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Year 2023, Volume: 22 Issue: 88, 1687 - 1696, 20.10.2023


Globally, education systems now place a high premium on the development of teachers (Misra, 2018). Professional development courses have also been impacted by technological advancements in learning (Wasserman & Migdal, 2019). Teacher professional development has shifted away from traditional face-to-face, single-location training and toward developmental activities in advanced web-based environments in the age of Internet technology. As a result, web-based professional development courses can not only enhance instructors' professional knowledge and experience, but also assist them in breaking school boundaries (Kao et al., 2014). Online teacher professional development for teachers (oTPD) is still a rapidly expanding topic of research in teacher education. (Dille & Røkenes, 2021).Therefore, the purpose of this study is to review related literature on oTPD so that it hopes to provide a large lens through oTPD. It will eloborate on communities of practice, online communities of practice for teachers and perspectives of online teacher professional development.


  • Abedini, A., Abedin, B., & Zowghi, D. (2021). Adult learning in online communities of practice: A systematic review. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(4), 1663-1694.
  • Biasutti, M., Frate, S., & Concina, E. (2019). Music teachers’ professional development: Assessing a three-year collaborative online course. Music Education Research, 21(1), 116-133.
  • Bergviken Rensfeldt, A., Hillman, T., & Selwyn, N. (2018). Teachers ‘liking’their work? Exploring the realities of teacher Facebook groups. British Educational Research Journal, 44(2), 230-250.
  • Bett, H., & Makewa, L. (2020). Can Facebook groups enhance continuing professional development of teachers? Lessons from Kenya. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 48(2), 132-146. .
  • Bragg, L. A., Walsh, C., & Heyeres, M. (2021). Successful design and delivery of online professional development for teachers: A systematic review of the literature. Computers & Education, 166, 104158.
  • boyd, d., & Ellison, N. B. (2008). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210-230.
  • Chen, Y., Chen, N. S., & Tsai, C. C. (2009). The use of online synchronous discussion for web-based professional development for teachers. Computers & Education, 53(4), 1155-1166.
  • Chung, T. Y., & Chen, Y. L. (2018). Exchanging social support on online teacher groups: Relation to teacher self-efficacy. Telematics and Informatics, 35(5), 1542-1552.
  • Dela Cruz-Yeh, A. (2011). Facilitating teacher professional development in online learning environments: a study of Taiwanese English teachers in private language supplementary schools (Doctoral dissertation). University of Birmingham, Birmingham.
  • Dille, K. B., & Røkenes, F. M. (2021). Teachers’ professional development in formal online communities: A scoping review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 105, 103431.
  • Donnelly, D. F., & Boniface, S. (2013). Consuming and creating: Early-adopting science teachers' perceptions and use of a wiki to support professional development. Computers & Education, 68, 9-20.
  • Du, H., Xing, W., Zhu, G. (2023). Mining teacher informal online learning networks: Insights from massive educational chat tweets. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 61(1), 127–150.
  • Duncan‐Howell, J. (2010). Teachers making connections: Online communities as a source of professional learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(2), 324-340.
  • Elliott, J. C. (2017). The evolution from traditional to online professional development: A review. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 33(3), 114-125.
  • Gairín-Sallán, J., & Rodríguez-Gómez, D. (2010). Teacher Professional Development through Knowledge Management in Educational Organisations. In J. Lindberg & A. Olofsson (Eds.), Online learning communities and teacher professional development: Methods for improved education delivery (pp. 134-153). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Helleve, I. (2010). Theoretical foundations of teachers‟ professional development. In J. Lindberg & A. Olofsson (Eds.), Online learning communities and teacher professional development: Methods for improved education delivery (pp. 1-19). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Johnson, C. M. (2001). A survey of current research on online communities of practice. The Internet and Higher Education, 4(1), 45-60.
  • Kao, C. P., Tsai, C. C., & Shih, M. (2014). Development of a survey to measure self-efficacy and attitudes toward web-based professional development among elementary school teachers. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 302-315.
  • Karagiorgi, Y., & Lymbouridou, C. (2009). The story of an online teacher community in Cyprus. Professional development in education, 35(1), 119-138.
  • Kavoshian, S., Ketabi, S., Tavakoli, M., & Koehler, T. (2022). Mobile Social Network Sites (MSNSs) for Iranian EFL Teachers’ Professional Development. TechTrends, 66(2), 196-211.
  • Kelly, N., & Antonio, A. (2016). Teacher peer support in social network sites. Teaching and Teacher Education, 56, 138-149.
  • Kirschner, P. A., & Lai, K. W. (2007). Online communities of practice in education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 16(2), 127-131.
  • Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
  • Li, S., Zheng, J., & Zheng, Y. (2021). Towards a new approach to managing teacher online learning: Learning communities as activity systems. The Social Science Journal, 58(3), 383-395.
  • Lloyd, M., & Duncan-Howell, J. (2010). Changing the Metaphor: The Potential of Online Communities in Teacher Professional Development. In J. Lindberg & A. Olofsson (Eds.), Online learning communities and teacher professional development: Methods for improved education delivery (pp.60-76).Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Loucks-Horsley, S., Hewson, P., Love, N. & Stiles, K. (1998) Designing professional development for teachers of science and mathematics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Macià, M., & García, I. (2016). Informal online communities and networks as a source of teacher professional development: A review. Teaching and teacher education, 55, 291-307.
  • Maher, D., & Prescott, A. (2017). Professional development for rural and remote teachers using video conferencing. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 45(5), 520-538.
  • Michos, K., & Hernández-Leo, D. (2018). Supporting awareness in communities of learning design practice. Computers in human behavior, 85, 255-270.
  • Misra, P. (2018). MOOCs for teacher professional development: Reflections and suggested actions. Open Praxis, 10(1), 67-77.
  • Mixon, C. S., Owens, J. S., Hustus, C., Serrano, V. J., & Holdaway, A. S. (2019). Evaluating the impact of online professional development on teachers’ use of a targeted behavioral classroom intervention. School Mental Health, 11, 115-128.
  • Moodley, M. (2019). WhatsApp: Creating a virtual teacher community for supporting and monitoring after a professional development programme. South African Journal of Education, 39(2), 1-10.
  • Murugaiah, P., Azman, H., Thang, S. M., & Krish, P. (2012). Teacher learning via communities of practice: A Malaysian case study. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 7(2), 162-174.
  • Nicholas, B., Avram, A., Chow, J., & Lupasco, S. (2018). Building a community of connected ELT professionals on Twitter. TESL Canada Journal, 35(2), 166-178.
  • Prestridge, S. (2019). Categorising teachers’ use of social media for their professional learning: A self-generating professional learning paradigm. Computers & education, 129, 143-158.
  • Rehm, M., & Notten, A. (2016). Twitter as an informal learning space for teachers!? The role of social capital in Twitter conversations among teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 60, 215-223.
  • Riding, P. (2001). Online teacher communities and continuing professional development. Teacher Development, 5(3), 283-296.
  • Rosenbaum, H., & Shachaf, P. (2010). A structuration approach to online communities of practice: The case of Q&A communities. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(9), 1933-1944.
  • Roskos, K., Jarosewich, T., Lenhart, L., & Collins, L. (2007). Design of online teacher professional development in a statewide Reading First professional development system. The Internet and Higher Education, 10(3), 173-183.
  • Tseng, F. C., & Kuo, F. Y. (2014). A study of social participation and knowledge sharing in the teachers' online professional community of practice. Computers & Education, 72, 37-47.
  • van Bommel, J., Randahl, A. C., Liljekvist, Y., & Ruthven, K. (2020). Tracing teachers’ transformation of knowledge in social media. Teaching and Teacher Education, 87, 102958.
  • Wasserman, E., & Migdal, R. (2019). Professional Development: Teachers' Attitudes in Online and Traditional Training Courses. Online Learning, 23(1), 132-143.
  • Wenger, E., McDermott, R. A., & Snyder, W. (2002). Cultivating communities of practice: A guide to managing knowledge. Boston: Harvard Business Press.
  • Wenger, E. (2005). Communities of Practice. A brief introduction. retrieved June 30, 2022, from
  • Xing, W., & Gao, F. (2018). Exploring the relationship between online discourse and commitment in Twitter professional learning communities. Computers & Education, 126, 388-398.
  • Yang, S. H. (2016). Conceptualizing effective feedback practice through an online community of inquiry. Computers & Education, 94, 162-177.
  • Yurkofsky, M. M., Blum-Smith, S., & Brennan, K. (2019). Expanding outcomes: Exploring varied conceptions of teacher learning in an online professional development experience. Teaching and Teacher Education, 82, 1-13.
  • Zygouris-Coe, V. I., & Swan, B. (2010). Challenges of online teacher professional development communities. In J. Lindberg & A. Olofsson (Eds.), Online learning communities and teacher professional development: Methods for improved education delivery (p.114-133). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Year 2023, Volume: 22 Issue: 88, 1687 - 1696, 20.10.2023


Küresel olarak, eğitim sistemleri artık öğretmenlerin gelişimine büyük önem vermektedir (Misra, 2018). Mesleki gelişim kursları, öğrenmedeki teknolojik gelişmelerden de etkilenmiştir (Wasserman & Migdal, 2019). Öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi, geleneksel yüz yüze, tek konumlu eğitimden İnternet teknolojisi çağında gelişmiş web tabanlı ortamlardaki gelişim etkinliklerine doğru kaymıştır. Sonuç olarak, web tabanlı mesleki gelişim kursları, eğitmenlerin yalnızca mesleki bilgi ve deneyimlerini artırmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda okul sınırlarını aşmalarına da yardımcı olur (Kao ve diğerleri, 2014). Öğretmenler için çevrimiçi öğretmen mesleki gelişimi (oTPD), öğretmen eğitiminde hâlâ hızla genişleyen bir araştırma konusudur. (Dille & Røkenes, 2021). Bu nedenle, bu çalışmanın amacı, oTPD aracılığıyla bir mercek tutarak oTPD ile ilgili alanyazını gözden geçirmektir. Uygulama toplulukları, öğretmenler için çevrimiçi uygulama toplulukları ve çevrimiçi öğretmen mesleki gelişimi perspektifleri üzerinde durulacaktır.


  • Abedini, A., Abedin, B., & Zowghi, D. (2021). Adult learning in online communities of practice: A systematic review. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(4), 1663-1694.
  • Biasutti, M., Frate, S., & Concina, E. (2019). Music teachers’ professional development: Assessing a three-year collaborative online course. Music Education Research, 21(1), 116-133.
  • Bergviken Rensfeldt, A., Hillman, T., & Selwyn, N. (2018). Teachers ‘liking’their work? Exploring the realities of teacher Facebook groups. British Educational Research Journal, 44(2), 230-250.
  • Bett, H., & Makewa, L. (2020). Can Facebook groups enhance continuing professional development of teachers? Lessons from Kenya. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 48(2), 132-146. .
  • Bragg, L. A., Walsh, C., & Heyeres, M. (2021). Successful design and delivery of online professional development for teachers: A systematic review of the literature. Computers & Education, 166, 104158.
  • boyd, d., & Ellison, N. B. (2008). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210-230.
  • Chen, Y., Chen, N. S., & Tsai, C. C. (2009). The use of online synchronous discussion for web-based professional development for teachers. Computers & Education, 53(4), 1155-1166.
  • Chung, T. Y., & Chen, Y. L. (2018). Exchanging social support on online teacher groups: Relation to teacher self-efficacy. Telematics and Informatics, 35(5), 1542-1552.
  • Dela Cruz-Yeh, A. (2011). Facilitating teacher professional development in online learning environments: a study of Taiwanese English teachers in private language supplementary schools (Doctoral dissertation). University of Birmingham, Birmingham.
  • Dille, K. B., & Røkenes, F. M. (2021). Teachers’ professional development in formal online communities: A scoping review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 105, 103431.
  • Donnelly, D. F., & Boniface, S. (2013). Consuming and creating: Early-adopting science teachers' perceptions and use of a wiki to support professional development. Computers & Education, 68, 9-20.
  • Du, H., Xing, W., Zhu, G. (2023). Mining teacher informal online learning networks: Insights from massive educational chat tweets. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 61(1), 127–150.
  • Duncan‐Howell, J. (2010). Teachers making connections: Online communities as a source of professional learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(2), 324-340.
  • Elliott, J. C. (2017). The evolution from traditional to online professional development: A review. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 33(3), 114-125.
  • Gairín-Sallán, J., & Rodríguez-Gómez, D. (2010). Teacher Professional Development through Knowledge Management in Educational Organisations. In J. Lindberg & A. Olofsson (Eds.), Online learning communities and teacher professional development: Methods for improved education delivery (pp. 134-153). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Helleve, I. (2010). Theoretical foundations of teachers‟ professional development. In J. Lindberg & A. Olofsson (Eds.), Online learning communities and teacher professional development: Methods for improved education delivery (pp. 1-19). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Johnson, C. M. (2001). A survey of current research on online communities of practice. The Internet and Higher Education, 4(1), 45-60.
  • Kao, C. P., Tsai, C. C., & Shih, M. (2014). Development of a survey to measure self-efficacy and attitudes toward web-based professional development among elementary school teachers. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 302-315.
  • Karagiorgi, Y., & Lymbouridou, C. (2009). The story of an online teacher community in Cyprus. Professional development in education, 35(1), 119-138.
  • Kavoshian, S., Ketabi, S., Tavakoli, M., & Koehler, T. (2022). Mobile Social Network Sites (MSNSs) for Iranian EFL Teachers’ Professional Development. TechTrends, 66(2), 196-211.
  • Kelly, N., & Antonio, A. (2016). Teacher peer support in social network sites. Teaching and Teacher Education, 56, 138-149.
  • Kirschner, P. A., & Lai, K. W. (2007). Online communities of practice in education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 16(2), 127-131.
  • Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
  • Li, S., Zheng, J., & Zheng, Y. (2021). Towards a new approach to managing teacher online learning: Learning communities as activity systems. The Social Science Journal, 58(3), 383-395.
  • Lloyd, M., & Duncan-Howell, J. (2010). Changing the Metaphor: The Potential of Online Communities in Teacher Professional Development. In J. Lindberg & A. Olofsson (Eds.), Online learning communities and teacher professional development: Methods for improved education delivery (pp.60-76).Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Loucks-Horsley, S., Hewson, P., Love, N. & Stiles, K. (1998) Designing professional development for teachers of science and mathematics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Macià, M., & García, I. (2016). Informal online communities and networks as a source of teacher professional development: A review. Teaching and teacher education, 55, 291-307.
  • Maher, D., & Prescott, A. (2017). Professional development for rural and remote teachers using video conferencing. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 45(5), 520-538.
  • Michos, K., & Hernández-Leo, D. (2018). Supporting awareness in communities of learning design practice. Computers in human behavior, 85, 255-270.
  • Misra, P. (2018). MOOCs for teacher professional development: Reflections and suggested actions. Open Praxis, 10(1), 67-77.
  • Mixon, C. S., Owens, J. S., Hustus, C., Serrano, V. J., & Holdaway, A. S. (2019). Evaluating the impact of online professional development on teachers’ use of a targeted behavioral classroom intervention. School Mental Health, 11, 115-128.
  • Moodley, M. (2019). WhatsApp: Creating a virtual teacher community for supporting and monitoring after a professional development programme. South African Journal of Education, 39(2), 1-10.
  • Murugaiah, P., Azman, H., Thang, S. M., & Krish, P. (2012). Teacher learning via communities of practice: A Malaysian case study. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 7(2), 162-174.
  • Nicholas, B., Avram, A., Chow, J., & Lupasco, S. (2018). Building a community of connected ELT professionals on Twitter. TESL Canada Journal, 35(2), 166-178.
  • Prestridge, S. (2019). Categorising teachers’ use of social media for their professional learning: A self-generating professional learning paradigm. Computers & education, 129, 143-158.
  • Rehm, M., & Notten, A. (2016). Twitter as an informal learning space for teachers!? The role of social capital in Twitter conversations among teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 60, 215-223.
  • Riding, P. (2001). Online teacher communities and continuing professional development. Teacher Development, 5(3), 283-296.
  • Rosenbaum, H., & Shachaf, P. (2010). A structuration approach to online communities of practice: The case of Q&A communities. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(9), 1933-1944.
  • Roskos, K., Jarosewich, T., Lenhart, L., & Collins, L. (2007). Design of online teacher professional development in a statewide Reading First professional development system. The Internet and Higher Education, 10(3), 173-183.
  • Tseng, F. C., & Kuo, F. Y. (2014). A study of social participation and knowledge sharing in the teachers' online professional community of practice. Computers & Education, 72, 37-47.
  • van Bommel, J., Randahl, A. C., Liljekvist, Y., & Ruthven, K. (2020). Tracing teachers’ transformation of knowledge in social media. Teaching and Teacher Education, 87, 102958.
  • Wasserman, E., & Migdal, R. (2019). Professional Development: Teachers' Attitudes in Online and Traditional Training Courses. Online Learning, 23(1), 132-143.
  • Wenger, E., McDermott, R. A., & Snyder, W. (2002). Cultivating communities of practice: A guide to managing knowledge. Boston: Harvard Business Press.
  • Wenger, E. (2005). Communities of Practice. A brief introduction. retrieved June 30, 2022, from
  • Xing, W., & Gao, F. (2018). Exploring the relationship between online discourse and commitment in Twitter professional learning communities. Computers & Education, 126, 388-398.
  • Yang, S. H. (2016). Conceptualizing effective feedback practice through an online community of inquiry. Computers & Education, 94, 162-177.
  • Yurkofsky, M. M., Blum-Smith, S., & Brennan, K. (2019). Expanding outcomes: Exploring varied conceptions of teacher learning in an online professional development experience. Teaching and Teacher Education, 82, 1-13.
  • Zygouris-Coe, V. I., & Swan, B. (2010). Challenges of online teacher professional development communities. In J. Lindberg & A. Olofsson (Eds.), Online learning communities and teacher professional development: Methods for improved education delivery (p.114-133). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

İslim Derya Yılmaz 0000-0003-3089-8766

Birsen Bağçeci 0000-0001-8189-4912

Early Pub Date September 15, 2023
Publication Date October 20, 2023
Submission Date April 4, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 22 Issue: 88


APA Yılmaz, İ. D., & Bağçeci, B. (2023). ONLINE TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: A BRIEF LITERATURE REVIEW. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(88), 1687-1696.


Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.