62 (pp. 179–210). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Reimann, N. (2023). Foreign Electoral Interference: Normative Implications in Light of International Law, Human Rights, and Democratic Theory. sui generis Verlag.
  • Roberts, C. M., Harriman, W. A., Krock, A., & Acheson, D. (1972). How Containment Worked. Foreign Policy, 7, 41–53.
  • Sauer, T. (2022). The nuclear umbrella in Europe. In Arms control and Europe: New challenges and prospects for strategic stability / Sinovets, P. [edit.]; Alberque, W. [edit.] (pp. 57–68). Springer.
  • Thukydides. (2023). Peloponnessos Savaşları (F. Akderin, Trans.). Belge Yayınları.
  • Tomz, M., & Weeks, J. (2020). Public Opinion and Foreign Electoral Intervention. American Political Science Review, 114, 1–18.
  • Vandenbroucke, L. S. (1984). Anatomy of a Failure: The Decision to Land at the Bay of Pigs. Political Science Quarterly, 99(3), 471–491.
  • Vietnam War: Causes, Facts & Impact. (2024, May 16). HISTORY.
  • Walton, C. C. (1953). Background for the European Defense Community. Political Science Quarterly, 68(1), 42–69.

Partizan Election Interventions And Methods Of United States Of America

Year 2025, , 345 - 359, 30.01.2025


The topic of foreign electoral interventions has become a more widely discussed issue globally with the advancement of technology and the widespread use of social media. Although election security is a heavily debated subject in Turkey, it appears that there is insufficient academic research in Turkish on foreign electoral interventions. This study first addresses the issue of foreign electoral interventions at a conceptual level, examining the framework within which the topic is discussed according to international literature. Subsequently, it employs historical comparative case study methodology to analyse examples of US election interventions in three different cases during Cold War. The selected cases were chosen to ensure diversity, as they exemplify various forms of intervention found in the literature. The data obtained from the study indicates that hegemonic powers intervene in elections on two different levels: covert and overt. It is understood that countries like the United States employ various methods within the framework of their political and economic interests to help local actors, whom they consider allies, gain an advantage over their rivals in elections. Through various methods such as overt or covert threats, blackmail, economic sanctions or support, and funding election campaigns, USA have intervened in elections and created an unfair advantage for candidates it favors.


  • Armutcu, B., & Tan, A. (2021). The Impact of Economic Factors on Voter Preferences: The Case of Turkey. International Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 3(2), 139–149.
  • Boldyreva, E. (2018). Cambridge Analytica: Ethics And Online Manipulation With Decision-Making Process. 91–102.
  • Bowen, G. L. (1984). U. S. Policy Toward Guatemala 1954 to 1963. Armed Forces & Society, 10(2), 165–191.
  • Bozkurt, G. S. (2006). Gürcistan, Ukrayna ve Kırgızistan’da Kadife Devrimler. Karadeniz Araştırmaları, 9(9), Article 9.
  • Eady, G., Paskhalis, T., Zilinsky, J., Bonneau, R., Nagler, J., & Tucker, J. A. (2023). Exposure to the Russian Internet Research Agency foreign influence campaign on Twitter in the 2016 US election and its relationship to attitudes and voting behavior. Nature Communications, 14(1), 62.
  • Enes Bayraklı (Ed.). (2024). Seçimlere Dış Müdahale. Türkiye Araştırmaları Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Escudé, C. (2006). The US destabilization and economic boycott of Argentina of the 1940s, revisited (Serie Documentos de Trabajo 323). Universidad del Centro de Estudios Macroeconómicos de Argentina (UCEMA).
  • Goldgeier, J. M. (1998). NATO expansion: The anatomy of a decision. Washington Quarterly.
  • Hobbes, T. (2023). Leviathan (S. Lim, Trans.). Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • Kohn, H. (1966). West Germany and the United States. Current History, 50(297), 277–307.
  • Krapfl, J., & Kühn Von Burgsdorff, E. (2023). Ukraine’s Euromaidan and Revolution of Dignity, ten years later. Canadian Slavonic Papers, 65(3–4), 325–334.
  • Levin, D. H. (2020). Meddling in the ballot box: The causes and effects of partisan electoral interventions. Oxford University Press.
  • MacDonald, C. A. (1980). The Politics of Intervention: The United States and Argentina, 1941-1946. Journal of Latin American Studies, 12(2), 365–396.
  • Machiavelli, N. (2018). Prens (K. Atakay, Trans.). Can Yayınları.
  • Maulucci, T. W. (2003). Konrad Adenauer’s April 1953 Visit to the United States and the Limits of the German-American Relationship in the Early 1950s. German Studies Review, 26(3), 577.
  • Merritt, R. L. (1980). THE 1953 BUNDESTAG ELECTION: Evidence from West German Public Opinion. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung, 16, 3–38. JSTOR.
  • Mohan, V., & Wall, A. (2019). Foreign Electoral Interference: Past, Present, and Future. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 20, 110–119.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (1949). The Primacy of the National Interest. The American Scholar, 18(2), 207–212. JSTOR.
  • Rapoport, M., & Spiguel, C. (2002). The United States, Argentina, and the End of the First Perón Government, 1953–1955. In D. Carter & R. Clifton (Eds.), War and Cold War in American Foreign Policy 1942–62 (pp. 179–210). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Reimann, N. (2023). Foreign Electoral Interference: Normative Implications in Light of International Law, Human Rights, and Democratic Theory. sui generis Verlag.
  • Roberts, C. M., Harriman, W. A., Krock, A., & Acheson, D. (1972). How Containment Worked. Foreign Policy, 7, 41–53.
  • Sauer, T. (2022). The nuclear umbrella in Europe. In Arms control and Europe: New challenges and prospects for strategic stability / Sinovets, P. [edit.]; Alberque, W. [edit.] (pp. 57–68). Springer.
  • Thukydides. (2023). Peloponnessos Savaşları (F. Akderin, Trans.). Belge Yayınları.
  • Tomz, M., & Weeks, J. (2020). Public Opinion and Foreign Electoral Intervention. American Political Science Review, 114, 1–18.
  • Vandenbroucke, L. S. (1984). Anatomy of a Failure: The Decision to Land at the Bay of Pigs. Political Science Quarterly, 99(3), 471–491.
  • Vietnam War: Causes, Facts & Impact. (2024, May 16). HISTORY.
  • Walton, C. C. (1953). Background for the European Defense Community. Political Science Quarterly, 68(1), 42–69.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Media Studies, Communication Studies
Journal Section Türkçe Araştırma Makaleleri

Enes Bayraklı 0000-0002-5039-3493

Publication Date January 30, 2025
Submission Date August 5, 2024
Acceptance Date November 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Bayraklı, E. (2025). ABD’nin Partizan Seçim Müdahaleleri ve Yöntemleri. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 12(1), 345-359.