Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 183 - 208, 28.05.2021


Maden işletme sahalarıyla tarım sahalarının çakışması sıkça yaşanabilmektedir. Tarım alanlarında madencilik konusunda en çok sorunlar zeytinlik alanlarda yaşanmaktadır. Maden alanları ile zeytin alanlarının çakışması halinde “Zeytinciliğin Islahı ve Yabanilerinin Aşılattırılması Hakkındaki Kanun” dikkate alınmaktadır. 1995 yılında bu Kanunun 20. maddesinin 1. fıkrasında yapılan değişiklik sonucunda, “Zeytinlik sahaları içinde ve bu sahalara en az 3 km mesafede zeytinyağı fabrikası hariç zeytinliklerin vegatatif ve generatif gelişmesine mani olacak kimyevi atık bırakan, toz ve duman çıkaran tesis yapılamaz ve işletilemez” hükmü öngörülmüştür. Ancak, uygulamada; gerçekleştirilecek madenciliğin zeytinliklerin vegatatif ve generatif gelişmesine engel olup olmayacağı incelenmeksizin, 3 km mesafe içerisinde madencilik faaliyetlerine izin verilmediği görülmektedir. Böylece, engellenmiş bu alanlar bir araya getirildiğinde Türkiye’de madencilik gerçekleştirilebilecek sahalar büyük ölçüde daralmıştır. Madencilikle zeytinciliği kıyaslayarak, madenciliğin zeytincilikten daha üstün olduğu ya da bunun aksini ileri sürmek yanlış bir yaklaşımdır. Zeytincilik ve madencilik ülkelerin ekonomisi için devam ettirilmesi mecburi iki farklı ekonomik faaliyettir. Sürdürülebilir kalkınma için bu faaliyetlerin birbirlerini engellemeden sürdürülmesi gerekmektedir. Dünyada Akdenize kıyısı bulunan zeytincilik sektöründe gelişmiş ülkelerin bu konudaki uygulamaları dikkate alınarak Türk maden mevzuatında gereken düzenlemelerin yapılması beklenmektedir.


  • AECOM, (2014). KOZA Gold Enterprises Inc. Kapıkaya Gold Silver Copper Mine Open Pit Mine Project Environmental Impact Assessment Application File, Bergama, Izmir, AECOM Turkey Consulting and Engineering Co. Ltd. 63 p. + Attachments.
  • AGÜB, (2020). Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Meeting. Aggregate Bulletin, 17, 6-8.
  • Anıl, M. (2015). Negative effect of olive act on mining operation. Mining Law Proceedings Book (3-4 October), Astana Publications, (pp. 423-445), Afyon, Turkey.
  • Aydın, O. (2010) Journal foreword. Journal of Mining Turkey, 8, 5.
  • Ayisi, M.K. (2017). The legal character of mineral rights under the new mining law of Kenya. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, 35 (1), 25-46.
  • Bastida, E. (2001). A review of the concept of security of mineral tenure: Issues and challenges. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, 19 (1), 31-43.
  • Bozkurt, T. (2018). Mining in the Ottoman Empire. Journal of Mining and Human, 2, 23-25.
  • Cankurtaran, Y. (2008). Mandatory permits obtained in marble and natural stone sector by Mining Law. 1st National Congress of Marble and Natural Stones (1-2 February), 3-16.
  • Çağatay, S.S., and Aliefendioğlu, Y. (2019). Land acquisition process in metal mining activities: Erzincan Province, İliç District, Çöpler Gold Mine. Social Sciences Research Journal, 8 (1), 223-241.
  • Çanga, H.E. (2005). 5177 Annotated mining law and regulations. 1st edition, Country Mining Development Foundation (YMGV), 500 p.
  • Çankaya, B. (2018). The right acquired in mining law. Turkey Miners Association (TMD) Sector News Bulletin, 69, 84-86.
  • Çevik, M., and Bağcı, İ. (2019). Land is allocated by the state to those who want to farm. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 244.
  • Dinçer, A. (2018). İMİB came together with the miners of Bursa. (News from Turkey). Country Mining Development Foundation, Journal of Mining Sector, 66, 19.
  • Efendioğlu, E. (2020). The problems of our mining and solution suggestions. Country Mining Development Foundation, Journal of Mining Sector, 76, 30.
  • İMMİB, (2008). Turkey Mining Problems and Solutions. Istanbul Mineral Exporters' Association (İMMİB), Om Publishing, Istanbul, 63 p.
  • Intarapravich, D., and Clark, A.L. (1994). Performance guarantee schemes in the minerals industry for sustainable development. Resources Policy, 20 (1), 59-69.
  • Journal of Mining Turkey, (2011). Mining Law and Regulation Implementation Seminar (YMGV), Journal of Mining Turkey, 12, 24-25.
  • Journal of Mining Turkey, (2012). After the Prime Ministry Circular. Journal of Mining Turkey, 26, 70-71.
  • Journal of Mining Turkey, (2014). Social licence for mining enterprises is a key to success for Turkey mining, oil and gas companies. Journal of Mining Turkey, 41, 38.
  • Journal of Mining Turkey, (2014). Mercury Mine and Merpa Metal entered the Olive Sector. Journal of Mining Turkey, 6, 6. Kahraman, M.M., and Dessureault, S. (2012). Mining investment in Turkey. Journal of Mining Turkey, 25, 82-84.
  • Kara, A. (2016). Author's comments. In “Ongoing problems overshadow the solutions”. Country Mining Development Foundation Journal of Mining Sector, 61, 24-25.
  • Kasapoğlu, İ. (2010a). Presentation dated February 11, 2010. In “Report of the Parliamentary Research Commission Established to Determine the Measures to be Taken by Investigating the Problems in the Mining Sector”, Term 23, Legislative Year: 4, Number: 544, Annex: 4 Commission Record Summaries, pp. 495-500.
  • Kasapoğlu, İ. (2010b). Expropriation, slander the miner, news from Turkey: Changes to the Mining Law were accepted, Journal of Mining Turkey, 8, 6-10.
  • Koruc, Ş. (2016). Journal foreword. Aggregate Bulletin, Issue 1.
  • Kömürder, (2016). Problems come across in mining and solution suggestions, Coal Producers Association (Kömürder), Şahin Mining Engineering Inc., 75 p.
  • Köse, M. (2019). Mine for life, 2nd Edition, Ankara, 154 p.
  • Köse, M., and Oygür, A.V. (2017). The importance of sustainability in gold mining. Journal of Mining Turkey, 63, 66-70.
  • Madencilik Türkiye Dergisi, (2021). Turkey Coal Enterprises obtained 7700 olive trees 6500 liters of olive oil. Journal of Mining Turkey, 92, 10.
  • MAF, (2018). Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), General Directorate of Agricultural Reform.
  • MAPEG, (2019). Mining statistics. MAPEG. (, accessed: November 20, 2019).
  • MEU, (2018). Agricultural areas used out of purpose. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (MEU), (, accessed: November 15, 2019).
  • MFWM, (2014). Turkey forest assets. Ministry of Forestry and Water Management (MFWM), General Directorate of Forestry, Department of Forest Management Planning. Ankara, 28 p.
  • Ministry of Development, (2018). Mining policy special expertise commission report. 11th Development Plan (2019-2023). Ankara, 220 p.
  • Nazka, (2014). KOZA Gold Enterprises Inc. Çanakkale Province, Centre District, Around The Village Of Serçiler And Terziler, Gold-Silver Mine Project EIA Report, Nazka Engineering Ind. Trade. Co. Ltd.
  • Onur, S. (2008). Laws, regulations and applications preventing the development of marble and natural stone sector & Solution offers. First National Marble and Natural Stones Congress (1-2 February). pp. 39-56.
  • Onur, S. (2010). Presentation dated March 03, 2010. In “Report of the Parliamentary Research Commission established to determine the measures to be taken to investigate the problems in the mining sector”, Turkish Grand National Assembly, Period 23, Annex 4, Commission Record Summaries, pp. 418-421.
  • Özel, M. (2006). Investment product analyzing and management of the mining sector. Master’s thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Science, Izmir, 307 p.
  • Pritchard, R. 2005. Safeguards for foreign investment in mining. in Bastida, E I, Waelde, T W and Warden-Fernández, J (eds) International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy: Trends and Prospects, pp.73-98, The Hague: Kluwer Law International.
  • Ronchi, S., Salata, S., Arcidiacono, A., Piroli, E.,I and Montanarella, L. (2019). Policy instruments for soil protection among the EU member states: A comparative analysis. Land Use Policy, 82, 763-780.
  • Sökmen, A. (2018). Journal preface. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 69, 5.
  • Smith, D., and Naito, K. (1998). Asian mining legislation: Policy issues and recent developments. Resources Policy, 24 (2), 125–132.
  • Şahin, M.Y. (2010). The draft law does not meet expectations. In “News from Turkey: Changes to the Mining Law were accepted.” Journal of Mining Turkey, 8, 6-10.
  • Şahin, M.B. (2021). The "derelict owners" of my beautiful country's invaluable assets. Journal of Mining Turkey, 92, 100-104.
  • Şendeniz, Y. (2002). Mining enterprises and teamwork applications (Sivas Province Example). Master thesis, Cumhuriyet University Institute of Social Sciences, Sivas, 152 p.
  • Tanrıvermiş, H. (2018). On land acquisition, expropriation, and valuation in mining activities. Journal of Mining Turkey, 75, 156-166.
  • TBMM, (2010). Report of the Parliamentary Research Commission established to determine the measures to be taken to investigate the problems in the mining sector, Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM), Period 23, Legislative year: 4, 754 p.
  • TMD, (2011). Mining, Environment, and Critical Raw Materials in the European Union. TMD, Istanbul, 170 p.
  • TMD, (2018). 3rd Turkey Miners Association Advisory Board Meeting Held. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 73, 18-20.
  • TMD, AGÜB, AMD, EİB, İMMİB, and TÜMMER, (2018). Mining problems and solution suggestions report. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 72, 23-36.
  • TMD Environment Unit, (2019). 20th TMD Environmental Unit Meeting Was Held. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 73, 62-64.
  • Topaloğlu, M. (2011). Reliability of mining licenses. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 38, 44-45.
  • Topaloğlu, M. (2016a). Mining law no. 3213 and related regulations (translation). İMMİB, 617p.
  • Topaloğlu, M. (2016b). Author's comments. In “Ongoing problems overshadow the solutions”. Country Mining Development Foundation, Journal of Mining Sector, 61, 24-25.
  • Topaloğlu, M., (2019). The need of a new mining law in Turkey. Aggregate Bulletin, 14, 16-19.
  • Tuğ, O. Ç. (2013). Mining and agriculture together: Efemçukuru Gold Mine. Journal of Mining Turkey, 32, 66-70.
  • TÜMMER, (2010). TÜMMER (Turkey Marble Natural Stone and Machinery Manufacturers Association) Tax Council Report. 96 p.
  • TÜMMER, (2017). Mining operations permission processes (presentation). TÜMMER (Turkey Marble Natural Stone and Machinery Manufacturers Association).
  • TÜMMER, İMMİB, and EİP, 2013. Marble and Natural Stone Strategic Action Plan (2011-2023). 29 p.
  • URL-1: <>, accessed: March 21, 2020.
  • Yıldız, N. (2004). Olive and mining. Chamber of Mining Engineers, Mining Bulletin, 67, 36-40.
  • Yıldız, N. (2012). Olive Regulation. YMGV, Journal of Mining Sector, 43, 54-56.
  • Yıldız, N. (2017a). Mining sector problems and solution suggestions. Journal of Mining Turkey, 61, 84-90.
  • Yıldız, N. (2017b). Olive and mining. Journal of Mining Turkey, 63, 90-96.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2013). Analysis of the changes in mining exploration activities before and after Mining Law No. 3213. 23rd International Mining Congress and Exhibition (April 16-19, 2013), Antalya, Turkey, pp.1981-1994.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2019). The share of required costs in ınvestment amounts for mining operating activities in pasture lands in Turkey. Journal of Engineering Science of Adıyaman University, 6 (10), 23-31.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020a). Forest costs paid by enterprises during investment period to carry out mining operations in forestlands. Journal of Engineering Science of Adıyaman University, 7 (12), 24-33.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020b). Recommendations for authorized administration organization in the mining operation permit process in Turkey. Trakya University Journal of Social Science, 22 (1), 117-143.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020c). Evaluation of forestland use in mining operation activities in Turkey in terms of sustainable natural resources. Land Use Policy, 96.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020d). The impacts of EIA procedure on the mining sector in the permit process of mining operating activities & Turkey analysis. Resources Policy, 67.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020e). Effects of the private land acquisition process and costs on mining enterprises before mining operation activities in Turkey. Land Use Policy, 97.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020f). Forest fees paid to permit mining extractive operations on Turkey's forestlands & the ratio to investments. Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi: Mineral Resources Management, 36 (3), 29-58.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020g). Waste management costs (WMC) of mining companies in Turkey: Can waste recovery help meeting these costs? Resources Policy, 68.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020h). Effects of operation permission processes on the mining sector. IKSAD Publishing House, first edition, 394 p.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020i). Evaluation of business license and work permit (GSM) in terms of legislation and mining sector: Can GSM license be included in the scope of EIA? Journal of Cukurova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 24 (2), 145-169.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2021). How can the effects of EIA procedures and legislation foreseen for the mining operation activities to mining change positively in Turkey? Resources Policy, 72.
  • Yıldız, T.D., Güner, M.O., and Kural, O. (2017). The effects of the mineral waste regulation in Turkey on the mining sector. 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition (April 11-14), Antalya, Turkey, pp.457-472.
  • Yıldız, T.D., and Kural, O. (2019). Costs to be required in the conflict of mining operation activities and private property land of state's treasury & evaluation of legislation. International Congress of Academic Research (16-18 September), Conference Abstracts, Bolu, Turkey, (pp. 201-202).
  • Yıldız, T.D., and Kural, O. (2020). The effects of the mining operation activities permit process on the mining sector in Turkey. Resources Policy, 69.
  • Yıldız, T.D., Kural, O., and Catan, B.E. (2019a). Permission process for perform mining operation activities in pasture areas. International 30rd August Scientific Research Symposium (August 28-31), Full Text Book of Applied Sciences, Iksad Publications, Izmir, Turkey.
  • Yıldız, T.D., Kural, O., and Aslan, Z. (2019b). Problems and solutions in relation to permits required to be perform mining operation activities in forest lands in Turkey. 1st International Şişli Science Congress, 24-25 October 2019, (159-160), Istanbul.
  • Yıldız, T.D., Kural, O., and Aslan, Z. (2020). Problems and solutions in relation to permits required to be perform mining operation activities in forest lands in Turkey. Chapter 2, Academic Studies in the Field of Science and Mathematics, (pp. 23-46), Istanbul: Gece Bookstore Publishing.
  • Yıldız, T.D., Samsunlu, A., and Kural, O. (2016). Urban development and mining in Istanbul – Ağaçli coal field and its rehabilitation. SWEMP 2016, 5-7 October, Istanbul, 29, (pp. 1-11).
  • Yeşilyurt, C. (2020). Some details on permissions. Journal of Mining Turkey, 86, 112-114.
  • YMGV, (2018). TOBB Turkey Mining Assembly convened. Country Mining Development Foundation (YMGV), Journal of Mining Sector, 69, 31.
  • YMGV, (2019). The board of trustee's meeting was held. YMGV Journal of Mining Sector, 70, 14-15.
  • Zanbak, C. (2013). Mining sector and related environmental legislation in 2013. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 49, 62-64.
  • Zanbak, C. (2015). About Regulation on Soil Pollution Control and Point Source Contaminated Sites. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 58, 64-68.
  • Ziran, Z. (1999). Natural resources planning, management, and sustainable use in China. Resources Policy, 25 (4), 211–220.
  • Zvarivadza, T. (2018). Sustainability in the mining industry: An evaluation of the National Planning Commission's diagnostic overview. Resources Policy 56, 70-77.


Year 2021, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 183 - 208, 28.05.2021


Overlapping of mining areas and agricultural areas can occur frequently. In agricultural areas, the most common problems in mining occur in olive groves. In the case of overlapping of mining areas and olive fields, the “Law on Breeding of Olives and Vaccination of Wilds” (Olive Law) is taken into consideration. As a result of the amendment made in Article 20 (1) of this Law in 1995, the following provision was envisaged: “Except for the olive oil factory located within the olive grove and at least 3 kilometers (km) from these fields, the facility that leaves chemical waste, dust and fumes that can prevent the vegetative and generative development of olive groves cannot be built and operated.” However, in practice, it is observed that mining is not allowed within 3 km without examining whether mining will prevent the vegetative and generative development of olive groves. Thus, when these banned areas are brought together, the areas where mining can be done in Turkey have been narrowed to a great extent. It is an erroneous approach to suggest that mining is superior to olive cultivation and vice versa compared to mining and olive cultivation. Olive and mining are two different economic activities that must be maintained for the country's economy. For sustainable development, these activities need to be continued without hindering each other. It is expected for necessary regulations to be made in the Turkish mining legislation by taking the applications of the countries, which have a coast to the Mediterranean and are developed in terms of olive industry, into account.


  • AECOM, (2014). KOZA Gold Enterprises Inc. Kapıkaya Gold Silver Copper Mine Open Pit Mine Project Environmental Impact Assessment Application File, Bergama, Izmir, AECOM Turkey Consulting and Engineering Co. Ltd. 63 p. + Attachments.
  • AGÜB, (2020). Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Meeting. Aggregate Bulletin, 17, 6-8.
  • Anıl, M. (2015). Negative effect of olive act on mining operation. Mining Law Proceedings Book (3-4 October), Astana Publications, (pp. 423-445), Afyon, Turkey.
  • Aydın, O. (2010) Journal foreword. Journal of Mining Turkey, 8, 5.
  • Ayisi, M.K. (2017). The legal character of mineral rights under the new mining law of Kenya. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, 35 (1), 25-46.
  • Bastida, E. (2001). A review of the concept of security of mineral tenure: Issues and challenges. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, 19 (1), 31-43.
  • Bozkurt, T. (2018). Mining in the Ottoman Empire. Journal of Mining and Human, 2, 23-25.
  • Cankurtaran, Y. (2008). Mandatory permits obtained in marble and natural stone sector by Mining Law. 1st National Congress of Marble and Natural Stones (1-2 February), 3-16.
  • Çağatay, S.S., and Aliefendioğlu, Y. (2019). Land acquisition process in metal mining activities: Erzincan Province, İliç District, Çöpler Gold Mine. Social Sciences Research Journal, 8 (1), 223-241.
  • Çanga, H.E. (2005). 5177 Annotated mining law and regulations. 1st edition, Country Mining Development Foundation (YMGV), 500 p.
  • Çankaya, B. (2018). The right acquired in mining law. Turkey Miners Association (TMD) Sector News Bulletin, 69, 84-86.
  • Çevik, M., and Bağcı, İ. (2019). Land is allocated by the state to those who want to farm. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 244.
  • Dinçer, A. (2018). İMİB came together with the miners of Bursa. (News from Turkey). Country Mining Development Foundation, Journal of Mining Sector, 66, 19.
  • Efendioğlu, E. (2020). The problems of our mining and solution suggestions. Country Mining Development Foundation, Journal of Mining Sector, 76, 30.
  • İMMİB, (2008). Turkey Mining Problems and Solutions. Istanbul Mineral Exporters' Association (İMMİB), Om Publishing, Istanbul, 63 p.
  • Intarapravich, D., and Clark, A.L. (1994). Performance guarantee schemes in the minerals industry for sustainable development. Resources Policy, 20 (1), 59-69.
  • Journal of Mining Turkey, (2011). Mining Law and Regulation Implementation Seminar (YMGV), Journal of Mining Turkey, 12, 24-25.
  • Journal of Mining Turkey, (2012). After the Prime Ministry Circular. Journal of Mining Turkey, 26, 70-71.
  • Journal of Mining Turkey, (2014). Social licence for mining enterprises is a key to success for Turkey mining, oil and gas companies. Journal of Mining Turkey, 41, 38.
  • Journal of Mining Turkey, (2014). Mercury Mine and Merpa Metal entered the Olive Sector. Journal of Mining Turkey, 6, 6. Kahraman, M.M., and Dessureault, S. (2012). Mining investment in Turkey. Journal of Mining Turkey, 25, 82-84.
  • Kara, A. (2016). Author's comments. In “Ongoing problems overshadow the solutions”. Country Mining Development Foundation Journal of Mining Sector, 61, 24-25.
  • Kasapoğlu, İ. (2010a). Presentation dated February 11, 2010. In “Report of the Parliamentary Research Commission Established to Determine the Measures to be Taken by Investigating the Problems in the Mining Sector”, Term 23, Legislative Year: 4, Number: 544, Annex: 4 Commission Record Summaries, pp. 495-500.
  • Kasapoğlu, İ. (2010b). Expropriation, slander the miner, news from Turkey: Changes to the Mining Law were accepted, Journal of Mining Turkey, 8, 6-10.
  • Koruc, Ş. (2016). Journal foreword. Aggregate Bulletin, Issue 1.
  • Kömürder, (2016). Problems come across in mining and solution suggestions, Coal Producers Association (Kömürder), Şahin Mining Engineering Inc., 75 p.
  • Köse, M. (2019). Mine for life, 2nd Edition, Ankara, 154 p.
  • Köse, M., and Oygür, A.V. (2017). The importance of sustainability in gold mining. Journal of Mining Turkey, 63, 66-70.
  • Madencilik Türkiye Dergisi, (2021). Turkey Coal Enterprises obtained 7700 olive trees 6500 liters of olive oil. Journal of Mining Turkey, 92, 10.
  • MAF, (2018). Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), General Directorate of Agricultural Reform.
  • MAPEG, (2019). Mining statistics. MAPEG. (, accessed: November 20, 2019).
  • MEU, (2018). Agricultural areas used out of purpose. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (MEU), (, accessed: November 15, 2019).
  • MFWM, (2014). Turkey forest assets. Ministry of Forestry and Water Management (MFWM), General Directorate of Forestry, Department of Forest Management Planning. Ankara, 28 p.
  • Ministry of Development, (2018). Mining policy special expertise commission report. 11th Development Plan (2019-2023). Ankara, 220 p.
  • Nazka, (2014). KOZA Gold Enterprises Inc. Çanakkale Province, Centre District, Around The Village Of Serçiler And Terziler, Gold-Silver Mine Project EIA Report, Nazka Engineering Ind. Trade. Co. Ltd.
  • Onur, S. (2008). Laws, regulations and applications preventing the development of marble and natural stone sector & Solution offers. First National Marble and Natural Stones Congress (1-2 February). pp. 39-56.
  • Onur, S. (2010). Presentation dated March 03, 2010. In “Report of the Parliamentary Research Commission established to determine the measures to be taken to investigate the problems in the mining sector”, Turkish Grand National Assembly, Period 23, Annex 4, Commission Record Summaries, pp. 418-421.
  • Özel, M. (2006). Investment product analyzing and management of the mining sector. Master’s thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Science, Izmir, 307 p.
  • Pritchard, R. 2005. Safeguards for foreign investment in mining. in Bastida, E I, Waelde, T W and Warden-Fernández, J (eds) International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy: Trends and Prospects, pp.73-98, The Hague: Kluwer Law International.
  • Ronchi, S., Salata, S., Arcidiacono, A., Piroli, E.,I and Montanarella, L. (2019). Policy instruments for soil protection among the EU member states: A comparative analysis. Land Use Policy, 82, 763-780.
  • Sökmen, A. (2018). Journal preface. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 69, 5.
  • Smith, D., and Naito, K. (1998). Asian mining legislation: Policy issues and recent developments. Resources Policy, 24 (2), 125–132.
  • Şahin, M.Y. (2010). The draft law does not meet expectations. In “News from Turkey: Changes to the Mining Law were accepted.” Journal of Mining Turkey, 8, 6-10.
  • Şahin, M.B. (2021). The "derelict owners" of my beautiful country's invaluable assets. Journal of Mining Turkey, 92, 100-104.
  • Şendeniz, Y. (2002). Mining enterprises and teamwork applications (Sivas Province Example). Master thesis, Cumhuriyet University Institute of Social Sciences, Sivas, 152 p.
  • Tanrıvermiş, H. (2018). On land acquisition, expropriation, and valuation in mining activities. Journal of Mining Turkey, 75, 156-166.
  • TBMM, (2010). Report of the Parliamentary Research Commission established to determine the measures to be taken to investigate the problems in the mining sector, Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM), Period 23, Legislative year: 4, 754 p.
  • TMD, (2011). Mining, Environment, and Critical Raw Materials in the European Union. TMD, Istanbul, 170 p.
  • TMD, (2018). 3rd Turkey Miners Association Advisory Board Meeting Held. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 73, 18-20.
  • TMD, AGÜB, AMD, EİB, İMMİB, and TÜMMER, (2018). Mining problems and solution suggestions report. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 72, 23-36.
  • TMD Environment Unit, (2019). 20th TMD Environmental Unit Meeting Was Held. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 73, 62-64.
  • Topaloğlu, M. (2011). Reliability of mining licenses. TMD Sector News Bulletin, 38, 44-45.
  • Topaloğlu, M. (2016a). Mining law no. 3213 and related regulations (translation). İMMİB, 617p.
  • Topaloğlu, M. (2016b). Author's comments. In “Ongoing problems overshadow the solutions”. Country Mining Development Foundation, Journal of Mining Sector, 61, 24-25.
  • Topaloğlu, M., (2019). The need of a new mining law in Turkey. Aggregate Bulletin, 14, 16-19.
  • Tuğ, O. Ç. (2013). Mining and agriculture together: Efemçukuru Gold Mine. Journal of Mining Turkey, 32, 66-70.
  • TÜMMER, (2010). TÜMMER (Turkey Marble Natural Stone and Machinery Manufacturers Association) Tax Council Report. 96 p.
  • TÜMMER, (2017). Mining operations permission processes (presentation). TÜMMER (Turkey Marble Natural Stone and Machinery Manufacturers Association).
  • TÜMMER, İMMİB, and EİP, 2013. Marble and Natural Stone Strategic Action Plan (2011-2023). 29 p.
  • URL-1: <>, accessed: March 21, 2020.
  • Yıldız, N. (2004). Olive and mining. Chamber of Mining Engineers, Mining Bulletin, 67, 36-40.
  • Yıldız, N. (2012). Olive Regulation. YMGV, Journal of Mining Sector, 43, 54-56.
  • Yıldız, N. (2017a). Mining sector problems and solution suggestions. Journal of Mining Turkey, 61, 84-90.
  • Yıldız, N. (2017b). Olive and mining. Journal of Mining Turkey, 63, 90-96.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2013). Analysis of the changes in mining exploration activities before and after Mining Law No. 3213. 23rd International Mining Congress and Exhibition (April 16-19, 2013), Antalya, Turkey, pp.1981-1994.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2019). The share of required costs in ınvestment amounts for mining operating activities in pasture lands in Turkey. Journal of Engineering Science of Adıyaman University, 6 (10), 23-31.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020a). Forest costs paid by enterprises during investment period to carry out mining operations in forestlands. Journal of Engineering Science of Adıyaman University, 7 (12), 24-33.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020b). Recommendations for authorized administration organization in the mining operation permit process in Turkey. Trakya University Journal of Social Science, 22 (1), 117-143.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020c). Evaluation of forestland use in mining operation activities in Turkey in terms of sustainable natural resources. Land Use Policy, 96.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020d). The impacts of EIA procedure on the mining sector in the permit process of mining operating activities & Turkey analysis. Resources Policy, 67.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020e). Effects of the private land acquisition process and costs on mining enterprises before mining operation activities in Turkey. Land Use Policy, 97.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020f). Forest fees paid to permit mining extractive operations on Turkey's forestlands & the ratio to investments. Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi: Mineral Resources Management, 36 (3), 29-58.
  • Yıldız, T.D. (2020g). Waste management costs (WMC) of mining companies in Turkey: Can waste recovery help meeting these costs? Resources Policy, 68.
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There are 89 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Public Administration, Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Taşkın Deniz Yıldız 0000-0003-4043-2257

Orhan Kural 0000-0002-8424-2052

Zehreddin Aslan 0000-0002-1619-6998

Publication Date May 28, 2021
Acceptance Date May 28, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 17 Issue: 1



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ISSN (Publish) : 1306-2174 ISSN (Electronic) : 1306-3553