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Year 2022, Volume: 21 Issue: 84, 2120 - 2140, 08.10.2022


İnsan hayatını ve işletmeleri dramatik şekilde etkileyen yapay zeka teknolojisinin, hem iş hayatını hem de örgütleri değiştireceği beklenmektedir. Bu nedenle yapay zeka teknolojisinin örgüt üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmak önem arz etmektedir. Örgüt yapısı-teknoloji ilişkisini ele alan literatürden hareketle bu çalışmanın amacı öncelikle, örgüt yapısının hangi teknoloji türleri ile ve nasıl ilişkilendirildiğini belirlemek ve daha sonra da belirlenen türler arasında yapay zeka teknolojisinin olup olmadığını tespit etmektir. Bu doğrultuda çalışma konusu ile ilgili bulguları özetleyebilmenin ve eleştirel olarak analiz edebilmenin yanı sıra eksik kalan alanları ve eğilimleri de belirleyebilmeyi sağlayabildiği için araştırma yöntemi olarak sistematik literatür taraması kullanılmıştır. Sistematik literatür taraması; 8 dahil etme kriteri kapsamında Web of Science Core Collection (Wos), Journal Storage (JSTOR) ve Scopus veri tabanları üzerinden gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda ilk aşamada ulaşılan 50 makale arasından çalışma amacına uyan 22 makale analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda; teknoloji-örgüt yapısı konulu araştırmalarda bilgi teknolojilerinin öne çıktığı belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte giderek öneminin arttığı ve geleceği şekillendireceği öngörülen yapay zeka teknolojileri ve örgüt yapısı arasındaki ilişkiyi irdeleyen sadece bir çalışmaya ulaşılmıştır. Fakat bu çalışmada da yapay zeka örgüt yapısı ilişkisi literatüre dayandırılarak varsayımsal olarak yorumlanmaktadır. Elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda teknoloji-örgüt yapısı ilişkisi bağlamındaki araştırmaların yapay zeka örgüt yapısı üzerine yoğunlaşması önerilmektedir.


  • Agar, J. (2020). What is technology? Annals of Science, 77 (3), 377-382. DOI:10.1080/00033790.2019.1672788
  • Al Shaar, E. M., Khattab, S. A., Alkaied, R. N., & Manna, A. Q. (2015). The effect of top management support on innovation: The mediating role of synergy between organizational structure and information technology. International Review of Management and Business Research, 4(2), 499.
  • Aldrich, H. E. (1972). Technology and organizational structure: A reexamination of the findings of the Aston Group. Administrative Science Quarterly, 17(1), 26–43.
  • Allen, T. J. (1986). Organizational structure, information technology, and R&D productivity. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, (4), 212-217. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.1986.6447681
  • Battaglia, D., Landoni, P., & Rizzitelli, F. (2017). Organizational structures for external growth of University Technology Transfer Offices: An explorative analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 123, 45-56.
  • Bigelow, L. S. (2006). Technology choice, transaction alignment, and survival: The impact of sub-population organizational structure. In Ecology and Strategy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Bostrom, N. (2019). Süper zeka: Yapay zeka uygulamaları, tehlikeler ve stratejiler. Çev: Aydar, F.B., İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Brereton, P., Kitchenham, B. A., Budgen, D., Turner, M., & Khalil, M. (2007). Lessons from applying the systematic literature review process within the software engineering domain. Journal of systems and software, 80(4), 571-583.
  • Burn, J. M. (1989). The impact of information technology on organisational structures. Information & management, 16(1), 1-10.
  • Chen, C. J. (2007). Information technology, organizational structure, and new product development---the mediating effect of cross-functional team interaction. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 54(4), 687-698. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2007.906831
  • Degryse, H., Laeven, L., & Ongena, S. (2009). The impact of organizational structure and lending technology on banking competition. Review of Finance, 13(2), 225-259.
  • Dekkers, R. (2018). Group technology: Amalgamation with design of organisational structures. International Journal of Production Economics, 200, 262-277.
  • Demir, H. ve Tarhan, O. (2009). Teknoloji, örgüt yapısı ve performans arasındaki ilişkiler üzerine bir araştırma. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 10(1), 57-72.
  • Diaz-Osborn, N., & Osborn, S. (2016). Organizational structure and business and technology strategy of food companies to optimize development of foods for consumers with specific dietary needs. In Developing Food Products for Consumers with Specific Dietary Needs (pp. 43-62). Woodhead Publishing.
  • Donaldson, L. (1976). Woodward, technology, organizational structure and performance—A critique of the universal generalization. Journal of Management Studies, 13(3), 255-273.
  • Ferràs-Hernández, X. (2018). The future of management in a world of electronic brains. Journal of Management Inquiry, 27(2), 60–263. Fiedler, K. D., Grover, V., & Teng, J. T. (1996). An empirically derived taxonomy of information technology structure and its relationship to organizational structure. Journal of Management Information Systems, 13(1), 9-34.
  • Frederiksen, L. W., Riley, A. W., & Myers, J. B. (1985). Matching technology and organizational structure: A case study in white collar productivity improvement. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 6(3-4), 59-80.
  • George, G., Haas, MR. Ve Pentland, A. (2014). Big data and management. Academy of Management Journal, 57 (2), 321–326.
  • Gerwin, D., & Christoffel, W. (1974). Organizational structure and technology: A computer model approach. Management Science, 20(12), 1531-1542.
  • Ghani, K. A., Jayabalan, V., & Sugumar, M. (2002). Impact of advanced manufacturing technology on organizational structure. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 13(2), 157-175.
  • Gupta, A., Chen, I. J., & Chiang, D. (1997). Determining organizational structure choices in advanced manufacturing technology management. Omega, 25(5), 511-521.
  • Gusberti, T. D. H., Werner, L., & Echeveste, M. E. S. Technology development in spin-off company theme is going toward a discussion of organizational structure? Academic Research Trend Analysis.
  • Heintze, T., & Bretschneider, S. (2000). Information technology and restructuring in public organizations: Does adoption of information technology affect organizational structures, communications, and decision making? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 10(4), 801-830.
  • Hirst, M. K. (1984). A partial meta-analysis of the relationship between organisational structure and production technology. Australian Journal of Management, 9(2), 35-42.
  • Holloway, C. (1983). Strategic management and artificial intelligence. Long Range Planning, 16(5), 89-93.
  • Jermsittiparsert, K., Sriyakul, T., & Sangperm, N. (2019). The influence of customer and technology supply chain integration on social sustainable performance with moderating role of organizational structure. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 8(3), 71-82.
  • Jones, G. R. (2017). Örgüt kuramı, örgüt tasarımı ve örgütsel değişim. Gülova, A. A., Ataç, L.O. ve Dirik, D. (Çeviri Ed.), Yedinci Basımdan Çeviri, Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Kahn, R. L. (2000). The effect of technological innovation on organizational structure: Two case studies of the effects of the introduction of a new technology on informal organizational structures. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 14(3), 328-347.
  • Katz, J. E. (1980). Organizational structure and advisory effectiveness: The office of science and technology policy. Technology in Society, 2(1-2), 229-244. Keding, C. (2021). Understanding the interplay of artifcial intelligence and strategic management: Four decades of research in review. Management Review Quarterly 71, 91–134
  • Khandwalla, P. N. (1974). Mass output orientation of operations technology and organizational structure. Administrative Science Quarterly, 74-97.
  • Kılınç, İ. ve Ünal, A. (2019). AI is the new black: Effects of artificial intelligence on business World. Journal of Contemporary Administrative Science, 6(2):238-258.
  • Kılınç, İ. ve Ünal, A. (2020). Reflections of artificial intelligence on c-suite. Nitel Sosyal Bilimler, 2(1), 1-18.
  • Kim, L., & Utterback, J. M. (1983). The evolution of organizational structure and technology in a developing country. Management Science, 29(10), 1185-1197.
  • Kitchenham, B. (2004). Procedures for performing systematic reviews. Keele University and National ICT Australia Ltd, 1-28.
  • Kitchenham, B., Brereton, O. P., Budgen, D., Turner, M., Bailey, J., & Linkman, S. (2009). Systematic literature reviews in software engineering–a systematic literature review. Information and software technology, 51(1), 7-15.
  • Kolbjørnsrud, V., Thomas, R. J. ve Amico, R. (2016). The promise of artificial intelligence: Redefining management in the workforce of the future (Accenture Institute for High Performance ve Accenture Strategy Araştırma Raporu. Accenture,
  • Lee, A., Cheng, C. H., & Chadha, G. S. (1995). Synergism between information technology and organizational structure: a managerial perspective. Journal of Information Technology, 10(1), 37-43.
  • Lin, L. H. (2011). Electronic human resource management and organizational innovation: the roles of information technology and virtual organizational structure. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(02), 235-257.
  • Loukis, E. N., & Michalopoulos, N. (1994). Information technology and organizational structure of the Greek public administration. International Journal of Public Administration, 17(1), 183-208.
  • Lynch, B. P. (1974). An empirical assessment of Perrow’s technology construct. Administrative Science Quarterly, 19(3), 338–356.
  • Mangal, V., & Neirotti, P. (2006). Organisational structure and value chain evolution: impacts of information technology on the insurance industry in the USA and Europe. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 1(2), 171-195. DOI10.1504/IJTMKT.2006.008869
  • Marsh, R. M., & Mannari, H. (1981). Technology and size as determinants of the organizational structure of Japanese factories. Administrative science quarterly, 33-57. Micucci, G., & Rossi, P. (2017). Debt restructuring and the role of banks’ organizational structure and lending technologies. Journal of Financial Services Research, 51(3), 339-361. DOI10.1007/s10693-016-0250-5
  • Mohr, L. B. (1971). Organizational technology and organizational structure. Administrative science quarterly, 444-459.
  • Nabiyev, V. V. (2016). Yapay zekâ: İnsan-bilgisayar etkileşimi (5. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Prasad, S. B. (1977). Thompson technology construct and executive compensation. Management International Review, 17(1), 71–76.
  • Raymond, L., Pare, G., & Bergeron, F. (1995). Matching information technology and organizational structure: an empirical study with implications for performance. European Journal of Information Systems, 4(1), 3-16.
  • Rudko, I., Bashirpour Bonab, A., & Bellini, F. (2021). Organizational structure and artificial Iintelligence. Modeling the intraorganizational response to the AI contingency. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(6), 2341-2364.
  • Say, C. (2018). 50 soruda yapay zekâ (Yedinci baskı). İstanbul: 7 Renk Basım Yayın ve Filmcilik Ltd. Şti.
  • Sewell, G. ve Phillips, N. (2010). Introduction: Joan Woodward and the study of organizations. Phillips, N., Sewell, G. and Griffiths, D. (Ed.) Technology and Organization: Essays in Honour of Joan Woodward (Research in the Sociology of Organizations), 29, 3-20.
  • Singh, J. V. (1986). Technology, size, and organizational structure: A reexamination of the Okayama study data. Academy of Management Journal, 29(4), 800-812.
  • Sor, R. (2004). Information technology and organisational structure: vindicating theories from the past. Management Decision.
  • Ünal, A. ve Kılınç, İ. (2020). Yapay zekâ işletme yönetimi ilişkisi üzerine bir değerlendirme. Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Dergisi, 6(1),51-7.
  • Ünal, A. ve Kılınç, İ. (2021). The feasibility of artificial intelligence performing as CEO: The Vizier-Shah theory. Foresight, 23(6), 698-723.
  • Zakrzewska-Bielawska, A. (2016). Perceived mutual impact of strategy and organizational structure: Findings from the high-technology enterprises. Journal of Management & Organization, 22(5), 599-622. DOI:
  • Zhang, J., & Baden‐Fuller, C. (2010). The influence of technological knowledge base and organizational structure on technology collaboration. Journal of Management Studies, 47(4), 679-704.
  • Oxford Dictionaries, (2022). Erişim tarihi: 23 Şubat 2022


Year 2022, Volume: 21 Issue: 84, 2120 - 2140, 08.10.2022


It is expected that artificial intelligence technology, which affects human life and businesses dramatically, will change both business life and organizations. For this reason, it is important to investigate the effects of artificial intelligence technology on the organization. Based on the literature dealing with the relationship between organizational structure and technology, the aim of this study is to first determine with which technology types and how the organizational structure is associated, and then to determine whether there is artificial intelligence technology among the determined types. In this direction, systematic literature review was used as a research method, as it provides the ability to summarize and critically analyze the findings related to the study subject, as well as to identify the missing areas and trends. Systematic literature review, it was conducted on the Web of Science Core Collection (Wos), Journal Storage (JSTOR) and Scopus databases within the scope of 8 inclusion criteria. In this context, 22 articles that fit the purpose of the study were analyzed among the 50 articles reached in the first stage. As a result of the analysis; it has been determined that information technologies come to the fore in research on technology-organizational structure. However, only one study has been reached that examines the relationship among artificial intelligence technologies and organizational structure, which is expected to become increasingly important and shape the future. However, in this study, the relationship between artificial intelligence and organizational structure is interpreted hypothetically based on the literature. In line with the results obtained, it is suggested that researches in the context of technology-organizational structure relationship should focus on artificial intelligence organizational structure.


  • Agar, J. (2020). What is technology? Annals of Science, 77 (3), 377-382. DOI:10.1080/00033790.2019.1672788
  • Al Shaar, E. M., Khattab, S. A., Alkaied, R. N., & Manna, A. Q. (2015). The effect of top management support on innovation: The mediating role of synergy between organizational structure and information technology. International Review of Management and Business Research, 4(2), 499.
  • Aldrich, H. E. (1972). Technology and organizational structure: A reexamination of the findings of the Aston Group. Administrative Science Quarterly, 17(1), 26–43.
  • Allen, T. J. (1986). Organizational structure, information technology, and R&D productivity. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, (4), 212-217. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.1986.6447681
  • Battaglia, D., Landoni, P., & Rizzitelli, F. (2017). Organizational structures for external growth of University Technology Transfer Offices: An explorative analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 123, 45-56.
  • Bigelow, L. S. (2006). Technology choice, transaction alignment, and survival: The impact of sub-population organizational structure. In Ecology and Strategy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Bostrom, N. (2019). Süper zeka: Yapay zeka uygulamaları, tehlikeler ve stratejiler. Çev: Aydar, F.B., İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Brereton, P., Kitchenham, B. A., Budgen, D., Turner, M., & Khalil, M. (2007). Lessons from applying the systematic literature review process within the software engineering domain. Journal of systems and software, 80(4), 571-583.
  • Burn, J. M. (1989). The impact of information technology on organisational structures. Information & management, 16(1), 1-10.
  • Chen, C. J. (2007). Information technology, organizational structure, and new product development---the mediating effect of cross-functional team interaction. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 54(4), 687-698. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2007.906831
  • Degryse, H., Laeven, L., & Ongena, S. (2009). The impact of organizational structure and lending technology on banking competition. Review of Finance, 13(2), 225-259.
  • Dekkers, R. (2018). Group technology: Amalgamation with design of organisational structures. International Journal of Production Economics, 200, 262-277.
  • Demir, H. ve Tarhan, O. (2009). Teknoloji, örgüt yapısı ve performans arasındaki ilişkiler üzerine bir araştırma. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 10(1), 57-72.
  • Diaz-Osborn, N., & Osborn, S. (2016). Organizational structure and business and technology strategy of food companies to optimize development of foods for consumers with specific dietary needs. In Developing Food Products for Consumers with Specific Dietary Needs (pp. 43-62). Woodhead Publishing.
  • Donaldson, L. (1976). Woodward, technology, organizational structure and performance—A critique of the universal generalization. Journal of Management Studies, 13(3), 255-273.
  • Ferràs-Hernández, X. (2018). The future of management in a world of electronic brains. Journal of Management Inquiry, 27(2), 60–263. Fiedler, K. D., Grover, V., & Teng, J. T. (1996). An empirically derived taxonomy of information technology structure and its relationship to organizational structure. Journal of Management Information Systems, 13(1), 9-34.
  • Frederiksen, L. W., Riley, A. W., & Myers, J. B. (1985). Matching technology and organizational structure: A case study in white collar productivity improvement. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 6(3-4), 59-80.
  • George, G., Haas, MR. Ve Pentland, A. (2014). Big data and management. Academy of Management Journal, 57 (2), 321–326.
  • Gerwin, D., & Christoffel, W. (1974). Organizational structure and technology: A computer model approach. Management Science, 20(12), 1531-1542.
  • Ghani, K. A., Jayabalan, V., & Sugumar, M. (2002). Impact of advanced manufacturing technology on organizational structure. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 13(2), 157-175.
  • Gupta, A., Chen, I. J., & Chiang, D. (1997). Determining organizational structure choices in advanced manufacturing technology management. Omega, 25(5), 511-521.
  • Gusberti, T. D. H., Werner, L., & Echeveste, M. E. S. Technology development in spin-off company theme is going toward a discussion of organizational structure? Academic Research Trend Analysis.
  • Heintze, T., & Bretschneider, S. (2000). Information technology and restructuring in public organizations: Does adoption of information technology affect organizational structures, communications, and decision making? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 10(4), 801-830.
  • Hirst, M. K. (1984). A partial meta-analysis of the relationship between organisational structure and production technology. Australian Journal of Management, 9(2), 35-42.
  • Holloway, C. (1983). Strategic management and artificial intelligence. Long Range Planning, 16(5), 89-93.
  • Jermsittiparsert, K., Sriyakul, T., & Sangperm, N. (2019). The influence of customer and technology supply chain integration on social sustainable performance with moderating role of organizational structure. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 8(3), 71-82.
  • Jones, G. R. (2017). Örgüt kuramı, örgüt tasarımı ve örgütsel değişim. Gülova, A. A., Ataç, L.O. ve Dirik, D. (Çeviri Ed.), Yedinci Basımdan Çeviri, Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Kahn, R. L. (2000). The effect of technological innovation on organizational structure: Two case studies of the effects of the introduction of a new technology on informal organizational structures. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 14(3), 328-347.
  • Katz, J. E. (1980). Organizational structure and advisory effectiveness: The office of science and technology policy. Technology in Society, 2(1-2), 229-244. Keding, C. (2021). Understanding the interplay of artifcial intelligence and strategic management: Four decades of research in review. Management Review Quarterly 71, 91–134
  • Khandwalla, P. N. (1974). Mass output orientation of operations technology and organizational structure. Administrative Science Quarterly, 74-97.
  • Kılınç, İ. ve Ünal, A. (2019). AI is the new black: Effects of artificial intelligence on business World. Journal of Contemporary Administrative Science, 6(2):238-258.
  • Kılınç, İ. ve Ünal, A. (2020). Reflections of artificial intelligence on c-suite. Nitel Sosyal Bilimler, 2(1), 1-18.
  • Kim, L., & Utterback, J. M. (1983). The evolution of organizational structure and technology in a developing country. Management Science, 29(10), 1185-1197.
  • Kitchenham, B. (2004). Procedures for performing systematic reviews. Keele University and National ICT Australia Ltd, 1-28.
  • Kitchenham, B., Brereton, O. P., Budgen, D., Turner, M., Bailey, J., & Linkman, S. (2009). Systematic literature reviews in software engineering–a systematic literature review. Information and software technology, 51(1), 7-15.
  • Kolbjørnsrud, V., Thomas, R. J. ve Amico, R. (2016). The promise of artificial intelligence: Redefining management in the workforce of the future (Accenture Institute for High Performance ve Accenture Strategy Araştırma Raporu. Accenture,
  • Lee, A., Cheng, C. H., & Chadha, G. S. (1995). Synergism between information technology and organizational structure: a managerial perspective. Journal of Information Technology, 10(1), 37-43.
  • Lin, L. H. (2011). Electronic human resource management and organizational innovation: the roles of information technology and virtual organizational structure. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(02), 235-257.
  • Loukis, E. N., & Michalopoulos, N. (1994). Information technology and organizational structure of the Greek public administration. International Journal of Public Administration, 17(1), 183-208.
  • Lynch, B. P. (1974). An empirical assessment of Perrow’s technology construct. Administrative Science Quarterly, 19(3), 338–356.
  • Mangal, V., & Neirotti, P. (2006). Organisational structure and value chain evolution: impacts of information technology on the insurance industry in the USA and Europe. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 1(2), 171-195. DOI10.1504/IJTMKT.2006.008869
  • Marsh, R. M., & Mannari, H. (1981). Technology and size as determinants of the organizational structure of Japanese factories. Administrative science quarterly, 33-57. Micucci, G., & Rossi, P. (2017). Debt restructuring and the role of banks’ organizational structure and lending technologies. Journal of Financial Services Research, 51(3), 339-361. DOI10.1007/s10693-016-0250-5
  • Mohr, L. B. (1971). Organizational technology and organizational structure. Administrative science quarterly, 444-459.
  • Nabiyev, V. V. (2016). Yapay zekâ: İnsan-bilgisayar etkileşimi (5. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Prasad, S. B. (1977). Thompson technology construct and executive compensation. Management International Review, 17(1), 71–76.
  • Raymond, L., Pare, G., & Bergeron, F. (1995). Matching information technology and organizational structure: an empirical study with implications for performance. European Journal of Information Systems, 4(1), 3-16.
  • Rudko, I., Bashirpour Bonab, A., & Bellini, F. (2021). Organizational structure and artificial Iintelligence. Modeling the intraorganizational response to the AI contingency. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(6), 2341-2364.
  • Say, C. (2018). 50 soruda yapay zekâ (Yedinci baskı). İstanbul: 7 Renk Basım Yayın ve Filmcilik Ltd. Şti.
  • Sewell, G. ve Phillips, N. (2010). Introduction: Joan Woodward and the study of organizations. Phillips, N., Sewell, G. and Griffiths, D. (Ed.) Technology and Organization: Essays in Honour of Joan Woodward (Research in the Sociology of Organizations), 29, 3-20.
  • Singh, J. V. (1986). Technology, size, and organizational structure: A reexamination of the Okayama study data. Academy of Management Journal, 29(4), 800-812.
  • Sor, R. (2004). Information technology and organisational structure: vindicating theories from the past. Management Decision.
  • Ünal, A. ve Kılınç, İ. (2020). Yapay zekâ işletme yönetimi ilişkisi üzerine bir değerlendirme. Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Dergisi, 6(1),51-7.
  • Ünal, A. ve Kılınç, İ. (2021). The feasibility of artificial intelligence performing as CEO: The Vizier-Shah theory. Foresight, 23(6), 698-723.
  • Zakrzewska-Bielawska, A. (2016). Perceived mutual impact of strategy and organizational structure: Findings from the high-technology enterprises. Journal of Management & Organization, 22(5), 599-622. DOI:
  • Zhang, J., & Baden‐Fuller, C. (2010). The influence of technological knowledge base and organizational structure on technology collaboration. Journal of Management Studies, 47(4), 679-704.
  • Oxford Dictionaries, (2022). Erişim tarihi: 23 Şubat 2022
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Derleme

Gülizar Özçelik 0000-0002-2069-9125

Publication Date October 8, 2022
Submission Date April 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 21 Issue: 84


APA Özçelik, G. (2022). TEKNOLOJİ-ÖRGÜT YAPISI İLİŞKİSİ BAĞLAMINDA YAPAY ZEKA İZLERİ. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21(84), 2120-2140.


Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.