Research Article
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Year 2014, , 25 - 41, 15.01.2014



  • Allemann-Ghionda, C. (2004). Einführung in die vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz.
  • Appleby, R. C. (1994). Modern business administration (6th ed.). London: Pitman.
  • Asher, J. (2005). Building work-based learning into the school curriculum: Case Study. Education + Training, 47(1), 64–69.
  • Bader, R., Keiser, G., & Unger, T. (Eds.). (2007). Entwicklung unternehmerischer Kompetenz in der Berufsbildung. Hintergründe, Ziele und Prozesse berufspädagogischen Handelns. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann.
  • Beinke, L. (2012a). Betriebserkundung. In C. Wiepcke & H. May (Eds.), Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung (8th ed., pp. 124–127). München: Oldenbourg.
  • Beinke, L. (2012b). Betriebspraktikum. In C. Wiepcke & H. May (Eds.), Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung (8th ed., pp. 131–133). München: Oldenbourg.
  • Bloomer, M. (1997). Curriculum making in post-16 education: The social conditions of studentship. London, New York: Routledge.
  • Bransford, J. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school (Expanded ed.). Washington, D.C: National Academy Press.
  • Canning, R. (2011). Vocational Education Pedagogy and the Situated Practices of Teaching Core. In R. Catts, I. Falk, & R. Wallace (Eds.), Vocational learning. Innovative theory and practice (1st ed., pp. 179–190). Dordrecht, New York: Springer.
  • Commission of the European Communities (2009). Progress towards the Lisbon objectives in education and training: Indicators and benchmarks 2009: Commission staff working document. Luxembourg. Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • Edwards, R., Miller, K., & Priestley, M. (2009). Curriculum-making in school and college: The case of hospitality. The Curriculum Journal, 20(1), 27–42.
  • Eickelmann, D. (2006). Das Potenzial von Schülerunternehmen zur Förderung einer unternehmerischen Grundhaltung gegenüber dem gesamten Leben. Journal of Social Science Education, (2), 1–10.
  • Epstein, E. (1992). The Problematic Meaning of ‘Comparison’ in Comparative Education. In J. Schriewer (Ed.), Theories and methods in comparative education (3rd ed., pp. 3–24) Komparatistische Bibliothek (Vol. 3). Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
  • Epstein, E. (2008). Setting the normative boundaries: Crucial epistemological benchmarks in comparative education. Comparative Education, 44(4), 373–386.
  • European Parliament and Council (2006). Recommendation of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning. (Official Journal of the European Union No. 2006/962/EC). Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • Frommberger, D. (2005). Berufsorientierung in der Sekundarstufe I am Beispiel der Ökonomischen Bildung in den Niederlanden. Jenaer Arbeiten zur Wirtschaftspädagogik, No. 31. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität.
  • Früh, W. (2004). Inhaltsanalyse: Theorie und Praxis (6th ed.). Konstanz: UVK-Verlagsgesellschaft.
  • Gonon, P., Kraus, K., Oelkers, J., & Stolz, S. (Eds.) (2008). Work, education and employability. Bern: Lang.
  • Helmke, A. (2007). Unterrichtsqualität erfassen, bewerten, verbessern: Schulisches Qualitätsmanagement (5th ed.). Seelze: Klett Kallmeyer.
  • Holmes, B. (1958). The problem approach in comparative education: Some methodological considerations. Comparative Education Review, 2(1), 3–8.
  • Hörner, W. (1981). Das Curriculum als Gegenstand vergleichender Forschung: Zur Konzeption des Bandes. In W. Hörner, & D. Waterkamp (Eds.), Curriculumentwicklung im internationalen Vergleich (pp. 7–16). Weinheim: Beltz.
  • Iannelli, C., & Raffe, D. (2007). Vocational upper-secondary education and the transition from school. European Sociological Review, 23(1), 49–63.
  • Jackson, P. W. (1990). Life in classrooms. New York: Teachers College Press.
  • Lauterbach, U. (1987). Vorberufliche und berufliche Bildung im internationalen Vergleich. Die Arbeitslehre - Arbeiten + lernen, 9(52), 7–12.
  • Li, J. (2012). Pre-vocational Education in Germany and China: A Comparison of Curriculum and Its Implication. Wiesbaden: Springer/ Vs Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Llewellyn, K., Cook, S. A., & Molina, A. (2010). Civic learning: Moving from the apolitical to the socially just. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 42(6), 791–812.
  • Mankiw, N. G. (2001). Principles of economics (2nd ed.). Fort Worth, Texas: Harcourt College Publishers.
  • Mayring, P. (2010). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Grundlagen und Techniken (11., aktualisierte und überarbeitete). Studium Pädagogik. Weinheim: Beltz.
  • Miller, S. L., &Vanfossen, P. J. (2008). Recent Research on Teaching and Learning of Pre-collegiate Economics. In L. S. Levstik, & C. A. Tyson (Eds.), Handbook of research in social studies education (pp. 284–306). New York: Routledge.
  • Mujis, D. (2006). Measuring teacher effectiveness: Some methodological reflections. Educational Research and Evaluation, 12(1), 53–74.
  • Munby, H. (1990). Metaphorical expressions of teachers' practical curriculum knowledge. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 6(1), 18–30.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2003). Glossary of Statistical Terms. Paris. Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • OECD (2004). Career guidance and public policy: Bridging the gap. Paris. Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • OECD (2005). The definition and selection of key competencies: Executive summary. Paris. Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • Pilz, M. (2009). Initial vocational training from a company perspective: A comparison of British and German in-house training cultures. Vocations and Learning, 2(1), 57–74.
  • Raffe, D. (2011). Policy borrowing or policy learning? How (not) to improve education systems, CES Briefing No. 57, Edinburgh: Center of Educational Sociology, University of Edinburgh.
  • Rakhkochkine, A. (2012). Probleme internationalen Vergleichens in der Didaktik. Pädagogische Rundschau, 66(6), 719–735.
  • Roth, H. (1971). Pädagogische Anthropologie (1st ed.). Hannover: Schroedel.
  • Ryan, P., & Büchtemann, C. (1996). The school to work transition. In G. Schmid, J. O'Reilly, & K. Schömann (Eds.), International handbook of labour market policy and evaluation (pp. 310–347). Cheltenham, UK; Brookfield, Wisconsin: Edward Elgar.
  • Schriewer, J. (1987). Vergleich als Methode und Externalisierung auf Welt: Vom Umgang mit Alterität in Reflexionsdisziplinen. In D. Baecker, & J. Markowitz (Eds.), Theorie als Passion. Niklas Luhmann zum 60. Geburtstag (1st ed., pp. 629–668). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  • Schudy, J. (2001). Didaktisches Stichwort Berufsorientierung. Unterricht - Arbeit + Technik, (11), 62.
  • Shkedi, A. (2009). From curriculum guide to classroom practice: Teachers' narratives of curriculum application. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(6), 833–854.
  • Stern, D., & Wagner, D. A. (1999). International perspectives on the school-to-work transition. Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press.
  • Torney-Puta, J. (1991). Cross-National Research in Social Studies. In J. P. Shaver (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Social Studies Teaching and Learning. A Project of the National Council for the Social Studies (pp. 591–601). New York: Maxwell MacMillan International.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (1997). International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • UNESCO (2011). Revision of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) (No. 36 C/19). Paris. Retrieved August 20, 2013 from

Pre-Vocational Education in Seven European Countries: A Comparison of Curricular Embedding and Implementation in Schools

Year 2014, , 25 - 41, 15.01.2014


This paper presents a comparative research project on pre-vocational education in lower secondary schools in seven European countries. The primary aim of the study was to better understand how the formal pre-vocational education curriculum is interpreted and shaped by individual teachers. The countries covered are Austria, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Portugal and Scotland. Two research methods have been used. First, a content analysis of the relevant curricula was carried out, focussing on how, and to what extent, pre-vocational education competencies are embedded in the official curriculum in the seven countries covered by the study. Second, 75 teachers took part in qualitative expert interviews about their implementation of the relevant curriculum. This research builds upon previous studies in education and employment and in particular, on a theoretical framework that explores the differences between the ‘prescribed’ curriculum and the ‘enacted’ curriculum. This study will argue that, although it is possible to identify a distinct pre-vocational curriculum within each region in the seven countries, this curriculum is, in practice, taught very differently within the schools and that the differences in curriculum implementation can be explained, amongst other factors, by the availability of resources and the initial and further training of teachers.


  • Allemann-Ghionda, C. (2004). Einführung in die vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz.
  • Appleby, R. C. (1994). Modern business administration (6th ed.). London: Pitman.
  • Asher, J. (2005). Building work-based learning into the school curriculum: Case Study. Education + Training, 47(1), 64–69.
  • Bader, R., Keiser, G., & Unger, T. (Eds.). (2007). Entwicklung unternehmerischer Kompetenz in der Berufsbildung. Hintergründe, Ziele und Prozesse berufspädagogischen Handelns. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann.
  • Beinke, L. (2012a). Betriebserkundung. In C. Wiepcke & H. May (Eds.), Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung (8th ed., pp. 124–127). München: Oldenbourg.
  • Beinke, L. (2012b). Betriebspraktikum. In C. Wiepcke & H. May (Eds.), Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung (8th ed., pp. 131–133). München: Oldenbourg.
  • Bloomer, M. (1997). Curriculum making in post-16 education: The social conditions of studentship. London, New York: Routledge.
  • Bransford, J. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school (Expanded ed.). Washington, D.C: National Academy Press.
  • Canning, R. (2011). Vocational Education Pedagogy and the Situated Practices of Teaching Core. In R. Catts, I. Falk, & R. Wallace (Eds.), Vocational learning. Innovative theory and practice (1st ed., pp. 179–190). Dordrecht, New York: Springer.
  • Commission of the European Communities (2009). Progress towards the Lisbon objectives in education and training: Indicators and benchmarks 2009: Commission staff working document. Luxembourg. Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • Edwards, R., Miller, K., & Priestley, M. (2009). Curriculum-making in school and college: The case of hospitality. The Curriculum Journal, 20(1), 27–42.
  • Eickelmann, D. (2006). Das Potenzial von Schülerunternehmen zur Förderung einer unternehmerischen Grundhaltung gegenüber dem gesamten Leben. Journal of Social Science Education, (2), 1–10.
  • Epstein, E. (1992). The Problematic Meaning of ‘Comparison’ in Comparative Education. In J. Schriewer (Ed.), Theories and methods in comparative education (3rd ed., pp. 3–24) Komparatistische Bibliothek (Vol. 3). Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
  • Epstein, E. (2008). Setting the normative boundaries: Crucial epistemological benchmarks in comparative education. Comparative Education, 44(4), 373–386.
  • European Parliament and Council (2006). Recommendation of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning. (Official Journal of the European Union No. 2006/962/EC). Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • Frommberger, D. (2005). Berufsorientierung in der Sekundarstufe I am Beispiel der Ökonomischen Bildung in den Niederlanden. Jenaer Arbeiten zur Wirtschaftspädagogik, No. 31. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität.
  • Früh, W. (2004). Inhaltsanalyse: Theorie und Praxis (6th ed.). Konstanz: UVK-Verlagsgesellschaft.
  • Gonon, P., Kraus, K., Oelkers, J., & Stolz, S. (Eds.) (2008). Work, education and employability. Bern: Lang.
  • Helmke, A. (2007). Unterrichtsqualität erfassen, bewerten, verbessern: Schulisches Qualitätsmanagement (5th ed.). Seelze: Klett Kallmeyer.
  • Holmes, B. (1958). The problem approach in comparative education: Some methodological considerations. Comparative Education Review, 2(1), 3–8.
  • Hörner, W. (1981). Das Curriculum als Gegenstand vergleichender Forschung: Zur Konzeption des Bandes. In W. Hörner, & D. Waterkamp (Eds.), Curriculumentwicklung im internationalen Vergleich (pp. 7–16). Weinheim: Beltz.
  • Iannelli, C., & Raffe, D. (2007). Vocational upper-secondary education and the transition from school. European Sociological Review, 23(1), 49–63.
  • Jackson, P. W. (1990). Life in classrooms. New York: Teachers College Press.
  • Lauterbach, U. (1987). Vorberufliche und berufliche Bildung im internationalen Vergleich. Die Arbeitslehre - Arbeiten + lernen, 9(52), 7–12.
  • Li, J. (2012). Pre-vocational Education in Germany and China: A Comparison of Curriculum and Its Implication. Wiesbaden: Springer/ Vs Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Llewellyn, K., Cook, S. A., & Molina, A. (2010). Civic learning: Moving from the apolitical to the socially just. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 42(6), 791–812.
  • Mankiw, N. G. (2001). Principles of economics (2nd ed.). Fort Worth, Texas: Harcourt College Publishers.
  • Mayring, P. (2010). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Grundlagen und Techniken (11., aktualisierte und überarbeitete). Studium Pädagogik. Weinheim: Beltz.
  • Miller, S. L., &Vanfossen, P. J. (2008). Recent Research on Teaching and Learning of Pre-collegiate Economics. In L. S. Levstik, & C. A. Tyson (Eds.), Handbook of research in social studies education (pp. 284–306). New York: Routledge.
  • Mujis, D. (2006). Measuring teacher effectiveness: Some methodological reflections. Educational Research and Evaluation, 12(1), 53–74.
  • Munby, H. (1990). Metaphorical expressions of teachers' practical curriculum knowledge. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 6(1), 18–30.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2003). Glossary of Statistical Terms. Paris. Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • OECD (2004). Career guidance and public policy: Bridging the gap. Paris. Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • OECD (2005). The definition and selection of key competencies: Executive summary. Paris. Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • Pilz, M. (2009). Initial vocational training from a company perspective: A comparison of British and German in-house training cultures. Vocations and Learning, 2(1), 57–74.
  • Raffe, D. (2011). Policy borrowing or policy learning? How (not) to improve education systems, CES Briefing No. 57, Edinburgh: Center of Educational Sociology, University of Edinburgh.
  • Rakhkochkine, A. (2012). Probleme internationalen Vergleichens in der Didaktik. Pädagogische Rundschau, 66(6), 719–735.
  • Roth, H. (1971). Pädagogische Anthropologie (1st ed.). Hannover: Schroedel.
  • Ryan, P., & Büchtemann, C. (1996). The school to work transition. In G. Schmid, J. O'Reilly, & K. Schömann (Eds.), International handbook of labour market policy and evaluation (pp. 310–347). Cheltenham, UK; Brookfield, Wisconsin: Edward Elgar.
  • Schriewer, J. (1987). Vergleich als Methode und Externalisierung auf Welt: Vom Umgang mit Alterität in Reflexionsdisziplinen. In D. Baecker, & J. Markowitz (Eds.), Theorie als Passion. Niklas Luhmann zum 60. Geburtstag (1st ed., pp. 629–668). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  • Schudy, J. (2001). Didaktisches Stichwort Berufsorientierung. Unterricht - Arbeit + Technik, (11), 62.
  • Shkedi, A. (2009). From curriculum guide to classroom practice: Teachers' narratives of curriculum application. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(6), 833–854.
  • Stern, D., & Wagner, D. A. (1999). International perspectives on the school-to-work transition. Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press.
  • Torney-Puta, J. (1991). Cross-National Research in Social Studies. In J. P. Shaver (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Social Studies Teaching and Learning. A Project of the National Council for the Social Studies (pp. 591–601). New York: Maxwell MacMillan International.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (1997). International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
  • UNESCO (2011). Revision of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) (No. 36 C/19). Paris. Retrieved August 20, 2013 from
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Other ID JA54JA32VZ
Journal Section Research Article

Matthias Pilz This is me

Susanne Berger This is me

Roy Canning This is me

Publication Date January 15, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Pilz, M., Berger, S., & Canning, R. (2014). Pre-Vocational Education in Seven European Countries: A Comparison of Curricular Embedding and Implementation in Schools. European Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 25-41.
AMA Pilz M, Berger S, Canning R. Pre-Vocational Education in Seven European Countries: A Comparison of Curricular Embedding and Implementation in Schools. eujer. January 2014;3(1):25-41. doi:10.12973/eu-jer.3.1.25
Chicago Pilz, Matthias, Susanne Berger, and Roy Canning. “Pre-Vocational Education in Seven European Countries: A Comparison of Curricular Embedding and Implementation in Schools”. European Journal of Educational Research 3, no. 1 (January 2014): 25-41.
EndNote Pilz M, Berger S, Canning R (January 1, 2014) Pre-Vocational Education in Seven European Countries: A Comparison of Curricular Embedding and Implementation in Schools. European Journal of Educational Research 3 1 25–41.
IEEE M. Pilz, S. Berger, and R. Canning, “Pre-Vocational Education in Seven European Countries: A Comparison of Curricular Embedding and Implementation in Schools”, eujer, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 25–41, 2014, doi: 10.12973/eu-jer.3.1.25.
ISNAD Pilz, Matthias et al. “Pre-Vocational Education in Seven European Countries: A Comparison of Curricular Embedding and Implementation in Schools”. European Journal of Educational Research 3/1 (January 2014), 25-41.
JAMA Pilz M, Berger S, Canning R. Pre-Vocational Education in Seven European Countries: A Comparison of Curricular Embedding and Implementation in Schools. eujer. 2014;3:25–41.
MLA Pilz, Matthias et al. “Pre-Vocational Education in Seven European Countries: A Comparison of Curricular Embedding and Implementation in Schools”. European Journal of Educational Research, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014, pp. 25-41, doi:10.12973/eu-jer.3.1.25.
Vancouver Pilz M, Berger S, Canning R. Pre-Vocational Education in Seven European Countries: A Comparison of Curricular Embedding and Implementation in Schools. eujer. 2014;3(1):25-41.