Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 18 Issue: 69, 90 - 104, 15.01.2019


Bu çalışma Kuzeybatı Anadolu Biga
Yarımadası (Antik Troas Bölgesi) güneybatı ucunda bulunan Apollon Smintheus
Kutsal Alanı (Smintheion) kazıları sırasında ortaya çıkan Erken Kalkolitik 2 ve
Orta Kalkolitik dönem yerleşimleri buluntusu (Gülpınar II ve Gülpınar III)
öğütme taşlarının öncül kalıntı analiz sonuçlarını sunmaktadır. Erken
Kalkolitik 2 dönemine ait Gülpınar II yerleşimi radyokarbon tarihlemesine göre
M.Ö. 5320-4940 tarihlerine sahipken bunun üzerine kurulan Orta Kalkolitik
dönemine ait Gülpınar III yerleşimi M.Ö. 4930 ve 4450 arası radyokarbon
tarihlerine sahiptir. Gülpınar’da 2004 ve 2014 yılları arasında
gerçekleştirilen 11 yıllık kazı sezonunda toplam 453 adet sürtme taş alet ve
obje gün ışığına çıkarılmıştır. Bu çalışma ise Erken Kalkolitik 2 ve Orta
Kalkolitik döneme ait 28 adet öğütme taşının kalıntı izi analizinden

Son yıllarda arkeoloji biliminde taş aletler üzerinde kimyasal
kalıntı izi analizleri yapılması yaygın bir uygulama olarak görülmektedir.
Prehistorik Gülpınar öğütme taşlarının analizinde yaygın olarak kullanılan Gaz
Kromatografisi/Kütle Spektro-metresi (GC-MS) kalıntı analizi metodu tercih
edilmiştir. Kalkolitik Gülpınar örneklerinden elde edilen analiz ve ön değerlendirme
sonuçları bu çalışmanın ana hatlarını oluşturmaktadır. Analiz sonuçları
yenilebilir tohum ve tahılların içeriğinde eser miktarda bulunan pentakosan ve heptakosan gibi esansiyel yağlar ile ana yağ asitlerinden olan
oktadekanoik (stearik) ve palmitik (oleik) lipit organik kalıntıları belirgin
ölçüde tespit edilmiştir. Palmitik asit süt ürünleri ve hayvansal kökenli
yağlarda bolca bulunan ana bileşenlerinden biridir. Analiz sonuçlarının prehistorik
toplumların organik ve inorganik ham maddeleri nasıl bir öğütme işlemine tabi
tuttuklarını açıklamayı amaçlayan yaklaşımlara katkı sunması beklenmektedir.


  • Akpınar, N., Akpınar, M. A. & Türkoğlu, Ş. 2001, Total lipid content and fatty acid composition of the seeds of some Vicia L. species. Food Chemistry, 74(4): 449-453.
  • Bağcı, E. & Şahin, A. 2004, Fatty acid patterns of the seed oils of some Lathyrus species L.(Papilionideae) from Turkey, a chemotaxonomic approach. Pakistan Journal of Botanics, 36: 403-413.
  • Barber, E. J. W. 1991, Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages with Special Reference to the Aegean. Princeton University Press,
  • Baysal, A. & Wright, K. I. 2005, Cooking, Crafts and Curation:Ground-stone Artefacts from Çatalhöyük. In: Changing materialities at Çatalhöyük: reports from the 1995-99 seasons, (Hodder, I.,Ed.), Monographs of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge; British Institute for Archaeology at Ankara, Cambridge: p. 307-332.
  • Bean, J. L. & Saubel, K. S. 1972, Temalpakh: Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage ofPlants. Malki Museum Press, Banning, California.
  • Biers, W. R. & Mcgovern, P. E. 1990, Organic contents of ancient vessels: materials analysis and archaeological investigation. MASCA, the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania,
  • Buonasera, T. 2005, Fatty acid analysis of prehistoric burned rocks: a case study from central California. Journal of Archaeological Science, 32(6): 957-965.
  • Buonasera, T. 2007, Investigating the presence of ancient absorbed organic residues in groundstone using GC–MS and other analytical techniques: a residue study of several prehistoric milling tools from central California. Journal of Archaeological Science, 34(9): 1379-1390.
  • Burton, M. 2003, Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of organic residues in ceramic and ground stone artifacts from INY-1317 and INY- 1991. . In: Lacustrian Lifestyles Along Owens Lake: NRHP Evaluation of 15 Prehistoric Sites for the Olancha/Cartago Four-Lane Project, U.S. Route 395. Department of Transportation, Central California Cultural Resources Branch, Inyo County, (Byrd, B. F. & Hale, M.Eds.), California: p. 515-535.
  • Charters, S., Evershed, R., Goad, L., Leyden, A., Blinkhorn, P. & Denham, V. 1993, Quantification and distribution of lipid in archaeological ceramics: implications for sampling potsherds for organic residue analysis and the classification of vessel use. Archaeometry, 35(2): 211-223.
  • Christie, W. W. 1973, Lipid analysis. Pergamon Press Oxford,
  • Colombini, M. P., Modugno, F. & Ribechini, E. 2009, GC/MS in the Characterization of Lipids. In: Organic Mass Spectrometry in Art and Archaeology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, p. 189-213.
  • Condamin, J. & Formenti, F. 1978, Detection du contenu d'amphores antiques (huiles, vin) etude methodologique. Revue d'archéométrie, 2(1): 43-58.
  • Condamin, J., Formenti, F., Metais, M. O., Michel, M. & Blond, P. 1976, The application of gas chromatography to the tracing of oil in ancient amphorae. Archaeometry, 18(2): 195-201., O. E. 2002, The development of dairying in Europe: potential evidence from food residues on ceramics. Documenta Praehistorica, 29: 97-107.
  • Ertuǧ, F. 2000, Linseed Oil and Oil Mills in Central Turkey Flax/Linum and Eruca, Important Oil Plants of Anatolia. Anatolian Studies, 50: 171-185.
  • Evans, J. 1990, Come back King Alfred, all is forgiven! In: Organic contents of ancient vessels: materials analysis and archaeological investigation: MASCA research papers in science and archaeology, the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania., (Biers, W. R. & McGovern, P. E.Eds.), p. 7-9.
  • Evershed, R. P., Heron, C., Charters, S. & Goad, L. J. 1992, The Survival of Food Residues: New Methods of Analysis, Interpretation and Application. New Developments in Archaeological Science. Proceedings of the British Academy, 77: 187-208.
  • Evershed, R. P., Heron, C. & Goad., L. J. 1990, Analysis of organic residues of archaeological origin by high temperature gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Analyst, 115: 1339-1342.
  • Formenti, F. & Procopiou, H. 1998, Analyse chromatographique des acides gras sur l’outillage de mouture et de broyage : apport et limites. Cahiers de l’Euphrate 8: 151-176.
  • Fullagar, R., Furby, J. & Hardy, B. 1996, Residues on stone artefacts: state of a scientific art. Antiquity, 70(270): 740-745.
  • Fullagar, R. & Matheson, C. 2014, Stone Tool Usewear and Residue Analysis. In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, (Smith, C.,Ed.), Springer New York, p. 7062-7065.
  • Gallasch, B. A. & Spiteller, G. 2000, Synthesis of 9,12-Dioxo-10(Z)-dodecenoic acid, a new fatty acid metabolite derived from 9-hydroperoxy-10,12-octadecadienoic acid in lentil seed (Lens culinaris medik.). Lipids, 35(9): 953-60.
  • Gatade, A. A., Ranveer, R. C. & Sahoo, A. K. 2013, Nutritional Analysis, Total Phenolic Content, Free Radical Scavenging Activity And Phytochemical Analysis Of Leaves Powder Of Moringa Oleifera (Drumstick) And Cicer Arietinum (Chick Pea). International Journal of Pharma & Bio Sciences, 4(3): 922-933.
  • Gunstone, F. D. 1999, Fatty Acid and Lipid Chemistry Aspen Publishers, Maryland.
  • Halstead, P. & Jones, G. 1980, Early Neolithic Economy in Thessaly-Some Evidence from Excavations at Prodhromos. Anthropoloyika, 1: 93-117.
  • Harwood, J. L. & Russell, N. J. 1984, Lipids in Plants and Microbes. George Allen&Unwin, London.
  • Hillman, G., Wales, S., Mclaren, F., Evans, J. & Butler, A. 1993, Identifying Problematic Remains of Ancient Plant Foods: A Comparison of the Role of Chemical, Histological and Morphological Criteria. World Archaeology, 25(1): 94-121.
  • James, A. T. & Martin, A. J. P. 1952, Gas-liquid partition chromatography: the separation and micro-estimation of volatile fatty acids from formic acid to dodecanoic acid. Biochemical Journal, 50(5): 679-690.
  • Jones, C. E. R. 1989, Archeo Chemistry fact or fancy ? In: The prehistory of Wadi Kubbaniya, vol. 2 : Paleoeconomy, environment and stratigraphy, (Wendorf, F., Schild, R. & Close, A. E.Eds.), Southern Methodist University Press, Dallas: p. 260-266.
  • Kates, M. 1986, Techniques of Lipidology: Isolation, Analysis, and Identification of Lipids. Elsevier,
  • Kikalishvili, B., Zurabashvili, D., Turabelidze, D., Shanidze, L. & Parulava, G. 2014, The Fatty Acid composition of ordinary flax seed oil (linum usitatissimum L.) cultivated in georgia and its byological activity. Georgian medical news, (227): 86-88.
  • Kökten, K., Koçak, A., Bağcı, E., Akçura, M. & Çelik, S. 2010, Tannin, protein contents and fatty acid compositions of the seeds of several Vicia L. species from Turkey. Grasas Y Aceites, 61(4):
  • Kroll, H. 1979, Kulturpflanzen aus Dimini In: Festschrift Maria Hopf, vol. 8, Archaeo-Physika, (Körber- Grohne, U.,Ed.), Rheinland-Verlag, Köln: p. 173-189.
  • Lazarević, J., Radulović, N., Palić, R. & Zlatković, B. 2010, Chemical Analysis of Volatile Constituents of Berula erecta (Hudson) Coville subsp. erecta (Apiaceae) From Serbia. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 22(2): 153-156.
  • León, L., Uceda, M., Jiménez, A., Martín, L. & Rallo, L. 2004, Variability of fatty acid composition in olive (Olea europaea L.) progenies. Spanish journal of agricultural research, 2(3): 353-359.
  • Malainey, M. E., Przybylski, R. & Sherriff, B. L. 1999a, The fatty acid composition of native food plants and animals of western Canada. Journal of Archaeological Science, 26(1): 83-94.
  • Malainey, M. E., Przybylski, R. & Sherriff, B. L. 1999b, Identifying the former contents of late precontact period pottery vessels from western Canada using gas chromatography. Journal of Archaeological Science, 26(4): 425-438.
  • Marchbanks, M. L. 1989, Lipid Analysis in Archaeology: An Initial Study of Ceramics and Subsistence at the George C. Davis Site. Master Thesis no.1989 M332 at the department of Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin,
  • Mclaren, F. & Evans, J. 2002, Unlocking the secret of the stones: Chemical Methods to find tool usage in the old World. In: Moudre et broyer II: Archéologie et histoire, (Procopiou, H. & René TreuilEds.), CTHS, Paris: p. 129-137.
  • Mclaren, F. S., Evans, J. & Hillman, G. C. 1991, Identification of charred seeds from Epipalaeolithic sites of S.W. Asia. In: Archaeometry '90: Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Heidelberg, 1990, (Pernick, E. & Wagner, G. A.Eds.), Basel, Birkhaüser: p. 797-806. Miller, N. F. 1991, The Near East. In: in Progress in old world palaeoethnobotany, (van Zeist, W., Wasylikowa, K. & Behre, K. E.Eds.), A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam: p. 133-160.
  • Mottram, H. R., Dudd, S. N., Lawrence, G., Stott, A. W. & Evershed, R. P. 1999, New chromatographic, mass spectrometric and stable isotope approaches to the classification of degraded animal fats preserved in archaeological pottery. Journal of Chromatography A, 833(2): 209-221.
  • Nesbitt, M. 1996, Chalcolithic crops from Kuruçay Höyük: an interim report. In: Kuruçay Höyük II, (Duru, R.,Ed.), Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara: p. 88-93.
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Year 2019, Volume: 18 Issue: 69, 90 - 104, 15.01.2019


This study presents the preliminary results of residue
analysis of grinding stones recovered from the Early Chalcolithic 2 and Middle
Chalcolithic period settlements (Gülpınar II and Gülpınar III) in the Sanctuary
of Apollo Smintheus (Smintheion), located in the southwestern corner of the
modern Biga Peninsula (Ancient Troad) in north-western Anatolia. The Early
Chalcolithic 2 period settlement at Gülpınar II has been dated to 5320-4940 BC,
while the Middle Chalcolithic period settlement at Gülpınar III superimposing
it has radiocarbon dates ranging between 4930 and 4450 BC. Excavations at Chalcolithic
Gülpınar between 2004 and 2014 revealed a total of 453 ground stone tools. This
work in this context residue analyze of total of 28 grinding stones that were
uncovered from these two Early Chalcolithic 2 and Middle Chalcolithic cultural

Chemical analysis of residue on stone tools has become a
common research technique used in archaeology science. Chemical residues in and
on the working surface of used grinding tools lead us to consider the context
of the tool usage. The widely-used Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
method was selected for analyses of the grinding stones from Chalcolithic
Gülpınar. The chemical analysis and preliminary results obtained from Gülpınar
samples are outlined in this study. Results show evidence of the distinctive
lipid organic residues pentacosane
and heptacosane as minor and trace
constituents in some of the essential oils of edible crops and the major fatty
acids of octadecanoic (stearic) and palmitic (oleic). Palmitic acid is also
a major component of the oil found in dairy products and abundant in animal
fat. These results may contribute to approaches that aim to explain how
prehistoric societies carried out processing of organic and inorganic raw


  • Akpınar, N., Akpınar, M. A. & Türkoğlu, Ş. 2001, Total lipid content and fatty acid composition of the seeds of some Vicia L. species. Food Chemistry, 74(4): 449-453.
  • Bağcı, E. & Şahin, A. 2004, Fatty acid patterns of the seed oils of some Lathyrus species L.(Papilionideae) from Turkey, a chemotaxonomic approach. Pakistan Journal of Botanics, 36: 403-413.
  • Barber, E. J. W. 1991, Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages with Special Reference to the Aegean. Princeton University Press,
  • Baysal, A. & Wright, K. I. 2005, Cooking, Crafts and Curation:Ground-stone Artefacts from Çatalhöyük. In: Changing materialities at Çatalhöyük: reports from the 1995-99 seasons, (Hodder, I.,Ed.), Monographs of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge; British Institute for Archaeology at Ankara, Cambridge: p. 307-332.
  • Bean, J. L. & Saubel, K. S. 1972, Temalpakh: Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage ofPlants. Malki Museum Press, Banning, California.
  • Biers, W. R. & Mcgovern, P. E. 1990, Organic contents of ancient vessels: materials analysis and archaeological investigation. MASCA, the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania,
  • Buonasera, T. 2005, Fatty acid analysis of prehistoric burned rocks: a case study from central California. Journal of Archaeological Science, 32(6): 957-965.
  • Buonasera, T. 2007, Investigating the presence of ancient absorbed organic residues in groundstone using GC–MS and other analytical techniques: a residue study of several prehistoric milling tools from central California. Journal of Archaeological Science, 34(9): 1379-1390.
  • Burton, M. 2003, Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of organic residues in ceramic and ground stone artifacts from INY-1317 and INY- 1991. . In: Lacustrian Lifestyles Along Owens Lake: NRHP Evaluation of 15 Prehistoric Sites for the Olancha/Cartago Four-Lane Project, U.S. Route 395. Department of Transportation, Central California Cultural Resources Branch, Inyo County, (Byrd, B. F. & Hale, M.Eds.), California: p. 515-535.
  • Charters, S., Evershed, R., Goad, L., Leyden, A., Blinkhorn, P. & Denham, V. 1993, Quantification and distribution of lipid in archaeological ceramics: implications for sampling potsherds for organic residue analysis and the classification of vessel use. Archaeometry, 35(2): 211-223.
  • Christie, W. W. 1973, Lipid analysis. Pergamon Press Oxford,
  • Colombini, M. P., Modugno, F. & Ribechini, E. 2009, GC/MS in the Characterization of Lipids. In: Organic Mass Spectrometry in Art and Archaeology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, p. 189-213.
  • Condamin, J. & Formenti, F. 1978, Detection du contenu d'amphores antiques (huiles, vin) etude methodologique. Revue d'archéométrie, 2(1): 43-58.
  • Condamin, J., Formenti, F., Metais, M. O., Michel, M. & Blond, P. 1976, The application of gas chromatography to the tracing of oil in ancient amphorae. Archaeometry, 18(2): 195-201., O. E. 2002, The development of dairying in Europe: potential evidence from food residues on ceramics. Documenta Praehistorica, 29: 97-107.
  • Ertuǧ, F. 2000, Linseed Oil and Oil Mills in Central Turkey Flax/Linum and Eruca, Important Oil Plants of Anatolia. Anatolian Studies, 50: 171-185.
  • Evans, J. 1990, Come back King Alfred, all is forgiven! In: Organic contents of ancient vessels: materials analysis and archaeological investigation: MASCA research papers in science and archaeology, the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania., (Biers, W. R. & McGovern, P. E.Eds.), p. 7-9.
  • Evershed, R. P., Heron, C., Charters, S. & Goad, L. J. 1992, The Survival of Food Residues: New Methods of Analysis, Interpretation and Application. New Developments in Archaeological Science. Proceedings of the British Academy, 77: 187-208.
  • Evershed, R. P., Heron, C. & Goad., L. J. 1990, Analysis of organic residues of archaeological origin by high temperature gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Analyst, 115: 1339-1342.
  • Formenti, F. & Procopiou, H. 1998, Analyse chromatographique des acides gras sur l’outillage de mouture et de broyage : apport et limites. Cahiers de l’Euphrate 8: 151-176.
  • Fullagar, R., Furby, J. & Hardy, B. 1996, Residues on stone artefacts: state of a scientific art. Antiquity, 70(270): 740-745.
  • Fullagar, R. & Matheson, C. 2014, Stone Tool Usewear and Residue Analysis. In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, (Smith, C.,Ed.), Springer New York, p. 7062-7065.
  • Gallasch, B. A. & Spiteller, G. 2000, Synthesis of 9,12-Dioxo-10(Z)-dodecenoic acid, a new fatty acid metabolite derived from 9-hydroperoxy-10,12-octadecadienoic acid in lentil seed (Lens culinaris medik.). Lipids, 35(9): 953-60.
  • Gatade, A. A., Ranveer, R. C. & Sahoo, A. K. 2013, Nutritional Analysis, Total Phenolic Content, Free Radical Scavenging Activity And Phytochemical Analysis Of Leaves Powder Of Moringa Oleifera (Drumstick) And Cicer Arietinum (Chick Pea). International Journal of Pharma & Bio Sciences, 4(3): 922-933.
  • Gunstone, F. D. 1999, Fatty Acid and Lipid Chemistry Aspen Publishers, Maryland.
  • Halstead, P. & Jones, G. 1980, Early Neolithic Economy in Thessaly-Some Evidence from Excavations at Prodhromos. Anthropoloyika, 1: 93-117.
  • Harwood, J. L. & Russell, N. J. 1984, Lipids in Plants and Microbes. George Allen&Unwin, London.
  • Hillman, G., Wales, S., Mclaren, F., Evans, J. & Butler, A. 1993, Identifying Problematic Remains of Ancient Plant Foods: A Comparison of the Role of Chemical, Histological and Morphological Criteria. World Archaeology, 25(1): 94-121.
  • James, A. T. & Martin, A. J. P. 1952, Gas-liquid partition chromatography: the separation and micro-estimation of volatile fatty acids from formic acid to dodecanoic acid. Biochemical Journal, 50(5): 679-690.
  • Jones, C. E. R. 1989, Archeo Chemistry fact or fancy ? In: The prehistory of Wadi Kubbaniya, vol. 2 : Paleoeconomy, environment and stratigraphy, (Wendorf, F., Schild, R. & Close, A. E.Eds.), Southern Methodist University Press, Dallas: p. 260-266.
  • Kates, M. 1986, Techniques of Lipidology: Isolation, Analysis, and Identification of Lipids. Elsevier,
  • Kikalishvili, B., Zurabashvili, D., Turabelidze, D., Shanidze, L. & Parulava, G. 2014, The Fatty Acid composition of ordinary flax seed oil (linum usitatissimum L.) cultivated in georgia and its byological activity. Georgian medical news, (227): 86-88.
  • Kökten, K., Koçak, A., Bağcı, E., Akçura, M. & Çelik, S. 2010, Tannin, protein contents and fatty acid compositions of the seeds of several Vicia L. species from Turkey. Grasas Y Aceites, 61(4):
  • Kroll, H. 1979, Kulturpflanzen aus Dimini In: Festschrift Maria Hopf, vol. 8, Archaeo-Physika, (Körber- Grohne, U.,Ed.), Rheinland-Verlag, Köln: p. 173-189.
  • Lazarević, J., Radulović, N., Palić, R. & Zlatković, B. 2010, Chemical Analysis of Volatile Constituents of Berula erecta (Hudson) Coville subsp. erecta (Apiaceae) From Serbia. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 22(2): 153-156.
  • León, L., Uceda, M., Jiménez, A., Martín, L. & Rallo, L. 2004, Variability of fatty acid composition in olive (Olea europaea L.) progenies. Spanish journal of agricultural research, 2(3): 353-359.
  • Malainey, M. E., Przybylski, R. & Sherriff, B. L. 1999a, The fatty acid composition of native food plants and animals of western Canada. Journal of Archaeological Science, 26(1): 83-94.
  • Malainey, M. E., Przybylski, R. & Sherriff, B. L. 1999b, Identifying the former contents of late precontact period pottery vessels from western Canada using gas chromatography. Journal of Archaeological Science, 26(4): 425-438.
  • Marchbanks, M. L. 1989, Lipid Analysis in Archaeology: An Initial Study of Ceramics and Subsistence at the George C. Davis Site. Master Thesis no.1989 M332 at the department of Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin,
  • Mclaren, F. & Evans, J. 2002, Unlocking the secret of the stones: Chemical Methods to find tool usage in the old World. In: Moudre et broyer II: Archéologie et histoire, (Procopiou, H. & René TreuilEds.), CTHS, Paris: p. 129-137.
  • Mclaren, F. S., Evans, J. & Hillman, G. C. 1991, Identification of charred seeds from Epipalaeolithic sites of S.W. Asia. In: Archaeometry '90: Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Heidelberg, 1990, (Pernick, E. & Wagner, G. A.Eds.), Basel, Birkhaüser: p. 797-806. Miller, N. F. 1991, The Near East. In: in Progress in old world palaeoethnobotany, (van Zeist, W., Wasylikowa, K. & Behre, K. E.Eds.), A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam: p. 133-160.
  • Mottram, H. R., Dudd, S. N., Lawrence, G., Stott, A. W. & Evershed, R. P. 1999, New chromatographic, mass spectrometric and stable isotope approaches to the classification of degraded animal fats preserved in archaeological pottery. Journal of Chromatography A, 833(2): 209-221.
  • Nesbitt, M. 1996, Chalcolithic crops from Kuruçay Höyük: an interim report. In: Kuruçay Höyük II, (Duru, R.,Ed.), Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara: p. 88-93.
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There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Abdulvahap Onur Bamyacı 0000-0003-2815-248X

Publication Date January 15, 2019
Submission Date February 13, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 18 Issue: 69


APA Bamyacı, A. O. (2019). RESIDUE ANALYSIS OF GRINDING STONES FROM CHALCOLITHIC GÜLPINAR. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 18(69), 90-104.


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ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.