Research Article
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Investigation of The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction Level and Personal Growth Initiative for Employee's

Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 51 - 67, 29.06.2022


The aim of this study is to determine whether the dimensions of job satisfaction and personal growth initiative are distinguishing factors for job satisfaction level with discriminant and logistic regression analysis. In addition, it is aimed to determine which of the dimensions of job satisfaction and personal development initiative are more important for the level of job satisfaction. The data were gathered from the employees living in Düzce by the questionnaire, which was prepared using the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale and the Personal Development Initiative Scale. Factor Analysis was applied to the data to determine the main factors affecting job satisfaction and personal development. Then, using these factors, the data were analyzed with discriminant analysis and logistic regression methods, which are multivariate statistical techniques. The findings of the study revealed that most of the employees have high job satisfaction. In addition, it was determined that internal satisfaction from the job satisfaction dimensions and the dimension of being planned from the personal development orientation dimensions were the most distinguishing factors for job satisfaction. This result was also supported by logistic regression analysis. The findings highlight the importance of internal satisfaction from the job satisfaction dimensions of the employees and being planned from the dimensions of personal development orientation in order to increase productivity of employees. It is expected that this study will give an idea to the relevant institutions and organizations to determine the elements that will increase the job satisfaction of their employees.


  • Alpar, R. (2013). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Yöntemler, 4. Baskı, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Armstrong, M. (2006). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London: Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Aydoğmuş, A. H. (2019). İş doyumu ve kişisel gelişim yönelimi arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi: Ayırma analizi (Master's thesis, İnönü Üniversitesi). Ayub, N., ve Iqbal, Sh., (2012). The relationship of personal growth initiative, psychological wellbeing and psychological distress among adolescents. Journal of Teaching and Education, 1(6), 101-107.
  • Aziri, B. (2011). Job Satisfaction: A literature Review. Management Research & Practice, 3(4), 77-86.
  • Bakker, A.B. ve Demerouti, E. (2008), “Towards a model of work engagement”, Career Development International, Vol. 13, pp. 209-223.
  • Baycan, A. (1985). An Analysis of Several Aspects of Job Satisfaction Between Different Occupational Groups, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul
  • Bhattacharya, A., ve Mehrotra, S. (2014). Personal growth initiative scale: How does it perform in Indian youth samples? Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 40(1), 122-129.
  • Branham, L. (2005). The 7 hidden reasons employees leave: how to recognize the subtle signs and act before it's too late. New York: Amacom.
  • Butler, M. ve Rose, N. (2011). Introduction to Organizational Behaviour, Edited. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development.
  • Friedman, M. ve Kandel, A. (1999). Introduction to Pattern Recognition - Statistical, Structural, Neural and Fuzzy Logic Approaches, volume 32 of Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence. WorldScientific.
  • Grant, A.M. ve Ashford, S.J. (2008), “The dynamics of proactivity at work”, Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol. 28, pp. 3-34.
  • Haque, A. U., Faizan, R., Zehra, N., Baloch, A., Nadda, V., ve Riaz, F. (2015). Leading Leadership Style to Motivate Cultural-Oriented Female Employees in IT Sector of Developing Country: IT Sectors’ Responses from Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 5(9), 280-302.
  • Haque, A., Faizan, R., ve Cockrill, A. (2017). The relationship between female representation at strategic level and fi rm’s competitiveness: evidences from cargo logistic firms of Pakistan and Canada. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 15(2), 69-81.
  • Haque, A., ve Aston, J. (2016). A relationship between occupational stress and organizational commitment of IT sector’s employees in contrasting economies. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 14(1), 95-105.
  • Hoppock, R. (1935). Job Satisfaction. Oxford, England: Harper.
  • Joshanloo, M., ve Ghaedi, Gh. (2009). Psychometric characteristics of personal growth initiative scale in university students. Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 3(2), 121-125.
  • Judge, T. A., Heller, D., ve Mount, M. K.. (2002). Five-factor model of personality and job satisfaction: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 530–54.
  • Kashubeck-West, S., ve Meyer, J. (2008). The wellbeing of women who are late deafened. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 55(4), 463- 472.
  • Kaya, E. (1995). Job satisfaction of the librarians in the developing countries. 61st IFLA General conference.
  • Kreitner, R. ve Kinicki, A. (2004). Organizational Behavior. New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Kumar, N. ve Agrawal, R.K. (2016). Two-dimensional exponential discriminant analysis for small sample size in face recognition. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 5(3):194–208.
  • Locke, E. A. (1976). The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology (pp. 1297–1349). Chicago: Rand McNally.
  • Lu, H., While, A. E. ve Barriball, K. L. (2005). Job satisfaction among nurses: a literature review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 211.
  • Marashi, H. ve Rashidian, S. (2018). EFL Teachers’ Adversity Quotient, Personal Growth Initiative, and Pedagogical Success. Journal of Teaching Language Skills (JTLS) 37(3), Fall 2018, pp. 51-97- ISSN: 2008-8191 DOI: 10.22099/jtls.2019.32783.2661.
  • Meyers, M. C., van Woerkom, M., De Reuver, R. S. M., Bakk, Z., ve Oberski, D. L. (2015). Enhancing psychological capital and personal growth initiative: Working on strengths or deficiencies. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(1), 50-62.
  • Miller, L. A. ve Muthard, J. E. (1965). Job Satisfaction and counselor performance in state rehabilitation agencies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 49, 280-283.
  • Neff, K. D., Kirkpatrick, K. L., ve Rude, S. S. (2007). Self-compassion and adaptive psychological functioning. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 139-154.
  • Ogunyemi, A., ve Mabekoje, S. (2007). Self-efficacy, risk-taking behavior and mental health as predictors of personal growth initiative among university undergraduates. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 5, 349-362.
  • Parker, S.K. ve Collins, C.G. (2010), “Taking stock: integrating and differentiating multiple proactive behaviors”, Journal of Management, Vol. 36 No. 3, pp. 633-662.
  • Peng, X., Lu, J., Yi, Z ve Rui, Y. (2016). Automatic subspace learning via principal coefficients embedding. IEEE Trans. Cybern., PP(99):1–14, 2016.
  • Pohar, M., Blas, M ve Turk, S. (2004). Comparison of Logistic Regression and Linear Discriminant Analysis: A Simulation Study. Metodološki zvezki, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004, 143-161.
  • Robbins, S. P., Odendaal, A., ve Roodt, G. (2003). Organizational Behavior. Global and Southern African Perspectives 9th ed. Cape Town: Pearson Education.
  • Robitscheck, C., ve Kashubeck, S. (1999). A structural model of parental alcoholism, family functioning, and psychological health: The mediating effects of hardiness and personal growth orientation. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 46, 159-172.
  • Robitschek, C. (1998), “Personal growth initiative: the construct and its measure”, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, Vol. 30 No. 4, pp. 183-198.
  • Robitschek, C. (2003). Validity of personal growth initiative scale scores with a Mexican American college student population. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 50(4), 496-502.
  • Robitschek, C., Ashton, M. W., Spering, C. C., Geiger, N., Byers, D., Schotts, G. C., & Thoen, M. A. (2012). Development and psychometric evaluation of the personal growth initiative scale-II. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59(2), 274–287.
  • Robitschek, C., Ashton, M.W., Spering, C.C., Geiger, N., Byers, D., Schotts, G.C. ve Thoen, M.A. (2012), “Development and psychometric evaluation of the personal growth initiative scale – II”, Journal of Counseling Psychology, Vol. 59 No. 2, pp. 274-287.
  • Robitschek, C., ve Cook, S. W. (1999). The influence of personal growth initiative and coping style on career exploration and vocational identity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54, 127-141.
  • Robitschek, C., ve Keyes, C. L. M. (2009). Keyes’s model of mental health with personal growth initiative as a parsimonious predictor. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56(2), 321-329.
  • Ryff, C. D., ve Keyes, C. L. M. (1995). The structure of psychological wellbeing revisited. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69(4), 719-727.
  • Sharma, A. ve Paliwal, K.K. (2015). Linear discriminant analysis for the small sample size problem: an overview. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 6(3):443–454.
  • Smits, S. J. (1972). Counselor Job Satisfaction and employment turnover in state rehabilitation agencies: A follow up study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 19, 512-517.
  • Stevic, C. R., ve Ward, R. M. (2008). Initiating personal growth: The role of recognition and life satisfaction on the development of college students. Social Indicators Research, 89(3), 523-534.
  • Strong, M. H., Jeannerert, P. R., McPhail, S. M. ve Bleckley, B. (1999). Work context, taxonomy and measurement of the work environment. American Psychological Association (Houston TX), 86: 12767.
  • Wan, H., Guo, G. Wang, H. ve Wei, X. (2015). A new linear discriminant analysis method to address the over-reducing problem. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, pages 65–72.
  • Weiss, D.J., R.V. Dawis, and G.W. England, Manual for the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. Minnesota studies in vocational rehabilitation, 1967.
  • Wold, S., Esbensen, K. ve Geladi, P. (1987). Principal component analysis. Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems, 2(1-3):37–52.
  • Yakunina, E.S., Weigold, I.K. ve Weigold, A. (2013), “Personal growth initiative: relations with acculturative stress and international student adjustment”, International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 62-71.
  • Yalçın, İ., ve Malkoç, A., (2013), “Kişisel Gelişim Yönelimi Ölçeği-II’nin Türkçeye Uyarlanması ve Psikometrik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”, Düşünen Adam The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 26, 158-166.
  • Yüksel, İ. (2002). Hemşirelerin iş doyum düzeyini ayırt edici iş doyum öğelerinin diskriminant analiziyle belirlenmesi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (3), 67-78.

Çalışanların İş Doyum Düzeyi ile Kişisel Gelişim Yönelimleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 51 - 67, 29.06.2022


Bu araştırmada, iş doyumu boyutları ile kişisel gelişim yönelimi boyutlarının iş doyum düzeyleri için ayırt edici öğeler olup olmadığının diskriminant ve lojistik regresyon analizi ile belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca, iş doyum boyutları ile kişisel gelişim yönelimi boyutlarından hangilerinin iş doyum düzeyi için daha önemli olduğunun belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Çalışmada; Minnesota İş Doyum Ölçeği ve Kişisel Gelişim Yönelimi Ölçeği’nden yararlanılarak hazırlanmış olan anket, Düzce’de yaşayan çalışanlara uygulanarak veriler elde edilmiştir. İş doyumu ve kişisel gelişime etki eden belli başlı faktörlerin neler olduğunu tespit etmek için verilere öncelikle faktör analizi uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra bu faktörlerden yararlanılarak, çok değişkenli istatistiksel tekniklerden diskriminant analizi ve lojistik regresyon yöntemleriyle veriler incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın bulguları çalışanların büyük bir kısmının yüksek iş doyumuna sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, iş doyum boyutlarından içsel doyumun, kişisel gelişim yönelimi boyutlarından ise planlı olma boyutunun iş doyumu için en ayırt edici öğe olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu sonuç ise, lojistik regresyon analiziyle desteklenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, çalışanların verimliliği artırmak için çalışanların iş doyum boyutlarından içsel doyumun ve kişisel gelişim yönelimi boyutlarından planlı olmanın önemini vurgulamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın, ilgili kurum ve kuruluşlara çalışanlarının iş doyumunu arttıracak öğeleri belirlemek için bir fikir vereceği beklenmektedir.


  • Alpar, R. (2013). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Yöntemler, 4. Baskı, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Armstrong, M. (2006). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London: Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Aydoğmuş, A. H. (2019). İş doyumu ve kişisel gelişim yönelimi arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi: Ayırma analizi (Master's thesis, İnönü Üniversitesi). Ayub, N., ve Iqbal, Sh., (2012). The relationship of personal growth initiative, psychological wellbeing and psychological distress among adolescents. Journal of Teaching and Education, 1(6), 101-107.
  • Aziri, B. (2011). Job Satisfaction: A literature Review. Management Research & Practice, 3(4), 77-86.
  • Bakker, A.B. ve Demerouti, E. (2008), “Towards a model of work engagement”, Career Development International, Vol. 13, pp. 209-223.
  • Baycan, A. (1985). An Analysis of Several Aspects of Job Satisfaction Between Different Occupational Groups, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul
  • Bhattacharya, A., ve Mehrotra, S. (2014). Personal growth initiative scale: How does it perform in Indian youth samples? Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 40(1), 122-129.
  • Branham, L. (2005). The 7 hidden reasons employees leave: how to recognize the subtle signs and act before it's too late. New York: Amacom.
  • Butler, M. ve Rose, N. (2011). Introduction to Organizational Behaviour, Edited. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development.
  • Friedman, M. ve Kandel, A. (1999). Introduction to Pattern Recognition - Statistical, Structural, Neural and Fuzzy Logic Approaches, volume 32 of Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence. WorldScientific.
  • Grant, A.M. ve Ashford, S.J. (2008), “The dynamics of proactivity at work”, Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol. 28, pp. 3-34.
  • Haque, A. U., Faizan, R., Zehra, N., Baloch, A., Nadda, V., ve Riaz, F. (2015). Leading Leadership Style to Motivate Cultural-Oriented Female Employees in IT Sector of Developing Country: IT Sectors’ Responses from Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 5(9), 280-302.
  • Haque, A., Faizan, R., ve Cockrill, A. (2017). The relationship between female representation at strategic level and fi rm’s competitiveness: evidences from cargo logistic firms of Pakistan and Canada. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 15(2), 69-81.
  • Haque, A., ve Aston, J. (2016). A relationship between occupational stress and organizational commitment of IT sector’s employees in contrasting economies. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 14(1), 95-105.
  • Hoppock, R. (1935). Job Satisfaction. Oxford, England: Harper.
  • Joshanloo, M., ve Ghaedi, Gh. (2009). Psychometric characteristics of personal growth initiative scale in university students. Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 3(2), 121-125.
  • Judge, T. A., Heller, D., ve Mount, M. K.. (2002). Five-factor model of personality and job satisfaction: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 530–54.
  • Kashubeck-West, S., ve Meyer, J. (2008). The wellbeing of women who are late deafened. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 55(4), 463- 472.
  • Kaya, E. (1995). Job satisfaction of the librarians in the developing countries. 61st IFLA General conference.
  • Kreitner, R. ve Kinicki, A. (2004). Organizational Behavior. New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Kumar, N. ve Agrawal, R.K. (2016). Two-dimensional exponential discriminant analysis for small sample size in face recognition. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 5(3):194–208.
  • Locke, E. A. (1976). The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology (pp. 1297–1349). Chicago: Rand McNally.
  • Lu, H., While, A. E. ve Barriball, K. L. (2005). Job satisfaction among nurses: a literature review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 211.
  • Marashi, H. ve Rashidian, S. (2018). EFL Teachers’ Adversity Quotient, Personal Growth Initiative, and Pedagogical Success. Journal of Teaching Language Skills (JTLS) 37(3), Fall 2018, pp. 51-97- ISSN: 2008-8191 DOI: 10.22099/jtls.2019.32783.2661.
  • Meyers, M. C., van Woerkom, M., De Reuver, R. S. M., Bakk, Z., ve Oberski, D. L. (2015). Enhancing psychological capital and personal growth initiative: Working on strengths or deficiencies. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(1), 50-62.
  • Miller, L. A. ve Muthard, J. E. (1965). Job Satisfaction and counselor performance in state rehabilitation agencies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 49, 280-283.
  • Neff, K. D., Kirkpatrick, K. L., ve Rude, S. S. (2007). Self-compassion and adaptive psychological functioning. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 139-154.
  • Ogunyemi, A., ve Mabekoje, S. (2007). Self-efficacy, risk-taking behavior and mental health as predictors of personal growth initiative among university undergraduates. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 5, 349-362.
  • Parker, S.K. ve Collins, C.G. (2010), “Taking stock: integrating and differentiating multiple proactive behaviors”, Journal of Management, Vol. 36 No. 3, pp. 633-662.
  • Peng, X., Lu, J., Yi, Z ve Rui, Y. (2016). Automatic subspace learning via principal coefficients embedding. IEEE Trans. Cybern., PP(99):1–14, 2016.
  • Pohar, M., Blas, M ve Turk, S. (2004). Comparison of Logistic Regression and Linear Discriminant Analysis: A Simulation Study. Metodološki zvezki, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004, 143-161.
  • Robbins, S. P., Odendaal, A., ve Roodt, G. (2003). Organizational Behavior. Global and Southern African Perspectives 9th ed. Cape Town: Pearson Education.
  • Robitscheck, C., ve Kashubeck, S. (1999). A structural model of parental alcoholism, family functioning, and psychological health: The mediating effects of hardiness and personal growth orientation. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 46, 159-172.
  • Robitschek, C. (1998), “Personal growth initiative: the construct and its measure”, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, Vol. 30 No. 4, pp. 183-198.
  • Robitschek, C. (2003). Validity of personal growth initiative scale scores with a Mexican American college student population. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 50(4), 496-502.
  • Robitschek, C., Ashton, M. W., Spering, C. C., Geiger, N., Byers, D., Schotts, G. C., & Thoen, M. A. (2012). Development and psychometric evaluation of the personal growth initiative scale-II. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59(2), 274–287.
  • Robitschek, C., Ashton, M.W., Spering, C.C., Geiger, N., Byers, D., Schotts, G.C. ve Thoen, M.A. (2012), “Development and psychometric evaluation of the personal growth initiative scale – II”, Journal of Counseling Psychology, Vol. 59 No. 2, pp. 274-287.
  • Robitschek, C., ve Cook, S. W. (1999). The influence of personal growth initiative and coping style on career exploration and vocational identity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54, 127-141.
  • Robitschek, C., ve Keyes, C. L. M. (2009). Keyes’s model of mental health with personal growth initiative as a parsimonious predictor. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56(2), 321-329.
  • Ryff, C. D., ve Keyes, C. L. M. (1995). The structure of psychological wellbeing revisited. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69(4), 719-727.
  • Sharma, A. ve Paliwal, K.K. (2015). Linear discriminant analysis for the small sample size problem: an overview. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 6(3):443–454.
  • Smits, S. J. (1972). Counselor Job Satisfaction and employment turnover in state rehabilitation agencies: A follow up study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 19, 512-517.
  • Stevic, C. R., ve Ward, R. M. (2008). Initiating personal growth: The role of recognition and life satisfaction on the development of college students. Social Indicators Research, 89(3), 523-534.
  • Strong, M. H., Jeannerert, P. R., McPhail, S. M. ve Bleckley, B. (1999). Work context, taxonomy and measurement of the work environment. American Psychological Association (Houston TX), 86: 12767.
  • Wan, H., Guo, G. Wang, H. ve Wei, X. (2015). A new linear discriminant analysis method to address the over-reducing problem. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, pages 65–72.
  • Weiss, D.J., R.V. Dawis, and G.W. England, Manual for the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. Minnesota studies in vocational rehabilitation, 1967.
  • Wold, S., Esbensen, K. ve Geladi, P. (1987). Principal component analysis. Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems, 2(1-3):37–52.
  • Yakunina, E.S., Weigold, I.K. ve Weigold, A. (2013), “Personal growth initiative: relations with acculturative stress and international student adjustment”, International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 62-71.
  • Yalçın, İ., ve Malkoç, A., (2013), “Kişisel Gelişim Yönelimi Ölçeği-II’nin Türkçeye Uyarlanması ve Psikometrik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”, Düşünen Adam The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 26, 158-166.
  • Yüksel, İ. (2002). Hemşirelerin iş doyum düzeyini ayırt edici iş doyum öğelerinin diskriminant analiziyle belirlenmesi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (3), 67-78.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Hakan Tahiri Mutlu 0000-0002-8964-2696

İsmail Durak 0000-0002-8898-9639

Early Pub Date June 29, 2022
Publication Date June 29, 2022
Acceptance Date April 4, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


APA Mutlu, H. T., & Durak, İ. (2022). Çalışanların İş Doyum Düzeyi ile Kişisel Gelişim Yönelimleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. Ekonomik Ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 18(1), 51-67.

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ISSN (Publish) : 1306-2174 ISSN (Electronic) : 1306-3553