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Gazetecilik Eğitiminin Dijitalleşmesi: Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Üzerinde Yapılan Karşılaştırmalı Analiz

Year 2019, Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu Özel Sayısı, 105 - 124, 11.02.2019


Dijital çağda gazetecilik eğitiminin içeriğinin sektörün taleplerine cevap verebilecek
biçimde tekrar gözden geçirilmesi gerekmektedir. Sektörde kullanılan teknolojilerin
dijitalleşmesi, sayıca artması gazetecilik eğitimine yansımaktadır. Süreç gazeteciliğin
evrilmesine bağlı olarak, mesleki becerilerin yeniden tanımlanmasını ve eğitim
müfredatlarında değişime gidilmesini gerektirmektedir. Gazetecilik alanı ve
uygulamalarının dijitalleşmesi, mesleki becerileri de hızlı bir şekilde dönüştürmüştür.
Ancak gazeteciliğin dijitalleşme süreci, ülkeler arasında farklılıklarını korumaktadır.
Haberin üretimi, dağıtımı ve tüketiminde dijital bir dönüşümün olması, ülkelerin
gazetecilik eğitimi müfredatlarında alanın yeni teknolojilerine uygun değişikliklere
gidilmesini zorunda hale getirmektedir. Bu çalışma; gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan
ülkelerin gazetecilik eğitimi veren beş üniversitesinin müfredatlarındaki ders
içeriklerinin ve staj olanaklarının çevrimiçi (online) gazetecilik alanına ne denli
uygun olup olmadığının araştırıldığı, öğrencilere kazandırılan mesleki becerilerle
yaratılan “yeni dönem gazeteci” özelliklerinin ülkelere göre değişiminin ortaya
konulduğu karşılaştırmalı bir örnek olay çalışmasıdır. Ülkelerin gazetecilik eğitimleri
üzerinden sektörün geldiği aşamalar yorumlanarak, gazetecilik eğitiminin değişim
süreci irdelenmektedir


  • Adams, D.A. ve Duffield, L.R. (2006) Profiles of Journalism Education: What Students Are Being Offered in Australia. in Proceedings Journalism Education Association, Annual Conference, Griffith University, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Erişim tarihi:26.3.2018,
  • Amity Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Ankara Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Aripin N., Ismail A., Yusof N., Ismail R., Mohamada N. (2014), Journalism Education Curriculum in Malaysia: A Preliminary Study, The International Conference on Communication and Media, 18-20 October, Langkawi, Malaysia, Erişim tarihi: 26.3.2018, JOURNALISM _EDUCATION_IN_MALAYSIA_DANCING_WITH_UNESCO’S_ MODEL_CURRICULA
  • Atabek Ü.Şendur Atabek G. (2014) İletişim Eğitiminde Farklı Perspektifler: Öğrenciler, Akademisyenler ve Meslek Mensuplarının İletişim Eğitimi Hakkındaki Tutumları, İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi,38, E-ISSN: 2147-4524
  • Baines, D. (2012), „Hyper-local Learning: Enhancing Employability, Sustaining Professional Practice‟. Journalism, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 35-47, Erişim tarihi:26.3.2018 Hyper-local-learning.pdf
  • Blom R. ve Davenport L.D. (2012),Searching for the Core of Journalism Education: Program Directors Disagree on Curriculum Priorities, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 67(1) 70–86, doi: 10.1177/1077695811428885
  • Boston Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Buchanan, R.(2013), From The Classroom to The Scrap Heap‟, The Age, <http://>
  • Clair S.J. (2015), Doing it for Real: Designing Experiential Journalism Curricula that Prepare Students for the New and Uncertain World of Journalism Work, Coolabah, No.16, ISSN 1988-5946, Erişim Tarihi: 28.8.2018, http://www. COOLABAH_16_after_ the_water_ has_ been_shed.pdf#page=123
  • Concordia Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • David Mould(2010), “Challenges and New Directions for Global Journalism Education”, (Ed. Ana Karlsreiter and Adilia Daminova), Journalism Education – Improvement of the Quality of Education and New Technologies, 6th South Caucasus Media Conference, Tbilisi, Georgia, 19-20 November 2009.
  • Deuze M.(2005), What is Journalism? Professional Identity and Ideology of Journalists reconsidered, Journalism 6(4): 442–464, Erişim tarihi:28.8.2018, 1464884905056815
  • Finberg, H.L. ve Klinger, L., (2014) Core Skills for the Future of Journalism, Erişim tarihi:28.8.2018, FutureofJournalism 2014v5.pdf
  • Forde, S. ve Meadows, M.,(2012, Industry Placements in Journalism Education: Exploring Enhanced Learning and Professional Growth for Interns, JRE Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-26, Erişim tarihi:28.8.2018 http://www.academia. edu/download/31961923/ Forde___ Meadows_JRE_ Online.pdf
  • Gasher, M.(2005), Commentary: It’s Time to Redefined Journalism Education in Canada, Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol. 30,665-672,
  • Güney Avustralya Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Hermans L, Vergeer M, d’Haenens L. (2009) Internet in The Daily Life of Journalists: Explaining The Use of The Internet by Work-Related Characteristics and Professional Opinions, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 15(1): 138–157, Erişim Tarihi: 29.9.2018,
  • Hong Kong Çin Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Kartveit, K 2009, Journalism Teaching and Experiential Learning‟, Journalism Research, No. 2, pp. 34-48, Erişim tarihi:26.3.2018 https://www.ucviden. dk/portal/en/publications/journalism-teaching-and-experientiallearning(3c0eae5d-fd48-441a-a0c9-ba80dbbcb046).html
  • Lewis S.C. ve Usher N., (2014) Code, Collaboration, And The Future of Journalism, Digital Journalism, 2:3, 383-393, doi: 10.1080/21670811.2014.895504.
  • O’Donnell P., Zion L., Sherwood M., (2016) Where Do Journalists Go After Newsroom Job Cuts?, Journalism Practice, 10:1, 35-51, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2015.1017400
  • Ming Chuan Üniversitesi,
  • Moreira S.V. ve Helal Rodrigues C.L. (2009), Notes on Media, Journalism Education and News Organizations In Brazil, Journalism, Vol. 10(1): 91–107 doi: 0.1177/1464884908098322.
  • Pavlik, P.V.(1999), New Media and News: Implications fort he Future of Journalism, New Media&Society, 1(1), doi:10.1177/ 1461444899001001009
  • Poynter. (2013). State of journalism education . News University.
  • Sao Paulo Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018 education /undergraduate
  • Sheffield Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Steel, J, Carmichael, B, Holmes, D, Kinse, M and Sanders, K (2007), Experiential Learning and Journalism Education‟, Education & Training, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 325-334, doi:10.1108/00400910710754462
  • Song Y. ve Lin A. (2012), A Genre-Aware Approach to Online Journalism Education, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 51, 400-404, Erişim tarihi:26.3.2018, article/pii/S1877042812033174,
  • Spyridou L.P., Matsiola M., Veglis A., Kalliris G., Dimoulas C. (2013), Journalism in a State of Flux: Journalists as Agents of Technology Innovation and Emerging News Practices, the International Communication Gazette, 75(1) 76–98, doi: 10.1177/1748048512461763.
  • Tanner, S., O’Donnell M., Cullen T., Green K. (2013),Graduate Qualities and Journalism Curriculum Renewal: Balancing Tertiary Expectations and Industry Needs in a Changing Environment, Erişim Tarihi: 28.3.2018, https:// /&httpsredir=1&article=2990&context=lhapapers
  • Terzis G.(Ed.)(2009), European Journalism Education, Bristol: Intellect Books, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, Erişim tarihi:28.3.2018, http:// Education_Bristol_Intellect_Books_Chicago_The_University_of_Chicago_ Press.
  • Varşova Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Vázquez Schaich, M. J., ve Klein, J. S.,(2013), Entrepreneurial Journalism Education: Where are We Now?‟, Observatorio (OBS*), Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 185-211. doi:10.15847/obsOBS742013715

Digitization of Journalism Education: A Comparative Analysis on Developed and Developing Countries

Year 2019, Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu Özel Sayısı, 105 - 124, 11.02.2019


In the digital age, the content of journalism education needs to be reviewed to meet
the demands of the sector. The digitalization and increase in the technologies used
in the sector reflects on the education of journalism. Depending on the evolution of
journalism, the process requires the redefinition of professional skills and changes in
the curriculum of education. The technological change in the field of journalism and
its practices have pushed professional skills into a rapid transformation. However,
the process of digitization of journalism maintains its differences among countries.
There is a digital transformation in the production distribution and consumption
of the news makes it necessary for countries to make changes in their journalism
education curricula, which are appropriate with the new technologies of the field.
This study is a comparative case study in which it is investigated how appropriate the
course contents and internship opportunities in the curriculum of five universities,
which provide the best journalism education in developed (West) and developing
countries and the features of “new period journalist” created by the professional
skills which are given to students differ from country to country is also revealed.
The period of change of journalism education will be studied by interpreting the
development stages of sector dwelling on the journalism education of the countries.


  • Adams, D.A. ve Duffield, L.R. (2006) Profiles of Journalism Education: What Students Are Being Offered in Australia. in Proceedings Journalism Education Association, Annual Conference, Griffith University, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Erişim tarihi:26.3.2018,
  • Amity Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Ankara Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Aripin N., Ismail A., Yusof N., Ismail R., Mohamada N. (2014), Journalism Education Curriculum in Malaysia: A Preliminary Study, The International Conference on Communication and Media, 18-20 October, Langkawi, Malaysia, Erişim tarihi: 26.3.2018, JOURNALISM _EDUCATION_IN_MALAYSIA_DANCING_WITH_UNESCO’S_ MODEL_CURRICULA
  • Atabek Ü.Şendur Atabek G. (2014) İletişim Eğitiminde Farklı Perspektifler: Öğrenciler, Akademisyenler ve Meslek Mensuplarının İletişim Eğitimi Hakkındaki Tutumları, İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi,38, E-ISSN: 2147-4524
  • Baines, D. (2012), „Hyper-local Learning: Enhancing Employability, Sustaining Professional Practice‟. Journalism, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 35-47, Erişim tarihi:26.3.2018 Hyper-local-learning.pdf
  • Blom R. ve Davenport L.D. (2012),Searching for the Core of Journalism Education: Program Directors Disagree on Curriculum Priorities, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 67(1) 70–86, doi: 10.1177/1077695811428885
  • Boston Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Buchanan, R.(2013), From The Classroom to The Scrap Heap‟, The Age, <http://>
  • Clair S.J. (2015), Doing it for Real: Designing Experiential Journalism Curricula that Prepare Students for the New and Uncertain World of Journalism Work, Coolabah, No.16, ISSN 1988-5946, Erişim Tarihi: 28.8.2018, http://www. COOLABAH_16_after_ the_water_ has_ been_shed.pdf#page=123
  • Concordia Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • David Mould(2010), “Challenges and New Directions for Global Journalism Education”, (Ed. Ana Karlsreiter and Adilia Daminova), Journalism Education – Improvement of the Quality of Education and New Technologies, 6th South Caucasus Media Conference, Tbilisi, Georgia, 19-20 November 2009.
  • Deuze M.(2005), What is Journalism? Professional Identity and Ideology of Journalists reconsidered, Journalism 6(4): 442–464, Erişim tarihi:28.8.2018, 1464884905056815
  • Finberg, H.L. ve Klinger, L., (2014) Core Skills for the Future of Journalism, Erişim tarihi:28.8.2018, FutureofJournalism 2014v5.pdf
  • Forde, S. ve Meadows, M.,(2012, Industry Placements in Journalism Education: Exploring Enhanced Learning and Professional Growth for Interns, JRE Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-26, Erişim tarihi:28.8.2018 http://www.academia. edu/download/31961923/ Forde___ Meadows_JRE_ Online.pdf
  • Gasher, M.(2005), Commentary: It’s Time to Redefined Journalism Education in Canada, Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol. 30,665-672,
  • Güney Avustralya Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Hermans L, Vergeer M, d’Haenens L. (2009) Internet in The Daily Life of Journalists: Explaining The Use of The Internet by Work-Related Characteristics and Professional Opinions, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 15(1): 138–157, Erişim Tarihi: 29.9.2018,
  • Hong Kong Çin Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Kartveit, K 2009, Journalism Teaching and Experiential Learning‟, Journalism Research, No. 2, pp. 34-48, Erişim tarihi:26.3.2018 https://www.ucviden. dk/portal/en/publications/journalism-teaching-and-experientiallearning(3c0eae5d-fd48-441a-a0c9-ba80dbbcb046).html
  • Lewis S.C. ve Usher N., (2014) Code, Collaboration, And The Future of Journalism, Digital Journalism, 2:3, 383-393, doi: 10.1080/21670811.2014.895504.
  • O’Donnell P., Zion L., Sherwood M., (2016) Where Do Journalists Go After Newsroom Job Cuts?, Journalism Practice, 10:1, 35-51, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2015.1017400
  • Ming Chuan Üniversitesi,
  • Moreira S.V. ve Helal Rodrigues C.L. (2009), Notes on Media, Journalism Education and News Organizations In Brazil, Journalism, Vol. 10(1): 91–107 doi: 0.1177/1464884908098322.
  • Pavlik, P.V.(1999), New Media and News: Implications fort he Future of Journalism, New Media&Society, 1(1), doi:10.1177/ 1461444899001001009
  • Poynter. (2013). State of journalism education . News University.
  • Sao Paulo Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018 education /undergraduate
  • Sheffield Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Steel, J, Carmichael, B, Holmes, D, Kinse, M and Sanders, K (2007), Experiential Learning and Journalism Education‟, Education & Training, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 325-334, doi:10.1108/00400910710754462
  • Song Y. ve Lin A. (2012), A Genre-Aware Approach to Online Journalism Education, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 51, 400-404, Erişim tarihi:26.3.2018, article/pii/S1877042812033174,
  • Spyridou L.P., Matsiola M., Veglis A., Kalliris G., Dimoulas C. (2013), Journalism in a State of Flux: Journalists as Agents of Technology Innovation and Emerging News Practices, the International Communication Gazette, 75(1) 76–98, doi: 10.1177/1748048512461763.
  • Tanner, S., O’Donnell M., Cullen T., Green K. (2013),Graduate Qualities and Journalism Curriculum Renewal: Balancing Tertiary Expectations and Industry Needs in a Changing Environment, Erişim Tarihi: 28.3.2018, https:// /&httpsredir=1&article=2990&context=lhapapers
  • Terzis G.(Ed.)(2009), European Journalism Education, Bristol: Intellect Books, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, Erişim tarihi:28.3.2018, http:// Education_Bristol_Intellect_Books_Chicago_The_University_of_Chicago_ Press.
  • Varşova Üniversitesi, Erişim tarihi:29.9.2018,
  • Vázquez Schaich, M. J., ve Klein, J. S.,(2013), Entrepreneurial Journalism Education: Where are We Now?‟, Observatorio (OBS*), Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 185-211. doi:10.15847/obsOBS742013715
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Presented Proceeedings

İlknur Aydoğdu Karaaslan 0000-0002-2663-6731

Publication Date February 11, 2019
Submission Date November 19, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu Özel Sayısı


APA Karaaslan, İ. A. (2019). Gazetecilik Eğitiminin Dijitalleşmesi: Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Üzerinde Yapılan Karşılaştırmalı Analiz. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi(1), 105-124.