Along with 1980s, there had been many radical transformations in media as well as in all other domains. Commercial televisions’ becoming rapidly widespread put an end to the monopoly of public service broadcasting televisions. During this restructuring process in which neo-liberalist policies had been influential, the public service broadcasting corporations were put in the centre of discussions. However, focus of the criticisms directed at these corporations was financing. Considering the example in Turkey, it is seen that TRT has also been criticised for the same issue. As a matter of fact, revenue of TRT, the public service broadcaster of Turkey, has always been in the centre of the discussions after its commercial competitors appeared. Especially the share that they get from electricity and their banderol fees have been questioned by several different circles. In this study where financing problems of both public service broadcasters in the world and TRT in Turkey are addressed, in addition to the literature, media news were also used. Research results showed that public service broadcasting of TRT has been ignored, it has been regarded as a burden on citizens of Turkey, it has been compared to commercial televisions and it hasn’t been supported.
1980'li yıllarla birlikte her alanda olduğu gibi medya alanında da köklü dönüşümler yaşanmıştır. Ticari televizyonların hızlı bir şekilde yaygınlaşması, kamu hizmeti yayıncılığı yapan televizyonların tekel konumlarını sona erdirmiştir. Neo –liberalist politikaların etkin olduğu bu yeniden yapılanma sürecinde kamu hizmeti yayın kurumları tartışmaların merkezine yerleşmiştir. Bu kurumlara yönelik eleştirilerin odağını ise finansman konusu oluşturmuştur. Türkiye örneğine bakıldığında TRT'nin de aynı konu çerçevesinde eleştirildiği görülmektedir. Nitekim Türkiye'nin kamu hizmeti yayıncısı olan TRT, ticari rakiplerinin ortaya çıkmasından sonra gelirleriyle hep gündemi meşgul etmiştir. Özellikle kurumun elektrikten aldığı pay ile bandrol ücretleri çeşitli kesimler tarafından sorgulanmıştır. Gerek dünyada kamu hizmeti yayıncılarının gerekse Türkiye'de TRT'nin finansman sorununun ele alındığı bu çalışmada, literatürün yanı sıra yazılı basın haberlerinden de yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda TRT'nin kamu hizmeti yayıncılığının gözardı edildiği, vatandaşın üzerinde bir yük olarak görüldüğü, ticari televizyonlarla kıyaslandığı ve desteklenmediği görülmüştür.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kamu Hizmeti Yayıncılığı, Finansman, TRT
Financing Problem Of Public Service Broadcasting And The Situation In Turkey
Along with 1980s, there had been many radical transformations in media as well as in all other domains. Commercial televisions' becoming rapidly widespread put an end to the monopoly of public service broadcasting televisions. During this restructuring process in which neo-liberalist policies had been influential, the public service broadcasting corporations were put in the centre of discussions. However, focus of the criticisms directed at these corporations was financing. Considering the example in Turkey, it is seen that TRT has also been criticised for the same issue. As a matter of fact, revenue of TRT, the public service broadcaster of Turkey, has always been in the centre of the discussions after its commercial competitors appeared. Especially the share that they get from electricity and their banderol fees have been questioned by several different circles. In this study where financing problems of both public service broadcasters in the world and TRT in Turkey are addressed, in addition to the literature, media news were also used. Research results showed that public service broadcasting of TRT has been ignored, it has been regarded as a burden on citizens of Turkey, it has been compared to commercial televisions and it hasn't been supported.
Keywords: Public Service Broadcasting, Financing, TRT
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Türkçe Araştırma Makaleleri |
Authors | |
Publication Date | July 29, 2013 |
Submission Date | March 26, 2013 |
Published in Issue | Year 2013 Volume: 3 Issue: 2 |