Research Article
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Does Food Inflation Cause Suicide in Turkey?

Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 96 - 108, 30.12.2022


This study focuses on the relationship between the suicide rate and food inflation using a panel dataset in 26 NUTS-2 regions in Turkey during 2008-2019. We also analyse the effects of several socioeconomic factors, including the unemployment rate, real GDP per capita, the divorce rate, the proportion of low-educated individuals, and the number of physicians. Our estimated results show that food inflation affects the suicide rate of males and females differently. An increase in food inflation decreases the female suicide rate while it leads to a rise in the male suicide rate. A possible explanation for this finding may be that Turkish society's social roles attributed to females and males are entirely different. While an increased divorce rate hurts the male suicide rate, a rise in real GDP per capita decreases the female suicide rate. These findings are consistent with Durkheim's theory of suicide and are thought to guide future economic and social policies..


  • Akyuz, M., Karul, C., & Nazlioglu, S., (2020). Dynamics of suicide in Turkey: An empirical analysis. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 26(10), 1184–1192.
  • Albrecht, S.L. (1980). Reactions and adjustments to divorce: Differences in the experiences of males and females. Family Relations, 29(1), 59-68.
  • Alptekin, D., Alptekin, V., & Uysal, D. (2010). A var analysis of the unemployment-suicide relationship in the case of Turkey within the context of anomie theory. Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 44, 63-83.
  • Altinanahtar, A., & Halicioglu, F. (2009). A dynamic econometric model of suicides in Turkey. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 38(6), 903–907.
  • Anderson S. A. (1990). Core indicators of nutritional state for difficult-to-sample populations. Journal of Nutrition, 120:1559–1600.
  • Atasoy, B.S. (2017). Female labour force participation in Turkey: The role of traditionalism. The European Journal of Development Research, 29(4), 675-706.
  • Baechler, J. (1979). Suicides. New York: Basic Books.
  • Botha, F. (2012). The economics of suicide in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics, 80(4), 525–552.
  • Chen, Y.Y., Chen, M., Lui, C.S.M., & Yip, P.S.F. (2017). Female labour force participation and suicide rates in the world. Social Science & Medicine, 195, 61–67.
  • Coope, C., Gunnell, D., Hollingworth, W., Hawton, K., Kapur, N., Fearn, V., Wells, C., & Metcalfe, C. (2014). Suicide and the 2008 economic recession: Who is most at risk? Trends in suicides rates in England and Wales 2011-2011. Social Science & Medicine, 117, 76–85.
  • Davison, K.M., & Kaplan, B.J. (2015) Food insecurity in adults with mood disorders: prevalence estimates and associations with nutritional and psychological health. Annals of General Psychiatry, 14(21),
  • Durkheim, E. (1897). Le Suicide: Etude de socologie. Paris: F. Alcan.
  • Fortin, N.M. (2005). Gender role attitudes and the labour-market outcomes of women across OECD countries. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 21(3), 416–438.
  • Gertner, A.K., Rotter, J.S., & Shafer, P.R. (2019). Association between state minimum wage and suicide rates in the US. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 56(5), 648–654.
  • Goksel, I. (2013). Female labor force participation in Turkey: The role of conservatism. Women’s Studies International Forum, 41(1), 45-54.
  • Greenglass, E., Antonides, G., Christandl, F., Foster, G., Katter, J.K., Kaufman, B.E., & Lea, S.E. (2014). The financial crisis and its effects: Perspectives from economics and psychology. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 50, 10-12.
  • Hamermesh, D.S., & Soss, N.M. (1974). An economic theory of suicide. Journal of Political Economy, 82(1), 83–98.
  • Kaplan, J.R., Muldoon, M.F., Manuck, S.B. & Mann, J.J. (1997). Assessing the observed relationship between low cholesterol and violence-related mortality. Implications for suicide risk. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 836(1), 57–80.
  • Kidane, D., Woldemichael, A. (2020). Does inflation kill? Exposure to food inflation and child mortality. Food Policy, 92, 101838.
  • Koyanagi, A., Stubbs, B., Oh, H., Veronese, N., Smith, L., Haro, J. M., Vancampfort, D. (2019). Food insecurity (hunger) and suicide attempts among 179,771 adolescents attending school from 9 high-income, 31 middle-income, and 4 low-income countries: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 248, 91–98,
  • Jones, A. D. (2017). Food insecurity and mental health status: a global analysis of 149 countries. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 53(2), 264–273,
  • Mann, J.J. (2003). Neurobiology of suicidal behaviour. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 4(10), 819–828.
  • Maris, R.W., Berman A.L., & Maltsberger J.T. (1992). Summary and conclusions: What have we learned about suicide assessment and prediction? In R.W. Maris, A.L. Berman, J.T. Maltsberger & R.I. Yufit (Eds.), Assessment and Prediction of Suicide (pp. 640-672). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Marks, S.R. (1974). Durkheim’s theory of anomie. American Journal of Sociology, 80(2), 329–363.
  • Nolen-Hoeksema, S., & Hilt, L. M. (2009). Gender differences in depression. In I. H. Gotlib & C. L. Hammen (Eds.), Handbook of depression (pp. 386–404). The Guilford Press.
  • Pirrie, M., Harrison, L., Angeles, R., Marzanek, F., Ziesmann, A., & Agarwal, G. (2020). Poverty and food insecurity of older adults living in social housing in Ontario: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 20(1320).
  • Rambotti, S. (2020). Is there a relationship between welfare-state policies and suicide rates? Evidence from the US states, 2000-2015. Social Science & Medicine, 246, 112778.
  • Shayo F. K., & Lawala, P. S. (2019). Does food insecurity link to suicidal behaviors among in-school adolescents? Findings from the low-income country of Sub-Saharan Africa, BMC Psychiatry, 19, 227,
  • Shneidman, E.S. (2001). Comprehending suicide: Landmarks in 20th-century suicidology. Washington, US: American Psychological Association.
  • Smith, J.C., Mercy, J.A., & Warren, C.W. (1985). Comparison of suicides among Anglos and Hispanics in five southwestern states. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 15, 14–26.
  • Smith, L., Barnett, Y., López-Sánchez, G., Shin, J., Jacob, L., Butler, L., Cao, C., Yang, L., Schuch, F., Tully, M., & Koyanagi A. (2021). Food insecurity (hunger) and fast-food consumption among 180 164 adolescents aged 12–15 years from sixty-eight countries. British Journal Of Nutrition, 127(3), 1–8. ͣ
  • Solano, P., Pizzorno, E., Gallina, A.M., Mattei, C., Gabrielli, F., & Kayman, J. (2011). Employment status, inflation and suicidal behavior: An analysis of a stratified sample in Italy. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 58(5), 477-484.
  • Stack, S. (1992). The effect of divorce on suicide in Finland: A time series analysis. Journal of Marriage and Family, 54(3), 636-642.
  • Stack, S. (2000). Suicide: A 15-year review of the sociological literature part I: Cultural and economic factors. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviour, 30(2), 145-162.
  • Turecki, G., & Lalovic, A. (2005). The biology and genetics of suicidality, in: Licinio J., Wong M.L. (Eds.), Biology of Depression: From Novel Insights to Therapeutic Strategies. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 287–316.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute. (2015). Survey on income and living conditions. (accessed 28 August 2021)
  • Turkish Statistical Institute (2020). Life satisfaction survey. (accessed 28 August 2021)
  • Turkish Statistical Institute. (n.d.). Population and demography/Suicide statistics. (accessed 15 April 2021)
  • Uray, N., & Burnaz, S. (2003). An analysis of the portrayal of gender roles in Turkish television advertisements. Sex Roles, 48, 77-87.
  • Watanabe, R., Furukawa, M., Nakamura, R. and Ogura, Y. (2006) Analysis of the socioeconomic difficulties affecting the suicide rate in Japan. Kyoto Institute of Economic Research Discussion Paper.
  • World Bank Open Data. (n.d.). Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate) - Turkey. (accessed 27 August 2021)
  • World Health Organisation. (n.d.). Suicide statistics. (accessed 14 September 2021)
  • Yip, P.S.F., Yousuf, Y., Chan, C.H., Yung, T., & Wu, K.C.-C. (2015). The roles of culture and gender in the relationship between divorce and suicide risk: A meta-analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 128, 87-94.
  • Yüksel Kaptanoğlu, İ., Çavlin, A. & Akadlı Ergöçmen, B. (2015). Türkiye’de kadına yönelik aile içi şiddet araştırması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü. Retrieved from:

Gıda Enflasyonu Türkiye'de İntihara mı Yol Açıyor?

Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 96 - 108, 30.12.2022


Bu çalışma, 2008-2019 döneminde Türkiye'de 26 NUTS-2 bölgesinde bir panel veri seti kullanarak intihar oranı ve gıda enflasyonu arasındaki ilişkiye odaklanmaktadır. Ayrıca işsizlik oranı, kişi başına düşen reel GSYİH, boşanma oranı, düşük eğitimli bireylerin oranı ve doktor sayısı gibi çeşitli sosyoekonomik faktörlerin etkilerini de analiz ediyoruz. Tahmini sonuçlarımız, gıda enflasyonunun kadın ve erkeklerin intihar oranını farklı şekilde etkilediğini göstermektedir. Gıda enflasyonundaki artış kadın intihar oranını düşürürken erkek intihar oranını artırmaktadır. Bu bulgunun olası bir açıklaması, Türk toplumunun kadın ve erkeğe atfedilen toplumsal rollerinin tamamen farklı olması olabilir. Artan boşanma oranı erkek intihar oranını olumsuz etkilerken, kişi başına düşen reel GSYİH'deki artış kadın intihar oranını azaltmaktadır. Bu bulgular Durkheim'ın intihar teorisi ile tutarlıdır ve gelecekteki ekonomik ve sosyal politikalara rehberlik edeceği düşünülmektedir.


  • Akyuz, M., Karul, C., & Nazlioglu, S., (2020). Dynamics of suicide in Turkey: An empirical analysis. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 26(10), 1184–1192.
  • Albrecht, S.L. (1980). Reactions and adjustments to divorce: Differences in the experiences of males and females. Family Relations, 29(1), 59-68.
  • Alptekin, D., Alptekin, V., & Uysal, D. (2010). A var analysis of the unemployment-suicide relationship in the case of Turkey within the context of anomie theory. Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 44, 63-83.
  • Altinanahtar, A., & Halicioglu, F. (2009). A dynamic econometric model of suicides in Turkey. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 38(6), 903–907.
  • Anderson S. A. (1990). Core indicators of nutritional state for difficult-to-sample populations. Journal of Nutrition, 120:1559–1600.
  • Atasoy, B.S. (2017). Female labour force participation in Turkey: The role of traditionalism. The European Journal of Development Research, 29(4), 675-706.
  • Baechler, J. (1979). Suicides. New York: Basic Books.
  • Botha, F. (2012). The economics of suicide in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics, 80(4), 525–552.
  • Chen, Y.Y., Chen, M., Lui, C.S.M., & Yip, P.S.F. (2017). Female labour force participation and suicide rates in the world. Social Science & Medicine, 195, 61–67.
  • Coope, C., Gunnell, D., Hollingworth, W., Hawton, K., Kapur, N., Fearn, V., Wells, C., & Metcalfe, C. (2014). Suicide and the 2008 economic recession: Who is most at risk? Trends in suicides rates in England and Wales 2011-2011. Social Science & Medicine, 117, 76–85.
  • Davison, K.M., & Kaplan, B.J. (2015) Food insecurity in adults with mood disorders: prevalence estimates and associations with nutritional and psychological health. Annals of General Psychiatry, 14(21),
  • Durkheim, E. (1897). Le Suicide: Etude de socologie. Paris: F. Alcan.
  • Fortin, N.M. (2005). Gender role attitudes and the labour-market outcomes of women across OECD countries. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 21(3), 416–438.
  • Gertner, A.K., Rotter, J.S., & Shafer, P.R. (2019). Association between state minimum wage and suicide rates in the US. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 56(5), 648–654.
  • Goksel, I. (2013). Female labor force participation in Turkey: The role of conservatism. Women’s Studies International Forum, 41(1), 45-54.
  • Greenglass, E., Antonides, G., Christandl, F., Foster, G., Katter, J.K., Kaufman, B.E., & Lea, S.E. (2014). The financial crisis and its effects: Perspectives from economics and psychology. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 50, 10-12.
  • Hamermesh, D.S., & Soss, N.M. (1974). An economic theory of suicide. Journal of Political Economy, 82(1), 83–98.
  • Kaplan, J.R., Muldoon, M.F., Manuck, S.B. & Mann, J.J. (1997). Assessing the observed relationship between low cholesterol and violence-related mortality. Implications for suicide risk. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 836(1), 57–80.
  • Kidane, D., Woldemichael, A. (2020). Does inflation kill? Exposure to food inflation and child mortality. Food Policy, 92, 101838.
  • Koyanagi, A., Stubbs, B., Oh, H., Veronese, N., Smith, L., Haro, J. M., Vancampfort, D. (2019). Food insecurity (hunger) and suicide attempts among 179,771 adolescents attending school from 9 high-income, 31 middle-income, and 4 low-income countries: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 248, 91–98,
  • Jones, A. D. (2017). Food insecurity and mental health status: a global analysis of 149 countries. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 53(2), 264–273,
  • Mann, J.J. (2003). Neurobiology of suicidal behaviour. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 4(10), 819–828.
  • Maris, R.W., Berman A.L., & Maltsberger J.T. (1992). Summary and conclusions: What have we learned about suicide assessment and prediction? In R.W. Maris, A.L. Berman, J.T. Maltsberger & R.I. Yufit (Eds.), Assessment and Prediction of Suicide (pp. 640-672). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Marks, S.R. (1974). Durkheim’s theory of anomie. American Journal of Sociology, 80(2), 329–363.
  • Nolen-Hoeksema, S., & Hilt, L. M. (2009). Gender differences in depression. In I. H. Gotlib & C. L. Hammen (Eds.), Handbook of depression (pp. 386–404). The Guilford Press.
  • Pirrie, M., Harrison, L., Angeles, R., Marzanek, F., Ziesmann, A., & Agarwal, G. (2020). Poverty and food insecurity of older adults living in social housing in Ontario: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 20(1320).
  • Rambotti, S. (2020). Is there a relationship between welfare-state policies and suicide rates? Evidence from the US states, 2000-2015. Social Science & Medicine, 246, 112778.
  • Shayo F. K., & Lawala, P. S. (2019). Does food insecurity link to suicidal behaviors among in-school adolescents? Findings from the low-income country of Sub-Saharan Africa, BMC Psychiatry, 19, 227,
  • Shneidman, E.S. (2001). Comprehending suicide: Landmarks in 20th-century suicidology. Washington, US: American Psychological Association.
  • Smith, J.C., Mercy, J.A., & Warren, C.W. (1985). Comparison of suicides among Anglos and Hispanics in five southwestern states. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 15, 14–26.
  • Smith, L., Barnett, Y., López-Sánchez, G., Shin, J., Jacob, L., Butler, L., Cao, C., Yang, L., Schuch, F., Tully, M., & Koyanagi A. (2021). Food insecurity (hunger) and fast-food consumption among 180 164 adolescents aged 12–15 years from sixty-eight countries. British Journal Of Nutrition, 127(3), 1–8. ͣ
  • Solano, P., Pizzorno, E., Gallina, A.M., Mattei, C., Gabrielli, F., & Kayman, J. (2011). Employment status, inflation and suicidal behavior: An analysis of a stratified sample in Italy. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 58(5), 477-484.
  • Stack, S. (1992). The effect of divorce on suicide in Finland: A time series analysis. Journal of Marriage and Family, 54(3), 636-642.
  • Stack, S. (2000). Suicide: A 15-year review of the sociological literature part I: Cultural and economic factors. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviour, 30(2), 145-162.
  • Turecki, G., & Lalovic, A. (2005). The biology and genetics of suicidality, in: Licinio J., Wong M.L. (Eds.), Biology of Depression: From Novel Insights to Therapeutic Strategies. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 287–316.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute. (2015). Survey on income and living conditions. (accessed 28 August 2021)
  • Turkish Statistical Institute (2020). Life satisfaction survey. (accessed 28 August 2021)
  • Turkish Statistical Institute. (n.d.). Population and demography/Suicide statistics. (accessed 15 April 2021)
  • Uray, N., & Burnaz, S. (2003). An analysis of the portrayal of gender roles in Turkish television advertisements. Sex Roles, 48, 77-87.
  • Watanabe, R., Furukawa, M., Nakamura, R. and Ogura, Y. (2006) Analysis of the socioeconomic difficulties affecting the suicide rate in Japan. Kyoto Institute of Economic Research Discussion Paper.
  • World Bank Open Data. (n.d.). Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate) - Turkey. (accessed 27 August 2021)
  • World Health Organisation. (n.d.). Suicide statistics. (accessed 14 September 2021)
  • Yip, P.S.F., Yousuf, Y., Chan, C.H., Yung, T., & Wu, K.C.-C. (2015). The roles of culture and gender in the relationship between divorce and suicide risk: A meta-analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 128, 87-94.
  • Yüksel Kaptanoğlu, İ., Çavlin, A. & Akadlı Ergöçmen, B. (2015). Türkiye’de kadına yönelik aile içi şiddet araştırması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü. Retrieved from:
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

Elif Erbay 0000-0002-5224-511X

Gülşah Şentürk 0000-0002-4252-4772

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Acceptance Date December 9, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 18 Issue: 2


APA Erbay, E., & Şentürk, G. (2022). Does Food Inflation Cause Suicide in Turkey?. Ekonomik Ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 18(2), 96-108.

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ISSN (Publish) : 1306-2174 ISSN (Electronic) : 1306-3553