Writing Rules

1. The languages of the papers should be Turkish or English.

2. Manuscripts submitted must be written using Microsoft Word 2007 or upper versions.

3. The abstracts should be written in both Turkish and English. It should consist of maximum 200 words, should be in 9 pt, single line spaced, justified and should not be indented.

5. The abstracts should consist of the title, brief summary, introduction, conceptual framework, research methodology, findings and discussion, conclusion.

6. Headings should be as following: The main headings and sub-headings in the paper should be in 11 pt, bold and left justified (unindented), and should be numbered in decimals (e.g. 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 1.1.2., All the letters of the main headings should be capitalized, while only the first letters of the subheadings should be capitalized. Titles might be partitioned up to 4 levels. There should be one-line space before the main headings and no spaces after. Subheadings should not leave any line space both before and after.

7.Tables and graphs: Each table, figure or graph should be given a title. Titles should be in 10 pt, located above the table, figure or graph, centered on the page, and only the first letters of the words should be capitalized. The text in tables, figures and graphs should be between 8-10 pt. Tables, figures or graphs should be easily readable and should conform to the page structure given above (should not exceed page margins).

8. The manuscripts should be arranged according to below instructions:

Paper sizeA4 DikeyFont size10,5
Top margin5 cmAbstract9
Bottom margin5 cmFootnote9
Left margin4,5 cmParagraf AralığıÖnce 6 nk; sonra 0 nk
Right margin4,5 cmParagraf Girintisi1 cm
FontMinion ProLine spacing



The papers should be written using APA 6th edition citation rules. APA 6th Release citation rules are summarized below. 

The works to be submitted should be arranged according to the APA 6th Edition citation rules.  In-text citations are basically made in two ways:

·  Çıtak (2017) revealed that investors wrongly priced their shares.

·  Companies with a high marketing intensity provide a statistically higher than normal negative rate of return (Çıtak, 2017).

If a source is cited directly, then the page number must be included.

“Postponement of bankruptcy is a solution developed to prevent (temporarily) bankruptcy of a bankrupt joint stock company under certain circumstances” (Uzay, 2009, p. 56).

The works of the same author or the same group of authors should be separated with the letters a, b, c in the same year.

Example; (Ulu andve Torun, 2018a, 2018b)

When referring more than one citation in the same parenthesis, the order should be alphabetical (not chronological!) and separated by semicolons according to the surname of the first author.

(Akdoğan, 2018; Bilgili ve Koçak, 2014; Güllü, 2015;)

Single authors

Citations to single author works include the surname of the author and publication date. Example; (Güllü, 2013, s. 155)

Two Authors

Citations to works with two authors include the surnames of both authors and publication date. Example; (Akdoğan ve Güllü, 2017)

Three, four or five authors

When referring to such studies for the first time, the surnames of all authors should be listed. If the same study is cited again, only the surname of the first author and the expression “et al.” should be used.


First citation

(Ecevit, Köseoğlu and Yücel, 2018)

Subsequent citations

(Ecevit et al., 2018)

Organizations as author

When citing an organization as author, write out the full name of the organization or group, the date of publication, afterwards abbreviate the organization or group for subsequent citations.

First citation

·  The American Psychological Association (APA, 2010) noted…

·  National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2009) reported…

Subsequent citations

·  APA (2010)

·  NIMH (2009)

Internet Sources

While citing a website;

If the author and date is known, surname and year. Example; (Akyol, 2017)

If the author is not know “the title of the website” and year. Example; (BBC, 2014)

If both the author and the year are not known, use the article title instead of author and use the abbreviation n.d. (no date). Example; (“miners were rescued”, n.d.)


References used in the article are given centered on a new page under the title “REFERENCES”. The author's name and date in the citations should be exactly the same as the author's name and date in the bibliography. No numbering or bullets in bibliography. Book and journal names are written in italics. In book and article titles, only the first letter is capitalized (except for proper nouns).

The title of the article or chapter is not italic, not quoted. A dot is placed at the end of the title. References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author without distinction (thesis, book, article, report, etc.).

Order a list of two or more works by the same author(s) in different years chronologically according to the year of publication. If the author published more than one work in a single year, order these works alphabetically by the first letter of each title of their work.

Periodical Publications: Journals, magazines, newspapers

The volume number is given in italics after the title of the periodical. If each issue of the journal is assigned a number, the number of the journal is given along with the volume number. The number is given in brackets immediately after the volume number and is not italicized. Then, the relevant page range in the cited source is given and a dot is placed at the end.

Çelenk, A. A. (2009). Promoting democracy in Algeria: the EU factor and the preferences of the political elite. Democratization, 16(1), 176–192. https://doi.org/10.1080/13510340802575916

Non-periodical publications: Books and Reports

For books, reports, brochures, and other types of non-periodical publications, the location information of the publisher listed on the title page is the city and state for a publisher in the United States; Provided in the form of city and country information for publishers in other countries outside the United States. Country information is not required for Turkish books cited in Turkish publications, but country information is required when referring to Turkish books in international publications.

Civelek, M. ve Özkan, A. (2016). Maliyet ve yönetim muhasebesi (8. Edition). Ankara: Detay Yayınevi

Crooker, R. L. (2000). An introduction to Gregorian chant. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.

Edited Book with an Author or Authors

While giving the bibliographic information of a book with an editor, the names of the editors are in the author position and add Ed. (Eds. if the editor is more than one) in brackets after the last editor's name.

Ören, T., Üney, T. ve Çölkesen, R. (Eds.). (2006). Türkiye bilişim ansiklopedisi. İstanbul: Papatya Yayıncılık.

When referring to a section in an edited book, the author section contains the names of the author(s) of the relevant section, not the names of the editors. Editor names are given after the section title.

Ulucak, R., Yücel, A. G. ve Koçak, E. (2019).  The Process of Sustainability: From Past to Present. Burcu Özcan ve İlhan Öztürk (Eds.). In Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) (p. 55-80). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.

Yazarı belli olan internet sitesi

If you can identify the name(s) of the individual author(s) of the material on the website, list the name(s) as the authors.

Palmer, L. F. (2008, July 17). Insufficient milk syndrome: A fallacy becomes a reality. Retrieved from http://babyreference.com/insufficient-milksyndrome-a-fallacy-becomes-a-reality/

Website with Known Source but No Named Author

This is a website where you know the company or entity who owns it, but you don’t know the name of the person who wrote the material, such as a company’s website. Use the name of the entity that created the site as your author.

HealthTimes. (2015, May 27). The future of aged care nursing in Australia. Retrieved from https://healthtimes.com.au/hub/agedcare/2/news/nc1/the-future-of-aged-care-nursing-in-australia/495/

Website with Unknown Author

All 33 Chile miners freed in flawless rescue. (2010, 13 Ekim). Retrieved from http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39625809/ns/world_news-americas/

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