Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 139 - 161, 28.06.2018


The current study analyses the content, form, organisation
and management of scientific-methodical work as well as its impact on
students’ research skills and their learning in middle and high schools. 100
principals and 102 vice-principals working in public schools in such cities
of Azerbaijan as Binagadi, Khachmaz, Goygol, Yardimli, Lerik, Astara and
Lankaran were included into this research 
study, which attempted to identify the system of scientific-methodical
work, its purpose and duties in addition to its forms and directions. The
study also aimed to
identify the collaboration between the
principals and vice-principals, the system of scientific-methodical work with
young teachers, and the structure and content of teacher portfolio. This
paper justified the value of the aforementioned factors and proved their
necessity. Moreover, in the study it is confirmed that scientific-methodical
work is still a valid and reliable approach.


  • Abutalov, R.R., Mammadov, S.M. & Guliyev, S. (2014). Basics of management. Baku.
  • Aliyev, P.B. (2016) Planning of management of public schools. Baku.
  • Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2005). Baku: Azerbaijan.
  • Education Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2009). Baku.
  • Ismikhanov, M.A. & Bakhtiyarova, R.A. (2012). School management: A textbook for pedagogical institute and universities. Baku.
  • Jabbarov, R. (2004). Management and planning of education at public schools. Baku, Muallim.
  • Maksimova, L. & Shibanova, E. (2002). Handbook of a school principal.
  • Mehrabov, A.O. (2007). Current problems of education in Azerbaijan. Baku, Mutarjim.
  • Model Regulations of Public Schools. (2011). Baku.
  • Migal, E.A. (2013). Management of modern school. Moscow.
  • Panferova, N.N. (2010). Management in the education system: A textbook. Moscow.
  • Pomoshnikin, M. (2002). Quality of education: Problems and technology of management. Moscow.
  • Results of assessment and monitoring of achievemets of learners for decision-making in management (2013). Baku, Khazar University.
  • Rzayev, O.H., Mammadov S.M. & Ismayilov, S.N. (2010). Basics of education management: A textbook. Baku, Mutarjim. 2018, 5(1), 139-161 161
  • Rudnev, E.A. (2013). Management of the quality of education in a school: Manager resources. Moscow.
  • Simonov, V.P. (2004). Pedagogical management: know-how in education: a tutorial. Moscow, Higher Education.
  • Sovetova, E.V. (2008). Directory of the vice-principal of a school. Rastov: Phoenix.
  • Suleymanova, A. (2014). Basics of education. Baku, Tahsil.
  • Support for professional competence of teachers: available experience and recommendations (2015). Baku, Publication LLC
  • State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan. (2013). Baku.
  • State Standards and Programs (Curiculum) of Public School. (2010). Baku.
  • Teaching of Human Rights: Methodical Manual. Norwegian Council of Refugees (2003). Baku -Azerbaijan: NRC country programmes, Report from Norvegian Refugee Council -
  • Shakurov R.KH. (1990) Socio-psychological bases of management: leader and staff. Moscow, Prosvesheniye


Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 139 - 161, 28.06.2018


Bu araştırma
ortaokul ve liselerde bilimsel-metodolojik çalışmanın  içeriği, biçimi,
organizasyonu ve yönetimi gibi meseleleri analiz etmekte olup
; bunun yanı sıra
bilimsel-metodolojik çalışmanın öğrencilerin araştırma becerileri
ve onların öğrenme üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktadır.
Bu araştırmaya
Azerbaycan’ın Binagadi, Haçmaz, Göygöl, Yardımlı, Lerik,
Astara ve Lenkeran gibi şehirlerinden 100 ortaokul ve lise müdürü ve 102
ortaokul ve lise müdürü yardımcısı dâhil
edilmiştir. Araştırmanın
amacı  bilimsel-metodolojik çalışmanın sistemini,
görevlerini, biçim ve istikametini, okul müdürü ve okul müdürü
yardımcısı arasındaki işbirliğini, genç öğretmenler ile bilimsel-metodik çalışma sistemi,
öğretmen  portfolyosunun yapısı ve içeriği gibi meseleleri tanımlamaya
çalışmaktır. Araştırma, aynı zamanda, yukarıda belirtilen faktörlerin
önemli etkenler olduğunu savunmuştur. Bunların yanı sıra, araştırmada
bilimsel-metodolojik çalışmanın hâlâ geçerli ve güvenilir bir
yaklaşım olduğu teyit


  • Abutalov, R.R., Mammadov, S.M. & Guliyev, S. (2014). Basics of management. Baku.
  • Aliyev, P.B. (2016) Planning of management of public schools. Baku.
  • Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2005). Baku: Azerbaijan.
  • Education Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2009). Baku.
  • Ismikhanov, M.A. & Bakhtiyarova, R.A. (2012). School management: A textbook for pedagogical institute and universities. Baku.
  • Jabbarov, R. (2004). Management and planning of education at public schools. Baku, Muallim.
  • Maksimova, L. & Shibanova, E. (2002). Handbook of a school principal.
  • Mehrabov, A.O. (2007). Current problems of education in Azerbaijan. Baku, Mutarjim.
  • Model Regulations of Public Schools. (2011). Baku.
  • Migal, E.A. (2013). Management of modern school. Moscow.
  • Panferova, N.N. (2010). Management in the education system: A textbook. Moscow.
  • Pomoshnikin, M. (2002). Quality of education: Problems and technology of management. Moscow.
  • Results of assessment and monitoring of achievemets of learners for decision-making in management (2013). Baku, Khazar University.
  • Rzayev, O.H., Mammadov S.M. & Ismayilov, S.N. (2010). Basics of education management: A textbook. Baku, Mutarjim. 2018, 5(1), 139-161 161
  • Rudnev, E.A. (2013). Management of the quality of education in a school: Manager resources. Moscow.
  • Simonov, V.P. (2004). Pedagogical management: know-how in education: a tutorial. Moscow, Higher Education.
  • Sovetova, E.V. (2008). Directory of the vice-principal of a school. Rastov: Phoenix.
  • Suleymanova, A. (2014). Basics of education. Baku, Tahsil.
  • Support for professional competence of teachers: available experience and recommendations (2015). Baku, Publication LLC
  • State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan. (2013). Baku.
  • State Standards and Programs (Curiculum) of Public School. (2010). Baku.
  • Teaching of Human Rights: Methodical Manual. Norwegian Council of Refugees (2003). Baku -Azerbaijan: NRC country programmes, Report from Norvegian Refugee Council -
  • Shakurov R.KH. (1990) Socio-psychological bases of management: leader and staff. Moscow, Prosvesheniye
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Pirali Aliyev

Farah Huseynova This is me

Publication Date June 28, 2018
Submission Date April 11, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Aliyev, P., & Huseynova, F. (2018). THE MANAGEMENT OF METHODICAL WORK IN MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOLS. Eğitim Ve Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 139-161.