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Year 2008, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 27 - 38, 04.03.2014


Bu çalışmada, perlit kültüründe, tohumdan çimlendirilerek bir ay boyunca
yetiştirilen soya (Glycine max (L) Merrill var. Umut 2002) bitkilerine
ortamdaki bor fazlalığının (0.1 mM) etkileri araştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonuç-
larına göre, bor fazlalığı tohum çimlenmesini olumsuz etkilememiş, 30 günlük
sürenin sonunda gövde yüksekliği bor fazlalılığına bağlı olarak artarken
kök uzunluğu azalmıştır. Bor fazlalığı bitki kök ve gövde taze ve kuru ağırlığını
artırmış ancak bu artışlar istatistiki bakımdan önemli bulunmamıştır.
Bir aylık fidelerin yapraklarında yapılan fizyolojik analizler sonucu bor fazlalığında
kontrole kıyasla IAA ve sitokininlerin hormonlarının arttığı, ABA
miktarında ise bir değişiklik olmadığı kaydedilmiştir. İlave bor uygulaması
fotosentetik verimliliği çok fazla etkilemezken, yaprak protein içeriğinin
düşmesine neden olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Akçam Oluk, E. ve Demiray, H. (2004). Bor Elementinin Sambro No:3 Ayçi- çeği (Helianthus annuus L.) Çeşidinin Büyümesi Üzerine Etkileri, Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 41(1):181-190.
  • Akçam Oluk, E., Demiray, H. ve Yardım, D. (2006). Bor Fazlalığının Ayçiçeği (Helianthus annuus No.5) Bitkisinin İn Vitro Koşullarda Kök Gelişimi ve Anatomisi Üzerine Etkileri, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fak. Derg., 43(2): 145-152.
  • Bishnoi, S. K., Kumar, B., Rani, C., Datta, K. S., Kumari, P., Sheoran, S. and Angrish, R. (2005). Changes in Protein Profile of Pigeonpea Genotypes in Response to NaCl and Boron Stres, Biologia Plantarum, 50(1):135-137.
  • Blevins, D. G. and Lukaszewski, K.M. (1994). Proposed Physiologic Functions of Boron in Plants Pertinent to Animal and Human Metabolism, Environ Health Perspect, 102 (Suppl 7):31-33.
  • Blevins, D.G. and Lukaszewski, K.M. (1998). Boron in Plant Structure and Function, Annual Review of Plant Phsiology and Plant Molekular Biology, vol.49:481-500.
  • Bowen, J. E. and Gauch, H.G. (1965). Essentiality of Boron for Dryopteris dentata and Selaginella apoda, American Fern Journal, 55:67-73.
  • Bradford, M. (1976). A Rapid and Sensitive Method for the Quantitation of Microgram Quantities of Protein Utilizing the Principle of Protein Dye Binding, Analytical Biochemistry, 72:248-254.
  • Eraslan, F., İnal A., Güneş A. ve Alpaslan M. (2007). Boron Toxicity Alters Nitrate Reductase Activity, Proline Accumulation, Membrane Permeability and Mineral Constituents of Tomato and Pepper Plants, J Plant Nutr, 30:981-994.
  • Geldner, N., Friml, J., Stierhof, Y.D., Jürgens, G. and Palme, K. (2001). Auxin Transport Inhibitors Block PIN1 Cycling and Vesicle Trafficking, Nature, 413:425–428.
  • Gezgin, S., Hamurcu M., Dursun N. ve Gökmen F. (2007). Değişik Bor Doz- ları ve Uygulama Şekillerinin Farklı Lokasyonlarda Yetiştirilen Şe- ker Pancarının Yaprak Bor İçeriği, Verim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkisi, Selçuk Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 21(42):25-35.
  • Ghanati, F., Morita, A. and Yokota, H. (2004). Deposition of Suberin in Roots of Soybean Induced by Excess Boron, Plant Science, 168:2, 397-405.
  • Gülümser, A., Odabaş, M.S. ve Özturan, Y. (2005). Fasulyede (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Yapraktan ve Topraktan Uygulanan Farklı Bor Dozları- nın Verim ve Verim Unsurlarına Etkisi, Akdeniz Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 18(2), 163-168.
  • Hoagland, D. R. and Arnon, D.J. (1950). The Water Culture Metod of Growing Plants Without Soil, California Agricultural Experiment Station, Circular No:347.
  • Kefford, N. P. (1955). The Growth Substances Separated from Plant Extracts by Chromatography. I and II, J Exp Bot, 6:129-151, 245-255.
  • Lima, M. D. R. (1998). Seed Germination of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) under Different Concentration Boron Levels, IRRIGA, 3:1, 47-54
  • Loomis, W.D. and Durst, R.W. (1992). Chemistry and Biology of Boron, BioFactors, 3:229-239.
  • Ludbrook, W. V. (1942). Effects of Various Concentrations of Boron on the Growth of Pine Seedlings, J Australian Inst Agric Sci, 8:112-114.
  • Mashayekhi, K. and Neumann, K.H. (2006). Effects of Boron on Somatic Embryogenesis of Daucus carota, Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult, 84:279-283.
  • Mothes, K. (1961). The Metabolism of Urea and Ureides, Can J Bot 39:1785– 1807.
  • Nable, R.O., Banuelos, S.G. and Paull, G.J. (1997). Boron Toxicity, Plant and Soil, 193:181-198.
  • Palme, K., Gälweiler, L. (1999). PIN-Pointing the Molecular Basis of Auxin Transport, Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2:375–381.
  • Paull, G. J., Cartwright, B. and Rathjen, A.J. (1988). Responses of Wheat and Barley Genotypes Toxic Concentrations of Soil Boron, Euphytica, 39: 137-144.
  • Reid R.J., Hayes J.E., Post A., Stangoulis J.C.R. and Graham R.D. (2004). A Critical Analysis of the Causes of Boron Toxicity in Plants, Plant Cell and Environment, 27: 1405–1414.
  • Rubery, P.H., Sheldrake A.R. (1974). Carrier Mediated Auxin Transport, Planta, 118:101–121.
  • Ruiz, J.M., Bretones, G., Baghour, M., Ragala, L., Belakbir, A. and Romero, L. (1998). Relationship Between Boron and Phenolic Metabolism in Tobacco Leaves, Phytochemistry, 48:269-272.
  • Schon, M.K. and Blevins, D.G. (1987). Boron Stem Infusions Stimulate Soybean Yield By Increasing Pods on Lateral Branches, Plant Physiol., 969-971.
  • Singh, D. K., Paul, P. K. and Ghosh, S. K. (2005). Response of Papaya to Foliar Application of Boron, Zinc and Their Combinations, Research on Crops, vol:6, No:2, 227-280.
  • Yürekli, K., Güven, A. ve Görk G., 1974, Spektrofotometre ile Hormonların Kantitatif Tayinleri Üzerine Bir Çalışma, Bitki, 1:60-68.
  • Wang, G., Römheld,V.,Li, C. and Bangerth H. (2006). Involment of Auxin and CKs in Boron Deficiency İnduced Changes in Apikal Dominance of Pea Plants, Journal of Plant Physiology, 163: 595-600.
  • Warington, K. (1923). The Effects of Boric Acid and Borax on The Broad Bean and Certain Other Plants, Ann. Bot., 37: 629-672.
  • Withman, F.H., Blaydes D.F. and Devlin, R.M. (1971). Experiments in Plant Physiology. VanNostrand Reinhold Com. New York, 55-56 p. * * * *
Year 2008, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 27 - 38, 04.03.2014



  • Akçam Oluk, E. ve Demiray, H. (2004). Bor Elementinin Sambro No:3 Ayçi- çeği (Helianthus annuus L.) Çeşidinin Büyümesi Üzerine Etkileri, Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 41(1):181-190.
  • Akçam Oluk, E., Demiray, H. ve Yardım, D. (2006). Bor Fazlalığının Ayçiçeği (Helianthus annuus No.5) Bitkisinin İn Vitro Koşullarda Kök Gelişimi ve Anatomisi Üzerine Etkileri, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fak. Derg., 43(2): 145-152.
  • Bishnoi, S. K., Kumar, B., Rani, C., Datta, K. S., Kumari, P., Sheoran, S. and Angrish, R. (2005). Changes in Protein Profile of Pigeonpea Genotypes in Response to NaCl and Boron Stres, Biologia Plantarum, 50(1):135-137.
  • Blevins, D. G. and Lukaszewski, K.M. (1994). Proposed Physiologic Functions of Boron in Plants Pertinent to Animal and Human Metabolism, Environ Health Perspect, 102 (Suppl 7):31-33.
  • Blevins, D.G. and Lukaszewski, K.M. (1998). Boron in Plant Structure and Function, Annual Review of Plant Phsiology and Plant Molekular Biology, vol.49:481-500.
  • Bowen, J. E. and Gauch, H.G. (1965). Essentiality of Boron for Dryopteris dentata and Selaginella apoda, American Fern Journal, 55:67-73.
  • Bradford, M. (1976). A Rapid and Sensitive Method for the Quantitation of Microgram Quantities of Protein Utilizing the Principle of Protein Dye Binding, Analytical Biochemistry, 72:248-254.
  • Eraslan, F., İnal A., Güneş A. ve Alpaslan M. (2007). Boron Toxicity Alters Nitrate Reductase Activity, Proline Accumulation, Membrane Permeability and Mineral Constituents of Tomato and Pepper Plants, J Plant Nutr, 30:981-994.
  • Geldner, N., Friml, J., Stierhof, Y.D., Jürgens, G. and Palme, K. (2001). Auxin Transport Inhibitors Block PIN1 Cycling and Vesicle Trafficking, Nature, 413:425–428.
  • Gezgin, S., Hamurcu M., Dursun N. ve Gökmen F. (2007). Değişik Bor Doz- ları ve Uygulama Şekillerinin Farklı Lokasyonlarda Yetiştirilen Şe- ker Pancarının Yaprak Bor İçeriği, Verim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkisi, Selçuk Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 21(42):25-35.
  • Ghanati, F., Morita, A. and Yokota, H. (2004). Deposition of Suberin in Roots of Soybean Induced by Excess Boron, Plant Science, 168:2, 397-405.
  • Gülümser, A., Odabaş, M.S. ve Özturan, Y. (2005). Fasulyede (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Yapraktan ve Topraktan Uygulanan Farklı Bor Dozları- nın Verim ve Verim Unsurlarına Etkisi, Akdeniz Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 18(2), 163-168.
  • Hoagland, D. R. and Arnon, D.J. (1950). The Water Culture Metod of Growing Plants Without Soil, California Agricultural Experiment Station, Circular No:347.
  • Kefford, N. P. (1955). The Growth Substances Separated from Plant Extracts by Chromatography. I and II, J Exp Bot, 6:129-151, 245-255.
  • Lima, M. D. R. (1998). Seed Germination of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) under Different Concentration Boron Levels, IRRIGA, 3:1, 47-54
  • Loomis, W.D. and Durst, R.W. (1992). Chemistry and Biology of Boron, BioFactors, 3:229-239.
  • Ludbrook, W. V. (1942). Effects of Various Concentrations of Boron on the Growth of Pine Seedlings, J Australian Inst Agric Sci, 8:112-114.
  • Mashayekhi, K. and Neumann, K.H. (2006). Effects of Boron on Somatic Embryogenesis of Daucus carota, Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult, 84:279-283.
  • Mothes, K. (1961). The Metabolism of Urea and Ureides, Can J Bot 39:1785– 1807.
  • Nable, R.O., Banuelos, S.G. and Paull, G.J. (1997). Boron Toxicity, Plant and Soil, 193:181-198.
  • Palme, K., Gälweiler, L. (1999). PIN-Pointing the Molecular Basis of Auxin Transport, Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2:375–381.
  • Paull, G. J., Cartwright, B. and Rathjen, A.J. (1988). Responses of Wheat and Barley Genotypes Toxic Concentrations of Soil Boron, Euphytica, 39: 137-144.
  • Reid R.J., Hayes J.E., Post A., Stangoulis J.C.R. and Graham R.D. (2004). A Critical Analysis of the Causes of Boron Toxicity in Plants, Plant Cell and Environment, 27: 1405–1414.
  • Rubery, P.H., Sheldrake A.R. (1974). Carrier Mediated Auxin Transport, Planta, 118:101–121.
  • Ruiz, J.M., Bretones, G., Baghour, M., Ragala, L., Belakbir, A. and Romero, L. (1998). Relationship Between Boron and Phenolic Metabolism in Tobacco Leaves, Phytochemistry, 48:269-272.
  • Schon, M.K. and Blevins, D.G. (1987). Boron Stem Infusions Stimulate Soybean Yield By Increasing Pods on Lateral Branches, Plant Physiol., 969-971.
  • Singh, D. K., Paul, P. K. and Ghosh, S. K. (2005). Response of Papaya to Foliar Application of Boron, Zinc and Their Combinations, Research on Crops, vol:6, No:2, 227-280.
  • Yürekli, K., Güven, A. ve Görk G., 1974, Spektrofotometre ile Hormonların Kantitatif Tayinleri Üzerine Bir Çalışma, Bitki, 1:60-68.
  • Wang, G., Römheld,V.,Li, C. and Bangerth H. (2006). Involment of Auxin and CKs in Boron Deficiency İnduced Changes in Apikal Dominance of Pea Plants, Journal of Plant Physiology, 163: 595-600.
  • Warington, K. (1923). The Effects of Boric Acid and Borax on The Broad Bean and Certain Other Plants, Ann. Bot., 37: 629-672.
  • Withman, F.H., Blaydes D.F. and Devlin, R.M. (1971). Experiments in Plant Physiology. VanNostrand Reinhold Com. New York, 55-56 p. * * * *
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Esin Oluk

Nevruz Latif This is me

Publication Date March 4, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Oluk, E., & Latif, N. (2014). SOYA FASULYESİ (GLYCINE MAX (L) MERRILL VAR. UMUT 2002) BÜYÜMESİ VE GELİŞİMİ ÜZERİNE BOR FAZLALIĞININ ETKİLERİ. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1), 27-38.