Ülkemiz açısından önemli bir protein bitkisi olan nohut geniş bir alanda yetiştirilen önemli bir soğuk mevsim baklagilidir. Verim, kalite ve dayanıklılık başlıkları altında nohut ıslah çalışmaları uluslararası ve ulusal resmi ve özel sektörlerde olmak üzere devam etmektedir. Klasik ıslah yöntemleri uygulamaları ile nohut bitkisinde özellikle de dar genetik tabana sahip olması nedeni ile arzu edilen varyasyonlara ulaşamamaktadır. Bu nedenle biyoteknolojik uygulamalar ile bu varyasyonlar sağlanmaya çalışılmakta ve kısa sürede arzu edilen özellik bakımından saflaştırmalara gidilebilmektedir. Bu biyoteknolojik uygulamalardan olan anter, polen ve yumurtalık kültürü ıslah çalışmalarında kullanılmaktadır. Literatürler incelendiğinde bu tür generatif yapıların gelişiminde çevre (düşük ve yüksek sıcaklık vb.) ve kültürel uygulamalar (çeşit ve gübreleme) önemli etkilerde bulunduğu görülmektedir. Çevre ve kültürel uygulamanın optimum olduğu koşullarda biyoteknolojik uygulamaların başarı şansını arttırmaktadır. Bu derleme, nohut bitkisi özelinde ıslah çalışmalarında kullanılan polenin teşekkülü esnasında çevre ve kültürel uygulamalar ile olan ilişkisini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Çalışma herhangi bir kurum tarafından desteklenmemiştir.
Abdollahi, M. R., and Seguí-Simarro, J. M., 2021. Anther Culture of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). In Doubled Haploid Technology (pp. 289-299). Humana, New York, NY.
Ahmad, F, Gaur, P, Croser, J., 2005, Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Genetic Resources, Chromosome engineering and crop improvement-Grain Legumes, Vol. 1 Singh, R. and Jauhar, P., (eds), USA, CRC Press, pp. 185-214.
Akçin, A., 1988, Yemeklik Tane Baklagiller, Selçuk Üniversitesi Yayınları:43, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları:8. 1988, Konya
Berger, J. D., Kumar, S., Nayyar, H., Street, K. A., Sandhu, J. S., Henzell, J. M., and Clarke, H. C. 2012. Temperature-stratified screening of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genetic resource collections reveals very limited reproductive chilling tolerance compared to its annual wild relatives. Field Crops Research, 126, 119-129.
Borg, M., and Twell, D., 2011. Pollen: structure and development. eLS. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470015902.a0002039.pub2.
Chaturvedi, M., Yunus, D., and Datta, K.,1995. Pollen morphology of Cicer L.‐wild and cultivated annual species. Feddes Repertorium, 106(1‐5), 29-37.
Chhabra, S., Kajal, N., Dhingra, H. R., and Varghese, T. M. 1996. Effect of foliar application of NAA and BAP on in-vitro pollen germination and tube elongation in chickpea raised under saline conditions. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 38, 168-170.
Clarke, H. J., Khan, T. N., and Siddique, K. H., 2004. Pollen selection for chilling tolerance at hybridisation leads to improved chickpea cultivars. Euphytica, 139(1), 65-74.
Croser, J. S., Lulsdorf, M. M., Grewal, R. K., Usher, K. M., & Siddique, K. H., 2011. Isolated microspore culture of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): induction of androgenesis and cytological analysis of early haploid divisions. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 47(3), 357-368.
Devasirvatham, V., Gaur, P. M., Mallikarjuna, N., Raju, T. N., Trethowan, R. M., and Tan, D. K., 2013. Reproductive biology of chickpea response to heat stress in the field is associated with the performance in controlled environments. Field Crops Research, 142, 9-19.
Dhingra, H. R., Kajal, N., Chhabra, S., and Varghese, T. M., 1995. Proline, hydroxyproline, putrescine and pollen tube elongation in chickpea. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 38, 90-91.
Edlund, A. F., Swanson, R., and Preuss, D., 2004. Pollen and stigma structure and function: the role of diversity in pollination. The Plant Cell, 16(suppl_1), S84-S97.
El-Adawy, T.A., 2002. Nutritional Composition And Antinutritional Factors Of Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) Undergoing Different Cooking Methods And Germination, Plant Foods For Human Nutrition, 57: 83–97.
Fang, X., Turner, N. C., Yan, G., Li, F., and Siddique, K. H., 2010. Flower numbers, pod production, pollen viability, and pistil function are reduced and flower and pod abortion increased in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under terminal drought. Journal of experimental botany, 61(2), 335-345.
Frediani, M, Caputo, P., 2005. Phylogenetic Relationships Among Annual and Perennial Species Of The Genus Cicer As İnferred From ITS Sequences Of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA, Biologia Plantarum, 49 (1): 47-52.
Frenguelli, G., 2004. Pollen structure and morphology. Advances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postępy Dermatologii Alergologii, 20(4), 200-204.
Gaur, P. M., and Gour, V. K. (2002). A gene producing one to nine flowers per flowering node in chickpea. Euphytica, 128(2), 231-235.
Grant-Downton, R., 2009. Pollen terminology. An illustrated handbook. Annuals of Botany, Volume 105, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages viii–ix. https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcp289
Grewal, R. K., Lulsdorf, M., Croser, J., Ochatt, S., Vandenberg, A., and Warkentin, T. D., 2009. Doubled-haploid production in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): role of stress treatments. Plant Cell Reports, 28(8), 1289-1299.
Helbaek, H.,1970. The plant husbandry at Hacilar. a study of cultivation and domestication. Edinburgh University Press, 189,
Iliadis, C., 2001. Evaluation Of Six Chickpea Varieties For Seed Yield Under Autumn And Spring Sowing. The Journal Of Agricultural Science, 137: 439–444.
Ladizinsky, G., and Adler, A., 1976. The origin of chickpea Cicer arietinum L. Euphytica, 25(1), 211-217.
Jukanti, A.K, Gaur, P.M, Gowda, C.L.L, Chibbar, R.N., 2012, Nutritional Quality And Health Benefits Of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), A Review”, British Journal Of Nutrition, 108, 11–26.
Khan, M.A, Akhtar, N, Ullah, I, Jaffery, S., 1995. Nutritional evaluation of desi and kabuli chickpeas and their products commonly consumed in Pakistan. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition Volume 46, Issue 3, 1995 DOI: 10.3109/09637489509012551
Kiran, A., Sharma, P. N., Awasthi, R., Nayyar, H., Seth, R., Chandel, S. S., and Sharma, K. D., 2021. Disruption of carbohydrate and proline metabolism in anthers under low temperature causes pollen sterility in chickpea. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 188, 104500.
Kumar, S., Nayyar, H., Bhanwara, R. K., and Upadhyaya, H. D., 2010. Chilling stress effects on reproductive biology of chickpea. Journal of SAT Agricultural Research, 8, 1-14.
Maphosa, L., Richards, M. F., Norton, S. L., and Nguyen, G. N., 2020. Breeding for abiotic stress adaptation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): A comprehensive review. Crop Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, 4(3).
Pandey, N., Pathak, G. C., and Sharma, C. P., 2006. Zinc is critically required for pollen function and fertilisation in lentil. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 20(2), 89-96.
Pang, J., Turner, N. C., Khan, T., Du, Y. L., Xiong, J. L., Colmer, T. D., and Siddique, K. H., 2017. Response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to terminal drought: leaf stomatal conductance, pod abscisic acid concentration, and seed set. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68(8), 1973-1985.
Pathak, G. C., Gupta, B., and Pandey, N., 2012. Improving reproductive efficiency of chickpea by foliar application of zinc. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, 24, 173-180.
Powell, W., 1990. Environmental and genetical aspects of pollen embryogenesis. In Haploids in Crop Improvement, Edited by: YPS, B. 45–65. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. vol 12.
Rheenen, H A., 1991. Chickpea breeding - progress and prospects. Plant Breeding Abstracts. 61 (9). pp. 997-1007. ISSN 0032-0803
Sangwan, R. S., and Sangwan-Norreel, B. S., 1990. Anther and pollen culture. In Developments in crop science (Vol. 19, pp. 220-241). Elsevier.
Savithri, K. S., Ganapathy, P. S., and Sinha, S. K., 1980. Sensitivity to low temperature in pollen germination and fruit-set in Cicer arietinum L. Journal of Experimental Botany, 31(2), 475-481.
Sehgal, A., Sita, K., Siddique, K. H., Kumar, R., Bhogireddy, S., Varshney, R. K., Nayyar, H., 2018. Drought or/and heat-stress effects on seed filling in food crops: impacts on functional biochemistry, seed yields, and nutritional quality. Frontiers in plant science, 9, 1705.
Singh, K. B., 1997. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Field crops research, 53(1-3), 161-170.
Singh, F., and Diwakar, B., 1995. Chickpea botany and production practices. Skill Development Series no. 16. http://oar.icrisat.org/2425/1/Chickpea-Botany-Production-Practices.pdf.
Turner, N. C., Colmer, T. D., Quealy, J., Pushpavalli, R., Krishnamurthy, L., Kaur, J., and Vadez, V., 2013. Salinity tolerance and ion accumulation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) subjected to salt stress. Plant and Soil, 365(1), 347-361.
Yadav, S. S., and Chen, W., (Eds.). 2007. Chickpea breeding and management. CABI. Division of Genetics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. ISBN-13: 978 1 84593 214 5. Pg:370.
Yahya, A. A., 2019. Identification of certain morphologic characters of some chickpeas cultivars (Cicer arietinum L.). Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences مجلة تكريت للعلوم الزراعية, 18(3), 6-12.
Yorgancılar, M, Atalay, E, Bayrak, H, Hakkı, E, Önder, M, Babaoğlu, M., 2008. Issr Markörleri Kullanarak Konya Bölgesinden Toplanan Nohut (Cicer arientinum L.) Popülasyonları Arasında Genetik Çeşitliliğin Belirlenmesi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(46):1-5.
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Pollen Morphology and Affecting Factors.
Chickpea, which is an important protein plant for our country, is an important cold season legume grown in a wide area. Chickpea breeding works under the titles of yield, quality and durability continue in international and national public and private sectors. With the classical breeding methods applications, the desired variations cannot be achieved in the chickpea plant, especially since it has a narrow genetic base. For this reason, these variations are tried to be provided with biotechnological applications and purification can be achieved in a short time in terms of desired properties. Anther, pollen and ovary cultures, which are among these biotechnological applications, are used in breeding studies. When the literature is examined, it is seen that the environment (low and high temperature, etc.) and cultural practices (variety and fertilization) have important effects on the development of such generative structures. It increases the chances of success of biotechnological applications in conditions where environmental and cultural application is optimum. This review was made in order to reveal the relationship between the environment and cultural practices during the formation of the pollen used in breeding studies in the chickpea plant.
Abdollahi, M. R., and Seguí-Simarro, J. M., 2021. Anther Culture of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). In Doubled Haploid Technology (pp. 289-299). Humana, New York, NY.
Ahmad, F, Gaur, P, Croser, J., 2005, Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Genetic Resources, Chromosome engineering and crop improvement-Grain Legumes, Vol. 1 Singh, R. and Jauhar, P., (eds), USA, CRC Press, pp. 185-214.
Akçin, A., 1988, Yemeklik Tane Baklagiller, Selçuk Üniversitesi Yayınları:43, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları:8. 1988, Konya
Berger, J. D., Kumar, S., Nayyar, H., Street, K. A., Sandhu, J. S., Henzell, J. M., and Clarke, H. C. 2012. Temperature-stratified screening of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genetic resource collections reveals very limited reproductive chilling tolerance compared to its annual wild relatives. Field Crops Research, 126, 119-129.
Borg, M., and Twell, D., 2011. Pollen: structure and development. eLS. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470015902.a0002039.pub2.
Chaturvedi, M., Yunus, D., and Datta, K.,1995. Pollen morphology of Cicer L.‐wild and cultivated annual species. Feddes Repertorium, 106(1‐5), 29-37.
Chhabra, S., Kajal, N., Dhingra, H. R., and Varghese, T. M. 1996. Effect of foliar application of NAA and BAP on in-vitro pollen germination and tube elongation in chickpea raised under saline conditions. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 38, 168-170.
Clarke, H. J., Khan, T. N., and Siddique, K. H., 2004. Pollen selection for chilling tolerance at hybridisation leads to improved chickpea cultivars. Euphytica, 139(1), 65-74.
Croser, J. S., Lulsdorf, M. M., Grewal, R. K., Usher, K. M., & Siddique, K. H., 2011. Isolated microspore culture of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): induction of androgenesis and cytological analysis of early haploid divisions. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 47(3), 357-368.
Devasirvatham, V., Gaur, P. M., Mallikarjuna, N., Raju, T. N., Trethowan, R. M., and Tan, D. K., 2013. Reproductive biology of chickpea response to heat stress in the field is associated with the performance in controlled environments. Field Crops Research, 142, 9-19.
Dhingra, H. R., Kajal, N., Chhabra, S., and Varghese, T. M., 1995. Proline, hydroxyproline, putrescine and pollen tube elongation in chickpea. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 38, 90-91.
Edlund, A. F., Swanson, R., and Preuss, D., 2004. Pollen and stigma structure and function: the role of diversity in pollination. The Plant Cell, 16(suppl_1), S84-S97.
El-Adawy, T.A., 2002. Nutritional Composition And Antinutritional Factors Of Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) Undergoing Different Cooking Methods And Germination, Plant Foods For Human Nutrition, 57: 83–97.
Fang, X., Turner, N. C., Yan, G., Li, F., and Siddique, K. H., 2010. Flower numbers, pod production, pollen viability, and pistil function are reduced and flower and pod abortion increased in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under terminal drought. Journal of experimental botany, 61(2), 335-345.
Frediani, M, Caputo, P., 2005. Phylogenetic Relationships Among Annual and Perennial Species Of The Genus Cicer As İnferred From ITS Sequences Of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA, Biologia Plantarum, 49 (1): 47-52.
Frenguelli, G., 2004. Pollen structure and morphology. Advances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postępy Dermatologii Alergologii, 20(4), 200-204.
Gaur, P. M., and Gour, V. K. (2002). A gene producing one to nine flowers per flowering node in chickpea. Euphytica, 128(2), 231-235.
Grant-Downton, R., 2009. Pollen terminology. An illustrated handbook. Annuals of Botany, Volume 105, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages viii–ix. https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcp289
Grewal, R. K., Lulsdorf, M., Croser, J., Ochatt, S., Vandenberg, A., and Warkentin, T. D., 2009. Doubled-haploid production in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): role of stress treatments. Plant Cell Reports, 28(8), 1289-1299.
Helbaek, H.,1970. The plant husbandry at Hacilar. a study of cultivation and domestication. Edinburgh University Press, 189,
Iliadis, C., 2001. Evaluation Of Six Chickpea Varieties For Seed Yield Under Autumn And Spring Sowing. The Journal Of Agricultural Science, 137: 439–444.
Ladizinsky, G., and Adler, A., 1976. The origin of chickpea Cicer arietinum L. Euphytica, 25(1), 211-217.
Jukanti, A.K, Gaur, P.M, Gowda, C.L.L, Chibbar, R.N., 2012, Nutritional Quality And Health Benefits Of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), A Review”, British Journal Of Nutrition, 108, 11–26.
Khan, M.A, Akhtar, N, Ullah, I, Jaffery, S., 1995. Nutritional evaluation of desi and kabuli chickpeas and their products commonly consumed in Pakistan. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition Volume 46, Issue 3, 1995 DOI: 10.3109/09637489509012551
Kiran, A., Sharma, P. N., Awasthi, R., Nayyar, H., Seth, R., Chandel, S. S., and Sharma, K. D., 2021. Disruption of carbohydrate and proline metabolism in anthers under low temperature causes pollen sterility in chickpea. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 188, 104500.
Kumar, S., Nayyar, H., Bhanwara, R. K., and Upadhyaya, H. D., 2010. Chilling stress effects on reproductive biology of chickpea. Journal of SAT Agricultural Research, 8, 1-14.
Maphosa, L., Richards, M. F., Norton, S. L., and Nguyen, G. N., 2020. Breeding for abiotic stress adaptation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): A comprehensive review. Crop Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, 4(3).
Pandey, N., Pathak, G. C., and Sharma, C. P., 2006. Zinc is critically required for pollen function and fertilisation in lentil. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 20(2), 89-96.
Pang, J., Turner, N. C., Khan, T., Du, Y. L., Xiong, J. L., Colmer, T. D., and Siddique, K. H., 2017. Response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to terminal drought: leaf stomatal conductance, pod abscisic acid concentration, and seed set. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68(8), 1973-1985.
Pathak, G. C., Gupta, B., and Pandey, N., 2012. Improving reproductive efficiency of chickpea by foliar application of zinc. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, 24, 173-180.
Powell, W., 1990. Environmental and genetical aspects of pollen embryogenesis. In Haploids in Crop Improvement, Edited by: YPS, B. 45–65. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. vol 12.
Rheenen, H A., 1991. Chickpea breeding - progress and prospects. Plant Breeding Abstracts. 61 (9). pp. 997-1007. ISSN 0032-0803
Sangwan, R. S., and Sangwan-Norreel, B. S., 1990. Anther and pollen culture. In Developments in crop science (Vol. 19, pp. 220-241). Elsevier.
Savithri, K. S., Ganapathy, P. S., and Sinha, S. K., 1980. Sensitivity to low temperature in pollen germination and fruit-set in Cicer arietinum L. Journal of Experimental Botany, 31(2), 475-481.
Sehgal, A., Sita, K., Siddique, K. H., Kumar, R., Bhogireddy, S., Varshney, R. K., Nayyar, H., 2018. Drought or/and heat-stress effects on seed filling in food crops: impacts on functional biochemistry, seed yields, and nutritional quality. Frontiers in plant science, 9, 1705.
Singh, K. B., 1997. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Field crops research, 53(1-3), 161-170.
Singh, F., and Diwakar, B., 1995. Chickpea botany and production practices. Skill Development Series no. 16. http://oar.icrisat.org/2425/1/Chickpea-Botany-Production-Practices.pdf.
Turner, N. C., Colmer, T. D., Quealy, J., Pushpavalli, R., Krishnamurthy, L., Kaur, J., and Vadez, V., 2013. Salinity tolerance and ion accumulation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) subjected to salt stress. Plant and Soil, 365(1), 347-361.
Yadav, S. S., and Chen, W., (Eds.). 2007. Chickpea breeding and management. CABI. Division of Genetics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. ISBN-13: 978 1 84593 214 5. Pg:370.
Yahya, A. A., 2019. Identification of certain morphologic characters of some chickpeas cultivars (Cicer arietinum L.). Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences مجلة تكريت للعلوم الزراعية, 18(3), 6-12.
Yorgancılar, M, Atalay, E, Bayrak, H, Hakkı, E, Önder, M, Babaoğlu, M., 2008. Issr Markörleri Kullanarak Konya Bölgesinden Toplanan Nohut (Cicer arientinum L.) Popülasyonları Arasında Genetik Çeşitliliğin Belirlenmesi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(46):1-5.
Topal, N., & Bal, Y. C. (2021). Nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) Polen Morfolojisi ve Etkileyen Faktörler. Erciyes Tarım Ve Hayvan Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 1-8.