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Palyatif Bakımda Ağrı Yönetimi

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 28 - 36, 27.12.2022


Acı çekmenin önlenmesi, bireyin, ailesinin ya da bakım vericilerin psikososyal ve manevi gereksinimlerinin karşılanmasını ve yaşam kalitesinin yükseltilmesini amaçlayan palyatif bakımda birçok hasta tarafından deneyimlenen ağrı kavramı, yaşam sonunda fark edilmemiş veya yeterli tedavi edilmemiş olabileceğinden büyük endişe kaynağıdır. Kontrol edilemeyen ağrı uyku bozuklukları, psikolojik sorunlar, sosyal işlevlerde ve günlük yaşam aktivitelerinde bozulma gibi daha kötü sağlık sonuçlarına yol açabilmektedir. Hemşirelerin ve diğer sağlık hizmeti sunucularının, acıyı hafifletmek için etkili, verimli ve güvenli ağrı yönetimini bilmesi ve savunması gerekmektedir. Özellikle hasta bireylerle yakın temas özelliği taşıyan hemşirelerin insan onuruna saygı felsefesi ile hareket ederek hastanın ve ailesinin olası en iyi yaşam kalitesini sağlama noktasında önemli rolleri bulunmaktadır. Hemşirelerin ağrı yönetimi konusundaki bilgi ve tutumları, etkili bir ağrı yönetiminde anahtar rol oynamaktadır.


  • 1. Franciosi V, Maglietta G, Espoti DC, Caruso G, Cavanna L, Berté R, et al. Early Palliative Care and Quality of Life of Advanced Cancer Patients—a Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial. Ann Palliat Med. 2019;8(4):381–9.
  • 2. Woods JD, Woods BN. Palliative Care’s Role in Austere Medicine. Willderness&Enviromental Med. 2022;33(1):102–8.
  • 3. Arslan D, Tatlı AM, Üyetürk Ü. Kansere Bağlı Ağrı ve Tedavisi. Abant Tıp Derg. 2013;2(3):256–60.
  • 4. Levy N, Sturgess J, Mills P. Pain as the Fifth Vital Sign” and Dependence on the “Numerical pain Scale” is being Abandoned in the US: Why?. Br J Anaesth. 2018;120(3):435–8.
  • 5. İtişgen V, Kara B. Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Ağrı Yönetimi. Nefroloji Hemşireliği Derg. 2016;2:18–25.
  • 6. Scarborough B, Smith CB. Optimal Pain Management for Patients with Cancer in the Modern Era. Cancer J Clin. 2018;68(3):182–96.
  • 7. Henson LA, Maddocks M, Evans C, Davidson M, Hicks S, Higginson IJ. Palliative Care and the Management of Common Distressing Symptoms in Advanced Cancer: Pain, Breathlessness, Nausea and Vomiting, and Fatigue. J Clin Oncol. 2020;38(9):905–14.
  • 8. Are M, Mclntyre A, Reddy S. Global Disparities in Cancer Pain Management and Palliative Care. J Surg Oncol. 2017;115(5):637–41.
  • 9. Coyne P, Mulvenon C, Paice JA. American Society for Pain Management Nursing and Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association Position Statement: Pain Management at the End of Life. Pain Manag Nurs. 2018;19(1):3–7.
  • 10. WHO. Pallipedia [Internet]. 2002. Available from:
  • 11. Yang J, Bauer BA, Wahner-Roedler DL, Chon TY, Xiao L. The Modified WHO Analgesic Ladder: Is It Appropriate for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain? J Pain Res. 2020;13:411–7.
  • 12. Allsop MJ, Wright-Hughes A, Black K, Hartley S, Fletcher M, Ziegler LE, et al. Improving The Management Of Pain From Advanced Cancer İn The Community: Study Protocol For A Pragmatic Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial. BMJ. 2018;8:1–12.
  • 13. Dirimeşe E, Kardaş-Özdemir F, Akgün-Şahin Z. Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Ağrı Yönetimine İlişkin Bilgi Düzeyleri, Kültürel Farkındalıkları Ve Yeterlilikleri. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilim Derg. 2016;5(3):1–6.
  • 14. Brennan F, Lohman D, Gwyther L. Access to Pain Management as a Human Right. Am J Public Health. 2019;109(1):61–5.
  • 15. Wilkie DJ, Ezenwa MO. Pain and Symptom Management in Palliative Care and at End of Life. Nurs Outlook. 2012;60(6):357–64.
  • 16. Verbekt CA, Everdingen MHJ van den B, Schols JMGA, Datla S, Dirksen CD, Johnson MJ, et al. Respiratory Adverse Effects of Opioids for Breathlessness: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Eur Respir J. 2017;50:1–18.
  • 17. Hasta Hakları Yönetmeliği. Sayı: 28994; 2014.
  • 18. Zuccaro SM, Velucci R, Sarzi-Puttini P, Cherubino P, Labianca R, Fornasari D. Barriers to Pain Management : Focus on Opioid Therapy. Clin Drug Investig. 2012;32:11–9.
  • 19. Can A. Kanser Hastasında Kanıta Dayalı Palyatif Bakım. İstanbul: Konsensus Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2017.
  • 20. Fillingim RB, Loeser JD, Baron R, Edwards RR. Assessment of Chronic Pain: Domains, Methods, and Mechanisms. J Pain. 2016;17(9):10–20.
  • 21. Ankay-Yılbaş A, Çelebi N. Palyatif Bakımda Ağrı Tedavisi ve Sorunlar. J Anesth - JARSS. 2014;22(3):124–34.
  • 22. Sampson EL, West E, Fischer T. Pain and Delirium: Mechanisms, Assessment, and Management. Eur Geriatr Med. 2020;11:45–52.
  • 23. Patel B V., DeZure P. Measurement of Pain. Pain. 2019;37:149–62.
  • 24. Anekar AA, Cascella M. WHO Analgesic Ladder. Treasure Island: StatPearls Publishing; 2022.
  • 25. Uyar M, Şenel G, Oğuz G, editors. Palyatif Bakımda Ağrı Yönetimi Kılavuzu [Internet]. Ankara; 2016. Available from: mages/klavuzlar/AGRI.pdf
  • 26. Wiffen PJ, Derry S, Moore RA, McNicol ED, Bell RF, Carr DB, et al. Oral Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) for Cancer Pain. Cochrane Libr. 2017;7(2):1–32.
  • 27. Alexander K, Goldberg J, Korc-Grodzicki B. Palliative Care and Symptom Management in Older Patients with Cancer. Clin Geriatr Med. 2016;32(1):45–62.
  • 28. Wood H, Dickman A, Star A, Boland JW. Updates in Palliative Care – Overview and Recent Advancements in the Pharmacological Management of Cancer. Clin Med J. 2018;18(1):17–22.
  • 29. Khalil NS. Critical Care Nurses’ Use of Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Methods in Egypt. Appl Nurs Res. 2018;44:33–8.
  • 30. Satija A, Bhatnagar S. Complementary Therapies for Symptom Management in Cancer Patients. Indıan J Palliat Care. 2017;23(4):468–79.
  • 31. Krishnaswamy P, Nair S. Effect of Music Therapy on Pain and Anxiety Levels of Cancer Patients: A Pilot Study. Indian J Palliat Care. 2016;22(3):307–11.
  • 32. Myrcik, Dariusz Statowski, Wojciech Trzepizur, Magdalena Paladini, Antonella Corli, Oscar Varrassi G. Influence of Physical Activity on Pain, Depression and Quality of Life of Patients in Palliative Care: A Proof-of-Concept Study. J Clin Med. 2021;10(5):1–13.
  • 33. Kumar N, Bhatnagar S, Velpandian T, Patnaik S, Menon G, Mehta M, et al. Randomized Controlled Trial in Advance Stage Breast Cancer Patients for the Effectiveness on Stress Marker and Pain through Sudarshan Kriya and Pranayam. Indıan J Palliat Care. 2013;19:180–5.
  • 34. Steinhorn DM, Din J, Johnson A. Healing, Spirituality and Integrative Medicine. Ann Palliat Med. 2017;6(3):237–47.
  • 35. Kia Z, Allahbakhshian M, Ilkhani M, Nasiri M, Allahbakhshian A. Nurses’ Use of Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Methods in Intensive Care Units: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study. Complement Ther Med. 2021;58.
  • 36. Kılıç M, Öztunç G. Ağrı Kontrolünde Kullanılan Yöntemler ve Hemşirenin Rolü. Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Derg. 2012;7(21):36–51.
  • 37. Alnajar MK, Darawad MW, Alshahwan SS, Samarkandi OA. Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Cancer Pain Management Among Nurses at Oncology Units. J Cancer Educ. 2019;34(1):186–93.
  • 38. Perri G-A, Yeung H, Green Y, Bezant A, Lee C, Berall A, et al. A Survey of Knowledge and Attitudes of Nurses About Pain Management in End-Stage Liver Disease in a Geriatric Palliative Care Unit. Am J Hosp Palliat Med. 2018;35(1):92–9.
  • 39. Yıldırım Y. Palyatif Bakımda Hemşirelik Çalışmaları. Turkiye Klin Anesthesiol Reanim - Spec Top. 2017;10(1):49–56.
  • 40. Mercadante S, Adile C, Tirelli W, Ferrera P, Penco I, Casuccio A. Barriers and Adherence to Pain Management in Advanced Cancer Patients. Pain Pract. 2020;21(4):388–93.
Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 28 - 36, 27.12.2022



  • 1. Franciosi V, Maglietta G, Espoti DC, Caruso G, Cavanna L, Berté R, et al. Early Palliative Care and Quality of Life of Advanced Cancer Patients—a Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial. Ann Palliat Med. 2019;8(4):381–9.
  • 2. Woods JD, Woods BN. Palliative Care’s Role in Austere Medicine. Willderness&Enviromental Med. 2022;33(1):102–8.
  • 3. Arslan D, Tatlı AM, Üyetürk Ü. Kansere Bağlı Ağrı ve Tedavisi. Abant Tıp Derg. 2013;2(3):256–60.
  • 4. Levy N, Sturgess J, Mills P. Pain as the Fifth Vital Sign” and Dependence on the “Numerical pain Scale” is being Abandoned in the US: Why?. Br J Anaesth. 2018;120(3):435–8.
  • 5. İtişgen V, Kara B. Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Ağrı Yönetimi. Nefroloji Hemşireliği Derg. 2016;2:18–25.
  • 6. Scarborough B, Smith CB. Optimal Pain Management for Patients with Cancer in the Modern Era. Cancer J Clin. 2018;68(3):182–96.
  • 7. Henson LA, Maddocks M, Evans C, Davidson M, Hicks S, Higginson IJ. Palliative Care and the Management of Common Distressing Symptoms in Advanced Cancer: Pain, Breathlessness, Nausea and Vomiting, and Fatigue. J Clin Oncol. 2020;38(9):905–14.
  • 8. Are M, Mclntyre A, Reddy S. Global Disparities in Cancer Pain Management and Palliative Care. J Surg Oncol. 2017;115(5):637–41.
  • 9. Coyne P, Mulvenon C, Paice JA. American Society for Pain Management Nursing and Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association Position Statement: Pain Management at the End of Life. Pain Manag Nurs. 2018;19(1):3–7.
  • 10. WHO. Pallipedia [Internet]. 2002. Available from:
  • 11. Yang J, Bauer BA, Wahner-Roedler DL, Chon TY, Xiao L. The Modified WHO Analgesic Ladder: Is It Appropriate for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain? J Pain Res. 2020;13:411–7.
  • 12. Allsop MJ, Wright-Hughes A, Black K, Hartley S, Fletcher M, Ziegler LE, et al. Improving The Management Of Pain From Advanced Cancer İn The Community: Study Protocol For A Pragmatic Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial. BMJ. 2018;8:1–12.
  • 13. Dirimeşe E, Kardaş-Özdemir F, Akgün-Şahin Z. Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Ağrı Yönetimine İlişkin Bilgi Düzeyleri, Kültürel Farkındalıkları Ve Yeterlilikleri. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilim Derg. 2016;5(3):1–6.
  • 14. Brennan F, Lohman D, Gwyther L. Access to Pain Management as a Human Right. Am J Public Health. 2019;109(1):61–5.
  • 15. Wilkie DJ, Ezenwa MO. Pain and Symptom Management in Palliative Care and at End of Life. Nurs Outlook. 2012;60(6):357–64.
  • 16. Verbekt CA, Everdingen MHJ van den B, Schols JMGA, Datla S, Dirksen CD, Johnson MJ, et al. Respiratory Adverse Effects of Opioids for Breathlessness: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Eur Respir J. 2017;50:1–18.
  • 17. Hasta Hakları Yönetmeliği. Sayı: 28994; 2014.
  • 18. Zuccaro SM, Velucci R, Sarzi-Puttini P, Cherubino P, Labianca R, Fornasari D. Barriers to Pain Management : Focus on Opioid Therapy. Clin Drug Investig. 2012;32:11–9.
  • 19. Can A. Kanser Hastasında Kanıta Dayalı Palyatif Bakım. İstanbul: Konsensus Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2017.
  • 20. Fillingim RB, Loeser JD, Baron R, Edwards RR. Assessment of Chronic Pain: Domains, Methods, and Mechanisms. J Pain. 2016;17(9):10–20.
  • 21. Ankay-Yılbaş A, Çelebi N. Palyatif Bakımda Ağrı Tedavisi ve Sorunlar. J Anesth - JARSS. 2014;22(3):124–34.
  • 22. Sampson EL, West E, Fischer T. Pain and Delirium: Mechanisms, Assessment, and Management. Eur Geriatr Med. 2020;11:45–52.
  • 23. Patel B V., DeZure P. Measurement of Pain. Pain. 2019;37:149–62.
  • 24. Anekar AA, Cascella M. WHO Analgesic Ladder. Treasure Island: StatPearls Publishing; 2022.
  • 25. Uyar M, Şenel G, Oğuz G, editors. Palyatif Bakımda Ağrı Yönetimi Kılavuzu [Internet]. Ankara; 2016. Available from: mages/klavuzlar/AGRI.pdf
  • 26. Wiffen PJ, Derry S, Moore RA, McNicol ED, Bell RF, Carr DB, et al. Oral Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) for Cancer Pain. Cochrane Libr. 2017;7(2):1–32.
  • 27. Alexander K, Goldberg J, Korc-Grodzicki B. Palliative Care and Symptom Management in Older Patients with Cancer. Clin Geriatr Med. 2016;32(1):45–62.
  • 28. Wood H, Dickman A, Star A, Boland JW. Updates in Palliative Care – Overview and Recent Advancements in the Pharmacological Management of Cancer. Clin Med J. 2018;18(1):17–22.
  • 29. Khalil NS. Critical Care Nurses’ Use of Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Methods in Egypt. Appl Nurs Res. 2018;44:33–8.
  • 30. Satija A, Bhatnagar S. Complementary Therapies for Symptom Management in Cancer Patients. Indıan J Palliat Care. 2017;23(4):468–79.
  • 31. Krishnaswamy P, Nair S. Effect of Music Therapy on Pain and Anxiety Levels of Cancer Patients: A Pilot Study. Indian J Palliat Care. 2016;22(3):307–11.
  • 32. Myrcik, Dariusz Statowski, Wojciech Trzepizur, Magdalena Paladini, Antonella Corli, Oscar Varrassi G. Influence of Physical Activity on Pain, Depression and Quality of Life of Patients in Palliative Care: A Proof-of-Concept Study. J Clin Med. 2021;10(5):1–13.
  • 33. Kumar N, Bhatnagar S, Velpandian T, Patnaik S, Menon G, Mehta M, et al. Randomized Controlled Trial in Advance Stage Breast Cancer Patients for the Effectiveness on Stress Marker and Pain through Sudarshan Kriya and Pranayam. Indıan J Palliat Care. 2013;19:180–5.
  • 34. Steinhorn DM, Din J, Johnson A. Healing, Spirituality and Integrative Medicine. Ann Palliat Med. 2017;6(3):237–47.
  • 35. Kia Z, Allahbakhshian M, Ilkhani M, Nasiri M, Allahbakhshian A. Nurses’ Use of Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Methods in Intensive Care Units: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study. Complement Ther Med. 2021;58.
  • 36. Kılıç M, Öztunç G. Ağrı Kontrolünde Kullanılan Yöntemler ve Hemşirenin Rolü. Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Derg. 2012;7(21):36–51.
  • 37. Alnajar MK, Darawad MW, Alshahwan SS, Samarkandi OA. Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Cancer Pain Management Among Nurses at Oncology Units. J Cancer Educ. 2019;34(1):186–93.
  • 38. Perri G-A, Yeung H, Green Y, Bezant A, Lee C, Berall A, et al. A Survey of Knowledge and Attitudes of Nurses About Pain Management in End-Stage Liver Disease in a Geriatric Palliative Care Unit. Am J Hosp Palliat Med. 2018;35(1):92–9.
  • 39. Yıldırım Y. Palyatif Bakımda Hemşirelik Çalışmaları. Turkiye Klin Anesthesiol Reanim - Spec Top. 2017;10(1):49–56.
  • 40. Mercadante S, Adile C, Tirelli W, Ferrera P, Penco I, Casuccio A. Barriers and Adherence to Pain Management in Advanced Cancer Patients. Pain Pract. 2020;21(4):388–93.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Nursing
Journal Section Derleme Bölümü

Aynur Ataman Kufacı 0000-0002-3708-0556

Nuran Mumcu

Publication Date December 27, 2022
Submission Date July 7, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Ataman Kufacı, A., & Mumcu, N. (2022). Palyatif Bakımda Ağrı Yönetimi. ERÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(2), 28-36.