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Year 2009, Volume: 8 Issue: 28, 299 - 317, 01.02.2009




  • Adede, A. O. (1992). “International Environmental Law from Stockholm to Rio”. Environmental Policy and Law. Vol. 22(2) . pp.88-105.
  • Andresen, S. (2007). “The Effectiveness of UN Environmental Institutions”. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, Vol 7(4), pp. 317- 336.
  • Asselt, H.( 2007). “Dealing with the Fragmentation of Global Climate Governance. Legal and Political Messages in Interplay Management”. Global Governance Working Paper No: 30 Amsterdam et al. The Global Governance Project, [Access Date:16.02.2009]
  • Breton, A.,Scott, A. Fraschini, A. (2007). “Explaining Differences in Environmental Governance Patterns between Canada, Italy and the United States”. P.O.L.I.S. Department's Working Papers 87, Department of Public Policy and Public Choice., [Access Date: 16.02.2009].
  • Brühl, T and Udo, E. S.( 2000). “World Ecology and Global Environmental Governance”. Berlin: WZB paper FS II 01-402., [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • Conca, K.(2005 ) “Environmental Governance After Johannesburg: From Stalled Legalization to Environmental Human Rights?”. Journal of International Law and International Relations, Vol. 1(1-2) pp. 121-138.
  • Chazournes, L. B. (2003). “The GEF as a Pioneering Institution: Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead”. Working Paper No:19, October. Washington DC: Global Environment Facility. PUblications/2003- 11WP19.pdf , [Access Date:16.02.2009]
  • Fisher, D. and Jessica, F. G. (2004). “Understanding Disenfranchisement: Civil Society and Developing Countries’ Influence and Participation in Global Governance For Sustainable Development”, Global Environmental Politics Vol. 4(3), pp. 65-84.
  • Durant , R. F., Young-Pyoung, C. , Byungseob, K., and Lee, S. (2004). “Toward a New Governance Paradigm For Environmental and Natural Resource Management in the 21st Century?” , Administration and Society, Vol.35(6), pp. 643-682.
  • Dauvergne, P. (2005). “Research in Global Environmental Politics: History and Trends”. In Peter Dauvergne(ed) Handbook of Global Environmental Politics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Jonas, A E. and Bridge, G. (2003). “Governing Nature: The Re-Regulation of Resources, Land-Use Planning, and Nature Conservation”. Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 84(4) , pp. 958-962.
  • Esty, D. C., and Ivanova, M. (2002), “Revitalizing Global Environmental Governance: A Function-Driven Approach”. In D. C. Esty and M.H. Ivanova(eds) Global Governance: Options & Opportunities, New Haven, CT: Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.
  • Green, J. F. and Thouez, C. (2005). Global governance for migration and the Environment: What can we learn from each other? Global Migration Perspectives [Access Date:16.02.2009]
  • Ivanova, M.( 2005). “Assessing UNEP as Anchor Institution for the Global Environment: Lessons for the UNEO Debate”. Yale Center for Environmental Law & [Access Date:16.02.2009] Working Paper Series 05/01.
  • Kanie, N .(2007). “Governance with Multilateral Environmental Agreements: A Healthy or Ill-Equipped Fragmentation”, in Lydia Swart and Estelle Perry (eds.) Global Environmental Governance -Perspectives on the Current Debate, pp.67- 86. New York: Center for UN Reform Education.
  • Lobb, P. (2005). “Is Sustainability Possible in a World of Poverty and Conflict? Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship Conference Programme”, Tuesday 5th July - Thursday 7th July (2005) Mansfield College, Oxford.
  • Mee, L.( 2005). “The Role of UNEP and UNDP in Multilateral Environmental Agreements”. International Environmental Agreements,Vol. 5(3), pp. 227-263.
  • Meyer-Ohlendorf, N. (2006), “Would a United Nations Environment Organization Help to Achieve the Millenium Developement Goals?”, Review of European Community & International Environmental Law , Vol.15 , pp. 23-29.
  • Mitchell, R. B. (2002), “International Environment”. in Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons and Walter Carlsnaes (eds), Handbook of International Relations, London: Sage Publications
  • O’Neill, K.(2007). “From Stockholm to Johannesburg and Beyond: The Evolving Metaregime for Global Environmental Governance”. Prepared for the presentation at the 2007 Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental, [Access Date:16.02.2009]. May 24-6 2007,
  • Najam, A.(2002). “Financing Sustainable Development:Crises of Legitimacy”. Progress in Development Studies,, [Access Date:16.02.2009]. Vol. 2 (2) pp. 153-160.
  • Najam, A. and Celeveland, J. (2003). “Energy and Sustainable Development at Global Environmental Summits: An Evolving Agenda”. Environment, Development And Sustainability pp., [Access Date:16.02.2009]. 117-138.
  • Najam, A., Christopoulou, I.and Moomaw,W.(2004). “The Emergent System of Global Environmental Governance”. Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 4(4), pp. 23-35.
  • Najam, A. (2005). “Developing Countries and Global Environmental Governance: From Contestation to Participation to Engagement”, International Environmental Agreements, Vol. 5(3), pp. 303-321.
  • Najam, A., Papa,M. and Taiyab,N. (2006). “Global Environmental Governance A Reform Agenda”. IISD., [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • Ohlendorf-Nils, M.( 2003). “Would a United Nations Environment Organization Help to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals?” Review of European Community & International Environmental Law, Vol. 15(1), pp. 23-29.
  • Pellizzoni, L.(2004). “Responsibility and Environmental Governance”. Environmental Politics. Vol.13(3), pp. 541-565.
  • Prizzia, R.( 2007). “ Sustainable Development in an International Perspective”. In Kivi V. Thai, Dionne Rahm, Jerrell D. Coggburn(eds.), Handbook of Globalization and the Environment. Boca Raton F.L: CRC, 16.02.2009.19-40
  • Roch, P.(2003). “International Environmental Governance: Striving for a Comprehensive, Coherent, Effective and Efficient International Environmental Regime”. Geneva: Graduate Institute of International Studies.
  • Rutledge, J.( 2006). “Legitimacy and Power: The Case of the Global Environment” Facility Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Town & Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA, Mar 22, 2006., [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • Sjöberg, H .(1999). “Restructuring the Global Environment Facility”, GEF Working Paper 13, Washington, DC: GEF. PUblications/WP13-Restructuring_the_GEF.pdf [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • Streck, C.(2001). “The Global Environment Facility – a Role Model for International, Governance?” Global Environmental Politics,Vol. 1(2) pp.. 71-94. (16.02.2009), [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • The Johannesburg Summit (2002). Brochure 12.
  •, [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • UNDP, UNEP and the World Bank (1994). Global Environmental Facility, Independent Evaluation of the Pilot Phase. Washington D.C: World Bank,1994.


Year 2009, Volume: 8 Issue: 28, 299 - 317, 01.02.2009


Çevre bütüncül bir söylemdir. 21 yy. güçlü bir çevresel tahribata tanıklık etmektedir ve işbirliğine daha fazla ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Doğla kaynaklar tükenmekte; hava, su ve kara gitgide kirlenmektedir. İnsanoğlu çevreye sürekli zarar vermekte ve çevresel söylemi ekonomik bir tabanda şekillendirmektedir. Gelişmekte (Güney ülkeleri) ve gelişmiş (Kuzey ülkeleri) olan ülkeler arasındaki ekonomik ve endüstriyel rekabet küresel çevre yönetişimini, aslen çevreyi gözeten bir süreç gibi gösterse de temel mücadele daha fazla kazanç elde etmek adınadır. Buradaki tartışmanın temelini oluşturacak durum budur. Makalede hem küresel çevre yönetişiminin evrimi ele alınacak hem de çevrenin nasıl perde arkasına atıldığı ve kalkınma çerçevesine yerleştirildiği irdelenecektir


  • Adede, A. O. (1992). “International Environmental Law from Stockholm to Rio”. Environmental Policy and Law. Vol. 22(2) . pp.88-105.
  • Andresen, S. (2007). “The Effectiveness of UN Environmental Institutions”. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, Vol 7(4), pp. 317- 336.
  • Asselt, H.( 2007). “Dealing with the Fragmentation of Global Climate Governance. Legal and Political Messages in Interplay Management”. Global Governance Working Paper No: 30 Amsterdam et al. The Global Governance Project, [Access Date:16.02.2009]
  • Breton, A.,Scott, A. Fraschini, A. (2007). “Explaining Differences in Environmental Governance Patterns between Canada, Italy and the United States”. P.O.L.I.S. Department's Working Papers 87, Department of Public Policy and Public Choice., [Access Date: 16.02.2009].
  • Brühl, T and Udo, E. S.( 2000). “World Ecology and Global Environmental Governance”. Berlin: WZB paper FS II 01-402., [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • Conca, K.(2005 ) “Environmental Governance After Johannesburg: From Stalled Legalization to Environmental Human Rights?”. Journal of International Law and International Relations, Vol. 1(1-2) pp. 121-138.
  • Chazournes, L. B. (2003). “The GEF as a Pioneering Institution: Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead”. Working Paper No:19, October. Washington DC: Global Environment Facility. PUblications/2003- 11WP19.pdf , [Access Date:16.02.2009]
  • Fisher, D. and Jessica, F. G. (2004). “Understanding Disenfranchisement: Civil Society and Developing Countries’ Influence and Participation in Global Governance For Sustainable Development”, Global Environmental Politics Vol. 4(3), pp. 65-84.
  • Durant , R. F., Young-Pyoung, C. , Byungseob, K., and Lee, S. (2004). “Toward a New Governance Paradigm For Environmental and Natural Resource Management in the 21st Century?” , Administration and Society, Vol.35(6), pp. 643-682.
  • Dauvergne, P. (2005). “Research in Global Environmental Politics: History and Trends”. In Peter Dauvergne(ed) Handbook of Global Environmental Politics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Jonas, A E. and Bridge, G. (2003). “Governing Nature: The Re-Regulation of Resources, Land-Use Planning, and Nature Conservation”. Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 84(4) , pp. 958-962.
  • Esty, D. C., and Ivanova, M. (2002), “Revitalizing Global Environmental Governance: A Function-Driven Approach”. In D. C. Esty and M.H. Ivanova(eds) Global Governance: Options & Opportunities, New Haven, CT: Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.
  • Green, J. F. and Thouez, C. (2005). Global governance for migration and the Environment: What can we learn from each other? Global Migration Perspectives [Access Date:16.02.2009]
  • Ivanova, M.( 2005). “Assessing UNEP as Anchor Institution for the Global Environment: Lessons for the UNEO Debate”. Yale Center for Environmental Law & [Access Date:16.02.2009] Working Paper Series 05/01.
  • Kanie, N .(2007). “Governance with Multilateral Environmental Agreements: A Healthy or Ill-Equipped Fragmentation”, in Lydia Swart and Estelle Perry (eds.) Global Environmental Governance -Perspectives on the Current Debate, pp.67- 86. New York: Center for UN Reform Education.
  • Lobb, P. (2005). “Is Sustainability Possible in a World of Poverty and Conflict? Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship Conference Programme”, Tuesday 5th July - Thursday 7th July (2005) Mansfield College, Oxford.
  • Mee, L.( 2005). “The Role of UNEP and UNDP in Multilateral Environmental Agreements”. International Environmental Agreements,Vol. 5(3), pp. 227-263.
  • Meyer-Ohlendorf, N. (2006), “Would a United Nations Environment Organization Help to Achieve the Millenium Developement Goals?”, Review of European Community & International Environmental Law , Vol.15 , pp. 23-29.
  • Mitchell, R. B. (2002), “International Environment”. in Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons and Walter Carlsnaes (eds), Handbook of International Relations, London: Sage Publications
  • O’Neill, K.(2007). “From Stockholm to Johannesburg and Beyond: The Evolving Metaregime for Global Environmental Governance”. Prepared for the presentation at the 2007 Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental, [Access Date:16.02.2009]. May 24-6 2007,
  • Najam, A.(2002). “Financing Sustainable Development:Crises of Legitimacy”. Progress in Development Studies,, [Access Date:16.02.2009]. Vol. 2 (2) pp. 153-160.
  • Najam, A. and Celeveland, J. (2003). “Energy and Sustainable Development at Global Environmental Summits: An Evolving Agenda”. Environment, Development And Sustainability pp., [Access Date:16.02.2009]. 117-138.
  • Najam, A., Christopoulou, I.and Moomaw,W.(2004). “The Emergent System of Global Environmental Governance”. Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 4(4), pp. 23-35.
  • Najam, A. (2005). “Developing Countries and Global Environmental Governance: From Contestation to Participation to Engagement”, International Environmental Agreements, Vol. 5(3), pp. 303-321.
  • Najam, A., Papa,M. and Taiyab,N. (2006). “Global Environmental Governance A Reform Agenda”. IISD., [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • Ohlendorf-Nils, M.( 2003). “Would a United Nations Environment Organization Help to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals?” Review of European Community & International Environmental Law, Vol. 15(1), pp. 23-29.
  • Pellizzoni, L.(2004). “Responsibility and Environmental Governance”. Environmental Politics. Vol.13(3), pp. 541-565.
  • Prizzia, R.( 2007). “ Sustainable Development in an International Perspective”. In Kivi V. Thai, Dionne Rahm, Jerrell D. Coggburn(eds.), Handbook of Globalization and the Environment. Boca Raton F.L: CRC, 16.02.2009.19-40
  • Roch, P.(2003). “International Environmental Governance: Striving for a Comprehensive, Coherent, Effective and Efficient International Environmental Regime”. Geneva: Graduate Institute of International Studies.
  • Rutledge, J.( 2006). “Legitimacy and Power: The Case of the Global Environment” Facility Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Town & Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA, Mar 22, 2006., [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • Sjöberg, H .(1999). “Restructuring the Global Environment Facility”, GEF Working Paper 13, Washington, DC: GEF. PUblications/WP13-Restructuring_the_GEF.pdf [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • Streck, C.(2001). “The Global Environment Facility – a Role Model for International, Governance?” Global Environmental Politics,Vol. 1(2) pp.. 71-94. (16.02.2009), [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • The Johannesburg Summit (2002). Brochure 12.
  •, [Access Date:16.02.2009].
  • UNDP, UNEP and the World Bank (1994). Global Environmental Facility, Independent Evaluation of the Pilot Phase. Washington D.C: World Bank,1994.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Fikret Mazı This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2009
Submission Date September 10, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 8 Issue: 28




Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.