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Year 2009, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 1 - 9, 01.03.2009


Pampiniform pleksustaki testiküler venlerin anormal genişlemesi olarak tanımlanan varikosel çoğunlukla, etkilenen testisin hacmindeki bir azalma ile ilişkilidir. Varikosel erkek infertilitesinin önemli nedenlerinden biridir ve fertilitede ilerleyen bir azalmaya sebep olur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, varikoselli hastalarda sperm ve semen parametrelerini değerlendirerek semen kalitesi ve sperm morfolojisini belirlemektir.Varikosel tanısı konmuş toplam 52 hastadan semen örnekleri elde edildi. Semen örnekleri 3 günlük cinsel perhizden sonra masturbasyonla toplandı. Likefaksiyondan sonra, semen analizi Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO) kriterlerine göre Makler kamera ile yerine getirildi. Sperm morfolojisi Diff-Quick boyama tekniği kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Bu çalışmada hastaların A+B hareketli sperm oranı ortalaması %30.8’di. A+B hareketli sperm oranı %50’nin altında olan hasta sayısı 49 (%94.3) olup A hareketli spermlerinin ortalaması %10.9 olarak bulundu. Hastaların B hareketli spermlerinin ortalaması %19.9 olarak bulundu. 52 hastanın 44 ‘ünde (%84.7) normal sperm morfoloji oranı %30’un altında idi. Tüm hastalarda normal sperm morfoloji ortalaması ise %13.7 olarak bulundu. Baş, boyun ve kuyruk anomalileri sırasıyla %61.8, %15 ve %8.3’tü. 52 hastanın yaşı 21 ile 38 arasında (ortalama 30) değişmekteydi. Yaş ile toplam motilite (p>0.05) ve yaş ile toplam anormal sperm morfolojisi arasında (p>0.05) korelasyon bulunmadı. Sonuç olarak, varikoselin sperm yapısı ve fonksiyonu üzerinde negatif bir etkiye sahip olduğu belirlendi


  • Kass EJ, Belman AB. Reversal of testicular growth by varicocele ligation. J Urol 1997,137:145.
  • Blumer CG. Sperm nuclear DNA fragmentation and mitochondrial activity in man with varicocele. Fertility and Sterility 2007,15:1-3.
  • Schiff JD. Correlation of ultrasound-measured venous size and reversal of flow with Valsalva with improvement in semen-analysis parameters after varicocelectomy. Fertility and Sterility 2006,86:250-2.
  • Leboeuf B, Restall B, Salamon S. Production and storage of goat semen for artificial insemination. Anim Reprod Sci 2000,62:113- 141.
  • Casey PJ, Hılman RB, Robertson KR, Yudın AI, Lıu IKM, Drobnıs EZ. Validation of an acrosomal stain for equine sperm that differentiates between living and dead sperm. J Androl 1993,14 (4):289-297.
  • Özbek E, Türköz Y, Çekmen M. varikoselli hastaların seminal sıvısında preoperatif ve postoperatif antioksidan enzim aktivitesi. Van Tıp Dergisi 2000,7:6-9.
  • Nuhoğlu B. Subinguinal mikrocerrahi ve inguinal varikoselektominin semen ve hormon parametrelerine etkilerinin karşılaştırılması: 1 yıllık izlenim. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2004,30:302-307.
  • Podesta M L, Gottlieb S, Medel R, Ropelato G. Hormonal parameters and testicular volume in children and adolescents with unilateral varicocele. J Urol 1994,152:794-798.
  • Greenberg SM. Varicocele and male infertility. Fertil Steril 1977,28:699-674
  • Schlesinger MH, Wilets IF, Nagler HM. Treatment outcome after varicocelectomy. A critical analysis. Urol Clin N Amer 1994,21:517-20.
  • World Health Organization. The influence ofvaricocele on parameters of fertility in a large group of men presenting to infertility clinics. Fertil Steril 1992,57: 1289-1293.
  • Aitken RJ, Buckingham D, Harkiss D. Use of a xantine oxidase free radical generating system to investigate the cytotoxic effects of reactive oxygen species on human spermatozoa. J Reprod Fert 1993,97: 441- 444.
  • Kruger TF, Ackermann SB,Simmons KF, Swanson RJ, Brugo SS. A quick, reliable staining technique for human sperm morphology . Archives of Andrology 1987, 18:275-7.
  • Kass E J, Belman A B. Reversal of testicular growth by varicocele ligation. J Urol 1997,137:145.
  • Leboeuf B, Restall B, Salamon S. Production and storage of goat semen for artificial insemination. Anim Reprod Scien 2000,62: 113-141.
  • Schiff JD. Correlation of ultrasound- measured venous size and reversal of flow with Valsalva with improvement in semen- analysis parameters after varicocelectomy. Fertility and Sterility 2006,86(1):250-2.
  • Ünal D, Erbağcı A, Güneş A, Ersay A, Semerciöz A, Satar N, Sarıca K, Adölesan varikoselde peripubertal testis boyut değişim- leri. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2002,28 (2): 161- 165.
  • Nuhoğlu B, Göçen A, Ersoy E, Ayyıldız A, Fidan V, Germiyanoğlu C, Subinguinal mikrocerrahi ve inguinal varikoselektominin semen ve hormon parametrelerine etkilerinin karşılaştırılması: 1 yıllık izlenim. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2004,30 (3): 302-307.
  • Şahin C, Artan M, Yiğit T, Özbey İ, Aksoy Y, Okyar G. Ürolojide laparoskopi: 52 olgudaki deneyimlerimiz. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2001,27 (4): 469-475.
  • Blumer CG, et al. Sperm nuclear DNA fragmentation and mitochondrial activity in man with varicocele. Fertility and Sterility 2007,15(4):1-3.
  • Madgar I, Weissenberg R, Lunafeld B, Goldwasser B. Controlled trial of high spermatic vein ligation for varicocele in infertile men. Fertil Steril 1995,63:120
  • Yurdakul T, Gökçe G, Kısakol G, Kılınç M, İnfertil erkeklerde yüksek inguinal ve m i k r o c e r r a h i i l e s u b i n g u i n a l varikoselektominin karşılaştırılması. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 2003,56 (2):91-96.
  • Podesta M L, Gottlieb S, Medel R, Ropelato G. Hormonal parameters and testicular volume in children and adolescents with unilateral varicocele. J Urol. 1994,152:794-798.
  • Schlesinger MM, Wilets IF, Nagler HM. Treatment outcomes after varicocelectomy. A critical analysis. Urol Clin Nort Am 1994,21:517-29
  • Cockett ATK, Takihara M and Cosentino MJ. The varicocele. Fertil Steril 1994,41:1-12.
  • Didion BA, Dobrinsky JR, Giles JR, Granes CN. Staining procedure to detect viability and the true acrosome reaction in the spermatozoa of various species. Gamete Res 1989,22 (1): 51 -57.
  • Hendry VVF, Sommerville IF, Hail RR. Investigation and treatment of the subfertile male. J Urol 1993,45: 684-692
  • Oehninger S,Kruger T. The diagnosis of male infertility by semen quality: Clinical signifinance of sperm morphology assesment. Human Reprod 1995,10(5):1037-1038.

Evaluation of Sperm Morphology in Patients with Varicocele

Year 2009, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 1 - 9, 01.03.2009


Varicocele, defined as an abnormal dilation of the testicular veins in the pampiniform plexus, is often associated with a reduction in the volume of the affected testicle. Varicocele is an important cause of male infertility and it causes a progressive decrease in fertility status. The aim of this study is to examine the semen quality and sperm morphology in patients with varicocele using sperm and semen parameters. Semen samples were obtained from a total of 52 patients diagnosed with varicocele. Semen samples were collected by masturbation after 3 days of sexual abstinence. After semen liquefaction, seminal analysis was performed using Macler camera according to WHO criteria, and sperm morphology was evaluated by using Diff-Quick staining technique. In this study, the A+B motile sperm ratio average of the patients was 30.8%. The number of patients whose motile sperm ratio was below 50% is 49 (93.4%), and the average of the A-motile sperms proved to be 10.9%,. The average of B-motile sperms of the patients was discovered 19.9%. In 44 of the 52 patients (84.7%), the sperm morphology ratio was below 30%. In all the patients, the normal sperm morphology mean was 13.7%. The head, neck and tail anomalies were 61.8%, 15%, and 8.3% successively. The ages of the 52 patients varied between 21 and 38 years (with an average of 30). No correlation between age and total motility (p>0.05) and age and total abnormal sperm morphology (p>0.05) has been discovered. In conclusion, it is understood that it has got a negative effect on the varicocele sperm structure and function


  • Kass EJ, Belman AB. Reversal of testicular growth by varicocele ligation. J Urol 1997,137:145.
  • Blumer CG. Sperm nuclear DNA fragmentation and mitochondrial activity in man with varicocele. Fertility and Sterility 2007,15:1-3.
  • Schiff JD. Correlation of ultrasound-measured venous size and reversal of flow with Valsalva with improvement in semen-analysis parameters after varicocelectomy. Fertility and Sterility 2006,86:250-2.
  • Leboeuf B, Restall B, Salamon S. Production and storage of goat semen for artificial insemination. Anim Reprod Sci 2000,62:113- 141.
  • Casey PJ, Hılman RB, Robertson KR, Yudın AI, Lıu IKM, Drobnıs EZ. Validation of an acrosomal stain for equine sperm that differentiates between living and dead sperm. J Androl 1993,14 (4):289-297.
  • Özbek E, Türköz Y, Çekmen M. varikoselli hastaların seminal sıvısında preoperatif ve postoperatif antioksidan enzim aktivitesi. Van Tıp Dergisi 2000,7:6-9.
  • Nuhoğlu B. Subinguinal mikrocerrahi ve inguinal varikoselektominin semen ve hormon parametrelerine etkilerinin karşılaştırılması: 1 yıllık izlenim. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2004,30:302-307.
  • Podesta M L, Gottlieb S, Medel R, Ropelato G. Hormonal parameters and testicular volume in children and adolescents with unilateral varicocele. J Urol 1994,152:794-798.
  • Greenberg SM. Varicocele and male infertility. Fertil Steril 1977,28:699-674
  • Schlesinger MH, Wilets IF, Nagler HM. Treatment outcome after varicocelectomy. A critical analysis. Urol Clin N Amer 1994,21:517-20.
  • World Health Organization. The influence ofvaricocele on parameters of fertility in a large group of men presenting to infertility clinics. Fertil Steril 1992,57: 1289-1293.
  • Aitken RJ, Buckingham D, Harkiss D. Use of a xantine oxidase free radical generating system to investigate the cytotoxic effects of reactive oxygen species on human spermatozoa. J Reprod Fert 1993,97: 441- 444.
  • Kruger TF, Ackermann SB,Simmons KF, Swanson RJ, Brugo SS. A quick, reliable staining technique for human sperm morphology . Archives of Andrology 1987, 18:275-7.
  • Kass E J, Belman A B. Reversal of testicular growth by varicocele ligation. J Urol 1997,137:145.
  • Leboeuf B, Restall B, Salamon S. Production and storage of goat semen for artificial insemination. Anim Reprod Scien 2000,62: 113-141.
  • Schiff JD. Correlation of ultrasound- measured venous size and reversal of flow with Valsalva with improvement in semen- analysis parameters after varicocelectomy. Fertility and Sterility 2006,86(1):250-2.
  • Ünal D, Erbağcı A, Güneş A, Ersay A, Semerciöz A, Satar N, Sarıca K, Adölesan varikoselde peripubertal testis boyut değişim- leri. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2002,28 (2): 161- 165.
  • Nuhoğlu B, Göçen A, Ersoy E, Ayyıldız A, Fidan V, Germiyanoğlu C, Subinguinal mikrocerrahi ve inguinal varikoselektominin semen ve hormon parametrelerine etkilerinin karşılaştırılması: 1 yıllık izlenim. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2004,30 (3): 302-307.
  • Şahin C, Artan M, Yiğit T, Özbey İ, Aksoy Y, Okyar G. Ürolojide laparoskopi: 52 olgudaki deneyimlerimiz. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2001,27 (4): 469-475.
  • Blumer CG, et al. Sperm nuclear DNA fragmentation and mitochondrial activity in man with varicocele. Fertility and Sterility 2007,15(4):1-3.
  • Madgar I, Weissenberg R, Lunafeld B, Goldwasser B. Controlled trial of high spermatic vein ligation for varicocele in infertile men. Fertil Steril 1995,63:120
  • Yurdakul T, Gökçe G, Kısakol G, Kılınç M, İnfertil erkeklerde yüksek inguinal ve m i k r o c e r r a h i i l e s u b i n g u i n a l varikoselektominin karşılaştırılması. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 2003,56 (2):91-96.
  • Podesta M L, Gottlieb S, Medel R, Ropelato G. Hormonal parameters and testicular volume in children and adolescents with unilateral varicocele. J Urol. 1994,152:794-798.
  • Schlesinger MM, Wilets IF, Nagler HM. Treatment outcomes after varicocelectomy. A critical analysis. Urol Clin Nort Am 1994,21:517-29
  • Cockett ATK, Takihara M and Cosentino MJ. The varicocele. Fertil Steril 1994,41:1-12.
  • Didion BA, Dobrinsky JR, Giles JR, Granes CN. Staining procedure to detect viability and the true acrosome reaction in the spermatozoa of various species. Gamete Res 1989,22 (1): 51 -57.
  • Hendry VVF, Sommerville IF, Hail RR. Investigation and treatment of the subfertile male. J Urol 1993,45: 684-692
  • Oehninger S,Kruger T. The diagnosis of male infertility by semen quality: Clinical signifinance of sperm morphology assesment. Human Reprod 1995,10(5):1037-1038.
There are 28 citations in total.


Other ID JA58VD48TK
Journal Section Research Article

İdris Koyuncu This is me

Saim Özdamar This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2009
Submission Date March 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


APA Koyuncu, İ., & Özdamar, S. (2009). VARİKOSELLİ HASTALARDA SPERM MORFOLOJİSİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(1), 1-9.
Chicago Koyuncu, İdris, and Saim Özdamar. “VARİKOSELLİ HASTALARDA SPERM MORFOLOJİSİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 18, no. 1 (March 2009): 1-9.
EndNote Koyuncu İ, Özdamar S (March 1, 2009) VARİKOSELLİ HASTALARDA SPERM MORFOLOJİSİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 18 1 1–9.
ISNAD Koyuncu, İdris - Özdamar, Saim. “VARİKOSELLİ HASTALARDA SPERM MORFOLOJİSİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 18/1 (March 2009), 1-9.
MLA Koyuncu, İdris and Saim Özdamar. “VARİKOSELLİ HASTALARDA SPERM MORFOLOJİSİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 18, no. 1, 2009, pp. 1-9.