Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 303 - 317, 15.04.2018



  • Adiguzel, A. (2011). Bilgi okuryazarligi olceginin gelistirilmesi [The Development of the Scale of Information Literacy].Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gokalp Education Faculty, 17(2011), 15-28.
  • Akinoglu, O. & Dogan, S. (2012). Egitimde program gelistirme alanina yeni bir kavram onerisi:program okuryazarligi [A new concept in the field of program development in education: program literacy]. 21. International Congress of Educational Sciences. Istanbul.
  • Akkoyunlu, B., & Kurbanoglu, S. (2003). Ogretmen adaylarinin bilgi okuryazarligi ve bilgisayar oz-yeterlik algilari uzerine bir calisma [A study on teacher candidates’ perceived information literacy self-efficacy and perceived computer self-efficacy]. The Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Education, 24, 1-10..
  • Akkoyunlu, B. & Kurbanoglu, S. (2004). Ogretmenlerin bilgi okuryazarligi oz-yeterlik inanci uzerine bir calisma [A study on teachers’ information literacy self-efficacy beliefs]. The Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Education, 27, 11-20.
  • American Library Association. (1989). Presidential Committee on Information Literacy: Final report. Retrieved from (21.11.2017).
  • Arli, M. ve Nazik, H. (2001). Bilimsel arastirmaya giris [Introduction to scientific research]. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Association of College and Research Libraries [ACRL]. (2016). Framework for information literacy for higher education. Retrieved from .
  • Balci, A. (1995). Sosyal bilimlerde arastirma yontem, teknik ve ilkeler [Research methods, techniques and principles in social sciences]. Ankara: Pegem Yayincilik.
  • Bolat, Y. (2017). Egitim programi okuryazarligi kavrami ve egitim programi okuryazarligi olcegi [Concept of curriculum literacy and curriculum literacy scale]. Electronic Turkish Studies, 12(18).
  • Breviek, P. S. (2000). Information Literacy for the Sceptical Library Director.    IATUL               Conference Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 3rd - 7th July.
  • Buyukozturk, S. (2006). Sosyal bilimler icin veri analizi el kitabi [Data analysis book for social sciences]. Ankara: Pegem A Yayincilik.
  • Buyukozturk, S. (2010). Sosyal bilimler icin veri analizi el kitabi [Data analysis book for social sciences] (11. Baski). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Can, A. (2014). SPSS ile bilimsel arastirma surecinde nicel veri analizi [Quantitative data analysis through scientific research with SPSS]. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Coskun, Y. D., Cumaoglu, G. K. & Seckin, H. (2013). Bilgisayar ogretmen adaylarinin bilisim alaniyla ilgili okuryazarlik kavramlarina yonelik gorusleri [Computer technology teacher candidates’ views on the concepts of literacy related to information technology]. Internatioanal Journal Of Human Sciences, 10(1), 1259-1272.
  • Demirel, O. (2005). Ogretimde planlama ve degerlendirme [Planning and evaluation in teaching]. Ankara: PegemYayincilik.
  • Doyle, C. S. (1994). Information literacy in an information society: A concept for the information age. Syracuse, NY: ERIC
  • Gunes, F. (1994). Okur-yazarlik kavrami ve duzeyleri [Literacy concept and levels]. Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi, 27(2), 499-507.
  • Gunlu, Z. (2016). KIL kecisi oglaklarinin buyume hizina ana yasi ve isletme etkisini arastirmada bazi coklu karsilastirma testlerinin karsilastirilmasi [Growth rates of hair goat kids by Multiple comparison tests], (yayimlanmamis yuksek lisans tezi), Selcuk Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu, Konya.
  • International Society for Technology Education. (2000). National educational technology standards for teachers. Eugune: ISTE.
  • Kapitzke, C. (2001). Information Literacy: The Changing Library. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Libraries, 31(1), 49-52.
  • Kurbanoglu, S., & Akkoyunlu, B. (2007). Ogretmen egitiminde bilgi okuryazarliginin onemi [The importance of information literacy in teacher education]. International Teacher Training Policy and Problems Symposium, 380-384.
  • Kurbanoglu, S. & Akkoyunlu, B. (2017). Information literacy and flipped learning. Pathw. Inf. Lit. Communities Pract. 
  • Onal, I. (2010). Tarihsel degisim surecinde yasam boyu ogrenme ve okuryazalik: Turkiye  deneyimi [The life-long learning in the historical process of change and literacy: Turkey Experience]. Knowledge World, 11(1), 101-121.
  • OnaL, N. & Cetin, O. (2014). Ogretmen adaylarinin bilgi okuryazarliklarinin cesitli degiskenler acisindan incelenmesi [Examination of teacher candidates' information literacy in various variables]. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, 29, 1-30.
  • Polat, C. & Odabas, H. (2008). Bilgi Toplumunda Yasam Boyu Ogrenmenin Anahtari: Bilgi Okuryazarligi [The Key of the Lifelong Learners in the Information Society: Information Literacy]. Globalization, democratization and Turkey International Symposium, Antalya, 27-37.
  • Rader, H. B. (1991). Information Literacy:a Revolution in the Library. RQ, 31(1), 25-28.
  • Snavely, L. & Natasha, C. (1997a). The Information Literacy Debate. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 23(1), 9-13.
  • TDK (2013). Guncel Turkce Sozluk [Contemporary Turkish Dictionary]. Turk Dil Kurumu. adresinden alinmistir.
  • TED (2009). Ogretmen Yeterlilikleri Raporu [Teacher's Qualifications Report]. Retrieved from
  • Tezbasaran, A. (1996). Likert Tipi Olcek Gelistirme Kilavuzu [Likert Type Development Guide]. Turkish Psychological Association Publications. Ankara.
  • Unal, F. & Er, H. (2015) Sosyal bilgiler ogretmen adaylarinin bilgi okuryazarligi duzeylerinin degerlendirilmesi [Assessment of information literacy levels of social science teacher candidates]. The Journal of International Social Research, 8(41), 1059-1068.
  • Warmkessel,  M. M., & McCade, J. M. (1997). Integrating information literacy into the curriculum. Research strategies, 15(2), 80-88.

A Study of Curriculum Literacy and Information Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates in Department of Social Sciences Education

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 303 - 317, 15.04.2018


The present study aims to investigate
information literacy and curriculum literacy levels of teacher candidates and
to identify the relationship between them through their course of study at
Faculty of Education. The research model was designed as quantitative one and
general screening model was employed. The study group is 895 students, who were
reached out of teacher candidates, attending the third and fourth grade in the
Classroom Education, Preschool Education, Science Education and Social Sciences
Education Departments of Pamukkale University and Sinop University in the
2017-2018 academic year. To achieve the goal of this research study,
“Information Literacy Scale” and “Curriculum Literacy Scale” were used. In
light of results obtained from the study, it is observable that there are
meaningful differences between information literacy and curriculum literacy of
teacher candidates in terms of the variables identified. Further, the mean of
items measuring teacher candidates’ levels of information and curriculum
literacy were examined and their levels of “frequency” and “agree” were
determined. Ultimately, correlation analysis was performed between information
literacy and curriculum literacy and positive relationship was determined at
the low, medium and high levels. Also, predictive power of the level of
information literacy on the level of curriculum literacy was tested. Aforesaid
these four variables together explain 34% of the change in curriculum literacy


  • Adiguzel, A. (2011). Bilgi okuryazarligi olceginin gelistirilmesi [The Development of the Scale of Information Literacy].Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gokalp Education Faculty, 17(2011), 15-28.
  • Akinoglu, O. & Dogan, S. (2012). Egitimde program gelistirme alanina yeni bir kavram onerisi:program okuryazarligi [A new concept in the field of program development in education: program literacy]. 21. International Congress of Educational Sciences. Istanbul.
  • Akkoyunlu, B., & Kurbanoglu, S. (2003). Ogretmen adaylarinin bilgi okuryazarligi ve bilgisayar oz-yeterlik algilari uzerine bir calisma [A study on teacher candidates’ perceived information literacy self-efficacy and perceived computer self-efficacy]. The Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Education, 24, 1-10..
  • Akkoyunlu, B. & Kurbanoglu, S. (2004). Ogretmenlerin bilgi okuryazarligi oz-yeterlik inanci uzerine bir calisma [A study on teachers’ information literacy self-efficacy beliefs]. The Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Education, 27, 11-20.
  • American Library Association. (1989). Presidential Committee on Information Literacy: Final report. Retrieved from (21.11.2017).
  • Arli, M. ve Nazik, H. (2001). Bilimsel arastirmaya giris [Introduction to scientific research]. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Association of College and Research Libraries [ACRL]. (2016). Framework for information literacy for higher education. Retrieved from .
  • Balci, A. (1995). Sosyal bilimlerde arastirma yontem, teknik ve ilkeler [Research methods, techniques and principles in social sciences]. Ankara: Pegem Yayincilik.
  • Bolat, Y. (2017). Egitim programi okuryazarligi kavrami ve egitim programi okuryazarligi olcegi [Concept of curriculum literacy and curriculum literacy scale]. Electronic Turkish Studies, 12(18).
  • Breviek, P. S. (2000). Information Literacy for the Sceptical Library Director.    IATUL               Conference Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 3rd - 7th July.
  • Buyukozturk, S. (2006). Sosyal bilimler icin veri analizi el kitabi [Data analysis book for social sciences]. Ankara: Pegem A Yayincilik.
  • Buyukozturk, S. (2010). Sosyal bilimler icin veri analizi el kitabi [Data analysis book for social sciences] (11. Baski). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Can, A. (2014). SPSS ile bilimsel arastirma surecinde nicel veri analizi [Quantitative data analysis through scientific research with SPSS]. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Coskun, Y. D., Cumaoglu, G. K. & Seckin, H. (2013). Bilgisayar ogretmen adaylarinin bilisim alaniyla ilgili okuryazarlik kavramlarina yonelik gorusleri [Computer technology teacher candidates’ views on the concepts of literacy related to information technology]. Internatioanal Journal Of Human Sciences, 10(1), 1259-1272.
  • Demirel, O. (2005). Ogretimde planlama ve degerlendirme [Planning and evaluation in teaching]. Ankara: PegemYayincilik.
  • Doyle, C. S. (1994). Information literacy in an information society: A concept for the information age. Syracuse, NY: ERIC
  • Gunes, F. (1994). Okur-yazarlik kavrami ve duzeyleri [Literacy concept and levels]. Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi, 27(2), 499-507.
  • Gunlu, Z. (2016). KIL kecisi oglaklarinin buyume hizina ana yasi ve isletme etkisini arastirmada bazi coklu karsilastirma testlerinin karsilastirilmasi [Growth rates of hair goat kids by Multiple comparison tests], (yayimlanmamis yuksek lisans tezi), Selcuk Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu, Konya.
  • International Society for Technology Education. (2000). National educational technology standards for teachers. Eugune: ISTE.
  • Kapitzke, C. (2001). Information Literacy: The Changing Library. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Libraries, 31(1), 49-52.
  • Kurbanoglu, S., & Akkoyunlu, B. (2007). Ogretmen egitiminde bilgi okuryazarliginin onemi [The importance of information literacy in teacher education]. International Teacher Training Policy and Problems Symposium, 380-384.
  • Kurbanoglu, S. & Akkoyunlu, B. (2017). Information literacy and flipped learning. Pathw. Inf. Lit. Communities Pract. 
  • Onal, I. (2010). Tarihsel degisim surecinde yasam boyu ogrenme ve okuryazalik: Turkiye  deneyimi [The life-long learning in the historical process of change and literacy: Turkey Experience]. Knowledge World, 11(1), 101-121.
  • OnaL, N. & Cetin, O. (2014). Ogretmen adaylarinin bilgi okuryazarliklarinin cesitli degiskenler acisindan incelenmesi [Examination of teacher candidates' information literacy in various variables]. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, 29, 1-30.
  • Polat, C. & Odabas, H. (2008). Bilgi Toplumunda Yasam Boyu Ogrenmenin Anahtari: Bilgi Okuryazarligi [The Key of the Lifelong Learners in the Information Society: Information Literacy]. Globalization, democratization and Turkey International Symposium, Antalya, 27-37.
  • Rader, H. B. (1991). Information Literacy:a Revolution in the Library. RQ, 31(1), 25-28.
  • Snavely, L. & Natasha, C. (1997a). The Information Literacy Debate. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 23(1), 9-13.
  • TDK (2013). Guncel Turkce Sozluk [Contemporary Turkish Dictionary]. Turk Dil Kurumu. adresinden alinmistir.
  • TED (2009). Ogretmen Yeterlilikleri Raporu [Teacher's Qualifications Report]. Retrieved from
  • Tezbasaran, A. (1996). Likert Tipi Olcek Gelistirme Kilavuzu [Likert Type Development Guide]. Turkish Psychological Association Publications. Ankara.
  • Unal, F. & Er, H. (2015) Sosyal bilgiler ogretmen adaylarinin bilgi okuryazarligi duzeylerinin degerlendirilmesi [Assessment of information literacy levels of social science teacher candidates]. The Journal of International Social Research, 8(41), 1059-1068.
  • Warmkessel,  M. M., & McCade, J. M. (1997). Integrating information literacy into the curriculum. Research strategies, 15(2), 80-88.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Article

Serhat Sural

Nurhak Cem Dedebali

Publication Date April 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Sural, S., & Dedebali, N. C. (2018). A Study of Curriculum Literacy and Information Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates in Department of Social Sciences Education. European Journal of Educational Research, 7(2), 303-317.
AMA Sural S, Dedebali NC. A Study of Curriculum Literacy and Information Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates in Department of Social Sciences Education. eujer. April 2018;7(2):303-317. doi:10.12973/eu-jer.7.2.303
Chicago Sural, Serhat, and Nurhak Cem Dedebali. “A Study of Curriculum Literacy and Information Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates in Department of Social Sciences Education”. European Journal of Educational Research 7, no. 2 (April 2018): 303-17.
EndNote Sural S, Dedebali NC (April 1, 2018) A Study of Curriculum Literacy and Information Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates in Department of Social Sciences Education. European Journal of Educational Research 7 2 303–317.
IEEE S. Sural and N. C. Dedebali, “A Study of Curriculum Literacy and Information Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates in Department of Social Sciences Education”, eujer, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 303–317, 2018, doi: 10.12973/eu-jer.7.2.303.
ISNAD Sural, Serhat - Dedebali, Nurhak Cem. “A Study of Curriculum Literacy and Information Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates in Department of Social Sciences Education”. European Journal of Educational Research 7/2 (April 2018), 303-317.
JAMA Sural S, Dedebali NC. A Study of Curriculum Literacy and Information Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates in Department of Social Sciences Education. eujer. 2018;7:303–317.
MLA Sural, Serhat and Nurhak Cem Dedebali. “A Study of Curriculum Literacy and Information Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates in Department of Social Sciences Education”. European Journal of Educational Research, vol. 7, no. 2, 2018, pp. 303-17, doi:10.12973/eu-jer.7.2.303.
Vancouver Sural S, Dedebali NC. A Study of Curriculum Literacy and Information Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates in Department of Social Sciences Education. eujer. 2018;7(2):303-17.