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Year 2010, Volume: 9 Issue: 34, 98 - 115, 01.08.2010


Economic, technological and military factors affect international relations dynamics in many respects. Developments such as the end of the Cold War, globalization, Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) and technological advances increased the interaction of these factors and the complexity of international relations.
Defining one of the most controversial concepts in international relations, power, was also affected from this process. The power concept, which has been defined from different perspectives by schools of thought such as realism, liberalism and constructivism, became more complicated. In this study, observable dimensions of power (economic, technological and military dimensions) were focused on. Channels through which economic, technological and military factors affect international relations were investigated.


  • Altıntaş, H. (2004). “Bankacılık Krizleri, Nedenleri ve Ekonomik Maliyetleri”, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 22 (1), 39-61.
  • Altman, R.C. (2009). “The Great Crash, 2008: A Geopolitical Setback for the West”, Foreign Affairs, 88 (1), 2-15.
  • Atta, R. H.V., Lippitz, M. J. (2003). Transformation and Transition: Darpa’s Role in Fostering an Emerging Revolution in Military Affairs, Alexandria: Institute for Defense Analyses.
  • Bachrach, P., Baratz, M. (1962). “Two Faces of Power,” American Political Science Review, 56 (4), 947-952.
  • Battilega J. (2005). Transformations in Global Defense Markets and Industries: Implications for the Future of Warfare, Washington, DC: National Intelligence Council.
  • Bayne, N. (2008). “Financial Diplomacy and the Credit Crunch: The Rise of Central Banks”, Journal of International Affairs, 62 (1), 1- 16.
  • Bitzinger, R. A. (2004). Civil-Military Integration and Chinese Military Modernization, Asia- Pacific Center for Security Studies Series. Honolulu, Hawaii: APCSS.
  • CIA. (2008). The World Factbook 2008, Washington, DC: CIA.
  • Cliff, R. (2001) The Military Potential of China's Commercial Technology, Santa Monica, CA: RAND.
  • Escude, C. (1998). “An Introduction to Peripheral Realism and its Implications fort he Interstate System: Argentina and the Condor II Missile Project”, in S. G. Neuman (ed.) International Relations Theory and the Third World, New York: St. Martin’s Pres, 55-75.
  • Federation of American Scientists (FAS). (2004). Ensuring America’s Space Security: Report of the FAS Panel on Weapons in Space, Washington: FAS.
  • Ferster, W., Clark, C. (2006, October 2). “NRO Confirms Chinese Laser Test Illuminates U.S. Spacecraft”, Defense News.
  • Garrett, G. (2002). “Global Markets and National Politics: Collision Course or Virtous Circle” in Katzenstein, Peter J., Keohane, Robert O., Krasner, Stephen D., Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: The MIT Press.
  • Gilpin, R. (1981). War and Change in World Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres.
  • Hartley, K, Sandler, T. (2003). “The Future of the Defense Firm”, Kyklos, 56 (3), 361-380.
  • Hosenball, M., Hirsh, M. (2009, March 9). “There’s a world of trouble out there; the CIA faces a threat it’s never been great at analyzing: the fallout from global recession”, Newsweek, 153 (10).
  • Hudson Institute. (2005). China’s New Great Leap Forward: High Technology and Military Power in the Next Half-Century, Indiana: Hudson Institute.
  • Jervis, R. (2002). “Theories of War in an Era of Leading-Power Peace”, American Political Science Review, 96 (1), 1-14.
  • Kennedy, P. (1990). Büyük Güçlerin Yükseliş ve Çöküşleri, Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Keohane, R., Nye, J. (2001). Power and Interdependence, New York: Longman.
  • Kleiman, G. N. (2008). “Dollars and Diplomacy”, The International Economy. 22 (4), 46-48.
  • Koo, R. C. (2008). “Lessons from Japan’s Lost Decade”, The International Economy, 22 (4), 69-73.
  • Lukes, S. (1974). Power: A Radical View, London: MacMillan Press in Ozdemir, Haluk. (2008), “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Güç: Çok Boyutlu Bir Değerlendirme”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 63(3), p. 119.
  • Markusen, A. (1999). Should We Welcome a Transnational Defense Industry?. American Economic Association/Peace Science sessions, New York.
  • Mattoo, A., Subramanian, A. (2009). “From Doha to the next Bretton Woods: A New Multilateral Trade Agenda”, Foreign Affairs, 88 (1), 15-27.
  • Mulvenon, J., Yang, R. H. (2003). The People’s Liberation Army in the Information Age, Santa Monica: RAND.
  • National Science Board. (2008). Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation.
  • Nesvetailova, A., Palan, R. (2008). “A Very North Atlantic Credit Crunch: Geopolitical Implications of the Global Liquidity Crisis”, Journal of International Affairs, 62 (1), 165-185.
  • Neuman, S. (2005). Defense Industries and Dependency: Current and Future Trends in the Global Defense Sector. Conference on Israel’s Strategic Agenda, BESA Center, Bar Ilan University.
  • Neuman, S. (2006). “Defense Industries and Global Dependency”, Orbis, 50 (3), 429-451.
  • Norris, R. S., Krıstensen, H. M. (2008). “Global Nuclear Stockpiles, 1945-2006”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 62 (4), 64-67.
  • Nye, J. (1990). “Soft Power”, Foreign Policy, 80, 153-171.
  • OECD. (2008). Main Science and Technology Indicators, Paris: OECD.
  • Ozdemir, H. (2008). “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Güç: Çok Boyutlu Bir Değerlendirme”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 63(3), 113-144.
  • Panda, J. (2007). “The Modernization Drive of the PLA and the New Defense White Paper”, China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, 5 (1), 21-28.
  • Seyidoğlu, H. (2003). Uluslararası Finans, İstanbul: Güzem Can Yayınları.
  • Setser, B. (2008). “A Neo-Westphalian International Financial System?”, Journal of International Affairs. 62 (1), 17-34.
  • SPRI. (2008). SPRI Yearbook 2008, London: Oxford University Press.
  • Taylor, M. Z. (2005). The Politics of Technological Change: International Relations versus Domestic Institutions, Work in Progress Colloquia, Boston, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Political Science.
  • U.S. Department Of Defense. (2008). Annual Report to Congress The Military Power of The People’s Republic of China 2008, Washington: Office of the Secretary of Defense.
  • U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy, U.S. National Space Policy, Washington, October 6, 2006.
  • Waltz, K. N. (1979) Theory of International Politics, New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Waltz, K. (1990). “Realist Thought and Neorealist Theory”, Journal of International Affairs, 44 (1), 21-37.
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). (2008, February 21). Unprecedented Number of International Patent Filings in 2007,
  • < > (10.8.2008).
  • Xinhua. (2006, May 25) “Plans for Developing New Weaponry Unveiled”.


Year 2010, Volume: 9 Issue: 34, 98 - 115, 01.08.2010


Ekonomik, teknolojik ve askeri faktörler, uluslararası ilişkiler dinamiklerini birçok yönden etkilemektedirler. Soğuk Savaş'ın sona ermesi, küreselleşme, Askeri Alanda Devrim ve teknolojik ilerlemeler gibi gelişmeler, bu faktörlerin birbirleriyle olan etkileşimini ve uluslararası ilişkilerin karmaşıklığını arttırmışlardır.
Uluslararası ilişkilerin en tartışmalı kavramlarından birisi olan gücün tanımlanması da bu süreçten etkilenmiştir. Realizm, liberalizm ve konstrüktivizm gibi düşünce okullarının farklı perspektiflerden tanımladığı güç kavramı, anlaşılması daha da güç hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, gücün gözlemlenebilir boyutlarına (ekonomik, teknolojik ve askeri boyutlarına) odaklanılmıştır. Ekonomik, teknolojik ve askeri faktörlerin, uluslararası ilişkileri hangi kanallardan etkilediği araştırılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Uluslararası ilişkiler, güç, ekonomi, teknoloji, askeri yetenekler


  • Altıntaş, H. (2004). “Bankacılık Krizleri, Nedenleri ve Ekonomik Maliyetleri”, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 22 (1), 39-61.
  • Altman, R.C. (2009). “The Great Crash, 2008: A Geopolitical Setback for the West”, Foreign Affairs, 88 (1), 2-15.
  • Atta, R. H.V., Lippitz, M. J. (2003). Transformation and Transition: Darpa’s Role in Fostering an Emerging Revolution in Military Affairs, Alexandria: Institute for Defense Analyses.
  • Bachrach, P., Baratz, M. (1962). “Two Faces of Power,” American Political Science Review, 56 (4), 947-952.
  • Battilega J. (2005). Transformations in Global Defense Markets and Industries: Implications for the Future of Warfare, Washington, DC: National Intelligence Council.
  • Bayne, N. (2008). “Financial Diplomacy and the Credit Crunch: The Rise of Central Banks”, Journal of International Affairs, 62 (1), 1- 16.
  • Bitzinger, R. A. (2004). Civil-Military Integration and Chinese Military Modernization, Asia- Pacific Center for Security Studies Series. Honolulu, Hawaii: APCSS.
  • CIA. (2008). The World Factbook 2008, Washington, DC: CIA.
  • Cliff, R. (2001) The Military Potential of China's Commercial Technology, Santa Monica, CA: RAND.
  • Escude, C. (1998). “An Introduction to Peripheral Realism and its Implications fort he Interstate System: Argentina and the Condor II Missile Project”, in S. G. Neuman (ed.) International Relations Theory and the Third World, New York: St. Martin’s Pres, 55-75.
  • Federation of American Scientists (FAS). (2004). Ensuring America’s Space Security: Report of the FAS Panel on Weapons in Space, Washington: FAS.
  • Ferster, W., Clark, C. (2006, October 2). “NRO Confirms Chinese Laser Test Illuminates U.S. Spacecraft”, Defense News.
  • Garrett, G. (2002). “Global Markets and National Politics: Collision Course or Virtous Circle” in Katzenstein, Peter J., Keohane, Robert O., Krasner, Stephen D., Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: The MIT Press.
  • Gilpin, R. (1981). War and Change in World Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres.
  • Hartley, K, Sandler, T. (2003). “The Future of the Defense Firm”, Kyklos, 56 (3), 361-380.
  • Hosenball, M., Hirsh, M. (2009, March 9). “There’s a world of trouble out there; the CIA faces a threat it’s never been great at analyzing: the fallout from global recession”, Newsweek, 153 (10).
  • Hudson Institute. (2005). China’s New Great Leap Forward: High Technology and Military Power in the Next Half-Century, Indiana: Hudson Institute.
  • Jervis, R. (2002). “Theories of War in an Era of Leading-Power Peace”, American Political Science Review, 96 (1), 1-14.
  • Kennedy, P. (1990). Büyük Güçlerin Yükseliş ve Çöküşleri, Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Keohane, R., Nye, J. (2001). Power and Interdependence, New York: Longman.
  • Kleiman, G. N. (2008). “Dollars and Diplomacy”, The International Economy. 22 (4), 46-48.
  • Koo, R. C. (2008). “Lessons from Japan’s Lost Decade”, The International Economy, 22 (4), 69-73.
  • Lukes, S. (1974). Power: A Radical View, London: MacMillan Press in Ozdemir, Haluk. (2008), “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Güç: Çok Boyutlu Bir Değerlendirme”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 63(3), p. 119.
  • Markusen, A. (1999). Should We Welcome a Transnational Defense Industry?. American Economic Association/Peace Science sessions, New York.
  • Mattoo, A., Subramanian, A. (2009). “From Doha to the next Bretton Woods: A New Multilateral Trade Agenda”, Foreign Affairs, 88 (1), 15-27.
  • Mulvenon, J., Yang, R. H. (2003). The People’s Liberation Army in the Information Age, Santa Monica: RAND.
  • National Science Board. (2008). Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation.
  • Nesvetailova, A., Palan, R. (2008). “A Very North Atlantic Credit Crunch: Geopolitical Implications of the Global Liquidity Crisis”, Journal of International Affairs, 62 (1), 165-185.
  • Neuman, S. (2005). Defense Industries and Dependency: Current and Future Trends in the Global Defense Sector. Conference on Israel’s Strategic Agenda, BESA Center, Bar Ilan University.
  • Neuman, S. (2006). “Defense Industries and Global Dependency”, Orbis, 50 (3), 429-451.
  • Norris, R. S., Krıstensen, H. M. (2008). “Global Nuclear Stockpiles, 1945-2006”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 62 (4), 64-67.
  • Nye, J. (1990). “Soft Power”, Foreign Policy, 80, 153-171.
  • OECD. (2008). Main Science and Technology Indicators, Paris: OECD.
  • Ozdemir, H. (2008). “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Güç: Çok Boyutlu Bir Değerlendirme”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 63(3), 113-144.
  • Panda, J. (2007). “The Modernization Drive of the PLA and the New Defense White Paper”, China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, 5 (1), 21-28.
  • Seyidoğlu, H. (2003). Uluslararası Finans, İstanbul: Güzem Can Yayınları.
  • Setser, B. (2008). “A Neo-Westphalian International Financial System?”, Journal of International Affairs. 62 (1), 17-34.
  • SPRI. (2008). SPRI Yearbook 2008, London: Oxford University Press.
  • Taylor, M. Z. (2005). The Politics of Technological Change: International Relations versus Domestic Institutions, Work in Progress Colloquia, Boston, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Political Science.
  • U.S. Department Of Defense. (2008). Annual Report to Congress The Military Power of The People’s Republic of China 2008, Washington: Office of the Secretary of Defense.
  • U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy, U.S. National Space Policy, Washington, October 6, 2006.
  • Waltz, K. N. (1979) Theory of International Politics, New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Waltz, K. (1990). “Realist Thought and Neorealist Theory”, Journal of International Affairs, 44 (1), 21-37.
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). (2008, February 21). Unprecedented Number of International Patent Filings in 2007,
  • < > (10.8.2008).
  • Xinhua. (2006, May 25) “Plans for Developing New Weaponry Unveiled”.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Gökhan Özkan This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2010
Submission Date September 10, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 9 Issue: 34




Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.