Research Article
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Year 2022, , 942 - 952, 30.12.2022



  • Aruah, C. B., Uguru, M. I., & Oyiga, B. C. (2010). Variations among some Nigerian Cucurbita landraces. African Journal of Plant Science, 4, 374–386.
  • Aslan, N., Coskun, O. F., Dalda-Sekerci, A., & Gulsen, O. (2021). Estimation of purity levels of pumpkin genotypes (Cucurbita pepo L.) using molecular marker. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26 (3), 759-769. doi: 10.37908/mkutbd.995779
  • Barzegar, R., Peyvast, G., Ahadi, A. M., Rabiei, B., Ebadi, A. A., & Babagolzadeh, A. (2013). Biochemical systematic, population structure and genetic variability studies among Iranian Cucurbita (Cucurbita pepo L.) accessions, using genomic SSRs and implications for their breeding potential. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 50, 187-198. doi: 10.1016/J.BSE.2013.03.048
  • Bisognin, D. A. (2002). Origin and evolution of cultivated cucurbits. Ciencia Rural, 32, 715-723. Coskun, O. F., Gulsen, O., Dalda-Sekerci, A., Yetisir, H., & Pınar, H. (2017). SSR marker analysis at some seed pumkin lines. Akademik Ziraat Dergisi, 6, 151-156.
  • Danin-Poleg, Y., Reis, N., Tzuri, G., & Katzir, N. (2001). Development and characterization of microsatellite markers in Cucumis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 102, 61—72. doi: 10.1007/s001220051618
  • Dar, A. H., Sofi, S. A., & Rafiq, S. (2017). Pumpkin the Functional and therapeutic ingredient: A review, International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 168–173.
  • Dotto, J. M., & Chach, J. S. (2020). The potential of pumpkin seeds as a functional food ingredient: A review, Scientific African, 10, e00575. doi:10.1016/j.sciaf. 2020.e00575.
  • El-Adawy, T. A., & Taha, K. M. (2001). Characteristics and composition of watermelon pumpkin, paprika seed oils and flours. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 49, 1253-1259. doi: 10.1021/jf001117+
  • Ermis, S. (2010). The effect of ecology on seed production and snack quality of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) in Turkey. PhD, Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ankara, Turkey.
  • FAO, (2010). Second Report on the State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture; UK Distributor, Stationery Office; FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla: Rome, Italy, ISBN 925-106-5-349.
  • FAO, (2020). World pumpkin production list. Access date: 13.02.2022 Ferriol, M., Pico, B., & Nuez, F. (2003). Genetic diversity of a germplasm collection of Cucurbita pepo using SRAP and AFLP markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 107, 271-282. doi: 10.1007/s00122-003-1242-z
  • Fu, C. L., Shi, H., & Li, Q. H. (2006). A review on pharmacological activities and utilization technologies of pumpkin. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 61, 73-80. doi: 10.1007/s11130-006-0016-6
  • Glew, R. H., Glew, R. S., Chuang, L. T., Huang, Y. S., Millson, M., Constans, D., & Vanderjagt, D. J. (2006). Amino acid, mineral and fatty acid content of pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita spp) and Cyperus esculentus nuts in the Republic of Niger. Plant Food for Human Nutrition 61, 49–54. doi: 10.1007/s11130-006-0010-z
  • Gong, L., Paris, H. S., Nee, M. H., Stift, G., Pachner, M., Vollmann, J., & Lelley, T. (2012). Genetic relationships and evolution in Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin, squash, gourd) as revealed by simple sequence repeat polymorphisms. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 124, 875–891. doi: 10.1007/s00122-011-1752-z
  • Gong, L., Stift, G., Kofler, R., Pachner, M., & Lelley, T. (2008). Microsatellites for the genus Cucurbita and an SSR-based genetic linkage map of Cucurbita pepo. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 117, 37-48. doi: 10.1007/s00122-008-0750-2
  • Inan, N., Yildiz, M., Sensoy, S., Kafkas, S., & Abak, K. (2012). Efficacy of ISSR and SRAP techniques for molecular characterization of some Cucurbita genotypes including naked (hull-less) seed pumpkin. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 22 (1), 126-136.
  • Jarret, R. L., Merrick, L. C., Holms, T., Evans, J., & Aradhya, M. K., (1997). Simple Sequence Repeats in Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai). Genome, 40(4), 433-441.
  • Jeffrey, C. (1990). Systemetics of the Cucurbitaceae: An overview. In Biology and Utilization of the Cucurbitaceae; Bates, D.M., Robinson, R.W., Eds.; Cornel University Press: Ithaca, NY, USA, 3–9.
  • Kamasak, S., Coskun, O. F., Sekerci, A. D., & Gulsen, O. (2022). Microsatellite Analysis in Some Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Genotypes. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences, 6 (1), 58-64. doi: 10.31015/jaefs.2022.1.10
  • Karaman, K., Dalda-Şekerci, A., Yetişir, H., Gülşen, O., & Coskun, O. F. (2018). Molecular, morphological and biochemical characterization of some Turkish bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) genotypes. Industrial Crops and Products, 123, 93–99. doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2018.06.036
  • Katzir, N., Tadmor, Y., Tzuri, G., Leshzashen, E., Mozes-Daube, N., Danin-Poleg, Y., & Paris, H. S. (2000). Further ISSR and preliminary SSR analysis of relationships among accessions of Cucurbita pepo. In: Katzir, N., Paris, H.S. (Eds.), Proc Cucurbitaceae 2000, Acta. Hortic. 510. Israel, pp. 433–439.
  • Kayak, N., Türkmen, Ö., Uncu, A. T., & Dal, Y. (2018). Characterization of Edible Seed Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) Lines by SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) Markers. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences, 8 (2), 17‐24.
  • Kırac, H., Dalda-Sekerci, A., Coskun, O. F., & Gulsen, O. (2022). Morphological and molecular characterization of garlic (Allium sativum L.) genotypes sampled from Turkey. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s10722-022-01343-4
  • Martins, S., Pinto, O., Carlos, C., Carvalho, de R., & Carnide, V. (2015). Assessing genetic diversity in landraces of Cucurbita spp. using a morphological and molecular approache. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 29, 68-69. doi: 10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.162
  • Maynard, D. N., Elmstrom, G. W., Talcott, S. T., & Carle, R. B. (2002). El Dorado’and’La Estrella: Compact plant tropical pumpkin hybrids. American Society for Horticultural Science, 37, 831–833. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI.37.5.831
  • Meru, G., Leyva, D., Michael, V., Mainviel, R., Dorval, M., & Fu, Y. (2019). Genetic Variation among Cucurbita pepo Accessions Varying in Seed Nutrition and Seed Size. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 10, 9. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2019.109109
  • Morilipınar, E. O., Dalda-Sekerci, A., Coskun, O. F., & Gulsen, O. (2021). Genetic analysis of local pumpkin populations. International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 14 (3), 264-272.
  • Mujaju, C., Sehic, J., Werlemark, G., Garkava-Gustavsson, L., Fatih, M., & Nybom, H., (2010). Genetic diversity in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) landraces fromZimbabwe revealed by RAPD and SSR markers. Hereditas 147, 142–153. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-5223.2010.02165.x
  • Ntuli, N. R., Tongoona, P. B., & Zobolo, A. M. (2015). Genetic diversity in Cucurbita pepo landraces revealed by RAPD and SSR markers. Scientia Horticulturae, 189, 192–200. doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2015.03.020
  • Paris, H. S., Portnoy, V., Mozes-Daube, N., Tzuri, G., Katzir, N., Yonash, N. (2004). AFLP, ISSR, and SSR polymorphisms are in accordance with botanical and Cultivated plant taxonomies of the highly polymorphic Cucurbita pepo. Acta Horticulturae, 634, 167-173. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.634.20
  • Paris, H. S., Yonah, N., Portnoy, V., Mozes-Daube, N., Tzuri, N., & Katzir, N. (2003). Assesment of genetic relationships in Cucurbita pepo ( Cucurbitaceae) using DNA markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 106, 971-978. doi: 10.1007/s00122-002-1157-0
  • Robinson, R. W., & Decker-Walters, D. S. (1997). Cucurbits. In: Crop Production Department of Horticultural Science. Cornell Univ. and D.S. Decker-Walters, The Cucurbit Network U.S.A.
  • Rohlf, F. J. (2010). NTSYSpc: Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System. Version 2.21j. Exeter Software, Setauket, New York.
  • Stift, G., Zraidi, A., & Lelley, T. (2004). Development and characterization of microsatellite markers (SSR) in Cucurbita Species. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report, 27, 61-65.
  • Tsivelikas, A. L., Koutita, O., Anastasiadou, A., Skaracis, G. N., Traka-Mavrona, E., & Koutsika-Sotiriou, M. (2009). Description and analysis of genetic diversity among squash accessions. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 52 (2), 32-38. doi: 10.1590/S1516-89132009000200003
  • TUIK, (2021). Bitkisel üretim istatistikleri., Access date: 13.02.2022
  • Uzun, A., Cil, A., Yaman, M., & Coskun, O. F. (2020). Genetic diversity and some fruit characteristics of quince genotypes collected from Kayseri region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 8 (2), 318–323. doi: 10.24925/turjaf.v8i2.318-323.3012
  • Wang, W., Shi, Y., Liu, Y., Xiang, C., Sun, T., Zhang, M., Shu, Q., Qiu, X., Bo, K., Duan, Y., & Wang, C. (2021). Genetic relationships among Cucurbita pepo ornamental gourds based on EST-SSR markers. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 57, 125−139. doi: 10.17221/27/2021-CJGPB
  • Watcharawongpaibon, N., & Chunwongse, J. (2008). Development and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers from an Enriched Genomic Library of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Plant Breeding, 127, 74—81. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0523.2007.01425.x
  • Yunli, W., Yangyang, W., Wenlong, X., & Chaojie, W. (2020). Genetic diversity of pumpkin based on morphological and SSR markers. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 52 (2), 477-487. doi: 10.30848/PJB2020-2(6).

Determination of Genetic Diversity in Some Pumpkin Genotypes Using SSR Marker Technique

Year 2022, , 942 - 952, 30.12.2022


Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) is one of the important vegetables in the Cucurbita genus of the Cucurbitaceae family. DNA markers can be used in the selection studies carried out on vegetables. Microsatellite DNA sequences, which are a very good source of polymorphisms for eukaryotic genomes, are used in the investigation of genetic diversity, the creation of genetic maps and variety determination. In this study, genetic characterization determined by using 16 SSR markers in 47 pumpkin genotypes. A similarity coefficient between 0.68-1.0 was determined between genotypes. It was determined that three genotypes clustered separately from the others. It was concluded that SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) markers are a good choice for assessment of genetic diversity and differentiation between genotypes. As a results of this study genetic structures of the pumpkin genotypes, important data were obtained that can shorten the duration of breeding studies.


  • Aruah, C. B., Uguru, M. I., & Oyiga, B. C. (2010). Variations among some Nigerian Cucurbita landraces. African Journal of Plant Science, 4, 374–386.
  • Aslan, N., Coskun, O. F., Dalda-Sekerci, A., & Gulsen, O. (2021). Estimation of purity levels of pumpkin genotypes (Cucurbita pepo L.) using molecular marker. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26 (3), 759-769. doi: 10.37908/mkutbd.995779
  • Barzegar, R., Peyvast, G., Ahadi, A. M., Rabiei, B., Ebadi, A. A., & Babagolzadeh, A. (2013). Biochemical systematic, population structure and genetic variability studies among Iranian Cucurbita (Cucurbita pepo L.) accessions, using genomic SSRs and implications for their breeding potential. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 50, 187-198. doi: 10.1016/J.BSE.2013.03.048
  • Bisognin, D. A. (2002). Origin and evolution of cultivated cucurbits. Ciencia Rural, 32, 715-723. Coskun, O. F., Gulsen, O., Dalda-Sekerci, A., Yetisir, H., & Pınar, H. (2017). SSR marker analysis at some seed pumkin lines. Akademik Ziraat Dergisi, 6, 151-156.
  • Danin-Poleg, Y., Reis, N., Tzuri, G., & Katzir, N. (2001). Development and characterization of microsatellite markers in Cucumis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 102, 61—72. doi: 10.1007/s001220051618
  • Dar, A. H., Sofi, S. A., & Rafiq, S. (2017). Pumpkin the Functional and therapeutic ingredient: A review, International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 168–173.
  • Dotto, J. M., & Chach, J. S. (2020). The potential of pumpkin seeds as a functional food ingredient: A review, Scientific African, 10, e00575. doi:10.1016/j.sciaf. 2020.e00575.
  • El-Adawy, T. A., & Taha, K. M. (2001). Characteristics and composition of watermelon pumpkin, paprika seed oils and flours. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 49, 1253-1259. doi: 10.1021/jf001117+
  • Ermis, S. (2010). The effect of ecology on seed production and snack quality of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) in Turkey. PhD, Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ankara, Turkey.
  • FAO, (2010). Second Report on the State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture; UK Distributor, Stationery Office; FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla: Rome, Italy, ISBN 925-106-5-349.
  • FAO, (2020). World pumpkin production list. Access date: 13.02.2022 Ferriol, M., Pico, B., & Nuez, F. (2003). Genetic diversity of a germplasm collection of Cucurbita pepo using SRAP and AFLP markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 107, 271-282. doi: 10.1007/s00122-003-1242-z
  • Fu, C. L., Shi, H., & Li, Q. H. (2006). A review on pharmacological activities and utilization technologies of pumpkin. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 61, 73-80. doi: 10.1007/s11130-006-0016-6
  • Glew, R. H., Glew, R. S., Chuang, L. T., Huang, Y. S., Millson, M., Constans, D., & Vanderjagt, D. J. (2006). Amino acid, mineral and fatty acid content of pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita spp) and Cyperus esculentus nuts in the Republic of Niger. Plant Food for Human Nutrition 61, 49–54. doi: 10.1007/s11130-006-0010-z
  • Gong, L., Paris, H. S., Nee, M. H., Stift, G., Pachner, M., Vollmann, J., & Lelley, T. (2012). Genetic relationships and evolution in Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin, squash, gourd) as revealed by simple sequence repeat polymorphisms. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 124, 875–891. doi: 10.1007/s00122-011-1752-z
  • Gong, L., Stift, G., Kofler, R., Pachner, M., & Lelley, T. (2008). Microsatellites for the genus Cucurbita and an SSR-based genetic linkage map of Cucurbita pepo. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 117, 37-48. doi: 10.1007/s00122-008-0750-2
  • Inan, N., Yildiz, M., Sensoy, S., Kafkas, S., & Abak, K. (2012). Efficacy of ISSR and SRAP techniques for molecular characterization of some Cucurbita genotypes including naked (hull-less) seed pumpkin. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 22 (1), 126-136.
  • Jarret, R. L., Merrick, L. C., Holms, T., Evans, J., & Aradhya, M. K., (1997). Simple Sequence Repeats in Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai). Genome, 40(4), 433-441.
  • Jeffrey, C. (1990). Systemetics of the Cucurbitaceae: An overview. In Biology and Utilization of the Cucurbitaceae; Bates, D.M., Robinson, R.W., Eds.; Cornel University Press: Ithaca, NY, USA, 3–9.
  • Kamasak, S., Coskun, O. F., Sekerci, A. D., & Gulsen, O. (2022). Microsatellite Analysis in Some Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Genotypes. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences, 6 (1), 58-64. doi: 10.31015/jaefs.2022.1.10
  • Karaman, K., Dalda-Şekerci, A., Yetişir, H., Gülşen, O., & Coskun, O. F. (2018). Molecular, morphological and biochemical characterization of some Turkish bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) genotypes. Industrial Crops and Products, 123, 93–99. doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2018.06.036
  • Katzir, N., Tadmor, Y., Tzuri, G., Leshzashen, E., Mozes-Daube, N., Danin-Poleg, Y., & Paris, H. S. (2000). Further ISSR and preliminary SSR analysis of relationships among accessions of Cucurbita pepo. In: Katzir, N., Paris, H.S. (Eds.), Proc Cucurbitaceae 2000, Acta. Hortic. 510. Israel, pp. 433–439.
  • Kayak, N., Türkmen, Ö., Uncu, A. T., & Dal, Y. (2018). Characterization of Edible Seed Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) Lines by SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) Markers. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences, 8 (2), 17‐24.
  • Kırac, H., Dalda-Sekerci, A., Coskun, O. F., & Gulsen, O. (2022). Morphological and molecular characterization of garlic (Allium sativum L.) genotypes sampled from Turkey. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s10722-022-01343-4
  • Martins, S., Pinto, O., Carlos, C., Carvalho, de R., & Carnide, V. (2015). Assessing genetic diversity in landraces of Cucurbita spp. using a morphological and molecular approache. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 29, 68-69. doi: 10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.162
  • Maynard, D. N., Elmstrom, G. W., Talcott, S. T., & Carle, R. B. (2002). El Dorado’and’La Estrella: Compact plant tropical pumpkin hybrids. American Society for Horticultural Science, 37, 831–833. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI.37.5.831
  • Meru, G., Leyva, D., Michael, V., Mainviel, R., Dorval, M., & Fu, Y. (2019). Genetic Variation among Cucurbita pepo Accessions Varying in Seed Nutrition and Seed Size. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 10, 9. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2019.109109
  • Morilipınar, E. O., Dalda-Sekerci, A., Coskun, O. F., & Gulsen, O. (2021). Genetic analysis of local pumpkin populations. International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 14 (3), 264-272.
  • Mujaju, C., Sehic, J., Werlemark, G., Garkava-Gustavsson, L., Fatih, M., & Nybom, H., (2010). Genetic diversity in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) landraces fromZimbabwe revealed by RAPD and SSR markers. Hereditas 147, 142–153. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-5223.2010.02165.x
  • Ntuli, N. R., Tongoona, P. B., & Zobolo, A. M. (2015). Genetic diversity in Cucurbita pepo landraces revealed by RAPD and SSR markers. Scientia Horticulturae, 189, 192–200. doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2015.03.020
  • Paris, H. S., Portnoy, V., Mozes-Daube, N., Tzuri, G., Katzir, N., Yonash, N. (2004). AFLP, ISSR, and SSR polymorphisms are in accordance with botanical and Cultivated plant taxonomies of the highly polymorphic Cucurbita pepo. Acta Horticulturae, 634, 167-173. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.634.20
  • Paris, H. S., Yonah, N., Portnoy, V., Mozes-Daube, N., Tzuri, N., & Katzir, N. (2003). Assesment of genetic relationships in Cucurbita pepo ( Cucurbitaceae) using DNA markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 106, 971-978. doi: 10.1007/s00122-002-1157-0
  • Robinson, R. W., & Decker-Walters, D. S. (1997). Cucurbits. In: Crop Production Department of Horticultural Science. Cornell Univ. and D.S. Decker-Walters, The Cucurbit Network U.S.A.
  • Rohlf, F. J. (2010). NTSYSpc: Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System. Version 2.21j. Exeter Software, Setauket, New York.
  • Stift, G., Zraidi, A., & Lelley, T. (2004). Development and characterization of microsatellite markers (SSR) in Cucurbita Species. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report, 27, 61-65.
  • Tsivelikas, A. L., Koutita, O., Anastasiadou, A., Skaracis, G. N., Traka-Mavrona, E., & Koutsika-Sotiriou, M. (2009). Description and analysis of genetic diversity among squash accessions. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 52 (2), 32-38. doi: 10.1590/S1516-89132009000200003
  • TUIK, (2021). Bitkisel üretim istatistikleri., Access date: 13.02.2022
  • Uzun, A., Cil, A., Yaman, M., & Coskun, O. F. (2020). Genetic diversity and some fruit characteristics of quince genotypes collected from Kayseri region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 8 (2), 318–323. doi: 10.24925/turjaf.v8i2.318-323.3012
  • Wang, W., Shi, Y., Liu, Y., Xiang, C., Sun, T., Zhang, M., Shu, Q., Qiu, X., Bo, K., Duan, Y., & Wang, C. (2021). Genetic relationships among Cucurbita pepo ornamental gourds based on EST-SSR markers. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 57, 125−139. doi: 10.17221/27/2021-CJGPB
  • Watcharawongpaibon, N., & Chunwongse, J. (2008). Development and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers from an Enriched Genomic Library of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Plant Breeding, 127, 74—81. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0523.2007.01425.x
  • Yunli, W., Yangyang, W., Wenlong, X., & Chaojie, W. (2020). Genetic diversity of pumpkin based on morphological and SSR markers. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 52 (2), 477-487. doi: 10.30848/PJB2020-2(6).
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Ömer Faruk Coşkun 0000-0001-5398-5737

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Coşkun, Ö. F. (2022). Determination of Genetic Diversity in Some Pumpkin Genotypes Using SSR Marker Technique. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 15(3), 942-952.