Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 29 - 40, 15.01.2017



  • Alvagrenga, A. T. de, Sommerman, A., Alvarez, A. M. de S. (2005). Congressos internacionais sobre transdisciplinaridade: reflexões sobre emergências e convergências de idéias e idéias na direção de uma nova ciência moderna. Saúde e Sociedade, 14(3): 22-41 (transdisciplinarity and new science).
  • Ardigó, F. [Ed.] (2011). Histórias de uma ciência regional. São Paulo: EditoraContexto (Science regional history).
  • Azevedo, F. de, [Ed.] (1955). As ciências no Brasil. São Paulo : Edições Melhoramentos, volume , I:7-412; II:10-399 (Science in Brazil).
  • Barman, C. R. (1996). How students really view science and scientists? Science and Children, 34(1): 30-33.
  • Bartoszeck, A. B., Czelusniak, F., Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2014). Animals in Brazilian children´s lives: a preliminary study. Trends in Advanced Science and Engineering, 11(10:16-26.
  • Bartoszeck, A. B., Cosmo, C. R., Silva, B. R. da, Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2015). Concept of plants hold by young Brazilian children. European Journal of Educational Research, 4(3): 105-107.
  • Bizzo, N. (2002) Ciências: fácil ou difícil? São Paulo: Editora Ática (Is Science easy or difficult to understand?).
  • Bodzin, A., Gehringer, M. (2001). Breaking science stereotypes. Science and Children, 38(4):36-41.
  • Brasil, (1997). Parâmetros curriculares nacionais. Ciências naturais, Brasília: Ministério de Educação, 4:1-90 (national science curriculum).
  • Brasil, (2015). Guia de livros didáticos-PNLD, Biologia: ensino médio. Brasília:Ministério de Educação, 60p. (Textbook in Biology for the secondary school).
  • Buldu, M. (2006). Young children´s perceptions of scientists: a preliminary study. Educational Research, 48(1): 121-132.
  • Chambers, D. W. (1983). Stereotypic images of the scientist: the draw-a-scientist test. Science Education, 67(2):255-265.
  • Choi, K., Cho, H-H. (2002). Effects of teaching ethical issues on Korean school students´ attitudes towards science. Journal of Biological Education, 37(1): 26-30.
  • Clegg, M. T., Beck, De (2017). The role of science, technology innovation, and partnerships in the future of USAID. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
  • Cokadar, H., Kulce, C. (2008). Pupils´ attitudes towards science: A case of Turkey. World Applied Sciences Journal, 3(1):102-109.
  • Cox, M. (1997). Drawings of people by the under-5s. London: Palmer Press.
  • Cross, R. T. (1999). The public understanding of science: implications for education. International Journal of Science Education, 21(7): 699-702.
  • Curi, R. (2004). The evolution of Brazilian science. The Biochemist, 4:51-52.
  • Dewitt, J.; Archer, L., Osborne, J. (2012). Nerdy, brainy and normal: children´s and parents constructions of those who are highly engaged with science, Research in Science Education, 43(4):1455-1476.
  • Farland-Smith, D. (2017). The evolution of the analysis of the draw-a-scientist test. In: Katz, P. [Ed.] (2017), Drawing for science education: an international perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, p.171-178.
  • Freire-Maia, N. (1997). A ciência por dentro. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes (Inside Science).
  • Fung, Y. Y. H. (2002). A comparative study of primary and secondary school students´ images of scientists. Research in Science & Technological Education, 29(2):199-213.
  • Herculano-Houzel, S. (2002). Do you know your brain? A survey on public neuroscience literacy at the closing of the decade of the brain. The Neuroscientist, 8(2):98-110.
  • Jarvis, T., Inigo, G., Moyano, M. Gonzalez, P. (2003). Children´s perceptions of science and scientists: an international comparison. ICASE-International Council of Associations for Science Education World Conference, Penang-Malaysia.
  • Konflanz, T. L., Scheid, N. M. J. (2011). Concepção de cientista no ensino fundamental. Ensino de Ciências e Tecnologia em Revista, 1(1):70-83 ( Conception of a scientist in the primary school).
  • Koren, P., Bar, V. (2009). Perception of the image of scientists by Israeli student teachers from two distinct communities in Israel: Arabs and Jews. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 5(4): 347-356.
  • Kosminsky, L., Giordan, M. (2002). Visões de ciências e sobre o cientista entre estudantes do ensino médio. Química Nova na Escola, 15:11-18 (secondary pupils views of science and scientists).
  • Lannes, D., Rumjanek, V. M., Velloso, A., de Méis, L. (2002). Brazilian schools: comparing student´s interests with what is being taught. Educational Research, 44(2): 157-179.
  • Marandino, M., Selles, S. E., Ferreira, M. S., Amorim, A. C. R. de (2005) [Ed.] Ensino de Biologia: conhecimentos e valores em disputa. Niterói: Editora Universidade Federal Fluminense (Teaching Biology: knowledge and values).
  • Matthews, B. (1996). Drawing scientists. Gender and Education, 8(2):231-243.
  • Mead, M., Metraux, R. (1957). The image of the scientist among high school students: a pilot study. Science, 126(3269):384-390.
  • Meis, L. de , Rodrigues, P. S., Fonseca, L. G., Leite, M.F. E. S., Lannes, D. (1994). El impacto del desarrolo de la ciencia en elo planeta. Enseñanza y desarrolo de las ciencias: Que hacer? Chile: Centro de Estudios Científicos de Santiago.
  • Meis, L. de (2002). Ciência, educação e o conflito humano-tecnológico. 2ª. ed., São Paulo: Editora Senac (Science, education and the human & technology conflict).
  • Meis, L. de, Leta, J. (1997). Modern science and the explosion of new knowledge. Biophysical Chemistry, 68:243-253.
  • Meis, L. de, Machado, R. de C. P., Lustosa, P., Soares, V. R., Caldeira, M. T., Fonseca, L. (1993). The stereotyped image of the scientists among students of different countries: evoking the alchemist? Biochemical Education, 21(2): 75-81.
  • Mordi, C. (1991). Factors associated with pupils´ attitudes towards science in Nigerian primary schools. Research in Science and Technological Education, 9(1): 39-49.
  • Newton, D. , Newton, L. (1992). Young children’s perceptions of science and the scientist. International Journal of Science Education, 14(3): 331-348.
  • Okebukola, P. A. O., Jegede, O. J. (1990). Eco-cultural influences on students´ concept attainment in science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27(7):661-669.
  • Oliveira, A. J. A. de (2004). Quem é o cientista? AOL-Educação, p.1-2 (Who is a scientist?).
  • Ozgelen, S. (2017). Primary school student´s views on science and scientists. In: Katz, P. [Ed.] (2017). Drawings for Science Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, p. 191-203.
  • Piccolo, L. da R., Arteche, A. X., Fonseca, R. P. et al., (2016). Influence of family socioeconomic status on IQ, language, memory and executive function of Brazilian children. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 29:29-33.
  • Price, J. F. (2017). Understanding the meanings secondary Biology students construct around science through drawings. In: Katz, P. [Ed.] Drawings for Science Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, p. 205-215.
  • Razera, J. C. C. (2011). Ética no ensino de ciências: atitudes e desenvolvimento moral nas controvérsias. (Science education: from research to practice, Ph D dissertation, UNESP University, São Paulo, 236p.).
  • Reis, P., Rodrigues, S., Santos, F. (2006). Concepções sobre cientistas em alunos do 1o. Ciclo de ensino básico: poções, máquinas, monstros, invenções e outras coisas malucas. Revista Electrónica de Ensenãnza de las Ciencias, 5(1):51-74 (conceptions of scientists by primary school pupils).
  • Rodrigues, P. S., De Meis, L. (1996). Challenges for science education in the western hemisphere: a Brazilian perspective. In: Annals of the Symposium: 20th century science beyond the metropolis, p.247-257. Paris: ORSTOM.
  • Rubin, E., Bar, V., Cohen, A. (2003). The images of scientists and science among Hebrew-and Arabic-speaking pre-service teachers in Israel, International Journal of Science Education, 25(7):821-246.
  • Samaras, G., Bonoti, F., Christidou, V. (2012). Exploring children´s perception of scientists through drawings and interviews. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46:1541-1546.
  • Siqueira, D. C. O. (2005). Superpoderosos, submissos: os cientistas na animação televisiva. In: Massarani, L. [Ed.] O pequeno cientista amador: divulgação científica e o público infantil. Rio de Janeiro: Vieira & Lent, p.23-32 ( Powerful scientists and TV: learning to be a scientist).
  • Sjoberg, S. (2000). Science and scientists: the SAS-study, cross-cultural evidence and perspectives and perceptions. Acta Didactica, 1:3-71.
  • Sjoberg, S. (2002). Science and technology education current challenges and possible solutions. In: Jenkins, E. [Ed]. Innovations in Science and technology educcation, 8:5-102.
  • Soares, J. L. (1995). O rastro da vida: uma pequena história de bilhões de anos. São Paulo: Editora Moderna (The path of life during billon years).
  • Schwartzman, S. (2016). Educação e trabalho em Ciência & Tecnologia. Revista Ciência Hoje, 337:30-35 ( Education and Science and Tecnology).
  • Symington, D., Boundy, K., Ratford, T., Walton, J. (1981). Children´s drawings of natural phenomena. Research in Science Education, 11(1):44-51.
  • Tolentino, M., Rocha-Filho, R. C., Silva, R. R. de (1995). O azul do planeta: um retrato da atmosfera terrestre (A picture of Earth atmosphere).
  • Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2013). Talking and doing science in the early yeras: a practical guide for ages 2-7. Abingdon: Routledge.

Brazilian Primary and Secondary School Pupils´ Perception of Science and Scientists

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 29 - 40, 15.01.2017


The purpose of this study is to understand in an exploratory way pupils´ perception of science and the image of scientists at primary and secondary school levels. Data was collected by means of a survey questionnaire and a drawing representing pupils´ depiction what scientists do during their working hours. A questionnaire anchored on a Likert scale was filled by 204 primary and 229 secondary school children. Pupils from this sample considered science classes enjoyable, helped to understand issues covered by media, that science is a body of knowledge whose goal is to make life more comfortable to people. A total of 433 drawings were collected at 3 urban and 1 rural schools. Drawings illustrated scientists in scientific activity, mainly working alone, wearing lab coat and eyeglasses. Scientific specialization included chemists, biologists and a few technologist and astronomers. Educational implications are discussed


  • Alvagrenga, A. T. de, Sommerman, A., Alvarez, A. M. de S. (2005). Congressos internacionais sobre transdisciplinaridade: reflexões sobre emergências e convergências de idéias e idéias na direção de uma nova ciência moderna. Saúde e Sociedade, 14(3): 22-41 (transdisciplinarity and new science).
  • Ardigó, F. [Ed.] (2011). Histórias de uma ciência regional. São Paulo: EditoraContexto (Science regional history).
  • Azevedo, F. de, [Ed.] (1955). As ciências no Brasil. São Paulo : Edições Melhoramentos, volume , I:7-412; II:10-399 (Science in Brazil).
  • Barman, C. R. (1996). How students really view science and scientists? Science and Children, 34(1): 30-33.
  • Bartoszeck, A. B., Czelusniak, F., Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2014). Animals in Brazilian children´s lives: a preliminary study. Trends in Advanced Science and Engineering, 11(10:16-26.
  • Bartoszeck, A. B., Cosmo, C. R., Silva, B. R. da, Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2015). Concept of plants hold by young Brazilian children. European Journal of Educational Research, 4(3): 105-107.
  • Bizzo, N. (2002) Ciências: fácil ou difícil? São Paulo: Editora Ática (Is Science easy or difficult to understand?).
  • Bodzin, A., Gehringer, M. (2001). Breaking science stereotypes. Science and Children, 38(4):36-41.
  • Brasil, (1997). Parâmetros curriculares nacionais. Ciências naturais, Brasília: Ministério de Educação, 4:1-90 (national science curriculum).
  • Brasil, (2015). Guia de livros didáticos-PNLD, Biologia: ensino médio. Brasília:Ministério de Educação, 60p. (Textbook in Biology for the secondary school).
  • Buldu, M. (2006). Young children´s perceptions of scientists: a preliminary study. Educational Research, 48(1): 121-132.
  • Chambers, D. W. (1983). Stereotypic images of the scientist: the draw-a-scientist test. Science Education, 67(2):255-265.
  • Choi, K., Cho, H-H. (2002). Effects of teaching ethical issues on Korean school students´ attitudes towards science. Journal of Biological Education, 37(1): 26-30.
  • Clegg, M. T., Beck, De (2017). The role of science, technology innovation, and partnerships in the future of USAID. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
  • Cokadar, H., Kulce, C. (2008). Pupils´ attitudes towards science: A case of Turkey. World Applied Sciences Journal, 3(1):102-109.
  • Cox, M. (1997). Drawings of people by the under-5s. London: Palmer Press.
  • Cross, R. T. (1999). The public understanding of science: implications for education. International Journal of Science Education, 21(7): 699-702.
  • Curi, R. (2004). The evolution of Brazilian science. The Biochemist, 4:51-52.
  • Dewitt, J.; Archer, L., Osborne, J. (2012). Nerdy, brainy and normal: children´s and parents constructions of those who are highly engaged with science, Research in Science Education, 43(4):1455-1476.
  • Farland-Smith, D. (2017). The evolution of the analysis of the draw-a-scientist test. In: Katz, P. [Ed.] (2017), Drawing for science education: an international perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, p.171-178.
  • Freire-Maia, N. (1997). A ciência por dentro. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes (Inside Science).
  • Fung, Y. Y. H. (2002). A comparative study of primary and secondary school students´ images of scientists. Research in Science & Technological Education, 29(2):199-213.
  • Herculano-Houzel, S. (2002). Do you know your brain? A survey on public neuroscience literacy at the closing of the decade of the brain. The Neuroscientist, 8(2):98-110.
  • Jarvis, T., Inigo, G., Moyano, M. Gonzalez, P. (2003). Children´s perceptions of science and scientists: an international comparison. ICASE-International Council of Associations for Science Education World Conference, Penang-Malaysia.
  • Konflanz, T. L., Scheid, N. M. J. (2011). Concepção de cientista no ensino fundamental. Ensino de Ciências e Tecnologia em Revista, 1(1):70-83 ( Conception of a scientist in the primary school).
  • Koren, P., Bar, V. (2009). Perception of the image of scientists by Israeli student teachers from two distinct communities in Israel: Arabs and Jews. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 5(4): 347-356.
  • Kosminsky, L., Giordan, M. (2002). Visões de ciências e sobre o cientista entre estudantes do ensino médio. Química Nova na Escola, 15:11-18 (secondary pupils views of science and scientists).
  • Lannes, D., Rumjanek, V. M., Velloso, A., de Méis, L. (2002). Brazilian schools: comparing student´s interests with what is being taught. Educational Research, 44(2): 157-179.
  • Marandino, M., Selles, S. E., Ferreira, M. S., Amorim, A. C. R. de (2005) [Ed.] Ensino de Biologia: conhecimentos e valores em disputa. Niterói: Editora Universidade Federal Fluminense (Teaching Biology: knowledge and values).
  • Matthews, B. (1996). Drawing scientists. Gender and Education, 8(2):231-243.
  • Mead, M., Metraux, R. (1957). The image of the scientist among high school students: a pilot study. Science, 126(3269):384-390.
  • Meis, L. de , Rodrigues, P. S., Fonseca, L. G., Leite, M.F. E. S., Lannes, D. (1994). El impacto del desarrolo de la ciencia en elo planeta. Enseñanza y desarrolo de las ciencias: Que hacer? Chile: Centro de Estudios Científicos de Santiago.
  • Meis, L. de (2002). Ciência, educação e o conflito humano-tecnológico. 2ª. ed., São Paulo: Editora Senac (Science, education and the human & technology conflict).
  • Meis, L. de, Leta, J. (1997). Modern science and the explosion of new knowledge. Biophysical Chemistry, 68:243-253.
  • Meis, L. de, Machado, R. de C. P., Lustosa, P., Soares, V. R., Caldeira, M. T., Fonseca, L. (1993). The stereotyped image of the scientists among students of different countries: evoking the alchemist? Biochemical Education, 21(2): 75-81.
  • Mordi, C. (1991). Factors associated with pupils´ attitudes towards science in Nigerian primary schools. Research in Science and Technological Education, 9(1): 39-49.
  • Newton, D. , Newton, L. (1992). Young children’s perceptions of science and the scientist. International Journal of Science Education, 14(3): 331-348.
  • Okebukola, P. A. O., Jegede, O. J. (1990). Eco-cultural influences on students´ concept attainment in science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27(7):661-669.
  • Oliveira, A. J. A. de (2004). Quem é o cientista? AOL-Educação, p.1-2 (Who is a scientist?).
  • Ozgelen, S. (2017). Primary school student´s views on science and scientists. In: Katz, P. [Ed.] (2017). Drawings for Science Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, p. 191-203.
  • Piccolo, L. da R., Arteche, A. X., Fonseca, R. P. et al., (2016). Influence of family socioeconomic status on IQ, language, memory and executive function of Brazilian children. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 29:29-33.
  • Price, J. F. (2017). Understanding the meanings secondary Biology students construct around science through drawings. In: Katz, P. [Ed.] Drawings for Science Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, p. 205-215.
  • Razera, J. C. C. (2011). Ética no ensino de ciências: atitudes e desenvolvimento moral nas controvérsias. (Science education: from research to practice, Ph D dissertation, UNESP University, São Paulo, 236p.).
  • Reis, P., Rodrigues, S., Santos, F. (2006). Concepções sobre cientistas em alunos do 1o. Ciclo de ensino básico: poções, máquinas, monstros, invenções e outras coisas malucas. Revista Electrónica de Ensenãnza de las Ciencias, 5(1):51-74 (conceptions of scientists by primary school pupils).
  • Rodrigues, P. S., De Meis, L. (1996). Challenges for science education in the western hemisphere: a Brazilian perspective. In: Annals of the Symposium: 20th century science beyond the metropolis, p.247-257. Paris: ORSTOM.
  • Rubin, E., Bar, V., Cohen, A. (2003). The images of scientists and science among Hebrew-and Arabic-speaking pre-service teachers in Israel, International Journal of Science Education, 25(7):821-246.
  • Samaras, G., Bonoti, F., Christidou, V. (2012). Exploring children´s perception of scientists through drawings and interviews. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46:1541-1546.
  • Siqueira, D. C. O. (2005). Superpoderosos, submissos: os cientistas na animação televisiva. In: Massarani, L. [Ed.] O pequeno cientista amador: divulgação científica e o público infantil. Rio de Janeiro: Vieira & Lent, p.23-32 ( Powerful scientists and TV: learning to be a scientist).
  • Sjoberg, S. (2000). Science and scientists: the SAS-study, cross-cultural evidence and perspectives and perceptions. Acta Didactica, 1:3-71.
  • Sjoberg, S. (2002). Science and technology education current challenges and possible solutions. In: Jenkins, E. [Ed]. Innovations in Science and technology educcation, 8:5-102.
  • Soares, J. L. (1995). O rastro da vida: uma pequena história de bilhões de anos. São Paulo: Editora Moderna (The path of life during billon years).
  • Schwartzman, S. (2016). Educação e trabalho em Ciência & Tecnologia. Revista Ciência Hoje, 337:30-35 ( Education and Science and Tecnology).
  • Symington, D., Boundy, K., Ratford, T., Walton, J. (1981). Children´s drawings of natural phenomena. Research in Science Education, 11(1):44-51.
  • Tolentino, M., Rocha-Filho, R. C., Silva, R. R. de (1995). O azul do planeta: um retrato da atmosfera terrestre (A picture of Earth atmosphere).
  • Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2013). Talking and doing science in the early yeras: a practical guide for ages 2-7. Abingdon: Routledge.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Other ID JA49TT89RY
Journal Section Research Article

Amauri Betini Bartoszeck This is me

Flavio Kulevicz Bartoszeck This is me

Publication Date January 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Bartoszeck, A. B., & Bartoszeck, F. K. (2017). Brazilian Primary and Secondary School Pupils´ Perception of Science and Scientists. European Journal of Educational Research, 6(1), 29-40.
AMA Bartoszeck AB, Bartoszeck FK. Brazilian Primary and Secondary School Pupils´ Perception of Science and Scientists. eujer. January 2017;6(1):29-40. doi:10.12973/eu-jer.6.1.29
Chicago Bartoszeck, Amauri Betini, and Flavio Kulevicz Bartoszeck. “Brazilian Primary and Secondary School Pupils´ Perception of Science and Scientists”. European Journal of Educational Research 6, no. 1 (January 2017): 29-40.
EndNote Bartoszeck AB, Bartoszeck FK (January 1, 2017) Brazilian Primary and Secondary School Pupils´ Perception of Science and Scientists. European Journal of Educational Research 6 1 29–40.
IEEE A. B. Bartoszeck and F. K. Bartoszeck, “Brazilian Primary and Secondary School Pupils´ Perception of Science and Scientists”, eujer, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 29–40, 2017, doi: 10.12973/eu-jer.6.1.29.
ISNAD Bartoszeck, Amauri Betini - Bartoszeck, Flavio Kulevicz. “Brazilian Primary and Secondary School Pupils´ Perception of Science and Scientists”. European Journal of Educational Research 6/1 (January 2017), 29-40.
JAMA Bartoszeck AB, Bartoszeck FK. Brazilian Primary and Secondary School Pupils´ Perception of Science and Scientists. eujer. 2017;6:29–40.
MLA Bartoszeck, Amauri Betini and Flavio Kulevicz Bartoszeck. “Brazilian Primary and Secondary School Pupils´ Perception of Science and Scientists”. European Journal of Educational Research, vol. 6, no. 1, 2017, pp. 29-40, doi:10.12973/eu-jer.6.1.29.
Vancouver Bartoszeck AB, Bartoszeck FK. Brazilian Primary and Secondary School Pupils´ Perception of Science and Scientists. eujer. 2017;6(1):29-40.