Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 457 - 492, 28.10.2019


Farklı hukuk sistemlerinin etkisi altında şekillenen Japon hukuku yabancı hukuk sistemlerini kendi öz değerlerinden vazgeçmeksizin benimsemede başarılıdır. Japon hukuku genel olarak ne “Kıta Avrupası hukuk sistemi (civil law)” ne de “Anglo-Amerikan hukuk sistemi (common law)” içinde sınıflandırılabilir. Japon hukuku hybrid bir hukuk sistemidir. Bununla birlikte Kıta Avrupa’sından iktibas edilen Japon Medeni Kanunu dolayısıyla Japon sözleşme hukuku daha ziyade Kıta Avrupası karakterlidir. Japon sözleşme hukukunun temel ilkeleri dürüstlük kuralı, sözleşme özgürlüğü ve kusur sorumluluğudur. Anglo-Amerikan sözleşme hukukundaki karşılıklılık ilkesi (the concept of consideration) ile sözleşmelerin yazılı olmasını gerektiren kurallar (“Statute of Frauds” ile “parol evidence rule”) Japon sözleşme hukukunda bulunmaz. “Özel hukuktan doğan hakların kamu refahı gerekçesiyle sınırlandırılabilmesi ilkesi” ve Japon Medeni Kanunundaki örf ve âdet hukuku kuralı, Kıta Avrupası örneklerine benzemez. Japon içtihat hukuku, Kıta Avrupası hukukunun iktibasından önce ticari hayatta yerleşik olan örf ve âdetlerin korunmasını bu kural ile sağlamıştır. Japon içtihat hukukunun önemi, Anglo-Amerikan hukukundakine benzer. Japonya’da 1990 sonrasında piyasaya devlet müdahalesinin kaldırılması (deregülasyon) amacıyla Amerikan hukuku modelli birçok kanun çıkartılmıştır. Bu sebeple Japon sözleşme hukukunda Anglo-Amerikan hukuku da kısmen önem arz eder. Son olarak Japon sözleşme hukukunun genel ilkeleri üzerine yapılan böyle bir çalışmada Japon Medeni Kanunundaki güncel gelişmelere de kısaca yer verilmektedir.


  • Abe, Masaki/Nottage, Luke (2008) Japanese Law: An Overview, JPLRes 1,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Akyol, Şener (2006) Dürüstlük Kuralı ve Hakkın Kötüye Kullanılması Yasağı, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, Vedat Kitapçılık. Altaş, Hüseyin (2014) Medeni Hukuk Başlangıç Hükümleri (TMK. m. 1-7), Ankara, Yetkin Yayınları. Arkan, Sabih (2005) Ticarî İşletme Hukuku, 7. Baskı, Ankara, Banka ve Tica-ret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları. Ayhan, Rıza/Özdamar, Mehmet/Çağlar, Hayrettin (2011) Ticarî İşletme Hukuku Genel Esaslar, 4. Baskı, Ankara, Turhan Kitabevi. 107 Uchida, s.717. Barlas, Nami (1997) “Dürüstlük Kuralı ve Hakkın Kötüye Kullanılması Yasa-ğının Alman Medeni Kanunundaki Düzenlenme Tarzı ve Eleştirisi”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, C:LV, S:3, s.191-208. Basedow, Jürgen (2016) “Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk ve Kullanıcıları”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, Kurtulan, Gökçe (Çeviren), C:74, S:2, s.879-917. Beer, Lawrence W./Tomatsu, Hidenori (1975) “A Guide to the Study of Japanese Law”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, C:23, S:2, s.284-324. Dean, Merryl (2002) Japanese Legal System, 2. Baskı, London, Cavendish Publishing. Dernauer, Marc, Japanese Contract Law from a European Perspective,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Dural, Mustafa/Sarı, Suat (2014) Türk Özel Hukuku Cilt I, Temel Kavramlar ve Medenî Kanunun Başlangıç Hükümleri, 9. Baskı, İstanbul, Filiz Kitabevi. Edis, Seyfullah (1997) Medenî Hukuka Giriş ve Başlangıç Hükümleri, 6. Baskı, Ankara, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi. Eren, Fikret (2014) 6098 Sayılı Türk Borçlar Kanununa Göre Hazırlanmış Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler, 17. Baskı, Ankara, Yetkin Yayınları. Ginsburg, Tom (2010) “Studying Japanese Law Because It's There”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, C.58, S:1, s.15-26. Haley, John O. (2010) “Why Study Japanese Law?”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, C:58, S:1, s.1-14. Haley, John O. (2008) “Rethinking Contract Practice and Law in Japan”, Journal of East Asia and International Law, C: 1, S: 1, s.47-69. Hahn, Elliott J. (1983) “An Overview of the Japanese Legal System”, Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business, C:5, S:3, s. 517-539. Hoshino, Eiichi (1972) “The Contemporary Contract”, (translator: John O. Haley), Law in Japan: An Annual, C:5, s. 1-46. Ishida, Kikuo (1958) “On Article 90 of The Civil Code of Japan”, Osaka University Law Review, C:6, s.15-26. Ishikawa, Hiroyasu (2013) “Codification, Decodification, and Recodification of the Japanese Civil Code”, C:32, IUS Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, s.267-285. Kamo, Akira (2010) “Crystallization, Unification, or Differentiation - The Japanese Civil Code (Law of Obligations) Reform Commission and Basic Reform Policy (Draft Proposals)”, Columbia Journal of Asian Law, C:24, S:1, s.171-212. Kawashima, Takeyoshi (1974) “The Legal Consciousness of Contract in Japan”, Stevens, Charles (Çeviren), Law in Japan: An Annual, C:7, s.1-21. Kocayusufpaşaoğlu, Necip (2008) Borçlar Hukukuna Giriş Hukuki İşlem Sözleşme, 4. Baskı, İstanbul, Filiz Kitabevi. Kozuka, Souichirou/Nottage, Luke R. (2013) “Policy and Politics in Contract Law Reform in Japan”, Sydney Law School Legal Studies Research Paper No. 13/86,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Kumagai, Kaisaku (1983) “Two Customa and the Codification of the Civil Code in Japan”, Osaka University Law Review, C:30, s. 1-6. Kuzuhara, Kizuki (1996) “Contracting Between a Japanese Enterprise and an American Enterprise: The Differences in the Importance of Written Documents as the Final Agreement in The United States and Japan”, ILSA Journal of Int'l & Comparative Law, C:3, s.57-91. Levy, Leah (2008) “International Law - Japanese Law and Breach of Contract: Good Reason Is a Subjective Standard Servo Kinetics, Inc. v. Tokyo Precision Instruments Co.”, 31 Suffolk Transnational Law Review, C:31, S:3, s.727-735. McAlinn, Gerald Paul (2010) “Japan and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Part 1)”, JCAA Newsletter, S:24, , s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Michida, Shinichirō (1992) “Contract Societies: Japan and The United States Contrasted”, translated by Veronica L. Taylor, Pacific Rim Law, C:1, Sa:1, s.199-224. Milhaupt, Curtis J./Ramsayer, J Mark/West, Marc D. (2012) The Japanese Legal System: Cases, Codes and Commentary, 2. Baskı, New York, Thomson Reuters’ Foundation Press. Noda, Yosiyuku (1976) Introduction to Japanese Law, (translated and edited by: Anthony H. Angelo), Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press. Nottage, Luke R. (2013) “Tracing Trajectories in Contract Law Theory: Form in Anglo-New Zealand Law, Substance in Japan and the United States”, Sydney Law School Research Paper No. 13/37,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Oda, Hiroshi (2011) Japanese Law, 3. Baskı, Oxford University Press. Oğuzman, Kemal/Barlas Nami (2014) Medenî Hukuk: Giriş, Kaynaklar, Temel Kavramlar, 20. Baskı, İstanbul, Vedat Kitapçılık. Schmiegelow, Henrik (2006) “Why Legal Transformation Assistance from Germany and Japan to Former East-Bloc Countries?”, Zeitschrift Japanisches Recht/J.JAPAN.L, C:11, S:22, s.5-38. Snyder, Franklin G./Burge Mark Edwin (2017) American Contract Law for a Global Age, Cali aLangdell Press,, s.e.t. 1.09.2019. Şahin, Köksal (2018) “Japon Borçlar Hukuku Reformu 2017 (I. Bölüm)”,, s.e.t. 10.05.2019. Taylor, Veronica L. (1993) “Continuing Transactions and Persistent Myths: Contracts in Contemporary Japan”, Melb. U.L. Review, C:19, s.352-398. Taylor, Veronica/Britt, Robert R. /Ishida, Kyoko/Chaffe, John (Joddy) (2008) “Introduction: Nature of the Japanese Legal System”, Business Law in Japan C:1, s.3-8,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Uchida, Takashi (2011) “Contract Law Reform in Japan and the UNIDROIT Principles”, 16 Uniform Law Review, C:16, S:3, s.705-717. Uchida, Takashi/Taylor, Veronica (2008) “Japan’s “Era of Contract”: Foote, Daniel (Editör), Law in Japan A Turning Point, Seattle, University of Washington Press. Van Den Berg, Peter A. J. (2018) “Politics of Codification in Meiji Japan (1868-1912): Comparative Perspective Of Position Of Customary Law in Japanese Civil Code”, Osaka University Law Review, C:65, S:2, s.69-88. Waer, Paul (1987) “Frustration of Contracts in Japanese Law: The Doctrine of Changed Circumstances”, Law in Japan: An Annual, C:20, s.187-212. Wagatsuma, Hiroshi/Rosett, Arthur (1983) “Cultural Attitudes towards Contract Law: Japan and the United States Compared”, UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal, C:2, Sa:1-2, s.76-97,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Wrbka, Stefan “Japan’s Civil Code Reform Plan – Seen From A Western Perspective”, Kyushu University Legal Research Bulletin, s.1-12, , s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Yamaguchi, Mikio (2004) “The Problem of Delay in the Contract Formation Process: A Comparative Study of Contract Law”, Cornell International Law Journal, C:37, S:2, s.357-388, vol37/iss2/3, s.e.t. 08.05.2019.
Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 457 - 492, 28.10.2019



  • Abe, Masaki/Nottage, Luke (2008) Japanese Law: An Overview, JPLRes 1,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Akyol, Şener (2006) Dürüstlük Kuralı ve Hakkın Kötüye Kullanılması Yasağı, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, Vedat Kitapçılık. Altaş, Hüseyin (2014) Medeni Hukuk Başlangıç Hükümleri (TMK. m. 1-7), Ankara, Yetkin Yayınları. Arkan, Sabih (2005) Ticarî İşletme Hukuku, 7. Baskı, Ankara, Banka ve Tica-ret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları. Ayhan, Rıza/Özdamar, Mehmet/Çağlar, Hayrettin (2011) Ticarî İşletme Hukuku Genel Esaslar, 4. Baskı, Ankara, Turhan Kitabevi. 107 Uchida, s.717. Barlas, Nami (1997) “Dürüstlük Kuralı ve Hakkın Kötüye Kullanılması Yasa-ğının Alman Medeni Kanunundaki Düzenlenme Tarzı ve Eleştirisi”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, C:LV, S:3, s.191-208. Basedow, Jürgen (2016) “Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk ve Kullanıcıları”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, Kurtulan, Gökçe (Çeviren), C:74, S:2, s.879-917. Beer, Lawrence W./Tomatsu, Hidenori (1975) “A Guide to the Study of Japanese Law”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, C:23, S:2, s.284-324. Dean, Merryl (2002) Japanese Legal System, 2. Baskı, London, Cavendish Publishing. Dernauer, Marc, Japanese Contract Law from a European Perspective,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Dural, Mustafa/Sarı, Suat (2014) Türk Özel Hukuku Cilt I, Temel Kavramlar ve Medenî Kanunun Başlangıç Hükümleri, 9. Baskı, İstanbul, Filiz Kitabevi. Edis, Seyfullah (1997) Medenî Hukuka Giriş ve Başlangıç Hükümleri, 6. Baskı, Ankara, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi. Eren, Fikret (2014) 6098 Sayılı Türk Borçlar Kanununa Göre Hazırlanmış Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler, 17. Baskı, Ankara, Yetkin Yayınları. Ginsburg, Tom (2010) “Studying Japanese Law Because It's There”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, C.58, S:1, s.15-26. Haley, John O. (2010) “Why Study Japanese Law?”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, C:58, S:1, s.1-14. Haley, John O. (2008) “Rethinking Contract Practice and Law in Japan”, Journal of East Asia and International Law, C: 1, S: 1, s.47-69. Hahn, Elliott J. (1983) “An Overview of the Japanese Legal System”, Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business, C:5, S:3, s. 517-539. Hoshino, Eiichi (1972) “The Contemporary Contract”, (translator: John O. Haley), Law in Japan: An Annual, C:5, s. 1-46. Ishida, Kikuo (1958) “On Article 90 of The Civil Code of Japan”, Osaka University Law Review, C:6, s.15-26. Ishikawa, Hiroyasu (2013) “Codification, Decodification, and Recodification of the Japanese Civil Code”, C:32, IUS Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, s.267-285. Kamo, Akira (2010) “Crystallization, Unification, or Differentiation - The Japanese Civil Code (Law of Obligations) Reform Commission and Basic Reform Policy (Draft Proposals)”, Columbia Journal of Asian Law, C:24, S:1, s.171-212. Kawashima, Takeyoshi (1974) “The Legal Consciousness of Contract in Japan”, Stevens, Charles (Çeviren), Law in Japan: An Annual, C:7, s.1-21. Kocayusufpaşaoğlu, Necip (2008) Borçlar Hukukuna Giriş Hukuki İşlem Sözleşme, 4. Baskı, İstanbul, Filiz Kitabevi. Kozuka, Souichirou/Nottage, Luke R. (2013) “Policy and Politics in Contract Law Reform in Japan”, Sydney Law School Legal Studies Research Paper No. 13/86,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Kumagai, Kaisaku (1983) “Two Customa and the Codification of the Civil Code in Japan”, Osaka University Law Review, C:30, s. 1-6. Kuzuhara, Kizuki (1996) “Contracting Between a Japanese Enterprise and an American Enterprise: The Differences in the Importance of Written Documents as the Final Agreement in The United States and Japan”, ILSA Journal of Int'l & Comparative Law, C:3, s.57-91. Levy, Leah (2008) “International Law - Japanese Law and Breach of Contract: Good Reason Is a Subjective Standard Servo Kinetics, Inc. v. Tokyo Precision Instruments Co.”, 31 Suffolk Transnational Law Review, C:31, S:3, s.727-735. McAlinn, Gerald Paul (2010) “Japan and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Part 1)”, JCAA Newsletter, S:24, , s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Michida, Shinichirō (1992) “Contract Societies: Japan and The United States Contrasted”, translated by Veronica L. Taylor, Pacific Rim Law, C:1, Sa:1, s.199-224. Milhaupt, Curtis J./Ramsayer, J Mark/West, Marc D. (2012) The Japanese Legal System: Cases, Codes and Commentary, 2. Baskı, New York, Thomson Reuters’ Foundation Press. Noda, Yosiyuku (1976) Introduction to Japanese Law, (translated and edited by: Anthony H. Angelo), Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press. Nottage, Luke R. (2013) “Tracing Trajectories in Contract Law Theory: Form in Anglo-New Zealand Law, Substance in Japan and the United States”, Sydney Law School Research Paper No. 13/37,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Oda, Hiroshi (2011) Japanese Law, 3. Baskı, Oxford University Press. Oğuzman, Kemal/Barlas Nami (2014) Medenî Hukuk: Giriş, Kaynaklar, Temel Kavramlar, 20. Baskı, İstanbul, Vedat Kitapçılık. Schmiegelow, Henrik (2006) “Why Legal Transformation Assistance from Germany and Japan to Former East-Bloc Countries?”, Zeitschrift Japanisches Recht/J.JAPAN.L, C:11, S:22, s.5-38. Snyder, Franklin G./Burge Mark Edwin (2017) American Contract Law for a Global Age, Cali aLangdell Press,, s.e.t. 1.09.2019. Şahin, Köksal (2018) “Japon Borçlar Hukuku Reformu 2017 (I. Bölüm)”,, s.e.t. 10.05.2019. Taylor, Veronica L. (1993) “Continuing Transactions and Persistent Myths: Contracts in Contemporary Japan”, Melb. U.L. Review, C:19, s.352-398. Taylor, Veronica/Britt, Robert R. /Ishida, Kyoko/Chaffe, John (Joddy) (2008) “Introduction: Nature of the Japanese Legal System”, Business Law in Japan C:1, s.3-8,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Uchida, Takashi (2011) “Contract Law Reform in Japan and the UNIDROIT Principles”, 16 Uniform Law Review, C:16, S:3, s.705-717. Uchida, Takashi/Taylor, Veronica (2008) “Japan’s “Era of Contract”: Foote, Daniel (Editör), Law in Japan A Turning Point, Seattle, University of Washington Press. Van Den Berg, Peter A. J. (2018) “Politics of Codification in Meiji Japan (1868-1912): Comparative Perspective Of Position Of Customary Law in Japanese Civil Code”, Osaka University Law Review, C:65, S:2, s.69-88. Waer, Paul (1987) “Frustration of Contracts in Japanese Law: The Doctrine of Changed Circumstances”, Law in Japan: An Annual, C:20, s.187-212. Wagatsuma, Hiroshi/Rosett, Arthur (1983) “Cultural Attitudes towards Contract Law: Japan and the United States Compared”, UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal, C:2, Sa:1-2, s.76-97,, s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Wrbka, Stefan “Japan’s Civil Code Reform Plan – Seen From A Western Perspective”, Kyushu University Legal Research Bulletin, s.1-12, , s.e.t. 08.05.2019. Yamaguchi, Mikio (2004) “The Problem of Delay in the Contract Formation Process: A Comparative Study of Contract Law”, Cornell International Law Journal, C:37, S:2, s.357-388, vol37/iss2/3, s.e.t. 08.05.2019.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Özel Hukuk

Ayşe Nur Kılınç 0000-0001-8190-6557

Publication Date October 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


Chicago Kılınç, Ayşe Nur. “JAPON SÖZLEŞME HUKUKUNUN TEMEL İLKELERİ VE JAPON MEDENİ KANUNUNDAKİ GÜNCEL GELİŞMELERE GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 14, no. 2 (October 2019): 457-92. University Journal of Law Faculty by Erciyes University Law Faculty is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0