1. EÜSBED is an international refereed journal published electronically at least twice a year in June and December.
2. Scientific and original articles which have a direct relationship with the social sciences can be sent to the journal.
3. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not be published elsewhere nor submitted or considered for publication elsewhere .
4. Articles must be written in either Turkish, English, French or German.
5. After the articles are prepared in accordance with author guidelines and authors being registered in the e-journal system, they should be uploaded to the system completely.
6. Too many spelling mistakes and failure to comply with scientific requirements will be considered sufficient for the rejection of the article.
7. Articles submitted for publication in the journal go through the preliminary control. In the preliminary control phase, the compliance rules and the plagiarism rate are examined. It is then sent to at least two reviewers for their scores in terms of content and scientific contribution. The referees are not informed about the identity of the reviewers evaluating the article and nor do the reviewers know to whom the article belongs. The information of the reviewers is not mentioned in the issue of the journal.
8. In accordance with the evaluation reports from the reviewers, it will be decided to either publish the article, require revision from the author, or directly reject the article.
9. The views of the articles published in the journal are not the opinions supported by the journal. All responsibility belongs to the author of the article.
10. All rights of the articles published in the journal are reserved. They may not be reproduced in any form without the name of the journal.
11. The authors of the articles published in the journal are not paid.
12. Articles which do not comply with the publication principles will not be included in the review process.