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Leisure Time Physical Activity in Adolescents and Adults with Cerebral Palsy

Year 2021, , 31 - 40, 16.03.2021


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the level of participation in leisure time physical activity (LTPA) of adolescents and adults with cerebral palsy (CP).

Material and Method: 35 individuals with CP over the age of 16 (22.6 ± 5.5 years) were included in study. A questionnaire has been prepared by researchers to investigate participation of individuals in LTPA. Individuals were asked whether they did any LTPA. If so, the type, frequency, intensity, duration were questioned.

Results: It was determined 91.4% of individuals were interested in some form of LTPA and they were interested in 8 activities (home exercises, walking, swimming, fitness, exercise bike, bowling, cycling and football) out of 14 activities offered to them, 74.2% of them do this activity once a week, and 65.7% of them want to get interested new activities but couldn’t perform due to various barriers.

Discussion: It was demonstrated that diversity and frequency of activities in adolescents and adults with CP were inadequate and interventions aimed at increasing community participation, and diversity and frequency of LTPA in adolescent and adult CP patients are needed.


We would like to thank Mr. Ekrem Emir for proofreading, and thank the staff working in Başak and Özel Nisan Special Education and Rehabilitation Center.


  • Allen, J., Dodd, K. J., Taylor, N. F., McBurney, H., & Larkin, H. (2004). Strength training can be enjoyable and beneficial for adults with cerebral palsy. Disabil Health J, 26(19), 1121-1127. Ando, N., & Ueda, S. (2000). Functional deterioration in adults with cerebral palsy. Clin Rehabil, 14(3), 300-306. Bjornson, K. F., Belza, B., Kartin, D., Logsdon, R., & McLaughlin, J. F. (2007). Ambulatory physical activity performance in youth with cerebral palsy and youth who are developing typically. Phys Ther, 87(3), 248-57. Boucher, N., Dumas, F., Maltais, D. B., & Richards, C. L. (2010). The influence of selected personal and environmental factors on leisure activities in adults with cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil, 32(16), 1328-38. Carlson, D. & Myklebust, J. (2002). Wheelchair use and social integration. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil, 7(3), 28–46. Coyle, C. P., Santiago, M. C., Shank, J. W., Ma, G. X., & Boyd, R. (2000). Secondary conditions and women with physical disabilities: a descriptive study. Phys Med Rehabil, 81(10):1380-7. Dattilo, J., Estrella, G., Estrella, L. J., Light, J., McNaughton, D., & Seabury, M. (2008). ‘‘I have chosen to live life abundantly’’: perceptions of leisure by adults who use augmentative and alternative communication. Augment Altern Commun, 24(1), 16-28. Donkervoort, M., Roebroeck, M., Wiegerink, D., van der Heijden-Maessen, H., & Stam, H. (2007). Determinants of functioning of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil, 29(6), 453–63. Erhan, B., Gündüz, B., Lakşe, E., Coşkun, Ç. E., Hıncal, B. S., & Elbaşı, N. (2006). Employment and Social Issues in Adolescents and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy. Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 52(1), 37-38 Gajdosik, C. G., & Cicirello, N. (2002). Secondary conditions of the musculoskeletal system in adolescents and adults with cerebral palsy. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr, 21(4), 49-68. Gaskin, C. J., & Morris, T. (2008). Physical activity, health-related quality of life, and psychosocial functioning of adults with cerebral palsy. J Phys Act Health, 5(1), 146-57. Giarelli, E., Bernhardt, B. A., Mack, R., & Pyeritz, R. E. (2008). Adolescents’ transition to self-management of a chronic genetic disorder. Qual Health Res, 18(4), 441–457. Heller, T., Ying, G. S., Rimmer, J. H., & Marks, B. A. (2002). Determinants of exercise in adults with cerebral palsy. Public Health Nurs, 19(3), 223-31. Jahnsen, R., Villien, L., Aamodt, G., Stanghelle, J. K., & Holm, I. (2003). Physiotherapy and physical activity experiences of adults with cerebral palsy, with implications for children. Adv Physiother, 5(1), 21-32. Jahnsen, R., Villien, L., Aamodt, G., Stanghelle, J., & Holm, I. (2004) Musculoskeletal pain in adults with cerebral palsy compared with the general population. J Rehabil Med, 36(2), 78-84. King, G., McDougall, J., DeWit, D., Petrenchik, T., Hurley, P., & Law, M. (2009). Predictors of change over time in the activity participation of children and youth with physical disabilities. Child Health Care, 38(4), 321–351. Maher, C. A., Williams, M. T., Olds, T., & Lane, A. E. (2007). Physical and sedentary activity in adolescents with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol, 49(6), 450-7. Maltais, D. B., Dumas, F., Boucher, N., & Richards, C. L. (2010). Factors related to physical activity in adults with cerebral palsy may differ for walkers and non walkers. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 89(7), 584-597. Murphy, K. P., Molnar, G. E., & Lankasky, K. (1995). Medical and functional status of adults with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol, 37(12), 1075-84. Opheim, A., Jahnsen, R., Olsson, E., & Stanghelle, J. K. Walking function, pain, and fatigue in adults with cerebral palsy: a 7-year follow-up study. Dev Med Child Neurol, 51(5), 381-388. Rimmer, J. H., Riley, B., Wang, E., Rauworth A, & Jurkowski J. (2004). Physical activity participation among persons with disabilities: barriers and facilitators. Am J Prev Med, 26(5), 419-25. Rimmer, J. H., Rubin, S. S., Braddock, D., & Hedman, G. (1999). Physical activity patterns of African-American women with physical disabilities. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 31(4), 613-8. Rimmer, J. H., Rubin, S. S., & Braddock, D. (2000). Barriers to exercise in African American women with physical disabilities. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 81(2), 182-188. Russell, D. J., Avery, L. M., Rosenbaum, P. L., Raina, P. S., Walter, S. D., & Palisano, R. J. (2000). Improved scaling of the gross motor function measure for children with cerebral palsy: evidence of reliability and validity. Phys Ther, 80(9), 873–85. Saebu, M. (2011). Physical disability and physical activity: a review of the literature on correlates and associations. EUJAPA, 3(2), 37-55. Sandström, K., Samuelsson, K., & Oberg, B. (2009). Prerequisites for carrying out € physiotherapy and physical activity-experiences from adults with cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil, 31(3), 161-169. Santiago, M. C., & Coyle, C. P. (2004). Leisure-time physical activity and secondary conditions in women with physical disabilities. Disabil Rehabil, 26(8), 485-94. Schwartz, L., Engel, J. M., & Jensen, M. P. (1999). Pain in persons with cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 80(10), 1243-6. Stewart, D. (2009). Transition to adult services for youth with disabilities: Current evidence to guide future research. Dev Med Child Neurol, 51(4), 169–173. Stewart, D. A., Lawless, J. J., Shimmell, L. J., Palisano, R. J., & Freeman, M., (2012). Rosenbaum PL, et al. Social participation of adolescents with cerebral palsy: trade-offs and choices. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr, 32(2), 167-79. Trost, S. (2005). Discussion Paper for the Development of Recommendations for Children’s and Youth’s Participation in Health Promoting Physical Activity Publications Prepared for Australian Department of Health and Ageing. Approval Number: 3704.$File/physical_discussion.pdf Usuba, K., Oddson, B., Gauthier, A., & Young, N. L. (2015). Leisure-Time Physical Activity in adults with Cerebral Palsy. Disabil Health J, 8(4), 611-8. Van der Slot, W. M., Roebroeck, M. E., Landkroon, A. P., Terburg, M., van den Berg-Emons, R. J., & Stam, H. J. Everyday physical activity and community participation of adults with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil, 29(3), 179-89. Yağmurdur, H., Yılmaz, Ö., Akel B. S., Çarman, K. B., Elbasan B., & Konuşkan, B. (2018). Physical Activity and Exercise in Neurological Diseases. In Özmert, E. D., Karaduman A. A., & Kanbur N. (Eds.), A Guide to Physical Activity in Chronic Diseases for Children and Adolescents, (First Edition, pp.101-122). Ankara: Ministry of Health.

Leisure Time Physical Activity in Adolescents and Adults with Cerebral Palsy

Year 2021, , 31 - 40, 16.03.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışma adölesan ve erişkin serebral palsili (SP) bireylerin serbest zaman fiziksel aktivitelerine (SZFA) katılım düzeyini araştırmayı planlandı.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 16 yaşından büyük (22.6 ± 5.5 yaşında) 35 SP’li birey dahil edildi. Araştırmacılar tarafından bireylerin SZFA'ya katılımını araştırmak için bir anket hazırlandı. Bireylere SZFA yapıp yapmadıkları soruldu. Eğer yapıyorlarsa tipi, frekansı, yoğunluğu, süresi sorgulandı.

Sonuçlar: Bireylerin % 91.4'ünün bir çeşit SZFA ile ilgilendikleri ve kendilerine sunulan 14 faaliyetten 8'i (ev egzersizleri, yürüyüş, yüzme, fitness, egzersiz bisikleti, bowling, bisiklet ve futbol) ile ilgilendikleri, %74,2’sinin bu aktiviteyi haftada bir yaptığı, %65,7’sinin ilgilenmek istedikleri yeni aktiviteler olduğu ancak çeşitli engeller nedeniyle gerçekleştiremedikleri belirlenmiştir.

Tartışma: Adölesan ve erişkin SP'li bireylerde SZFA'ların çeşitliliği ve sıklığının yetersiz olduğu ve bu bireylerde toplumsal katılımı, ve SZFA çeşitlilik ve sıklığını artırmaya yönelik müdahalelerin gerekli olduğu gösterilmiştir.


  • Allen, J., Dodd, K. J., Taylor, N. F., McBurney, H., & Larkin, H. (2004). Strength training can be enjoyable and beneficial for adults with cerebral palsy. Disabil Health J, 26(19), 1121-1127. Ando, N., & Ueda, S. (2000). Functional deterioration in adults with cerebral palsy. Clin Rehabil, 14(3), 300-306. Bjornson, K. F., Belza, B., Kartin, D., Logsdon, R., & McLaughlin, J. F. (2007). Ambulatory physical activity performance in youth with cerebral palsy and youth who are developing typically. Phys Ther, 87(3), 248-57. Boucher, N., Dumas, F., Maltais, D. B., & Richards, C. L. (2010). The influence of selected personal and environmental factors on leisure activities in adults with cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil, 32(16), 1328-38. Carlson, D. & Myklebust, J. (2002). Wheelchair use and social integration. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil, 7(3), 28–46. Coyle, C. P., Santiago, M. C., Shank, J. W., Ma, G. X., & Boyd, R. (2000). Secondary conditions and women with physical disabilities: a descriptive study. Phys Med Rehabil, 81(10):1380-7. Dattilo, J., Estrella, G., Estrella, L. J., Light, J., McNaughton, D., & Seabury, M. (2008). ‘‘I have chosen to live life abundantly’’: perceptions of leisure by adults who use augmentative and alternative communication. Augment Altern Commun, 24(1), 16-28. Donkervoort, M., Roebroeck, M., Wiegerink, D., van der Heijden-Maessen, H., & Stam, H. (2007). Determinants of functioning of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil, 29(6), 453–63. Erhan, B., Gündüz, B., Lakşe, E., Coşkun, Ç. E., Hıncal, B. S., & Elbaşı, N. (2006). Employment and Social Issues in Adolescents and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy. Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 52(1), 37-38 Gajdosik, C. G., & Cicirello, N. (2002). Secondary conditions of the musculoskeletal system in adolescents and adults with cerebral palsy. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr, 21(4), 49-68. Gaskin, C. J., & Morris, T. (2008). Physical activity, health-related quality of life, and psychosocial functioning of adults with cerebral palsy. J Phys Act Health, 5(1), 146-57. Giarelli, E., Bernhardt, B. A., Mack, R., & Pyeritz, R. E. (2008). Adolescents’ transition to self-management of a chronic genetic disorder. Qual Health Res, 18(4), 441–457. Heller, T., Ying, G. S., Rimmer, J. H., & Marks, B. A. (2002). Determinants of exercise in adults with cerebral palsy. Public Health Nurs, 19(3), 223-31. Jahnsen, R., Villien, L., Aamodt, G., Stanghelle, J. K., & Holm, I. (2003). Physiotherapy and physical activity experiences of adults with cerebral palsy, with implications for children. Adv Physiother, 5(1), 21-32. Jahnsen, R., Villien, L., Aamodt, G., Stanghelle, J., & Holm, I. (2004) Musculoskeletal pain in adults with cerebral palsy compared with the general population. J Rehabil Med, 36(2), 78-84. King, G., McDougall, J., DeWit, D., Petrenchik, T., Hurley, P., & Law, M. (2009). Predictors of change over time in the activity participation of children and youth with physical disabilities. Child Health Care, 38(4), 321–351. Maher, C. A., Williams, M. T., Olds, T., & Lane, A. E. (2007). Physical and sedentary activity in adolescents with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol, 49(6), 450-7. Maltais, D. B., Dumas, F., Boucher, N., & Richards, C. L. (2010). Factors related to physical activity in adults with cerebral palsy may differ for walkers and non walkers. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 89(7), 584-597. Murphy, K. P., Molnar, G. E., & Lankasky, K. (1995). Medical and functional status of adults with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol, 37(12), 1075-84. Opheim, A., Jahnsen, R., Olsson, E., & Stanghelle, J. K. Walking function, pain, and fatigue in adults with cerebral palsy: a 7-year follow-up study. Dev Med Child Neurol, 51(5), 381-388. Rimmer, J. H., Riley, B., Wang, E., Rauworth A, & Jurkowski J. (2004). Physical activity participation among persons with disabilities: barriers and facilitators. Am J Prev Med, 26(5), 419-25. Rimmer, J. H., Rubin, S. S., Braddock, D., & Hedman, G. (1999). Physical activity patterns of African-American women with physical disabilities. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 31(4), 613-8. Rimmer, J. H., Rubin, S. S., & Braddock, D. (2000). Barriers to exercise in African American women with physical disabilities. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 81(2), 182-188. Russell, D. J., Avery, L. M., Rosenbaum, P. L., Raina, P. S., Walter, S. D., & Palisano, R. J. (2000). Improved scaling of the gross motor function measure for children with cerebral palsy: evidence of reliability and validity. Phys Ther, 80(9), 873–85. Saebu, M. (2011). Physical disability and physical activity: a review of the literature on correlates and associations. EUJAPA, 3(2), 37-55. Sandström, K., Samuelsson, K., & Oberg, B. (2009). Prerequisites for carrying out € physiotherapy and physical activity-experiences from adults with cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil, 31(3), 161-169. Santiago, M. C., & Coyle, C. P. (2004). Leisure-time physical activity and secondary conditions in women with physical disabilities. Disabil Rehabil, 26(8), 485-94. Schwartz, L., Engel, J. M., & Jensen, M. P. (1999). Pain in persons with cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 80(10), 1243-6. Stewart, D. (2009). Transition to adult services for youth with disabilities: Current evidence to guide future research. Dev Med Child Neurol, 51(4), 169–173. Stewart, D. A., Lawless, J. J., Shimmell, L. J., Palisano, R. J., & Freeman, M., (2012). Rosenbaum PL, et al. Social participation of adolescents with cerebral palsy: trade-offs and choices. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr, 32(2), 167-79. Trost, S. (2005). Discussion Paper for the Development of Recommendations for Children’s and Youth’s Participation in Health Promoting Physical Activity Publications Prepared for Australian Department of Health and Ageing. Approval Number: 3704.$File/physical_discussion.pdf Usuba, K., Oddson, B., Gauthier, A., & Young, N. L. (2015). Leisure-Time Physical Activity in adults with Cerebral Palsy. Disabil Health J, 8(4), 611-8. Van der Slot, W. M., Roebroeck, M. E., Landkroon, A. P., Terburg, M., van den Berg-Emons, R. J., & Stam, H. J. Everyday physical activity and community participation of adults with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil, 29(3), 179-89. Yağmurdur, H., Yılmaz, Ö., Akel B. S., Çarman, K. B., Elbasan B., & Konuşkan, B. (2018). Physical Activity and Exercise in Neurological Diseases. In Özmert, E. D., Karaduman A. A., & Kanbur N. (Eds.), A Guide to Physical Activity in Chronic Diseases for Children and Adolescents, (First Edition, pp.101-122). Ankara: Ministry of Health.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Pınar Kaya Ciddi 0000-0002-7611-0527

Öznur Tunca 0000-0002-0855-9541

Publication Date March 16, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Kaya Ciddi, P., & Tunca, Ö. (2021). Leisure Time Physical Activity in Adolescents and Adults with Cerebral Palsy. Ergoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 9(1), 31-40.
AMA Kaya Ciddi P, Tunca Ö. Leisure Time Physical Activity in Adolescents and Adults with Cerebral Palsy. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi. March 2021;9(1):31-40. doi:10.30720/ered.746921
Chicago Kaya Ciddi, Pınar, and Öznur Tunca. “Leisure Time Physical Activity in Adolescents and Adults With Cerebral Palsy”. Ergoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 9, no. 1 (March 2021): 31-40.
EndNote Kaya Ciddi P, Tunca Ö (March 1, 2021) Leisure Time Physical Activity in Adolescents and Adults with Cerebral Palsy. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 9 1 31–40.
IEEE P. Kaya Ciddi and Ö. Tunca, “Leisure Time Physical Activity in Adolescents and Adults with Cerebral Palsy”, Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 31–40, 2021, doi: 10.30720/ered.746921.
ISNAD Kaya Ciddi, Pınar - Tunca, Öznur. “Leisure Time Physical Activity in Adolescents and Adults With Cerebral Palsy”. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 9/1 (March 2021), 31-40.
JAMA Kaya Ciddi P, Tunca Ö. Leisure Time Physical Activity in Adolescents and Adults with Cerebral Palsy. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi. 2021;9:31–40.
MLA Kaya Ciddi, Pınar and Öznur Tunca. “Leisure Time Physical Activity in Adolescents and Adults With Cerebral Palsy”. Ergoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 1, 2021, pp. 31-40, doi:10.30720/ered.746921.
Vancouver Kaya Ciddi P, Tunca Ö. Leisure Time Physical Activity in Adolescents and Adults with Cerebral Palsy. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi. 2021;9(1):31-40.

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