Marka Yerleştirme Stratejilerinin Hatırlama Üzerine Etkisi: ‘GORA’ Filmi Üzerine Araştırma
Year 2007,
Volume: 6 Issue: 19, 159 - 178, 01.02.2007
Metin Argan/meltem Nurtaniş Velioğlu/meh Argan
Product or brand placement practice in motion pictures has grown enormously in marketing and advertising areas in recent years, but there is very little empirical research regarding its communication effectiveness. This research included two studies: In the first study, a content analysis study was used to explore the brand placement strategies in the movie ‘GORA’ and in the second study, a questionnaire study was used to attain unaided recall levels of 277 audience of the movie. The findings indicate that many strategies of product placement were used successfully in the movie. The recall findings also suggested that product placement may be effective through positive positioning and linking with attractive strategies. The results of the research have significant implications as to how the attractive product placement strategies is used in the movie and as to how the movie audience interprets the effectiveness of product placement practices. Managerial and research implications may be drawn based on these results.
- Avery, R. J. ve Ferraro, R. (2000). Verisimilitude or Advertising? Brand Appearances on Prime- Time Television. The Journal of Consumer Affairs. 34 (2), 217-244.
- Baker, Michael J. ve Crawford, Hazel A. (1995). Product Placement. Working Paper. Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. 24.12. 2005 tarihinde indirildi. adresinden
- Babin, L. A. ve Carder, S.T. (1996). Viewers’ Recognition of Brands Placed Within A Film. International Journal of Advertising. 15, 140-151.
- Balasubramanian, S.K. (1994). Beyond Advertising and Publicity: Hybrid Messages and Public Policy Issues. Journal of Advertising. 23 (4), 29-46.
- Berman, Jodi (2005). The Effects of Arousal on Brand Recall of Product Placement in Movies: Exploring the Relationship Between Low, Medium and High Arousal Levels and Brand Recall, Product Placement Opinions and Purchase Intentions. /jur/200501/papers/paper_berman.html. adresinden 12.02. 2006 tarihinde indirildi. Undergraduate Research. 6(4).
- Brennan, Ian ve Babin, Laurie A.(2004). Brand Placement Recognition: The Influence of Presentation Mode and Brand Familiarity. Handbook of Product Placement in 2006 tarihinde indirildi. Mass Medıa: 185-202. 12.02. adresinden
- Brennan, Ian., Dubas, K. ve Babin, L. A. (1999). The Influence of Product Placement Type and Exposure Time on Product Placement Recognition. International Journal of Advertising.18, 323-337.
- Brewer J. Hunter A.(1989). Multimethod Research A Synthesis of Styles. Sage Publications.
- d’Astous, A. ve Chartier, F. (2000). A Study of Factors Affecting Consumer Evaluations and Memory of Product Placements in Movies. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 22 (2), 31-40.
- d’Astous, A. ve Seguin, Nathalie (1999). Consumer Reactions to Product Placement Strategies in Television Sponsorship. European Journal of Marketing. 33 (9-10), 896- 910.
- DeLorme, D. E. ve Leonard, R. N. (1999). Moviegoers’ Experiences and Interpretations of Brands in Films Revisited. Journal of Advertising. 28(2), 71-95.
- Gibson, B. ve Maurer, J. (2000). Cigarette Smoking in Movies: The Influence of Product Placement on Attitudes Toward Smoking and Smokers. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 30, 1457-1473.
- Gupta, P. B., Balasubramanian, S. K. ve Klassen, M.L. (2000). Viewers Evaluations of Product Placements in Movies: Public Policy Issues and Managerial Implications. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 22(2), 41-52.
- Gupta, P. B. ve Lord, K. R. (1998). Product Placement in Movies: The Effect of Prominence and Mode on Audience Recall. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 14, 37-50.
- Johnstone, Emma ve Dodd, Christopher A. (2000). Placements As Mediators of Brand Salience Within A UK Cinema Audience. Journal of Marketing Communications. 6, 141-158.
- Karrh, J. A., Frith, K. T. ve Callison, C. (2001). Audience Attitudes Towards Brand (Product) Placement: Singapore and the United States. International Journal of Advertising. 20, 3-24.
- Karrh, James A. (1998). Brand Placement: A Review. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 20 (2), 31-49.
- Karrh, James A. (1995). Brand Placement in Feature Films: The Practitioners’ View. 1995 Amarican Academy of Advertising Conference: 182-188.
- Karrh, James A. (1994). Effects of Brand Placement in Motion Pictures. Proceedings of the 1994 American Academy of Advertising Conference. Athens, GA: American Academy of Advertising: 90-96.
- Kassarjian, H.H. (1977). Content Analysis in Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer Research. 4, 8-18.
- Law, Sharmistha, and Braun, Kathryn A. (2000). I’ll Have What She’s Having: Gauging the Impact of Product Placement on Viewers. Psychology and Marketing. 17, 1059-1075.
- Lerman, D. ve Callow, M. (2004). Content Analysis in Cross-cultural Advertising Research: Insightful or Superficial?. International Journal of Advertising, 23 (4), 507–521.
- McNatt, Robert and Oleck, Joan (2000). The Plot Thickens, Like Heinz Ketchup. Business Week. November 6, 14.
- Morton, C.R. ve Friedman, M. (2002). I Saw It In The Movies’: Exploring the Link Between Product Placement Beliefs and Reported Usage Behavior. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 24 (2), 33-40.
- Nakip, M. (2004). Pazarlama Araştırmalarına Giriş (SPSS Destekli). Ankara: Birinci Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık.
- Nakip, M. (2003). Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikler ve (SPSS Destekli) Uygulamalar. Ankara: Birinci Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık.
- Nebenzahl, I.D. ve Secunda, E. (1993). Consumers’ Attitudes Toward Product Placement in Movies. International Journal of Advertising. January, 1–11.
- Ong ,B.S. ve Meri, D. (1994). Should Product Placement in Movies be Banned?. Journal of Promotion Management. 2(3), 159-175.
- Prendergast, G. ve Wah, C. L. (2005). The Effectiveness of Cinema Advertising in Hong Kong. International Journal of Advertising. 24(1), 79–93.
- Russell, C. A. (2002). Investigating the Effectiveness of Product Placements in Television Shows: The Role of Modality and Plot Connection Congruence on Brand Mamory And Attitude. Journal of Consumer Research. 29 (3), 306-318.
- Sabherwal, Shonall, Pokrywczynski, Jim ve Griffin, Robert (1994). Brand Recall for Product Placements in Motion Pictures: A Memory-Based Perspective. 1994 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference. Atlanta, GA.
- Shapiro, M. (1993). Product Placement in Motion Pictures. Working Paper. NorthWestern University.
- Steortz, Eva M. (1987). The Cost Efficiency and Communication Effects Associated With Brand Name Exposure Within Motion Pictures. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. University of West Virginia.
- Wollmers, S. ve Mizerski, R. (1994). A Review and Investigation into the Effectiveness of Product Placement in Films. Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 97-102.
- Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2003). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara:Üçüncü Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık.
- Yükselen, C. (2000). Pazarlama Araştırmaları. Ankara: Birinci Baskı. Detay Yayıncılık.
- Zimmer, Mary R. ve DeLorme, Denis (1997). The Effects of Brand Placement Type and A Disclaimer on Memory For Brand Placements in Movies. 1997Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference. Chicago.
Marka Yerleştirme Stratejilerinin Hatırlama Üzerine Etkisi: ‘GORA’ Filmi Üzerine Araştırma
Year 2007,
Volume: 6 Issue: 19, 159 - 178, 01.02.2007
Metin Argan/meltem Nurtaniş Velioğlu/meh Argan
Sinema filmlerine ürün veya marka yerleştirme uygulaması pazarlama ve reklam alanlarında son derece önemli bir biçimde gelişme göstermekle birlikte iletişimsel etkinliği ile ilgili uygulamalı çalışmalar son derece sınırlı düzeydedir. Bu araştırma iki aşamayı kapsamaktadır: İlk aşamada ‘GORA’ sinema filminde kullanılan ürün yerleştirme stratejilerini ortaya koymak amacıyla içerik analizi uygulanmakta, ikinci çalışmada ise 277 sinema seyircilerinin yardımsız marka hatırlama düzeylerine ulaşmak üzere bir anket çalışması kullanılmaktadır. Elde edilen bulgular ürün, yerleştirme ile ilgili pek çok stratejinin filmde başarılı bir biçimde kullanıldığına işaret etmektedir. Hatırlamaya ilişkin bulgular da ürün yerleştirmenin olumlu yerleştirme ve uygun stratejiler ile bağlantı kurularak etkili olabileceğini öngörmektedir. Bu araştırmanın sonuçları etkili ürün yerleştirme stratejilerinin sözü edilen filmde nasıl kullanıldığını ve sinema seyircisinin ürün yerleştirme uygulamalarının etkinliğine nasıl değerlendirdiğini konusunda önemli göstergeleri ortaya koymaktadır. Bu sonuçlar temelinde yönetsel ve araştırma çıkarsamaları yapmak mümkün olabilmektedir
- Avery, R. J. ve Ferraro, R. (2000). Verisimilitude or Advertising? Brand Appearances on Prime- Time Television. The Journal of Consumer Affairs. 34 (2), 217-244.
- Baker, Michael J. ve Crawford, Hazel A. (1995). Product Placement. Working Paper. Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. 24.12. 2005 tarihinde indirildi. adresinden
- Babin, L. A. ve Carder, S.T. (1996). Viewers’ Recognition of Brands Placed Within A Film. International Journal of Advertising. 15, 140-151.
- Balasubramanian, S.K. (1994). Beyond Advertising and Publicity: Hybrid Messages and Public Policy Issues. Journal of Advertising. 23 (4), 29-46.
- Berman, Jodi (2005). The Effects of Arousal on Brand Recall of Product Placement in Movies: Exploring the Relationship Between Low, Medium and High Arousal Levels and Brand Recall, Product Placement Opinions and Purchase Intentions. /jur/200501/papers/paper_berman.html. adresinden 12.02. 2006 tarihinde indirildi. Undergraduate Research. 6(4).
- Brennan, Ian ve Babin, Laurie A.(2004). Brand Placement Recognition: The Influence of Presentation Mode and Brand Familiarity. Handbook of Product Placement in 2006 tarihinde indirildi. Mass Medıa: 185-202. 12.02. adresinden
- Brennan, Ian., Dubas, K. ve Babin, L. A. (1999). The Influence of Product Placement Type and Exposure Time on Product Placement Recognition. International Journal of Advertising.18, 323-337.
- Brewer J. Hunter A.(1989). Multimethod Research A Synthesis of Styles. Sage Publications.
- d’Astous, A. ve Chartier, F. (2000). A Study of Factors Affecting Consumer Evaluations and Memory of Product Placements in Movies. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 22 (2), 31-40.
- d’Astous, A. ve Seguin, Nathalie (1999). Consumer Reactions to Product Placement Strategies in Television Sponsorship. European Journal of Marketing. 33 (9-10), 896- 910.
- DeLorme, D. E. ve Leonard, R. N. (1999). Moviegoers’ Experiences and Interpretations of Brands in Films Revisited. Journal of Advertising. 28(2), 71-95.
- Gibson, B. ve Maurer, J. (2000). Cigarette Smoking in Movies: The Influence of Product Placement on Attitudes Toward Smoking and Smokers. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 30, 1457-1473.
- Gupta, P. B., Balasubramanian, S. K. ve Klassen, M.L. (2000). Viewers Evaluations of Product Placements in Movies: Public Policy Issues and Managerial Implications. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 22(2), 41-52.
- Gupta, P. B. ve Lord, K. R. (1998). Product Placement in Movies: The Effect of Prominence and Mode on Audience Recall. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 14, 37-50.
- Johnstone, Emma ve Dodd, Christopher A. (2000). Placements As Mediators of Brand Salience Within A UK Cinema Audience. Journal of Marketing Communications. 6, 141-158.
- Karrh, J. A., Frith, K. T. ve Callison, C. (2001). Audience Attitudes Towards Brand (Product) Placement: Singapore and the United States. International Journal of Advertising. 20, 3-24.
- Karrh, James A. (1998). Brand Placement: A Review. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 20 (2), 31-49.
- Karrh, James A. (1995). Brand Placement in Feature Films: The Practitioners’ View. 1995 Amarican Academy of Advertising Conference: 182-188.
- Karrh, James A. (1994). Effects of Brand Placement in Motion Pictures. Proceedings of the 1994 American Academy of Advertising Conference. Athens, GA: American Academy of Advertising: 90-96.
- Kassarjian, H.H. (1977). Content Analysis in Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer Research. 4, 8-18.
- Law, Sharmistha, and Braun, Kathryn A. (2000). I’ll Have What She’s Having: Gauging the Impact of Product Placement on Viewers. Psychology and Marketing. 17, 1059-1075.
- Lerman, D. ve Callow, M. (2004). Content Analysis in Cross-cultural Advertising Research: Insightful or Superficial?. International Journal of Advertising, 23 (4), 507–521.
- McNatt, Robert and Oleck, Joan (2000). The Plot Thickens, Like Heinz Ketchup. Business Week. November 6, 14.
- Morton, C.R. ve Friedman, M. (2002). I Saw It In The Movies’: Exploring the Link Between Product Placement Beliefs and Reported Usage Behavior. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 24 (2), 33-40.
- Nakip, M. (2004). Pazarlama Araştırmalarına Giriş (SPSS Destekli). Ankara: Birinci Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık.
- Nakip, M. (2003). Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikler ve (SPSS Destekli) Uygulamalar. Ankara: Birinci Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık.
- Nebenzahl, I.D. ve Secunda, E. (1993). Consumers’ Attitudes Toward Product Placement in Movies. International Journal of Advertising. January, 1–11.
- Ong ,B.S. ve Meri, D. (1994). Should Product Placement in Movies be Banned?. Journal of Promotion Management. 2(3), 159-175.
- Prendergast, G. ve Wah, C. L. (2005). The Effectiveness of Cinema Advertising in Hong Kong. International Journal of Advertising. 24(1), 79–93.
- Russell, C. A. (2002). Investigating the Effectiveness of Product Placements in Television Shows: The Role of Modality and Plot Connection Congruence on Brand Mamory And Attitude. Journal of Consumer Research. 29 (3), 306-318.
- Sabherwal, Shonall, Pokrywczynski, Jim ve Griffin, Robert (1994). Brand Recall for Product Placements in Motion Pictures: A Memory-Based Perspective. 1994 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference. Atlanta, GA.
- Shapiro, M. (1993). Product Placement in Motion Pictures. Working Paper. NorthWestern University.
- Steortz, Eva M. (1987). The Cost Efficiency and Communication Effects Associated With Brand Name Exposure Within Motion Pictures. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. University of West Virginia.
- Wollmers, S. ve Mizerski, R. (1994). A Review and Investigation into the Effectiveness of Product Placement in Films. Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 97-102.
- Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2003). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara:Üçüncü Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık.
- Yükselen, C. (2000). Pazarlama Araştırmaları. Ankara: Birinci Baskı. Detay Yayıncılık.
- Zimmer, Mary R. ve DeLorme, Denis (1997). The Effects of Brand Placement Type and A Disclaimer on Memory For Brand Placements in Movies. 1997Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference. Chicago.