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Year 2010, Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 202 - 208, 01.12.2010


Bu çalışma sıçanlarda grelin uygulamasının bazı hematolojik parametreler üzerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapıldı. Bu amaçla 40 erkek Sprague Dawley ırkı sıçan eşit şekilde 2 gruba ayrılarak kontrol grubuna deri altı yolla 5 gün süreyle %0.9 NaCl, deney grubuna ise deri altı yolla 5 gün süreyle günde 10 nmol/kg dozunda grelin uygulandı. gruplardan kan örnekleri alınarak total lökosit ve eritrosit hematokrit değer, ortalama eritrosit hacmi, ortalama eritrosit hemoglobin konsantrasyonları ile lökosit alt tipleri belirlendi. Deney grubunda, grelin uygulamasına bağlı olarak lenfosit oranında anlamlı bir artma (p<0.05) gözlenirken nötrofil oranında ise önemli bir azalma (p<0.05) tespit edildi. Diğer yandan kontrol ve deney grubundaki hayvanların total eritrosit ve lökosit sayısı ile hemoglobin konsantrasyonu, hematokrit değer, ortalama eritrosit hacmi, ortalama eritrosit hemoglobini, ortalama eritrosit hemoglobin konsantrasyonu ve diğer lökosit alt tiplerinin (monosit, eozinofil ve bazofil) grelin uygulamasından etkilenmediği belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, sıçanlara uygulanan grelinin lenfopoezisi uyarmak suretiyle lenfosit oranını artırabileceği belirlendi


  • 1. Kojima M, Hosoda H, Date Y, et al. Ghrelin is a growth hormone releasing acylated peptide IURPVWRPDFK1DWXUH-660.
  • 2. Aart J, Van der L, Tschop M, et al. Biological, physiological, pathophysiological and pharmacological aspects of ghrelin. Endocrin Rev. -457.
  • 3. Aydın S. Grelin hormonunun keşfi: Araştırmaları ve klinik uygulamaları. Türk Biyokimya 'HUJLVL-89.
  • 4. Tschöp M, Smiley D, Heiman ML. Ghrelin LQGXFHVDGLSRVLW\LQURGHQWV1DWXUH 407: 908-913.
  • 5. De Ambrogi M, Volpe S, Tamanini C. Ghrelin: central and peripheral effects of a novel SHSW\GLOKRUPRQH0HG6FL0RQLW 217-224.
  • 6. Chang L, Ren Y, Liu X, et al. Protective effects of ghrelin on ischemia reperfusion injury in the isolated rat heart. J Cardiovas Pharmacol. -170.
  • 7. Dembinski A, Warzecha Z, Ceranowicz P, et al. Ghrelin attenuates the development of acute pancreattis in rat. J Physiol Pharmacol. -573.
  • 8. Torsello A, Bresciani E, Rossoni G, et al. Ghrelin plays a minor role in the physiological control of cardiac function in the rat. EnGRFULQROJ\-1792.
  • 9. Konuk T. Pratik Fizyoloji. 2. baskı. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınlar, 1981, Ankara.
  • 10. Yılmaz B. Fizyoloji. 2. Baskı. Feryal Matbaacılık, 2000, Ankara.
  • 11. Amono H, Takesemia YM. Relationship of hematocrit values with age, lactation stage, nutrient levels of dairy cows and temperature. --SQ0HG$VVRF- 470.
  • 12. Kumar R, Jındal R. Hematological investigation in buffaloes from birth to sexual maturity. ,Q9HW-- 314.
  • 13. Shaffer L, Roussel J D, Koonce K. Effects of age, temparature-season and breed on blood characteristics of dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci. - 70.
  • 14. Ford HC, Carter JM. Haemostasis in hypothyURLGLVP3RVWJUDG0HG- 280-284.
  • 15. Dixon RM, Cert VR, Reid S. W. J. et al. Epidemiological, clinical, haematological and biochemical characteristics of canine hypothyroiGLVP9HW5HF-487.
  • 16. Poppi VD, Dixit M, Baratta A, et al. Growth hormone secretagogue (GHS) analogue, hexarelin stimulates GH from peripheral lymphocytes. Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diab. –347.
  • 17. Astaldi Jr A, Yaicin B, Meardi G, et al. Effect of growth hormone on lymphocyte transforPDWLRQLQFHOOFXOWXUH%OXW-81.
  • 18. Dixit VD, Yang H, Sun Y, et al. Ghrelin promotes thymopoiesis during aging. J Clin InYHVW-2790.
  • 19. Rapaport R and Moghaddas R. Growth hormone therapy and immune function. NeuroimPXQH%LRORJ\-408.
  • 20. Hattori N. Expression, regulation and biological actions of growth hormone (GH) and ghrelin in the immune system. Growth Horm ,*)5HV–197.
  • 21. LeRoith D, Yanowski J, Kaldjian EP, et al. The effects of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I on the immune system of aged IHPDOHPRQNH\V(QGRFULQRORJ\ 1071-1079.
  • 22. Yoshida A, Ishioka C, Kimata H, et al. Recombinant human growth hormone stimulates B cell immunoglobulin synthesis and proliferation in serum-free medium. Acta EndocrinoloJLFD-529.
  • 23. Sumita K, Hattori N, Inagaki C. Effects of growth hormone on the differentiation of mouse B lymphoid precursors. J Pharmacol Sci. -416.
  • 24. Xu G, Li Y, An W, et al. Ghrelin and cell differentiation. $FWD%LRFKLP%LRSK\V6LQ 841-847.
  • 25. Maruna P, Gurlich R, Frasko R, et al. Ghrelin and leptin elevation in postoperative intraDEGRPLQDOVHSVLV(XU6XUJ5HV 354-359.
  • 26. Toussirot E, Streit G, Nguyen NU, et al. Adipose tissue, serum adipokines, and ghrelin in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. MetaboOLVP-1389.
  • 27. Yada T, Kaiya H, Mutoh K, et al. Ghrelin stimulates phagocytosis and superoxide producWLRQLQILVKOHXNRF\WHV-(QGRFULQRO 189: 57-65.
  • 28. Tumer C, Bilgin HM, Obay BD, ve ark. Effect of ghrelin administration on phagocytic activity in acute cold-restraint stres exposed rats. 5HJXO3HSWLGHV-117.
  • 29. Kooijman R, Berus D, Malur A, et al. Human neutrophils express GH-N gene transcripts and the pituitary transcription factor Pit-1b. (QGRFULQRORJ\-4484.
  • 30. Merchav S, Tatarsky I, Hochberg Z. Enhancement of human granulopoiesis in vitro by biosynthetic insulin-like growth factor I/ somatomedin C and human growth hormone. -&OLQ,QYHVW-797.
  • 31. Golde DW, Bersch N, Li CH. Growth hormone: species-specific stimulation of erythropoiesis in vitro. Science 1977 196: 1112-1123.
  • 32. Rapaport R, Sills IN, Green L, et al. Detection of human growth hormone receptors on IM-9 cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cell subsets by flow cytometry: correlation with growth hormone-binding protein levels. J Clin (QGRFU0HWDE-2619.
  • 33. Sohmiya M, Kanazawa I and Kato Y. Effect of recombinant human GH on circulating granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and neutrophils in patients with adult GH deficiency. Eur -(QGRFULQRO-215.
  • 34. Vicini, J. L., S . Hudson, W. J. Cole, M. A. et al. Effect of acute challenge with an extreme dose of somatotropin in a prolonged release formulation on milk production and health of GDLU\FRZV-'DLU\6FL-2097.
  • 35. Ceppi A and Blum JW. Effects of growth hormone on growth performance, haematology, metabolites and hormones in iron-deficient YHDOFDOYHV-9HW0HG$ 443-458.
  • 36. Eppard PJ, White TC, Sorbet RH, et al. Effect of exogenous somatotropin on hematological variables of lactating cows and their offspULQJ-'DLU\6FL-91.
  • 37. Baumann A, Heitmann S, Bubendorff V, et al. Laboratory changes in anorexia nervosa. 3UD[LV-667.

Effect of Ghrelin Administration on Some Hematological Parameters in Rats

Year 2010, Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 202 - 208, 01.12.2010


This study was carried out to determine the influence of ghrelin administration on some haematologic parameters in rats. Forty male Sprague Dawley rats were equally divided into two groups, control group (1 ml physiological saline s.c., for 5 days) and experimental group (ghrelin, s.c., 10 nmol/kg/day, for 5 days). From each animal, blood samples were taken 24 h after the end of treatment, and some hematological parameters were evaluated: total erythrocyte and leukocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit value, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration and mean corpuscular valume, and leukocyte differential counts. Lymphocyte percentage was increased (p<0.05), while neutrophil percentage was decreased (p<0.05) due to ghrelin administration. On the other hand, total erythrocyte and leukocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit value, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular valume, and other differential leucocyte counts (monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils) were not affected by ghrelin administration. As a result, it was determined that ghrelin administration to rats may increase lymphocyte ratio by stimulating lymphopoesis


  • 1. Kojima M, Hosoda H, Date Y, et al. Ghrelin is a growth hormone releasing acylated peptide IURPVWRPDFK1DWXUH-660.
  • 2. Aart J, Van der L, Tschop M, et al. Biological, physiological, pathophysiological and pharmacological aspects of ghrelin. Endocrin Rev. -457.
  • 3. Aydın S. Grelin hormonunun keşfi: Araştırmaları ve klinik uygulamaları. Türk Biyokimya 'HUJLVL-89.
  • 4. Tschöp M, Smiley D, Heiman ML. Ghrelin LQGXFHVDGLSRVLW\LQURGHQWV1DWXUH 407: 908-913.
  • 5. De Ambrogi M, Volpe S, Tamanini C. Ghrelin: central and peripheral effects of a novel SHSW\GLOKRUPRQH0HG6FL0RQLW 217-224.
  • 6. Chang L, Ren Y, Liu X, et al. Protective effects of ghrelin on ischemia reperfusion injury in the isolated rat heart. J Cardiovas Pharmacol. -170.
  • 7. Dembinski A, Warzecha Z, Ceranowicz P, et al. Ghrelin attenuates the development of acute pancreattis in rat. J Physiol Pharmacol. -573.
  • 8. Torsello A, Bresciani E, Rossoni G, et al. Ghrelin plays a minor role in the physiological control of cardiac function in the rat. EnGRFULQROJ\-1792.
  • 9. Konuk T. Pratik Fizyoloji. 2. baskı. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınlar, 1981, Ankara.
  • 10. Yılmaz B. Fizyoloji. 2. Baskı. Feryal Matbaacılık, 2000, Ankara.
  • 11. Amono H, Takesemia YM. Relationship of hematocrit values with age, lactation stage, nutrient levels of dairy cows and temperature. --SQ0HG$VVRF- 470.
  • 12. Kumar R, Jındal R. Hematological investigation in buffaloes from birth to sexual maturity. ,Q9HW-- 314.
  • 13. Shaffer L, Roussel J D, Koonce K. Effects of age, temparature-season and breed on blood characteristics of dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci. - 70.
  • 14. Ford HC, Carter JM. Haemostasis in hypothyURLGLVP3RVWJUDG0HG- 280-284.
  • 15. Dixon RM, Cert VR, Reid S. W. J. et al. Epidemiological, clinical, haematological and biochemical characteristics of canine hypothyroiGLVP9HW5HF-487.
  • 16. Poppi VD, Dixit M, Baratta A, et al. Growth hormone secretagogue (GHS) analogue, hexarelin stimulates GH from peripheral lymphocytes. Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diab. –347.
  • 17. Astaldi Jr A, Yaicin B, Meardi G, et al. Effect of growth hormone on lymphocyte transforPDWLRQLQFHOOFXOWXUH%OXW-81.
  • 18. Dixit VD, Yang H, Sun Y, et al. Ghrelin promotes thymopoiesis during aging. J Clin InYHVW-2790.
  • 19. Rapaport R and Moghaddas R. Growth hormone therapy and immune function. NeuroimPXQH%LRORJ\-408.
  • 20. Hattori N. Expression, regulation and biological actions of growth hormone (GH) and ghrelin in the immune system. Growth Horm ,*)5HV–197.
  • 21. LeRoith D, Yanowski J, Kaldjian EP, et al. The effects of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I on the immune system of aged IHPDOHPRQNH\V(QGRFULQRORJ\ 1071-1079.
  • 22. Yoshida A, Ishioka C, Kimata H, et al. Recombinant human growth hormone stimulates B cell immunoglobulin synthesis and proliferation in serum-free medium. Acta EndocrinoloJLFD-529.
  • 23. Sumita K, Hattori N, Inagaki C. Effects of growth hormone on the differentiation of mouse B lymphoid precursors. J Pharmacol Sci. -416.
  • 24. Xu G, Li Y, An W, et al. Ghrelin and cell differentiation. $FWD%LRFKLP%LRSK\V6LQ 841-847.
  • 25. Maruna P, Gurlich R, Frasko R, et al. Ghrelin and leptin elevation in postoperative intraDEGRPLQDOVHSVLV(XU6XUJ5HV 354-359.
  • 26. Toussirot E, Streit G, Nguyen NU, et al. Adipose tissue, serum adipokines, and ghrelin in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. MetaboOLVP-1389.
  • 27. Yada T, Kaiya H, Mutoh K, et al. Ghrelin stimulates phagocytosis and superoxide producWLRQLQILVKOHXNRF\WHV-(QGRFULQRO 189: 57-65.
  • 28. Tumer C, Bilgin HM, Obay BD, ve ark. Effect of ghrelin administration on phagocytic activity in acute cold-restraint stres exposed rats. 5HJXO3HSWLGHV-117.
  • 29. Kooijman R, Berus D, Malur A, et al. Human neutrophils express GH-N gene transcripts and the pituitary transcription factor Pit-1b. (QGRFULQRORJ\-4484.
  • 30. Merchav S, Tatarsky I, Hochberg Z. Enhancement of human granulopoiesis in vitro by biosynthetic insulin-like growth factor I/ somatomedin C and human growth hormone. -&OLQ,QYHVW-797.
  • 31. Golde DW, Bersch N, Li CH. Growth hormone: species-specific stimulation of erythropoiesis in vitro. Science 1977 196: 1112-1123.
  • 32. Rapaport R, Sills IN, Green L, et al. Detection of human growth hormone receptors on IM-9 cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cell subsets by flow cytometry: correlation with growth hormone-binding protein levels. J Clin (QGRFU0HWDE-2619.
  • 33. Sohmiya M, Kanazawa I and Kato Y. Effect of recombinant human GH on circulating granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and neutrophils in patients with adult GH deficiency. Eur -(QGRFULQRO-215.
  • 34. Vicini, J. L., S . Hudson, W. J. Cole, M. A. et al. Effect of acute challenge with an extreme dose of somatotropin in a prolonged release formulation on milk production and health of GDLU\FRZV-'DLU\6FL-2097.
  • 35. Ceppi A and Blum JW. Effects of growth hormone on growth performance, haematology, metabolites and hormones in iron-deficient YHDOFDOYHV-9HW0HG$ 443-458.
  • 36. Eppard PJ, White TC, Sorbet RH, et al. Effect of exogenous somatotropin on hematological variables of lactating cows and their offspULQJ-'DLU\6FL-91.
  • 37. Baumann A, Heitmann S, Bubendorff V, et al. Laboratory changes in anorexia nervosa. 3UD[LV-667.
There are 37 citations in total.


Other ID JA69RM86HS
Journal Section Research Article

Naciye Narin This is me

Ebru Çetin This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Submission Date December 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 19 Issue: 3


Chicago Narin, Naciye, and Ebru Çetin. “SIÇANLARDA GRELIN UYGULAMASININ BAZI HEMATOLOJIK PARAMETRELER ÜZERINE ETKISİ”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 19, no. 3 (December 2010): 202-8.
EndNote Narin N, Çetin E (December 1, 2010) SIÇANLARDA GRELIN UYGULAMASININ BAZI HEMATOLOJIK PARAMETRELER ÜZERINE ETKISİ. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 19 3 202–208.
ISNAD Narin, Naciye - Çetin, Ebru. “SIÇANLARDA GRELIN UYGULAMASININ BAZI HEMATOLOJIK PARAMETRELER ÜZERINE ETKISİ”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 19/3 (December 2010), 202-208.
MLA Narin, Naciye and Ebru Çetin. “SIÇANLARDA GRELIN UYGULAMASININ BAZI HEMATOLOJIK PARAMETRELER ÜZERINE ETKISİ”. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 3, 2010, pp. 202-8.