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Intercultural Communication According to the Principles of Hegel’s Philosophy of Logic

Year 2024, , 1567 - 1587, 24.12.2024


According to Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the fundamental tool for understanding the development of thought is logic, and Hegel’s philosophy of logic is approached in three stages: abstract logic, concrete logic, and the logic of spirit. Abstract logic examines the most basic conceptual framework of thought, while concrete logic explains how these concepts transformed into more complex thought processes. The logic of spirit analyzes how thought processes evolve in a societal and historical context. Comprehensive research on Hegel’s principles of reality and intercultural communication has not been found in the literature. Therefore, religious beliefs and cultural communication phenomena have been examined based on Hegel’s philosophy of logic. The research findings are as follows: The principles of reality are based on three basic principles: materialism, causality, and reciprocity. Understanding the interactions between religions and cultures, which represent different conceptual structures is significant in the light of these principles. The research results show that Hegel’s dialectical process explains how conflicts between different systems of thought give rise to more complex levels of thinking. This principle plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts arising from religious beliefs and cultural diversity. The principle of transforming reality emphasizes that thought is not merely a theoretical activity but also a process that impacts social reality. In this context, religious and cultural communication is not merely a mental activity but also a process that shapes reality. The principle of the unity of opposites stresses the need to see the diversity between different religions and cultures as complementary elements with the potential for mutual understanding and enrichment. I addition, the principle of the historical process and social evolution highlights the importance of considering historical and social contexts in understanding the interactions between religious and cultural beliefs and practices. This study demonstrates that Hegel’s principles of dialectical progress, transforming reality, the unity of opposites, and the historical process can be used as a functional methodology in the behavioral sciences.


  • Appiah, Kwame Anthony. Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006.
  • Bennett, Milton J. Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication: Paradigms, Principles, and Practices. Boston: Intercultural Press, 1998.
  • Berto, Francesco. “Hegel’s Dialectics as a Semantic Theory: An Analytic Reading.” European Journal of Philosophy 15, no. 1 (2007), 19–39.
  • Burbidge, John. ‘‘On Hegel’s Logic: Fragments of a Commentary.’’ Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1981.
  • Copleston, Frederick. Hegel. çev. Aziz Yardımlı. İstanbul: İdea Yayıncılık, 2010.
  • Düsing, Klaus. Ontology and Dialectic in Hegel’s Thought/The Dimensions of Hegel’s Dialectic. by Limnatis NG NY: Continuum. 2010.
  • Fritzman, J.M. Hegel, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2014.
  • Gudykunst, William B. Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Communication. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2003.
  • Harris, Errol E. An Interpretation of the Logic of Hegel. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1983.
  • Hartmann, Nicolai. Aristoteles ve Hegel- Diyalektik, Mantık, Ontoloji, çev. Saygın Günenç. Ankara: Fol Yayıncılık, 2021.
  • Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Felsefi Bilimler Ansiklopedisi I: Mantık Bilimi. çev. Aziz Yardımlı. İstanbul: İdea Yayınları, 1991.
  • Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Hegel’s Science of Logic. Çev. W. H. Jonston ve L. G. Struthers. New York: Humanities Press, 1966.
  • Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Mantık Bilimi (Sözel Zusatze ile Birlikte), Felsefi Bilimler Ansiklopedisi I. İstanbul: İdea Yayınları, 2014.
  • Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Phenomenology of Spirit. çev. Arthur V. Miller, New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.
  • Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. The Science of Logic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Houlgate, Stephen. The Opening of Hegel’s Logic: From Being to Infinity. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2006.
  • Kaufmann, Walter Arnold. Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts, and Commentary. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company Inc., 1965.
  • Kim, Young Yun. Becoming Intercultural: An Integrative Theory of Communication and Cross-Cultural Adaptation. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2001.
  • Lectures on the History of Philosophy [Geschichte der Philosophie], in three volumes, translated by E.S. Haldane and Frances H. Simson, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1974.
  • Margolis, Joseph. “The Greening of Hegel’s Dialectical Logic.” The Dimensions of Hegel’s Dialectic. Ed. Nectarios G. Limnatis. London: Continuum, 2010.
  • Ng, Karen. Hegel’s Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
  • Pinkard, Terry, Hegel‟s Phenomenology: Sociality of Reason. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  • Pippin, Robert B. Hegel’s Idealism: The Satisfactions of Self-Consciousness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
  • Redding, Paul. “Findlay’s Hegel: Idealism as Modal Actualism.” Critical Horizons 18, no. 2 (2017), 359–377.
  • Said, Edward W. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Vintage Books, 1993.
  • Stern, Robert. Hegel and the Phenomenology of Spirit. London: Routledge 2002.
  • Stewart, Jon. “Hegel’s Doctrine of Determinate Negation: An Example from ‘Sense-certainty’ and ‘Perception’.” Idealistic Studies 26/1 (1996), 57–78.
  • Uslu, Ferit. “Hegel’in Mantık Öğretisi: Hegel Mantığının Metafiziksel Temelleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme.” Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 1/2 (Aralık 2002), 229-252.
  • Walter Terence, Stace, The Philosophy Of Hegel: A Systematic Exposition. New York: Dover Publications, 1955.

Hegel Mantık Felsefesi İlkelerine Göre Kültürlerarası İletişim

Year 2024, , 1567 - 1587, 24.12.2024


Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’e göre düşüncenin gelişimini anlamanın temel aracı mantıktır ve Hegel’in mantık felsefesi üç aşamada ele alınır: soyut mantık, somut mantık ve tin mantığı. Soyut mantık, düşüncenin en temel kavramsal çerçevesini incelerken, somut mantık bu kavramların daha karmaşık düşünce süreçlerine nasıl dönüştüğünü açıklar. Tin mantığı ise düşünce süreçlerinin toplumsal ve tarihsel bağlamda nasıl evrildiğini analiz eder. Literatürde Hegel’in gerçeklik ilkeleri ve kültürlerarası iletişim üzerine kapsamlı bir araştırma bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle dini inançlar ve kültürel iletişim olguları, Hegel’in mantık felsefesi temelinde incelenmiştir. Araştırma bulguları şu şekildedir: Gerçeklik ilkeleri, üç temel ilkeye dayanmaktadır: maddecilik, nedensellik ve karşılıklılık. Farklı kavramsal yapıları temsil eden dinler ve kültürler arasındaki etkileşimleri anlamak, bu ilkeler ışığında önemlidir. Araştırma sonuçları, Hegel’in diyalektik sürecinin farklı düşünce sistemleri arasındaki çatışmaların daha karmaşık düşünce seviyelerine nasıl yol açtığını açıkladığını göstermektedir. Bu ilke, dini inançlardan ve kültürel çeşitlilikten kaynaklanan çatışmaların çözümünde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Gerçekliğin dönüşümü ilkesi, düşüncenin sadece teorik bir faaliyet olmadığını, aynı zamanda toplumsal gerçekliği etkileyen bir süreç olduğunu vurgular. Bu bağlamda, dini ve kültürel iletişim yalnızca zihinsel bir faaliyet değil, aynı zamanda gerçekliği şekillendiren bir süreçtir. Zıtlıkların birliği ilkesi, farklı dinler ve kültürler arasındaki çeşitliliğin, karşılıklı anlayış ve zenginleşme potansiyeli olan tamamlayıcı unsurlar olarak görülmesi gerektiğini vurgular. Ayrıca, tarihsel süreç ve toplumsal evrim ilkesi, dini ve kültürel inançlar ve pratikler arasındaki etkileşimleri anlamada tarihsel ve toplumsal bağlamların göz önünde bulundurulmasının önemini vurgular. Bu çalışma, Hegel’in diyalektik ilerleme, gerçekliğin dönüşümü, zıtlıkların birliği ve tarihsel süreç ilkelerinin, davranış bilimlerinde işlevsel bir metodoloji olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Appiah, Kwame Anthony. Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006.
  • Bennett, Milton J. Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication: Paradigms, Principles, and Practices. Boston: Intercultural Press, 1998.
  • Berto, Francesco. “Hegel’s Dialectics as a Semantic Theory: An Analytic Reading.” European Journal of Philosophy 15, no. 1 (2007), 19–39.
  • Burbidge, John. ‘‘On Hegel’s Logic: Fragments of a Commentary.’’ Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1981.
  • Copleston, Frederick. Hegel. çev. Aziz Yardımlı. İstanbul: İdea Yayıncılık, 2010.
  • Düsing, Klaus. Ontology and Dialectic in Hegel’s Thought/The Dimensions of Hegel’s Dialectic. by Limnatis NG NY: Continuum. 2010.
  • Fritzman, J.M. Hegel, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2014.
  • Gudykunst, William B. Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Communication. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2003.
  • Harris, Errol E. An Interpretation of the Logic of Hegel. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1983.
  • Hartmann, Nicolai. Aristoteles ve Hegel- Diyalektik, Mantık, Ontoloji, çev. Saygın Günenç. Ankara: Fol Yayıncılık, 2021.
  • Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Felsefi Bilimler Ansiklopedisi I: Mantık Bilimi. çev. Aziz Yardımlı. İstanbul: İdea Yayınları, 1991.
  • Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Hegel’s Science of Logic. Çev. W. H. Jonston ve L. G. Struthers. New York: Humanities Press, 1966.
  • Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Mantık Bilimi (Sözel Zusatze ile Birlikte), Felsefi Bilimler Ansiklopedisi I. İstanbul: İdea Yayınları, 2014.
  • Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Phenomenology of Spirit. çev. Arthur V. Miller, New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.
  • Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. The Science of Logic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Houlgate, Stephen. The Opening of Hegel’s Logic: From Being to Infinity. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2006.
  • Kaufmann, Walter Arnold. Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts, and Commentary. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company Inc., 1965.
  • Kim, Young Yun. Becoming Intercultural: An Integrative Theory of Communication and Cross-Cultural Adaptation. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2001.
  • Lectures on the History of Philosophy [Geschichte der Philosophie], in three volumes, translated by E.S. Haldane and Frances H. Simson, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1974.
  • Margolis, Joseph. “The Greening of Hegel’s Dialectical Logic.” The Dimensions of Hegel’s Dialectic. Ed. Nectarios G. Limnatis. London: Continuum, 2010.
  • Ng, Karen. Hegel’s Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
  • Pinkard, Terry, Hegel‟s Phenomenology: Sociality of Reason. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  • Pippin, Robert B. Hegel’s Idealism: The Satisfactions of Self-Consciousness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
  • Redding, Paul. “Findlay’s Hegel: Idealism as Modal Actualism.” Critical Horizons 18, no. 2 (2017), 359–377.
  • Said, Edward W. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Vintage Books, 1993.
  • Stern, Robert. Hegel and the Phenomenology of Spirit. London: Routledge 2002.
  • Stewart, Jon. “Hegel’s Doctrine of Determinate Negation: An Example from ‘Sense-certainty’ and ‘Perception’.” Idealistic Studies 26/1 (1996), 57–78.
  • Uslu, Ferit. “Hegel’in Mantık Öğretisi: Hegel Mantığının Metafiziksel Temelleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme.” Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 1/2 (Aralık 2002), 229-252.
  • Walter Terence, Stace, The Philosophy Of Hegel: A Systematic Exposition. New York: Dover Publications, 1955.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology of Culture, Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Nurgül Ergül 0000-0002-9473-1474

Publication Date December 24, 2024
Submission Date April 16, 2024
Acceptance Date November 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


ISNAD Ergül, Nurgül. “Intercultural Communication According to the Principles of Hegel’s Philosophy of Logic”. Eskiyeni 55 (December 2024), 1567-1587.
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