Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 19 Issue: 74, 1020 - 1032, 01.04.2020


el ürünler de tüketici istek ve ihtiyaçlarını karşıladığı ölçüde talep
görmektedir. Tüketiciler, özellikle otomobil, daire, cep telefonu, giyim
eşyası, oyuncak gibi birçok ürünün ikinci elini (kullanılmışını) çeşitli
nedenlerle tercih etmektedirler. Bu çalışmada ülkemizde ikinci el giyim
ürünleri satan on web sitesi pazarlama stratejileri açısından değerlendirilmiştir.
Elde edilen sonuçlara göre ürün resmi, fiyat bilgisi ve satıcı bilgisi
özelliklerinin incelenen tüm websitelerinde bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ürünün
mevcut durumuna ilişkin bilgi bulunmasının da tüm websitelerinde satıcıya göre
değişkenlik gösterdiği görülmüştür. Ürün iade/değişim ve garantilerine ilişkin
incelenen web sitelerinin yarısı tüketicilere website güvencesi sunmaktadır.
Ürünlere ilişkin marka bilgisinin sunulması açısından incelenen web sitelerinde
ağırlıklı olarak marka bilgilerinin ve tüketici yorumlarının olduğu,
websitelerinin yarısında ise markaların bulunabilirliğinin, ürün teslim
bilgisinin ve ödeme bilgisinin tüketicilere sunulduğu görülmüştür. Tüketici
yorumları da incelenen web sitelerinde ağırlıklı olarak bulunmaktadır. 


  • Ayber, M. (2003), Markaiçi ve Markalar Arası Rekabetin Dengelenmesi Gereken Hallerde Rekabet Otoritelerinin Yaklaşımları, Rekabet Kurumu Yayınları, Yayın No: 128, Ankara.
  • Baloglu, S., & Pekcan, Y.A. (2006). The website design and internet site marketing practices of upscale and luxury hotels in Turkey. Tourism Management, 27(1), 171–176.
  • Bianchi, C., & Birtwistle, G. (2010). Sell, give away, or donate: an exploratory study of fashion clothing disposal behaviour in two countries. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 20(3), 353-368.
  • Bianchi, C., & Birtwistle, G. (2012). Consumer clothing disposal behaviour: A comparative study. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 36(3), 335-341.
  • Briones, R. R., Dangngay, E., Desingano, H. A., Defino, M. C. V., & Mendoza, M. K. (2016). Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens on Second-Hand Clothing. Adventist University of the Philippines Research Journal, 19(2), 98-103.
  • Cai, L., Card, J. A., & Cole, S.T. (2004). Content delivery performance of World Wide Web sites of US tour operators focusing on destinations in China. Tourism Management, 25(2), 219-227.
  • Cheung, W.M., & Huang, W. (2002). An investigation of commercial usage of the World Wide Web: A picture from Singapore. International Journal of Information Management, 22(5), 337-388.
  • Ekström, K. M., & Salomonson, N. (2014). Reuse and recycling of clothing and textiles—A network approach. Journal of Macromarketing, 34(3), 383-399.
  • Felix, A. T., Asuamah, S. Y., & Darkwa, B. (2013). Are Demographic Variables Determinants Of Recycling Behaviour In Ghana?. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development (ISSN 2278–0211), 2(7).
  • Felix, A., Asuamah, S.Y. & Darkwa, B. (2013). Are demographic variables determinants of recycling behaviour in Ghana? International Journal of Innovative Research & Development 2(7): 382-387.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2018.
  • Guiot, D.,& Roux, D. (2010). A second-hand shoppers’ motivation scale: Antecedents, consequences, and implications for retailers. Journal of Retailing, 86(4), 355-371.
  • Hansen, K. T. (2000). Other people's clothes? The international second-hand clothing trade and dress practices in Zambia. Fashion Theory, 4(3), 245-274.
  • Herjanto, H., Scheller-Sampson, J., & Erickson, E. (2016). The Increasing Phenomenon of Second-Hand Clothes Purchase: Insights from the Literature. Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 18(1), 1-15.
  • Joung, H. M. (2013). Materialism and clothing post-purchase behaviors. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(6), 530-537.
  • Joung, H. M., & Park‐Poaps, H. (2013). Factors motivating and influencing clothing disposal behaviours. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37(1), 105-111.
  • Kolbe, R. H., & Burnett, M. S. (1991). Content-analysis research: An examination of applications with directives for improving research reliability and objectivity. Journal of Consumer Research, 18(2), 243-250.
  • Liao, C., To, P.L., & Shih, M.L. (2006). Website practices: A comparison between the top 1000 companies in the US and Taiwan. International Journal of Information Management, 26(3), 196-211.
  • Maynard, M., & Tian, Y. (2004). Between global and glocal content analysis of the Chinese web sites of the 100 top global brands. Public Relations Review, 30(3), 285-291.
  • Mhango, M. W., & Niehm, L. S. (2005). The second-hand clothing distribution channel: Opportunities for retail entrepreneurs in Malawi. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 9(3), 342-356.
  • Morozov, A. A., H. E. (2016). Driving Forces Towards Shopping for Second-Hand Clothing, A qualitative study on motivations, moderating factors and their linkages conducted in Lund, Master Thesis, Lund University School of Economics and Management.
  • O’Reilly, L., Rucker, M., Hughes, R., Gorang, M., & Hand, S. (1984). The relationship of psychological and situational variables to usage of a second-order marketing system. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 12(3), 53-76.
  • Okazaki, S., & Škapa, R. (2009). Understanding brand website positioning in the new EU member States: The case of the Czech Republic. In S. Bandyopadhyay (Ed.) Contemporary Research in e-Branding. (pp. 193-215). Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing.
  • Özkale L., Sezgin S., Uray, N. & Ülengin Füsun (1991), Pazarlama Stratejileri ve Karar Alma Mekanizması, Cep Üniversitesi, Yeni Yüzyıl Kitaplığı, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Pektaş, H. & Dengin, S. (2013), İkinci El Giysi Pazarları Ve Türkiye’deki Durumu, Akdeniz Sanat Dergisi, 4(8), 109-112.
  • Perry, M., & Bodkin, C. (2000). Content analysis of Fortune 100 company web sites. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 5(2), 87-96.
  • Roux, D. (2006). Am I what I wear? An exploratory study of symbolic meanings associated with secondhand clothing. ACR North American Advances, Vol: 33, 29-35.
  • Sihvonen, J., & Turunen, L. L. M. (2016). As good as new–valuing fashion brands in the online second-hand markets. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 25(3), 285-295.
  • Simeon, R. (1999). Evaluating domestic and international web-site strategies. Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, 9(4), 297-308.
  • Simeon, R. (2001). Evaluating the branding potential of web sites across borders. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 19(6), 418-424.
  • Underwood, R. L., Klein, N. M., & Burke, R. R. (2001). Packaging communication: attentional effects of product imagery. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 10(7), 403-422.
  • Virtsonis, N., & Haridge-March, S. (2008). Website elements in B2B online communications: A case from the UK print industry. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 26(7), 699-718.
  • Wan, C.S. (2002). The web sites of international tourist hotels and tour wholesalers in Taiwan. Tourism Management, 23(2), 155-160.
  • Winakor, G., & Martin, M. (1963). Used-clothing sales in a small city. Journal of Home Economics, 55(5), 357-359.
  • Xu, Y., Chen, Y., Burman, R., & Zhao, H. (2014). Second‐hand clothing consumption: a cross‐cultural comparison between A merican and Chinese young consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(6), 670-677.
  • Yan, R. N., Bae, S. Y., & Xu, H. (2015). Second-hand clothing shopping among college students: the role of psychographic characteristics. Young Consumers, 16(1), 85-98.
Year 2020, Volume: 19 Issue: 74, 1020 - 1032, 01.04.2020



  • Ayber, M. (2003), Markaiçi ve Markalar Arası Rekabetin Dengelenmesi Gereken Hallerde Rekabet Otoritelerinin Yaklaşımları, Rekabet Kurumu Yayınları, Yayın No: 128, Ankara.
  • Baloglu, S., & Pekcan, Y.A. (2006). The website design and internet site marketing practices of upscale and luxury hotels in Turkey. Tourism Management, 27(1), 171–176.
  • Bianchi, C., & Birtwistle, G. (2010). Sell, give away, or donate: an exploratory study of fashion clothing disposal behaviour in two countries. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 20(3), 353-368.
  • Bianchi, C., & Birtwistle, G. (2012). Consumer clothing disposal behaviour: A comparative study. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 36(3), 335-341.
  • Briones, R. R., Dangngay, E., Desingano, H. A., Defino, M. C. V., & Mendoza, M. K. (2016). Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens on Second-Hand Clothing. Adventist University of the Philippines Research Journal, 19(2), 98-103.
  • Cai, L., Card, J. A., & Cole, S.T. (2004). Content delivery performance of World Wide Web sites of US tour operators focusing on destinations in China. Tourism Management, 25(2), 219-227.
  • Cheung, W.M., & Huang, W. (2002). An investigation of commercial usage of the World Wide Web: A picture from Singapore. International Journal of Information Management, 22(5), 337-388.
  • Ekström, K. M., & Salomonson, N. (2014). Reuse and recycling of clothing and textiles—A network approach. Journal of Macromarketing, 34(3), 383-399.
  • Felix, A. T., Asuamah, S. Y., & Darkwa, B. (2013). Are Demographic Variables Determinants Of Recycling Behaviour In Ghana?. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development (ISSN 2278–0211), 2(7).
  • Felix, A., Asuamah, S.Y. & Darkwa, B. (2013). Are demographic variables determinants of recycling behaviour in Ghana? International Journal of Innovative Research & Development 2(7): 382-387.
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2018.
  • Guiot, D.,& Roux, D. (2010). A second-hand shoppers’ motivation scale: Antecedents, consequences, and implications for retailers. Journal of Retailing, 86(4), 355-371.
  • Hansen, K. T. (2000). Other people's clothes? The international second-hand clothing trade and dress practices in Zambia. Fashion Theory, 4(3), 245-274.
  • Herjanto, H., Scheller-Sampson, J., & Erickson, E. (2016). The Increasing Phenomenon of Second-Hand Clothes Purchase: Insights from the Literature. Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 18(1), 1-15.
  • Joung, H. M. (2013). Materialism and clothing post-purchase behaviors. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(6), 530-537.
  • Joung, H. M., & Park‐Poaps, H. (2013). Factors motivating and influencing clothing disposal behaviours. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37(1), 105-111.
  • Kolbe, R. H., & Burnett, M. S. (1991). Content-analysis research: An examination of applications with directives for improving research reliability and objectivity. Journal of Consumer Research, 18(2), 243-250.
  • Liao, C., To, P.L., & Shih, M.L. (2006). Website practices: A comparison between the top 1000 companies in the US and Taiwan. International Journal of Information Management, 26(3), 196-211.
  • Maynard, M., & Tian, Y. (2004). Between global and glocal content analysis of the Chinese web sites of the 100 top global brands. Public Relations Review, 30(3), 285-291.
  • Mhango, M. W., & Niehm, L. S. (2005). The second-hand clothing distribution channel: Opportunities for retail entrepreneurs in Malawi. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 9(3), 342-356.
  • Morozov, A. A., H. E. (2016). Driving Forces Towards Shopping for Second-Hand Clothing, A qualitative study on motivations, moderating factors and their linkages conducted in Lund, Master Thesis, Lund University School of Economics and Management.
  • O’Reilly, L., Rucker, M., Hughes, R., Gorang, M., & Hand, S. (1984). The relationship of psychological and situational variables to usage of a second-order marketing system. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 12(3), 53-76.
  • Okazaki, S., & Škapa, R. (2009). Understanding brand website positioning in the new EU member States: The case of the Czech Republic. In S. Bandyopadhyay (Ed.) Contemporary Research in e-Branding. (pp. 193-215). Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing.
  • Özkale L., Sezgin S., Uray, N. & Ülengin Füsun (1991), Pazarlama Stratejileri ve Karar Alma Mekanizması, Cep Üniversitesi, Yeni Yüzyıl Kitaplığı, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Pektaş, H. & Dengin, S. (2013), İkinci El Giysi Pazarları Ve Türkiye’deki Durumu, Akdeniz Sanat Dergisi, 4(8), 109-112.
  • Perry, M., & Bodkin, C. (2000). Content analysis of Fortune 100 company web sites. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 5(2), 87-96.
  • Roux, D. (2006). Am I what I wear? An exploratory study of symbolic meanings associated with secondhand clothing. ACR North American Advances, Vol: 33, 29-35.
  • Sihvonen, J., & Turunen, L. L. M. (2016). As good as new–valuing fashion brands in the online second-hand markets. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 25(3), 285-295.
  • Simeon, R. (1999). Evaluating domestic and international web-site strategies. Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, 9(4), 297-308.
  • Simeon, R. (2001). Evaluating the branding potential of web sites across borders. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 19(6), 418-424.
  • Underwood, R. L., Klein, N. M., & Burke, R. R. (2001). Packaging communication: attentional effects of product imagery. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 10(7), 403-422.
  • Virtsonis, N., & Haridge-March, S. (2008). Website elements in B2B online communications: A case from the UK print industry. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 26(7), 699-718.
  • Wan, C.S. (2002). The web sites of international tourist hotels and tour wholesalers in Taiwan. Tourism Management, 23(2), 155-160.
  • Winakor, G., & Martin, M. (1963). Used-clothing sales in a small city. Journal of Home Economics, 55(5), 357-359.
  • Xu, Y., Chen, Y., Burman, R., & Zhao, H. (2014). Second‐hand clothing consumption: a cross‐cultural comparison between A merican and Chinese young consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(6), 670-677.
  • Yan, R. N., Bae, S. Y., & Xu, H. (2015). Second-hand clothing shopping among college students: the role of psychographic characteristics. Young Consumers, 16(1), 85-98.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Serkan Kılıç 0000-0001-8060-7504

Publication Date April 1, 2020
Submission Date July 18, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 19 Issue: 74




Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.