Research Article
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Eğitim Planlaması: Mahiyet, İlkeler ve Temel Ölçütler

Year 2016, Issue: 32, 131 - 166, 30.05.2016


makalede eğitim planlamasının tanımı üzerinde durulmakta ve onun belli amaçları
karşılamak üzere etkili bir araç olduğu vurgulanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bazı
araştırmacılar eğitim planlamasının tarihsel, sosyal, siyasal ve ekonomik
sonuçlarının ve ölçütlerinin dikkate alınması gerektiğini savunmaktadırlar.
Araştırma aynı zamanda planlamanın öneminin yanında onun ilkelerini de ele
almaktadır: Gerçeklik, esneklik, süreklilik, tamamlayıcılılık, tutarlılık. Yine
amaçlar, boyutlar ve karar alma kaynakları da incelenmektedir. Eğitim
planlamasının uygarlık, tarih, toplum, ekonomi, eğitim ve uluslararası durum
ölçütleri de makalede yer almaktadır. Son olarak eğitim planlamasının büyük
öneme haiz olmasından dolayı her bir planda bir dizi koşulun yerine getirilmesi
gerektiği ifade edilmektedir. Hala cevaplanmamış olarak kalan soruların da
ilerideki çalışmalarda çözümlenmesi ümit edilmektedir.


  • Philip H.Coombs: Qu’est-ce que la planification de l’éducation? UNESCO; Institut International de Planification de l’Education, Paris, 1970.
  • Gordon. C.Ruscoe: Planification de l’éducation: les conditions de réussite, UNESCO; Institut International de Planification de l’Education, Paris,

Education Planning. Characteristics, Principles, and the Key Standards

Year 2016, Issue: 32, 131 - 166, 30.05.2016


In the article the author tries to settle on the
definition of educational planning; describing it as an effective tool to meet
specific objectives and regarding it as a set of procedural operations
performed according to predefined steps and time.  Some researchers take  it as an educational policy which should take
into account effects and standards would they be historical, social, political,
economic or others.  It is also a means
to make change within society in order to conduct social, economic and
political development through means. The paper also deals with its principles
as well as the importance of planning: reality, flexibility, continuity,
comprehensibility, complementarity, cohesion and future.In addition to that,
the article examines its types through; objectives, dimensions and decision
sources. The paper deals with the various standards of educational planning,
namely civilization, historical, social, economic, educational and
international standards. Finally, it has been concluded that since planning is
of a great importance there must be a set of conditions in every educational
plan. Some questions will remain unanswered. We expect answer them in the
upcoming studies. 


  • Philip H.Coombs: Qu’est-ce que la planification de l’éducation? UNESCO; Institut International de Planification de l’Education, Paris, 1970.
  • Gordon. C.Ruscoe: Planification de l’éducation: les conditions de réussite, UNESCO; Institut International de Planification de l’Education, Paris,

التّخطيط التّربويّ: ماهيته، مبادئه، ومعاييره الأساسيّة

Year 2016, Issue: 32, 131 - 166, 30.05.2016


ثمّة جدال بأنّ عملية التخطيط التربوي عملية ضرورية لأي فرد أو موظّف أو أي مؤسسة. فهو السند الوحيد لتحقيق النجاح والتحكّم في الأداء، والتميز في العمل لدى أي مسؤول أو مشرف تربوي أو معلّم. فبدونه يقع الإنسان في العشوائية والارتجالية وتبديد الطّاقات وامتلاك الإمكانات وضياع الجهد، وإهدار الوقت وتبديد الموارد المادية والبشرية.


  • Philip H.Coombs: Qu’est-ce que la planification de l’éducation? UNESCO; Institut International de Planification de l’Education, Paris, 1970.
  • Gordon. C.Ruscoe: Planification de l’éducation: les conditions de réussite, UNESCO; Institut International de Planification de l’Education, Paris,
There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language Arabic
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Research

كمال فرحاوي This is me

Publication Date May 30, 2016
Submission Date January 5, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Issue: 32


ISNAD فرحاوي كمال. “التّخطيط التّربويّ: ماهيته، مبادئه، ومعاييره الأساسيّة”. Eskiyeni 32 (May 2016), 131-166.