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Sustainable Model Study: Collection and Disposal of Waste Medications with Micropollutant Properties in the Ecosystem within the Scope of Zero Waste

Year 2019, , 1116 - 1140, 31.08.2019


Waste medications forming a very broad portion of
micropollutants (with high EDC effects) are known to be very dangerous for the
ecosystem and are not sufficiently treated in conventional treatment facilities
leading to discharge into surface and underground water, threatening the
ecosystem and human health as they pass into drinking water and soil. The
metabolite products formed during cycles of these micropollutants (MP) in the
ecosystem may be toxic and dangerous to the same degree or even more. Within the
framework of zero-waste policies, this study was completed with the aim of
finding a more permanent and sustainable solution to this important problem
based on the most effective and applicable method of controlling these
pollutants at the source. Ataturk University campus located in Erzurum was
chosen as a pilot application area and specially-designed Waste Medication
Collection Containers were placed at five different points determined by
observing different factors.

Waste medications collected from the containers were
emptied in seasonal periods (once in 3 months) and
sent to
IZAYDAS for incineration through
ministry-licensed and accredited hazardous waste intermediate storage company.

A total of 190.75 kg was collected during the first
3-month period (summer season), with
261.40 kg collected during the
second 3-month period (autumn season),
310.70 kg collected during the third 3-month period (winter season) and 260.80 kg collected in the fourth 3-month period
(spring season). A total of 1023.65 kg of waste medication was
collected and destroyed during the one-year period. Data collected were
analyzed with the SPSS statistical program (one-way
) according to seasonal changes.

In addition, social information and awareness studies
(details presented in article) continue at a rapid rate.

Supporting Institution

Rectorate of Atatürk Unıversity


  • Arp, H.P., 2012. “Emerging decontaminants”, Environ. Sci. Technol., 46, 4259-4260.
  • Barbosa, M.O., Moreira, N.F.F., Ribeiro, A.R., Pereira, M.F.R. and Silva, A.M.T., 2016. “Occurrence and removal of organicmicropollutants: an overview of the watch list of EU Decision 2015/495”, Water Res., 94, 257–279.
  • Burke, V., Greskowiak, J., Asmuß, T., Bremermann, R., Taute, T. and Massmann, G., 2014. “Temperature dependent redox zonation and attenuation of wastewater-derived organic micropollutants in the hyporheic zone”, Sci. Total Environ., 53, 482–483.
  • Ceylan, Z., Mustafaoğlu, D., (2018). “Mikrokirleticilerin izleme analiz ve arıtım yöntemleri 1st edition”, Güven Pulus Grup Danışmanlık AŞ. Yayınları, 308-329 ISBN 978-605-7594-06-8.
  • Cordy, G.E., Duran, N.L., Bouwer, H., Rice, R.C., Furlong, E.T., Zaugg, S.D., Meyer, M.T., Barber, L.B. and Koplin, D.W., 2004. “Do pharmaceuticals, pathogens, and other organic waste water compounds persist when waste water is used for recharge?”, Ground Water Monit. R., 24, 58-69.
  • Das, S., Ray, M.R., Wan, J., Khan, A., Chakraborty, T., Ray, M.B., (2017). “Micropollutants in Wastewater: Fate and Removal Processes”, Physico-Chemical Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery, 75-117. DOI: 10.5772/65644.
  • Deblonde, T., Cossu-Leguille, C. and Hatemann, P., 2011. “Emerging pollutants in wastewater: A review of the literatüre”, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 214, 442-448.
  • Emmanuel, E., Keck, G., Blanchard, J., Vermande, P. and Perrodin, Y., 2004. “Toxicological effects of disinfections using sodium hypochlorite on aquatic organisms and its contribution to AOX formation in hospital wastewater”, Environment International, 30, 891-900.
  • Gulde, R., Meier, U., Schymanski, E.L., Kohler, H.P.E., Helbling, D.E., Derrer, S., Rentsch, D. and Fenner, K., 2016. “Systematic exploration of biotransformation reactions of aminecontaining micropollutants in activated sludge”, Environ. Sci. Technol., 50, 2908–2920.
  • Hernando, M.D., Mezcua, M., Fernández-Alba, A.R. and Barceló D., 2006. “Environmental risk assessment of pharmaceutical residues in wastewater effluents, surface waters and sediments”, Talanta, 69, 334-342.
  • Kolpin, D.W., Furlong, E.T., Meyer, M.T., Thurman, E.M., Zaugg, S.D., Barber, L.B. and Buxton, H.T., 2002. “Pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other organic wastewater contaminants in U.S. streams, 1999-2000: a national reconnaissance”, Environ. Sci. Technol., 36, 1202-1211.
  • Le-minh, N., Khan, S.J., Drewes, J.E. and Stuetz, R.M., 2010. “Fate of antibiotics during municipal water recycling treatment processes”, Water Res., 44, 4295-4323.Loos, R., Carvalho, R., Antonio, D.C., Comero, S., Locoro, G., Tavazzi, S., Paracchini, B., Ghiani, M., Lettieri, T., Blaha, L., Jarosova, B., Voorspoels, S., Servaes, K., Haglund, P., Fick, J., Lindberg, R.H., Schwesig, D. and Gawlik, B.M., 2013. “EU-wide monitoring survey on emerging polar organic contaminants in wastewater treatment plant effluents”, Water Res., 47, 6475-6487.
  • Luo, Y., Guo, W., Ngo, H.H., Nghiem, L.D., Hai, F.I., Zhang, J., Liang, S., 2014. “A review on the occurrence of micropollutants in the aquatic environment and their fate and removal during wastewater treatment”, Science of the Total Environment, 473-474, 619-641.
  • Markot, J., Rossi, L., Barry, D.A., Holliger, C., 2015. “A review of the fate of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants”, Wires Water, 2, 457–487.
  • Mill, T., (1980). “Data needed to predict the environmental fate of organic chemicals. In. R. Haque (ed.) Dynamics, exposure and Hazard Assesment of Toxic Chemicals”, Ann Arbor Science, Michigan, 297.
  • Muter, O., Plerkons, I., Selga, T., Berzins, A., Gudra, D., Radovica-Spalvina, L., Fridmanis, D. and Bartkevics, V., 2017. “Removal of pharmaceuticals from municipal wastewaters at laboratory scale by treatment with activated sludge and biostimulation”, Sci. Total Environ., 584-585, 402–413.
  • Nas, B., Dolu, T., Ateş, H., Argun, M.E., Yel, E., 2017. “Treatment Alternatives for Mıcropollutant Removal in Wastewater”, Selcuk Universıty Journal of Engineering Science and Technology(SUJEST), 5(2), 133-143.
  • Padhye, L.P. and Tezel, U., 2013. “Fate of Environmental Pollutants”, Water Environment Research, 85(10), 1734-1785.
  • Park, J., Yamashita, N., Wu, G. and Tanaka, H., 2017. “Removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products by ammonia oxidizing bacteria acclimated in a membrane bioreactor: contributions of cometabolism and endogenous respiration”, Sci. Total Environ., 605-606, 18–25.
  • Phillips, J.P., Schubert, C., Argue, D., Fisher, I., Furlong, E.T., Foreman, W., Gray, J. and Chalmers, A., 2015. “Concentrations of hormones, pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants in groundwater affected by septic systems in New England and New York”, Sci. Total Environ., 512, 43-54.
  • Ribeiro, A.R., Pedrosa, M., Moreira, N.F.F., Pereira, M.F.R. and Silva, A.M.T., 2015. “Environmental friendly method for urban wastewater monitoring of micropollutants defined in the Directive 2013/39/EU and Decision 2015/495/EU”, J. Chromatogr. A., 1418, 140–149.
  • Schwarzenbach, R.P., Escher, B.I., Fenner, K., Hofstetter, T.B., Johnson, C.A., Von Gunten, U. and Wehrli, B., 2006. “The challenge of micropollutants in aquatic systems”, Science, 313, 1072–1077.
  • Segura, P.A., 2011. “Quantification of carbamazepine and atrazine and screening of Suspectorganic contaminants in surface and drinking waters”, Chemosphere, 84, 1085–1094.
  • Sousa, J.C.G., Ribeiro, A.R., Barbosa, M.O., Pereira, M.F.R. and Silva, A.M.T., 2018. “A review on environmental monitoring of water organic pollutants identified by EU guidelines”, J. Hazard. Mater., 344 (Supplement C), 146–162.
  • The BEK website, 2019. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The CSB website 2019. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019. The IBM website, 2019a. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The IBM website, 2019b. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The IEIS website, 2019. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The IZAYDAS website, 2019. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The Resmigazete website, 2019a. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The Resmigazete website, 2019b. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • Tousova, Z., Oswald, P., J. Slobodnik, J., Blaha, L., Muz, M., Hu, M., Brack, W., Krauss, M., Di Paolo, C., Tarcai, Z., Seiler, T.B., Hollert, H., Koprivica, S., Ahel, M., Schollée, J.E., Hollender, J., Suter, M.J.F., Hidasi, A.O., Schirmer, K., Sonavane, M., Ait-Aissa, S., Creusot, N., Brion, F., Froment, J., Almeida, A.C., Thomas, K., Tollefsen, K.E., Tufi, S., Ouyang, X., Leonards, P., Lamoree, M., Torrens, V.O., Kolkman, A., Schriks, M., Spirhanzlova, P., Tindall, A. and Schulze, T., 2017. “European demonstration program on the effect-based and chemical identification and monitoring of organic pollutants in European surface waters”, Sci. Total Environ., 601, 1849–1868.
  • World Health Organization, 2012. “Pharmaceuticals in drinking-water”, France.
  • Verlicchi, P., Galletti, A., Petrovic, M. and Barcelo, D., 2010. “Hospital effluents as a source of emerging pollutants: an overview of micropollutants and sustainable treatment options”, Journal of Hydrology, 389, 416-428.
  • Vieno, N.M., H€arkki, H., Tuhkanen, T. and Kronberg, L., 2007. “Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in river water and their elimination in a pilot-scale drinking water treatment plant”, Environ. Sci. Technol., 41, 5077-5084.
  • Yang, M. and Zhang, X., 2016. “Current trends in the analysis and identification of emerging disinfection byproducts”, Trends Environ. Anal. Chem., 10, 24-34. Yaşar, A., Doğan, E.C. and Arslan, A., 2013. “Macro and Micro Pollutants and Treatment Options in Hospital Wastewaters”, Erciyes University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 29(2), 144-158.

Ekosistemde Mikrokirletici Özellik Gösteren Atık İlaçların Sıfır Atık Kapsamında Toplanıp Bertarafı : Sürdürülebilir Model Bir Çalışma

Year 2019, , 1116 - 1140, 31.08.2019


Mikrokirleticilerin (EDCs etkisi yüksek) oldukça geniş
bir bölümünü oluşturan atık ilaçlar; ekosistem için çok tehlikeli olup
bilindiği gibi konvansiyonel arıtma tesislerinde yeterince arıtılamadığı için
tekrar yüzeyel ve yer altı sularına deşarj edilerek içme sularına ve toprağa
geçmek suretiyle ekosistem ve insan sağlığını tehdit etmektedir. Bu
mikrokirtecilerin (mk) ekosistem içindeki döngüleri esnasında oluşan metabolit
ürünleri de aynı derecede hatta bazen daha toksik ve tehlikeli olabilmektedir.
Sıfır atık politikası çerçevesinde en etkin ve uygulanabilir metodun
kirleticilerin kaynakta kontrol edilmesi gerçeğinden hareketle bu önemli soruna
daha kalıcı ve sürdürülebilir bir çözüm bulma adına yaptığımız çalışmada,
Erzurum merkezde bulunan Atatürk Üniversitesi Kampüsü pilot uygulama alanı
seçilmek suretiyle değişik faktörler gözetilerek belirlenmiş beş farklı noktaya
özel tasarlanmış Atık İlaç Toplama Konteynırları yerleştirilmiştir.

Toplanan atık ilaçlar mevsimsel peryotlarda ( 3 ayda
bir)  boşaltılarak, bakanlıktan lisanslı
ve akredite bir tehlikeli atık ara depolama firması üzerinden İZAYDAŞ’a yakmaya

Birinci üç aylık süreçte (Yaz mevsimi) toplam 190,75
kg, ikinci üç aylık süreçte (Sonbahar mevsimi) toplam 261,40 kg, üçüncü üç
aylık süreçte (Kış mevsimi) toplam 310,70 kg ve dördüncü üç aylık süreçte ise
(İlkbahar mevsimi) toplam 260,80 kg olmak üzere bir yıllık peryotta toplam 1023,65 kg atık ilaç toplanarak imhası
sağlanmıştır.  Toplanan veriler mevsimsel
değişimlere göre istatistiki SPSS programı ile (One Way ANOVA) detaylı olarak 
analiz edilmiştir.

Tüm bunların yanı
sıra sosyal bilinçlendirme ve farkındalık çalışmaları da (makalede detayları
sunulmuş) son hızla devam etmektedir.


  • Arp, H.P., 2012. “Emerging decontaminants”, Environ. Sci. Technol., 46, 4259-4260.
  • Barbosa, M.O., Moreira, N.F.F., Ribeiro, A.R., Pereira, M.F.R. and Silva, A.M.T., 2016. “Occurrence and removal of organicmicropollutants: an overview of the watch list of EU Decision 2015/495”, Water Res., 94, 257–279.
  • Burke, V., Greskowiak, J., Asmuß, T., Bremermann, R., Taute, T. and Massmann, G., 2014. “Temperature dependent redox zonation and attenuation of wastewater-derived organic micropollutants in the hyporheic zone”, Sci. Total Environ., 53, 482–483.
  • Ceylan, Z., Mustafaoğlu, D., (2018). “Mikrokirleticilerin izleme analiz ve arıtım yöntemleri 1st edition”, Güven Pulus Grup Danışmanlık AŞ. Yayınları, 308-329 ISBN 978-605-7594-06-8.
  • Cordy, G.E., Duran, N.L., Bouwer, H., Rice, R.C., Furlong, E.T., Zaugg, S.D., Meyer, M.T., Barber, L.B. and Koplin, D.W., 2004. “Do pharmaceuticals, pathogens, and other organic waste water compounds persist when waste water is used for recharge?”, Ground Water Monit. R., 24, 58-69.
  • Das, S., Ray, M.R., Wan, J., Khan, A., Chakraborty, T., Ray, M.B., (2017). “Micropollutants in Wastewater: Fate and Removal Processes”, Physico-Chemical Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery, 75-117. DOI: 10.5772/65644.
  • Deblonde, T., Cossu-Leguille, C. and Hatemann, P., 2011. “Emerging pollutants in wastewater: A review of the literatüre”, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 214, 442-448.
  • Emmanuel, E., Keck, G., Blanchard, J., Vermande, P. and Perrodin, Y., 2004. “Toxicological effects of disinfections using sodium hypochlorite on aquatic organisms and its contribution to AOX formation in hospital wastewater”, Environment International, 30, 891-900.
  • Gulde, R., Meier, U., Schymanski, E.L., Kohler, H.P.E., Helbling, D.E., Derrer, S., Rentsch, D. and Fenner, K., 2016. “Systematic exploration of biotransformation reactions of aminecontaining micropollutants in activated sludge”, Environ. Sci. Technol., 50, 2908–2920.
  • Hernando, M.D., Mezcua, M., Fernández-Alba, A.R. and Barceló D., 2006. “Environmental risk assessment of pharmaceutical residues in wastewater effluents, surface waters and sediments”, Talanta, 69, 334-342.
  • Kolpin, D.W., Furlong, E.T., Meyer, M.T., Thurman, E.M., Zaugg, S.D., Barber, L.B. and Buxton, H.T., 2002. “Pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other organic wastewater contaminants in U.S. streams, 1999-2000: a national reconnaissance”, Environ. Sci. Technol., 36, 1202-1211.
  • Le-minh, N., Khan, S.J., Drewes, J.E. and Stuetz, R.M., 2010. “Fate of antibiotics during municipal water recycling treatment processes”, Water Res., 44, 4295-4323.Loos, R., Carvalho, R., Antonio, D.C., Comero, S., Locoro, G., Tavazzi, S., Paracchini, B., Ghiani, M., Lettieri, T., Blaha, L., Jarosova, B., Voorspoels, S., Servaes, K., Haglund, P., Fick, J., Lindberg, R.H., Schwesig, D. and Gawlik, B.M., 2013. “EU-wide monitoring survey on emerging polar organic contaminants in wastewater treatment plant effluents”, Water Res., 47, 6475-6487.
  • Luo, Y., Guo, W., Ngo, H.H., Nghiem, L.D., Hai, F.I., Zhang, J., Liang, S., 2014. “A review on the occurrence of micropollutants in the aquatic environment and their fate and removal during wastewater treatment”, Science of the Total Environment, 473-474, 619-641.
  • Markot, J., Rossi, L., Barry, D.A., Holliger, C., 2015. “A review of the fate of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants”, Wires Water, 2, 457–487.
  • Mill, T., (1980). “Data needed to predict the environmental fate of organic chemicals. In. R. Haque (ed.) Dynamics, exposure and Hazard Assesment of Toxic Chemicals”, Ann Arbor Science, Michigan, 297.
  • Muter, O., Plerkons, I., Selga, T., Berzins, A., Gudra, D., Radovica-Spalvina, L., Fridmanis, D. and Bartkevics, V., 2017. “Removal of pharmaceuticals from municipal wastewaters at laboratory scale by treatment with activated sludge and biostimulation”, Sci. Total Environ., 584-585, 402–413.
  • Nas, B., Dolu, T., Ateş, H., Argun, M.E., Yel, E., 2017. “Treatment Alternatives for Mıcropollutant Removal in Wastewater”, Selcuk Universıty Journal of Engineering Science and Technology(SUJEST), 5(2), 133-143.
  • Padhye, L.P. and Tezel, U., 2013. “Fate of Environmental Pollutants”, Water Environment Research, 85(10), 1734-1785.
  • Park, J., Yamashita, N., Wu, G. and Tanaka, H., 2017. “Removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products by ammonia oxidizing bacteria acclimated in a membrane bioreactor: contributions of cometabolism and endogenous respiration”, Sci. Total Environ., 605-606, 18–25.
  • Phillips, J.P., Schubert, C., Argue, D., Fisher, I., Furlong, E.T., Foreman, W., Gray, J. and Chalmers, A., 2015. “Concentrations of hormones, pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants in groundwater affected by septic systems in New England and New York”, Sci. Total Environ., 512, 43-54.
  • Ribeiro, A.R., Pedrosa, M., Moreira, N.F.F., Pereira, M.F.R. and Silva, A.M.T., 2015. “Environmental friendly method for urban wastewater monitoring of micropollutants defined in the Directive 2013/39/EU and Decision 2015/495/EU”, J. Chromatogr. A., 1418, 140–149.
  • Schwarzenbach, R.P., Escher, B.I., Fenner, K., Hofstetter, T.B., Johnson, C.A., Von Gunten, U. and Wehrli, B., 2006. “The challenge of micropollutants in aquatic systems”, Science, 313, 1072–1077.
  • Segura, P.A., 2011. “Quantification of carbamazepine and atrazine and screening of Suspectorganic contaminants in surface and drinking waters”, Chemosphere, 84, 1085–1094.
  • Sousa, J.C.G., Ribeiro, A.R., Barbosa, M.O., Pereira, M.F.R. and Silva, A.M.T., 2018. “A review on environmental monitoring of water organic pollutants identified by EU guidelines”, J. Hazard. Mater., 344 (Supplement C), 146–162.
  • The BEK website, 2019. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The CSB website 2019. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019. The IBM website, 2019a. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The IBM website, 2019b. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The IEIS website, 2019. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The IZAYDAS website, 2019. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The Resmigazete website, 2019a. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • The Resmigazete website, 2019b. [Online]. Available: 20 January 2019.
  • Tousova, Z., Oswald, P., J. Slobodnik, J., Blaha, L., Muz, M., Hu, M., Brack, W., Krauss, M., Di Paolo, C., Tarcai, Z., Seiler, T.B., Hollert, H., Koprivica, S., Ahel, M., Schollée, J.E., Hollender, J., Suter, M.J.F., Hidasi, A.O., Schirmer, K., Sonavane, M., Ait-Aissa, S., Creusot, N., Brion, F., Froment, J., Almeida, A.C., Thomas, K., Tollefsen, K.E., Tufi, S., Ouyang, X., Leonards, P., Lamoree, M., Torrens, V.O., Kolkman, A., Schriks, M., Spirhanzlova, P., Tindall, A. and Schulze, T., 2017. “European demonstration program on the effect-based and chemical identification and monitoring of organic pollutants in European surface waters”, Sci. Total Environ., 601, 1849–1868.
  • World Health Organization, 2012. “Pharmaceuticals in drinking-water”, France.
  • Verlicchi, P., Galletti, A., Petrovic, M. and Barcelo, D., 2010. “Hospital effluents as a source of emerging pollutants: an overview of micropollutants and sustainable treatment options”, Journal of Hydrology, 389, 416-428.
  • Vieno, N.M., H€arkki, H., Tuhkanen, T. and Kronberg, L., 2007. “Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in river water and their elimination in a pilot-scale drinking water treatment plant”, Environ. Sci. Technol., 41, 5077-5084.
  • Yang, M. and Zhang, X., 2016. “Current trends in the analysis and identification of emerging disinfection byproducts”, Trends Environ. Anal. Chem., 10, 24-34. Yaşar, A., Doğan, E.C. and Arslan, A., 2013. “Macro and Micro Pollutants and Treatment Options in Hospital Wastewaters”, Erciyes University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 29(2), 144-158.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Zeynep Ceylan 0000-0003-1231-6929

Şahin Korkmaz This is me

Publication Date August 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Ceylan, Z., & Korkmaz, Ş. (2019). Sustainable Model Study: Collection and Disposal of Waste Medications with Micropollutant Properties in the Ecosystem within the Scope of Zero Waste. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 12(2), 1116-1140.