Genç Yetişkin Bireylerde Edinsel Beyin Hasarı Sonrası Psikososyal Uyum
Year 2020,
, 147 - 152, 09.09.2020
Özgü İnal
Halil İbrahim Ergen
Esra Akı
Amaç: Edinsel beyin hasarı (EBH); sağ kalanlarda klinik sonucu ve yaşam kalitesini etkileyen çeşitli durumları içerir ve yeti yitiminin önemli bir nedenidir. EBH sonrası bazı bireyler daha iyi bir adaptasyon süreci izlerken, bazılarının ise günlük yaşamlarında uzun süreli adaptasyon güçlüğü yaşadıkları belirtilmiştir. Bu çalışma genç yetişkin bireylerde EBH sonrası psikososyal uyumu incelemek amacı ile planlandı.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada araştırma ekibinin hazırladığı sosyo-demografik bilgi formu ve Hastalığa Psikososyal Uyum Öz-Bildirim Ölçeği kulanıldı. Çalışmada ayrıca, genç yetişkin bireylerin hastalık sonrası etkilenme biçimleri ve derecelerini anlamak amacıyla, bireylerle yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme yapıldı.
Sonuçlar: Çalışma 8 erkek ve 3 kadın birey ile tamamlanan çalışmada; EBH sonrası genç yetişkin bireylerde psikososyal uyumun daha çok orta ve kötü düzeyde olduğu saptandı. Ayrıca bireylerin özellikle serbest zaman ve üretkenlik aktiviteleri ile ilgili olarak zorluk yaşadıkları belirlendi.
Tartışma: İleride daha fazla bireyin dahil edildiği ve bu sayede psikososyal uyumu etkileyen faktörlerin de incelendiği çalışmaların yapılması; beyin hasarı tanısı almış bireylerin müdahale programları açısından yol gösterici olacaktır.
- Adaylar, M. (1995). Kronik hastalığı olan bireylerin hastalıktaki tutum, adaptasyon, algı ve öz-bakım yönelimleri. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Anderson, M. I., Parmenter, T. R., & Mok, M. (2002). The relationship between neurobehavioural problems of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), family functioning and the psychological well-being of the spouse/caregiver: path model analysis. Brain injury, 16(9), 743-757.
- Antonak, R. F., Livneh, H., & Antonak, C. (1993). A review of research on psychosocial adjustment to impairment in persons with traumatic brain injury. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.
- Beck, C. M., Rawlins, R. P., & Williams, S. S. (1984). Mental Health-Psychiatric Nursing: A Holistic Life-Cycle Approach. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 84(12), 1482.
- Bendz, M. (2003). The first year of rehabilitation after a stroke–from two perspectives. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 17(3), 215-222.
- Birol, L. (2002). Hemşirelik Süreci: Hemşirelik Bakımında Sistematik Yaklaşım, Genişletilmiş 5. Baskı, İzmir.
Bradt, J., Magee, W. L., Dileo, C., Wheeler, B. L., & McGilloway, E. (2010). Music therapy for acquired brain injury. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7).
- Browne, G. B., Arpin, K., Corey, P., Fitch, M., & Gafni, A. (1990). Individual correlates of health service utilization and the cost of poor adjustment to chronic illness. Medical care, 43-58.
- Bushnik, T., Lukow, H. R., Godwin, E. E., Marwitz, J. H., Mills, A., Hsu, N. H., & Kreutzer, J. S. (2015). Relationship between resilience, adjustment, and psychological functioning after traumatic brain injury: a preliminary report. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 30(4), 241-248.
- Campbelll, P., Wynne‐Jones, G., & Dunn, K. M. (2011). The influence of informal social support on risk and prognosis in spinal pain: a systematic review. European journal of pain, 15(5), 444-e1.
- Derogatis, L. R. (1986). The psychosocial adjustment to illness scale (PAIS). Journal of psychosomatic research, 30(1), 77-91.
- Doig, E., Fleming, J., & Tooth, L. (2001). Patterns of community integration 2-5 years post-discharge from brain injury rehabilitation. Brain Injury, 15(9), 747-762.
- Erşan, E. E., Kelleci, M., & Baysal, B. (2013). Kalp hastalarında psikososyal uyum, depresyon, anksiyete ve stres düzeylerine bir bakış. Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi, 16(4), 214-224.
- Feigin, V. L., Forouzanfar, M. H., Krishnamurthi, R., Mensah, G. A., Connor, M., Bennett, D. A., Moran, A. E., Sacco, R. L., Anderson, L. M., Truelsen, T., O’Donnell, M., Venketasubramanian, N., Barker-Collo, S., Laves, C. M. M., Wang, W., Shinohara, Y., Witt, E., Ezzati, M., Naghavi, M., & Murray, C. (2014). Global and regional burden of stroke during 1990–2010: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. The Lancet, 383(9913), 245-255.
- Franks, P., Campbell, T. L., & Shields, C. G. (1992). Social relationships and health: The relative roles of family functioning and social support. Social Science & Medicine, 34(7), 779-788.
- Franulic, A., Carbonell, C. G., Pinto, P., & Sepulveda, I. (2004). Psychosocial adjustment and employment outcome 2, 5 and 10 years after TBI. Brain injury, 18(2), 119-129
- Gill, C. J., Sander, A. M., Robins, N., Mazzei, D., & Struchen, M. A. (2011). Exploring experiences of intimacy from the viewpoint of individuals with traumatic brain injury and their partners. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 26(1), 56-68.
- Gosling, J., Oddy, M. (1999). Rearranged marriages: marital relationships after head injury, Brain Injury, 13:10, 785-796, DOI: 10.1080/026990599121179
Güngen, C., Ertan, T., Eker, E., Yaşar, R., & Engin, F. (2002). Reliability and validity of the standardized Mini Mental State Examination in the diagnosis of mild dementia in Turkish population. Turk psikiyatri dergisi= Turkish journal of psychiatry, 13(4), 273-281.
- Hoofien, D., Gilboa, A., Vakil, E., & Donovick, P. J. (2001). Traumatic brain injury (TBI) 10-20 years later: a comprehensive outcome study of psychiatric symptomatology, cognitive abilities and psychosocial functioning. Brain injury, 15(3), 189-209.
- Jacobs, H. E. (1988). The Los Angeles head injury survey: Procedures and initial findings. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 69(6), 425-431.
- Johnston, M. V., Goverover, Y., & Dijkers, M. (2005). Community activities and individuals’ satisfaction with them: quality of life in the first year after traumatic brain injury. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 86(4), 735-745.
- Kersel, D. A., Marsh, N. V., Havill, J. H., & Sleigh, J. W. (2001). Psychosocial functioning during the year following severe traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, 15(8), 683-696.
- Lett, H. S., Blumenthal, J. A., Babyak, M. A., Strauman, T. J., Robins, C., & Sherwood, A. (2005). Social support and coronary heart disease: epidemiologic evidence and implications for treatment. Psychosomatic medicine, 67(6), 869-878.
- Londono, Y., & McMillan, D. E. (2015). Psychosocial adaptation: an evolutionary concept analysis exploring a common multidisciplinary language. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(11), 2504-2519.
- Marino, P., Sirey, J. A., Raue, P. J., & Alexopoulos, G. S. (2008). Impact of social support and self-efficacy on functioning in depressed older adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 3(4), 713.
- Mazaux, J. M., & Richer, E. (1998). Rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury in adults. Disability and rehabilitation, 20(12), 435-447.
- McGillion, M., Watt‐Watson, J., Kim, J., & Yamada, J. (2004). A systematic review of psychoeducational intervention trials for the management of chronic stable angina. Journal of Nursing Management, 12(3), 174-182.
- McGillion, M. H., Watt-Watson, J., Stevens, B., LeFort, S. M., Coyte, P., & Graham, A. (2008). Randomized controlled trial of a psychoeducation program for the self-management of chronic cardiac pain. Journal of pain and symptom management, 36(2), 126-140.
- Menon, D. K., & Bryant, C. (2019). Time for change in acquired brain injury. The Lancet Neurology, 18(1), 28.
Ownsworth, T., & Fleming, J. (2005). The relative importance of metacognitive skills, emotional status, and executive function in psychosocial adjustment following acquired brain injury. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 20(4), 315-332.
- Peoples, H., Satink, T., & Steultjens, E. (2011). Stroke survivors' experiences of rehabilitation: A systematic review of qualitative studies. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 18(3), 163-171.
- Ponsford, J. (2003). Sexual changes associated with traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 13(1-2), 275-289.
- Prigatano, G. P. (2011). The importance of the patient’s subjective experience in stroke rehabilitation. Topics in stroke rehabilitation, 18(1), 30-34.
- Rankin, J. (1957). Cerebral vascular accidents in patients over the age of 60: II. Prognosis. Scottish medical journal, 2(5), 200-215.
- Seibert, P. S., Reedy, D. P., Hash, J., Webb, A., Stridh-Igo, P., Basom, J., & Zimmerman, C. G. (2002). Brain injury: quality of life's greatest challenge. Brain Injury, 16(10), 837-848.
- Soo, C., Tate, R., & Brookes, N. (2014). Psychosocial adjustment following acquired brain injury in childhood and adolescence: Executive, behavioural and emotional contributions. Brain injury, 28(7), 906-914.
- Sullivan, M. J., & Hawthorne, M. H. (1996). Nonpharmacologic interventions in the treatment of heart failure. The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, 10(2), 47-57.
- Temkin, N. R., Corrigan, J. D., Dikmen, S. S., & Machamer, J. (2009). Social functioning after traumatic brain injury. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 24(6), 460-467.
- Tomaka, J., Thompson, S., & Palacios, R. (2006). The relation of social isolation, loneliness, and social support to disease outcomes among the elderly. Journal of aging and health, 18(3), 359-384.
- Uchino, B. N. (2004). Social support and physical health: Understanding the health consequences of relationships. Yale University Press.
- Winkler, D., Unsworth, C., & Sloan, S. (2006). Factors that lead to successful community integration following severe traumatic brain injury. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 21(1), 8-21.
- Yates, P. J. (2003). Psychological adjustment, social enablement and community integration following acquired brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 13(1-2), 291-306.
Year 2020,
, 147 - 152, 09.09.2020
Özgü İnal
Halil İbrahim Ergen
Esra Akı
- Adaylar, M. (1995). Kronik hastalığı olan bireylerin hastalıktaki tutum, adaptasyon, algı ve öz-bakım yönelimleri. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Anderson, M. I., Parmenter, T. R., & Mok, M. (2002). The relationship between neurobehavioural problems of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), family functioning and the psychological well-being of the spouse/caregiver: path model analysis. Brain injury, 16(9), 743-757.
- Antonak, R. F., Livneh, H., & Antonak, C. (1993). A review of research on psychosocial adjustment to impairment in persons with traumatic brain injury. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.
- Beck, C. M., Rawlins, R. P., & Williams, S. S. (1984). Mental Health-Psychiatric Nursing: A Holistic Life-Cycle Approach. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 84(12), 1482.
- Bendz, M. (2003). The first year of rehabilitation after a stroke–from two perspectives. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 17(3), 215-222.
- Birol, L. (2002). Hemşirelik Süreci: Hemşirelik Bakımında Sistematik Yaklaşım, Genişletilmiş 5. Baskı, İzmir.
Bradt, J., Magee, W. L., Dileo, C., Wheeler, B. L., & McGilloway, E. (2010). Music therapy for acquired brain injury. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7).
- Browne, G. B., Arpin, K., Corey, P., Fitch, M., & Gafni, A. (1990). Individual correlates of health service utilization and the cost of poor adjustment to chronic illness. Medical care, 43-58.
- Bushnik, T., Lukow, H. R., Godwin, E. E., Marwitz, J. H., Mills, A., Hsu, N. H., & Kreutzer, J. S. (2015). Relationship between resilience, adjustment, and psychological functioning after traumatic brain injury: a preliminary report. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 30(4), 241-248.
- Campbelll, P., Wynne‐Jones, G., & Dunn, K. M. (2011). The influence of informal social support on risk and prognosis in spinal pain: a systematic review. European journal of pain, 15(5), 444-e1.
- Derogatis, L. R. (1986). The psychosocial adjustment to illness scale (PAIS). Journal of psychosomatic research, 30(1), 77-91.
- Doig, E., Fleming, J., & Tooth, L. (2001). Patterns of community integration 2-5 years post-discharge from brain injury rehabilitation. Brain Injury, 15(9), 747-762.
- Erşan, E. E., Kelleci, M., & Baysal, B. (2013). Kalp hastalarında psikososyal uyum, depresyon, anksiyete ve stres düzeylerine bir bakış. Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi, 16(4), 214-224.
- Feigin, V. L., Forouzanfar, M. H., Krishnamurthi, R., Mensah, G. A., Connor, M., Bennett, D. A., Moran, A. E., Sacco, R. L., Anderson, L. M., Truelsen, T., O’Donnell, M., Venketasubramanian, N., Barker-Collo, S., Laves, C. M. M., Wang, W., Shinohara, Y., Witt, E., Ezzati, M., Naghavi, M., & Murray, C. (2014). Global and regional burden of stroke during 1990–2010: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. The Lancet, 383(9913), 245-255.
- Franks, P., Campbell, T. L., & Shields, C. G. (1992). Social relationships and health: The relative roles of family functioning and social support. Social Science & Medicine, 34(7), 779-788.
- Franulic, A., Carbonell, C. G., Pinto, P., & Sepulveda, I. (2004). Psychosocial adjustment and employment outcome 2, 5 and 10 years after TBI. Brain injury, 18(2), 119-129
- Gill, C. J., Sander, A. M., Robins, N., Mazzei, D., & Struchen, M. A. (2011). Exploring experiences of intimacy from the viewpoint of individuals with traumatic brain injury and their partners. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 26(1), 56-68.
- Gosling, J., Oddy, M. (1999). Rearranged marriages: marital relationships after head injury, Brain Injury, 13:10, 785-796, DOI: 10.1080/026990599121179
Güngen, C., Ertan, T., Eker, E., Yaşar, R., & Engin, F. (2002). Reliability and validity of the standardized Mini Mental State Examination in the diagnosis of mild dementia in Turkish population. Turk psikiyatri dergisi= Turkish journal of psychiatry, 13(4), 273-281.
- Hoofien, D., Gilboa, A., Vakil, E., & Donovick, P. J. (2001). Traumatic brain injury (TBI) 10-20 years later: a comprehensive outcome study of psychiatric symptomatology, cognitive abilities and psychosocial functioning. Brain injury, 15(3), 189-209.
- Jacobs, H. E. (1988). The Los Angeles head injury survey: Procedures and initial findings. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 69(6), 425-431.
- Johnston, M. V., Goverover, Y., & Dijkers, M. (2005). Community activities and individuals’ satisfaction with them: quality of life in the first year after traumatic brain injury. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 86(4), 735-745.
- Kersel, D. A., Marsh, N. V., Havill, J. H., & Sleigh, J. W. (2001). Psychosocial functioning during the year following severe traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, 15(8), 683-696.
- Lett, H. S., Blumenthal, J. A., Babyak, M. A., Strauman, T. J., Robins, C., & Sherwood, A. (2005). Social support and coronary heart disease: epidemiologic evidence and implications for treatment. Psychosomatic medicine, 67(6), 869-878.
- Londono, Y., & McMillan, D. E. (2015). Psychosocial adaptation: an evolutionary concept analysis exploring a common multidisciplinary language. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(11), 2504-2519.
- Marino, P., Sirey, J. A., Raue, P. J., & Alexopoulos, G. S. (2008). Impact of social support and self-efficacy on functioning in depressed older adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 3(4), 713.
- Mazaux, J. M., & Richer, E. (1998). Rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury in adults. Disability and rehabilitation, 20(12), 435-447.
- McGillion, M., Watt‐Watson, J., Kim, J., & Yamada, J. (2004). A systematic review of psychoeducational intervention trials for the management of chronic stable angina. Journal of Nursing Management, 12(3), 174-182.
- McGillion, M. H., Watt-Watson, J., Stevens, B., LeFort, S. M., Coyte, P., & Graham, A. (2008). Randomized controlled trial of a psychoeducation program for the self-management of chronic cardiac pain. Journal of pain and symptom management, 36(2), 126-140.
- Menon, D. K., & Bryant, C. (2019). Time for change in acquired brain injury. The Lancet Neurology, 18(1), 28.
Ownsworth, T., & Fleming, J. (2005). The relative importance of metacognitive skills, emotional status, and executive function in psychosocial adjustment following acquired brain injury. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 20(4), 315-332.
- Peoples, H., Satink, T., & Steultjens, E. (2011). Stroke survivors' experiences of rehabilitation: A systematic review of qualitative studies. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 18(3), 163-171.
- Ponsford, J. (2003). Sexual changes associated with traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 13(1-2), 275-289.
- Prigatano, G. P. (2011). The importance of the patient’s subjective experience in stroke rehabilitation. Topics in stroke rehabilitation, 18(1), 30-34.
- Rankin, J. (1957). Cerebral vascular accidents in patients over the age of 60: II. Prognosis. Scottish medical journal, 2(5), 200-215.
- Seibert, P. S., Reedy, D. P., Hash, J., Webb, A., Stridh-Igo, P., Basom, J., & Zimmerman, C. G. (2002). Brain injury: quality of life's greatest challenge. Brain Injury, 16(10), 837-848.
- Soo, C., Tate, R., & Brookes, N. (2014). Psychosocial adjustment following acquired brain injury in childhood and adolescence: Executive, behavioural and emotional contributions. Brain injury, 28(7), 906-914.
- Sullivan, M. J., & Hawthorne, M. H. (1996). Nonpharmacologic interventions in the treatment of heart failure. The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, 10(2), 47-57.
- Temkin, N. R., Corrigan, J. D., Dikmen, S. S., & Machamer, J. (2009). Social functioning after traumatic brain injury. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 24(6), 460-467.
- Tomaka, J., Thompson, S., & Palacios, R. (2006). The relation of social isolation, loneliness, and social support to disease outcomes among the elderly. Journal of aging and health, 18(3), 359-384.
- Uchino, B. N. (2004). Social support and physical health: Understanding the health consequences of relationships. Yale University Press.
- Winkler, D., Unsworth, C., & Sloan, S. (2006). Factors that lead to successful community integration following severe traumatic brain injury. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 21(1), 8-21.
- Yates, P. J. (2003). Psychological adjustment, social enablement and community integration following acquired brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 13(1-2), 291-306.